diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests/utils.py @ 2:6af9afd405e9 draft

"planemo upload commit 0a63dd5f4d38a1f6944587f52a8cd79874177fc1"
author shellac
date Thu, 14 May 2020 14:56:58 -0400
parents 26e78fe6e8c4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests/utils.py	Thu May 14 14:56:58 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,982 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+This module provides utility functions that are used within Requests
+that are also useful for external consumption.
+import codecs
+import contextlib
+import io
+import os
+import re
+import socket
+import struct
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import warnings
+import zipfile
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from .__version__ import __version__
+from . import certs
+# to_native_string is unused here, but imported here for backwards compatibility
+from ._internal_utils import to_native_string
+from .compat import parse_http_list as _parse_list_header
+from .compat import (
+    quote, urlparse, bytes, str, unquote, getproxies,
+    proxy_bypass, urlunparse, basestring, integer_types, is_py3,
+    proxy_bypass_environment, getproxies_environment, Mapping)
+from .cookies import cookiejar_from_dict
+from .structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
+from .exceptions import (
+    InvalidURL, InvalidHeader, FileModeWarning, UnrewindableBodyError)
+NETRC_FILES = ('.netrc', '_netrc')
+DEFAULT_CA_BUNDLE_PATH = certs.where()
+DEFAULT_PORTS = {'http': 80, 'https': 443}
+if sys.platform == 'win32':
+    # provide a proxy_bypass version on Windows without DNS lookups
+    def proxy_bypass_registry(host):
+        try:
+            if is_py3:
+                import winreg
+            else:
+                import _winreg as winreg
+        except ImportError:
+            return False
+        try:
+            internetSettings = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
+                r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings')
+            # ProxyEnable could be REG_SZ or REG_DWORD, normalizing it
+            proxyEnable = int(winreg.QueryValueEx(internetSettings,
+                                              'ProxyEnable')[0])
+            # ProxyOverride is almost always a string
+            proxyOverride = winreg.QueryValueEx(internetSettings,
+                                                'ProxyOverride')[0]
+        except OSError:
+            return False
+        if not proxyEnable or not proxyOverride:
+            return False
+        # make a check value list from the registry entry: replace the
+        # '<local>' string by the localhost entry and the corresponding
+        # canonical entry.
+        proxyOverride = proxyOverride.split(';')
+        # now check if we match one of the registry values.
+        for test in proxyOverride:
+            if test == '<local>':
+                if '.' not in host:
+                    return True
+            test = test.replace(".", r"\.")     # mask dots
+            test = test.replace("*", r".*")     # change glob sequence
+            test = test.replace("?", r".")      # change glob char
+            if re.match(test, host, re.I):
+                return True
+        return False
+    def proxy_bypass(host):  # noqa
+        """Return True, if the host should be bypassed.
+        Checks proxy settings gathered from the environment, if specified,
+        or the registry.
+        """
+        if getproxies_environment():
+            return proxy_bypass_environment(host)
+        else:
+            return proxy_bypass_registry(host)
+def dict_to_sequence(d):
+    """Returns an internal sequence dictionary update."""
+    if hasattr(d, 'items'):
+        d = d.items()
+    return d
+def super_len(o):
+    total_length = None
+    current_position = 0
+    if hasattr(o, '__len__'):
+        total_length = len(o)
+    elif hasattr(o, 'len'):
+        total_length = o.len
+    elif hasattr(o, 'fileno'):
+        try:
+            fileno = o.fileno()
+        except io.UnsupportedOperation:
+            pass
+        else:
+            total_length = os.fstat(fileno).st_size
+            # Having used fstat to determine the file length, we need to
+            # confirm that this file was opened up in binary mode.
+            if 'b' not in o.mode:
+                warnings.warn((
+                    "Requests has determined the content-length for this "
+                    "request using the binary size of the file: however, the "
+                    "file has been opened in text mode (i.e. without the 'b' "
+                    "flag in the mode). This may lead to an incorrect "
+                    "content-length. In Requests 3.0, support will be removed "
+                    "for files in text mode."),
+                    FileModeWarning
+                )
+    if hasattr(o, 'tell'):
+        try:
+            current_position = o.tell()
+        except (OSError, IOError):
+            # This can happen in some weird situations, such as when the file
+            # is actually a special file descriptor like stdin. In this
+            # instance, we don't know what the length is, so set it to zero and
+            # let requests chunk it instead.
+            if total_length is not None:
+                current_position = total_length
+        else:
+            if hasattr(o, 'seek') and total_length is None:
+                # StringIO and BytesIO have seek but no useable fileno
+                try:
+                    # seek to end of file
+                    o.seek(0, 2)
+                    total_length = o.tell()
+                    # seek back to current position to support
+                    # partially read file-like objects
+                    o.seek(current_position or 0)
+                except (OSError, IOError):
+                    total_length = 0
+    if total_length is None:
+        total_length = 0
+    return max(0, total_length - current_position)
+def get_netrc_auth(url, raise_errors=False):
+    """Returns the Requests tuple auth for a given url from netrc."""
+    try:
+        from netrc import netrc, NetrcParseError
+        netrc_path = None
+        for f in NETRC_FILES:
+            try:
+                loc = os.path.expanduser('~/{}'.format(f))
+            except KeyError:
+                # os.path.expanduser can fail when $HOME is undefined and
+                # getpwuid fails. See https://bugs.python.org/issue20164 &
+                # https://github.com/psf/requests/issues/1846
+                return
+            if os.path.exists(loc):
+                netrc_path = loc
+                break
+        # Abort early if there isn't one.
+        if netrc_path is None:
+            return
+        ri = urlparse(url)
+        # Strip port numbers from netloc. This weird `if...encode`` dance is
+        # used for Python 3.2, which doesn't support unicode literals.
+        splitstr = b':'
+        if isinstance(url, str):
+            splitstr = splitstr.decode('ascii')
+        host = ri.netloc.split(splitstr)[0]
+        try:
+            _netrc = netrc(netrc_path).authenticators(host)
+            if _netrc:
+                # Return with login / password
+                login_i = (0 if _netrc[0] else 1)
+                return (_netrc[login_i], _netrc[2])
+        except (NetrcParseError, IOError):
+            # If there was a parsing error or a permissions issue reading the file,
+            # we'll just skip netrc auth unless explicitly asked to raise errors.
+            if raise_errors:
+                raise
+    # AppEngine hackiness.
+    except (ImportError, AttributeError):
+        pass
+def guess_filename(obj):
+    """Tries to guess the filename of the given object."""
+    name = getattr(obj, 'name', None)
+    if (name and isinstance(name, basestring) and name[0] != '<' and
+            name[-1] != '>'):
+        return os.path.basename(name)
+def extract_zipped_paths(path):
+    """Replace nonexistent paths that look like they refer to a member of a zip
+    archive with the location of an extracted copy of the target, or else
+    just return the provided path unchanged.
+    """
+    if os.path.exists(path):
+        # this is already a valid path, no need to do anything further
+        return path
+    # find the first valid part of the provided path and treat that as a zip archive
+    # assume the rest of the path is the name of a member in the archive
+    archive, member = os.path.split(path)
+    while archive and not os.path.exists(archive):
+        archive, prefix = os.path.split(archive)
+        member = '/'.join([prefix, member])
+    if not zipfile.is_zipfile(archive):
+        return path
+    zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(archive)
+    if member not in zip_file.namelist():
+        return path
+    # we have a valid zip archive and a valid member of that archive
+    tmp = tempfile.gettempdir()
+    extracted_path = os.path.join(tmp, *member.split('/'))
+    if not os.path.exists(extracted_path):
+        extracted_path = zip_file.extract(member, path=tmp)
+    return extracted_path
+def from_key_val_list(value):
+    """Take an object and test to see if it can be represented as a
+    dictionary. Unless it can not be represented as such, return an
+    OrderedDict, e.g.,
+    ::
+        >>> from_key_val_list([('key', 'val')])
+        OrderedDict([('key', 'val')])
+        >>> from_key_val_list('string')
+        Traceback (most recent call last):
+        ...
+        ValueError: cannot encode objects that are not 2-tuples
+        >>> from_key_val_list({'key': 'val'})
+        OrderedDict([('key', 'val')])
+    :rtype: OrderedDict
+    """
+    if value is None:
+        return None
+    if isinstance(value, (str, bytes, bool, int)):
+        raise ValueError('cannot encode objects that are not 2-tuples')
+    return OrderedDict(value)
+def to_key_val_list(value):
+    """Take an object and test to see if it can be represented as a
+    dictionary. If it can be, return a list of tuples, e.g.,
+    ::
+        >>> to_key_val_list([('key', 'val')])
+        [('key', 'val')]
+        >>> to_key_val_list({'key': 'val'})
+        [('key', 'val')]
+        >>> to_key_val_list('string')
+        Traceback (most recent call last):
+        ...
+        ValueError: cannot encode objects that are not 2-tuples
+    :rtype: list
+    """
+    if value is None:
+        return None
+    if isinstance(value, (str, bytes, bool, int)):
+        raise ValueError('cannot encode objects that are not 2-tuples')
+    if isinstance(value, Mapping):
+        value = value.items()
+    return list(value)
+# From mitsuhiko/werkzeug (used with permission).
+def parse_list_header(value):
+    """Parse lists as described by RFC 2068 Section 2.
+    In particular, parse comma-separated lists where the elements of
+    the list may include quoted-strings.  A quoted-string could
+    contain a comma.  A non-quoted string could have quotes in the
+    middle.  Quotes are removed automatically after parsing.
+    It basically works like :func:`parse_set_header` just that items
+    may appear multiple times and case sensitivity is preserved.
+    The return value is a standard :class:`list`:
+    >>> parse_list_header('token, "quoted value"')
+    ['token', 'quoted value']
+    To create a header from the :class:`list` again, use the
+    :func:`dump_header` function.
+    :param value: a string with a list header.
+    :return: :class:`list`
+    :rtype: list
+    """
+    result = []
+    for item in _parse_list_header(value):
+        if item[:1] == item[-1:] == '"':
+            item = unquote_header_value(item[1:-1])
+        result.append(item)
+    return result
+# From mitsuhiko/werkzeug (used with permission).
+def parse_dict_header(value):
+    """Parse lists of key, value pairs as described by RFC 2068 Section 2 and
+    convert them into a python dict:
+    >>> d = parse_dict_header('foo="is a fish", bar="as well"')
+    >>> type(d) is dict
+    True
+    >>> sorted(d.items())
+    [('bar', 'as well'), ('foo', 'is a fish')]
+    If there is no value for a key it will be `None`:
+    >>> parse_dict_header('key_without_value')
+    {'key_without_value': None}
+    To create a header from the :class:`dict` again, use the
+    :func:`dump_header` function.
+    :param value: a string with a dict header.
+    :return: :class:`dict`
+    :rtype: dict
+    """
+    result = {}
+    for item in _parse_list_header(value):
+        if '=' not in item:
+            result[item] = None
+            continue
+        name, value = item.split('=', 1)
+        if value[:1] == value[-1:] == '"':
+            value = unquote_header_value(value[1:-1])
+        result[name] = value
+    return result
+# From mitsuhiko/werkzeug (used with permission).
+def unquote_header_value(value, is_filename=False):
+    r"""Unquotes a header value.  (Reversal of :func:`quote_header_value`).
+    This does not use the real unquoting but what browsers are actually
+    using for quoting.
+    :param value: the header value to unquote.
+    :rtype: str
+    """
+    if value and value[0] == value[-1] == '"':
+        # this is not the real unquoting, but fixing this so that the
+        # RFC is met will result in bugs with internet explorer and
+        # probably some other browsers as well.  IE for example is
+        # uploading files with "C:\foo\bar.txt" as filename
+        value = value[1:-1]
+        # if this is a filename and the starting characters look like
+        # a UNC path, then just return the value without quotes.  Using the
+        # replace sequence below on a UNC path has the effect of turning
+        # the leading double slash into a single slash and then
+        # _fix_ie_filename() doesn't work correctly.  See #458.
+        if not is_filename or value[:2] != '\\\\':
+            return value.replace('\\\\', '\\').replace('\\"', '"')
+    return value
+def dict_from_cookiejar(cj):
+    """Returns a key/value dictionary from a CookieJar.
+    :param cj: CookieJar object to extract cookies from.
+    :rtype: dict
+    """
+    cookie_dict = {}
+    for cookie in cj:
+        cookie_dict[cookie.name] = cookie.value
+    return cookie_dict
+def add_dict_to_cookiejar(cj, cookie_dict):
+    """Returns a CookieJar from a key/value dictionary.
+    :param cj: CookieJar to insert cookies into.
+    :param cookie_dict: Dict of key/values to insert into CookieJar.
+    :rtype: CookieJar
+    """
+    return cookiejar_from_dict(cookie_dict, cj)
+def get_encodings_from_content(content):
+    """Returns encodings from given content string.
+    :param content: bytestring to extract encodings from.
+    """
+    warnings.warn((
+        'In requests 3.0, get_encodings_from_content will be removed. For '
+        'more information, please see the discussion on issue #2266. (This'
+        ' warning should only appear once.)'),
+        DeprecationWarning)
+    charset_re = re.compile(r'<meta.*?charset=["\']*(.+?)["\'>]', flags=re.I)
+    pragma_re = re.compile(r'<meta.*?content=["\']*;?charset=(.+?)["\'>]', flags=re.I)
+    xml_re = re.compile(r'^<\?xml.*?encoding=["\']*(.+?)["\'>]')
+    return (charset_re.findall(content) +
+            pragma_re.findall(content) +
+            xml_re.findall(content))
+def _parse_content_type_header(header):
+    """Returns content type and parameters from given header
+    :param header: string
+    :return: tuple containing content type and dictionary of
+         parameters
+    """
+    tokens = header.split(';')
+    content_type, params = tokens[0].strip(), tokens[1:]
+    params_dict = {}
+    items_to_strip = "\"' "
+    for param in params:
+        param = param.strip()
+        if param:
+            key, value = param, True
+            index_of_equals = param.find("=")
+            if index_of_equals != -1:
+                key = param[:index_of_equals].strip(items_to_strip)
+                value = param[index_of_equals + 1:].strip(items_to_strip)
+            params_dict[key.lower()] = value
+    return content_type, params_dict
+def get_encoding_from_headers(headers):
+    """Returns encodings from given HTTP Header Dict.
+    :param headers: dictionary to extract encoding from.
+    :rtype: str
+    """
+    content_type = headers.get('content-type')
+    if not content_type:
+        return None
+    content_type, params = _parse_content_type_header(content_type)
+    if 'charset' in params:
+        return params['charset'].strip("'\"")
+    if 'text' in content_type:
+        return 'ISO-8859-1'
+def stream_decode_response_unicode(iterator, r):
+    """Stream decodes a iterator."""
+    if r.encoding is None:
+        for item in iterator:
+            yield item
+        return
+    decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder(r.encoding)(errors='replace')
+    for chunk in iterator:
+        rv = decoder.decode(chunk)
+        if rv:
+            yield rv
+    rv = decoder.decode(b'', final=True)
+    if rv:
+        yield rv
+def iter_slices(string, slice_length):
+    """Iterate over slices of a string."""
+    pos = 0
+    if slice_length is None or slice_length <= 0:
+        slice_length = len(string)
+    while pos < len(string):
+        yield string[pos:pos + slice_length]
+        pos += slice_length
+def get_unicode_from_response(r):
+    """Returns the requested content back in unicode.
+    :param r: Response object to get unicode content from.
+    Tried:
+    1. charset from content-type
+    2. fall back and replace all unicode characters
+    :rtype: str
+    """
+    warnings.warn((
+        'In requests 3.0, get_unicode_from_response will be removed. For '
+        'more information, please see the discussion on issue #2266. (This'
+        ' warning should only appear once.)'),
+        DeprecationWarning)
+    tried_encodings = []
+    # Try charset from content-type
+    encoding = get_encoding_from_headers(r.headers)
+    if encoding:
+        try:
+            return str(r.content, encoding)
+        except UnicodeError:
+            tried_encodings.append(encoding)
+    # Fall back:
+    try:
+        return str(r.content, encoding, errors='replace')
+    except TypeError:
+        return r.content
+# The unreserved URI characters (RFC 3986)
+UNRESERVED_SET = frozenset(
+    "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + "0123456789-._~")
+def unquote_unreserved(uri):
+    """Un-escape any percent-escape sequences in a URI that are unreserved
+    characters. This leaves all reserved, illegal and non-ASCII bytes encoded.
+    :rtype: str
+    """
+    parts = uri.split('%')
+    for i in range(1, len(parts)):
+        h = parts[i][0:2]
+        if len(h) == 2 and h.isalnum():
+            try:
+                c = chr(int(h, 16))
+            except ValueError:
+                raise InvalidURL("Invalid percent-escape sequence: '%s'" % h)
+            if c in UNRESERVED_SET:
+                parts[i] = c + parts[i][2:]
+            else:
+                parts[i] = '%' + parts[i]
+        else:
+            parts[i] = '%' + parts[i]
+    return ''.join(parts)
+def requote_uri(uri):
+    """Re-quote the given URI.
+    This function passes the given URI through an unquote/quote cycle to
+    ensure that it is fully and consistently quoted.
+    :rtype: str
+    """
+    safe_with_percent = "!#$%&'()*+,/:;=?@[]~"
+    safe_without_percent = "!#$&'()*+,/:;=?@[]~"
+    try:
+        # Unquote only the unreserved characters
+        # Then quote only illegal characters (do not quote reserved,
+        # unreserved, or '%')
+        return quote(unquote_unreserved(uri), safe=safe_with_percent)
+    except InvalidURL:
+        # We couldn't unquote the given URI, so let's try quoting it, but
+        # there may be unquoted '%'s in the URI. We need to make sure they're
+        # properly quoted so they do not cause issues elsewhere.
+        return quote(uri, safe=safe_without_percent)
+def address_in_network(ip, net):
+    """This function allows you to check if an IP belongs to a network subnet
+    Example: returns True if ip = and net =
+             returns False if ip = and net =
+    :rtype: bool
+    """
+    ipaddr = struct.unpack('=L', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0]
+    netaddr, bits = net.split('/')
+    netmask = struct.unpack('=L', socket.inet_aton(dotted_netmask(int(bits))))[0]
+    network = struct.unpack('=L', socket.inet_aton(netaddr))[0] & netmask
+    return (ipaddr & netmask) == (network & netmask)
+def dotted_netmask(mask):
+    """Converts mask from /xx format to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
+    Example: if mask is 24 function returns
+    :rtype: str
+    """
+    bits = 0xffffffff ^ (1 << 32 - mask) - 1
+    return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>I', bits))
+def is_ipv4_address(string_ip):
+    """
+    :rtype: bool
+    """
+    try:
+        socket.inet_aton(string_ip)
+    except socket.error:
+        return False
+    return True
+def is_valid_cidr(string_network):
+    """
+    Very simple check of the cidr format in no_proxy variable.
+    :rtype: bool
+    """
+    if string_network.count('/') == 1:
+        try:
+            mask = int(string_network.split('/')[1])
+        except ValueError:
+            return False
+        if mask < 1 or mask > 32:
+            return False
+        try:
+            socket.inet_aton(string_network.split('/')[0])
+        except socket.error:
+            return False
+    else:
+        return False
+    return True
+def set_environ(env_name, value):
+    """Set the environment variable 'env_name' to 'value'
+    Save previous value, yield, and then restore the previous value stored in
+    the environment variable 'env_name'.
+    If 'value' is None, do nothing"""
+    value_changed = value is not None
+    if value_changed:
+        old_value = os.environ.get(env_name)
+        os.environ[env_name] = value
+    try:
+        yield
+    finally:
+        if value_changed:
+            if old_value is None:
+                del os.environ[env_name]
+            else:
+                os.environ[env_name] = old_value
+def should_bypass_proxies(url, no_proxy):
+    """
+    Returns whether we should bypass proxies or not.
+    :rtype: bool
+    """
+    # Prioritize lowercase environment variables over uppercase
+    # to keep a consistent behaviour with other http projects (curl, wget).
+    get_proxy = lambda k: os.environ.get(k) or os.environ.get(k.upper())
+    # First check whether no_proxy is defined. If it is, check that the URL
+    # we're getting isn't in the no_proxy list.
+    no_proxy_arg = no_proxy
+    if no_proxy is None:
+        no_proxy = get_proxy('no_proxy')
+    parsed = urlparse(url)
+    if parsed.hostname is None:
+        # URLs don't always have hostnames, e.g. file:/// urls.
+        return True
+    if no_proxy:
+        # We need to check whether we match here. We need to see if we match
+        # the end of the hostname, both with and without the port.
+        no_proxy = (
+            host for host in no_proxy.replace(' ', '').split(',') if host
+        )
+        if is_ipv4_address(parsed.hostname):
+            for proxy_ip in no_proxy:
+                if is_valid_cidr(proxy_ip):
+                    if address_in_network(parsed.hostname, proxy_ip):
+                        return True
+                elif parsed.hostname == proxy_ip:
+                    # If no_proxy ip was defined in plain IP notation instead of cidr notation &
+                    # matches the IP of the index
+                    return True
+        else:
+            host_with_port = parsed.hostname
+            if parsed.port:
+                host_with_port += ':{}'.format(parsed.port)
+            for host in no_proxy:
+                if parsed.hostname.endswith(host) or host_with_port.endswith(host):
+                    # The URL does match something in no_proxy, so we don't want
+                    # to apply the proxies on this URL.
+                    return True
+    with set_environ('no_proxy', no_proxy_arg):
+        # parsed.hostname can be `None` in cases such as a file URI.
+        try:
+            bypass = proxy_bypass(parsed.hostname)
+        except (TypeError, socket.gaierror):
+            bypass = False
+    if bypass:
+        return True
+    return False
+def get_environ_proxies(url, no_proxy=None):
+    """
+    Return a dict of environment proxies.
+    :rtype: dict
+    """
+    if should_bypass_proxies(url, no_proxy=no_proxy):
+        return {}
+    else:
+        return getproxies()
+def select_proxy(url, proxies):
+    """Select a proxy for the url, if applicable.
+    :param url: The url being for the request
+    :param proxies: A dictionary of schemes or schemes and hosts to proxy URLs
+    """
+    proxies = proxies or {}
+    urlparts = urlparse(url)
+    if urlparts.hostname is None:
+        return proxies.get(urlparts.scheme, proxies.get('all'))
+    proxy_keys = [
+        urlparts.scheme + '://' + urlparts.hostname,
+        urlparts.scheme,
+        'all://' + urlparts.hostname,
+        'all',
+    ]
+    proxy = None
+    for proxy_key in proxy_keys:
+        if proxy_key in proxies:
+            proxy = proxies[proxy_key]
+            break
+    return proxy
+def default_user_agent(name="python-requests"):
+    """
+    Return a string representing the default user agent.
+    :rtype: str
+    """
+    return '%s/%s' % (name, __version__)
+def default_headers():
+    """
+    :rtype: requests.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict
+    """
+    return CaseInsensitiveDict({
+        'User-Agent': default_user_agent(),
+        'Accept-Encoding': ', '.join(('gzip', 'deflate')),
+        'Accept': '*/*',
+        'Connection': 'keep-alive',
+    })
+def parse_header_links(value):
+    """Return a list of parsed link headers proxies.
+    i.e. Link: <http:/.../front.jpeg>; rel=front; type="image/jpeg",<http://.../back.jpeg>; rel=back;type="image/jpeg"
+    :rtype: list
+    """
+    links = []
+    replace_chars = ' \'"'
+    value = value.strip(replace_chars)
+    if not value:
+        return links
+    for val in re.split(', *<', value):
+        try:
+            url, params = val.split(';', 1)
+        except ValueError:
+            url, params = val, ''
+        link = {'url': url.strip('<> \'"')}
+        for param in params.split(';'):
+            try:
+                key, value = param.split('=')
+            except ValueError:
+                break
+            link[key.strip(replace_chars)] = value.strip(replace_chars)
+        links.append(link)
+    return links
+# Null bytes; no need to recreate these on each call to guess_json_utf
+_null = '\x00'.encode('ascii')  # encoding to ASCII for Python 3
+_null2 = _null * 2
+_null3 = _null * 3
+def guess_json_utf(data):
+    """
+    :rtype: str
+    """
+    # JSON always starts with two ASCII characters, so detection is as
+    # easy as counting the nulls and from their location and count
+    # determine the encoding. Also detect a BOM, if present.
+    sample = data[:4]
+    if sample in (codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE, codecs.BOM_UTF32_BE):
+        return 'utf-32'     # BOM included
+    if sample[:3] == codecs.BOM_UTF8:
+        return 'utf-8-sig'  # BOM included, MS style (discouraged)
+    if sample[:2] in (codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE, codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE):
+        return 'utf-16'     # BOM included
+    nullcount = sample.count(_null)
+    if nullcount == 0:
+        return 'utf-8'
+    if nullcount == 2:
+        if sample[::2] == _null2:   # 1st and 3rd are null
+            return 'utf-16-be'
+        if sample[1::2] == _null2:  # 2nd and 4th are null
+            return 'utf-16-le'
+        # Did not detect 2 valid UTF-16 ascii-range characters
+    if nullcount == 3:
+        if sample[:3] == _null3:
+            return 'utf-32-be'
+        if sample[1:] == _null3:
+            return 'utf-32-le'
+        # Did not detect a valid UTF-32 ascii-range character
+    return None
+def prepend_scheme_if_needed(url, new_scheme):
+    """Given a URL that may or may not have a scheme, prepend the given scheme.
+    Does not replace a present scheme with the one provided as an argument.
+    :rtype: str
+    """
+    scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(url, new_scheme)
+    # urlparse is a finicky beast, and sometimes decides that there isn't a
+    # netloc present. Assume that it's being over-cautious, and switch netloc
+    # and path if urlparse decided there was no netloc.
+    if not netloc:
+        netloc, path = path, netloc
+    return urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment))
+def get_auth_from_url(url):
+    """Given a url with authentication components, extract them into a tuple of
+    username,password.
+    :rtype: (str,str)
+    """
+    parsed = urlparse(url)
+    try:
+        auth = (unquote(parsed.username), unquote(parsed.password))
+    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
+        auth = ('', '')
+    return auth
+# Moved outside of function to avoid recompile every call
+_CLEAN_HEADER_REGEX_BYTE = re.compile(b'^\\S[^\\r\\n]*$|^$')
+_CLEAN_HEADER_REGEX_STR = re.compile(r'^\S[^\r\n]*$|^$')
+def check_header_validity(header):
+    """Verifies that header value is a string which doesn't contain
+    leading whitespace or return characters. This prevents unintended
+    header injection.
+    :param header: tuple, in the format (name, value).
+    """
+    name, value = header
+    if isinstance(value, bytes):
+    else:
+        pat = _CLEAN_HEADER_REGEX_STR
+    try:
+        if not pat.match(value):
+            raise InvalidHeader("Invalid return character or leading space in header: %s" % name)
+    except TypeError:
+        raise InvalidHeader("Value for header {%s: %s} must be of type str or "
+                            "bytes, not %s" % (name, value, type(value)))
+def urldefragauth(url):
+    """
+    Given a url remove the fragment and the authentication part.
+    :rtype: str
+    """
+    scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(url)
+    # see func:`prepend_scheme_if_needed`
+    if not netloc:
+        netloc, path = path, netloc
+    netloc = netloc.rsplit('@', 1)[-1]
+    return urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params, query, ''))
+def rewind_body(prepared_request):
+    """Move file pointer back to its recorded starting position
+    so it can be read again on redirect.
+    """
+    body_seek = getattr(prepared_request.body, 'seek', None)
+    if body_seek is not None and isinstance(prepared_request._body_position, integer_types):
+        try:
+            body_seek(prepared_request._body_position)
+        except (IOError, OSError):
+            raise UnrewindableBodyError("An error occurred when rewinding request "
+                                        "body for redirect.")
+    else:
+        raise UnrewindableBodyError("Unable to rewind request body for redirect.")