diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boltons/socketutils.py @ 5:9b1c78e6ba9c draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 6c0a8142489327ece472c84e558c47da711a9142"
author shellac
date Mon, 01 Jun 2020 08:59:25 -0400
parents 79f47841a781
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boltons/socketutils.py	Thu May 14 16:47:39 2020 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,737 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""At its heart, Python can be viewed as an extension of the C
-programming language. Springing from the most popular systems
-programming language has made Python itself a great language for
-systems programming. One key to success in this domain is Python's
-very serviceable :mod:`socket` module and its :class:`socket.socket`
-The ``socketutils`` module provides natural next steps to the ``socket``
-builtin: straightforward, tested building blocks for higher-level
-The :class:`BufferedSocket` wraps an ordinary socket, providing a
-layer of intuitive buffering for both sending and receiving. This
-facilitates parsing messages from streams, i.e., all sockets with type
-``SOCK_STREAM``. The BufferedSocket enables receiving until the next
-relevant token, up to a certain size, or until the connection is
-closed. For all of these, it provides consistent APIs to size
-limiting, as well as timeouts that are compatible with multiple
-concurrency paradigms. Use it to parse the next one-off text or binary
-socket protocol you encounter.
-This module also provides the :class:`NetstringSocket`, a pure-Python
-implementation of `the Netstring protocol`_, built on top of the
-:class:`BufferedSocket`, serving as a ready-made, production-grade example.
-Special thanks to `Kurt Rose`_ for his original authorship and all his
-contributions on this module. Also thanks to `Daniel J. Bernstein`_, the
-original author of `Netstring`_.
-.. _the Netstring protocol: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netstring
-.. _Kurt Rose: https://github.com/doublereedkurt
-.. _Daniel J. Bernstein: https://cr.yp.to/
-.. _Netstring: https://cr.yp.to/proto/netstrings.txt
-import time
-import socket
-    from threading import RLock
-except Exception:
-    class RLock(object):
-        'Dummy reentrant lock for builds without threads'
-        def __enter__(self):
-            pass
-        def __exit__(self, exctype, excinst, exctb):
-            pass
-    from typeutils import make_sentinel
-    _UNSET = make_sentinel(var_name='_UNSET')
-except ImportError:
-    _UNSET = object()
-DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10  # 10 seconds
-DEFAULT_MAXSIZE = 32 * 1024  # 32kb
-_RECV_LARGE_MAXSIZE = 1024 ** 5  # 1PB
-class BufferedSocket(object):
-    """Mainly provides recv_until and recv_size. recv, send, sendall, and
-    peek all function as similarly as possible to the built-in socket
-    API.
-    This type has been tested against both the built-in socket type as
-    well as those from gevent and eventlet. It also features support
-    for sockets with timeouts set to 0 (aka nonblocking), provided the
-    caller is prepared to handle the EWOULDBLOCK exceptions.
-    Args:
-        sock (socket): The connected socket to be wrapped.
-        timeout (float): The default timeout for sends and recvs, in
-            seconds. Set to ``None`` for no timeout, and 0 for
-            nonblocking. Defaults to *sock*'s own timeout if already set,
-            and 10 seconds otherwise.
-        maxsize (int): The default maximum number of bytes to be received
-            into the buffer before it is considered full and raises an
-            exception. Defaults to 32 kilobytes.
-        recvsize (int): The number of bytes to recv for every
-            lower-level :meth:`socket.recv` call. Defaults to *maxsize*.
-    *timeout* and *maxsize* can both be overridden on individual socket
-    operations.
-    All ``recv`` methods return bytestrings (:class:`bytes`) and can
-    raise :exc:`socket.error`. :exc:`Timeout`,
-    :exc:`ConnectionClosed`, and :exc:`MessageTooLong` all inherit
-    from :exc:`socket.error` and exist to provide better error
-    messages. Received bytes are always buffered, even if an exception
-    is raised. Use :meth:`BufferedSocket.getrecvbuffer` to retrieve
-    partial recvs.
-    BufferedSocket does not replace the built-in socket by any
-    means. While the overlapping parts of the API are kept parallel to
-    the built-in :class:`socket.socket`, BufferedSocket does not
-    inherit from socket, and most socket functionality is only
-    available on the underlying socket. :meth:`socket.getpeername`,
-    :meth:`socket.getsockname`, :meth:`socket.fileno`, and others are
-    only available on the underlying socket that is wrapped. Use the
-    ``BufferedSocket.sock`` attribute to access it. See the examples
-    for more information on how to use BufferedSockets with built-in
-    sockets.
-    The BufferedSocket is threadsafe, but consider the semantics of
-    your protocol before accessing a single socket from multiple
-    threads. Similarly, once the BufferedSocket is constructed, avoid
-    using the underlying socket directly. Only use it for operations
-    unrelated to messages, e.g., :meth:`socket.getpeername`.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, sock, timeout=_UNSET,
-                 maxsize=DEFAULT_MAXSIZE, recvsize=_UNSET):
-        self.sock = sock
-        self.rbuf = b''
-        self.sbuf = []
-        self.maxsize = int(maxsize)
-        if timeout is _UNSET:
-            if self.sock.gettimeout() is None:
-                self.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
-            else:
-                self.timeout = self.sock.gettimeout()
-        else:
-            if timeout is None:
-                self.timeout = timeout
-            else:
-                self.timeout = float(timeout)
-        if recvsize is _UNSET:
-            self._recvsize = self.maxsize
-        else:
-            self._recvsize = int(recvsize)
-        self._send_lock = RLock()
-        self._recv_lock = RLock()
-    def settimeout(self, timeout):
-        "Set the default *timeout* for future operations, in seconds."
-        self.timeout = timeout
-    def gettimeout(self):
-        return self.timeout
-    def setblocking(self, blocking):
-        self.timeout = None if blocking else 0.0
-    def setmaxsize(self, maxsize):
-        """Set the default maximum buffer size *maxsize* for future
-        operations, in bytes. Does not truncate the current buffer.
-        """
-        self.maxsize = maxsize
-    def getrecvbuffer(self):
-        "Returns the receive buffer bytestring (rbuf)."
-        with self._recv_lock:
-            return self.rbuf
-    def getsendbuffer(self):
-        "Returns a copy of the send buffer list."
-        with self._send_lock:
-            return b''.join(self.sbuf)
-    def recv(self, size, flags=0, timeout=_UNSET):
-        """Returns **up to** *size* bytes, using the internal buffer before
-        performing a single :meth:`socket.recv` operation.
-        Args:
-            size (int): The maximum number of bytes to receive.
-            flags (int): Kept for API compatibility with sockets. Only
-                the default, ``0``, is valid.
-            timeout (float): The timeout for this operation. Can be
-                ``0`` for nonblocking and ``None`` for no
-                timeout. Defaults to the value set in the constructor
-                of BufferedSocket.
-        If the operation does not complete in *timeout* seconds, a
-        :exc:`Timeout` is raised. Much like the built-in
-        :class:`socket.socket`, if this method returns an empty string,
-        then the socket is closed and recv buffer is empty. Further
-        calls to recv will raise :exc:`socket.error`.
-        """
-        with self._recv_lock:
-            if timeout is _UNSET:
-                timeout = self.timeout
-            if flags:
-                raise ValueError("non-zero flags not supported: %r" % flags)
-            if len(self.rbuf) >= size:
-                data, self.rbuf = self.rbuf[:size], self.rbuf[size:]
-                return data
-            if self.rbuf:
-                ret, self.rbuf = self.rbuf, b''
-                return ret
-            self.sock.settimeout(timeout)
-            try:
-                data = self.sock.recv(self._recvsize)
-            except socket.timeout:
-                raise Timeout(timeout)  # check the rbuf attr for more
-            if len(data) > size:
-                data, self.rbuf = data[:size], data[size:]
-        return data
-    def peek(self, size, timeout=_UNSET):
-        """Returns *size* bytes from the socket and/or internal buffer. Bytes
-        are retained in BufferedSocket's internal recv buffer. To only
-        see bytes in the recv buffer, use :meth:`getrecvbuffer`.
-        Args:
-            size (int): The exact number of bytes to peek at
-            timeout (float): The timeout for this operation. Can be 0 for
-                nonblocking and None for no timeout. Defaults to the value
-                set in the constructor of BufferedSocket.
-        If the appropriate number of bytes cannot be fetched from the
-        buffer and socket before *timeout* expires, then a
-        :exc:`Timeout` will be raised. If the connection is closed, a
-        :exc:`ConnectionClosed` will be raised.
-        """
-        with self._recv_lock:
-            if len(self.rbuf) >= size:
-                return self.rbuf[:size]
-            data = self.recv_size(size, timeout=timeout)
-            self.rbuf = data + self.rbuf
-        return data
-    def recv_close(self, timeout=_UNSET, maxsize=_UNSET):
-        """Receive until the connection is closed, up to *maxsize* bytes. If
-        more than *maxsize* bytes are received, raises :exc:`MessageTooLong`.
-        """
-        # recv_close works by using recv_size to request maxsize data,
-        # and ignoring ConnectionClose, returning and clearing the
-        # internal buffer instead. It raises an exception if
-        # ConnectionClosed isn't raised.
-        with self._recv_lock:
-            if maxsize is _UNSET:
-                maxsize = self.maxsize
-            if maxsize is None:
-                maxsize = _RECV_LARGE_MAXSIZE
-            try:
-                recvd = self.recv_size(maxsize + 1, timeout)
-            except ConnectionClosed:
-                ret, self.rbuf = self.rbuf, b''
-            else:
-                # put extra received bytes (now in rbuf) after recvd
-                self.rbuf = recvd + self.rbuf
-                size_read = min(maxsize, len(self.rbuf))
-                raise MessageTooLong(size_read)  # check receive buffer
-        return ret
-    def recv_until(self, delimiter, timeout=_UNSET, maxsize=_UNSET,
-                   with_delimiter=False):
-        """Receive until *delimiter* is found, *maxsize* bytes have been read,
-        or *timeout* is exceeded.
-        Args:
-            delimiter (bytes): One or more bytes to be searched for
-                in the socket stream.
-            timeout (float): The timeout for this operation. Can be 0 for
-                nonblocking and None for no timeout. Defaults to the value
-                set in the constructor of BufferedSocket.
-            maxsize (int): The maximum size for the internal buffer.
-                Defaults to the value set in the constructor.
-            with_delimiter (bool): Whether or not to include the
-                delimiter in the output. ``False`` by default, but
-                ``True`` is useful in cases where one is simply
-                forwarding the messages.
-        ``recv_until`` will raise the following exceptions:
-          * :exc:`Timeout` if more than *timeout* seconds expire.
-          * :exc:`ConnectionClosed` if the underlying socket is closed
-            by the sending end.
-          * :exc:`MessageTooLong` if the delimiter is not found in the
-            first *maxsize* bytes.
-          * :exc:`socket.error` if operating in nonblocking mode
-            (*timeout* equal to 0), or if some unexpected socket error
-            occurs, such as operating on a closed socket.
-        """
-        with self._recv_lock:
-            if maxsize is _UNSET:
-                maxsize = self.maxsize
-            if maxsize is None:
-                maxsize = _RECV_LARGE_MAXSIZE
-            if timeout is _UNSET:
-                timeout = self.timeout
-            len_delimiter = len(delimiter)
-            sock = self.sock
-            recvd = bytearray(self.rbuf)
-            start = time.time()
-            find_offset_start = 0  # becomes a negative index below
-            if not timeout:  # covers None (no timeout) and 0 (nonblocking)
-                sock.settimeout(timeout)
-            try:
-                while 1:
-                    offset = recvd.find(delimiter, find_offset_start, maxsize)
-                    if offset != -1:  # str.find returns -1 when no match found
-                        if with_delimiter:  # include delimiter in return
-                            offset += len_delimiter
-                            rbuf_offset = offset
-                        else:
-                            rbuf_offset = offset + len_delimiter
-                        break
-                    elif len(recvd) > maxsize:
-                        raise MessageTooLong(maxsize, delimiter)  # see rbuf
-                    if timeout:
-                        cur_timeout = timeout - (time.time() - start)
-                        if cur_timeout <= 0.0:
-                            raise socket.timeout()
-                        sock.settimeout(cur_timeout)
-                    nxt = sock.recv(self._recvsize)
-                    if not nxt:
-                        args = (len(recvd), delimiter)
-                        msg = ('connection closed after reading %s bytes'
-                               ' without finding symbol: %r' % args)
-                        raise ConnectionClosed(msg)  # check the recv buffer
-                    recvd.extend(nxt)
-                    find_offset_start = -len(nxt) - len_delimiter + 1
-            except socket.timeout:
-                self.rbuf = bytes(recvd)
-                msg = ('read %s bytes without finding delimiter: %r'
-                       % (len(recvd), delimiter))
-                raise Timeout(timeout, msg)  # check the recv buffer
-            except Exception:
-                self.rbuf = bytes(recvd)
-                raise
-            val, self.rbuf = bytes(recvd[:offset]), bytes(recvd[rbuf_offset:])
-        return val
-    def recv_size(self, size, timeout=_UNSET):
-        """Read off of the internal buffer, then off the socket, until
-        *size* bytes have been read.
-        Args:
-            size (int): number of bytes to read before returning.
-            timeout (float): The timeout for this operation. Can be 0 for
-                nonblocking and None for no timeout. Defaults to the value
-                set in the constructor of BufferedSocket.
-        If the appropriate number of bytes cannot be fetched from the
-        buffer and socket before *timeout* expires, then a
-        :exc:`Timeout` will be raised. If the connection is closed, a
-        :exc:`ConnectionClosed` will be raised.
-        """
-        with self._recv_lock:
-            if timeout is _UNSET:
-                timeout = self.timeout
-            chunks = []
-            total_bytes = 0
-            try:
-                start = time.time()
-                self.sock.settimeout(timeout)
-                nxt = self.rbuf or self.sock.recv(self._recvsize)
-                while nxt:
-                    total_bytes += len(nxt)
-                    if total_bytes >= size:
-                        break
-                    chunks.append(nxt)
-                    if timeout:
-                        cur_timeout = timeout - (time.time() - start)
-                        if cur_timeout <= 0.0:
-                            raise socket.timeout()
-                        self.sock.settimeout(cur_timeout)
-                    nxt = self.sock.recv(self._recvsize)
-                else:
-                    msg = ('connection closed after reading %s of %s requested'
-                           ' bytes' % (total_bytes, size))
-                    raise ConnectionClosed(msg)  # check recv buffer
-            except socket.timeout:
-                self.rbuf = b''.join(chunks)
-                msg = 'read %s of %s bytes' % (total_bytes, size)
-                raise Timeout(timeout, msg)  # check recv buffer
-            except Exception:
-                # received data is still buffered in the case of errors
-                self.rbuf = b''.join(chunks)
-                raise
-            extra_bytes = total_bytes - size
-            if extra_bytes:
-                last, self.rbuf = nxt[:-extra_bytes], nxt[-extra_bytes:]
-            else:
-                last, self.rbuf = nxt, b''
-            chunks.append(last)
-        return b''.join(chunks)
-    def send(self, data, flags=0, timeout=_UNSET):
-        """Send the contents of the internal send buffer, as well as *data*,
-        to the receiving end of the connection. Returns the total
-        number of bytes sent. If no exception is raised, all of *data* was
-        sent and the internal send buffer is empty.
-        Args:
-            data (bytes): The bytes to send.
-            flags (int): Kept for API compatibility with sockets. Only
-                the default 0 is valid.
-            timeout (float): The timeout for this operation. Can be 0 for
-                nonblocking and None for no timeout. Defaults to the value
-                set in the constructor of BufferedSocket.
-        Will raise :exc:`Timeout` if the send operation fails to
-        complete before *timeout*. In the event of an exception, use
-        :meth:`BufferedSocket.getsendbuffer` to see which data was
-        unsent.
-        """
-        with self._send_lock:
-            if timeout is _UNSET:
-                timeout = self.timeout
-            if flags:
-                raise ValueError("non-zero flags not supported")
-            sbuf = self.sbuf
-            sbuf.append(data)
-            if len(sbuf) > 1:
-                sbuf[:] = [b''.join([s for s in sbuf if s])]
-            self.sock.settimeout(timeout)
-            start, total_sent = time.time(), 0
-            try:
-                while sbuf[0]:
-                    sent = self.sock.send(sbuf[0])
-                    total_sent += sent
-                    sbuf[0] = sbuf[0][sent:]
-                    if timeout:
-                        cur_timeout = timeout - (time.time() - start)
-                        if cur_timeout <= 0.0:
-                            raise socket.timeout()
-                        self.sock.settimeout(cur_timeout)
-            except socket.timeout:
-                raise Timeout(timeout, '%s bytes unsent' % len(sbuf[0]))
-        return total_sent
-    def sendall(self, data, flags=0, timeout=_UNSET):
-        """A passthrough to :meth:`~BufferedSocket.send`, retained for
-        parallelism to the :class:`socket.socket` API.
-        """
-        return self.send(data, flags, timeout)
-    def flush(self):
-        "Send the contents of the internal send buffer."
-        with self._send_lock:
-            self.send(b'')
-        return
-    def buffer(self, data):
-        "Buffer *data* bytes for the next send operation."
-        with self._send_lock:
-            self.sbuf.append(data)
-        return
-    # # #
-    # # # Passing through some socket basics
-    # # #
-    def getsockname(self):
-        """Convenience function to return the wrapped socket's own address.
-        See :meth:`socket.getsockname` for more details.
-        """
-        return self.sock.getsockname()
-    def getpeername(self):
-        """Convenience function to return the remote address to which the
-        wrapped socket is connected.  See :meth:`socket.getpeername`
-        for more details.
-        """
-        return self.sock.getpeername()
-    def getsockopt(self, level, optname, buflen=None):
-        """Convenience function passing through to the wrapped socket's
-        :meth:`socket.getsockopt`.
-        """
-        args = (level, optname)
-        if buflen is not None:
-            args += (buflen,)
-        return self.sock.getsockopt(*args)
-    def setsockopt(self, level, optname, value):
-        """Convenience function passing through to the wrapped socket's
-        :meth:`socket.setsockopt`.
-        """
-        return self.sock.setsockopt(level, optname, value)
-    @property
-    def type(self):
-        """A passthrough to the wrapped socket's type. Valid usages should
-        only ever see :data:`socket.SOCK_STREAM`.
-        """
-        return self.sock.type
-    @property
-    def family(self):
-        """A passthrough to the wrapped socket's family. BufferedSocket
-        supports all widely-used families, so this read-only attribute
-        can be one of :data:`socket.AF_INET` for IP,
-        :data:`socket.AF_INET6` for IPv6, and :data:`socket.AF_UNIX`
-        for UDS.
-        """
-        return self.sock.family
-    @property
-    def proto(self):
-        """A passthrough to the wrapped socket's protocol. The ``proto``
-        attribute is very rarely used, so it's always 0, meaning "the
-        default" protocol. Pretty much all the practical information
-        is in :attr:`~BufferedSocket.type` and
-        :attr:`~BufferedSocket.family`, so you can go back to never
-        thinking about this.
-        """
-        return self.sock.proto
-    # # #
-    # # # Now for some more advanced interpretations of the builtin socket
-    # # #
-    def fileno(self):
-        """Returns the file descriptor of the wrapped socket. -1 if it has
-        been closed on this end.
-        Note that this makes the BufferedSocket selectable, i.e.,
-        usable for operating system event loops without any external
-        libraries. Keep in mind that the operating system cannot know
-        about data in BufferedSocket's internal buffer. Exercise
-        discipline with calling ``recv*`` functions.
-        """
-        return self.sock.fileno()
-    def close(self):
-        """Closes the wrapped socket, and empties the internal buffers. The
-        send buffer is not flushed automatically, so if you have been
-        calling :meth:`~BufferedSocket.buffer`, be sure to call
-        :meth:`~BufferedSocket.flush` before calling this
-        method. After calling this method, future socket operations
-        will raise :exc:`socket.error`.
-        """
-        with self._recv_lock:
-            with self._send_lock:
-                self.rbuf = b''
-                self.rbuf_unconsumed = self.rbuf
-                self.sbuf[:] = []
-                self.sock.close()
-        return
-    def shutdown(self, how):
-        """Convenience method which passes through to the wrapped socket's
-        :meth:`~socket.shutdown`. Semantics vary by platform, so no
-        special internal handling is done with the buffers. This
-        method exists to facilitate the most common usage, wherein a
-        full ``shutdown`` is followed by a
-        :meth:`~BufferedSocket.close`. Developers requiring more
-        support, please open `an issue`_.
-        .. _an issue: https://github.com/mahmoud/boltons/issues
-        """
-        with self._recv_lock:
-            with self._send_lock:
-                self.sock.shutdown(how)
-        return
-    # end BufferedSocket
-class Error(socket.error):
-    """A subclass of :exc:`socket.error` from which all other
-    ``socketutils`` exceptions inherit.
-    When using :class:`BufferedSocket` and other ``socketutils``
-    types, generally you want to catch one of the specific exception
-    types below, or :exc:`socket.error`.
-    """
-    pass
-class ConnectionClosed(Error):
-    """Raised when receiving and the connection is unexpectedly closed
-    from the sending end. Raised from :class:`BufferedSocket`'s
-    :meth:`~BufferedSocket.peek`, :meth:`~BufferedSocket.recv_until`,
-    and :meth:`~BufferedSocket.recv_size`, and never from its
-    :meth:`~BufferedSocket.recv` or
-    :meth:`~BufferedSocket.recv_close`.
-    """
-    pass
-class MessageTooLong(Error):
-    """Raised from :meth:`BufferedSocket.recv_until` and
-    :meth:`BufferedSocket.recv_closed` when more than *maxsize* bytes are
-    read without encountering the delimiter or a closed connection,
-    respectively.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, bytes_read=None, delimiter=None):
-        msg = 'message exceeded maximum size'
-        if bytes_read is not None:
-            msg += '. %s bytes read' % (bytes_read,)
-        if delimiter is not None:
-            msg += '. Delimiter not found: %r' % (delimiter,)
-        super(MessageTooLong, self).__init__(msg)
-class Timeout(socket.timeout, Error):
-    """Inheriting from :exc:`socket.timeout`, Timeout is used to indicate
-    when a socket operation did not complete within the time
-    specified. Raised from any of :class:`BufferedSocket`'s ``recv``
-    methods.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, timeout, extra=""):
-        msg = 'socket operation timed out'
-        if timeout is not None:
-            msg += ' after %sms.' % (timeout * 1000)
-        if extra:
-            msg += ' ' + extra
-        super(Timeout, self).__init__(msg)
-class NetstringSocket(object):
-    """
-    Reads and writes using the netstring protocol.
-    More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netstring
-    Even more info: http://cr.yp.to/proto/netstrings.txt
-    """
-    def __init__(self, sock, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, maxsize=DEFAULT_MAXSIZE):
-        self.bsock = BufferedSocket(sock)
-        self.timeout = timeout
-        self.maxsize = maxsize
-        self._msgsize_maxsize = len(str(maxsize)) + 1  # len(str()) == log10
-    def fileno(self):
-        return self.bsock.fileno()
-    def settimeout(self, timeout):
-        self.timeout = timeout
-    def setmaxsize(self, maxsize):
-        self.maxsize = maxsize
-        self._msgsize_maxsize = self._calc_msgsize_maxsize(maxsize)
-    def _calc_msgsize_maxsize(self, maxsize):
-        return len(str(maxsize)) + 1  # len(str()) == log10
-    def read_ns(self, timeout=_UNSET, maxsize=_UNSET):
-        if timeout is _UNSET:
-            timeout = self.timeout
-        if maxsize is _UNSET:
-            maxsize = self.maxsize
-            msgsize_maxsize = self._msgsize_maxsize
-        else:
-            msgsize_maxsize = self._calc_msgsize_maxsize(maxsize)
-        size_prefix = self.bsock.recv_until(b':',
-                                            timeout=timeout,
-                                            maxsize=msgsize_maxsize)
-        try:
-            size = int(size_prefix)
-        except ValueError:
-            raise NetstringInvalidSize('netstring message size must be valid'
-                                       ' integer, not %r' % size_prefix)
-        if size > maxsize:
-            raise NetstringMessageTooLong(size, maxsize)
-        payload = self.bsock.recv_size(size)
-        if self.bsock.recv(1) != b',':
-            raise NetstringProtocolError("expected trailing ',' after message")
-        return payload
-    def write_ns(self, payload):
-        size = len(payload)
-        if size > self.maxsize:
-            raise NetstringMessageTooLong(size, self.maxsize)
-        data = str(size).encode('ascii') + b':' + payload + b','
-        self.bsock.send(data)
-class NetstringProtocolError(Error):
-    "Base class for all of socketutils' Netstring exception types."
-    pass
-class NetstringInvalidSize(NetstringProtocolError):
-    """NetstringInvalidSize is raised when the ``:``-delimited size prefix
-    of the message does not contain a valid integer.
-    Message showing valid size::
-      5:hello,
-    Here the ``5`` is the size. Anything in this prefix position that
-    is not parsable as a Python integer (i.e., :class:`int`) will raise
-    this exception.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, msg):
-        super(NetstringInvalidSize, self).__init__(msg)
-class NetstringMessageTooLong(NetstringProtocolError):
-    """NetstringMessageTooLong is raised when the size prefix contains a
-    valid integer, but that integer is larger than the
-    :class:`NetstringSocket`'s configured *maxsize*.
-    When this exception is raised, it's recommended to simply close
-    the connection instead of trying to recover.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, size, maxsize):
-        msg = ('netstring message length exceeds configured maxsize: %s > %s'
-               % (size, maxsize))
-        super(NetstringMessageTooLong, self).__init__(msg)
-attrs worth adding/passing through:
-properties: type, proto
-For its main functionality, BufferedSocket can wrap any object that
-has the following methods:
-  - gettimeout()
-  - settimeout()
-  - recv(size)
-  - send(data)
-The following methods are passed through:
-# TODO: buffered socket check socket.type == SOCK_STREAM?
-# TODO: make recv_until support taking a regex
-# TODO: including the delimiter in the recv_until return is not
-#       necessary, as ConnectionClosed differentiates empty messages
-#       from socket closes.