diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/route53/connection.py @ 5:9b1c78e6ba9c draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 6c0a8142489327ece472c84e558c47da711a9142"
author shellac
date Mon, 01 Jun 2020 08:59:25 -0400
parents 79f47841a781
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/route53/connection.py	Thu May 14 16:47:39 2020 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/
-# Copyright (c) 2010, Eucalyptus Systems, Inc.
-# Copyright (c) 2011 Blue Pines Technologies LLC, Brad Carleton
-# www.bluepines.org
-# Copyright (c) 2012 42 Lines Inc., Jim Browne
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
-# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis-
-# tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
-# persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol-
-# lowing conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
-# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-from boto.route53 import exception
-import random
-import uuid
-import xml.sax
-import boto
-from boto.connection import AWSAuthConnection
-from boto import handler
-import boto.jsonresponse
-from boto.route53.record import ResourceRecordSets
-from boto.route53.zone import Zone
-from boto.compat import six, urllib
-HZXML = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CreateHostedZoneRequest xmlns="%(xmlns)s">
-  <Name>%(name)s</Name>
-  <CallerReference>%(caller_ref)s</CallerReference>
-  <HostedZoneConfig>
-    <Comment>%(comment)s</Comment>
-  </HostedZoneConfig>
-HZPXML = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CreateHostedZoneRequest xmlns="%(xmlns)s">
-  <Name>%(name)s</Name>
-  <VPC>
-    <VPCId>%(vpc_id)s</VPCId>
-    <VPCRegion>%(vpc_region)s</VPCRegion>
-  </VPC>
-  <CallerReference>%(caller_ref)s</CallerReference>
-  <HostedZoneConfig>
-    <Comment>%(comment)s</Comment>
-  </HostedZoneConfig>
-# boto.set_stream_logger('dns')
-class Route53Connection(AWSAuthConnection):
-    DefaultHost = 'route53.amazonaws.com'
-    """The default Route53 API endpoint to connect to."""
-    Version = '2013-04-01'
-    """Route53 API version."""
-    XMLNameSpace = 'https://route53.amazonaws.com/doc/2013-04-01/'
-    """XML schema for this Route53 API version."""
-    def __init__(self, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None,
-                 port=None, proxy=None, proxy_port=None,
-                 host=DefaultHost, debug=0, security_token=None,
-                 validate_certs=True, https_connection_factory=None,
-                 profile_name=None):
-        super(Route53Connection, self).__init__(
-            host,
-            aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key,
-            True, port, proxy, proxy_port, debug=debug,
-            security_token=security_token,
-            validate_certs=validate_certs,
-            https_connection_factory=https_connection_factory,
-            profile_name=profile_name)
-    def _required_auth_capability(self):
-        return ['route53']
-    def make_request(self, action, path, headers=None, data='', params=None):
-        if params:
-            pairs = []
-            for key, val in six.iteritems(params):
-                if val is None:
-                    continue
-                pairs.append(key + '=' + urllib.parse.quote(str(val)))
-            path += '?' + '&'.join(pairs)
-        return super(Route53Connection, self).make_request(
-            action, path, headers, data,
-            retry_handler=self._retry_handler)
-    # Hosted Zones
-    def get_all_hosted_zones(self, start_marker=None, zone_list=None):
-        """
-        Returns a Python data structure with information about all
-        Hosted Zones defined for the AWS account.
-        :param int start_marker: start marker to pass when fetching additional
-            results after a truncated list
-        :param list zone_list: a HostedZones list to prepend to results
-        """
-        params = {}
-        if start_marker:
-            params = {'marker': start_marker}
-        response = self.make_request('GET', '/%s/hostedzone' % self.Version,
-                                     params=params)
-        body = response.read()
-        boto.log.debug(body)
-        if response.status >= 300:
-            raise exception.DNSServerError(response.status,
-                                           response.reason,
-                                           body)
-        e = boto.jsonresponse.Element(list_marker='HostedZones',
-                                      item_marker=('HostedZone',))
-        h = boto.jsonresponse.XmlHandler(e, None)
-        h.parse(body)
-        if zone_list:
-            e['ListHostedZonesResponse']['HostedZones'].extend(zone_list)
-        while 'NextMarker' in e['ListHostedZonesResponse']:
-            next_marker = e['ListHostedZonesResponse']['NextMarker']
-            zone_list = e['ListHostedZonesResponse']['HostedZones']
-            e = self.get_all_hosted_zones(next_marker, zone_list)
-        return e
-    def get_hosted_zone(self, hosted_zone_id):
-        """
-        Get detailed information about a particular Hosted Zone.
-        :type hosted_zone_id: str
-        :param hosted_zone_id: The unique identifier for the Hosted Zone
-        """
-        uri = '/%s/hostedzone/%s' % (self.Version, hosted_zone_id)
-        response = self.make_request('GET', uri)
-        body = response.read()
-        boto.log.debug(body)
-        if response.status >= 300:
-            raise exception.DNSServerError(response.status,
-                                           response.reason,
-                                           body)
-        e = boto.jsonresponse.Element(list_marker='NameServers',
-                                      item_marker=('NameServer',))
-        h = boto.jsonresponse.XmlHandler(e, None)
-        h.parse(body)
-        return e
-    def get_hosted_zone_by_name(self, hosted_zone_name):
-        """
-        Get detailed information about a particular Hosted Zone.
-        :type hosted_zone_name: str
-        :param hosted_zone_name: The fully qualified domain name for the Hosted
-            Zone
-        """
-        if hosted_zone_name[-1] != '.':
-            hosted_zone_name += '.'
-        all_hosted_zones = self.get_all_hosted_zones()
-        for zone in all_hosted_zones['ListHostedZonesResponse']['HostedZones']:
-            # check that they gave us the FQDN for their zone
-            if zone['Name'] == hosted_zone_name:
-                return self.get_hosted_zone(zone['Id'].split('/')[-1])
-    def create_hosted_zone(self, domain_name, caller_ref=None, comment='',
-                           private_zone=False, vpc_id=None, vpc_region=None):
-        """
-        Create a new Hosted Zone.  Returns a Python data structure with
-        information about the newly created Hosted Zone.
-        :type domain_name: str
-        :param domain_name: The name of the domain. This should be a
-            fully-specified domain, and should end with a final period
-            as the last label indication.  If you omit the final period,
-            Amazon Route 53 assumes the domain is relative to the root.
-            This is the name you have registered with your DNS registrar.
-            It is also the name you will delegate from your registrar to
-            the Amazon Route 53 delegation servers returned in
-            response to this request.A list of strings with the image
-            IDs wanted.
-        :type caller_ref: str
-        :param caller_ref: A unique string that identifies the request
-            and that allows failed CreateHostedZone requests to be retried
-            without the risk of executing the operation twice.  If you don't
-            provide a value for this, boto will generate a Type 4 UUID and
-            use that.
-        :type comment: str
-        :param comment: Any comments you want to include about the hosted
-            zone.
-        :type private_zone: bool
-        :param private_zone: Set True if creating a private hosted zone.
-        :type vpc_id: str
-        :param vpc_id: When creating a private hosted zone, the VPC Id to
-            associate to is required.
-        :type vpc_region: str
-        :param vpc_region: When creating a private hosted zone, the region
-            of the associated VPC is required.
-        """
-        if caller_ref is None:
-            caller_ref = str(uuid.uuid4())
-        if private_zone:
-            params = {'name': domain_name,
-                      'caller_ref': caller_ref,
-                      'comment': comment,
-                      'vpc_id': vpc_id,
-                      'vpc_region': vpc_region,
-                      'xmlns': self.XMLNameSpace}
-            xml_body = HZPXML % params
-        else:
-            params = {'name': domain_name,
-                      'caller_ref': caller_ref,
-                      'comment': comment,
-                      'xmlns': self.XMLNameSpace}
-            xml_body = HZXML % params
-        uri = '/%s/hostedzone' % self.Version
-        response = self.make_request('POST', uri,
-                                     {'Content-Type': 'text/xml'}, xml_body)
-        body = response.read()
-        boto.log.debug(body)
-        if response.status == 201:
-            e = boto.jsonresponse.Element(list_marker='NameServers',
-                                          item_marker=('NameServer',))
-            h = boto.jsonresponse.XmlHandler(e, None)
-            h.parse(body)
-            return e
-        else:
-            raise exception.DNSServerError(response.status,
-                                           response.reason,
-                                           body)
-    def delete_hosted_zone(self, hosted_zone_id):
-        """
-        Delete the hosted zone specified by the given id.
-        :type hosted_zone_id: str
-        :param hosted_zone_id: The hosted zone's id
-        """
-        uri = '/%s/hostedzone/%s' % (self.Version, hosted_zone_id)
-        response = self.make_request('DELETE', uri)
-        body = response.read()
-        boto.log.debug(body)
-        if response.status not in (200, 204):
-            raise exception.DNSServerError(response.status,
-                                           response.reason,
-                                           body)
-        e = boto.jsonresponse.Element()
-        h = boto.jsonresponse.XmlHandler(e, None)
-        h.parse(body)
-        return e
-    # Health checks
-    POSTHCXMLBody = """<CreateHealthCheckRequest xmlns="%(xmlns)s">
-    <CallerReference>%(caller_ref)s</CallerReference>
-    %(health_check)s
-    </CreateHealthCheckRequest>"""
-    def create_health_check(self, health_check, caller_ref=None):
-        """
-        Create a new Health Check
-        :type health_check: HealthCheck
-        :param health_check: HealthCheck object
-        :type caller_ref: str
-        :param caller_ref: A unique string that identifies the request
-            and that allows failed CreateHealthCheckRequest requests to be retried
-            without the risk of executing the operation twice.  If you don't
-            provide a value for this, boto will generate a Type 4 UUID and
-            use that.
-        """
-        if caller_ref is None:
-            caller_ref = str(uuid.uuid4())
-        uri = '/%s/healthcheck' % self.Version
-        params = {'xmlns': self.XMLNameSpace,
-                  'caller_ref': caller_ref,
-                  'health_check': health_check.to_xml()
-                  }
-        xml_body = self.POSTHCXMLBody % params
-        response = self.make_request('POST', uri, {'Content-Type': 'text/xml'}, xml_body)
-        body = response.read()
-        boto.log.debug(body)
-        if response.status == 201:
-            e = boto.jsonresponse.Element()
-            h = boto.jsonresponse.XmlHandler(e, None)
-            h.parse(body)
-            return e
-        else:
-            raise exception.DNSServerError(response.status, response.reason, body)
-    def get_list_health_checks(self, maxitems=None, marker=None):
-        """
-        Return a list of health checks
-        :type maxitems: int
-        :param maxitems: Maximum number of items to return
-        :type marker: str
-        :param marker: marker to get next set of items to list
-        """
-        params = {}
-        if maxitems is not None:
-            params['maxitems'] = maxitems
-        if marker is not None:
-            params['marker'] = marker
-        uri = '/%s/healthcheck' % (self.Version, )
-        response = self.make_request('GET', uri, params=params)
-        body = response.read()
-        boto.log.debug(body)
-        if response.status >= 300:
-            raise exception.DNSServerError(response.status,
-                                           response.reason,
-                                           body)
-        e = boto.jsonresponse.Element(list_marker='HealthChecks',
-                                      item_marker=('HealthCheck',))
-        h = boto.jsonresponse.XmlHandler(e, None)
-        h.parse(body)
-        return e
-    def get_checker_ip_ranges(self):
-        """
-        Return a list of Route53 healthcheck IP ranges
-        """
-        uri = '/%s/checkeripranges' % self.Version
-        response = self.make_request('GET', uri)
-        body = response.read()
-        boto.log.debug(body)
-        if response.status >= 300:
-            raise exception.DNSServerError(response.status,
-                                           response.reason,
-                                           body)
-        e = boto.jsonresponse.Element(list_marker='CheckerIpRanges', item_marker=('member',))
-        h = boto.jsonresponse.XmlHandler(e, None)
-        h.parse(body)
-        return e
-    def delete_health_check(self, health_check_id):
-        """
-        Delete a health check
-        :type health_check_id: str
-        :param health_check_id: ID of the health check to delete
-        """
-        uri = '/%s/healthcheck/%s' % (self.Version, health_check_id)
-        response = self.make_request('DELETE', uri)
-        body = response.read()
-        boto.log.debug(body)
-        if response.status not in (200, 204):
-            raise exception.DNSServerError(response.status,
-                                           response.reason,
-                                           body)
-        e = boto.jsonresponse.Element()
-        h = boto.jsonresponse.XmlHandler(e, None)
-        h.parse(body)
-        return e
-    # Resource Record Sets
-    def get_all_rrsets(self, hosted_zone_id, type=None,
-                       name=None, identifier=None, maxitems=None):
-        """
-        Retrieve the Resource Record Sets defined for this Hosted Zone.
-        Returns the raw XML data returned by the Route53 call.
-        :type hosted_zone_id: str
-        :param hosted_zone_id: The unique identifier for the Hosted Zone
-        :type type: str
-        :param type: The type of resource record set to begin the record
-            listing from.  Valid choices are:
-                * A
-                * AAAA
-                * CNAME
-                * MX
-                * NS
-                * PTR
-                * SOA
-                * SPF
-                * SRV
-                * TXT
-            Valid values for weighted resource record sets:
-                * A
-                * AAAA
-                * CNAME
-                * TXT
-            Valid values for Zone Apex Aliases:
-                * A
-                * AAAA
-        :type name: str
-        :param name: The first name in the lexicographic ordering of domain
-                     names to be retrieved
-        :type identifier: str
-        :param identifier: In a hosted zone that includes weighted resource
-            record sets (multiple resource record sets with the same DNS
-            name and type that are differentiated only by SetIdentifier),
-            if results were truncated for a given DNS name and type,
-            the value of SetIdentifier for the next resource record
-            set that has the current DNS name and type
-        :type maxitems: int
-        :param maxitems: The maximum number of records
-        """
-        params = {'type': type, 'name': name,
-                  'identifier': identifier, 'maxitems': maxitems}
-        uri = '/%s/hostedzone/%s/rrset' % (self.Version, hosted_zone_id)
-        response = self.make_request('GET', uri, params=params)
-        body = response.read()
-        boto.log.debug(body)
-        if response.status >= 300:
-            raise exception.DNSServerError(response.status,
-                                           response.reason,
-                                           body)
-        rs = ResourceRecordSets(connection=self, hosted_zone_id=hosted_zone_id)
-        h = handler.XmlHandler(rs, self)
-        xml.sax.parseString(body, h)
-        return rs
-    def change_rrsets(self, hosted_zone_id, xml_body):
-        """
-        Create or change the authoritative DNS information for this
-        Hosted Zone.
-        Returns a Python data structure with information about the set of
-        changes, including the Change ID.
-        :type hosted_zone_id: str
-        :param hosted_zone_id: The unique identifier for the Hosted Zone
-        :type xml_body: str
-        :param xml_body: The list of changes to be made, defined in the
-            XML schema defined by the Route53 service.
-        """
-        uri = '/%s/hostedzone/%s/rrset' % (self.Version, hosted_zone_id)
-        response = self.make_request('POST', uri,
-                                     {'Content-Type': 'text/xml'},
-                                     xml_body)
-        body = response.read()
-        boto.log.debug(body)
-        if response.status >= 300:
-            raise exception.DNSServerError(response.status,
-                                           response.reason,
-                                           body)
-        e = boto.jsonresponse.Element()
-        h = boto.jsonresponse.XmlHandler(e, None)
-        h.parse(body)
-        return e
-    def get_change(self, change_id):
-        """
-        Get information about a proposed set of changes, as submitted
-        by the change_rrsets method.
-        Returns a Python data structure with status information about the
-        changes.
-        :type change_id: str
-        :param change_id: The unique identifier for the set of changes.
-            This ID is returned in the response to the change_rrsets method.
-        """
-        uri = '/%s/change/%s' % (self.Version, change_id)
-        response = self.make_request('GET', uri)
-        body = response.read()
-        boto.log.debug(body)
-        if response.status >= 300:
-            raise exception.DNSServerError(response.status,
-                                           response.reason,
-                                           body)
-        e = boto.jsonresponse.Element()
-        h = boto.jsonresponse.XmlHandler(e, None)
-        h.parse(body)
-        return e
-    def create_zone(self, name, private_zone=False,
-                    vpc_id=None, vpc_region=None):
-        """
-        Create a new Hosted Zone.  Returns a Zone object for the newly
-        created Hosted Zone.
-        :type name: str
-        :param name: The name of the domain. This should be a
-            fully-specified domain, and should end with a final period
-            as the last label indication.  If you omit the final period,
-            Amazon Route 53 assumes the domain is relative to the root.
-            This is the name you have registered with your DNS registrar.
-            It is also the name you will delegate from your registrar to
-            the Amazon Route 53 delegation servers returned in
-            response to this request.
-        :type private_zone: bool
-        :param private_zone: Set True if creating a private hosted zone.
-        :type vpc_id: str
-        :param vpc_id: When creating a private hosted zone, the VPC Id to
-            associate to is required.
-        :type vpc_region: str
-        :param vpc_region: When creating a private hosted zone, the region
-            of the associated VPC is required.
-        """
-        zone = self.create_hosted_zone(name, private_zone=private_zone,
-                                       vpc_id=vpc_id, vpc_region=vpc_region)
-        return Zone(self, zone['CreateHostedZoneResponse']['HostedZone'])
-    def get_zone(self, name):
-        """
-        Returns a Zone object for the specified Hosted Zone.
-        :param name: The name of the domain. This should be a
-            fully-specified domain, and should end with a final period
-            as the last label indication.
-        """
-        name = self._make_qualified(name)
-        for zone in self.get_zones():
-            if name == zone.name:
-                return zone
-    def get_zones(self):
-        """
-        Returns a list of Zone objects, one for each of the Hosted
-        Zones defined for the AWS account.
-        :rtype: list
-        :returns: A list of Zone objects.
-        """
-        zones = self.get_all_hosted_zones()
-        return [Zone(self, zone) for zone in
-                zones['ListHostedZonesResponse']['HostedZones']]
-    def _make_qualified(self, value):
-        """
-        Ensure passed domain names end in a period (.) character.
-        This will usually make a domain fully qualified.
-        """
-        if type(value) in [list, tuple, set]:
-            new_list = []
-            for record in value:
-                if record and not record[-1] == '.':
-                    new_list.append("%s." % record)
-                else:
-                    new_list.append(record)
-            return new_list
-        else:
-            value = value.strip()
-            if value and not value[-1] == '.':
-                value = "%s." % value
-            return value
-    def _retry_handler(self, response, i, next_sleep):
-        status = None
-        boto.log.debug("Saw HTTP status: %s" % response.status)
-        if response.status == 400:
-            body = response.read()
-            # We need to parse the error first
-            err = exception.DNSServerError(
-                response.status,
-                response.reason,
-                body)
-            if err.error_code:
-                # This is a case where we need to ignore a 400 error, as
-                # Route53 returns this. See
-                # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/DNSLimitations.html
-                if not err.error_code in (
-                        'PriorRequestNotComplete',
-                        'Throttling',
-                        'ServiceUnavailable',
-                        'RequestExpired'):
-                    return status
-                msg = "%s, retry attempt %s" % (
-                    err.error_code,
-                    i
-                )
-                next_sleep = min(random.random() * (2 ** i),
-                                 boto.config.get('Boto', 'max_retry_delay', 60))
-                i += 1
-                status = (msg, i, next_sleep)
-        return status