diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/s3/key.py @ 5:9b1c78e6ba9c draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 6c0a8142489327ece472c84e558c47da711a9142"
author shellac
date Mon, 01 Jun 2020 08:59:25 -0400
parents 79f47841a781
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/boto/s3/key.py	Thu May 14 16:47:39 2020 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1937 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Mitch Garnaat http://garnaat.org/
-# Copyright (c) 2011, Nexenta Systems Inc.
-# Copyright (c) 2012 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.  All Rights Reserved
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
-# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis-
-# tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
-# persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol-
-# lowing conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
-# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-import email.utils
-import errno
-import hashlib
-import mimetypes
-import os
-import re
-import base64
-import binascii
-import math
-from hashlib import md5
-import boto.utils
-from boto.compat import BytesIO, six, urllib, encodebytes
-from boto.exception import BotoClientError
-from boto.exception import StorageDataError
-from boto.exception import PleaseRetryException
-from boto.provider import Provider
-from boto.s3.keyfile import KeyFile
-from boto.s3.user import User
-from boto import UserAgent
-from boto.utils import compute_md5, compute_hash
-from boto.utils import find_matching_headers
-from boto.utils import merge_headers_by_name
-class Key(object):
-    """
-    Represents a key (object) in an S3 bucket.
-    :ivar bucket: The parent :class:`boto.s3.bucket.Bucket`.
-    :ivar name: The name of this Key object.
-    :ivar metadata: A dictionary containing user metadata that you
-        wish to store with the object or that has been retrieved from
-        an existing object.
-    :ivar cache_control: The value of the `Cache-Control` HTTP header.
-    :ivar content_type: The value of the `Content-Type` HTTP header.
-    :ivar content_encoding: The value of the `Content-Encoding` HTTP header.
-    :ivar content_disposition: The value of the `Content-Disposition` HTTP
-        header.
-    :ivar content_language: The value of the `Content-Language` HTTP header.
-    :ivar etag: The `etag` associated with this object.
-    :ivar last_modified: The string timestamp representing the last
-        time this object was modified in S3.
-    :ivar owner: The ID of the owner of this object.
-    :ivar storage_class: The storage class of the object.  Currently, one of:
-    :ivar md5: The MD5 hash of the contents of the object.
-    :ivar size: The size, in bytes, of the object.
-    :ivar version_id: The version ID of this object, if it is a versioned
-        object.
-    :ivar encrypted: Whether the object is encrypted while at rest on
-        the server.
-    """
-    DefaultContentType = 'application/octet-stream'
-    RestoreBody = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-      <RestoreRequest xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01">
-        <Days>%s</Days>
-      </RestoreRequest>"""
-    BufferSize = boto.config.getint('Boto', 'key_buffer_size', 8192)
-    # The object metadata fields a user can set, other than custom metadata
-    # fields (i.e., those beginning with a provider-specific prefix like
-    # x-amz-meta).
-    base_user_settable_fields = set(["cache-control", "content-disposition",
-                                    "content-encoding", "content-language",
-                                    "content-md5", "content-type",
-                                     "x-robots-tag", "expires"])
-    _underscore_base_user_settable_fields = set()
-    for f in base_user_settable_fields:
-      _underscore_base_user_settable_fields.add(f.replace('-', '_'))
-    # Metadata fields, whether user-settable or not, other than custom
-    # metadata fields (i.e., those beginning with a provider specific prefix
-    # like x-amz-meta).
-    base_fields = (base_user_settable_fields |
-                   set(["last-modified", "content-length", "date", "etag"]))
-    def __init__(self, bucket=None, name=None):
-        self.bucket = bucket
-        self.name = name
-        self.metadata = {}
-        self.cache_control = None
-        self.content_type = self.DefaultContentType
-        self.content_encoding = None
-        self.content_disposition = None
-        self.content_language = None
-        self.filename = None
-        self.etag = None
-        self.is_latest = False
-        self.last_modified = None
-        self.owner = None
-        self._storage_class = None
-        self.path = None
-        self.resp = None
-        self.mode = None
-        self.size = None
-        self.version_id = None
-        self.source_version_id = None
-        self.delete_marker = False
-        self.encrypted = None
-        # If the object is being restored, this attribute will be set to True.
-        # If the object is restored, it will be set to False.  Otherwise this
-        # value will be None. If the restore is completed (ongoing_restore =
-        # False), the expiry_date will be populated with the expiry date of the
-        # restored object.
-        self.ongoing_restore = None
-        self.expiry_date = None
-        self.local_hashes = {}
-    def __repr__(self):
-        if self.bucket:
-            name = u'<Key: %s,%s>' % (self.bucket.name, self.name)
-        else:
-            name = u'<Key: None,%s>' % self.name
-        # Encode to bytes for Python 2 to prevent display decoding issues
-        if not isinstance(name, str):
-            name = name.encode('utf-8')
-        return name
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return self
-    @property
-    def provider(self):
-        provider = None
-        if self.bucket and self.bucket.connection:
-            provider = self.bucket.connection.provider
-        return provider
-    def _get_key(self):
-        return self.name
-    def _set_key(self, value):
-        self.name = value
-    key = property(_get_key, _set_key);
-    def _get_md5(self):
-        if 'md5' in self.local_hashes and self.local_hashes['md5']:
-            return binascii.b2a_hex(self.local_hashes['md5'])
-    def _set_md5(self, value):
-        if value:
-            self.local_hashes['md5'] = binascii.a2b_hex(value)
-        elif 'md5' in self.local_hashes:
-            self.local_hashes.pop('md5', None)
-    md5 = property(_get_md5, _set_md5);
-    def _get_base64md5(self):
-        if 'md5' in self.local_hashes and self.local_hashes['md5']:
-            md5 = self.local_hashes['md5']
-            if not isinstance(md5, bytes):
-                md5 = md5.encode('utf-8')
-            return binascii.b2a_base64(md5).decode('utf-8').rstrip('\n')
-    def _set_base64md5(self, value):
-        if value:
-            if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
-                value = value.decode('utf-8')
-            self.local_hashes['md5'] = binascii.a2b_base64(value)
-        elif 'md5' in self.local_hashes:
-            del self.local_hashes['md5']
-    base64md5 = property(_get_base64md5, _set_base64md5);
-    def _get_storage_class(self):
-        if self._storage_class is None and self.bucket:
-            # Attempt to fetch storage class
-            list_items = list(self.bucket.list(self.name.encode('utf-8')))
-            if len(list_items) and getattr(list_items[0], '_storage_class',
-                                           None):
-                self._storage_class = list_items[0]._storage_class
-            else:
-                # Key is not yet saved? Just use default...
-                self._storage_class = 'STANDARD'
-        return self._storage_class
-    def _set_storage_class(self, value):
-        self._storage_class = value
-    storage_class = property(_get_storage_class, _set_storage_class)
-    def get_md5_from_hexdigest(self, md5_hexdigest):
-        """
-        A utility function to create the 2-tuple (md5hexdigest, base64md5)
-        from just having a precalculated md5_hexdigest.
-        """
-        digest = binascii.unhexlify(md5_hexdigest)
-        base64md5 = encodebytes(digest)
-        if base64md5[-1] == '\n':
-            base64md5 = base64md5[0:-1]
-        return (md5_hexdigest, base64md5)
-    def handle_encryption_headers(self, resp):
-        provider = self.bucket.connection.provider
-        if provider.server_side_encryption_header:
-            self.encrypted = resp.getheader(
-                provider.server_side_encryption_header, None)
-        else:
-            self.encrypted = None
-    def handle_storage_class_header(self, resp):
-        provider = self.bucket.connection.provider
-        if provider.storage_class_header:
-            self._storage_class = resp.getheader(
-                provider.storage_class_header, None)
-            if (self._storage_class is None and
-                    provider.get_provider_name() == 'aws'):
-                # S3 docs for HEAD object requests say S3 will return this
-                # header for all objects except Standard storage class objects.
-                self._storage_class = 'STANDARD'
-    def handle_version_headers(self, resp, force=False):
-        provider = self.bucket.connection.provider
-        # If the Key object already has a version_id attribute value, it
-        # means that it represents an explicit version and the user is
-        # doing a get_contents_*(version_id=<foo>) to retrieve another
-        # version of the Key.  In that case, we don't really want to
-        # overwrite the version_id in this Key object.  Comprende?
-        if self.version_id is None or force:
-            self.version_id = resp.getheader(provider.version_id, None)
-        self.source_version_id = resp.getheader(provider.copy_source_version_id,
-                                                None)
-        if resp.getheader(provider.delete_marker, 'false') == 'true':
-            self.delete_marker = True
-        else:
-            self.delete_marker = False
-    def handle_restore_headers(self, response):
-        provider = self.bucket.connection.provider
-        header = response.getheader(provider.restore_header)
-        if header is None:
-            return
-        parts = header.split(',', 1)
-        for part in parts:
-            key, val = [i.strip() for i in part.split('=')]
-            val = val.replace('"', '')
-            if key == 'ongoing-request':
-                self.ongoing_restore = True if val.lower() == 'true' else False
-            elif key == 'expiry-date':
-                self.expiry_date = val
-    def handle_addl_headers(self, headers):
-        """
-        Used by Key subclasses to do additional, provider-specific
-        processing of response headers. No-op for this base class.
-        """
-        pass
-    def open_read(self, headers=None, query_args='',
-                  override_num_retries=None, response_headers=None):
-        """
-        Open this key for reading
-        :type headers: dict
-        :param headers: Headers to pass in the web request
-        :type query_args: string
-        :param query_args: Arguments to pass in the query string
-            (ie, 'torrent')
-        :type override_num_retries: int
-        :param override_num_retries: If not None will override configured
-            num_retries parameter for underlying GET.
-        :type response_headers: dict
-        :param response_headers: A dictionary containing HTTP
-            headers/values that will override any headers associated
-            with the stored object in the response.  See
-            http://goo.gl/EWOPb for details.
-        """
-        if self.resp is None:
-            self.mode = 'r'
-            provider = self.bucket.connection.provider
-            self.resp = self.bucket.connection.make_request(
-                'GET', self.bucket.name, self.name, headers,
-                query_args=query_args,
-                override_num_retries=override_num_retries)
-            if self.resp.status < 199 or self.resp.status > 299:
-                body = self.resp.read()
-                raise provider.storage_response_error(self.resp.status,
-                                                      self.resp.reason, body)
-            response_headers = self.resp.msg
-            self.metadata = boto.utils.get_aws_metadata(response_headers,
-                                                        provider)
-            for name, value in response_headers.items():
-                # To get correct size for Range GETs, use Content-Range
-                # header if one was returned. If not, use Content-Length
-                # header.
-                if (name.lower() == 'content-length' and
-                        'Content-Range' not in response_headers):
-                    self.size = int(value)
-                elif name.lower() == 'content-range':
-                    end_range = re.sub('.*/(.*)', '\\1', value)
-                    self.size = int(end_range)
-                elif name.lower() in Key.base_fields:
-                    self.__dict__[name.lower().replace('-', '_')] = value
-            self.handle_version_headers(self.resp)
-            self.handle_encryption_headers(self.resp)
-            self.handle_restore_headers(self.resp)
-            self.handle_addl_headers(self.resp.getheaders())
-    def open_write(self, headers=None, override_num_retries=None):
-        """
-        Open this key for writing.
-        Not yet implemented
-        :type headers: dict
-        :param headers: Headers to pass in the write request
-        :type override_num_retries: int
-        :param override_num_retries: If not None will override configured
-            num_retries parameter for underlying PUT.
-        """
-        raise BotoClientError('Not Implemented')
-    def open(self, mode='r', headers=None, query_args=None,
-             override_num_retries=None):
-        if mode == 'r':
-            self.mode = 'r'
-            self.open_read(headers=headers, query_args=query_args,
-                           override_num_retries=override_num_retries)
-        elif mode == 'w':
-            self.mode = 'w'
-            self.open_write(headers=headers,
-                            override_num_retries=override_num_retries)
-        else:
-            raise BotoClientError('Invalid mode: %s' % mode)
-    closed = False
-    def close(self, fast=False):
-        """
-        Close this key.
-        :type fast: bool
-        :param fast: True if you want the connection to be closed without first
-        reading the content. This should only be used in cases where subsequent
-        calls don't need to return the content from the open HTTP connection.
-        Note: As explained at
-        http://docs.python.org/2/library/httplib.html#httplib.HTTPConnection.getresponse,
-        callers must read the whole response before sending a new request to the
-        server. Calling Key.close(fast=True) and making a subsequent request to
-        the server will work because boto will get an httplib exception and
-        close/reopen the connection.
-        """
-        if self.resp and not fast:
-            self.resp.read()
-        self.resp = None
-        self.mode = None
-        self.closed = True
-    def next(self):
-        """
-        By providing a next method, the key object supports use as an iterator.
-        For example, you can now say:
-        for bytes in key:
-            write bytes to a file or whatever
-        All of the HTTP connection stuff is handled for you.
-        """
-        self.open_read()
-        data = self.resp.read(self.BufferSize)
-        if not data:
-            self.close()
-            raise StopIteration
-        return data
-    # Python 3 iterator support
-    __next__ = next
-    def read(self, size=0):
-        self.open_read()
-        if size == 0:
-            data = self.resp.read()
-        else:
-            data = self.resp.read(size)
-        if not data:
-            self.close()
-        return data
-    def change_storage_class(self, new_storage_class, dst_bucket=None,
-                             validate_dst_bucket=True):
-        """
-        Change the storage class of an existing key.
-        Depending on whether a different destination bucket is supplied
-        or not, this will either move the item within the bucket, preserving
-        all metadata and ACL info bucket changing the storage class or it
-        will copy the item to the provided destination bucket, also
-        preserving metadata and ACL info.
-        :type new_storage_class: string
-        :param new_storage_class: The new storage class for the Key.
-            Possible values are:
-            * STANDARD
-        :type dst_bucket: string
-        :param dst_bucket: The name of a destination bucket.  If not
-            provided the current bucket of the key will be used.
-        :type validate_dst_bucket: bool
-        :param validate_dst_bucket: If True, will validate the dst_bucket
-            by using an extra list request.
-        """
-        bucket_name = dst_bucket or self.bucket.name
-        if new_storage_class == 'STANDARD':
-            return self.copy(bucket_name, self.name,
-                             reduced_redundancy=False, preserve_acl=True,
-                             validate_dst_bucket=validate_dst_bucket)
-        elif new_storage_class == 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY':
-            return self.copy(bucket_name, self.name,
-                             reduced_redundancy=True, preserve_acl=True,
-                             validate_dst_bucket=validate_dst_bucket)
-        else:
-            raise BotoClientError('Invalid storage class: %s' %
-                                  new_storage_class)
-    def copy(self, dst_bucket, dst_key, metadata=None,
-             reduced_redundancy=False, preserve_acl=False,
-             encrypt_key=False, validate_dst_bucket=True):
-        """
-        Copy this Key to another bucket.
-        :type dst_bucket: string
-        :param dst_bucket: The name of the destination bucket
-        :type dst_key: string
-        :param dst_key: The name of the destination key
-        :type metadata: dict
-        :param metadata: Metadata to be associated with new key.  If
-            metadata is supplied, it will replace the metadata of the
-            source key being copied.  If no metadata is supplied, the
-            source key's metadata will be copied to the new key.
-        :type reduced_redundancy: bool
-        :param reduced_redundancy: If True, this will force the
-            storage class of the new Key to be REDUCED_REDUNDANCY
-            regardless of the storage class of the key being copied.
-            The Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) feature of S3,
-            provides lower redundancy at lower storage cost.
-        :type preserve_acl: bool
-        :param preserve_acl: If True, the ACL from the source key will
-            be copied to the destination key.  If False, the
-            destination key will have the default ACL.  Note that
-            preserving the ACL in the new key object will require two
-            additional API calls to S3, one to retrieve the current
-            ACL and one to set that ACL on the new object.  If you
-            don't care about the ACL, a value of False will be
-            significantly more efficient.
-        :type encrypt_key: bool
-        :param encrypt_key: If True, the new copy of the object will
-            be encrypted on the server-side by S3 and will be stored
-            in an encrypted form while at rest in S3.
-        :type validate_dst_bucket: bool
-        :param validate_dst_bucket: If True, will validate the dst_bucket
-            by using an extra list request.
-        :rtype: :class:`boto.s3.key.Key` or subclass
-        :returns: An instance of the newly created key object
-        """
-        dst_bucket = self.bucket.connection.lookup(dst_bucket,
-                                                   validate_dst_bucket)
-        if reduced_redundancy:
-            storage_class = 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY'
-        else:
-            storage_class = self.storage_class
-        return dst_bucket.copy_key(dst_key, self.bucket.name,
-                                   self.name, metadata,
-                                   storage_class=storage_class,
-                                   preserve_acl=preserve_acl,
-                                   encrypt_key=encrypt_key,
-                                   src_version_id=self.version_id)
-    def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection):
-        if name == 'Owner':
-            self.owner = User(self)
-            return self.owner
-        else:
-            return None
-    def endElement(self, name, value, connection):
-        if name == 'Key':
-            self.name = value
-        elif name == 'ETag':
-            self.etag = value
-        elif name == 'IsLatest':
-            if value == 'true':
-                self.is_latest = True
-            else:
-                self.is_latest = False
-        elif name == 'LastModified':
-            self.last_modified = value
-        elif name == 'Size':
-            self.size = int(value)
-        elif name == 'StorageClass':
-            self.storage_class = value
-        elif name == 'Owner':
-            pass
-        elif name == 'VersionId':
-            self.version_id = value
-        else:
-            setattr(self, name, value)
-    def exists(self, headers=None):
-        """
-        Returns True if the key exists
-        :rtype: bool
-        :return: Whether the key exists on S3
-        """
-        return bool(self.bucket.lookup(self.name, headers=headers))
-    def delete(self, headers=None):
-        """
-        Delete this key from S3
-        """
-        return self.bucket.delete_key(self.name, version_id=self.version_id,
-                                      headers=headers)
-    def get_metadata(self, name):
-        return self.metadata.get(name)
-    def set_metadata(self, name, value):
-        # Ensure that metadata that is vital to signing is in the correct
-        # case. Applies to ``Content-Type`` & ``Content-MD5``.
-        if name.lower() == 'content-type':
-            self.metadata['Content-Type'] = value
-        elif name.lower() == 'content-md5':
-            self.metadata['Content-MD5'] = value
-        else:
-            self.metadata[name] = value
-        if name.lower() in Key.base_user_settable_fields:
-            self.__dict__[name.lower().replace('-', '_')] = value
-    def update_metadata(self, d):
-        self.metadata.update(d)
-    # convenience methods for setting/getting ACL
-    def set_acl(self, acl_str, headers=None):
-        if self.bucket is not None:
-            self.bucket.set_acl(acl_str, self.name, headers=headers)
-    def get_acl(self, headers=None):
-        if self.bucket is not None:
-            return self.bucket.get_acl(self.name, headers=headers)
-    def get_xml_acl(self, headers=None):
-        if self.bucket is not None:
-            return self.bucket.get_xml_acl(self.name, headers=headers)
-    def set_xml_acl(self, acl_str, headers=None):
-        if self.bucket is not None:
-            return self.bucket.set_xml_acl(acl_str, self.name, headers=headers)
-    def set_canned_acl(self, acl_str, headers=None):
-        return self.bucket.set_canned_acl(acl_str, self.name, headers)
-    def get_redirect(self):
-        """Return the redirect location configured for this key.
-        If no redirect is configured (via set_redirect), then None
-        will be returned.
-        """
-        response = self.bucket.connection.make_request(
-            'HEAD', self.bucket.name, self.name)
-        if response.status == 200:
-            return response.getheader('x-amz-website-redirect-location')
-        else:
-            raise self.provider.storage_response_error(
-                response.status, response.reason, response.read())
-    def set_redirect(self, redirect_location, headers=None):
-        """Configure this key to redirect to another location.
-        When the bucket associated with this key is accessed from the website
-        endpoint, a 301 redirect will be issued to the specified
-        `redirect_location`.
-        :type redirect_location: string
-        :param redirect_location: The location to redirect.
-        """
-        if headers is None:
-            headers = {}
-        else:
-            headers = headers.copy()
-        headers['x-amz-website-redirect-location'] = redirect_location
-        response = self.bucket.connection.make_request('PUT', self.bucket.name,
-                                                       self.name, headers)
-        if response.status == 200:
-            return True
-        else:
-            raise self.provider.storage_response_error(
-                response.status, response.reason, response.read())
-    def make_public(self, headers=None):
-        return self.bucket.set_canned_acl('public-read', self.name, headers)
-    def generate_url(self, expires_in, method='GET', headers=None,
-                     query_auth=True, force_http=False, response_headers=None,
-                     expires_in_absolute=False, version_id=None,
-                     policy=None, reduced_redundancy=False, encrypt_key=False):
-        """
-        Generate a URL to access this key.
-        :type expires_in: int
-        :param expires_in: How long the url is valid for, in seconds.
-        :type method: string
-        :param method: The method to use for retrieving the file
-            (default is GET).
-        :type headers: dict
-        :param headers: Any headers to pass along in the request.
-        :type query_auth: bool
-        :param query_auth: If True, signs the request in the URL.
-        :type force_http: bool
-        :param force_http: If True, http will be used instead of https.
-        :type response_headers: dict
-        :param response_headers: A dictionary containing HTTP
-            headers/values that will override any headers associated
-            with the stored object in the response.  See
-            http://goo.gl/EWOPb for details.
-        :type expires_in_absolute: bool
-        :param expires_in_absolute:
-        :type version_id: string
-        :param version_id: The version_id of the object to GET. If specified
-            this overrides any value in the key.
-        :type policy: :class:`boto.s3.acl.CannedACLStrings`
-        :param policy: A canned ACL policy that will be applied to the
-            new key in S3.
-        :type reduced_redundancy: bool
-        :param reduced_redundancy: If True, this will set the storage
-            class of the new Key to be REDUCED_REDUNDANCY. The Reduced
-            Redundancy Storage (RRS) feature of S3, provides lower
-            redundancy at lower storage cost.
-        :type encrypt_key: bool
-        :param encrypt_key: If True, the new copy of the object will
-            be encrypted on the server-side by S3 and will be stored
-            in an encrypted form while at rest in S3.
-        :rtype: string
-        :return: The URL to access the key
-        """
-        provider = self.bucket.connection.provider
-        version_id = version_id or self.version_id
-        if headers is None:
-            headers = {}
-        else:
-            headers = headers.copy()
-        # add headers accordingly (usually PUT case)
-        if policy:
-            headers[provider.acl_header] = policy
-        if reduced_redundancy:
-            self.storage_class = 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY'
-            if provider.storage_class_header:
-                headers[provider.storage_class_header] = self.storage_class
-        if encrypt_key:
-            headers[provider.server_side_encryption_header] = 'AES256'
-        headers = boto.utils.merge_meta(headers, self.metadata, provider)
-        return self.bucket.connection.generate_url(expires_in, method,
-                                                   self.bucket.name, self.name,
-                                                   headers, query_auth,
-                                                   force_http,
-                                                   response_headers,
-                                                   expires_in_absolute,
-                                                   version_id)
-    def send_file(self, fp, headers=None, cb=None, num_cb=10,
-                  query_args=None, chunked_transfer=False, size=None):
-        """
-        Upload a file to a key into a bucket on S3.
-        :type fp: file
-        :param fp: The file pointer to upload. The file pointer must
-            point at the offset from which you wish to upload.
-            ie. if uploading the full file, it should point at the
-            start of the file. Normally when a file is opened for
-            reading, the fp will point at the first byte.  See the
-            bytes parameter below for more info.
-        :type headers: dict
-        :param headers: The headers to pass along with the PUT request
-        :type num_cb: int
-        :param num_cb: (optional) If a callback is specified with the
-            cb parameter this parameter determines the granularity of
-            the callback by defining the maximum number of times the
-            callback will be called during the file
-            transfer. Providing a negative integer will cause your
-            callback to be called with each buffer read.
-        :type query_args: string
-        :param query_args: (optional) Arguments to pass in the query string.
-        :type chunked_transfer: boolean
-        :param chunked_transfer: (optional) If true, we use chunked
-            Transfer-Encoding.
-        :type size: int
-        :param size: (optional) The Maximum number of bytes to read
-            from the file pointer (fp). This is useful when uploading
-            a file in multiple parts where you are splitting the file
-            up into different ranges to be uploaded. If not specified,
-            the default behaviour is to read all bytes from the file
-            pointer. Less bytes may be available.
-        """
-        self._send_file_internal(fp, headers=headers, cb=cb, num_cb=num_cb,
-                                 query_args=query_args,
-                                 chunked_transfer=chunked_transfer, size=size)
-    def _send_file_internal(self, fp, headers=None, cb=None, num_cb=10,
-                            query_args=None, chunked_transfer=False, size=None,
-                            hash_algs=None):
-        provider = self.bucket.connection.provider
-        try:
-            spos = fp.tell()
-        except IOError:
-            spos = None
-            self.read_from_stream = False
-        # If hash_algs is unset and the MD5 hasn't already been computed,
-        # default to an MD5 hash_alg to hash the data on-the-fly.
-        if hash_algs is None and not self.md5:
-            hash_algs = {'md5': md5}
-        digesters = dict((alg, hash_algs[alg]()) for alg in hash_algs or {})
-        def sender(http_conn, method, path, data, headers):
-            # This function is called repeatedly for temporary retries
-            # so we must be sure the file pointer is pointing at the
-            # start of the data.
-            if spos is not None and spos != fp.tell():
-                fp.seek(spos)
-            elif spos is None and self.read_from_stream:
-                # if seek is not supported, and we've read from this
-                # stream already, then we need to abort retries to
-                # avoid setting bad data.
-                raise provider.storage_data_error(
-                    'Cannot retry failed request. fp does not support seeking.')
-            # If the caller explicitly specified host header, tell putrequest
-            # not to add a second host header. Similarly for accept-encoding.
-            skips = {}
-            if boto.utils.find_matching_headers('host', headers):
-              skips['skip_host'] = 1
-            if boto.utils.find_matching_headers('accept-encoding', headers):
-              skips['skip_accept_encoding'] = 1
-            http_conn.putrequest(method, path, **skips)
-            for key in headers:
-                http_conn.putheader(key, headers[key])
-            http_conn.endheaders()
-            save_debug = self.bucket.connection.debug
-            self.bucket.connection.debug = 0
-            # If the debuglevel < 4 we don't want to show connection
-            # payload, so turn off HTTP connection-level debug output (to
-            # be restored below).
-            # Use the getattr approach to allow this to work in AppEngine.
-            if getattr(http_conn, 'debuglevel', 0) < 4:
-                http_conn.set_debuglevel(0)
-            data_len = 0
-            if cb:
-                if size:
-                    cb_size = size
-                elif self.size:
-                    cb_size = self.size
-                else:
-                    cb_size = 0
-                if chunked_transfer and cb_size == 0:
-                    # For chunked Transfer, we call the cb for every 1MB
-                    # of data transferred, except when we know size.
-                    cb_count = (1024 * 1024) / self.BufferSize
-                elif num_cb > 1:
-                    cb_count = int(
-                        math.ceil(cb_size / self.BufferSize / (num_cb - 1.0)))
-                elif num_cb < 0:
-                    cb_count = -1
-                else:
-                    cb_count = 0
-                i = 0
-                cb(data_len, cb_size)
-            bytes_togo = size
-            if bytes_togo and bytes_togo < self.BufferSize:
-                chunk = fp.read(bytes_togo)
-            else:
-                chunk = fp.read(self.BufferSize)
-            if not isinstance(chunk, bytes):
-                chunk = chunk.encode('utf-8')
-            if spos is None:
-                # read at least something from a non-seekable fp.
-                self.read_from_stream = True
-            while chunk:
-                chunk_len = len(chunk)
-                data_len += chunk_len
-                if chunked_transfer:
-                    http_conn.send('%x;\r\n' % chunk_len)
-                    http_conn.send(chunk)
-                    http_conn.send('\r\n')
-                else:
-                    http_conn.send(chunk)
-                for alg in digesters:
-                    digesters[alg].update(chunk)
-                if bytes_togo:
-                    bytes_togo -= chunk_len
-                    if bytes_togo <= 0:
-                        break
-                if cb:
-                    i += 1
-                    if i == cb_count or cb_count == -1:
-                        cb(data_len, cb_size)
-                        i = 0
-                if bytes_togo and bytes_togo < self.BufferSize:
-                    chunk = fp.read(bytes_togo)
-                else:
-                    chunk = fp.read(self.BufferSize)
-                if not isinstance(chunk, bytes):
-                    chunk = chunk.encode('utf-8')
-            self.size = data_len
-            for alg in digesters:
-                self.local_hashes[alg] = digesters[alg].digest()
-            if chunked_transfer:
-                http_conn.send('0\r\n')
-                    # http_conn.send("Content-MD5: %s\r\n" % self.base64md5)
-                http_conn.send('\r\n')
-            if cb and (cb_count <= 1 or i > 0) and data_len > 0:
-                cb(data_len, cb_size)
-            http_conn.set_debuglevel(save_debug)
-            self.bucket.connection.debug = save_debug
-            response = http_conn.getresponse()
-            body = response.read()
-            if not self.should_retry(response, chunked_transfer):
-                raise provider.storage_response_error(
-                    response.status, response.reason, body)
-            return response
-        if not headers:
-            headers = {}
-        else:
-            headers = headers.copy()
-        # Overwrite user-supplied user-agent.
-        for header in find_matching_headers('User-Agent', headers):
-            del headers[header]
-        headers['User-Agent'] = UserAgent
-        # If storage_class is None, then a user has not explicitly requested
-        # a storage class, so we can assume STANDARD here
-        if self._storage_class not in [None, 'STANDARD']:
-            headers[provider.storage_class_header] = self.storage_class
-        if find_matching_headers('Content-Encoding', headers):
-            self.content_encoding = merge_headers_by_name(
-                'Content-Encoding', headers)
-        if find_matching_headers('Content-Language', headers):
-            self.content_language = merge_headers_by_name(
-                'Content-Language', headers)
-        content_type_headers = find_matching_headers('Content-Type', headers)
-        if content_type_headers:
-            # Some use cases need to suppress sending of the Content-Type
-            # header and depend on the receiving server to set the content
-            # type. This can be achieved by setting headers['Content-Type']
-            # to None when calling this method.
-            if (len(content_type_headers) == 1 and
-                    headers[content_type_headers[0]] is None):
-                # Delete null Content-Type value to skip sending that header.
-                del headers[content_type_headers[0]]
-            else:
-                self.content_type = merge_headers_by_name(
-                    'Content-Type', headers)
-        elif self.path:
-            self.content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(self.path)[0]
-            if self.content_type is None:
-                self.content_type = self.DefaultContentType
-            headers['Content-Type'] = self.content_type
-        else:
-            headers['Content-Type'] = self.content_type
-        if self.base64md5:
-            headers['Content-MD5'] = self.base64md5
-        if chunked_transfer:
-            headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
-            #if not self.base64md5:
-            #    headers['Trailer'] = "Content-MD5"
-        else:
-            headers['Content-Length'] = str(self.size)
-        # This is terrible. We need a SHA256 of the body for SigV4, but to do
-        # the chunked ``sender`` behavior above, the ``fp`` isn't available to
-        # the auth mechanism (because closures). Detect if it's SigV4 & embelish
-        # while we can before the auth calculations occur.
-        if 'hmac-v4-s3' in self.bucket.connection._required_auth_capability():
-            kwargs = {'fp': fp, 'hash_algorithm': hashlib.sha256}
-            if size is not None:
-                kwargs['size'] = size
-            headers['_sha256'] = compute_hash(**kwargs)[0]
-        headers['Expect'] = '100-Continue'
-        headers = boto.utils.merge_meta(headers, self.metadata, provider)
-        resp = self.bucket.connection.make_request(
-            'PUT',
-            self.bucket.name,
-            self.name,
-            headers,
-            sender=sender,
-            query_args=query_args
-        )
-        self.handle_version_headers(resp, force=True)
-        self.handle_addl_headers(resp.getheaders())
-    def should_retry(self, response, chunked_transfer=False):
-        provider = self.bucket.connection.provider
-        if not chunked_transfer:
-            if response.status in [500, 503]:
-                # 500 & 503 can be plain retries.
-                return True
-            if response.getheader('location'):
-                # If there's a redirect, plain retry.
-                return True
-        if 200 <= response.status <= 299:
-            self.etag = response.getheader('etag')
-            md5 = self.md5
-            if isinstance(md5, bytes):
-                md5 = md5.decode('utf-8')
-            # If you use customer-provided encryption keys, the ETag value that
-            # Amazon S3 returns in the response will not be the MD5 of the
-            # object.
-            amz_server_side_encryption_customer_algorithm = response.getheader(
-                'x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm', None)
-            # The same is applicable for KMS-encrypted objects in gs buckets.
-            goog_customer_managed_encryption = response.getheader(
-                'x-goog-encryption-kms-key-name', None)
-            if (amz_server_side_encryption_customer_algorithm is None and
-                    goog_customer_managed_encryption is None):
-                if self.etag != '"%s"' % md5:
-                    raise provider.storage_data_error(
-                        'ETag from S3 did not match computed MD5. '
-                        '%s vs. %s' % (self.etag, self.md5))
-            return True
-        if response.status == 400:
-            # The 400 must be trapped so the retry handler can check to
-            # see if it was a timeout.
-            # If ``RequestTimeout`` is present, we'll retry. Otherwise, bomb
-            # out.
-            body = response.read()
-            err = provider.storage_response_error(
-                response.status,
-                response.reason,
-                body
-            )
-            if err.error_code in ['RequestTimeout']:
-                raise PleaseRetryException(
-                    "Saw %s, retrying" % err.error_code,
-                    response=response
-                )
-        return False
-    def compute_md5(self, fp, size=None):
-        """
-        :type fp: file
-        :param fp: File pointer to the file to MD5 hash.  The file
-            pointer will be reset to the same position before the
-            method returns.
-        :type size: int
-        :param size: (optional) The Maximum number of bytes to read
-            from the file pointer (fp). This is useful when uploading
-            a file in multiple parts where the file is being split
-            in place into different parts. Less bytes may be available.
-        """
-        hex_digest, b64_digest, data_size = compute_md5(fp, size=size)
-        # Returned values are MD5 hash, base64 encoded MD5 hash, and data size.
-        # The internal implementation of compute_md5() needs to return the
-        # data size but we don't want to return that value to the external
-        # caller because it changes the class interface (i.e. it might
-        # break some code) so we consume the third tuple value here and
-        # return the remainder of the tuple to the caller, thereby preserving
-        # the existing interface.
-        self.size = data_size
-        return (hex_digest, b64_digest)
-    def set_contents_from_stream(self, fp, headers=None, replace=True,
-                                 cb=None, num_cb=10, policy=None,
-                                 reduced_redundancy=False, query_args=None,
-                                 size=None):
-        """
-        Store an object using the name of the Key object as the key in
-        cloud and the contents of the data stream pointed to by 'fp' as
-        the contents.
-        The stream object is not seekable and total size is not known.
-        This has the implication that we can't specify the
-        Content-Size and Content-MD5 in the header. So for huge
-        uploads, the delay in calculating MD5 is avoided but with a
-        penalty of inability to verify the integrity of the uploaded
-        data.
-        :type fp: file
-        :param fp: the file whose contents are to be uploaded
-        :type headers: dict
-        :param headers: additional HTTP headers to be sent with the
-            PUT request.
-        :type replace: bool
-        :param replace: If this parameter is False, the method will first check
-            to see if an object exists in the bucket with the same key. If it
-            does, it won't overwrite it. The default value is True which will
-            overwrite the object.
-        :type cb: function
-        :param cb: a callback function that will be called to report
-            progress on the upload. The callback should accept two integer
-            parameters, the first representing the number of bytes that have
-            been successfully transmitted to GS and the second representing the
-            total number of bytes that need to be transmitted.
-        :type num_cb: int
-        :param num_cb: (optional) If a callback is specified with the
-            cb parameter, this parameter determines the granularity of
-            the callback by defining the maximum number of times the
-            callback will be called during the file transfer.
-        :type policy: :class:`boto.gs.acl.CannedACLStrings`
-        :param policy: A canned ACL policy that will be applied to the new key
-            in GS.
-        :type reduced_redundancy: bool
-        :param reduced_redundancy: If True, this will set the storage
-            class of the new Key to be REDUCED_REDUNDANCY. The Reduced
-            Redundancy Storage (RRS) feature of S3, provides lower
-            redundancy at lower storage cost.
-        :type size: int
-        :param size: (optional) The Maximum number of bytes to read from
-            the file pointer (fp). This is useful when uploading a
-            file in multiple parts where you are splitting the file up
-            into different ranges to be uploaded. If not specified,
-            the default behaviour is to read all bytes from the file
-            pointer. Less bytes may be available.
-        """
-        provider = self.bucket.connection.provider
-        if not provider.supports_chunked_transfer():
-            raise BotoClientError('%s does not support chunked transfer'
-                % provider.get_provider_name())
-        # Name of the Object should be specified explicitly for Streams.
-        if not self.name or self.name == '':
-            raise BotoClientError('Cannot determine the destination '
-                                'object name for the given stream')
-        if headers is None:
-            headers = {}
-        if policy:
-            headers[provider.acl_header] = policy
-        if reduced_redundancy:
-            self.storage_class = 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY'
-            if provider.storage_class_header:
-                headers[provider.storage_class_header] = self.storage_class
-        if self.bucket is not None:
-            if not replace:
-                if self.bucket.lookup(self.name):
-                    return
-            self.send_file(fp, headers, cb, num_cb, query_args,
-                           chunked_transfer=True, size=size)
-    def set_contents_from_file(self, fp, headers=None, replace=True,
-                               cb=None, num_cb=10, policy=None, md5=None,
-                               reduced_redundancy=False, query_args=None,
-                               encrypt_key=False, size=None, rewind=False):
-        """
-        Store an object in S3 using the name of the Key object as the
-        key in S3 and the contents of the file pointed to by 'fp' as the
-        contents. The data is read from 'fp' from its current position until
-        'size' bytes have been read or EOF.
-        :type fp: file
-        :param fp: the file whose contents to upload
-        :type headers: dict
-        :param headers: Additional HTTP headers that will be sent with
-            the PUT request.
-        :type replace: bool
-        :param replace: If this parameter is False, the method will
-            first check to see if an object exists in the bucket with
-            the same key.  If it does, it won't overwrite it.  The
-            default value is True which will overwrite the object.
-        :type cb: function
-        :param cb: a callback function that will be called to report
-            progress on the upload.  The callback should accept two
-            integer parameters, the first representing the number of
-            bytes that have been successfully transmitted to S3 and
-            the second representing the size of the to be transmitted
-            object.
-        :type num_cb: int
-        :param num_cb: (optional) If a callback is specified with the
-            cb parameter this parameter determines the granularity of
-            the callback by defining the maximum number of times the
-            callback will be called during the file transfer.
-        :type policy: :class:`boto.s3.acl.CannedACLStrings`
-        :param policy: A canned ACL policy that will be applied to the
-            new key in S3.
-        :type md5: A tuple containing the hexdigest version of the MD5
-            checksum of the file as the first element and the
-            Base64-encoded version of the plain checksum as the second
-            element.  This is the same format returned by the
-            compute_md5 method.
-        :param md5: If you need to compute the MD5 for any reason
-            prior to upload, it's silly to have to do it twice so this
-            param, if present, will be used as the MD5 values of the
-            file.  Otherwise, the checksum will be computed.
-        :type reduced_redundancy: bool
-        :param reduced_redundancy: If True, this will set the storage
-            class of the new Key to be REDUCED_REDUNDANCY. The Reduced
-            Redundancy Storage (RRS) feature of S3, provides lower
-            redundancy at lower storage cost.
-        :type encrypt_key: bool
-        :param encrypt_key: If True, the new copy of the object will
-            be encrypted on the server-side by S3 and will be stored
-            in an encrypted form while at rest in S3.
-        :type size: int
-        :param size: (optional) The Maximum number of bytes to read
-            from the file pointer (fp). This is useful when uploading
-            a file in multiple parts where you are splitting the file
-            up into different ranges to be uploaded. If not specified,
-            the default behaviour is to read all bytes from the file
-            pointer. Less bytes may be available.
-        :type rewind: bool
-        :param rewind: (optional) If True, the file pointer (fp) will
-            be rewound to the start before any bytes are read from
-            it. The default behaviour is False which reads from the
-            current position of the file pointer (fp).
-        :rtype: int
-        :return: The number of bytes written to the key.
-        """
-        provider = self.bucket.connection.provider
-        headers = headers or {}
-        if policy:
-            headers[provider.acl_header] = policy
-        if encrypt_key:
-            headers[provider.server_side_encryption_header] = 'AES256'
-        if rewind:
-            # caller requests reading from beginning of fp.
-            fp.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
-        else:
-            # The following seek/tell/seek logic is intended
-            # to detect applications using the older interface to
-            # set_contents_from_file(), which automatically rewound the
-            # file each time the Key was reused. This changed with commit
-            # 14ee2d03f4665fe20d19a85286f78d39d924237e, to support uploads
-            # split into multiple parts and uploaded in parallel, and at
-            # the time of that commit this check was added because otherwise
-            # older programs would get a success status and upload an empty
-            # object. Unfortuantely, it's very inefficient for fp's implemented
-            # by KeyFile (used, for example, by gsutil when copying between
-            # providers). So, we skip the check for the KeyFile case.
-            # TODO: At some point consider removing this seek/tell/seek
-            # logic, after enough time has passed that it's unlikely any
-            # programs remain that assume the older auto-rewind interface.
-            if not isinstance(fp, KeyFile):
-                spos = fp.tell()
-                fp.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
-                if fp.tell() == spos:
-                    fp.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
-                    if fp.tell() != spos:
-                        # Raise an exception as this is likely a programming
-                        # error whereby there is data before the fp but nothing
-                        # after it.
-                        fp.seek(spos)
-                        raise AttributeError('fp is at EOF. Use rewind option '
-                                             'or seek() to data start.')
-                # seek back to the correct position.
-                fp.seek(spos)
-        if reduced_redundancy:
-            self.storage_class = 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY'
-            if provider.storage_class_header:
-                headers[provider.storage_class_header] = self.storage_class
-                # TODO - What if provider doesn't support reduced reduncancy?
-                # What if different providers provide different classes?
-        if hasattr(fp, 'name'):
-            self.path = fp.name
-        if self.bucket is not None:
-            if not md5 and provider.supports_chunked_transfer():
-                # defer md5 calculation to on the fly and
-                # we don't know anything about size yet.
-                chunked_transfer = True
-                self.size = None
-            else:
-                chunked_transfer = False
-                if isinstance(fp, KeyFile):
-                    # Avoid EOF seek for KeyFile case as it's very inefficient.
-                    key = fp.getkey()
-                    size = key.size - fp.tell()
-                    self.size = size
-                    # At present both GCS and S3 use MD5 for the etag for
-                    # non-multipart-uploaded objects. If the etag is 32 hex
-                    # chars use it as an MD5, to avoid having to read the file
-                    # twice while transferring.
-                    if (re.match('^"[a-fA-F0-9]{32}"$', key.etag)):
-                        etag = key.etag.strip('"')
-                        md5 = (etag, base64.b64encode(binascii.unhexlify(etag)))
-                if not md5:
-                    # compute_md5() and also set self.size to actual
-                    # size of the bytes read computing the md5.
-                    md5 = self.compute_md5(fp, size)
-                    # adjust size if required
-                    size = self.size
-                elif size:
-                    self.size = size
-                else:
-                    # If md5 is provided, still need to size so
-                    # calculate based on bytes to end of content
-                    spos = fp.tell()
-                    fp.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
-                    self.size = fp.tell() - spos
-                    fp.seek(spos)
-                    size = self.size
-                self.md5 = md5[0]
-                self.base64md5 = md5[1]
-            if self.name is None:
-                self.name = self.md5
-            if not replace:
-                if self.bucket.lookup(self.name):
-                    return
-            self.send_file(fp, headers=headers, cb=cb, num_cb=num_cb,
-                           query_args=query_args,
-                           chunked_transfer=chunked_transfer, size=size)
-            # return number of bytes written.
-            return self.size
-    def set_contents_from_filename(self, filename, headers=None, replace=True,
-                                   cb=None, num_cb=10, policy=None, md5=None,
-                                   reduced_redundancy=False,
-                                   encrypt_key=False):
-        """
-        Store an object in S3 using the name of the Key object as the
-        key in S3 and the contents of the file named by 'filename'.
-        See set_contents_from_file method for details about the
-        parameters.
-        :type filename: string
-        :param filename: The name of the file that you want to put onto S3
-        :type headers: dict
-        :param headers: Additional headers to pass along with the
-            request to AWS.
-        :type replace: bool
-        :param replace: If True, replaces the contents of the file
-            if it already exists.
-        :type cb: function
-        :param cb: a callback function that will be called to report
-            progress on the upload.  The callback should accept two
-            integer parameters, the first representing the number of
-            bytes that have been successfully transmitted to S3 and
-            the second representing the size of the to be transmitted
-            object.
-        :type cb: int
-        :param num_cb: (optional) If a callback is specified with the
-            cb parameter this parameter determines the granularity of
-            the callback by defining the maximum number of times the
-            callback will be called during the file transfer.
-        :type policy: :class:`boto.s3.acl.CannedACLStrings`
-        :param policy: A canned ACL policy that will be applied to the
-            new key in S3.
-        :type md5: A tuple containing the hexdigest version of the MD5
-            checksum of the file as the first element and the
-            Base64-encoded version of the plain checksum as the second
-            element.  This is the same format returned by the
-            compute_md5 method.
-        :param md5: If you need to compute the MD5 for any reason
-            prior to upload, it's silly to have to do it twice so this
-            param, if present, will be used as the MD5 values of the
-            file.  Otherwise, the checksum will be computed.
-        :type reduced_redundancy: bool
-        :param reduced_redundancy: If True, this will set the storage
-            class of the new Key to be REDUCED_REDUNDANCY. The Reduced
-            Redundancy Storage (RRS) feature of S3, provides lower
-            redundancy at lower storage cost.  :type encrypt_key: bool
-            :param encrypt_key: If True, the new copy of the object
-            will be encrypted on the server-side by S3 and will be
-            stored in an encrypted form while at rest in S3.
-        :rtype: int
-        :return: The number of bytes written to the key.
-        """
-        with open(filename, 'rb') as fp:
-            return self.set_contents_from_file(fp, headers, replace, cb,
-                                               num_cb, policy, md5,
-                                               reduced_redundancy,
-                                               encrypt_key=encrypt_key)
-    def set_contents_from_string(self, string_data, headers=None, replace=True,
-                                 cb=None, num_cb=10, policy=None, md5=None,
-                                 reduced_redundancy=False,
-                                 encrypt_key=False):
-        """
-        Store an object in S3 using the name of the Key object as the
-        key in S3 and the string 's' as the contents.
-        See set_contents_from_file method for details about the
-        parameters.
-        :type headers: dict
-        :param headers: Additional headers to pass along with the
-            request to AWS.
-        :type replace: bool
-        :param replace: If True, replaces the contents of the file if
-            it already exists.
-        :type cb: function
-        :param cb: a callback function that will be called to report
-            progress on the upload.  The callback should accept two
-            integer parameters, the first representing the number of
-            bytes that have been successfully transmitted to S3 and
-            the second representing the size of the to be transmitted
-            object.
-        :type num_cb: int
-        :param num_cb: (optional) If a callback is specified with the
-            num_cb parameter this parameter determines the granularity of
-            the callback by defining the maximum number of times the
-            callback will be called during the file transfer.
-        :type policy: :class:`boto.s3.acl.CannedACLStrings`
-        :param policy: A canned ACL policy that will be applied to the
-            new key in S3.
-        :type md5: A tuple containing the hexdigest version of the MD5
-            checksum of the file as the first element and the
-            Base64-encoded version of the plain checksum as the second
-            element.  This is the same format returned by the
-            compute_md5 method.
-        :param md5: If you need to compute the MD5 for any reason
-            prior to upload, it's silly to have to do it twice so this
-            param, if present, will be used as the MD5 values of the
-            file.  Otherwise, the checksum will be computed.
-        :type reduced_redundancy: bool
-        :param reduced_redundancy: If True, this will set the storage
-            class of the new Key to be REDUCED_REDUNDANCY. The Reduced
-            Redundancy Storage (RRS) feature of S3, provides lower
-            redundancy at lower storage cost.
-        :type encrypt_key: bool
-        :param encrypt_key: If True, the new copy of the object will
-            be encrypted on the server-side by S3 and will be stored
-            in an encrypted form while at rest in S3.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(string_data, bytes):
-            string_data = string_data.encode("utf-8")
-        fp = BytesIO(string_data)
-        r = self.set_contents_from_file(fp, headers, replace, cb, num_cb,
-                                        policy, md5, reduced_redundancy,
-                                        encrypt_key=encrypt_key)
-        fp.close()
-        return r
-    def get_file(self, fp, headers=None, cb=None, num_cb=10,
-                 torrent=False, version_id=None, override_num_retries=None,
-                 response_headers=None):
-        """
-        Retrieves a file from an S3 Key
-        :type fp: file
-        :param fp: File pointer to put the data into
-        :type headers: string
-        :param: headers to send when retrieving the files
-        :type cb: function
-        :param cb: a callback function that will be called to report
-            progress on the upload.  The callback should accept two
-            integer parameters, the first representing the number of
-            bytes that have been successfully transmitted to S3 and
-            the second representing the size of the to be transmitted
-            object.
-        :type cb: int
-        :param num_cb: (optional) If a callback is specified with the
-            cb parameter this parameter determines the granularity of
-            the callback by defining the maximum number of times the
-            callback will be called during the file transfer.
-        :type torrent: bool
-        :param torrent: Flag for whether to get a torrent for the file
-        :type override_num_retries: int
-        :param override_num_retries: If not None will override configured
-            num_retries parameter for underlying GET.
-        :type response_headers: dict
-        :param response_headers: A dictionary containing HTTP
-            headers/values that will override any headers associated
-            with the stored object in the response.  See
-            http://goo.gl/EWOPb for details.
-        :type version_id: str
-        :param version_id: The ID of a particular version of the object.
-            If this parameter is not supplied but the Key object has
-            a ``version_id`` attribute, that value will be used when
-            retrieving the object.  You can set the Key object's
-            ``version_id`` attribute to None to always grab the latest
-            version from a version-enabled bucket.
-        """
-        self._get_file_internal(fp, headers=headers, cb=cb, num_cb=num_cb,
-                                torrent=torrent, version_id=version_id,
-                                override_num_retries=override_num_retries,
-                                response_headers=response_headers,
-                                hash_algs=None,
-                                query_args=None)
-    def _get_file_internal(self, fp, headers=None, cb=None, num_cb=10,
-                 torrent=False, version_id=None, override_num_retries=None,
-                 response_headers=None, hash_algs=None, query_args=None):
-        if headers is None:
-            headers = {}
-        save_debug = self.bucket.connection.debug
-        if self.bucket.connection.debug == 1:
-            self.bucket.connection.debug = 0
-        query_args = query_args or []
-        if torrent:
-            query_args.append('torrent')
-        if hash_algs is None and not torrent:
-            hash_algs = {'md5': md5}
-        digesters = dict((alg, hash_algs[alg]()) for alg in hash_algs or {})
-        # If a version_id is passed in, use that.  If not, check to see
-        # if the Key object has an explicit version_id and, if so, use that.
-        # Otherwise, don't pass a version_id query param.
-        if version_id is None:
-            version_id = self.version_id
-        if version_id:
-            query_args.append('versionId=%s' % version_id)
-        if response_headers:
-            for key in response_headers:
-                query_args.append('%s=%s' % (
-                    key, urllib.parse.quote(response_headers[key])))
-        query_args = '&'.join(query_args)
-        self.open('r', headers, query_args=query_args,
-                  override_num_retries=override_num_retries)
-        data_len = 0
-        if cb:
-            if self.size is None:
-                cb_size = 0
-            else:
-                cb_size = self.size
-            if self.size is None and num_cb != -1:
-                # If size is not available due to chunked transfer for example,
-                # we'll call the cb for every 1MB of data transferred.
-                cb_count = (1024 * 1024) / self.BufferSize
-            elif num_cb > 1:
-                cb_count = int(math.ceil(cb_size/self.BufferSize/(num_cb-1.0)))
-            elif num_cb < 0:
-                cb_count = -1
-            else:
-                cb_count = 0
-            i = 0
-            cb(data_len, cb_size)
-        try:
-            for bytes in self:
-                fp.write(bytes)
-                data_len += len(bytes)
-                for alg in digesters:
-                    digesters[alg].update(bytes)
-                if cb:
-                    if cb_size > 0 and data_len >= cb_size:
-                        break
-                    i += 1
-                    if i == cb_count or cb_count == -1:
-                        cb(data_len, cb_size)
-                        i = 0
-        except IOError as e:
-            if e.errno == errno.ENOSPC:
-                raise StorageDataError('Out of space for destination file '
-                                       '%s' % fp.name)
-            raise
-        if cb and (cb_count <= 1 or i > 0) and data_len > 0:
-            cb(data_len, cb_size)
-        for alg in digesters:
-            self.local_hashes[alg] = digesters[alg].digest()
-        if self.size is None and not torrent and "Range" not in headers:
-            self.size = data_len
-        self.close()
-        self.bucket.connection.debug = save_debug
-    def get_torrent_file(self, fp, headers=None, cb=None, num_cb=10):
-        """
-        Get a torrent file (see to get_file)
-        :type fp: file
-        :param fp: The file pointer of where to put the torrent
-        :type headers: dict
-        :param headers: Headers to be passed
-        :type cb: function
-        :param cb: a callback function that will be called to report
-            progress on the upload.  The callback should accept two
-            integer parameters, the first representing the number of
-            bytes that have been successfully transmitted to S3 and
-            the second representing the size of the to be transmitted
-            object.
-        :type cb: int
-        :param num_cb: (optional) If a callback is specified with the
-            cb parameter this parameter determines the granularity of
-            the callback by defining the maximum number of times the
-            callback will be called during the file transfer.
-        """
-        return self.get_file(fp, headers, cb, num_cb, torrent=True)
-    def get_contents_to_file(self, fp, headers=None,
-                             cb=None, num_cb=10,
-                             torrent=False,
-                             version_id=None,
-                             res_download_handler=None,
-                             response_headers=None):
-        """
-        Retrieve an object from S3 using the name of the Key object as the
-        key in S3.  Write the contents of the object to the file pointed
-        to by 'fp'.
-        :type fp: File -like object
-        :param fp:
-        :type headers: dict
-        :param headers: additional HTTP headers that will be sent with
-            the GET request.
-        :type cb: function
-        :param cb: a callback function that will be called to report
-            progress on the upload.  The callback should accept two
-            integer parameters, the first representing the number of
-            bytes that have been successfully transmitted to S3 and
-            the second representing the size of the to be transmitted
-            object.
-        :type cb: int
-        :param num_cb: (optional) If a callback is specified with the
-            cb parameter this parameter determines the granularity of
-            the callback by defining the maximum number of times the
-            callback will be called during the file transfer.
-        :type torrent: bool
-        :param torrent: If True, returns the contents of a torrent
-            file as a string.
-        :type res_upload_handler: ResumableDownloadHandler
-        :param res_download_handler: If provided, this handler will
-            perform the download.
-        :type response_headers: dict
-        :param response_headers: A dictionary containing HTTP
-            headers/values that will override any headers associated
-            with the stored object in the response.  See
-            http://goo.gl/EWOPb for details.
-        :type version_id: str
-        :param version_id: The ID of a particular version of the object.
-            If this parameter is not supplied but the Key object has
-            a ``version_id`` attribute, that value will be used when
-            retrieving the object.  You can set the Key object's
-            ``version_id`` attribute to None to always grab the latest
-            version from a version-enabled bucket.
-        """
-        if self.bucket is not None:
-            if res_download_handler:
-                res_download_handler.get_file(self, fp, headers, cb, num_cb,
-                                              torrent=torrent,
-                                              version_id=version_id)
-            else:
-                self.get_file(fp, headers, cb, num_cb, torrent=torrent,
-                              version_id=version_id,
-                              response_headers=response_headers)
-    def get_contents_to_filename(self, filename, headers=None,
-                                 cb=None, num_cb=10,
-                                 torrent=False,
-                                 version_id=None,
-                                 res_download_handler=None,
-                                 response_headers=None):
-        """
-        Retrieve an object from S3 using the name of the Key object as the
-        key in S3.  Store contents of the object to a file named by 'filename'.
-        See get_contents_to_file method for details about the
-        parameters.
-        :type filename: string
-        :param filename: The filename of where to put the file contents
-        :type headers: dict
-        :param headers: Any additional headers to send in the request
-        :type cb: function
-        :param cb: a callback function that will be called to report
-            progress on the upload.  The callback should accept two
-            integer parameters, the first representing the number of
-            bytes that have been successfully transmitted to S3 and
-            the second representing the size of the to be transmitted
-            object.
-        :type num_cb: int
-        :param num_cb: (optional) If a callback is specified with the
-            cb parameter this parameter determines the granularity of
-            the callback by defining the maximum number of times the
-            callback will be called during the file transfer.
-        :type torrent: bool
-        :param torrent: If True, returns the contents of a torrent file
-            as a string.
-        :type res_upload_handler: ResumableDownloadHandler
-        :param res_download_handler: If provided, this handler will
-            perform the download.
-        :type response_headers: dict
-        :param response_headers: A dictionary containing HTTP
-            headers/values that will override any headers associated
-            with the stored object in the response.  See
-            http://goo.gl/EWOPb for details.
-        :type version_id: str
-        :param version_id: The ID of a particular version of the object.
-            If this parameter is not supplied but the Key object has
-            a ``version_id`` attribute, that value will be used when
-            retrieving the object.  You can set the Key object's
-            ``version_id`` attribute to None to always grab the latest
-            version from a version-enabled bucket.
-        """
-        try:
-            with open(filename, 'wb') as fp:
-                self.get_contents_to_file(fp, headers, cb, num_cb,
-                                          torrent=torrent,
-                                          version_id=version_id,
-                                          res_download_handler=res_download_handler,
-                                          response_headers=response_headers)
-        except Exception:
-            os.remove(filename)
-            raise
-        # if last_modified date was sent from s3, try to set file's timestamp
-        if self.last_modified is not None:
-            try:
-                modified_tuple = email.utils.parsedate_tz(self.last_modified)
-                modified_stamp = int(email.utils.mktime_tz(modified_tuple))
-                os.utime(fp.name, (modified_stamp, modified_stamp))
-            except Exception:
-                pass
-    def get_contents_as_string(self, headers=None,
-                               cb=None, num_cb=10,
-                               torrent=False,
-                               version_id=None,
-                               response_headers=None, encoding=None):
-        """
-        Retrieve an object from S3 using the name of the Key object as the
-        key in S3.  Return the contents of the object as a string.
-        See get_contents_to_file method for details about the
-        parameters.
-        :type headers: dict
-        :param headers: Any additional headers to send in the request
-        :type cb: function
-        :param cb: a callback function that will be called to report
-            progress on the upload.  The callback should accept two
-            integer parameters, the first representing the number of
-            bytes that have been successfully transmitted to S3 and
-            the second representing the size of the to be transmitted
-            object.
-        :type cb: int
-        :param num_cb: (optional) If a callback is specified with the
-            cb parameter this parameter determines the granularity of
-            the callback by defining the maximum number of times the
-            callback will be called during the file transfer.
-        :type torrent: bool
-        :param torrent: If True, returns the contents of a torrent file
-            as a string.
-        :type response_headers: dict
-        :param response_headers: A dictionary containing HTTP
-            headers/values that will override any headers associated
-            with the stored object in the response.  See
-            http://goo.gl/EWOPb for details.
-        :type version_id: str
-        :param version_id: The ID of a particular version of the object.
-            If this parameter is not supplied but the Key object has
-            a ``version_id`` attribute, that value will be used when
-            retrieving the object.  You can set the Key object's
-            ``version_id`` attribute to None to always grab the latest
-            version from a version-enabled bucket.
-        :type encoding: str
-        :param encoding: The text encoding to use, such as ``utf-8``
-            or ``iso-8859-1``. If set, then a string will be returned.
-            Defaults to ``None`` and returns bytes.
-        :rtype: bytes or str
-        :returns: The contents of the file as bytes or a string
-        """
-        fp = BytesIO()
-        self.get_contents_to_file(fp, headers, cb, num_cb, torrent=torrent,
-                                  version_id=version_id,
-                                  response_headers=response_headers)
-        value = fp.getvalue()
-        if encoding is not None:
-            value = value.decode(encoding)
-        return value
-    def add_email_grant(self, permission, email_address, headers=None):
-        """
-        Convenience method that provides a quick way to add an email grant
-        to a key. This method retrieves the current ACL, creates a new
-        grant based on the parameters passed in, adds that grant to the ACL
-        and then PUT's the new ACL back to S3.
-        :type permission: string
-        :param permission: The permission being granted. Should be one of:
-        :type email_address: string
-        :param email_address: The email address associated with the AWS
-            account your are granting the permission to.
-        :type recursive: boolean
-        :param recursive: A boolean value to controls whether the
-            command will apply the grant to all keys within the bucket
-            or not.  The default value is False.  By passing a True
-            value, the call will iterate through all keys in the
-            bucket and apply the same grant to each key.  CAUTION: If
-            you have a lot of keys, this could take a long time!
-        """
-        policy = self.get_acl(headers=headers)
-        policy.acl.add_email_grant(permission, email_address)
-        self.set_acl(policy, headers=headers)
-    def add_user_grant(self, permission, user_id, headers=None,
-                       display_name=None):
-        """
-        Convenience method that provides a quick way to add a canonical
-        user grant to a key.  This method retrieves the current ACL,
-        creates a new grant based on the parameters passed in, adds that
-        grant to the ACL and then PUT's the new ACL back to S3.
-        :type permission: string
-        :param permission: The permission being granted. Should be one of:
-        :type user_id: string
-        :param user_id: The canonical user id associated with the AWS
-            account your are granting the permission to.
-        :type display_name: string
-        :param display_name: An option string containing the user's
-            Display Name.  Only required on Walrus.
-        """
-        policy = self.get_acl(headers=headers)
-        policy.acl.add_user_grant(permission, user_id,
-                                  display_name=display_name)
-        self.set_acl(policy, headers=headers)
-    def _normalize_metadata(self, metadata):
-        if type(metadata) == set:
-            norm_metadata = set()
-            for k in metadata:
-                norm_metadata.add(k.lower())
-        else:
-            norm_metadata = {}
-            for k in metadata:
-                norm_metadata[k.lower()] = metadata[k]
-        return norm_metadata
-    def _get_remote_metadata(self, headers=None):
-        """
-        Extracts metadata from existing URI into a dict, so we can
-        overwrite/delete from it to form the new set of metadata to apply to a
-        key.
-        """
-        metadata = {}
-        for underscore_name in self._underscore_base_user_settable_fields:
-            if hasattr(self, underscore_name):
-                value = getattr(self, underscore_name)
-                if value:
-                    # Generate HTTP field name corresponding to "_" named field.
-                    field_name = underscore_name.replace('_', '-')
-                    metadata[field_name.lower()] = value
-        # self.metadata contains custom metadata, which are all user-settable.
-        prefix = self.provider.metadata_prefix
-        for underscore_name in self.metadata:
-            field_name = underscore_name.replace('_', '-')
-            metadata['%s%s' % (prefix, field_name.lower())] = (
-                self.metadata[underscore_name])
-        return metadata
-    def set_remote_metadata(self, metadata_plus, metadata_minus, preserve_acl,
-                            headers=None):
-        metadata_plus = self._normalize_metadata(metadata_plus)
-        metadata_minus = self._normalize_metadata(metadata_minus)
-        metadata = self._get_remote_metadata()
-        metadata.update(metadata_plus)
-        for h in metadata_minus:
-            if h in metadata:
-                del metadata[h]
-        src_bucket = self.bucket
-        # Boto prepends the meta prefix when adding headers, so strip prefix in
-        # metadata before sending back in to copy_key() call.
-        rewritten_metadata = {}
-        for h in metadata:
-            if (h.startswith('x-goog-meta-') or h.startswith('x-amz-meta-')):
-                rewritten_h = (h.replace('x-goog-meta-', '')
-                               .replace('x-amz-meta-', ''))
-            else:
-                rewritten_h = h
-            rewritten_metadata[rewritten_h] = metadata[h]
-        metadata = rewritten_metadata
-        src_bucket.copy_key(self.name, self.bucket.name, self.name,
-                            metadata=metadata, preserve_acl=preserve_acl,
-                            headers=headers)
-    def restore(self, days, headers=None):
-        """Restore an object from an archive.
-        :type days: int
-        :param days: The lifetime of the restored object (must
-            be at least 1 day).  If the object is already restored
-            then this parameter can be used to readjust the lifetime
-            of the restored object.  In this case, the days
-            param is with respect to the initial time of the request.
-            If the object has not been restored, this param is with
-            respect to the completion time of the request.
-        """
-        response = self.bucket.connection.make_request(
-            'POST', self.bucket.name, self.name,
-            data=self.RestoreBody % days,
-            headers=headers, query_args='restore')
-        if response.status not in (200, 202):
-            provider = self.bucket.connection.provider
-            raise provider.storage_response_error(response.status,
-                                                  response.reason,
-                                                  response.read())