diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cwltool/main.py @ 5:9b1c78e6ba9c draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 6c0a8142489327ece472c84e558c47da711a9142"
author shellac
date Mon, 01 Jun 2020 08:59:25 -0400
parents 79f47841a781
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cwltool/main.py	Thu May 14 16:47:39 2020 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1025 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-"""Entry point for cwltool."""
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-import argparse
-import copy
-import functools
-import io
-import logging
-import os
-import signal
-import sys
-import time
-from codecs import StreamWriter, getwriter  # pylint: disable=unused-import
-from six.moves import urllib
-from typing import (IO, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping,
-                    MutableMapping, MutableSequence, Optional, TextIO, Tuple,
-                    Union, cast)
-import pkg_resources  # part of setuptools
-from ruamel import yaml
-from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap, CommentedSeq
-from schema_salad import validate
-from schema_salad.ref_resolver import Fetcher, Loader, file_uri, uri_file_path
-from schema_salad.sourceline import strip_dup_lineno, cmap
-from six import string_types, iteritems, PY3
-from typing_extensions import Text
-# move to a regular typing import when Python 3.3-3.6 is no longer supported
-if PY3:
-  from collections.abc import Iterable, Sequence, MutableSequence
-else:  # Needed for Py3.8
-  from collections import Iterable, Sequence, MutableSequence
-from . import command_line_tool, workflow
-from .argparser import arg_parser, generate_parser, get_default_args
-from .builder import HasReqsHints  # pylint: disable=unused-import
-from .context import LoadingContext, RuntimeContext, getdefault
-from .cwlrdf import printdot, printrdf
-from .errors import UnsupportedRequirement, WorkflowException
-from .executors import MultithreadedJobExecutor, SingleJobExecutor, JobExecutor
-from .load_tool import (FetcherConstructorType,  # pylint: disable=unused-import
-                        fetch_document, jobloaderctx, load_overrides,
-                        make_tool, resolve_overrides, resolve_tool_uri,
-                        resolve_and_validate_document, default_loader)
-from .loghandler import _logger, defaultStreamHandler
-from .mutation import MutationManager
-from .pack import pack
-from .pathmapper import adjustDirObjs, normalizeFilesDirs, trim_listing
-from .process import (Process, add_sizes,  # pylint: disable=unused-import
-                      scandeps, shortname, use_custom_schema,
-                      use_standard_schema, CWL_IANA)
-from .workflow import Workflow
-from .procgenerator import ProcessGenerator
-from .provenance import ResearchObject
-from .resolver import ga4gh_tool_registries, tool_resolver
-from .secrets import SecretStore
-from .software_requirements import (DependenciesConfiguration,
-                                    get_container_from_software_requirements)
-from .stdfsaccess import StdFsAccess
-from .update import ALLUPDATES, UPDATES
-from .utils import (DEFAULT_TMP_PREFIX, json_dumps, onWindows,
-                    processes_to_kill, versionstring, visit_class,
-                    windows_default_container_id)
-from .subgraph import get_subgraph
-import coloredlogs
-def _terminate_processes():
-    # type: () -> None
-    """Kill all spawned processes.
-    Processes to be killed must be appended to `utils.processes_to_kill`
-    as they are spawned.
-    An important caveat: since there's no supported way to kill another
-    thread in Python, this function cannot stop other threads from
-    continuing to execute while it kills the processes that they've
-    spawned. This may occasionally lead to unexpected behaviour.
-    """
-    # It's possible that another thread will spawn a new task while
-    # we're executing, so it's not safe to use a for loop here.
-    while processes_to_kill:
-        processes_to_kill.popleft().kill()
-def _signal_handler(signum, _):
-    # type: (int, Any) -> None
-    """Kill all spawned processes and exit.
-    Note that it's possible for another thread to spawn a process after
-    all processes have been killed, but before Python exits.
-    Refer to the docstring for _terminate_processes() for other caveats.
-    """
-    _terminate_processes()
-    sys.exit(signum)
-def generate_example_input(inptype,     # type: Any
-                           default      # type: Optional[Any]
-                          ):  # type: (...) -> Tuple[Any, Text]
-    """Convert a single input schema into an example."""
-    example = None
-    comment = u""
-    defaults = {u'null': 'null',
-                u'Any': 'null',
-                u'boolean': False,
-                u'int': 0,
-                u'long': 0,
-                u'float': 0.1,
-                u'double': 0.1,
-                u'string': 'a_string',
-                u'File': yaml.comments.CommentedMap([
-                    ('class', 'File'), ('path', 'a/file/path')]),
-                u'Directory': yaml.comments.CommentedMap([
-                    ('class', 'Directory'), ('path', 'a/directory/path')])
-               }  # type: Dict[Text, Any]
-    if isinstance(inptype, MutableSequence):
-        optional = False
-        if 'null' in inptype:
-            inptype.remove('null')
-            optional = True
-        if len(inptype) == 1:
-            example, comment = generate_example_input(inptype[0], default)
-            if optional:
-                if comment:
-                    comment = u"{} (optional)".format(comment)
-                else:
-                    comment = u"optional"
-        else:
-            example = yaml.comments.CommentedSeq()
-            for index, entry in enumerate(inptype):
-                value, e_comment = generate_example_input(entry, default)
-                example.append(value)
-                example.yaml_add_eol_comment(e_comment, index)
-            if optional:
-                comment = u"optional"
-    elif isinstance(inptype, Mapping) and 'type' in inptype:
-        if inptype['type'] == 'array':
-            if len(inptype['items']) == 1 and 'type' in inptype['items'][0] \
-                    and inptype['items'][0]['type'] == 'enum':
-                # array of just an enum then list all the options
-                example = inptype['items'][0]['symbols']
-                if 'name' in inptype['items'][0]:
-                    comment = u'array of type "{}".'.format(inptype['items'][0]['name'])
-            else:
-                value, comment = generate_example_input(inptype['items'], None)
-                comment = u"array of " + comment
-                if len(inptype['items']) == 1:
-                    example = [value]
-                else:
-                    example = value
-            if default is not None:
-                example = default
-        elif inptype['type'] == 'enum':
-            if default is not None:
-                example = default
-            elif 'default' in inptype:
-                example = inptype['default']
-            elif len(inptype['symbols']) == 1:
-                example = inptype['symbols'][0]
-            else:
-                example = '{}_enum_value'.format(inptype.get('name', 'valid'))
-            comment = u'enum; valid values: "{}"'.format(
-                '", "'.join(inptype['symbols']))
-        elif inptype['type'] == 'record':
-            example = yaml.comments.CommentedMap()
-            if 'name' in inptype:
-                comment = u'"{}" record type.'.format(inptype['name'])
-            for field in inptype['fields']:
-                value, f_comment = generate_example_input(field['type'], None)
-                example.insert(0, shortname(field['name']), value, f_comment)
-        elif 'default' in inptype:
-            example = inptype['default']
-            comment = u'default value of type "{}".'.format(inptype['type'])
-        else:
-            example = defaults.get(inptype['type'], Text(inptype))
-            comment = u'type "{}".'.format(inptype['type'])
-    else:
-        if not default:
-            example = defaults.get(Text(inptype), Text(inptype))
-            comment = u'type "{}"'.format(inptype)
-        else:
-            example = default
-            comment = u'default value of type "{}".'.format(inptype)
-    return example, comment
-def realize_input_schema(input_types,  # type: MutableSequence[Dict[Text, Any]]
-                         schema_defs   # type: Dict[Text, Any]
-                        ):  # type: (...) -> MutableSequence[Dict[Text, Any]]
-    """Replace references to named typed with the actual types."""
-    for index, entry in enumerate(input_types):
-        if isinstance(entry, string_types):
-            if '#' in entry:
-                _, input_type_name = entry.split('#')
-            else:
-                input_type_name = entry
-            if input_type_name in schema_defs:
-                entry = input_types[index] = schema_defs[input_type_name]
-        if isinstance(entry, Mapping):
-            if isinstance(entry['type'], string_types) and '#' in entry['type']:
-                _, input_type_name = entry['type'].split('#')
-                if input_type_name in schema_defs:
-                    input_types[index]['type'] = realize_input_schema(
-                        schema_defs[input_type_name], schema_defs)
-            if isinstance(entry['type'], MutableSequence):
-                input_types[index]['type'] = realize_input_schema(
-                    entry['type'], schema_defs)
-            if isinstance(entry['type'], Mapping):
-                input_types[index]['type'] = realize_input_schema(
-                    [input_types[index]['type']], schema_defs)
-            if entry['type'] == 'array':
-                items = entry['items'] if \
-                    not isinstance(entry['items'], string_types) else [entry['items']]
-                input_types[index]['items'] = realize_input_schema(items, schema_defs)
-            if entry['type'] == 'record':
-                input_types[index]['fields'] = realize_input_schema(
-                    entry['fields'], schema_defs)
-    return input_types
-def generate_input_template(tool):
-    # type: (Process) -> Dict[Text, Any]
-    """Generate an example input object for the given CWL process."""
-    template = yaml.comments.CommentedMap()
-    for inp in realize_input_schema(tool.tool["inputs"], tool.schemaDefs):
-        name = shortname(inp["id"])
-        value, comment = generate_example_input(
-            inp['type'], inp.get('default', None))
-        template.insert(0, name, value, comment)
-    return template
-def load_job_order(args,                 # type: argparse.Namespace
-                   stdin,                # type: IO[Any]
-                   fetcher_constructor,  # type: Optional[Fetcher]
-                   overrides_list,       # type: List[Dict[Text, Any]]
-                   tool_file_uri         # type: Text
-                  ):  # type: (...) -> Tuple[Optional[MutableMapping[Text, Any]], Text, Loader]
-    job_order_object = None
-    job_order_file = None
-    _jobloaderctx = jobloaderctx.copy()
-    loader = Loader(_jobloaderctx, fetcher_constructor=fetcher_constructor)  # type: ignore
-    if len(args.job_order) == 1 and args.job_order[0][0] != "-":
-        job_order_file = args.job_order[0]
-    elif len(args.job_order) == 1 and args.job_order[0] == "-":
-        job_order_object = yaml.round_trip_load(stdin)
-        job_order_object, _ = loader.resolve_all(job_order_object, file_uri(os.getcwd()) + "/")
-    else:
-        job_order_file = None
-    if job_order_object is not None:
-        input_basedir = args.basedir if args.basedir else os.getcwd()
-    elif job_order_file is not None:
-        input_basedir = args.basedir if args.basedir \
-            else os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(job_order_file))
-        job_order_object, _ = loader.resolve_ref(job_order_file, checklinks=False)
-    if job_order_object is not None and "http://commonwl.org/cwltool#overrides" in job_order_object:
-        ov_uri = file_uri(job_order_file or input_basedir)
-        overrides_list.extend(
-            resolve_overrides(job_order_object, ov_uri, tool_file_uri))
-        del job_order_object["http://commonwl.org/cwltool#overrides"]
-    if job_order_object is None:
-        input_basedir = args.basedir if args.basedir else os.getcwd()
-    if job_order_object is not None and not isinstance(job_order_object, MutableMapping):
-        _logger.error(
-            'CWL input object at %s is not formatted correctly, it should be a '
-            'JSON/YAML dictionay, not %s.\n'
-            'Raw input object:\n%s', job_order_file or "stdin",
-            type(job_order_object), job_order_object)
-        sys.exit(1)
-    return (job_order_object, input_basedir, loader)
-def init_job_order(job_order_object,        # type: Optional[MutableMapping[Text, Any]]
-                   args,                    # type: argparse.Namespace
-                   process,                 # type: Process
-                   loader,                  # type: Loader
-                   stdout,                  # type: Union[TextIO, StreamWriter]
-                   print_input_deps=False,  # type: bool
-                   relative_deps=False,     # type: bool
-                   make_fs_access=StdFsAccess,  # type: Callable[[Text], StdFsAccess]
-                   input_basedir="",        # type: Text
-                   secret_store=None,       # type: Optional[SecretStore]
-                   input_required=True      # type: bool
-                  ):  # type: (...) -> MutableMapping[Text, Any]
-    secrets_req, _ = process.get_requirement("http://commonwl.org/cwltool#Secrets")
-    if job_order_object is None:
-        namemap = {}  # type: Dict[Text, Text]
-        records = []  # type: List[Text]
-        toolparser = generate_parser(
-            argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=args.workflow), process, namemap, records, input_required)
-        if args.tool_help:
-            toolparser.print_help()
-            exit(0)
-        cmd_line = vars(toolparser.parse_args(args.job_order))
-        for record_name in records:
-            record = {}
-            record_items = {
-                k: v for k, v in iteritems(cmd_line)
-                if k.startswith(record_name)}
-            for key, value in iteritems(record_items):
-                record[key[len(record_name) + 1:]] = value
-                del cmd_line[key]
-            cmd_line[str(record_name)] = record
-        if 'job_order' in cmd_line and cmd_line["job_order"]:
-            try:
-                job_order_object = cast(
-                    MutableMapping[Text, Any],
-                    loader.resolve_ref(cmd_line["job_order"])[0])
-            except Exception as err:
-                _logger.error(Text(err), exc_info=args.debug)
-                exit(1)
-        else:
-            job_order_object = {"id": args.workflow}
-        del cmd_line["job_order"]
-        job_order_object.update({namemap[k]: v for k, v in cmd_line.items()})
-        if secret_store and secrets_req:
-            secret_store.store(
-                [shortname(sc) for sc in secrets_req["secrets"]], job_order_object)
-        if _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
-            _logger.debug(u"Parsed job order from command line: %s",
-                          json_dumps(job_order_object, indent=4))
-    for inp in process.tool["inputs"]:
-        if "default" in inp and (
-                not job_order_object or shortname(inp["id"]) not in job_order_object):
-            if not job_order_object:
-                job_order_object = {}
-            job_order_object[shortname(inp["id"])] = inp["default"]
-    if job_order_object is None:
-        if process.tool["inputs"]:
-            if toolparser is not None:
-                print(u"\nOptions for {} ".format(args.workflow))
-                toolparser.print_help()
-            _logger.error("")
-            _logger.error("Input object required, use --help for details")
-            exit(1)
-        else:
-            job_order_object = {}
-    if print_input_deps:
-        basedir = None  # type: Optional[Text]
-        uri = job_order_object["id"]
-        if uri == args.workflow:
-            basedir = os.path.dirname(uri)
-            uri = ""
-        printdeps(job_order_object, loader, stdout, relative_deps, uri,
-                  basedir=basedir, nestdirs=False)
-        exit(0)
-    def path_to_loc(p):  # type: (Dict[Text, Any]) -> None
-        if "location" not in p and "path" in p:
-            p["location"] = p["path"]
-            del p["path"]
-    ns = {}  # type: Dict[Text, Union[Dict[Any, Any], Text, Iterable[Text]]]
-    ns.update(job_order_object.get("$namespaces", {}))
-    ns.update(process.metadata.get("$namespaces", {}))
-    ld = Loader(ns)
-    def expand_formats(p):  # type: (Dict[Text, Any]) -> None
-        if "format" in p:
-            p["format"] = ld.expand_url(p["format"], "")
-    visit_class(job_order_object, ("File", "Directory"), path_to_loc)
-    visit_class(job_order_object, ("File",), functools.partial(add_sizes, make_fs_access(input_basedir)))
-    visit_class(job_order_object, ("File",), expand_formats)
-    adjustDirObjs(job_order_object, trim_listing)
-    normalizeFilesDirs(job_order_object)
-    if secret_store and secrets_req:
-        secret_store.store(
-            [shortname(sc) for sc in secrets_req["secrets"]], job_order_object)
-    if "cwl:tool" in job_order_object:
-        del job_order_object["cwl:tool"]
-    if "id" in job_order_object:
-        del job_order_object["id"]
-    return job_order_object
-def make_relative(base, obj):  # type: (Text, Dict[Text, Any]) -> None
-    """Relativize the location URI of a File or Directory object."""
-    uri = obj.get("location", obj.get("path"))
-    if ":" in uri.split("/")[0] and not uri.startswith("file://"):
-        pass
-    else:
-        if uri.startswith("file://"):
-            uri = uri_file_path(uri)
-            obj["location"] = os.path.relpath(uri, base)
-def printdeps(obj,              # type: Mapping[Text, Any]
-              document_loader,  # type: Loader
-              stdout,           # type: Union[TextIO, StreamWriter]
-              relative_deps,    # type: bool
-              uri,              # type: Text
-              basedir=None,     # type: Optional[Text]
-              nestdirs=True     # type: bool
-             ):  # type: (...) -> None
-    """Print a JSON representation of the dependencies of the CWL document."""
-    deps = find_deps(obj, document_loader, uri, basedir=basedir,
-                     nestdirs=nestdirs)
-    if relative_deps == "primary":
-        base = basedir if basedir else os.path.dirname(uri_file_path(str(uri)))
-    elif relative_deps == "cwd":
-        base = os.getcwd()
-    visit_class(deps, ("File", "Directory"), functools.partial(
-        make_relative, base))
-    stdout.write(json_dumps(deps, indent=4))
-def prov_deps(obj,              # type: Mapping[Text, Any]
-              document_loader,  # type: Loader
-              uri,              # type: Text
-              basedir=None      # type: Optional[Text]
-             ):  # type: (...) -> MutableMapping[Text, Any]
-    deps = find_deps(obj, document_loader, uri, basedir=basedir)
-    def remove_non_cwl(deps):  # type: (MutableMapping[Text, Any]) -> None
-        if 'secondaryFiles' in deps:
-            sec_files = deps['secondaryFiles']
-            for index, entry in enumerate(sec_files):
-                if not ('format' in entry and entry['format'] == CWL_IANA):
-                    del sec_files[index]
-                else:
-                    remove_non_cwl(entry)
-    remove_non_cwl(deps)
-    return deps
-def find_deps(obj,              # type: Mapping[Text, Any]
-              document_loader,  # type: Loader
-              uri,              # type: Text
-              basedir=None,     # type: Optional[Text]
-              nestdirs=True     # type: bool
-             ):  # type: (...) -> Dict[Text, Any]
-    """Find the dependencies of the CWL document."""
-    deps = {"class": "File", "location": uri, "format": CWL_IANA}  # type: Dict[Text, Any]
-    def loadref(base, uri):  # type: (Text, Text) -> Any
-        return document_loader.fetch(document_loader.fetcher.urljoin(base, uri))
-    sfs = scandeps(
-        basedir if basedir else uri, obj, {"$import", "run"},
-        {"$include", "$schemas", "location"}, loadref, nestdirs=nestdirs)
-    if sfs is not None:
-        deps["secondaryFiles"] = sfs
-    return deps
-def print_pack(document_loader,  # type: Loader
-               processobj,       # type: CommentedMap
-               uri,              # type: Text
-               metadata          # type: Dict[Text, Any]
-              ):  # type: (...) -> Text
-    """Return a CWL serialization of the CWL document in JSON."""
-    packed = pack(document_loader, processobj, uri, metadata)
-    if len(packed["$graph"]) > 1:
-        return json_dumps(packed, indent=4)
-    return json_dumps(packed["$graph"][0], indent=4)
-def supported_cwl_versions(enable_dev):  # type: (bool) -> List[Text]
-    # ALLUPDATES and UPDATES are dicts
-    if enable_dev:
-        versions = list(ALLUPDATES)
-    else:
-        versions = list(UPDATES)
-    versions.sort()
-    return versions
-def configure_logging(args,            # type: argparse.Namespace
-                      stderr_handler,  # type: logging.Handler
-                      runtimeContext   # type: RuntimeContext
-):    # type: (...) -> None
-    # Configure logging
-    rdflib_logger = logging.getLogger("rdflib.term")
-    rdflib_logger.addHandler(stderr_handler)
-    rdflib_logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
-    if args.quiet:
-        # Silence STDERR, not an eventual provenance log file
-        stderr_handler.setLevel(logging.WARN)
-    if runtimeContext.debug:
-        # Increase to debug for both stderr and provenance log file
-        _logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-        stderr_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-        rdflib_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-    fmtclass = coloredlogs.ColoredFormatter if args.enable_color else logging.Formatter
-    formatter = fmtclass("%(levelname)s %(message)s")
-    if args.timestamps:
-        formatter = fmtclass(
-            "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s %(message)s",
-            "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-    stderr_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
-def setup_schema(args,                    # type: argparse.Namespace
-                 custom_schema_callback   # type: Optional[Callable[[], None]]
-):  # type: (...) -> None
-    if custom_schema_callback is not None:
-        custom_schema_callback()
-    elif args.enable_ext:
-        res = pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, 'extensions.yml')
-        use_custom_schema("v1.0", "http://commonwl.org/cwltool", res.read())
-        res.close()
-    else:
-        use_standard_schema("v1.0")
-def setup_provenance(args,            # type: argparse.Namespace
-                     argsl,           # type: List[str]
-                     runtimeContext   # type: RuntimeContext
-):  # type: (...) -> Optional[int]
-    if not args.compute_checksum:
-        _logger.error("--provenance incompatible with --no-compute-checksum")
-        return 1
-    ro = ResearchObject(
-        getdefault(runtimeContext.make_fs_access, StdFsAccess),
-        temp_prefix_ro=args.tmpdir_prefix, orcid=args.orcid,
-        full_name=args.cwl_full_name)
-    runtimeContext.research_obj = ro
-    log_file_io = ro.open_log_file_for_activity(ro.engine_uuid)
-    prov_log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(cast(IO[str], log_file_io))
-    class ProvLogFormatter(logging.Formatter):
-        """Enforce ISO8601 with both T and Z."""
-        def __init__(self):  # type: () -> None
-            super(ProvLogFormatter, self).__init__(
-                "[%(asctime)sZ] %(message)s")
-        def formatTime(self, record, datefmt=None):
-            # type: (logging.LogRecord, Optional[str]) -> str
-            record_time = time.gmtime(record.created)
-            formatted_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", record_time)
-            with_msecs = "%s,%03d" % (formatted_time, record.msecs)
-            return with_msecs
-    prov_log_handler.setFormatter(ProvLogFormatter())
-    _logger.addHandler(prov_log_handler)
-    _logger.debug(u"[provenance] Logging to %s", log_file_io)
-    if argsl is not None:
-        # Log cwltool command line options to provenance file
-        _logger.info("[cwltool] %s %s", sys.argv[0], u" ".join(argsl))
-    _logger.debug(u"[cwltool] Arguments: %s", args)
-    return None
-def setup_loadingContext(loadingContext,  # type: Optional[LoadingContext]
-                         runtimeContext,  # type: RuntimeContext
-                         args             # type: argparse.Namespace
-):  # type: (...) -> LoadingContext
-    if loadingContext is None:
-        loadingContext = LoadingContext(vars(args))
-    else:
-        loadingContext = loadingContext.copy()
-    loadingContext.loader = default_loader(loadingContext.fetcher_constructor,
-                                           enable_dev=args.enable_dev)
-    loadingContext.research_obj = runtimeContext.research_obj
-    loadingContext.disable_js_validation = \
-        args.disable_js_validation or (not args.do_validate)
-    loadingContext.construct_tool_object = getdefault(
-        loadingContext.construct_tool_object, workflow.default_make_tool)
-    loadingContext.resolver = getdefault(loadingContext.resolver, tool_resolver)
-    if loadingContext.do_update is None:
-        loadingContext.do_update = not (args.pack or args.print_subgraph)
-    return loadingContext
-def make_template(tool    # type: Process
-):  # type: (...) -> None
-    def my_represent_none(self, data):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-        # type: (Any, Any) -> Any
-        """Force clean representation of 'null'."""
-        return self.represent_scalar(u'tag:yaml.org,2002:null', u'null')
-    yaml.RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(type(None), my_represent_none)
-    yaml.round_trip_dump(
-        generate_input_template(tool), sys.stdout,
-        default_flow_style=False, indent=4, block_seq_indent=2)
-def choose_target(args,           # type: argparse.Namespace
-                  tool,           # type: Process
-                  loadingContext  # type: LoadingContext
-):  # type: (...) -> Optional[Process]
-    if loadingContext.loader is None:
-        raise Exception("loadingContext.loader cannot be None")
-    if isinstance(tool, Workflow):
-        url = urllib.parse.urlparse(tool.tool["id"])
-        if url.fragment:
-            extracted = get_subgraph([tool.tool["id"] + "/" + r for r in args.target], tool)
-        else:
-            extracted = get_subgraph([loadingContext.loader.fetcher.urljoin(tool.tool["id"], "#" + r)
-                                     for r in args.target],
-                                     tool)
-    else:
-        _logger.error("Can only use --target on Workflows")
-        return None
-    if isinstance(loadingContext.loader.idx, CommentedMap):
-        loadingContext.loader.idx[extracted["id"]] = extracted
-        tool = make_tool(extracted["id"],
-                         loadingContext)
-    else:
-        raise Exception("Missing loadingContext.loader.idx!")
-    return tool
-def check_working_directories(runtimeContext   # type: RuntimeContext
-):  # type: (...) -> Optional[int]
-    for dirprefix in ("tmpdir_prefix", "tmp_outdir_prefix", "cachedir"):
-        if getattr(runtimeContext, dirprefix) and getattr(runtimeContext, dirprefix) != DEFAULT_TMP_PREFIX:
-            sl = "/" if getattr(runtimeContext, dirprefix).endswith("/") or dirprefix == "cachedir" \
-                else ""
-            setattr(runtimeContext, dirprefix,
-                    os.path.abspath(getattr(runtimeContext, dirprefix)) + sl)
-            if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(getattr(runtimeContext, dirprefix))):
-                try:
-                    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(getattr(runtimeContext, dirprefix)))
-                except Exception as e:
-                    _logger.error("Failed to create directory: %s", Text(e))
-                    return 1
-    return None
-def main(argsl=None,                   # type: Optional[List[str]]
-         args=None,                    # type: Optional[argparse.Namespace]
-         job_order_object=None,        # type: Optional[MutableMapping[Text, Any]]
-         stdin=sys.stdin,              # type: IO[Any]
-         stdout=None,                  # type: Optional[Union[TextIO, StreamWriter]]
-         stderr=sys.stderr,            # type: IO[Any]
-         versionfunc=versionstring,    # type: Callable[[], Text]
-         logger_handler=None,          # type: Optional[logging.Handler]
-         custom_schema_callback=None,  # type: Optional[Callable[[], None]]
-         executor=None,                # type: Optional[JobExecutor]
-         loadingContext=None,          # type: Optional[LoadingContext]
-         runtimeContext=None,          # type: Optional[RuntimeContext]
-         input_required=True           # type: bool
-        ):  # type: (...) -> int
-    if not stdout:  # force UTF-8 even if the console is configured differently
-        if (hasattr(sys.stdout, "encoding")
-                and sys.stdout.encoding != 'UTF-8'):  # type: ignore
-            if PY3 and hasattr(sys.stdout, "detach"):
-                stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf-8')
-            else:
-                stdout = getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stdout)  # type: ignore
-        else:
-            stdout = cast(TextIO, sys.stdout)  # type: ignore
-    _logger.removeHandler(defaultStreamHandler)
-    stderr_handler = logger_handler
-    if stderr_handler is not None:
-        _logger.addHandler(stderr_handler)
-    else:
-        coloredlogs.install(logger=_logger, stream=stderr)
-        stderr_handler = _logger.handlers[-1]
-    workflowobj = None
-    prov_log_handler = None  # type: Optional[logging.StreamHandler]
-    try:
-        if args is None:
-            if argsl is None:
-                argsl = sys.argv[1:]
-            addl = []  # type: List[str]
-            if "CWLTOOL_OPTIONS" in os.environ:
-                addl = os.environ["CWLTOOL_OPTIONS"].split(" ")
-            args = arg_parser().parse_args(addl+argsl)
-            if args.record_container_id:
-                if not args.cidfile_dir:
-                    args.cidfile_dir = os.getcwd()
-                del args.record_container_id
-        if runtimeContext is None:
-            runtimeContext = RuntimeContext(vars(args))
-        else:
-            runtimeContext = runtimeContext.copy()
-        # If on Windows platform, a default Docker Container is used if not
-        # explicitely provided by user
-        if onWindows() and not runtimeContext.default_container:
-            # This docker image is a minimal alpine image with bash installed
-            # (size 6 mb). source: https://github.com/frol/docker-alpine-bash
-            runtimeContext.default_container = windows_default_container_id
-        # If caller parsed its own arguments, it may not include every
-        # cwltool option, so fill in defaults to avoid crashing when
-        # dereferencing them in args.
-        for key, val in iteritems(get_default_args()):
-            if not hasattr(args, key):
-                setattr(args, key, val)
-        configure_logging(args, stderr_handler, runtimeContext)
-        if args.version:
-            print(versionfunc())
-            return 0
-        _logger.info(versionfunc())
-        if args.print_supported_versions:
-            print("\n".join(supported_cwl_versions(args.enable_dev)))
-            return 0
-        if not args.workflow:
-            if os.path.isfile("CWLFile"):
-                setattr(args, "workflow", "CWLFile")
-            else:
-                _logger.error("CWL document required, no input file was provided")
-                arg_parser().print_help()
-                return 1
-        if args.relax_path_checks:
-            command_line_tool.ACCEPTLIST_RE = command_line_tool.ACCEPTLIST_EN_RELAXED_RE
-        if args.ga4gh_tool_registries:
-            ga4gh_tool_registries[:] = args.ga4gh_tool_registries
-        if not args.enable_ga4gh_tool_registry:
-            del ga4gh_tool_registries[:]
-        setup_schema(args, custom_schema_callback)
-        if args.provenance:
-            if argsl is None:
-                raise Exception("argsl cannot be None")
-            if setup_provenance(args, argsl, runtimeContext) is not None:
-                return 1
-        loadingContext = setup_loadingContext(loadingContext, runtimeContext, args)
-        uri, tool_file_uri = resolve_tool_uri(
-            args.workflow, resolver=loadingContext.resolver,
-            fetcher_constructor=loadingContext.fetcher_constructor)
-        try_again_msg = "" if args.debug else ", try again with --debug for more information"
-        try:
-            job_order_object, input_basedir, jobloader = load_job_order(
-                args, stdin, loadingContext.fetcher_constructor,
-                loadingContext.overrides_list, tool_file_uri)
-            if args.overrides:
-                loadingContext.overrides_list.extend(load_overrides(
-                    file_uri(os.path.abspath(args.overrides)), tool_file_uri))
-            loadingContext, workflowobj, uri = fetch_document(
-                uri, loadingContext)
-            if args.print_deps and loadingContext.loader:
-                printdeps(workflowobj, loadingContext.loader, stdout,
-                          args.relative_deps, uri)
-                return 0
-            loadingContext, uri \
-                = resolve_and_validate_document(loadingContext, workflowobj, uri,
-                                    preprocess_only=(args.print_pre or args.pack),
-                                    skip_schemas=args.skip_schemas)
-            if loadingContext.loader is None:
-                raise Exception("Impossible code path.")
-            processobj, metadata = loadingContext.loader.resolve_ref(uri)
-            processobj = cast(CommentedMap, processobj)
-            if args.pack:
-                stdout.write(print_pack(loadingContext.loader, processobj, uri, metadata))
-                return 0
-            if args.provenance and runtimeContext.research_obj:
-                # Can't really be combined with args.pack at same time
-                runtimeContext.research_obj.packed_workflow(
-                    print_pack(loadingContext.loader, processobj, uri, metadata))
-            if args.print_pre:
-                stdout.write(json_dumps(processobj, indent=4, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': ')))
-                return 0
-            tool = make_tool(uri, loadingContext)
-            if args.make_template:
-                make_template(tool)
-                return 0
-            if args.validate:
-                print("{} is valid CWL.".format(args.workflow))
-                return 0
-            if args.print_rdf:
-                stdout.write(printrdf(tool, loadingContext.loader.ctx, args.rdf_serializer))
-                return 0
-            if args.print_dot:
-                printdot(tool, loadingContext.loader.ctx, stdout)
-                return 0
-            if args.print_targets:
-                for f in ("outputs", "steps", "inputs"):
-                    if tool.tool[f]:
-                        _logger.info("%s%s targets:", f[0].upper(), f[1:-1])
-                        stdout.write("  "+"\n  ".join([shortname(t["id"]) for t in tool.tool[f]])+"\n")
-                return 0
-            if args.target:
-                ctool = choose_target(args, tool, loadingContext)
-                if ctool is None:
-                    return 1
-                else:
-                    tool = ctool
-            if args.print_subgraph:
-                if "name" in tool.tool:
-                    del tool.tool["name"]
-                stdout.write(json_dumps(tool.tool, indent=4, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': ')))
-                return 0
-        except (validate.ValidationException) as exc:
-            _logger.error(u"Tool definition failed validation:\n%s", Text(exc),
-                          exc_info=args.debug)
-            return 1
-        except (RuntimeError, WorkflowException) as exc:
-            _logger.error(u"Tool definition failed initialization:\n%s", Text(exc),
-                          exc_info=args.debug)
-            return 1
-        except Exception as exc:
-            _logger.error(
-                u"I'm sorry, I couldn't load this CWL file%s.\nThe error was: %s",
-                try_again_msg,
-                Text(exc) if not args.debug else "",
-                exc_info=args.debug)
-            return 1
-        if isinstance(tool, int):
-            return tool
-        # If on MacOS platform, TMPDIR must be set to be under one of the
-        # shared volumes in Docker for Mac
-        # More info: https://dockstore.org/docs/faq
-        if sys.platform == "darwin":
-            default_mac_path = "/private/tmp/docker_tmp"
-            if runtimeContext.tmp_outdir_prefix == DEFAULT_TMP_PREFIX:
-                runtimeContext.tmp_outdir_prefix = default_mac_path
-            if runtimeContext.tmpdir_prefix == DEFAULT_TMP_PREFIX:
-                runtimeContext.tmpdir_prefix = default_mac_path
-        if check_working_directories(runtimeContext) is not None:
-            return 1
-        if args.cachedir:
-            if args.move_outputs == "move":
-                runtimeContext.move_outputs = "copy"
-            runtimeContext.tmp_outdir_prefix = args.cachedir
-        runtimeContext.secret_store = getdefault(runtimeContext.secret_store, SecretStore())
-        runtimeContext.make_fs_access = getdefault(runtimeContext.make_fs_access, StdFsAccess)
-        if not executor:
-            if args.parallel:
-                temp_executor = MultithreadedJobExecutor()
-                runtimeContext.select_resources = temp_executor.select_resources
-                real_executor = temp_executor  # type: JobExecutor
-            else:
-                real_executor = SingleJobExecutor()
-        else:
-            real_executor = executor
-        try:
-            runtimeContext.basedir = input_basedir
-            if isinstance(tool, ProcessGenerator):
-                tfjob_order = {}  # type: MutableMapping[Text, Any]
-                if loadingContext.jobdefaults:
-                    tfjob_order.update(loadingContext.jobdefaults)
-                if job_order_object:
-                    tfjob_order.update(job_order_object)
-                tfout, tfstatus = real_executor(tool.embedded_tool, tfjob_order, runtimeContext)
-                if tfstatus != "success":
-                    raise WorkflowException("ProcessGenerator failed to generate workflow")
-                tool, job_order_object = tool.result(tfjob_order, tfout, runtimeContext)
-                if not job_order_object:
-                    job_order_object = None
-            try:
-                initialized_job_order_object = init_job_order(
-                    job_order_object, args, tool, jobloader, stdout,
-                    print_input_deps=args.print_input_deps,
-                    relative_deps=args.relative_deps,
-                    make_fs_access=runtimeContext.make_fs_access,
-                    input_basedir=input_basedir,
-                    secret_store=runtimeContext.secret_store,
-                    input_required=input_required)
-            except SystemExit as err:
-                return err.code
-            del args.workflow
-            del args.job_order
-            conf_file = getattr(args, "beta_dependency_resolvers_configuration", None)  # Text
-            use_conda_dependencies = getattr(args, "beta_conda_dependencies", None)  # Text
-            if conf_file or use_conda_dependencies:
-                runtimeContext.job_script_provider = DependenciesConfiguration(args)
-            else:
-                runtimeContext.find_default_container = functools.partial(
-                    find_default_container,
-                    default_container=runtimeContext.default_container,
-                    use_biocontainers=args.beta_use_biocontainers)
-            (out, status) = real_executor(
-                tool, initialized_job_order_object, runtimeContext,
-                logger=_logger)
-            if out is not None:
-                if runtimeContext.research_obj is not None:
-                    runtimeContext.research_obj.create_job(
-                        out, None, True)
-                    def remove_at_id(doc):  # type: (MutableMapping[Text, Any]) -> None
-                        for key in list(doc.keys()):
-                            if key == '@id':
-                                del doc[key]
-                            else:
-                                value = doc[key]
-                                if isinstance(value, MutableMapping):
-                                    remove_at_id(value)
-                                elif isinstance(value, MutableSequence):
-                                    for entry in value:
-                                        if isinstance(entry, MutableMapping):
-                                            remove_at_id(entry)
-                    remove_at_id(out)
-                    visit_class(out, ("File",), functools.partial(
-                        add_sizes, runtimeContext.make_fs_access('')))
-                def loc_to_path(obj):  # type: (Dict[Text, Any]) -> None
-                    for field in ("path", "nameext", "nameroot", "dirname"):
-                        if field in obj:
-                            del obj[field]
-                    if obj["location"].startswith("file://"):
-                        obj["path"] = uri_file_path(obj["location"])
-                visit_class(out, ("File", "Directory"), loc_to_path)
-                # Unsetting the Generation from final output object
-                visit_class(out, ("File", ), MutationManager().unset_generation)
-                if isinstance(out, string_types):
-                    stdout.write(out)
-                else:
-                    stdout.write(json_dumps(out, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False))
-                stdout.write("\n")
-                if hasattr(stdout, "flush"):
-                    stdout.flush()
-            if status != "success":
-                _logger.warning(u"Final process status is %s", status)
-                return 1
-            _logger.info(u"Final process status is %s", status)
-            return 0
-        except (validate.ValidationException) as exc:
-            _logger.error(u"Input object failed validation:\n%s", Text(exc),
-                          exc_info=args.debug)
-            return 1
-        except UnsupportedRequirement as exc:
-            _logger.error(
-                u"Workflow or tool uses unsupported feature:\n%s", Text(exc),
-                exc_info=args.debug)
-            return 33
-        except WorkflowException as exc:
-            _logger.error(
-                u"Workflow error%s:\n%s", try_again_msg, strip_dup_lineno(Text(exc)),
-                exc_info=args.debug)
-            return 1
-        except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
-            _logger.error(
-                u"Unhandled error%s:\n  %s", try_again_msg, Text(exc), exc_info=args.debug)
-            return 1
-    finally:
-        if args and runtimeContext and runtimeContext.research_obj \
-                and workflowobj and loadingContext:
-            research_obj = runtimeContext.research_obj
-            if loadingContext.loader is not None:
-                research_obj.generate_snapshot(prov_deps(
-                    workflowobj, loadingContext.loader, uri))
-            else:
-                _logger.warning("Unable to generate provenance snapshot "
-                    " due to missing loadingContext.loader.")
-            if prov_log_handler is not None:
-                # Stop logging so we won't half-log adding ourself to RO
-                _logger.debug(u"[provenance] Closing provenance log file %s",
-                    prov_log_handler)
-                _logger.removeHandler(prov_log_handler)
-                # Ensure last log lines are written out
-                prov_log_handler.flush()
-                # Underlying WritableBagFile will add the tagfile to the manifest
-                prov_log_handler.stream.close()
-                prov_log_handler.close()
-            research_obj.close(args.provenance)
-        _logger.removeHandler(stderr_handler)
-        _logger.addHandler(defaultStreamHandler)
-def find_default_container(builder,                 # type: HasReqsHints
-                           default_container=None,  # type: Optional[Text]
-                           use_biocontainers=None,  # type: Optional[bool]
-                          ):  # type: (...) -> Optional[Text]
-    """Find a container."""
-    if not default_container and use_biocontainers:
-        default_container = get_container_from_software_requirements(
-            use_biocontainers, builder)
-    return default_container
-def run(*args, **kwargs):
-    # type: (*Any, **Any) -> None
-    """Run cwltool."""
-    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _signal_handler)
-    try:
-        sys.exit(main(*args, **kwargs))
-    finally:
-        _terminate_processes()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    run(sys.argv[1:])