diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/humanfriendly/terminal/html.py @ 5:9b1c78e6ba9c draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 6c0a8142489327ece472c84e558c47da711a9142"
author shellac
date Mon, 01 Jun 2020 08:59:25 -0400
parents 79f47841a781
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/humanfriendly/terminal/html.py	Thu May 14 16:47:39 2020 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-# Human friendly input/output in Python.
-# Author: Peter Odding <peter@peterodding.com>
-# Last Change: February 29, 2020
-# URL: https://humanfriendly.readthedocs.io
-"""Convert HTML with simple text formatting to text with ANSI escape sequences."""
-# Standard library modules.
-import re
-# Modules included in our package.
-from humanfriendly.compat import HTMLParser, StringIO, name2codepoint, unichr
-from humanfriendly.text import compact_empty_lines
-from humanfriendly.terminal import ANSI_COLOR_CODES, ANSI_RESET, ansi_style
-# Public identifiers that require documentation.
-__all__ = ('HTMLConverter', 'html_to_ansi')
-def html_to_ansi(data, callback=None):
-    """
-    Convert HTML with simple text formatting to text with ANSI escape sequences.
-    :param data: The HTML to convert (a string).
-    :param callback: Optional callback to pass to :class:`HTMLConverter`.
-    :returns: Text with ANSI escape sequences (a string).
-    Please refer to the documentation of the :class:`HTMLConverter` class for
-    details about the conversion process (like which tags are supported) and an
-    example with a screenshot.
-    """
-    converter = HTMLConverter(callback=callback)
-    return converter(data)
-class HTMLConverter(HTMLParser):
-    """
-    Convert HTML with simple text formatting to text with ANSI escape sequences.
-    The following text styles are supported:
-    - Bold: ``<b>``, ``<strong>`` and ``<span style="font-weight: bold;">``
-    - Italic: ``<i>``, ``<em>`` and ``<span style="font-style: italic;">``
-    - Strike-through: ``<del>``, ``<s>`` and ``<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">``
-    - Underline: ``<ins>``, ``<u>`` and ``<span style="text-decoration: underline">``
-    Colors can be specified as follows:
-    - Foreground color: ``<span style="color: #RRGGBB;">``
-    - Background color: ``<span style="background-color: #RRGGBB;">``
-    Here's a small demonstration:
-    .. code-block:: python
-       from humanfriendly.text import dedent
-       from humanfriendly.terminal import html_to_ansi
-       print(html_to_ansi(dedent('''
-         <b>Hello world!</b>
-         <i>Is this thing on?</i>
-         I guess I can <u>underline</u> or <s>strike-through</s> text?
-         And what about <span style="color: red">color</span>?
-       ''')))
-       rainbow_colors = [
-           '#FF0000', '#E2571E', '#FF7F00', '#FFFF00', '#00FF00',
-           '#96BF33', '#0000FF', '#4B0082', '#8B00FF', '#FFFFFF',
-       ]
-       html_rainbow = "".join('<span style="color: %s">o</span>' % c for c in rainbow_colors)
-       print(html_to_ansi("Let's try a rainbow: %s" % html_rainbow))
-    Here's what the results look like:
-      .. image:: images/html-to-ansi.png
-    Some more details:
-    - Nested tags are supported, within reasonable limits.
-    - Text in ``<code>`` and ``<pre>`` tags will be highlighted in a
-      different color from the main text (currently this is yellow).
-    - ``<a href="URL">TEXT</a>`` is converted to the format "TEXT (URL)" where
-      the uppercase symbols are highlighted in light blue with an underline.
-    - ``<div>``, ``<p>`` and ``<pre>`` tags are considered block level tags
-      and are wrapped in vertical whitespace to prevent their content from
-      "running into" surrounding text. This may cause runs of multiple empty
-      lines to be emitted. As a *workaround* the :func:`__call__()` method
-      will automatically call :func:`.compact_empty_lines()` on the generated
-      output before returning it to the caller. Of course this won't work
-      when `output` is set to something like :data:`sys.stdout`.
-    - ``<br>`` is converted to a single plain text line break.
-    Implementation notes:
-    - A list of dictionaries with style information is used as a stack where
-      new styling can be pushed and a pop will restore the previous styling.
-      When new styling is pushed, it is merged with (but overrides) the current
-      styling.
-    - If you're going to be converting a lot of HTML it might be useful from
-      a performance standpoint to re-use an existing :class:`HTMLConverter`
-      object for unrelated HTML fragments, in this case take a look at the
-      :func:`__call__()` method (it makes this use case very easy).
-    .. versionadded:: 4.15
-       :class:`humanfriendly.terminal.HTMLConverter` was added to the
-       `humanfriendly` package during the initial development of my new
-       `chat-archive <https://chat-archive.readthedocs.io/>`_ project, whose
-       command line interface makes for a great demonstration of the
-       flexibility that this feature provides (hint: check out how the search
-       keyword highlighting combines with the regular highlighting).
-    """
-    BLOCK_TAGS = ('div', 'p', 'pre')
-    """The names of tags that are padded with vertical whitespace."""
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
-        """
-        Initialize an :class:`HTMLConverter` object.
-        :param callback: Optional keyword argument to specify a function that
-                         will be called to process text fragments before they
-                         are emitted on the output stream. Note that link text
-                         and preformatted text fragments are not processed by
-                         this callback.
-        :param output: Optional keyword argument to redirect the output to the
-                       given file-like object. If this is not given a new
-                       :class:`~python3:io.StringIO` object is created.
-        """
-        # Hide our optional keyword arguments from the superclass.
-        self.callback = kw.pop("callback", None)
-        self.output = kw.pop("output", None)
-        # Initialize the superclass.
-        HTMLParser.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
-    def __call__(self, data):
-        """
-        Reset the parser, convert some HTML and get the text with ANSI escape sequences.
-        :param data: The HTML to convert to text (a string).
-        :returns: The converted text (only in case `output` is
-                  a :class:`~python3:io.StringIO` object).
-        """
-        self.reset()
-        self.feed(data)
-        self.close()
-        if isinstance(self.output, StringIO):
-            return compact_empty_lines(self.output.getvalue())
-    @property
-    def current_style(self):
-        """Get the current style from the top of the stack (a dictionary)."""
-        return self.stack[-1] if self.stack else {}
-    def close(self):
-        """
-        Close previously opened ANSI escape sequences.
-        This method overrides the same method in the superclass to ensure that
-        an :data:`.ANSI_RESET` code is emitted when parsing reaches the end of
-        the input but a style is still active. This is intended to prevent
-        malformed HTML from messing up terminal output.
-        """
-        if any(self.stack):
-            self.output.write(ANSI_RESET)
-            self.stack = []
-        HTMLParser.close(self)
-    def emit_style(self, style=None):
-        """
-        Emit an ANSI escape sequence for the given or current style to the output stream.
-        :param style: A dictionary with arguments for :func:`.ansi_style()` or
-                      :data:`None`, in which case the style at the top of the
-                      stack is emitted.
-        """
-        # Clear the current text styles.
-        self.output.write(ANSI_RESET)
-        # Apply a new text style?
-        style = self.current_style if style is None else style
-        if style:
-            self.output.write(ansi_style(**style))
-    def handle_charref(self, value):
-        """
-        Process a decimal or hexadecimal numeric character reference.
-        :param value: The decimal or hexadecimal value (a string).
-        """
-        self.output.write(unichr(int(value[1:], 16) if value.startswith('x') else int(value)))
-    def handle_data(self, data):
-        """
-        Process textual data.
-        :param data: The decoded text (a string).
-        """
-        if self.link_url:
-            # Link text is captured literally so that we can reliably check
-            # whether the text and the URL of the link are the same string.
-            self.link_text = data
-        elif self.callback and self.preformatted_text_level == 0:
-            # Text that is not part of a link and not preformatted text is
-            # passed to the user defined callback to allow for arbitrary
-            # pre-processing.
-            data = self.callback(data)
-        # All text is emitted unmodified on the output stream.
-        self.output.write(data)
-    def handle_endtag(self, tag):
-        """
-        Process the end of an HTML tag.
-        :param tag: The name of the tag (a string).
-        """
-        if tag in ('a', 'b', 'code', 'del', 'em', 'i', 'ins', 'pre', 's', 'strong', 'span', 'u'):
-            old_style = self.current_style
-            # The following conditional isn't necessary for well formed
-            # HTML but prevents raising exceptions on malformed HTML.
-            if self.stack:
-                self.stack.pop(-1)
-            new_style = self.current_style
-            if tag == 'a':
-                if self.urls_match(self.link_text, self.link_url):
-                    # Don't render the URL when it's part of the link text.
-                    self.emit_style(new_style)
-                else:
-                    self.emit_style(new_style)
-                    self.output.write(' (')
-                    self.emit_style(old_style)
-                    self.output.write(self.render_url(self.link_url))
-                    self.emit_style(new_style)
-                    self.output.write(')')
-            else:
-                self.emit_style(new_style)
-            if tag in ('code', 'pre'):
-                self.preformatted_text_level -= 1
-        if tag in self.BLOCK_TAGS:
-            # Emit an empty line after block level tags.
-            self.output.write('\n\n')
-    def handle_entityref(self, name):
-        """
-        Process a named character reference.
-        :param name: The name of the character reference (a string).
-        """
-        self.output.write(unichr(name2codepoint[name]))
-    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
-        """
-        Process the start of an HTML tag.
-        :param tag: The name of the tag (a string).
-        :param attrs: A list of tuples with two strings each.
-        """
-        if tag in self.BLOCK_TAGS:
-            # Emit an empty line before block level tags.
-            self.output.write('\n\n')
-        if tag == 'a':
-            self.push_styles(color='blue', bright=True, underline=True)
-            # Store the URL that the link points to for later use, so that we
-            # can render the link text before the URL (with the reasoning that
-            # this is the most intuitive way to present a link in a plain text
-            # interface).
-            self.link_url = next((v for n, v in attrs if n == 'href'), '')
-        elif tag == 'b' or tag == 'strong':
-            self.push_styles(bold=True)
-        elif tag == 'br':
-            self.output.write('\n')
-        elif tag == 'code' or tag == 'pre':
-            self.push_styles(color='yellow')
-            self.preformatted_text_level += 1
-        elif tag == 'del' or tag == 's':
-            self.push_styles(strike_through=True)
-        elif tag == 'em' or tag == 'i':
-            self.push_styles(italic=True)
-        elif tag == 'ins' or tag == 'u':
-            self.push_styles(underline=True)
-        elif tag == 'span':
-            styles = {}
-            css = next((v for n, v in attrs if n == 'style'), "")
-            for rule in css.split(';'):
-                name, _, value = rule.partition(':')
-                name = name.strip()
-                value = value.strip()
-                if name == 'background-color':
-                    styles['background'] = self.parse_color(value)
-                elif name == 'color':
-                    styles['color'] = self.parse_color(value)
-                elif name == 'font-style' and value == 'italic':
-                    styles['italic'] = True
-                elif name == 'font-weight' and value == 'bold':
-                    styles['bold'] = True
-                elif name == 'text-decoration' and value == 'line-through':
-                    styles['strike_through'] = True
-                elif name == 'text-decoration' and value == 'underline':
-                    styles['underline'] = True
-            self.push_styles(**styles)
-    def normalize_url(self, url):
-        """
-        Normalize a URL to enable string equality comparison.
-        :param url: The URL to normalize (a string).
-        :returns: The normalized URL (a string).
-        """
-        return re.sub('^mailto:', '', url)
-    def parse_color(self, value):
-        """
-        Convert a CSS color to something that :func:`.ansi_style()` understands.
-        :param value: A string like ``rgb(1,2,3)``, ``#AABBCC`` or ``yellow``.
-        :returns: A color value supported by :func:`.ansi_style()` or :data:`None`.
-        """
-        # Parse an 'rgb(N,N,N)' expression.
-        if value.startswith('rgb'):
-            tokens = re.findall(r'\d+', value)
-            if len(tokens) == 3:
-                return tuple(map(int, tokens))
-        # Parse an '#XXXXXX' expression.
-        elif value.startswith('#'):
-            value = value[1:]
-            length = len(value)
-            if length == 6:
-                # Six hex digits (proper notation).
-                return (
-                    int(value[:2], 16),
-                    int(value[2:4], 16),
-                    int(value[4:6], 16),
-                )
-            elif length == 3:
-                # Three hex digits (shorthand).
-                return (
-                    int(value[0], 16),
-                    int(value[1], 16),
-                    int(value[2], 16),
-                )
-        # Try to recognize a named color.
-        value = value.lower()
-        if value in ANSI_COLOR_CODES:
-            return value
-    def push_styles(self, **changes):
-        """
-        Push new style information onto the stack.
-        :param changes: Any keyword arguments are passed on to :func:`.ansi_style()`.
-        This method is a helper for :func:`handle_starttag()`
-        that does the following:
-        1. Make a copy of the current styles (from the top of the stack),
-        2. Apply the given `changes` to the copy of the current styles,
-        3. Add the new styles to the stack,
-        4. Emit the appropriate ANSI escape sequence to the output stream.
-        """
-        prototype = self.current_style
-        if prototype:
-            new_style = dict(prototype)
-            new_style.update(changes)
-        else:
-            new_style = changes
-        self.stack.append(new_style)
-        self.emit_style(new_style)
-    def render_url(self, url):
-        """
-        Prepare a URL for rendering on the terminal.
-        :param url: The URL to simplify (a string).
-        :returns: The simplified URL (a string).
-        This method pre-processes a URL before rendering on the terminal. The
-        following modifications are made:
-        - The ``mailto:`` prefix is stripped.
-        - Spaces are converted to ``%20``.
-        - A trailing parenthesis is converted to ``%29``.
-        """
-        url = re.sub('^mailto:', '', url)
-        url = re.sub(' ', '%20', url)
-        url = re.sub(r'\)$', '%29', url)
-        return url
-    def reset(self):
-        """
-        Reset the state of the HTML parser and ANSI converter.
-        When `output` is a :class:`~python3:io.StringIO` object a new
-        instance will be created (and the old one garbage collected).
-        """
-        # Reset the state of the superclass.
-        HTMLParser.reset(self)
-        # Reset our instance variables.
-        self.link_text = None
-        self.link_url = None
-        self.preformatted_text_level = 0
-        if self.output is None or isinstance(self.output, StringIO):
-            # If the caller specified something like output=sys.stdout then it
-            # doesn't make much sense to negate that choice here in reset().
-            self.output = StringIO()
-        self.stack = []
-    def urls_match(self, a, b):
-        """
-        Compare two URLs for equality using :func:`normalize_url()`.
-        :param a: A string containing a URL.
-        :param b: A string containing a URL.
-        :returns: :data:`True` if the URLs are the same, :data:`False` otherwise.
-        This method is used by :func:`handle_endtag()` to omit the URL of a
-        hyperlink (``<a href="...">``) when the link text is that same URL.
-        """
-        return self.normalize_url(a) == self.normalize_url(b)