diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/debug.py @ 5:9b1c78e6ba9c draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 6c0a8142489327ece472c84e558c47da711a9142"
author shellac
date Mon, 01 Jun 2020 08:59:25 -0400
parents 79f47841a781
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/debug.py	Thu May 14 16:47:39 2020 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-from types import CodeType
-from . import TemplateSyntaxError
-from ._compat import PYPY
-from .utils import internal_code
-from .utils import missing
-def rewrite_traceback_stack(source=None):
-    """Rewrite the current exception to replace any tracebacks from
-    within compiled template code with tracebacks that look like they
-    came from the template source.
-    This must be called within an ``except`` block.
-    :param exc_info: A :meth:`sys.exc_info` tuple. If not provided,
-        the current ``exc_info`` is used.
-    :param source: For ``TemplateSyntaxError``, the original source if
-        known.
-    :return: A :meth:`sys.exc_info` tuple that can be re-raised.
-    """
-    exc_type, exc_value, tb = sys.exc_info()
-    if isinstance(exc_value, TemplateSyntaxError) and not exc_value.translated:
-        exc_value.translated = True
-        exc_value.source = source
-        try:
-            # Remove the old traceback on Python 3, otherwise the frames
-            # from the compiler still show up.
-            exc_value.with_traceback(None)
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        # Outside of runtime, so the frame isn't executing template
-        # code, but it still needs to point at the template.
-        tb = fake_traceback(
-            exc_value, None, exc_value.filename or "<unknown>", exc_value.lineno
-        )
-    else:
-        # Skip the frame for the render function.
-        tb = tb.tb_next
-    stack = []
-    # Build the stack of traceback object, replacing any in template
-    # code with the source file and line information.
-    while tb is not None:
-        # Skip frames decorated with @internalcode. These are internal
-        # calls that aren't useful in template debugging output.
-        if tb.tb_frame.f_code in internal_code:
-            tb = tb.tb_next
-            continue
-        template = tb.tb_frame.f_globals.get("__jinja_template__")
-        if template is not None:
-            lineno = template.get_corresponding_lineno(tb.tb_lineno)
-            fake_tb = fake_traceback(exc_value, tb, template.filename, lineno)
-            stack.append(fake_tb)
-        else:
-            stack.append(tb)
-        tb = tb.tb_next
-    tb_next = None
-    # Assign tb_next in reverse to avoid circular references.
-    for tb in reversed(stack):
-        tb_next = tb_set_next(tb, tb_next)
-    return exc_type, exc_value, tb_next
-def fake_traceback(exc_value, tb, filename, lineno):
-    """Produce a new traceback object that looks like it came from the
-    template source instead of the compiled code. The filename, line
-    number, and location name will point to the template, and the local
-    variables will be the current template context.
-    :param exc_value: The original exception to be re-raised to create
-        the new traceback.
-    :param tb: The original traceback to get the local variables and
-        code info from.
-    :param filename: The template filename.
-    :param lineno: The line number in the template source.
-    """
-    if tb is not None:
-        # Replace the real locals with the context that would be
-        # available at that point in the template.
-        locals = get_template_locals(tb.tb_frame.f_locals)
-        locals.pop("__jinja_exception__", None)
-    else:
-        locals = {}
-    globals = {
-        "__name__": filename,
-        "__file__": filename,
-        "__jinja_exception__": exc_value,
-    }
-    # Raise an exception at the correct line number.
-    code = compile("\n" * (lineno - 1) + "raise __jinja_exception__", filename, "exec")
-    # Build a new code object that points to the template file and
-    # replaces the location with a block name.
-    try:
-        location = "template"
-        if tb is not None:
-            function = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name
-            if function == "root":
-                location = "top-level template code"
-            elif function.startswith("block_"):
-                location = 'block "%s"' % function[6:]
-        # Collect arguments for the new code object. CodeType only
-        # accepts positional arguments, and arguments were inserted in
-        # new Python versions.
-        code_args = []
-        for attr in (
-            "argcount",
-            "posonlyargcount",  # Python 3.8
-            "kwonlyargcount",  # Python 3
-            "nlocals",
-            "stacksize",
-            "flags",
-            "code",  # codestring
-            "consts",  # constants
-            "names",
-            "varnames",
-            ("filename", filename),
-            ("name", location),
-            "firstlineno",
-            "lnotab",
-            "freevars",
-            "cellvars",
-        ):
-            if isinstance(attr, tuple):
-                # Replace with given value.
-                code_args.append(attr[1])
-                continue
-            try:
-                # Copy original value if it exists.
-                code_args.append(getattr(code, "co_" + attr))
-            except AttributeError:
-                # Some arguments were added later.
-                continue
-        code = CodeType(*code_args)
-    except Exception:
-        # Some environments such as Google App Engine don't support
-        # modifying code objects.
-        pass
-    # Execute the new code, which is guaranteed to raise, and return
-    # the new traceback without this frame.
-    try:
-        exec(code, globals, locals)
-    except BaseException:
-        return sys.exc_info()[2].tb_next
-def get_template_locals(real_locals):
-    """Based on the runtime locals, get the context that would be
-    available at that point in the template.
-    """
-    # Start with the current template context.
-    ctx = real_locals.get("context")
-    if ctx:
-        data = ctx.get_all().copy()
-    else:
-        data = {}
-    # Might be in a derived context that only sets local variables
-    # rather than pushing a context. Local variables follow the scheme
-    # l_depth_name. Find the highest-depth local that has a value for
-    # each name.
-    local_overrides = {}
-    for name, value in real_locals.items():
-        if not name.startswith("l_") or value is missing:
-            # Not a template variable, or no longer relevant.
-            continue
-        try:
-            _, depth, name = name.split("_", 2)
-            depth = int(depth)
-        except ValueError:
-            continue
-        cur_depth = local_overrides.get(name, (-1,))[0]
-        if cur_depth < depth:
-            local_overrides[name] = (depth, value)
-    # Modify the context with any derived context.
-    for name, (_, value) in local_overrides.items():
-        if value is missing:
-            data.pop(name, None)
-        else:
-            data[name] = value
-    return data
-if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
-    # tb_next is directly assignable as of Python 3.7
-    def tb_set_next(tb, tb_next):
-        tb.tb_next = tb_next
-        return tb
-elif PYPY:
-    # PyPy might have special support, and won't work with ctypes.
-    try:
-        import tputil
-    except ImportError:
-        # Without tproxy support, use the original traceback.
-        def tb_set_next(tb, tb_next):
-            return tb
-    else:
-        # With tproxy support, create a proxy around the traceback that
-        # returns the new tb_next.
-        def tb_set_next(tb, tb_next):
-            def controller(op):
-                if op.opname == "__getattribute__" and op.args[0] == "tb_next":
-                    return tb_next
-                return op.delegate()
-            return tputil.make_proxy(controller, obj=tb)
-    # Use ctypes to assign tb_next at the C level since it's read-only
-    # from Python.
-    import ctypes
-    class _CTraceback(ctypes.Structure):
-        _fields_ = [
-            # Extra PyObject slots when compiled with Py_TRACE_REFS.
-            ("PyObject_HEAD", ctypes.c_byte * object().__sizeof__()),
-            # Only care about tb_next as an object, not a traceback.
-            ("tb_next", ctypes.py_object),
-        ]
-    def tb_set_next(tb, tb_next):
-        c_tb = _CTraceback.from_address(id(tb))
-        # Clear out the old tb_next.
-        if tb.tb_next is not None:
-            c_tb_next = ctypes.py_object(tb.tb_next)
-            c_tb.tb_next = ctypes.py_object()
-            ctypes.pythonapi.Py_DecRef(c_tb_next)
-        # Assign the new tb_next.
-        if tb_next is not None:
-            c_tb_next = ctypes.py_object(tb_next)
-            ctypes.pythonapi.Py_IncRef(c_tb_next)
-            c_tb.tb_next = c_tb_next
-        return tb