diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ext.py @ 5:9b1c78e6ba9c draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 6c0a8142489327ece472c84e558c47da711a9142"
author shellac
date Mon, 01 Jun 2020 08:59:25 -0400
parents 79f47841a781
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ext.py	Thu May 14 16:47:39 2020 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,704 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""Extension API for adding custom tags and behavior."""
-import pprint
-import re
-from sys import version_info
-from markupsafe import Markup
-from . import nodes
-from ._compat import iteritems
-from ._compat import string_types
-from ._compat import with_metaclass
-from .defaults import BLOCK_END_STRING
-from .defaults import BLOCK_START_STRING
-from .defaults import COMMENT_END_STRING
-from .defaults import COMMENT_START_STRING
-from .defaults import KEEP_TRAILING_NEWLINE
-from .defaults import LINE_COMMENT_PREFIX
-from .defaults import LINE_STATEMENT_PREFIX
-from .defaults import LSTRIP_BLOCKS
-from .defaults import NEWLINE_SEQUENCE
-from .defaults import TRIM_BLOCKS
-from .defaults import VARIABLE_END_STRING
-from .defaults import VARIABLE_START_STRING
-from .environment import Environment
-from .exceptions import TemplateAssertionError
-from .exceptions import TemplateSyntaxError
-from .nodes import ContextReference
-from .runtime import concat
-from .utils import contextfunction
-from .utils import import_string
-# the only real useful gettext functions for a Jinja template.  Note
-# that ugettext must be assigned to gettext as Jinja doesn't support
-# non unicode strings.
-GETTEXT_FUNCTIONS = ("_", "gettext", "ngettext")
-_ws_re = re.compile(r"\s*\n\s*")
-class ExtensionRegistry(type):
-    """Gives the extension an unique identifier."""
-    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, d):
-        rv = type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, d)
-        rv.identifier = rv.__module__ + "." + rv.__name__
-        return rv
-class Extension(with_metaclass(ExtensionRegistry, object)):
-    """Extensions can be used to add extra functionality to the Jinja template
-    system at the parser level.  Custom extensions are bound to an environment
-    but may not store environment specific data on `self`.  The reason for
-    this is that an extension can be bound to another environment (for
-    overlays) by creating a copy and reassigning the `environment` attribute.
-    As extensions are created by the environment they cannot accept any
-    arguments for configuration.  One may want to work around that by using
-    a factory function, but that is not possible as extensions are identified
-    by their import name.  The correct way to configure the extension is
-    storing the configuration values on the environment.  Because this way the
-    environment ends up acting as central configuration storage the
-    attributes may clash which is why extensions have to ensure that the names
-    they choose for configuration are not too generic.  ``prefix`` for example
-    is a terrible name, ``fragment_cache_prefix`` on the other hand is a good
-    name as includes the name of the extension (fragment cache).
-    """
-    #: if this extension parses this is the list of tags it's listening to.
-    tags = set()
-    #: the priority of that extension.  This is especially useful for
-    #: extensions that preprocess values.  A lower value means higher
-    #: priority.
-    #:
-    #: .. versionadded:: 2.4
-    priority = 100
-    def __init__(self, environment):
-        self.environment = environment
-    def bind(self, environment):
-        """Create a copy of this extension bound to another environment."""
-        rv = object.__new__(self.__class__)
-        rv.__dict__.update(self.__dict__)
-        rv.environment = environment
-        return rv
-    def preprocess(self, source, name, filename=None):
-        """This method is called before the actual lexing and can be used to
-        preprocess the source.  The `filename` is optional.  The return value
-        must be the preprocessed source.
-        """
-        return source
-    def filter_stream(self, stream):
-        """It's passed a :class:`~jinja2.lexer.TokenStream` that can be used
-        to filter tokens returned.  This method has to return an iterable of
-        :class:`~jinja2.lexer.Token`\\s, but it doesn't have to return a
-        :class:`~jinja2.lexer.TokenStream`.
-        """
-        return stream
-    def parse(self, parser):
-        """If any of the :attr:`tags` matched this method is called with the
-        parser as first argument.  The token the parser stream is pointing at
-        is the name token that matched.  This method has to return one or a
-        list of multiple nodes.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def attr(self, name, lineno=None):
-        """Return an attribute node for the current extension.  This is useful
-        to pass constants on extensions to generated template code.
-        ::
-            self.attr('_my_attribute', lineno=lineno)
-        """
-        return nodes.ExtensionAttribute(self.identifier, name, lineno=lineno)
-    def call_method(
-        self, name, args=None, kwargs=None, dyn_args=None, dyn_kwargs=None, lineno=None
-    ):
-        """Call a method of the extension.  This is a shortcut for
-        :meth:`attr` + :class:`jinja2.nodes.Call`.
-        """
-        if args is None:
-            args = []
-        if kwargs is None:
-            kwargs = []
-        return nodes.Call(
-            self.attr(name, lineno=lineno),
-            args,
-            kwargs,
-            dyn_args,
-            dyn_kwargs,
-            lineno=lineno,
-        )
-def _gettext_alias(__context, *args, **kwargs):
-    return __context.call(__context.resolve("gettext"), *args, **kwargs)
-def _make_new_gettext(func):
-    @contextfunction
-    def gettext(__context, __string, **variables):
-        rv = __context.call(func, __string)
-        if __context.eval_ctx.autoescape:
-            rv = Markup(rv)
-        # Always treat as a format string, even if there are no
-        # variables. This makes translation strings more consistent
-        # and predictable. This requires escaping
-        return rv % variables
-    return gettext
-def _make_new_ngettext(func):
-    @contextfunction
-    def ngettext(__context, __singular, __plural, __num, **variables):
-        variables.setdefault("num", __num)
-        rv = __context.call(func, __singular, __plural, __num)
-        if __context.eval_ctx.autoescape:
-            rv = Markup(rv)
-        # Always treat as a format string, see gettext comment above.
-        return rv % variables
-    return ngettext
-class InternationalizationExtension(Extension):
-    """This extension adds gettext support to Jinja."""
-    tags = {"trans"}
-    # TODO: the i18n extension is currently reevaluating values in a few
-    # situations.  Take this example:
-    #   {% trans count=something() %}{{ count }} foo{% pluralize
-    #     %}{{ count }} fooss{% endtrans %}
-    # something is called twice here.  One time for the gettext value and
-    # the other time for the n-parameter of the ngettext function.
-    def __init__(self, environment):
-        Extension.__init__(self, environment)
-        environment.globals["_"] = _gettext_alias
-        environment.extend(
-            install_gettext_translations=self._install,
-            install_null_translations=self._install_null,
-            install_gettext_callables=self._install_callables,
-            uninstall_gettext_translations=self._uninstall,
-            extract_translations=self._extract,
-            newstyle_gettext=False,
-        )
-    def _install(self, translations, newstyle=None):
-        gettext = getattr(translations, "ugettext", None)
-        if gettext is None:
-            gettext = translations.gettext
-        ngettext = getattr(translations, "ungettext", None)
-        if ngettext is None:
-            ngettext = translations.ngettext
-        self._install_callables(gettext, ngettext, newstyle)
-    def _install_null(self, newstyle=None):
-        self._install_callables(
-            lambda x: x, lambda s, p, n: (n != 1 and (p,) or (s,))[0], newstyle
-        )
-    def _install_callables(self, gettext, ngettext, newstyle=None):
-        if newstyle is not None:
-            self.environment.newstyle_gettext = newstyle
-        if self.environment.newstyle_gettext:
-            gettext = _make_new_gettext(gettext)
-            ngettext = _make_new_ngettext(ngettext)
-        self.environment.globals.update(gettext=gettext, ngettext=ngettext)
-    def _uninstall(self, translations):
-        for key in "gettext", "ngettext":
-            self.environment.globals.pop(key, None)
-    def _extract(self, source, gettext_functions=GETTEXT_FUNCTIONS):
-        if isinstance(source, string_types):
-            source = self.environment.parse(source)
-        return extract_from_ast(source, gettext_functions)
-    def parse(self, parser):
-        """Parse a translatable tag."""
-        lineno = next(parser.stream).lineno
-        num_called_num = False
-        # find all the variables referenced.  Additionally a variable can be
-        # defined in the body of the trans block too, but this is checked at
-        # a later state.
-        plural_expr = None
-        plural_expr_assignment = None
-        variables = {}
-        trimmed = None
-        while parser.stream.current.type != "block_end":
-            if variables:
-                parser.stream.expect("comma")
-            # skip colon for python compatibility
-            if parser.stream.skip_if("colon"):
-                break
-            name = parser.stream.expect("name")
-            if name.value in variables:
-                parser.fail(
-                    "translatable variable %r defined twice." % name.value,
-                    name.lineno,
-                    exc=TemplateAssertionError,
-                )
-            # expressions
-            if parser.stream.current.type == "assign":
-                next(parser.stream)
-                variables[name.value] = var = parser.parse_expression()
-            elif trimmed is None and name.value in ("trimmed", "notrimmed"):
-                trimmed = name.value == "trimmed"
-                continue
-            else:
-                variables[name.value] = var = nodes.Name(name.value, "load")
-            if plural_expr is None:
-                if isinstance(var, nodes.Call):
-                    plural_expr = nodes.Name("_trans", "load")
-                    variables[name.value] = plural_expr
-                    plural_expr_assignment = nodes.Assign(
-                        nodes.Name("_trans", "store"), var
-                    )
-                else:
-                    plural_expr = var
-                num_called_num = name.value == "num"
-        parser.stream.expect("block_end")
-        plural = None
-        have_plural = False
-        referenced = set()
-        # now parse until endtrans or pluralize
-        singular_names, singular = self._parse_block(parser, True)
-        if singular_names:
-            referenced.update(singular_names)
-            if plural_expr is None:
-                plural_expr = nodes.Name(singular_names[0], "load")
-                num_called_num = singular_names[0] == "num"
-        # if we have a pluralize block, we parse that too
-        if parser.stream.current.test("name:pluralize"):
-            have_plural = True
-            next(parser.stream)
-            if parser.stream.current.type != "block_end":
-                name = parser.stream.expect("name")
-                if name.value not in variables:
-                    parser.fail(
-                        "unknown variable %r for pluralization" % name.value,
-                        name.lineno,
-                        exc=TemplateAssertionError,
-                    )
-                plural_expr = variables[name.value]
-                num_called_num = name.value == "num"
-            parser.stream.expect("block_end")
-            plural_names, plural = self._parse_block(parser, False)
-            next(parser.stream)
-            referenced.update(plural_names)
-        else:
-            next(parser.stream)
-        # register free names as simple name expressions
-        for var in referenced:
-            if var not in variables:
-                variables[var] = nodes.Name(var, "load")
-        if not have_plural:
-            plural_expr = None
-        elif plural_expr is None:
-            parser.fail("pluralize without variables", lineno)
-        if trimmed is None:
-            trimmed = self.environment.policies["ext.i18n.trimmed"]
-        if trimmed:
-            singular = self._trim_whitespace(singular)
-            if plural:
-                plural = self._trim_whitespace(plural)
-        node = self._make_node(
-            singular,
-            plural,
-            variables,
-            plural_expr,
-            bool(referenced),
-            num_called_num and have_plural,
-        )
-        node.set_lineno(lineno)
-        if plural_expr_assignment is not None:
-            return [plural_expr_assignment, node]
-        else:
-            return node
-    def _trim_whitespace(self, string, _ws_re=_ws_re):
-        return _ws_re.sub(" ", string.strip())
-    def _parse_block(self, parser, allow_pluralize):
-        """Parse until the next block tag with a given name."""
-        referenced = []
-        buf = []
-        while 1:
-            if parser.stream.current.type == "data":
-                buf.append(parser.stream.current.value.replace("%", "%%"))
-                next(parser.stream)
-            elif parser.stream.current.type == "variable_begin":
-                next(parser.stream)
-                name = parser.stream.expect("name").value
-                referenced.append(name)
-                buf.append("%%(%s)s" % name)
-                parser.stream.expect("variable_end")
-            elif parser.stream.current.type == "block_begin":
-                next(parser.stream)
-                if parser.stream.current.test("name:endtrans"):
-                    break
-                elif parser.stream.current.test("name:pluralize"):
-                    if allow_pluralize:
-                        break
-                    parser.fail(
-                        "a translatable section can have only one pluralize section"
-                    )
-                parser.fail(
-                    "control structures in translatable sections are not allowed"
-                )
-            elif parser.stream.eos:
-                parser.fail("unclosed translation block")
-            else:
-                raise RuntimeError("internal parser error")
-        return referenced, concat(buf)
-    def _make_node(
-        self, singular, plural, variables, plural_expr, vars_referenced, num_called_num
-    ):
-        """Generates a useful node from the data provided."""
-        # no variables referenced?  no need to escape for old style
-        # gettext invocations only if there are vars.
-        if not vars_referenced and not self.environment.newstyle_gettext:
-            singular = singular.replace("%%", "%")
-            if plural:
-                plural = plural.replace("%%", "%")
-        # singular only:
-        if plural_expr is None:
-            gettext = nodes.Name("gettext", "load")
-            node = nodes.Call(gettext, [nodes.Const(singular)], [], None, None)
-        # singular and plural
-        else:
-            ngettext = nodes.Name("ngettext", "load")
-            node = nodes.Call(
-                ngettext,
-                [nodes.Const(singular), nodes.Const(plural), plural_expr],
-                [],
-                None,
-                None,
-            )
-        # in case newstyle gettext is used, the method is powerful
-        # enough to handle the variable expansion and autoescape
-        # handling itself
-        if self.environment.newstyle_gettext:
-            for key, value in iteritems(variables):
-                # the function adds that later anyways in case num was
-                # called num, so just skip it.
-                if num_called_num and key == "num":
-                    continue
-                node.kwargs.append(nodes.Keyword(key, value))
-        # otherwise do that here
-        else:
-            # mark the return value as safe if we are in an
-            # environment with autoescaping turned on
-            node = nodes.MarkSafeIfAutoescape(node)
-            if variables:
-                node = nodes.Mod(
-                    node,
-                    nodes.Dict(
-                        [
-                            nodes.Pair(nodes.Const(key), value)
-                            for key, value in variables.items()
-                        ]
-                    ),
-                )
-        return nodes.Output([node])
-class ExprStmtExtension(Extension):
-    """Adds a `do` tag to Jinja that works like the print statement just
-    that it doesn't print the return value.
-    """
-    tags = set(["do"])
-    def parse(self, parser):
-        node = nodes.ExprStmt(lineno=next(parser.stream).lineno)
-        node.node = parser.parse_tuple()
-        return node
-class LoopControlExtension(Extension):
-    """Adds break and continue to the template engine."""
-    tags = set(["break", "continue"])
-    def parse(self, parser):
-        token = next(parser.stream)
-        if token.value == "break":
-            return nodes.Break(lineno=token.lineno)
-        return nodes.Continue(lineno=token.lineno)
-class WithExtension(Extension):
-    pass
-class AutoEscapeExtension(Extension):
-    pass
-class DebugExtension(Extension):
-    """A ``{% debug %}`` tag that dumps the available variables,
-    filters, and tests.
-    .. code-block:: html+jinja
-        <pre>{% debug %}</pre>
-    .. code-block:: text
-        {'context': {'cycler': <class 'jinja2.utils.Cycler'>,
-                     ...,
-                     'namespace': <class 'jinja2.utils.Namespace'>},
-         'filters': ['abs', 'attr', 'batch', 'capitalize', 'center', 'count', 'd',
-                     ..., 'urlencode', 'urlize', 'wordcount', 'wordwrap', 'xmlattr'],
-         'tests': ['!=', '<', '<=', '==', '>', '>=', 'callable', 'defined',
-                   ..., 'odd', 'sameas', 'sequence', 'string', 'undefined', 'upper']}
-    .. versionadded:: 2.11.0
-    """
-    tags = {"debug"}
-    def parse(self, parser):
-        lineno = parser.stream.expect("name:debug").lineno
-        context = ContextReference()
-        result = self.call_method("_render", [context], lineno=lineno)
-        return nodes.Output([result], lineno=lineno)
-    def _render(self, context):
-        result = {
-            "context": context.get_all(),
-            "filters": sorted(self.environment.filters.keys()),
-            "tests": sorted(self.environment.tests.keys()),
-        }
-        # Set the depth since the intent is to show the top few names.
-        if version_info[:2] >= (3, 4):
-            return pprint.pformat(result, depth=3, compact=True)
-        else:
-            return pprint.pformat(result, depth=3)
-def extract_from_ast(node, gettext_functions=GETTEXT_FUNCTIONS, babel_style=True):
-    """Extract localizable strings from the given template node.  Per
-    default this function returns matches in babel style that means non string
-    parameters as well as keyword arguments are returned as `None`.  This
-    allows Babel to figure out what you really meant if you are using
-    gettext functions that allow keyword arguments for placeholder expansion.
-    If you don't want that behavior set the `babel_style` parameter to `False`
-    which causes only strings to be returned and parameters are always stored
-    in tuples.  As a consequence invalid gettext calls (calls without a single
-    string parameter or string parameters after non-string parameters) are
-    skipped.
-    This example explains the behavior:
-    >>> from jinja2 import Environment
-    >>> env = Environment()
-    >>> node = env.parse('{{ (_("foo"), _(), ngettext("foo", "bar", 42)) }}')
-    >>> list(extract_from_ast(node))
-    [(1, '_', 'foo'), (1, '_', ()), (1, 'ngettext', ('foo', 'bar', None))]
-    >>> list(extract_from_ast(node, babel_style=False))
-    [(1, '_', ('foo',)), (1, 'ngettext', ('foo', 'bar'))]
-    For every string found this function yields a ``(lineno, function,
-    message)`` tuple, where:
-    * ``lineno`` is the number of the line on which the string was found,
-    * ``function`` is the name of the ``gettext`` function used (if the
-      string was extracted from embedded Python code), and
-    *  ``message`` is the string itself (a ``unicode`` object, or a tuple
-       of ``unicode`` objects for functions with multiple string arguments).
-    This extraction function operates on the AST and is because of that unable
-    to extract any comments.  For comment support you have to use the babel
-    extraction interface or extract comments yourself.
-    """
-    for node in node.find_all(nodes.Call):
-        if (
-            not isinstance(node.node, nodes.Name)
-            or node.node.name not in gettext_functions
-        ):
-            continue
-        strings = []
-        for arg in node.args:
-            if isinstance(arg, nodes.Const) and isinstance(arg.value, string_types):
-                strings.append(arg.value)
-            else:
-                strings.append(None)
-        for _ in node.kwargs:
-            strings.append(None)
-        if node.dyn_args is not None:
-            strings.append(None)
-        if node.dyn_kwargs is not None:
-            strings.append(None)
-        if not babel_style:
-            strings = tuple(x for x in strings if x is not None)
-            if not strings:
-                continue
-        else:
-            if len(strings) == 1:
-                strings = strings[0]
-            else:
-                strings = tuple(strings)
-        yield node.lineno, node.node.name, strings
-class _CommentFinder(object):
-    """Helper class to find comments in a token stream.  Can only
-    find comments for gettext calls forwards.  Once the comment
-    from line 4 is found, a comment for line 1 will not return a
-    usable value.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, tokens, comment_tags):
-        self.tokens = tokens
-        self.comment_tags = comment_tags
-        self.offset = 0
-        self.last_lineno = 0
-    def find_backwards(self, offset):
-        try:
-            for _, token_type, token_value in reversed(
-                self.tokens[self.offset : offset]
-            ):
-                if token_type in ("comment", "linecomment"):
-                    try:
-                        prefix, comment = token_value.split(None, 1)
-                    except ValueError:
-                        continue
-                    if prefix in self.comment_tags:
-                        return [comment.rstrip()]
-            return []
-        finally:
-            self.offset = offset
-    def find_comments(self, lineno):
-        if not self.comment_tags or self.last_lineno > lineno:
-            return []
-        for idx, (token_lineno, _, _) in enumerate(self.tokens[self.offset :]):
-            if token_lineno > lineno:
-                return self.find_backwards(self.offset + idx)
-        return self.find_backwards(len(self.tokens))
-def babel_extract(fileobj, keywords, comment_tags, options):
-    """Babel extraction method for Jinja templates.
-    .. versionchanged:: 2.3
-       Basic support for translation comments was added.  If `comment_tags`
-       is now set to a list of keywords for extraction, the extractor will
-       try to find the best preceding comment that begins with one of the
-       keywords.  For best results, make sure to not have more than one
-       gettext call in one line of code and the matching comment in the
-       same line or the line before.
-    .. versionchanged:: 2.5.1
-       The `newstyle_gettext` flag can be set to `True` to enable newstyle
-       gettext calls.
-    .. versionchanged:: 2.7
-       A `silent` option can now be provided.  If set to `False` template
-       syntax errors are propagated instead of being ignored.
-    :param fileobj: the file-like object the messages should be extracted from
-    :param keywords: a list of keywords (i.e. function names) that should be
-                     recognized as translation functions
-    :param comment_tags: a list of translator tags to search for and include
-                         in the results.
-    :param options: a dictionary of additional options (optional)
-    :return: an iterator over ``(lineno, funcname, message, comments)`` tuples.
-             (comments will be empty currently)
-    """
-    extensions = set()
-    for extension in options.get("extensions", "").split(","):
-        extension = extension.strip()
-        if not extension:
-            continue
-        extensions.add(import_string(extension))
-    if InternationalizationExtension not in extensions:
-        extensions.add(InternationalizationExtension)
-    def getbool(options, key, default=False):
-        return options.get(key, str(default)).lower() in ("1", "on", "yes", "true")
-    silent = getbool(options, "silent", True)
-    environment = Environment(
-        options.get("block_start_string", BLOCK_START_STRING),
-        options.get("block_end_string", BLOCK_END_STRING),
-        options.get("variable_start_string", VARIABLE_START_STRING),
-        options.get("variable_end_string", VARIABLE_END_STRING),
-        options.get("comment_start_string", COMMENT_START_STRING),
-        options.get("comment_end_string", COMMENT_END_STRING),
-        options.get("line_statement_prefix") or LINE_STATEMENT_PREFIX,
-        options.get("line_comment_prefix") or LINE_COMMENT_PREFIX,
-        getbool(options, "trim_blocks", TRIM_BLOCKS),
-        getbool(options, "lstrip_blocks", LSTRIP_BLOCKS),
-        getbool(options, "keep_trailing_newline", KEEP_TRAILING_NEWLINE),
-        frozenset(extensions),
-        cache_size=0,
-        auto_reload=False,
-    )
-    if getbool(options, "trimmed"):
-        environment.policies["ext.i18n.trimmed"] = True
-    if getbool(options, "newstyle_gettext"):
-        environment.newstyle_gettext = True
-    source = fileobj.read().decode(options.get("encoding", "utf-8"))
-    try:
-        node = environment.parse(source)
-        tokens = list(environment.lex(environment.preprocess(source)))
-    except TemplateSyntaxError:
-        if not silent:
-            raise
-        # skip templates with syntax errors
-        return
-    finder = _CommentFinder(tokens, comment_tags)
-    for lineno, func, message in extract_from_ast(node, keywords):
-        yield lineno, func, message, finder.find_comments(lineno)
-#: nicer import names
-i18n = InternationalizationExtension
-do = ExprStmtExtension
-loopcontrols = LoopControlExtension
-with_ = WithExtension
-autoescape = AutoEscapeExtension
-debug = DebugExtension