diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/loaders.py @ 5:9b1c78e6ba9c draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 6c0a8142489327ece472c84e558c47da711a9142"
author shellac
date Mon, 01 Jun 2020 08:59:25 -0400
parents 79f47841a781
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/loaders.py	Thu May 14 16:47:39 2020 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""API and implementations for loading templates from different data
-import os
-import sys
-import weakref
-from hashlib import sha1
-from os import path
-from types import ModuleType
-from ._compat import abc
-from ._compat import fspath
-from ._compat import iteritems
-from ._compat import string_types
-from .exceptions import TemplateNotFound
-from .utils import internalcode
-from .utils import open_if_exists
-def split_template_path(template):
-    """Split a path into segments and perform a sanity check.  If it detects
-    '..' in the path it will raise a `TemplateNotFound` error.
-    """
-    pieces = []
-    for piece in template.split("/"):
-        if (
-            path.sep in piece
-            or (path.altsep and path.altsep in piece)
-            or piece == path.pardir
-        ):
-            raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-        elif piece and piece != ".":
-            pieces.append(piece)
-    return pieces
-class BaseLoader(object):
-    """Baseclass for all loaders.  Subclass this and override `get_source` to
-    implement a custom loading mechanism.  The environment provides a
-    `get_template` method that calls the loader's `load` method to get the
-    :class:`Template` object.
-    A very basic example for a loader that looks up templates on the file
-    system could look like this::
-        from jinja2 import BaseLoader, TemplateNotFound
-        from os.path import join, exists, getmtime
-        class MyLoader(BaseLoader):
-            def __init__(self, path):
-                self.path = path
-            def get_source(self, environment, template):
-                path = join(self.path, template)
-                if not exists(path):
-                    raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-                mtime = getmtime(path)
-                with file(path) as f:
-                    source = f.read().decode('utf-8')
-                return source, path, lambda: mtime == getmtime(path)
-    """
-    #: if set to `False` it indicates that the loader cannot provide access
-    #: to the source of templates.
-    #:
-    #: .. versionadded:: 2.4
-    has_source_access = True
-    def get_source(self, environment, template):
-        """Get the template source, filename and reload helper for a template.
-        It's passed the environment and template name and has to return a
-        tuple in the form ``(source, filename, uptodate)`` or raise a
-        `TemplateNotFound` error if it can't locate the template.
-        The source part of the returned tuple must be the source of the
-        template as unicode string or a ASCII bytestring.  The filename should
-        be the name of the file on the filesystem if it was loaded from there,
-        otherwise `None`.  The filename is used by python for the tracebacks
-        if no loader extension is used.
-        The last item in the tuple is the `uptodate` function.  If auto
-        reloading is enabled it's always called to check if the template
-        changed.  No arguments are passed so the function must store the
-        old state somewhere (for example in a closure).  If it returns `False`
-        the template will be reloaded.
-        """
-        if not self.has_source_access:
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                "%s cannot provide access to the source" % self.__class__.__name__
-            )
-        raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-    def list_templates(self):
-        """Iterates over all templates.  If the loader does not support that
-        it should raise a :exc:`TypeError` which is the default behavior.
-        """
-        raise TypeError("this loader cannot iterate over all templates")
-    @internalcode
-    def load(self, environment, name, globals=None):
-        """Loads a template.  This method looks up the template in the cache
-        or loads one by calling :meth:`get_source`.  Subclasses should not
-        override this method as loaders working on collections of other
-        loaders (such as :class:`PrefixLoader` or :class:`ChoiceLoader`)
-        will not call this method but `get_source` directly.
-        """
-        code = None
-        if globals is None:
-            globals = {}
-        # first we try to get the source for this template together
-        # with the filename and the uptodate function.
-        source, filename, uptodate = self.get_source(environment, name)
-        # try to load the code from the bytecode cache if there is a
-        # bytecode cache configured.
-        bcc = environment.bytecode_cache
-        if bcc is not None:
-            bucket = bcc.get_bucket(environment, name, filename, source)
-            code = bucket.code
-        # if we don't have code so far (not cached, no longer up to
-        # date) etc. we compile the template
-        if code is None:
-            code = environment.compile(source, name, filename)
-        # if the bytecode cache is available and the bucket doesn't
-        # have a code so far, we give the bucket the new code and put
-        # it back to the bytecode cache.
-        if bcc is not None and bucket.code is None:
-            bucket.code = code
-            bcc.set_bucket(bucket)
-        return environment.template_class.from_code(
-            environment, code, globals, uptodate
-        )
-class FileSystemLoader(BaseLoader):
-    """Loads templates from the file system.  This loader can find templates
-    in folders on the file system and is the preferred way to load them.
-    The loader takes the path to the templates as string, or if multiple
-    locations are wanted a list of them which is then looked up in the
-    given order::
-    >>> loader = FileSystemLoader('/path/to/templates')
-    >>> loader = FileSystemLoader(['/path/to/templates', '/other/path'])
-    Per default the template encoding is ``'utf-8'`` which can be changed
-    by setting the `encoding` parameter to something else.
-    To follow symbolic links, set the *followlinks* parameter to ``True``::
-    >>> loader = FileSystemLoader('/path/to/templates', followlinks=True)
-    .. versionchanged:: 2.8
-       The ``followlinks`` parameter was added.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, searchpath, encoding="utf-8", followlinks=False):
-        if not isinstance(searchpath, abc.Iterable) or isinstance(
-            searchpath, string_types
-        ):
-            searchpath = [searchpath]
-        # In Python 3.5, os.path.join doesn't support Path. This can be
-        # simplified to list(searchpath) when Python 3.5 is dropped.
-        self.searchpath = [fspath(p) for p in searchpath]
-        self.encoding = encoding
-        self.followlinks = followlinks
-    def get_source(self, environment, template):
-        pieces = split_template_path(template)
-        for searchpath in self.searchpath:
-            filename = path.join(searchpath, *pieces)
-            f = open_if_exists(filename)
-            if f is None:
-                continue
-            try:
-                contents = f.read().decode(self.encoding)
-            finally:
-                f.close()
-            mtime = path.getmtime(filename)
-            def uptodate():
-                try:
-                    return path.getmtime(filename) == mtime
-                except OSError:
-                    return False
-            return contents, filename, uptodate
-        raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-    def list_templates(self):
-        found = set()
-        for searchpath in self.searchpath:
-            walk_dir = os.walk(searchpath, followlinks=self.followlinks)
-            for dirpath, _, filenames in walk_dir:
-                for filename in filenames:
-                    template = (
-                        os.path.join(dirpath, filename)[len(searchpath) :]
-                        .strip(os.path.sep)
-                        .replace(os.path.sep, "/")
-                    )
-                    if template[:2] == "./":
-                        template = template[2:]
-                    if template not in found:
-                        found.add(template)
-        return sorted(found)
-class PackageLoader(BaseLoader):
-    """Load templates from python eggs or packages.  It is constructed with
-    the name of the python package and the path to the templates in that
-    package::
-        loader = PackageLoader('mypackage', 'views')
-    If the package path is not given, ``'templates'`` is assumed.
-    Per default the template encoding is ``'utf-8'`` which can be changed
-    by setting the `encoding` parameter to something else.  Due to the nature
-    of eggs it's only possible to reload templates if the package was loaded
-    from the file system and not a zip file.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, package_name, package_path="templates", encoding="utf-8"):
-        from pkg_resources import DefaultProvider
-        from pkg_resources import get_provider
-        from pkg_resources import ResourceManager
-        provider = get_provider(package_name)
-        self.encoding = encoding
-        self.manager = ResourceManager()
-        self.filesystem_bound = isinstance(provider, DefaultProvider)
-        self.provider = provider
-        self.package_path = package_path
-    def get_source(self, environment, template):
-        pieces = split_template_path(template)
-        p = "/".join((self.package_path,) + tuple(pieces))
-        if not self.provider.has_resource(p):
-            raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-        filename = uptodate = None
-        if self.filesystem_bound:
-            filename = self.provider.get_resource_filename(self.manager, p)
-            mtime = path.getmtime(filename)
-            def uptodate():
-                try:
-                    return path.getmtime(filename) == mtime
-                except OSError:
-                    return False
-        source = self.provider.get_resource_string(self.manager, p)
-        return source.decode(self.encoding), filename, uptodate
-    def list_templates(self):
-        path = self.package_path
-        if path[:2] == "./":
-            path = path[2:]
-        elif path == ".":
-            path = ""
-        offset = len(path)
-        results = []
-        def _walk(path):
-            for filename in self.provider.resource_listdir(path):
-                fullname = path + "/" + filename
-                if self.provider.resource_isdir(fullname):
-                    _walk(fullname)
-                else:
-                    results.append(fullname[offset:].lstrip("/"))
-        _walk(path)
-        results.sort()
-        return results
-class DictLoader(BaseLoader):
-    """Loads a template from a python dict.  It's passed a dict of unicode
-    strings bound to template names.  This loader is useful for unittesting:
-    >>> loader = DictLoader({'index.html': 'source here'})
-    Because auto reloading is rarely useful this is disabled per default.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, mapping):
-        self.mapping = mapping
-    def get_source(self, environment, template):
-        if template in self.mapping:
-            source = self.mapping[template]
-            return source, None, lambda: source == self.mapping.get(template)
-        raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-    def list_templates(self):
-        return sorted(self.mapping)
-class FunctionLoader(BaseLoader):
-    """A loader that is passed a function which does the loading.  The
-    function receives the name of the template and has to return either
-    an unicode string with the template source, a tuple in the form ``(source,
-    filename, uptodatefunc)`` or `None` if the template does not exist.
-    >>> def load_template(name):
-    ...     if name == 'index.html':
-    ...         return '...'
-    ...
-    >>> loader = FunctionLoader(load_template)
-    The `uptodatefunc` is a function that is called if autoreload is enabled
-    and has to return `True` if the template is still up to date.  For more
-    details have a look at :meth:`BaseLoader.get_source` which has the same
-    return value.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, load_func):
-        self.load_func = load_func
-    def get_source(self, environment, template):
-        rv = self.load_func(template)
-        if rv is None:
-            raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-        elif isinstance(rv, string_types):
-            return rv, None, None
-        return rv
-class PrefixLoader(BaseLoader):
-    """A loader that is passed a dict of loaders where each loader is bound
-    to a prefix.  The prefix is delimited from the template by a slash per
-    default, which can be changed by setting the `delimiter` argument to
-    something else::
-        loader = PrefixLoader({
-            'app1':     PackageLoader('mypackage.app1'),
-            'app2':     PackageLoader('mypackage.app2')
-        })
-    By loading ``'app1/index.html'`` the file from the app1 package is loaded,
-    by loading ``'app2/index.html'`` the file from the second.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, mapping, delimiter="/"):
-        self.mapping = mapping
-        self.delimiter = delimiter
-    def get_loader(self, template):
-        try:
-            prefix, name = template.split(self.delimiter, 1)
-            loader = self.mapping[prefix]
-        except (ValueError, KeyError):
-            raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-        return loader, name
-    def get_source(self, environment, template):
-        loader, name = self.get_loader(template)
-        try:
-            return loader.get_source(environment, name)
-        except TemplateNotFound:
-            # re-raise the exception with the correct filename here.
-            # (the one that includes the prefix)
-            raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-    @internalcode
-    def load(self, environment, name, globals=None):
-        loader, local_name = self.get_loader(name)
-        try:
-            return loader.load(environment, local_name, globals)
-        except TemplateNotFound:
-            # re-raise the exception with the correct filename here.
-            # (the one that includes the prefix)
-            raise TemplateNotFound(name)
-    def list_templates(self):
-        result = []
-        for prefix, loader in iteritems(self.mapping):
-            for template in loader.list_templates():
-                result.append(prefix + self.delimiter + template)
-        return result
-class ChoiceLoader(BaseLoader):
-    """This loader works like the `PrefixLoader` just that no prefix is
-    specified.  If a template could not be found by one loader the next one
-    is tried.
-    >>> loader = ChoiceLoader([
-    ...     FileSystemLoader('/path/to/user/templates'),
-    ...     FileSystemLoader('/path/to/system/templates')
-    ... ])
-    This is useful if you want to allow users to override builtin templates
-    from a different location.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, loaders):
-        self.loaders = loaders
-    def get_source(self, environment, template):
-        for loader in self.loaders:
-            try:
-                return loader.get_source(environment, template)
-            except TemplateNotFound:
-                pass
-        raise TemplateNotFound(template)
-    @internalcode
-    def load(self, environment, name, globals=None):
-        for loader in self.loaders:
-            try:
-                return loader.load(environment, name, globals)
-            except TemplateNotFound:
-                pass
-        raise TemplateNotFound(name)
-    def list_templates(self):
-        found = set()
-        for loader in self.loaders:
-            found.update(loader.list_templates())
-        return sorted(found)
-class _TemplateModule(ModuleType):
-    """Like a normal module but with support for weak references"""
-class ModuleLoader(BaseLoader):
-    """This loader loads templates from precompiled templates.
-    Example usage:
-    >>> loader = ChoiceLoader([
-    ...     ModuleLoader('/path/to/compiled/templates'),
-    ...     FileSystemLoader('/path/to/templates')
-    ... ])
-    Templates can be precompiled with :meth:`Environment.compile_templates`.
-    """
-    has_source_access = False
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        package_name = "_jinja2_module_templates_%x" % id(self)
-        # create a fake module that looks for the templates in the
-        # path given.
-        mod = _TemplateModule(package_name)
-        if not isinstance(path, abc.Iterable) or isinstance(path, string_types):
-            path = [path]
-        mod.__path__ = [fspath(p) for p in path]
-        sys.modules[package_name] = weakref.proxy(
-            mod, lambda x: sys.modules.pop(package_name, None)
-        )
-        # the only strong reference, the sys.modules entry is weak
-        # so that the garbage collector can remove it once the
-        # loader that created it goes out of business.
-        self.module = mod
-        self.package_name = package_name
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_template_key(name):
-        return "tmpl_" + sha1(name.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_module_filename(name):
-        return ModuleLoader.get_template_key(name) + ".py"
-    @internalcode
-    def load(self, environment, name, globals=None):
-        key = self.get_template_key(name)
-        module = "%s.%s" % (self.package_name, key)
-        mod = getattr(self.module, module, None)
-        if mod is None:
-            try:
-                mod = __import__(module, None, None, ["root"])
-            except ImportError:
-                raise TemplateNotFound(name)
-            # remove the entry from sys.modules, we only want the attribute
-            # on the module object we have stored on the loader.
-            sys.modules.pop(module, None)
-        return environment.template_class.from_module_dict(
-            environment, mod.__dict__, globals
-        )