diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/planemo-0.70.0.dist-info/METADATA @ 5:9b1c78e6ba9c draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 6c0a8142489327ece472c84e558c47da711a9142"
author shellac
date Mon, 01 Jun 2020 08:59:25 -0400
parents 79f47841a781
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/planemo-0.70.0.dist-info/METADATA	Thu May 14 16:47:39 2020 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2486 +0,0 @@
-Metadata-Version: 2.1
-Name: planemo
-Version: 0.70.0
-Summary: Command-line utilities to assist in building tools for the Galaxy project (http://galaxyproject.org/).
-Home-page: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo
-Author: Galaxy Project and Community
-Author-email: jmchilton@gmail.com
-License: AFL
-Keywords: planemo
-Platform: UNKNOWN
-Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
-Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
-Classifier: Environment :: Console
-Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Academic Free License (AFL)
-Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX
-Classifier: Topic :: Software Development
-Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Code Generators
-Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Testing
-Classifier: Natural Language :: English
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
-Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst
-Requires-Dist: aenum
-Requires-Dist: BeautifulSoup4
-Requires-Dist: bioblend (>=0.13.0)
-Requires-Dist: Click
-Requires-Dist: configparser
-Requires-Dist: cwltool (==1.0.20191225192155)
-Requires-Dist: docutils
-Requires-Dist: ephemeris (>=0.10.3)
-Requires-Dist: galaxy-containers
-Requires-Dist: galaxy-tool-util (>=20.1.0.dev2)
-Requires-Dist: galaxy-util (>=20.1.0.dev0)
-Requires-Dist: glob2
-Requires-Dist: gxformat2 (>=0.8.0)
-Requires-Dist: jinja2
-Requires-Dist: lxml
-Requires-Dist: oyaml
-Requires-Dist: pyaml
-Requires-Dist: pyyaml
-Requires-Dist: six (>=1.7.0)
-Requires-Dist: virtualenv
-.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jmchilton/planemo/master/docs/planemo_logo.png
-   :alt: Planemo Logo
-   :align: center
-   :figwidth: 100%
-   :target: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo
-Command-line utilities to assist in developing Galaxy_ and `Common Workflow Language`_ tools.
-.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/planemo/badge/?version=latest
-   :target: http://planemo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest
-   :alt: Documentation Status
-.. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/planemo.svg
-   :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/planemo/
-   :alt: Planemo on the Python Package Index (PyPI)
-.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/galaxyproject/planemo.png?branch=master
-   :target: https://travis-ci.org/galaxyproject/planemo
-   :alt: Build Status
-.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/jmchilton/planemo-extended-tests.svg?branch=master
-    :target: https://travis-ci.org/jmchilton/planemo-extended-tests
-    :alt: Build Status of Extended Tests
-.. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/galaxyproject/planemo/badge.svg?branch=master
-   :target: https://coveralls.io/r/galaxyproject/planemo?branch=master
-   :alt: Coverage Status
-* Free software: Academic Free License version 3.0
-* Documentation: https://planemo.readthedocs.io.
-* Code: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo
-Quick Start
-For a traditional Python installation of Planemo, first set up a virtualenv
-for ``planemo`` (this example creates a new one in ``.venv``) and then
-install with ``pip``. Planemo requires pip 7.0 or newer.
-    $ virtualenv .venv; . .venv/bin/activate
-    $ pip install "pip>=7" # Upgrade pip if needed.
-    $ pip install planemo
-For information on updating Planemo, installing the latest development release,
-or installing Planemo via `Bioconda <https://github.com/bioconda/bioconda-recipes>`__
-- checkout the `installation <http://planemo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html>`__
-Planemo is also available as a `virtual appliance
-<https://planemo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/appliance.html>`_ bundled
-with a preconfigured Galaxy server and set up for Galaxy_ and
-`Common Workflow Language`_ tool development.
-You can choose from open virtualization format (OVA_, .ova) or Docker_
-Basics - Galaxy
-This quick start will assume you have a directory with one or more Galaxy
-tool XML files. If no such directory is available, one can be quickly created for
-demonstrating ``planemo`` as follows ``project_init --template=demo mytools; cd mytools``.
-Planemo can check tool XML files for common problems and best
-practices using the ``lint`` `command <http://planemo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/commands.html#lint-command>`_
-(also aliased as ``l``).
-    $ planemo lint
-Like many ``planemo`` commands - by default this will search the
-current directory and use all tool files it finds. It can be explicitly
-passed a path to tool files or a directory of tool files.
-    $ planemo l randomlines.xml
-The ``lint`` command takes in additional options related to
-reporting levels, exit code, etc. These options are described
-in the `docs <http://planemo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/commands.html#lint-command>`_
-or (like with all commands) can be accessed by passing ``--help`` to it.
-    $ planemo l --help
-    Usage: planemo lint [OPTIONS] TOOL_PATH
-Once tools are syntactically correct - it is time to test. The ``test``
-`command <http://planemo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/commands.html#test-command>`__
-can be used to test a tool or a directory of tools.
-	$ planemo test --galaxy_root=../galaxy randomlines.xml
-If no ``--galaxy_root`` is defined, Planemo will download and configure
-a disposable Galaxy instance for testing.
-Planemo will create a HTML output report in the current directory named
-``tool_test_output.html`` (override with ``--test_output``). See an
-`example <http://galaxyproject.github.io/planemo/tool_test_viewer.html?test_data_url=https://gist.githubusercontent.com/jmchilton/9d4351c9545d34209904/raw/9ed285d3cf98e435fc4a743320363275949ad63c/index>`_
-of such a report for Tophat.
-Once tools have been linted and tested - the tools can be viewed in a
-Galaxy interface using the ``serve`` (``s``) `command
-	$ planemo serve
-Like ``test``, ``serve`` requires a Galaxy root and one can be
-explicitly specified with ``--galaxy_root`` or installed dynamically
-with ``--install_galaxy``.
-For more information on building Galaxy tools in general please check out
-`Building Galaxy Tools Using Planemo`_.
-Basics - Common Workflow Language
-This quick start will assume you have a directory with one or more `Common Workflow
-Language`_ YAML files. If no such directory is available, one can be quickly created for
-demonstrating ``planemo`` as follows ``planemo project_init --template=seqtk_complete_cwl mytools; cd mytools``.
-Planemo can check tools YAML files for common problems and best
-practices using the ``lint`` `command <http://planemo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/commands.html#lint-command>`_
-(also aliased as ``l``).
-    $ planemo lint
-Like many ``planemo`` commands - by default this will search the
-current directory and use all tool files it finds. It can be explicitly
-passed a path to tool files or a directory of tool files.
-    $ planemo l seqtk_seq.cwl
-The ``lint`` command takes in additional options related to
-reporting levels, exit code, etc. These options are described
-in the `docs <http://planemo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/commands.html#lint-command>`_
-or (like with all commands) can be accessed by passing ``--help`` to it.
-    $ planemo l --help
-    Usage: planemo lint [OPTIONS] TOOL_PATH
-Once tools are syntactically correct - it is time to test. The ``test``
-`command <http://planemo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/commands.html#test-command>`__
-can be used to test a CWL tool, workflow, or a directories thereof.
-  $ planemo test --engine cwltool seqtk_seq.cwl
-Planemo will create a HTML output report in the current directory named
-``tool_test_output.html``. Check out the file ``seqtk_seq_tests.yml`` for
-an example of Planemo test for a CWL tool. A test consists of any number of
-jobs (with input descriptions) and corresponding output assertions.
-Checkout the `Commmon Workflow User Guide`_ for more information on developing
-CWL tools in general and  `Building Common Workflow Language Tools`_ for more
-information on using Planemo to develop CWL tools.
-Tool Shed
-Planemo can help you publish tools to the Galaxy Tool Shed.
-Check out `Publishing to the Tool Shed`_ for more information.
-Planemo can help develop tools and Conda packages in unison.
-Check out the `Galaxy <http://planemo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/writing_advanced.html#dependencies-and-conda>`__ or `CWL
-<http://planemo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/writing_advanced_cwl.html#dependencies-and-conda-cwl>`__ version of the "Dependencies and Conda" tutorial
-for more information.
-Docker and Containers
-Planemo can help develop tools that run in "Best Practice" containers for
-scientific workflows. Check out the `Galaxy <http://planemo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/writing_advanced.html#dependencies-and-containers>`__ or `CWL
-<http://planemo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/writing_advanced_cwl.html#dependencies-and-containers-cwl>`__ version of the "Dependencies and Containers" tutorial for more information.
-.. _Galaxy: http://galaxyproject.org/
-.. _GitHub: https://github.com/
-.. _Conda: http://conda.pydata.org/
-.. _Docker: https://www.docker.com/
-.. _Vagrant: https://www.vagrantup.com/
-.. _Travis CI: http://travis-ci.org/
-.. _`tools-devteam`: https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-devteam
-.. _`tools-iuc`: https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc
-.. _Building Galaxy Tools Using Planemo: http://planemo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/writing_standalone.html
-.. _Publishing to the Tool Shed: http://planemo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/publishing.html
-.. _Common Workflow Language: https://www.commonwl.org/
-.. _Commmon Workflow User Guide: http://www.commonwl.org/user_guide/
-.. _Building Common Workflow Language Tools: http://planemo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/writing_cwl_standalone.html
-.. _OVA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Virtualization_Format
-.. to_doc
-0.70.0 (2020-01-29)
-* Temporarily add galaxy-util requirement `Pull Request 991`_
-* Make symlinks in tool tree work for planemo test `Pull Request 988`_
-* Reduce use of ``shell=True`` in subprocesses `Pull Request 989`_
-* Drop planemo database seed option `Pull Request 985`_
-* Don't execute ``untar_to()`` subprocesses through the shell `Pull Request  984`_
-* Allow setting database_connection for planemo test runs `Pull Request 986`_
-* Fix copy-paste mistakes `Pull Request 983`_
-* Add planemo list_repos command `Pull Request 982`_
-* Make container_register build files with headers and include base_image `Pull Request 980`_
-* Replace deprecated galaxy-lib requirement with galaxy-tool-util `Pull  Request 978`_
-* Close all opened files (thanks to `@bernt-matthias`_). `Pull Request 979`_
-* Build single requirement container, log if requirement not in best-practice channels `Pull Request 977`_
-* Use tojson jinja2 filter instead of json.dumps `Pull Request 975`_
-* Add merge_test_reports command `Pull Request 974`_
-* Implement github workflow and fix profile commands if psql unavailable `Pull Request 976`_
-* Fix planemo lint --biocontainers if no build number in container `Pull Request 972`_
-* Update a training command (thanks to `@hexylena`_). `Pull Request 973`_
-* Allow passing through GALAXY_VIRTUAL_ENV variable to venv setup `Pull Request 971`_
-* Correct help text (thanks to `@hexylena`_). `Pull Request 970`_
-* Remove unneeded html5lib requirement `Pull Request 968`_
-0.62.1 (2019-10-14)
-* Init & update submodules when installing and creating packages. Stop
-  distributing eggs (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_). 1ab8530_
-0.62.0 (2019-10-11)
-* Use ``unicodify()`` on exceptions and subprocess outputs (thanks to
-  `@nsoranzo`_) `Pull Request 944`_
-* Do not override ``None`` with empty string (thanks to `@ic4f`_). `Pull Request
-  950`_
-* Update Docker template for training material generation (thanks to
-  `@bedroesb`_). `Pull Request 958`_
-* Add support for suite of repos with different owners (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 959`_
-* Link for collection details updated in the docs (thanks to `@martin-raden`_).
-  `Pull Request 963`_
-* Move most tests to Python 3.7, drop Python 3.4 (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 964`_
-* Remove confusing warning `Pull Request 966`_
-0.61.0 (2019-07-08)
-* Training - fix empty repeat + some formatting (thanks to `@bebatut`_). `Pull
-  Request 926`_
-* Training - add bibliography to tutorial template (thanks to `@shiltemann`_).
-  `Pull Request 938`_
-* Training - support new class definition for input in workflow step (thanks to
-  `@bebatut`_). `Pull Request 943`_
-* Various tool tutorial fixes ahead of GCC 2019 (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 940`_
-* Return validation error if doi is empty (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 937`_
-0.60.0 (2019-05-31)
-* Return validation error if doi is empty `Pull Request 937`_
-* Add junit as test reporter (thanks to `@selten`_). `Pull Request 935`_
-* Update galaxy.xsd for new python 3 compatibility attribute (thanks to `@martenson`_). `Pull Request
-  931`_
-* Documentation: add a little warning for <param ... multiple="true"> (thanks to
-  `@bernt-matthias`_). `Pull Request 930`_
-0.59.0 (2019-05-09)
-* Add ability to test data manager tools (thanks to `@mvdbeek`_).
-  `Pull Request 912`_
-* Update Training for new requirement definition (thanks to `@bebatut`_).
-  `Pull Request 913`_
-* Drop amqp workaround (thanks to `@mvdbeek`_). `Pull Request 917`_
-* Use ``yaml.safe_load()`` instead of deprecated ``load()`` (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 921`_
-* Allow converting ``tool_test_report.json`` to xunit (thanks to `@mvdbeek`_).
-  `Pull Request 918`_
-* Fix error if testcase.data.job does not exist (thanks to `@mvdbeek`_).
-  `Pull Request 924`_
-* Fix deprecated ``getchildren()`` (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 925`_
-0.58.2 (2019-03-01)
-* Fix display of tool ids in planemo html report (thanks to `@mvdbeek`_).
-  `Pull Request 908`_
-* Single quotes for file names (thanks to `@bernt-matthias`_). `Pull Request
-  909`_
-* Fix doc linting (thanks to `@mvdbeek`_). `Pull Request 910`_
-* Update TS categories (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_). 07dc6e0_
-* Close tag in doc help, to help with copy&paste (thanks to `@blankenberg`_).
-  `Pull Request 914`_
-* Update the tool XSD file (thanks to `@bgruening`_). `Pull Request 915`_
-0.58.1 (2019-01-03)
-* Update galaxy-lib requirement to 18.9.2 to add Python 3.7 support (thanks to
-  `@nsoranzo`_). `Pull Request 906`_
-* Fix command run by `planemo test --skip_venv` (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 907`_
-0.58.0 (2019-01-01)
-* Remove deprecated ``sudo: false`` from .travis.yml (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 902`_
-* Do not skip Galaxy client build for ``planemo serve``. Install Galaxy when the
-  directory specified with ``--galaxy_root`` does not exist or is empty. (thanks
-  to `@nsoranzo`_). `Pull Request 895`_, `Issue 845`_
-0.57.1 (2018-11-23)
-* Fix username validation for shed linting (thanks to `@martenson`_).
-  `Pull Request 899`_, `Issue 898`_
-0.57.0 (2018-11-19)
-* Allow ``workflow_convert`` to convert a native ``.ga`` workflows to format 2 (yaml).
-  `Pull Request 896`_
-* New command (``workflow_edit``) to open workflow in a synchronized graphical editor.
-  `Pull Request 894`_
-* Conda tutorial fixes (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_). `Pull Request 876`_
-* Enable ``--conda_use_local`` option for ``planemo test`` (thanks to
-  `@nsoranzo`_). `Pull Request 876`_
-* When testing, skip workflow outputs that do not have a `label` set (thanks to
-  `@bgruening`_). `Pull Request 893`_
-* Add ``__repr__`` for ``TestCase`` to improve debugging Planemo
-  (thanks to `@bgruening`_). `Pull Request 892`_
-* Increase IO polling interval over time (thanks to `@martenson`_).
-  `Pull Request 891`_
-* Sync galaxy xsd and fix tests (thanks to `@mvdbeek`_).
-  `Pull Request 889`_
-* Linting fix for ``W605`` (thanks to `@martenson`_). `Pull Request 888`_
-* Add icon for repeat parameters in training (thanks to `@bebatut`_).
-  `Pull Request 887`_
-0.56.0 (2018-10-30)
-* Allow selection of Python version when starting managed Galaxy
-  (thanks to `@mvdbeek`_). `Pull Request 874`_
-* Change the channel priority of conda (again). (thanks to `@bgruening`_).
-  `Pull Request 867`_
-* Some small english corrections (thanks to `@hexylena`_). `Pull Request 868`_
-* Print the list of excluded paths when running ``ci_find_repos``
-  (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_). `Pull Request 877`_
-* Improved XSD lint reporting. `Pull Request 871`_
-* Fix Planemo writing a file called ``gx_venv_None``. `Pull Request 870`_
-* Update cwltool and galaxy-lib dependencies for Python 3.7 (thanks to
-  `@nsoranzo`_). `Pull Request 864`_
-* Fix to make workflow testing more robust.
-  `Pull Request 882`_
-0.55.0 (2018-09-12)
-* Add commands to create Galaxy training materials (thanks to `@bebatut`_).
-  `Pull Request 861`_
-* Fix `planemo test` when TEMP env variable contain spaces (thanks to
-  `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 851`_
-* Support testing a completely remote galaxy instance (thanks to `@hexylena`_).
-  `Pull Request 856`_
-* Allow naming history from command line (thanks to `@hexylena`_).
-  `Pull Request 860`_
-* Sync galaxy.xsd from galaxy repo (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 866`_
-* Fix ServeTestCase.test_shed_serve test (thanks to `@nsoranzo`). bad810a_
-0.54.0 (2018-06-06)
-* Better support for testings against different versions of Galaxy efficiently and robustly.
-  `Pull Request 849`_
-* New database version (thanks to `@bgruening`_).
-  `Pull Request 847`_
-* Hyperlink DOIs against preferred resolver (thanks to `@katrinleinweber`_).
-  `Pull Request 850`_
-* Tests for collection inputs to workflows. `Pull Request 843`_
-* Bring in Ephemeris sleep function - hopefully makes serve tests a bit more robust.
-  b12b117_
-* More tutorial testing, tutorial updates.
-  016b923_, 324c776_, 2002b49_
-* More isolated ``test_shed_upload.py`` tests. 72d2ca7_
-* Add filetype support for workflow test inputs (thanks to `@bgruening`_).
-  `Pull Request 842`_
-* Add ``--no_shed_install`` option, to prevent shed installs as part of workflow testing.
-  `Pull Request 841`_
-* Small docs fix (thanks to `@hexylena`_). `Pull Request 848`_
-0.53.0 (2018-05-22)
-* Make Planemo testing easier for CWL tools and workflows in various ways and update
-  tutorials to reflect these simplifications. `Pull Request 837`_
-* Test and fix running workflow tests against externally managed Galaxy servers.
-  `Pull Request 833`_, `Pull Request 836`_
-* Allow using URIs for inputs of workflow test. `Pull Request 840`_
-* Slide Galaxy testing window to include 18.05 and drop 17.09. `Pull Request 838`_
-0.52.0 (2018-05-20)
-* Allow optional disabling of Galaxy single user mode. `Pull Request 835`_
-* Fix for path pasting options during workflow testing. `Pull Request 834`_
-0.51.0 (2018-05-19)
-* Fix essentially all Conda_ and BioContainers_ related functionality to allow parity between
-  CWL_ and existing Galaxy functionality - fixes and enhances many commands including ``lint``,
-  ``conda_install``, ``conda_env``, ``test``, ``run``, and ``mull``.
-  `Pull Request 828`_
-* Add two new tutorials for `Conda
-  <http://planemo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/writing_advanced_cwl.html#dependencies-and-conda>`__
-  and `Container
-  <http://planemo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/writing_advanced_cwl.html#dependencies-and-containers>`__
-  development with CWL tools that mirrors the existing tutorials for Galaxy tools - including new
-  CWL exercises, answers, and example project templates.
-  347c622_
-* Improve the CWL generated by the ``tool_init`` command to properly deal with
-  ``SoftwareRequirement`` s and generate more idiomatic CWL.
-  `Pull Request 820`_, a5c72e3_
-* Add new engine type (``--engine toil``) for testing and running CWL_ tools (requires
-  manually installing Toil_ with ``pip install toil`` in Planemo's environment).
-  `Pull Request 831`_
-* Add `documentation <http://planemo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/test_format.html>`__
-  for the Galaxy Workflow and CWL_ test format files (includes information on configuring
-  various test engines).
-  `Pull Request 832`_
-* Better default logging config for CWL development. `Pull Request 830`_
-* Various fixes for the ``conda_search`` command. `Pull Request 826`_
-* Fix test coverage configuration. `Pull Request 822`_
-* Reorganize .travis.yml for clarity. `Pull Request 829`_
-* More isolated, robust unit tests that use git_.
-  `Pull Request 827`_, `Pull Request 818`_
-* Fix default list of best-practice Conda channels. `Pull Request 825`_
-* Refactor tests to speed up quick tests - fewer buggy URLs fetched in "quick" mode.
-  `Pull Request 823`_
-* Fix upload configuration of workflow testing to default (overrideable) external Galaxies
-  to not use path pasting.
-  `Pull Request 816`_
-* Fix test number parsing for workflow tests. `Pull Request 817`_
-0.50.1 (2018-05-11)
-* Fix the process of waiting on Galaxy to boot up for the Docker Galaxy container ``--engine``.
-0.50.0 (2018-05-10)
-* Fixes and small CLI tweaks to get the Docker Galaxy container working as an ``--engine`` for the
-  run, serve, and test commands.
-0.49.2 (2018-05-09)
-* Various small fixes for new external Galaxy engine type.
-0.49.1 (2018-05-06)
-* Fix PyPI_ README rendering for 0.49.0 release changes.
-0.49.0 (2018-05-06)
-* Implement external Galaxy engine. `Pull Request 781`_
-* Restructure serve testing code for reuse. `Pull Request 795`_
-* Improve test report handling for JSON generated via galaxy-lib testing
-  script. `Pull Request 799`_
-* Improve how various branches of Galaxy are tested. `Pull Request 800`_
-* Added documentation for ``GALAXY_MEMORY_MB`` (thanks to `@bernt-matthias`_).
-  `Pull Request 801`_
-* Log tool config in verbose logging mode. `Pull Request 802`_
-* Replace ``r`` channel with ``conda-forge`` (thanks to `@bgruening`_).
-  `Pull Request 805`_
-* Sync ``galaxy.xsd`` with latest Galaxy updates (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 806`_
-* Use ``requests.get()`` when validating http URLs (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 809`_
-* Do not consider tools with "deprecated" in the path (thanks to
-  `@bgruening`_). `Pull Request 810`_
-* Automatically load tools shipped with Galaxy when testing, running, or serving
-  workflows that reference these tools. `Pull Request 790`_
-* Revise README and touch up documentation in general. `Pull Request 787`_
-* Various small changes to testing and test framework. `Pull Request 792`_
-* Various Python 3 fixes. 8cfe9e9_, 41f7df1_
-* Fixes for Galaxy 18.0X releases.
-  `Pull Request 803`_, dc443d6_
-0.48.0 (2018-02-28)
-* Run all CI tests against Python 3 (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 768`_ and `Pull Request 774`_
-* Python 3 fix - subprocess with ``universal_newlines=True``
-  (thanks to `@peterjc`_).
-  `Pull Request 764`_
-* Record CWL_ conformance test results using JUnit xml
-  (thanks to `@mr-c`_).
-  `Pull Request 756`_
-* Restore run test case for simple Galaxy tools.
-  `Pull Request 769`_
-* Enhancements to Galaxy profiles and workflow testing.
-  `Pull Request 773`_
-* Fix resolving & installing shed repositories from workflows for ``test``
-  and ``run`` commands.
-  `Pull Request 776`_
-* Implement planemo command to convert format 2 workflows into .ga workflows.
-  `Pull Request 771`_
-* Add a native Galaxy workflow (.ga) testing test.
-  `Pull Request 770`_
-* Drop Brew support but add more detailed install instructions.
-  `Pull Request 761`_
-* Clean up CWL_ conformance test execution. `Pull Request 753`_
-* Assorted small CWL_ and deamon serve fixes. `Pull Request 759`_
-0.47.0 (2017-11-18)
-* Update to the latest Galaxy tool XSD  (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 747`_
-* Re-fix problem when shed_update would fail if nothing to update
-  (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_). `Pull Request 747`_
-* Update instructions for installation via conda (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_) .
-  `Pull Request 743`_
-* Bug fix for MacOS `chmod` doesn't support `--recursive` flag.
-  (thanks to `@dfornika`_). `Pull Request 739`_
-* Bug fix to also `socket.error` when linting URLs
-  (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_). `Pull Request 738`_
-* Disable broken tests. `Pull Request 745`_
-0.46.1 (2017-09-26)
-* Rev to latest versions of bioblend_ and `galaxy-lib`_ for various fixes
-  related to CWL_.
-0.46.0 (2017-09-15)
-* Change behavior of ``--docker`` flag, for a few releases it would require
-  Galaxy use a container for every non-upload tool. This breaks various
-  conversion tools for instance and so was reverted.
-  `Pull Request 733`_
-* Add 'Accept' header when linting doc URLs (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 725`_
-* Fix `--conda_auto_install` help (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 727`_
-* Incremental progress toward CWL support via Galaxy.
-  `Pull Request 729`_, `Pull Request 732`_
-* Update galaxy-lib to latest version to fix various issues.
-  `Pull Request 730`_
-* Fix lint detected problems with documentation.
-  `Pull Request 731`_
-0.45.0 (2017-09-06)
-* Update to the latest `galaxy-lib`_ for Conda fixes. (thanks `@nsoranzo`_)
-  and updated CWL_ utilities.  `Pull Request 716`_, `Pull Request 723`_
-* Update Conda_ channel order to sync with Bioconda_
-  (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_). `Pull Request 715`_
-* Experimental support running CWL_ workflows through the CWL_ fork of Galaxy.
-* Mention ``planemo command --help`` in main help
-  (thanks to `@peterjc`_). `Pull Request 709`_
-* Bugfix handle ``None`` requirement versions when registering containers
-  (thanks to `@bgruening`_). `Pull Request 704`_
-* Bugfix for dependencies by pinning ruamel.yaml version
-  (thanks to `@mvdbeek`_). `Pull Request 720`_
-0.44.0 (2017-06-22)
-* Fix and improve Galaxy root option specification options.
-  `Pull Request 701`_, 8a608e0_
-* Update `planemo mull` to use a default action of `build-and-test` since
-  `build` no longer cleans up itself. ecc1bc2_
-* Add a command to pre-install Involucro_.
-  `Pull Request 702`_
-0.43.0 (2017-06-22)
-* Remove stdio from generated tools - just use exit_code for everything.
-  91b6fa0_
-* Implement some ad-hoc documentation tests. `Pull Request 699`_
-* A large number of small enhancements and fixes for the documentation and
-  example projects.
-0.42.1 (2017-06-16)
-* Fix Readme typos (thanks to `@manabuishii`_) 904d77a_
-* Fix `container_register` to create pull requests against the newly finalized home of the
-  multi-package-containers registry repository.
-  9636682_
-* Fix `use_global_config` and `use_env_var` for options with unspecified defaults.
-  475104c_
-0.42.0 (2017-06-15)
-* Conda/Container documentation and option naming improvements. `Pull Request
-  684`_
-* Sync `galaxy.xsd` with latest upstream Galaxy updates (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 687`_
-* Fix `ci_find_repos` command to not filter repos whose only modifications where
-  in subdirs (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 688`_
-* Update `container_register` for mulled version 2 and repository name changes.
-  `Pull Request 689`_
-* Better pull request messages for the `container_register` command.
-  `Pull Request 690`_
-0.41.0 (2017-06-05)
-* Fix ``shed_update`` not fail if there is nothing to update
-  (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_). `Issue 494`_, `Pull Request 680`_
-* Conda documentation and option naming improvements.
-  `Pull Request 683`_
-* Implement ``container_register`` for tool repositories.
-  `Pull Request 675`_
-* Fix ``hub`` binary installation for Mac OS X.
-  `Pull Request 682`_
-0.40.1 (2017-05-03)
-* Fix data manager configuration to not conflict with original Galaxy at
-  ``galaxy_root`` (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_). `Pull Request 662`_
-* Fix ``filter_paths()`` to not partial match paths when filtering shed repositories
-  (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_). `Pull Request 665`_
-* Fix description when creating ``.shed.yml`` files (thanks to `@RJMW`_).
-  `Pull Request 664`_
-0.40.0 (2017-03-16)
-* Implement instructions and project template for GA4GH Tool Execution
-  Challenge Phase 1. 84c4a73_
-* Eliminate Conda hack forcing ``/tmp`` as temp directory. b4ae44d_
-* Run dependency script tests in isolated directories. 32f41c9_
-* Fix OS X bug in ``planemo run`` by reworking it to wait using urllib instead of sockets.
-  3129216_
-0.39.0 (2017-03-15)
-* Implement documentation and examples for Conda-based dependency development (under
-  "Advanced" topics).
-  `Pull Request 642`_, `Pull Request 643`_
-* Implement documentation and examples for container-based dependency development (under
-  "Advanced" topics).
-  0a1abfe_
-* Implement a ``planemo conda_search`` command for searching best practice channels
-  from the command line.
-  `Pull Request 642`_
-* Allow Planemo to work with locally built Conda packages using the ``--conda_use_local``
-  command.
-  `Pull Request 643`_, `Issue 620`_
-* Implement an ``open`` (or just ``o``) command to quickly open the last test results
-  (or any file if supplied). `Pull Request 641`_
-* Linting improvements and fixes due to `galaxy-lib`_ update.
-  * WARN on test output names not found or not matching.
-  * INFO correct information about stdio if profile version is found.
-  * WARN if profile version is incorrect.
-  * INFO profile version
-  * Fix ``assert_command`` not detected as a valid test (fixes  `Issue 260`_).
-* Have ``lint --conda_requirements`` check that at least one actual requirement is found.
-  6638caa_
-* Allow ``conda_install`` to work with packages as well as just tools.
-  8faf661_
-* Add ``--global`` option to conda_install to install requirements into global Conda setup
-  instead of using an environment.
-  8faf661_
-* Implement ``planemo lint --biocontainer`` that checks that a tool has an available BioContainer
-  registered.
-  0a1abfe_
-* Add more options and more documentation to the ``planemo mull`` command.
-  0a1abfe_
-* Hack around a bug in Conda 4.2 that makes it so ``planemo mull`` doesn't work out of the box on
-  Mac OS X.
-  0a1abfe_
-* Allow URIs to be used instead of paths for a couple operations. ce0dc4e_
-* Implement non-strict CWL parsing option. 4c0f100_
-* Fixes for changes to cwltool_ and general CWL-relate functionality.
-  3c95b7b_, 06bcf19_, 525de8f_, 9867e56_, 9ab4a0d_
-* Eliminate deprecated XML-based abstraction from ``planemo.tools``. 04238d3_
-* Fix ``MANIFEST.in`` entry that was migrated to galaxy-lib. ced5ce2_
-* Various fixes for the command ``conda_env``. `Pull Request 640`_
-* Improved command help - both formatting and content. `Pull Request 639`_
-* Implement a ``--no_dependency_resolution`` option disabling conda dependency
-  resolver.
-  `Pull Request 635`_, `Issue 633`_
-* Tests for new linting logic. `Pull Request 638`_
-* Fix bug where tool IDs needs to be lowercase for the shed (thanks to
-  `@bgruening`_).
-  `Pull Request 649`_
-* Update seqtk version targetted by intro docs. e343b67_
-* Various other Conda usability improvements. `Pull Request 634`_
-0.38.1 (2017-02-06)
-* Fix bug with ``shed_lint --urls`` introduced in 0.38.0.
-  84ebc1f_
-0.38.0 (2017-02-06)
-* Trim down the default amount of logging during testing.
-  `Pull Request 629`_, `Issue 515`_
-* Improved log messages during shed operations. 08c067c_
-* Update tool XSD against latest Galaxy.
-  fca4183_, 03c9658_
-* Fix bug where ``shed_lint --tools`` for a suite lints the same tools multiple
-  times.
-  `Issue 564`_, `Pull Request 628`_
-0.37.0 (2017-01-25)
-* Update to the latest `galaxy-lib`_ release. This means new installs start with
-  Miniconda 3 instead of Minicoda 2 and at a newer version. This fixes many
-  Conda_ related bugs.
-* Change defaults so that Conda automatically initializes and performs tool installs
-  by default from within the spawned Galaxy server. The trio of flags
-  ``--conda_dependency_resolution``, ``--conda_auto_install``, and ``--conda_auto_init``
-  are effectively enabled by default now. 4595953_
-* Use the Galaxy cached dependency manager by default (thanks to `@abretaud`_).
-  `Pull Request 612`_
-* Test Conda dependency resolution for more versions of Galaxy including the forthcoming
-  release of 17.01.
-* Update to the latest Galaxy tool XSD for various tool linting fixes. 32acd68_
-* Fix pip ignores for ``bioconda_scripts`` (thanks to `@nturaga`_)
-  `Pull Request 614`_
-0.36.1 (2016-12-12)
-* Fix move error when using ``project_init``.
-  `Issue 388`_, `Pull Request 610`_
-* Improved integration testing for ``test`` command. `Pull Request 609`_
-* Update CWL links to v1.0 (thanks to `@mr-c`_).
-  `Pull Request 608`_
-0.36.0 (2016-12-11)
-* Bring in latest tool XSD file from Galaxy (thanks to `@peterjc`_).
-  `Pull Request 605`_
-* PEP8 fixes for various linting problems
-  (thanks to `@peterjc`_).
-  `Pull Request 606`_
-* Update tool syntax URL to new URL (thanks to `@mvdbeek`_).
-  `Pull Request 602`_
-0.35.0 (2016-11-14)
-* Native support for building bioconductor tools and recipes
-  (thanks to `@nturaga`_). `Pull Request 570`_
-* Fixes for running Galaxy via docker-galaxy-stable (thanks to
-  `@bgruening`_). 50d3c4a_
-* Import order linting fixes (thanks to `@bgruening`_).
-0.34.1 (2016-10-12)
-* Mimic web browser to validate user help URLs fixing `Issue 578`_
-  (thanks to `@peterjc`_). `Pull Request 591`_
-* Fix for Bioconda recipes depending on ``conda-forge`` (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 590`_
-0.34.0 (2016-10-05)
-* Implement ``mull`` command to build containers for tools based on Conda_
-  recipes matching requirement definitions. 08cef54_
-* Implement ``--mulled_containers`` flag on ``test``, ``serve``, and ``run``
-  commands to run tools in "mulled" containers. Galaxy will first search
-  locally cache containers (such as ones built with ``mull``), then search
-  the mulled namespace of `quay.io`_, and finally build one on-demand if
-  needed using `galaxy-lib`_ and Involucro_ developed by `@thriqon`_.
-* Implement ``--conda_requirements`` flag on ``lint`` command to ensure requirements
-  can be resolved in best practice channels. 9da8387_
-* Allow ``conda_install`` command over multiple tool paths. 2e4e5fc_
-* Update pip_ as part of setting virtual environment in ``Makefile`` target.
-  19b2ee9_
-* Add script to auto-update Bioconda_ recipe for Planemo and open a pull request.
-  f0da66f_
-0.33.2 (2016-09-28)
-* Fix HISTORY.rst link problem that prevented correct display of content on PyPI_.
-0.33.1 (2016-09-28)
-* Fix ``lint --urls`` false positives by being more restrictive with what is considered a URL
-  (fixed by `@hexylena`_ after detailed report from `@peterjc`_).
-  `Issue 573`_, `Pull Request 579`_
-0.33.0 (2016-09-23)
-* Enable XSD validation of tools by default (restore old behavior with
-  ``planemo lint --no_xsd``). 1ef05d2_
-* Implement a ``conda_lint`` command to lint Conda_ recipes based
-  on `anaconda-verify`_. 6a6f164_
-* Implement ``clone`` and ``pull_request`` commands to ease PRs
-  (with documentation fixes from `@martenson`_).
-  e925ba1_, ea5324f_
-* Update `galaxy.xsd`_ to allow version_command's to have an interpreter
-  attribute. 7cca2e4_
-* Apply improvement from `@nsoranzo`_ for Planemo's use of
-  `git diff <https://git-scm.com/docs/git-diff>`__.
-  6f91719_
-* Pull in downstream refactoring of ``tool_init`` code from `@nturaga`_'s
-  Bioconductor_ work. ccdd2d5_
-* Update to latest `Tool Factory`_ code from `tools-iuc`_. ca88b0c_
-* Small code cleanups. b6d8294_, d6da3a8_
-* Fixup docs in ``planemo.xml.validation``.
-* Allow skipping newly required lxml_ dependency in `setup.py`_. 34538de_
-0.32.0 (2016-09-16)
-* Enhance ``planemo lint --xsd`` to use a fairly complete and newly official XSD
-  definition. `Pull Request 566`_
-* Migrate and update documentation related to tool XML macros and handling
-  multiple outputs from the Galaxy wiki (with help from `@bgruening`_, `@mvdbeek`_,
-  and `@nsoranzo`_). `Pull Request 559`_
-* Documentation fixes (thanks to `@ramezrawas`_). `Pull Request 561`_
-* Do not fail URL linting in case of too many requests (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 565`_
-0.31.0 (2016-09-06)
-* Implement new commands to ``ci_find_repos`` and ``ci_find_tools`` to ease
-  CI scripting.
-  `Pull Request 555`_
-0.30.2 (2016-09-01)
-* Fix another problem with Conda_ prefix handling when using
-  ``--conda_dependency_resolution``. f7b6c7e_
-0.30.1 (2016-09-01)
-* Fix a problem with Conda_ prefix handling when using
-  ``--conda_dependency_resolution``. f7b6c7e_
-* Fix for quote problem in ``update_planemo_recipe.bash``. 6c03de8_
-* Fix to restore linting of ``tests/`` directory and fix import order throughout
-  module. ef4b9f4_
-0.30.0 (2016-09-01)
-* Update to the latest `galaxy-lib`_ release and change Conda_ semantics to match
-  recent updates to Galaxy. For the most robust Conda_ usage - use planemo 0.30+
-  with Galaxy 16.07 or master.
-  07d94bd_
-* Implement the ``--conda_auto_init`` flag for ``conda_install``. ca19910_
-* Allow the environment variable ``PLANEMO_CONDA_PREFIX`` to set a default
-  for ``--conda_prefix``.
-  24008ab_
-* Fixup documentation regarding installs and Conda_. ce44e87_
-* Fix and lint Python module import order throughout project.
-  `Pull Request 550`_
-* Use ``cp`` rather than symlink to ``$DOWNLOAD_CACHE`` in the
-  ``dependency_script`` command (thanks to `@peterjc`_).  c2204b3_
-* Fixes for the Homebrew recipe updater. c262b6d_
-0.29.1 (2016-08-19)
-* Improved handling of Python 2.7 specific dependencies.
-0.29.0 (2016-08-19)
-* Look for sha256sum checksums during shed_lint (thanks to `@peterjc`_).
-  `Pull Request 539`_
-* An assortment fixes and enhancements to the ``dependency_script`` command
-  (thanks to `@peterjc`_). `Pull Request 541`_, `Pull Request 545`_
-* Fix shed_build to respect exclude: in .shed.yml (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  `Pull Request 540`_
-* Fix linting of tool URLs (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_). `Pull Request 546`_
-0.28.0 (2016-08-17)
-* Fixes for bioblend_ v0.8.0 (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_). 9fdf490_
-* Enable shed repo type update (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_). 3ceaa40_
-* Create suite repositories with repository_suite_definition type by default
-  (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_).
-  057f4f0_
-* Include ``shed_lint`` in script run by ``travis_init`` (thanks to `@peterjc`_).
-  `Pull Request 528`_
-* Minor polish to the ``travis_init`` command (thanks to `@peterjc`_).
-  `Pull Request 512`_
-* Update pip_ and setuptools on TravisCI; fix travis_init (thanks to `@peterjc`_).
-  `Pull Request 521`_
-* Shorten command one line descriptions for main help (thanks to `@peterjc`_).
-  `Pull Request 510`_
-* Use ``planemo test --no_cache_galaxy`` under TravisCI (thanks to `@peterjc`_).
-  `Pull Request 513`_
-* Improve and fix docs ahead of GCC 2016 (thanks to `@martenson`_).
-  `Pull Request 498`_, 725b232_
-* Add description of ``expect_num_outputs`` to planemo FAQ. a066afb_
-* Revise planemo tools docs to be more explicit about collection identifiers.
-  a811e65_
-* Add more docs on existing dynamic tool output features. `Pull Request 526`_
-* Fix serve command doc (thanks to `@nsoranzo`_). 8c088c6_
-* Fix `make lint-readme` (RST link errors) (thanks to `@peterjc`_).
-  `Pull Request 525`_
-* Add union bedgraph example to project templates (for GCC demo example).
-  d53bcd6_
-* Add Flow Cytometry Analysis, Data Export, and Constructive Solid Geometry as
-  shed categories (thanks to `@bgruening`_, `@gregvonkuster`_, and `@nsoranzo`_).
-  e890ab5_, 08bb354_, e2398fb_
-* Remove duplicated attribute in docs/writing/bwa-mem_v5.xml (thanks to
-  Paul Stewart `@pstew`_).
-  `Pull Request 507`_
-0.27.0 (2016-06-22)
-* Use ephemeris to handle syncing shed tools for workflow actions.
-  1c6cfbb_
-* More planemo testing enhancements for testing artifacts that aren't
-  Galaxy tools. `Pull Request 491`_
-* Implement ``docker_galaxy`` engine type. eb039c0_, `Issue 15`_
-* Enhance profiles to be Dockerized Galaxy-aware. `Pull Request 488`_
-* Add linter for DOI type citation - thanks to `@mvdbeek`_.
-  `Pull Request 484`_
-0.26.0 (2016-05-20)
-* Implement ``Engine`` and ``Runnable`` abstractions - Planemo now has
-  beta support for testing Galaxy workflows and CWL_ tools with Galaxy and
-  any CWL_ artifact with cwltool_.
-  `Pull Request 454`_, 7be1bf5_
-* Fix missing command_line in test output json. e38c436_
-* More explicit Galaxy ``job_conf.xml`` handling, fixes bugs caused by
-  ``galaxy_root`` having existing and incompatible ``job_conf.xml`` files
-  and makes it possible to specify defaults with fixed server name. c4dfd55_
-* Introduce profile commands (``profile_create``, ``profile_delete``, and
-  ``profile_list``) and profile improvements (automatic postgres database
-  creation support). `Pull Request 480`_, a87899b_
-* Rework Galaxy test reporting to use structured data instead of XUnit
-  data. 4d29bf1_
-* Refactor Galaxy configuration toward support for running Galaxy in
-  docker-galaxy-stable. `Pull Request 479`_
-0.25.1 (2016-05-11)
-* Tweak dependencies to try to fix cwltool_ related issues - such
-  as `Issue 475`_.
-0.25.0 (2016-05-11)
-* Implement Galaxy "profiles" - the ability to configure
-  perisistent, named environments for ``serve`` and ``test``.
-  5d08b67_
-* Greatly improved ``serve`` command - make ``test-data``
-  available as an FTP folder, (on 16.07) automatically log
-  in an admin user, and many more options (such as those
-  required for "profiles" and a ``--daemon`` mode).
-* Two fixes to ensure more consistent, dependable ``test`` output.
-  `Pull Request 472`_, f3c6917_
-* Add code and documentation for linting (``lint``) and
-  building (``tool_init``) CWL_ tools. a4e6958_, b0b867e_,
-  4cd571c_
-* If needed for Conda_ workaround, shorten ``config_directory``
-  path (thanks to `@mvdbeek`_). efc5f30_
-* Fix ``--no_cache_galaxy`` option (thanks to Gildas Le
-  Corguillé). d8f2038_
-* Target draft 3 of CWL_ instead of draft 2. 775bf49_
-* Fix ``cwltool`` dependency version - upstream changes broke
-  compatibility. `65b999d`_
-* Add documentation section and slides about recent Galaxy
-  tool framework changes (with fix from `@remimarenco`_). 069e7ba_
-* Add IUC standards to Planemo docs. 2ae2b49_
-* Improve collection-related contents in documentation
-  (thanks in part to `@martenson`_).
-  fea51fc_, 13a5ae7_
-* Add documentation on ``GALAXY_SLOTS`` and running planemo
-  on a cluster. 45135ff_, e0acf91_
-* Revise command-line handling framework for consistency and
-  extension - allow extra options to be configured as
-  defaults ``~/.planemo.yml`` including ``--job_config_file``
-  and Conda_ configuration options. e769118_, 26e378e_
-* Fix ``tool_init`` commans options typos (thanks to
-  Nitesh Turaga). 826d371_
-* Refactor galaxy-related modules into submodules of a new
-  ``planemo.galaxy`` package. 8e96864_
-* Fix error message typo (thanks to `@blankenberg`_). b1c8f1d_
-* Update documentation for recent command additions. 3f4ab44_
-* Rename option ``--galaxy_sqlite_database`` option to
-  ``--galaxy_database_seed`` and fix it so it actually works.
-  f7554d1_
-* Add ``--extra_tools`` option to ``serve`` command. 02a08a0_
-* Update project testing to include linting documentation
-  (``docs/``), Python import order, and docstrings.
-  a13a120_, 6e1e726_, 95d5cba_
-0.24.2 (2016-04-25)
-* Revert "check ``.shed.yml`` owner against credentials during shed
-  creation", test was incorrect and preventing uploads.
-  `Pull Request 425`_, `Issue 246`_
-0.24.1 (2016-04-08)
-* Fix test summary report. `Pull Request 429`_
-* Improve error reporting when running ``shed_test``. ce8e1be_
-* Improved code comments and tests for shed related functionality.
-  89674cb_
-* Rev `galaxy-lib`_ dependency to 16.4.1 to fix wget usage in
-  newer versions of wget. d76b489_
-0.24.0 (2016-03-29)
-* Drop support for Python 2.6. 93b7bda_
-* A variety of fixes for ``shed_update``.
-  `Pull Request 428`_, `Issue 416`_
-* Fix reporting of metadata updates for invalid shed updates.
-  `Pull Request 426`_, `Issue 420`_
-* Check ``.shed.yml`` owner against credentials during shed creation.
-  `Pull Request 425`_, `Issue 246`_
-* Fix logic error if there is a problem with ``shed_create``. 358a42c_
-* Tool documentation improvements. 0298510_, a58a3b8_
-0.23.0 (2016-02-15)
-* Fix duplicated attributes with Conda_ resolver (thanks
-  to Björn Grüning). `Pull Request 403`_
-* Upgrade to latest version of `galaxy-lib`_ for more linting.
-* Attempt to better handle conditional dependency on cwltool.
-0.22.2 (2016-01-14)
-* Fixed bug targetting forthcoming release of Galaxy 16.01.
-0.22.1 (2016-01-14)
-* Fixed problem with PyPI_ build artifacts due to submodule's not
-  being initialized during previous release.
-0.22.0 (2016-01-13)
-* Add ``--skip_venv`` to support running Galaxy 16.01 inside of
-  conda environments. 9f3957d_
-* Implement conda support. f99f6c1_, ad3b2f0_, 5e0b6d1_
-* Update LICENSE for Planemo to match Galaxy. 15d33c7_
-* Depend on new `galaxy-lib`_ on PyPI_ instead of previous hacks....
-  `Pull Request 394`_
-* Fix egg caching against master/15.10. 6d0f502_
-* Fix bug causing shed publishing of ``.svn`` directories.
-  `Issue 391`_
-* Bug fixes for Conda_ support thanks to `@bgruening`_. 63e456c_
-* Fix document issues thanks to `@einon`_.
-  `Pull Request 390`_
-* Improve client for shed publishing to support newer shed backend
-  being developed by `@hexylena`_. `Pull Request 394`_
-* Tool Shed ``repo_id`` change, `@hexylena`_. `Pull Request 398`_
-* Various other small changes to testing, project structure, and
-  Python 3 support.
-0.21.1 (2015-11-29)
-* Fix serious regression to ``test`` command. 94097c7_
-* Small fixes to release process. 4e1377c_, 94645ed_
-0.21.0 (2015-11-29)
-* If ``virtualenv`` not on ``PATH``, have Planemo create one for Galaxy.
-  5b97f2e_
-* Add documentation section on testing tools installed in an existing
-  Galaxy instance. 1927168_
-* When creating a virtualenv for Galaxy, prefer Python 2.7.
-  e0577e7_
-* Documentation fixes and improvements thanks to `@martenson`_.
-  0f8cb10_, 01584c5_, b757791_
-* Specify a minimum ``six`` version requirement. 1c7ee5b_
-* Add script to test a planemo as a wheel. 6514ff5_, `Issue 184`_
-* Fix empty macro loading. `Issue 362`_
-* Fix an issue when you run ``shed_diff --shed_target local`` thanks
-  to Gwendoline Andres and Gildas Le Corguillé at ABiMS Roscoff.
-  `Pull Request 375`_
-* Fix ``shed_diff`` printing to stdout if ``-o`` isn't specified.
-  f3394e7_
-* Small ``shed_diff`` improvements to XML diffing and XUnit reporting.
-  af7448c_, 83e227a_
-* More logging of ``shed_diff`` results if ``--verbose`` flagged.
-  9427b47_
-* Add ``test_report`` command for rebuilding reports from structured JSON.
-  99ee51a_
-* Fix option bug with Click 6.0 thanks to `@bgruening`_. 2a7c792_
-* Improved error messages for test commands. fdce74c_
-* Various fixes for Python 3. 2f66fc3_, 7572e99_, 8eda729_, 764ce01_
-* Use newer travis container infrastructure for testing. 6d81a94_
-* Test case fixes. 98fdc8c_, 0e4f70a_
-0.20.0 (2015-11-11)
-* More complete I/O capturing for XUnit. 6409449_
-* Check for select parameter without options when linting tools.
-  `Issue 373`_
-* Add ``--cwl_engine`` argument to ``cwl_run`` command. dd94ddc_
-* Fixes for select parameter linting. 8b31850_
-* Fix to demultiplexing repositories after tool uploads. `Issue 361`_
-* Fix to update planemo for Galaxy wheels. 25ef0d5_
-* Various fixes for Python 2.6 and Python 3.
-  c1713d2_, 916f610_, c444855_
-0.19.0 (2015-11-03)
-* Initial implementation of ``cwl_run`` command that runs a
-  CWL tool and job file through Galaxy. 49c5c1e_
-* Add ``--cwl`` flag to ``serve`` to experimentally serve CWL tools
-  in Galaxy.
-  `Pull Request 339`_
-* Implement highly experimental ``cwl_script`` command to convert
-  a CWL job to a bash script. 508dce7_
-* Add name to all XUnit reports (thanks to `@hexylena`_).
-  `Pull Request 343`_
-* Capture stdout and stderr for ``shed_diff`` and ``shed_update``
-  XUnit reports. `Pull Request 344`_
-* More tool linting (conditionals) thanks to `@hexylena`_.
-  `Pull Request 350`_
-* UTF-8 fixes when handling XUnit reports. `Pull Request 345`_
-* Add `Epigenetics` as Tool Shed category. `Pull Request 351`_
-* Merge changes to common modules shared between Galaxy, Planemo, and Pulsar (thanks to `@natefoo`_).
-  `Pull Request 356`_
-* Add ``--cite_url`` to ``tool_init``. fdb1b51_
-* ``tool_init`` bug fix. f854138_
-* Fix `setup.py`_ for cwltool and bioblend_ changes. 1a157d4_
-* Add option to specify template sqlite database locally. c23569f_
-* Add example IPython notebooks to docs. c8640b6_
-0.18.1 (2015-10-22)
-* Fix issue with test reporting not being populated. 19900a6_
-0.18.0 (2015-10-20)
-* Improvements to ``docker_shell`` usability (thanks to `@kellrott`_).
-  `Pull Request 334`_
-* Add docker pull attempt when missing Dockerfile (thanks to `@kellrott`_).
-  `Pull Request 333`_
-* Fix bug inferring which files are tool files (thanks to `@hexylena`_).
-  `Pull Request 335`_, `Issue 313`_
-* Initial work toward automating brew recipe update. 4d6f7d9_, `Issue 329`_
-0.17.0 (2015-10-19)
-* Implement basic XUnit report option for ``shed_update`` (thanks to `@martenson`_).
-  `Pull Request 322`_
-* Fix issues with producing test outputs. 572e754_
-* Xunit reporting improvements - refactoring, times, diff output (thanks to `@hexylena`_).
-  `Pull Request 330`_
-* Implement project governance policy and update developer code of conduct to
-  match that of the Galaxy project. `Pull Request 316`_
-* Update filters for account for new ``.txt`` and ``.md`` test outputs
-  (thanks to `@hexylena`_). `Pull Request 327`_
-* Add verbose logging to galaxy test output handling problems. 5d7db92_
-* Flake8 fixes (thanks to `@martenson`_). 949a36d_
-* Remove uses of deprecated ``mktemp`` Python standard library function
-  (thanks to `@hexylena`_). `Pull Request 330`_
-0.16.0 (2015-10-07)
-* Adding new command ``dependency_script`` to convert Tool Shed dependencies
-  into shell scripts - thanks to `@peterjc`_.
-  `Pull Request 310`_, f798c7e_, `Issue 303`_
-* Implement profiles in sheds section of the ``~/.planemo.yml``.
-  `Pull Request 314`_
-0.15.0 (2015-10-01)
-* Template framework for reporting including new markdown and plain
-  text reporting options for testing - thanks to `@hexylena`_.
-  `Pull Request 304`_
-* XUnit style reporting for ``shed_diff`` command - thanks to
-  `@hexylena`_. `Pull Request 305`_
-* Add new ``shed_build`` command for building repository tarballs -
-  thanks to `@kellrott`_. `Pull Request 297`_
-* Fix exit code handling for ``lint`` commands - thanks to `@mvdbeek`_.
-  `Pull Request 292`_
-* Improved documentation for ``serve`` command - thanks to `@lparsons`_.
-  `Pull Request 312`_
-* Tiny backward compatible Python 3 tweaks for `Tool Factory`_ - thanks
-  to `@peterjc`_. dad2d9d_
-* Fixed detection of virtual environment in ``Makefile`` - thanks to
-  `@lparsons`_. `Pull Request 311`_
-* Updates to Galaxy XSD - thanks to `@mr-c`_. `Pull Request 309`_
-* Allow reading shed key option from an environment variable.
-  `Pull Request 307`_
-* Allow specifying host to serve Galaxy using ``-host`` - thanks in
-  part to `@chambm`_. `Pull Request 301`_
-* Allow specifying defaults for ``-host`` and ``--port`` in
-  ``~/.planemo.yml``. `Pull Request 301`_
-* Improve ``~/.planemo.yml`` sample comments - thanks to `@martenson`_.
-  `Pull Request 287`_
-* Update tool shed categories - thanks to `@bgruening`_. `Pull Request 285`_
-* Improved output readibility for ``diff`` command - thanks to `@martenson`_. `Pull Request 284`_
-0.14.0 (2015-08-06)
-* Allow ``-t`` as shorthand for ``--shed_target`` (thanks to Peter Cock).
-  `Pull Request 278`_
-* Fix ``tool_init`` command to use ``from_work_dir`` only if file in command
-  (thanks to bug report and initial fix outline by Gildas Le Corguillé).
-  `Pull Request 277`_
-* Various documentation fixes (thanks in part to Peter Cock and Daniel
-  Blankenberg). `Pull Request 256`_, `Pull Request 253`_, `Pull Request 254`_,
-  `Pull Request 255`_, `Pull Request 251`_, `Issue 272`_
-0.13.2 (2015-07-06)
-* Fix project_init for missing files. cb5b906_
-* Various documentation improvements.
-0.13.1 (2015-07-01)
-* Fix for ``shed_init`` producing non-standard type hints. `Issue 243`_,
-  f0610d7_
-* Fix tool linting for parameters that define an ``argument`` but not a
-  ``name``. `Issue 245`_, aad1eed_
-* Many doc updates including a tutorial for developing tools in a test-driven
-  fashion and instructions for using the planemo appliance through Kitematic
-  (with Kitematic screenshots from E. Rasche).
-0.13.0 (2015-06-28)
-* If planemo cannot find a Galaxy root, it will now automatically fetch
-  one (specifing ``--galaxy_install`` will still force a fetch).
-  `Pull Request 235`_
-* `Docuementation <http://planemo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/appliance.html>`__
-  has been updated to reflect new and vastly improved Docker and Vagrant
-  virtual appliances are now available, as well as a new VirtualBox OVA
-  variant.
-* Update linting for new tool XML features (including ``detect_errors``
-  and output collections). `Issue 233`_, 334f2d4_
-* Fix ``shed_test`` help text. `Issue 223`_
-* Fix code typo (thanks to Nicola Soranzo). `Pull Request 230`_
-* Improvements to algorithm used to guess if an XML file is a tool XML file.
-  `Issue 231`_
-* Fix configuration file handling bug. `Issue 240`_
-0.12.2 (2015-05-23)
-* Fix ``shed_test`` and ``shed_serve`` for test and local tool sheds.
-  f3cafaa_
-0.12.1 (2015-05-21)
-* Fix to ensure the tab completion script is in the Python source tarball
-  (required for setting up tab-completion for Homebrew). 6b4e7a6_
-0.12.0 (2015-05-21)
-* Implement a ``--failed`` flag for the ``test`` command to rerun
-  previously faied tests. `Pull Request 210`_
-* Implement ``shed_update`` to upload contents and update repository
-  metadata. `Pull Request 216`_
-* Implement ``shed_test`` and ``shed_serve`` commands to test and view
-  published artifacts in the Tool Shed. `Pull Request 213`_, `Issue 176`_
-* Add shell tab-completion script. 37dcc07_
-* Many more commands allow specifing multiple tool and/or repository targets.
-  `Issue 150`_
-* Add -m as alias for --message in planemo shed_upload (thanks to
-  Peter Cock). `Pull Request 200`_
-* Add ``--ensure_metadata`` option to ``shed_lint`` to ensure ``.shed.yml``
-  files contain many repository. `Pull Request 215`_
-* More developer documentation, additional ``make`` targets including ones
-  for setting up git pre-commit hooks. cc8abb6_, `Issue 209`_
-* Small README improvement (thanks to Martin ÄŒech) b53006d_
-* Fixes for shed operation error handling (thanks to Martin ÄŒech).
-  `Pull Request 203`_,  `Pull Request 206`_
-* Fix for "smart" ``shed_diff`` not in the repository root directory
-  (thanks to Peter Cock). `Pull Request 207`_, `Issue 205`_
-* Recursive ``shed_diff`` with directories not yet in Tool Shed.
-  `Pull Request 208`_
-* Improve error handling and reporting for problematic ``--shed_target``
-  values. `Issue 217`_
-* Fix typos in lint messages. `Issue 211`_
-0.11.1 (2015-05-12)
-* Fix default behavior for ``planemo lint`` to use current directory if
-  explicit paths are not supplied. 1e3668a_
-0.11.0 (2015-05-12)
-* More compact syntax for defining multiple custom inclusions in ``.shed.yml``
-  files - thanks to Peter Cock. `Issue 180`_, `Pull Request 185`_,
-  `Pull Request 196`_
-* Prevent ambigous destinations when defining custom inclusions in
-  ``.shed.yml``- thanks to Peter Cock. `Pull Request 186`_
-* ``lint`` now warns if tool ids contain whitespace. `Pull Request 190`_
-* Handle empty tar-balls gracefully on older Python versions - thanks
-  to Peter Cock. `Pull Request 187`_
-* Tweak quoting in ``cp`` command - thanks to Peter Cock. 6bcf699_
-* Fix regression causing testing to no longer produce "pretty" test
-  results under certain circumstances. `Issue 188`_
-* Fix for recursive ``shed_diff`` folder naming. `Issue 192`_
-* Fix output definitions to ``tool_init`` command. `Issue 189`_
-0.10.0 (2015-05-06)
-* Extend ``shed_lint`` to check for valid actions in tool_dependencies.xml
-  files. 8117e03_
-* Extend ``shed_lint`` to check for required files based on repository type.
-  `Issue 156`_
-* Ignore common editor backup files during ``shed_upload``. `Issue 179`_
-* Fix missing file when installing from source via PyPI_. `Issue 181`_
-* Fix ``lint`` to verify ``data`` inputs specify a ``format`` attribute.
-  8117e03_
-* Docstring fix thanks to `@peterjc`_. fe7ad46_
-0.9.0 (2015-05-03)
-* Add new logo to the README thanks to `@petrkadlec`_ from `puradesign.cz
-  <http://puradesign.cz/en>`__ and `@carlfeberhard`_ from the Galaxy Project.
-  `Issue 108`_
-* Implement smarter ``shed_diff`` command - it now produces a meaningful
-  exit codes and doesn't report differences if these correspond to attributes
-  that will be automatically populated by the Tool Shed. `Issue 167`_
-* Use new smarter ``shed_diff`` code to implement a new ``--check_diff``
-  option for ``shed_upload`` - to check for meaningful differences before
-  updating repositories. `Issue 168`_
-* Record git commit hash during ``shed_upload`` if the ``.shed.yml`` is
-  located in a git repository. `Issue 170`_
-* Allow ``shed_`` operations to operate on git URLs directly. `Issue 169`_
-* Fail if missing file inclusion statements encountered during ``.shed.yml``
-  repository resolution - bug reported by `@peterjc`_. `Issue 158`_
-* Improved exception handling for tool shed operations including new
-  ``--fail_fast`` command-line option. * `Issue 114`_, `Pull Request 173`_
-* Implement more validation when using the ``shed_init`` command. 1cd0e2d_
-* Add ``-r/--recursive`` option to ``shed_download`` and ``shed_diff``
-  commands and allow these commands to work with ``.shed.yml`` files defining
-  multipe repositories. 40a1f57_
-* Add ``--port`` option to the ``serve`` and ``tool_factory`` commands.
-  15804be_
-* Fix problem introduced with `setup.py`_ during the 0.9.0 development cycle
-  - thanks to `@peterjc`_. `Pull Request 171`_
-* Fix clone bug introduced during 0.9.0 development cycle - thanks to
-  `@bgruening`_. `Pull Request 175`_
-0.8.4 (2015-04-30)
-* Fix for Travis CI testing picking up invalid tests (reported by `@takadonet`_). `Issue 161`_
-* Fix tar ordering for consistency (always sort by name) - thanks to `@peterjc`_.  `Pull Request 164`_, `Issue 159`_
-* Fix exception handling related to tool shed operations - thanks to `@peterjc`_. `Pull Request 155`_, b86fe1f_
-0.8.3 (2015-04-29)
-* Fix bug where ``shed_lint`` was not respecting the ``-r/--recursive`` flag.
-  9ff0d2d_
-* Fix bug where planemo was producing tar files incompatible with the Tool
-  Shed for package and suite repositories. a2ee135_
-0.8.2 (2015-04-29)
-* Fix bug with ``config_init`` command thanks to `@bgruening`_. `Pull Request 151`_
-* Fix unnessecary ``lint`` warning about ``parallelism`` tag reported by
-  `@peterjc`_. 9bf1eab_
-0.8.1 (2015-04-28)
-* Fixes for the source distribution to allow installation of 0.8.0 via Homebrew.
-0.8.0 (2015-04-27)
-* Implement the new ``shed_lint`` command that verifies various aspects of tool
-  shed repositories - including XSD_ validation of ``repository_dependencies.xml``
-  and ``tool_dependencies.xml`` files, best practices for README files, and the
-  contents of ``.shed.yml`` files. This requires the lxml_ library to be available
-  to Planemo or the application xmllint_ to be on its ``PATH``. `Pull Request 130`_
-  `Issue 89`_ `Issue 91`_ 912df02_ d26929e_ 36ac6d8_
-* Option to enable experimental XSD_ based validation of tools when ``lint``
-  is executed with the new ``--xsd`` flag. This validation occurs against the
-  unofficial `Galaxy Tool XSD project <https://github.com/JeanFred/Galaxy-XSD>`__
-  maintained by `@JeanFred`_. This requires the lxml_ library to be
-  available to Planemo or the application xmllint_ to be on its ``PATH``.
-  `Pull Request 130`_ 912df02_
-* Allow skipping specific linters when using the ``lint`` command using the new
-  ``--skip`` option. 26e3cdb_
-* Implement sophisticated options in ``.shed.yml`` to map a directory to many,
-  custom Tool Shed repositories during shed operaitons such ``shed_upload``
-  including automatically mapping tools to their own directories and automatically
-  building suites repositories. `Pull Request 143`_
-* Make ``shed_upload`` more intelligent when building tar files so that package
-  and suite repositories may have README files in source control and they will
-  just be filtered out during upload. 53edd99_
-* Implement a new ``shed_init`` command that will help bootstrap ``.shed.yml``
-  files in the specified directory. cc1a447_
-* Extend ``shed_init`` to automatically build a ``repository_rependencies.xml``
-  file corresponding to a Galaxy workflow (``.ga`` file). `Issue 118`_ 988de1d_
-* In addition to a single file or directory, allow ``lint`` to be passed multiple
-  files. 343902d_ `Issue 139`_
-* Add ``-r/--recursive`` option to ``shed_create`` and ``lint`` commands. 63cd431_
-  01f2af9_
-* Improved output formatting and option to write diffs to a file for the
-  ``shed_diff`` command. 965511d_
-* Fix lint problem when using new Galaxy testing features such as expecting
-  job failures and verifing job output. `Issue 138`_
-* Fix typo in ``test`` help thanks to first time contributor `@pvanheus`_.
-  `Pull Request 129`_ 1982076_
-* Fix NPE on empty ``help`` element when linting tools. `Issue 124`_
-* Fix ``lint`` warnings when ``configfiles`` are defined in a tool. 1a85493_
-* Fix for empty ``.shed.yml`` files. b7d9e96_
-* Fix the ``test`` command for newer versions of nose_. 33294d2_
-* Update help content and documentation to be clear ``normalize`` should not
-  be used to update the contents of tool files at this time. 08de8de_
-* Warn on unknown ``command`` attributes when linting tools (anything but
-  ``interpreter``). 4f61025_
-* Various design, documentation (including new documentation on Tool Shed
-  `publishing <http://planemo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/publishing.html>`__),
-  and testing related improvements (test coverage has risen from 65% to over
-  80% during this release cycle).
-0.7.0 (2015-04-13)
-* Implement `shed_create` command to create Tool Shed repositories from
-  ``.shed.yml`` files (thanks to E. Rasche). `Pull Request 101`_
-* Allow automatic creation of missing repositories  during ``shed_upload``
-  with the new ``--force_repository_creation`` flag (thanks to E. Rasche).
-  `Pull Request 102`_
-* Allow specifying files to exclude in ``.shed.yml`` when creating tar files
-  for ``shed_upload`` (thanks to Björn Grüning). `Pull Request 99`_
-* Resolve symbolic links when building Tool Shed tar files with
-  ``shed_upload`` (thanks to Dave Bouvier). `Pull Request 104`_
-* Add a `Contributor Code of Conduct
-  <https://planemo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/conduct.html>`__.
-  `Pull Request 113`_
-* Omit ``tool_test_output.json`` from Tool Shed tar file created with
-  ``shed_upload`` (thanks to Dave Bouvier). `Pull Request 111`_
-* Update required version of bioblend_ to ``0.5.3``. Fixed `Issue 88`_.
-* Initial work on implementing tests cases for Tool Shed functionality.
-  182fe57_
-* Fix incorrect link in HTML test report (thanks to Martin ÄŒech). 4c71299_
-* Download Galaxy from the new, official Github repository. 7c69bf6_
-* Update travis_test to install stable planemo from PyPI_. 39fedd2_
-* Enable caching on ``--install_galaxy`` by default (disable with
-  ``--no_cache_galaxy``). d755fe7_
-0.6.0 (2015-03-16)
-* Many enhancements to the tool building documentation - descriptions of macros, collections, simple and conditional parameters, etc...
-* Fix ``tool_init`` to quote file names (thanks to Peter Cock).  `Pull Request 98`_.
-* Allow ignoring file patterns in ``.shed.yml`` (thanks to Björn Grüning). `Pull Request 99`_
-* Add ``--macros`` flag to ``tool_init`` command to generate a macro file as part of tool generation. ec6e30f_
-* Add linting of tag order for tool XML files. 4823c5e_
-* Add linting of ``stdio`` tags in tool XML files. 8207026_
-* More tests, much higher test coverage. 0bd4ff0_
-0.5.0 (2015-02-22)
-* Implement ``--version`` option. `Issue 78`_
-* Implement ``--no_cleanup`` option for ``test`` and ``serve`` commands to
-  persist temp files. 2e41e0a_
-* Fix bug that left temp files undeleted. `Issue 80`_
-* More improvements to release process. fba3874_
-0.4.2 (2015-02-21)
-* Fix `setup.py`_ for installing non-Python data from PyPI_ (required newer
-  for ``tool_factory`` command and reStructuredText linting). Thanks to
-  Damion Dooley for the bug report. `Issue 83`_
-0.4.1 (2015-02-16)
-* Fix README.rst so it renders properly on PyPI_.
-0.4.0 (2015-02-16)
-* Implement ``tool_init`` command for bootstrapping creation of new
-  tools (with `tutorial <http://planemo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/writing.html>`_.) 78f8274_
-* Implement ``normalize`` command for reorganizing tool XML and macro
-  debugging. e8c1d45_
-* Implement ``tool_factory`` command to spin up Galaxy pre-configured the
-  `Tool Factory`_. 9e746b4_
-* Added basic linting of ``command`` blocks. b8d90ab_
-* Improved linting of ``help`` blocks, including verifying valid
-  `reStructuredText`. 411a8da_
-* Fix bug related to ``serve`` command not killing Galaxy properly when complete. 53a6766_
-* Have ``serve`` command display tools at the top level instead of in shallow sections. badc25f_
-* Add additional dependencies to ``setup.py`` more functionality works out
-  of the box. 85b9614_
-* Fix terrible error message related to bioblend_ being unavailable.
-  `Issue 70`_
-* Various smaller documentation and project structure improvements.
-0.3.1 (2015-02-15)
-* Fixes to get PyPI_ workflow working properly.
-0.3.0 (2015-02-13)
-* Add option (``-r``) to the ``shed_upload`` command to recursively upload
-  subdirectories (thanks to E. Rasche). `Pull Request 68`_
-* Fix diff formatting in test reports (thanks to E. Rasche).
-  `Pull Request 63`_
-* Grab updated test database to speed up testing (thanks to approach from
-  E. Rasche and Dannon Baker). `Issue 61`_, dff4f33_
-* Fix test data command-line argument name (was ``test-data`` now it is
-  ``test_data``). 834bfb2_
-* Use ``tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample`` file if
-  ``tool_data_table_conf.xml.test`` is unavailable. Should allow some
-  new tools to be tested without modifying Galaxy's global
-  ``tool_data_table_conf.xml`` file. ac4f828_
-0.2.0 (2015-01-13)
-* Improvements to way Planemo loads its own copy of Galaxy modules to prevent
-  various conflicts when launching Galaxy from Planemo. `Pull Request 56`_
-* Allow setting various test output options in ``~/.planemo.yml`` and disabling
-  JSON output. 21bb463_
-* More experimental Brew and Tool Shed options that should not be considered
-  part of Planemo's stable API. See bit.ly/gxbrew1 for more details.
-* Fix ``project_init`` for BSD tar (thanks to Nitesh Turaga for the bug
-  report.) a4110a8_
-* Documentation fixes for tool linting command (thanks to Nicola Soranzo).
-  `Pull Request 51`_
-0.1.0 (2014-12-16)
-* Moved repository URL to https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo.
-* Support for publishing to the Tool Shed. `Pull Request 6`_
-* Support for producing diffs (``shed_diff``) between local repositories and
-  the Tool Shed (based on scripts by Peter Cock). `Pull Request 33`_
-* Use tool's local test data when available - add option for configuring
-  ``test-data`` target. `Pull Request 1`_
-* Support for testing tool features dependent on cached data. 44de95c_
-* Support for generating XUnit tool test reports. 82e8b1f_
-* Prettier HTML reports for tool tests. 05cc9f4_
-* Implement ``share_test`` command for embedding test result links in pull
-  requests. `Pull Request 40`_
-* Fix for properly resolving links during Tool Shed publishing (thanks to Dave
-  Bouvier). `Pull Request 29`_
-* Fix for citation linter (thanks to Michael Crusoe for the bug report). af39061_
-* Fix tool scanning for tool files with fewer than 10 lines (thanks to Dan
-  Blankenberg). a2c13e4_
-* Automate more of Travis CI testing so the scripts added to tool repository
-  can be smaller. 20a8680_
-* Documentation fixes for Travis CI (thanks to Peter Cock). `Pull Request 22`_,
-  `Pull Request 23`_
-* Various documentation fixes (thanks to Martin ÄŒech). 36f7cb1_, b9232e5_
-* Various smaller fixes for Docker support, tool linting, and documentation.
-0.0.1 (2014-10-04)
-* Initial work on the project - commands for testing, linting, serving Galaxy
-  tools - and more experimental features involving Docker and Homebrew. 7d07782_
-.. github_links
-.. _Pull Request 991: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/991
-.. _Pull Request 988: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/988
-.. _Pull Request 989: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/989
-.. _Pull Request 985: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/985
-.. _Pull Request 984: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/984
-.. _Pull Request 986: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/986
-.. _Pull Request 983: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/983
-.. _Pull Request 982: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/982
-.. _Pull Request 980: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/980
-.. _Pull Request 978: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/978
-.. _Pull Request 979: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/979
-.. _Pull Request 977: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/977
-.. _Pull Request 975: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/975
-.. _Pull Request 974: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/974
-.. _Pull Request 976: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/976
-.. _Pull Request 972: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/972
-.. _Pull Request 973: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/973
-.. _Pull Request 971: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/971
-.. _Pull Request 970: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/970
-.. _Pull Request 968: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/968
-.. _1ab8530: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/1ab8530
-.. _Pull Request 966: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/966
-.. _Pull Request 964: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/964
-.. _Pull Request 963: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/963
-.. _Pull Request 959: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/959
-.. _Pull Request 958: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/958
-.. _Pull Request 950: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/950
-.. _Pull Request 944: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/944
-.. _Pull Request 926: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/926
-.. _Pull Request 937: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/937
-.. _Pull Request 938: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/938
-.. _Pull Request 943: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/943
-.. _Pull Request 940: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/940
-.. _Pull Request 937: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/937
-.. _Pull Request 935: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/935
-.. _Pull Request 931: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/931
-.. _Pull Request 930: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/930
-.. _Pull Request 913: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/913
-.. _Pull Request 917: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/917
-.. _Pull Request 921: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/921
-.. _Pull Request 918: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/918
-.. _Pull Request 924: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/924
-.. _Pull Request 925: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/925
-.. _Pull Request 912: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/912
-.. _Pull Request 915: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/915
-.. _Pull Request 914: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/914
-.. _07dc6e0: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/07dc6e0
-.. _Pull Request 910: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/910
-.. _Pull Request 909: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/909
-.. _Pull Request 908: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/908
-.. _Pull Request 907: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/907
-.. _Pull Request 906: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/906
-.. _Pull Request 902: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/902
-.. _Pull Request 895: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/895
-.. _Issue 845: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/issues/845
-.. _Issue 898: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/issues/898
-.. _Pull Request 899: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/899
-.. _Pull Request 896: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/896
-.. _Pull Request 894: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/894
-.. _Pull Request 876: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/876
-.. _Pull Request 893: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/893
-.. _Pull Request 892: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/892
-.. _Pull Request 891: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/891
-.. _Pull Request 889: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/889
-.. _Pull Request 888: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/888
-.. _Pull Request 887: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/887
-.. _Pull Request 882: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/882
-.. _Pull Request 877: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/877
-.. _Pull Request 874: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/874
-.. _Pull Request 871: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/871
-.. _Pull Request 870: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/870
-.. _Pull Request 864: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/864
-.. _Pull Request 867: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/867
-.. _Pull Request 868: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/868
-.. _bad810a: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/bad810a
-.. _Pull Request 851: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/851
-.. _Pull Request 856: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/856
-.. _Pull Request 860: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/860
-.. _Pull Request 866: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/866
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-.. _72d2ca7: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/72d2ca7
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-.. _016b923: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/016b923
-.. _2002b49: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/2002b49
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-.. _Pull Request 842: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/842
-.. _Pull Request 841: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/841
-.. _Pull Request 847: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/847
-.. _Pull Request 848: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/848
-.. _Pull Request 849: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/849
-.. _Pull Request 850: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/850
-.. _Pull Request 836: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/836
-.. _Pull Request 833: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/833
-.. _Pull Request 837: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/837
-.. _Pull Request 840: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/840
-.. _Pull Request 838: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/838
-.. _Pull Request 834: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/834
-.. _Pull Request 835: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/835
-.. _347c622: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/347c622
-.. _Pull Request 832: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/832
-.. _Pull Request 831: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/831
-.. _Pull Request 830: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/830
-.. _Pull Request 829: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/829
-.. _Pull Request 828: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/828
-.. _Pull Request 826: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/826
-.. _Pull Request 827: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/827
-.. _Pull Request 825: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/825
-.. _Pull Request 820: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/820
-.. _Pull Request 823: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/823
-.. _Pull Request 822: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/822
-.. _a5c72e3: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/a5c72e3
-.. _Pull Request 818: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/818
-.. _Pull Request 816: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/816
-.. _Pull Request 817: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/817
-.. _Pull Request 795: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/795
-.. _Pull Request 799: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/799
-.. _Pull Request 800: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/800
-.. _Pull Request 781: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/781
-.. _Pull Request 801: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/801
-.. _Pull Request 802: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/802
-.. _Pull Request 803: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/803
-.. _Pull Request 805: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/805
-.. _Pull Request 806: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/806
-.. _Pull Request 809: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/809
-.. _Pull Request 810: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/810
-.. _Pull Request 787: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/787
-.. _Pull Request 792: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/792
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-.. _41f7df1: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/41f7df1
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-.. _Pull Request 776: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/776
-.. _Pull Request 774: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/774
-.. _Pull Request 773: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/773
-.. _Pull Request 771: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/771
-.. _Pull Request 770: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/770
-.. _Pull Request 769: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/769
-.. _Pull Request 768: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/768
-.. _Pull Request 764: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/764
-.. _Pull Request 761: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/761
-.. _Pull Request 759: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/759
-.. _Pull Request 756: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/756
-.. _Pull Request 753: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/753
-.. _Pull Request 747: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/747
-.. _Pull Request 745: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/745
-.. _Pull Request 743: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/743
-.. _Pull Request 739: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/739
-.. _Pull Request 738: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/738
-.. _Pull Request 725: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/725
-.. _Pull Request 727: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/727
-.. _Pull Request 729: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/729
-.. _Pull Request 730: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/730
-.. _Pull Request 731: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/731
-.. _Pull Request 733: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/733
-.. _Pull Request 732: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/732
-.. _Pull Request 704: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/704
-.. _Pull Request 709: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/709
-.. _Pull Request 715: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/715
-.. _Pull Request 716: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/716
-.. _Pull Request 720: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/720
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-.. _Pull Request 701: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/701
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-.. _Pull Request 687: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/687
-.. _Pull Request 688: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/688
-.. _Pull Request 689: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/689
-.. _Pull Request 690: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/690
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-.. _Pull Request 675: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/675
-.. _Pull Request 680: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/680
-.. _Pull Request 682: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/682
-.. _Pull Request 683: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/683
-.. _Pull Request 662: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/662
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-.. _Pull Request 642: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/642
-.. _Pull Request 641: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/641
-.. _Pull Request 639: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/639
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-.. _Issue 260: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/issues/260
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-.. _Issue 515: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/issues/515
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-.. _Pull Request 610: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/610
-.. _Pull Request 609: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/609
-.. _Pull Request 608: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/608
-.. _Pull Request 605: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/605
-.. _Pull Request 606: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/606
-.. _Pull Request 602: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/602
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-.. _Pull Request 561: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/561
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-.. _Pull Request 540: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/540
-.. _Pull Request 545: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/545
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-.. _Issue 61: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/issues/61
-.. _Issue 70: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/issues/70
-.. _Issue 78: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/issues/78
-.. _Issue 80: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/issues/80
-.. _Issue 83: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/issues/83
-.. _Issue 88: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/issues/88
-.. _Issue 89: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/issues/#89
-.. _Issue 91: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/issues/#91
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-.. _Pull Request 102: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/102
-.. _Pull Request 104: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/pull/104
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-.. _f7554d1: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/f7554d1
-.. _f798c7e: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/f798c7e
-.. _f854138: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/f854138
-.. _f99f6c1: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/f99f6c1
-.. _fba3874: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/fba3874
-.. _fdb1b51: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/fdb1b51
-.. _fdce74c: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/fdce74c
-.. _fe7ad46: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/fe7ad46
-.. _fea51fc: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/commit/fea51fc
-.. _lxml: http://lxml.de/
-.. _nose: https://nose.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
-.. _xmllint: http://xmlsoft.org/xmllint.html
-.. _Conda: http://conda.pydata.org/
-.. _Tool Factory: http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/09/27/bioinformatics.bts573.full.pdf
-.. _git: https://git-scm.com/
-.. _anaconda-verify: https://github.com/ContinuumIO/anaconda-verify
-.. _galaxy.xsd: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/blob/master/planemo/xml/xsd/tool/galaxy.xsd
-.. _setup.py: https://github.com/galaxyproject/planemo/blob/master/setup.py
-.. _Bioconductor: https://www.bioconductor.org/
-.. _tools-iuc: https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc
-.. _PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi
-.. _Involucro: https://github.com/involucro/involucro
-.. _Bioconda: https://bioconda.github.io/
-.. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/
-.. _BioContainers: http://biocontainers.pro/
-.. _Toil: https://github.com/BD2KGenomics/toil
-.. _quay.io: https://quay.io/
-.. _galaxy-lib: https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy-lib
-.. _@abretaud: https://github.com/abretaud
-.. _@hexylena: https://github.com/hexylena
-.. _@peterjc: https://github.com/peterjc
-.. _@mr-c: https://github.com/mr-c
-.. _@martenson: https://github.com/martenson
-.. _@nsoranzo: https://github.com/nsoranzo
-.. _@nturaga: https://github.com/nturaga
-.. _@bgruening: https://github.com/bgruening
-.. _@carlfeberhard: https://github.com/carlfeberhard
-.. _@lparsons: https://github.com/lparsons
-.. _@kellrott: https://github.com/kellrott
-.. _@mvdbeek: https://github.com/mvdbeek
-.. _@natefoo: https://github.com/natefoo
-.. _@pstew: https://github.com/pstew
-.. _@ramezrawas: https://github.com/ramezrawas
-.. _@chambm: https://github.com/chambm
-.. _@takadonet: https://github.com/takadonet
-.. _@petrkadlec: https://github.com/petrkadlec
-.. _@pvanheus: https://github.com/pvanheus
-.. _@einon: https://github.com/einon
-.. _@blankenberg: https://github.com/blankenberg
-.. _@JeanFred: https://github.com/JeanFred
-.. _@gregvonkuster: https://github.com/gregvonkuster
-.. _@remimarenco: https://github.com/remimarenco
-.. _@thriqon: https://github.com/thriqon
-.. _@RJMW: https://github.com/RJMW
-.. _@manabuishii: https://github.com/manabuishii
-.. _@dfornika: https://github.com/dfornika
-.. _@bernt-matthias: https://github.com/bernt-matthias
-.. _@katrinleinweber: https://github.com/katrinleinweber
-.. _@bebatut: https://github.com/bebatut
-.. _@selten: https://github.com/selten
-.. _@shiltemann: https://github.com/shiltemann
-.. _@bedroesb: https://github.com/bedroesb
-.. _@ic4f: https://github.com/ic4f
-.. _@martin-raden: https://github.com/martin-raden