diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyaml-20.4.0.dist-info/METADATA @ 5:9b1c78e6ba9c draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 6c0a8142489327ece472c84e558c47da711a9142"
author shellac
date Mon, 01 Jun 2020 08:59:25 -0400
parents 79f47841a781
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyaml-20.4.0.dist-info/METADATA	Thu May 14 16:47:39 2020 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-Metadata-Version: 2.1
-Name: pyaml
-Version: 20.4.0
-Summary: PyYAML-based module to produce pretty and readable YAML-serialized data
-Home-page: https://github.com/mk-fg/pretty-yaml
-Author: Mike Kazantsev
-Author-email: mk.fraggod@gmail.com
-License: WTFPL
-Keywords: yaml serialization pretty print format human readable readability
-Platform: UNKNOWN
-Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
-Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
-Classifier: Topic :: Software Development
-Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
-Requires-Dist: PyYAML
-pretty-yaml (or pyaml)
-PyYAML-based python module to produce pretty and readable YAML-serialized data.
-This module is for serialization only, see `ruamel.yaml`_ module for literate
-YAML parsing (keeping track of comments, spacing, line/column numbers of values, etc).
-[note: to dump stuff parsed by ruamel.yaml with this module, use only ``YAML(typ='safe')`` there]
-.. contents::
-  :backlinks: none
-Prime goal of this module is to produce human-readable output that can be easily
-manipulated and re-used, but maybe with some occasional caveats.
-One good example of such "caveat" is that e.g. ``{'foo': '123'}`` will serialize
-to ``foo: 123``, which for PyYAML would be a bug, as 123 will then be read back
-as an integer from that, but here it's a feature.
-So please do not rely on the thing to produce output that can always be
-deserialized exactly to what was exported, at least - use PyYAML (e.g. with
-options from the next section) for that.
-What this module does and why
-YAML is generally nice and easy format to read *if* it was written by humans.
-PyYAML can a do fairly decent job of making stuff readable, and the best
-combination of parameters for such output that I've seen so far is probably this one::
-  >>> m = [123, 45.67, {1: None, 2: False}, u'some text']
-  >>> data = dict(a=u'asldnsa\nasldpáknsa\n', b=u'whatever text', ma=m, mb=m)
-  >>> yaml.safe_dump(data, sys.stdout, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False)
-  a: 'asldnsa
-    asldpáknsa
-    '
-  b: whatever text
-  ma: &id001
-  - 123
-  - 45.67
-  - 1: null
-    2: false
-  - some text
-  mb: *id001
-pyaml tries to improve on that a bit, with the following tweaks:
-* Most human-friendly representation options in PyYAML (that I know of) get
-  picked as defaults.
-* Does not dump "null" values, if possible, replacing these with just empty
-  strings, which have the same meaning but reduce visual clutter and are easier
-  to edit.
-* Dicts, sets, OrderedDicts, defaultdicts, namedtuples, etc are representable
-  and get sorted on output (OrderedDicts and namedtuples keep their ordering),
-  so that output would be as diff-friendly as possible, and not arbitrarily
-  depend on python internals.
-  It appears that at least recent PyYAML versions also do such sorting for
-  python dicts.
-* List items get indented, as they should be.
-* bytestrings that can't be auto-converted to unicode raise error, as yaml has
-  no "binary bytes" (i.e. unix strings) type.
-* Attempt is made to pick more readable string representation styles, depending
-  on the value, e.g.::
-    >>> yaml.safe_dump(cert, sys.stdout)
-    cert: '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
-      VQQKFA52YWxlcm9uLm5vX2lzcDEeMBwGA1UECxMVQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgQXV0aG9y
-    ...
-    >>> pyaml.p(cert):
-    cert: |
-      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
-      VQQKFA52YWxlcm9uLm5vX2lzcDEeMBwGA1UECxMVQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgQXV0aG9y
-    ...
-* "force_embed" option to avoid having &id stuff scattered all over the output
-  (which might be beneficial in some cases, hence the option).
-* "&id" anchors, if used, get labels from the keys they get attached to,
-  not just use meaningless enumerators.
-* "string_val_style" option to only apply to strings that are values, not keys,
-  i.e::
-    >>> pyaml.p(data, string_val_style='"')
-    key: "value\nasldpáknsa\n"
-    >>> yaml.safe_dump(data, sys.stdout, allow_unicode=True, default_style='"')
-    "key": "value\nasldpáknsa\n"
-* "sort_dicts=False" option to leave dict item ordering to python, and not
-  force-sort them in yaml output, which can be important for python 3.6+ where
-  they retain ordering info.
-* Has an option to add vertical spacing (empty lines) between keys on different
-  depths, to make output much more seekable.
-Result for the (rather meaningless) example above (without any additional
-  >>> pyaml.p(data)
-  a: |
-    asldnsa
-    asldpáknsa
-  b: 'whatever text'
-  ma: &ma
-    - 123
-    - 45.67
-    - 1:
-      2: false
-    - 'some text'
-  mb: *ma
-Extended example::
-  >>> pyaml.dump(conf, sys.stdout, vspacing=[2, 1]):
-  destination:
-    encoding:
-      xz:
-        enabled: true
-        min_size: 5120
-        options:
-        path_filter:
-          - \.(gz|bz2|t[gb]z2?|xz|lzma|7z|zip|rar)$
-          - \.(rpm|deb|iso)$
-          - \.(jpe?g|gif|png|mov|avi|ogg|mkv|webm|mp[34g]|flv|flac|ape|pdf|djvu)$
-          - \.(sqlite3?|fossil|fsl)$
-          - \.git/objects/[0-9a-f]+/[0-9a-f]+$
-    result:
-      append_to_file:
-      append_to_lafs_dir:
-      print_to_stdout: true
-    url: http://localhost:3456/uri
-  filter:
-    - /(CVS|RCS|SCCS|_darcs|\{arch\})/$
-    - /\.(git|hg|bzr|svn|cvs)(/|ignore|attributes|tags)?$
-    - /=(RELEASE-ID|meta-update|update)$
-  http:
-    ca_certs_files: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
-    debug_requests: false
-    request_pool_options:
-      cachedConnectionTimeout: 600
-      maxPersistentPerHost: 10
-      retryAutomatically: true
-  logging:
-    formatters:
-      basic:
-        datefmt: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
-        format: '%(asctime)s :: %(name)s :: %(levelname)s: %(message)s'
-    handlers:
-      console:
-        class: logging.StreamHandler
-        formatter: basic
-        level: custom
-        stream: ext://sys.stderr
-    loggers:
-      twisted:
-        handlers:
-          - console
-        level: 0
-    root:
-      handlers:
-        - console
-      level: custom
-Note that unless there are many moderately wide and deep trees of data, which
-are expected to be read and edited by people, it might be preferrable to
-directly use PyYAML regardless, as it won't introduce another (rather pointless
-in that case) dependency and a point of failure.
-Some Tricks
-* Pretty-print any yaml or json (yaml subset) file from the shell::
-    % python -m pyaml /path/to/some/file.yaml
-    % curl -s https://www.githubstatus.com/api/v2/summary.json | python -m pyaml
-* Process and replace json/yaml file in-place::
-    % python -m pyaml -r file-with-json.data
-* Easier "debug printf" for more complex data (all funcs below are aliases to
-  same thing)::
-    pyaml.p(stuff)
-    pyaml.pprint(my_data)
-    pyaml.pprint('----- HOW DOES THAT BREAKS!?!?', input_data, some_var, more_stuff)
-    pyaml.print(data, file=sys.stderr) # needs "from __future__ import print_function"
-* Force all string values to a certain style (see info on these in
-  `PyYAML docs`_)::
-    pyaml.dump(many_weird_strings, string_val_style='|')
-    pyaml.dump(multiline_words, string_val_style='>')
-    pyaml.dump(no_want_quotes, string_val_style='plain')
-  Using ``pyaml.add_representer()`` (note \*p\*yaml) as suggested in
-  `this SO thread`_ (or `github-issue-7`_) should also work.
-* Control indent and width of the results::
-    pyaml.dump(wide_and_deep, indent=4, width=120)
-  These are actually keywords for PyYAML Emitter (passed to it from Dumper),
-  see more info on these in `PyYAML docs`_.
-* Dump multiple yaml documents into a file: ``pyaml.dump_all([data1, data2, data3], dst_file)``
-  explicit_start=True is implied, unless explicit_start=False is passed.
-.. _PyYAML docs: http://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAMLDocumentation#Scalars
-.. _this SO thread: http://stackoverflow.com/a/7445560
-.. _github-issue-7: https://github.com/mk-fg/pretty-yaml/issues/7
-It's a regular package for Python (3.x or 2.x).
-Module uses PyYAML_ for processing of the actual YAML files and should pull it
-in as a dependency.
-Dependency on unidecode_ module is optional and should only be necessary if
-same-id objects or recursion is used within serialized data.
-Be sure to use python3/python2, pip3/pip2, easy_install-... binaries below,
-based on which python version you want to install the module for, if you have
-several on the system (as is norm these days for py2-py3 transition).
-Using pip_ is the best way::
-  % pip install pyaml
-(add --user option to install into $HOME for current user only)
-Or, if you don't have "pip" command::
-  % python -m ensurepip
-  % python -m pip install --upgrade pip
-  % python -m pip install pyaml
-(same suggestion wrt "install --user" as above)
-On a very old systems, one of these might work::
-  % curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python
-  % pip install pyaml
-  % easy_install pyaml
-  % git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/mk-fg/pretty-yaml
-  % cd pretty-yaml
-  % python setup.py install
-(all of install-commands here also have --user option,
-see also `pip docs "installing" section`_)
-Current-git version can be installed like this::
-  % pip install 'git+https://github.com/mk-fg/pretty-yaml#egg=pyaml'
-Note that to install stuff to system-wide PATH and site-packages (without
---user), elevated privileges (i.e. root and su/sudo) are often required.
-Use "...install --user", `~/.pydistutils.cfg`_ or virtualenv_ to do unprivileged
-installs into custom paths.
-More info on python packaging can be found at `packaging.python.org`_.
-.. _ruamel.yaml: https://bitbucket.org/ruamel/yaml/
-.. _PyYAML: http://pyyaml.org/
-.. _unidecode: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Unidecode
-.. _pip: http://pip-installer.org/
-.. _pip docs "installing" section: http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/installing.html
-.. _~/.pydistutils.cfg: http://docs.python.org/install/index.html#distutils-configuration-files
-.. _virtualenv: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv
-.. _packaging.python.org: https://packaging.python.org/installing/