diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/schema_salad/python_codegen.py @ 5:9b1c78e6ba9c draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 6c0a8142489327ece472c84e558c47da711a9142"
author shellac
date Mon, 01 Jun 2020 08:59:25 -0400
parents 79f47841a781
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/schema_salad/python_codegen.py	Thu May 14 16:47:39 2020 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
-"""Python code generator for a given schema salad definition."""
-from typing import IO, Any, Dict, List, MutableMapping, MutableSequence, Union
-from pkg_resources import resource_stream
-from six import iteritems, itervalues, text_type
-from io import StringIO
-from typing_extensions import Text  # pylint: disable=unused-import
-from . import schema
-from .exceptions import SchemaException
-from .codegen_base import CodeGenBase, TypeDef
-from .schema import shortname
-# move to a regular typing import when Python 3.3-3.6 is no longer supported
-class PythonCodeGen(CodeGenBase):
-    """Generation of Python code for a given Schema Salad definition."""
-    def __init__(self, out):
-        # type: (IO[Text]) -> None
-        super(PythonCodeGen, self).__init__()
-        self.out = out
-        self.current_class_is_abstract = False
-        self.serializer = StringIO()
-        self.idfield = u""
-    @staticmethod
-    def safe_name(name):  # type: (Text) -> Text
-        avn = schema.avro_name(name)
-        if avn in ("class", "in"):
-            # reserved words
-            avn = avn + "_"
-        return avn
-    def prologue(self):
-        # type: () -> None
-        self.out.write(
-            u"""#
-# This file was autogenerated using schema-salad-tool --codegen=python
-# The code itself is released under the Apache 2.0 license and the help text is
-# subject to the license of the original schema.
-        )
-        stream = resource_stream(__name__, "python_codegen_support.py")
-        self.out.write(stream.read().decode("UTF-8"))
-        stream.close()
-        self.out.write(u"\n\n")
-        for primative in itervalues(self.prims):
-            self.declare_type(primative)
-    def begin_class(
-        self,  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-        classname,  # type: Text
-        extends,  # type: MutableSequence[Text]
-        doc,  # type: Text
-        abstract,  # type: bool
-        field_names,  # type: MutableSequence[Text]
-        idfield,  # type: Text
-    ):  # type: (...) -> None
-        classname = self.safe_name(classname)
-        if extends:
-            ext = ", ".join(self.safe_name(e) for e in extends)
-        else:
-            ext = "Savable"
-        self.out.write(u"class {}({}):\n".format(classname, ext))
-        if doc:
-            self.out.write(u'    """\n')
-            self.out.write(text_type(doc))
-            self.out.write(u'\n    """\n')
-        self.serializer = StringIO()
-        self.current_class_is_abstract = abstract
-        if self.current_class_is_abstract:
-            self.out.write(u"    pass\n\n\n")
-            return
-        safe_inits = ["        self,"]  # type: List[Text]
-        safe_inits.extend(
-            [
-                "        {},  # type: Any".format(self.safe_name(f))
-                for f in field_names
-                if f != "class"
-            ]
-        )
-        self.out.write(
-            u"    def __init__(\n"
-            + u"\n".join(safe_inits)
-            + u"\n        extension_fields=None,  "
-            + u"# type: Optional[Dict[Text, Any]]"
-            + u"\n        loadingOptions=None  # type: Optional[LoadingOptions]"
-            + u"\n    ):  # type: (...) -> None\n"
-            + u"""
-        if extension_fields:
-            self.extension_fields = extension_fields
-        else:
-            self.extension_fields = yaml.comments.CommentedMap()
-        if loadingOptions:
-            self.loadingOptions = loadingOptions
-        else:
-            self.loadingOptions = LoadingOptions()
-        )
-        field_inits = u""
-        for name in field_names:
-            if name == "class":
-                field_inits += u"""        self.class_ = "{}"
-                    classname
-                )
-            else:
-                field_inits += u"""        self.{0} = {0}
-                    self.safe_name(name)
-                )
-        self.out.write(
-            field_inits
-            + u"""
-    @classmethod
-    def fromDoc(cls, doc, baseuri, loadingOptions, docRoot=None):
-        # type: (Any, Text, LoadingOptions, Optional[Text]) -> {}
-        _doc = copy.copy(doc)
-        if hasattr(doc, 'lc'):
-            _doc.lc.data = doc.lc.data
-            _doc.lc.filename = doc.lc.filename
-        _errors__ = []
-                classname
-            )
-        )
-        self.idfield = idfield
-        self.serializer.write(
-            u"""
-    def save(self, top=False, base_url="", relative_uris=True):
-        # type: (bool, Text, bool) -> Dict[Text, Any]
-        r = yaml.comments.CommentedMap()  # type: Dict[Text, Any]
-        for ef in self.extension_fields:
-            r[prefix_url(ef, self.loadingOptions.vocab)] = self.extension_fields[ef]
-        )
-        if "class" in field_names:
-            self.out.write(
-                u"""
-        if _doc.get('class') != '{class_}':
-            raise ValidationException("Not a {class_}")
-                    class_=classname
-                )
-            )
-            self.serializer.write(
-                u"""
-        r['class'] = '{class_}'
-                    class_=classname
-                )
-            )
-    def end_class(self, classname, field_names):
-        # type: (Text, List[Text]) -> None
-        if self.current_class_is_abstract:
-            return
-        self.out.write(
-            u"""
-        extension_fields = yaml.comments.CommentedMap()
-        for k in _doc.keys():
-            if k not in cls.attrs:
-                if ":" in k:
-                    ex = expand_url(k,
-                                    u"",
-                                    loadingOptions,
-                                    scoped_id=False,
-                                    vocab_term=False)
-                    extension_fields[ex] = _doc[k]
-                else:
-                    _errors__.append(
-                        ValidationException(
-                            "invalid field `%s`, expected one of: {attrstr}" % (k),
-                            SourceLine(_doc, k, str)
-                        )
-                    )
-                    break
-        if _errors__:
-            raise ValidationException(\"Trying '{class_}'\", None, _errors__)
-                attrstr=", ".join(["`{}`".format(f) for f in field_names]),
-                class_=self.safe_name(classname),
-            )
-        )
-        self.serializer.write(
-            u"""
-        if top and self.loadingOptions.namespaces:
-            r["$namespaces"] = self.loadingOptions.namespaces
-        )
-        self.serializer.write(u"        return r\n\n")
-        self.serializer.write(
-            u"    attrs = frozenset({attrs})\n".format(attrs=field_names)
-        )
-        safe_inits = [
-            self.safe_name(f) for f in field_names if f != "class"
-        ]  # type: List[Text]
-        safe_inits.extend(
-            ["extension_fields=extension_fields", "loadingOptions=loadingOptions"]
-        )
-        self.out.write(
-            u"""        loadingOptions = copy.deepcopy(loadingOptions)
-        loadingOptions.original_doc = _doc
-        )
-        self.out.write(u"        return cls(" + ", ".join(safe_inits) + ")\n")
-        self.out.write(text_type(self.serializer.getvalue()))
-        self.out.write(u"\n\n")
-    prims = {
-        u"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string": TypeDef(
-            "strtype", "_PrimitiveLoader((str, text_type))"
-        ),
-        u"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int": TypeDef(
-            "inttype", "_PrimitiveLoader(int)"
-        ),
-        u"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#long": TypeDef(
-            "inttype", "_PrimitiveLoader(int)"
-        ),
-        u"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float": TypeDef(
-            "floattype", "_PrimitiveLoader(float)"
-        ),
-        u"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double": TypeDef(
-            "floattype", "_PrimitiveLoader(float)"
-        ),
-        u"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean": TypeDef(
-            "booltype", "_PrimitiveLoader(bool)"
-        ),
-        u"https://w3id.org/cwl/salad#null": TypeDef(
-            "None_type", "_PrimitiveLoader(type(None))"
-        ),
-        u"https://w3id.org/cwl/salad#Any": TypeDef("Any_type", "_AnyLoader()"),
-    }
-    def type_loader(self, type_declaration):
-        # type: (Union[List[Any], Dict[Text, Any], Text]) -> TypeDef
-        if isinstance(type_declaration, MutableSequence):
-            sub = [self.type_loader(i) for i in type_declaration]
-            return self.declare_type(
-                TypeDef(
-                    "union_of_{}".format("_or_".join(s.name for s in sub)),
-                    "_UnionLoader(({},))".format(", ".join(s.name for s in sub)),
-                )
-            )
-        if isinstance(type_declaration, MutableMapping):
-            if type_declaration["type"] in (
-                "array",
-                "https://w3id.org/cwl/salad#array",
-            ):
-                i = self.type_loader(type_declaration["items"])
-                return self.declare_type(
-                    TypeDef(
-                        "array_of_{}".format(i.name), "_ArrayLoader({})".format(i.name)
-                    )
-                )
-            if type_declaration["type"] in ("enum", "https://w3id.org/cwl/salad#enum"):
-                for sym in type_declaration["symbols"]:
-                    self.add_vocab(shortname(sym), sym)
-                return self.declare_type(
-                    TypeDef(
-                        self.safe_name(type_declaration["name"]) + "Loader",
-                        '_EnumLoader(("{}",))'.format(
-                            '", "'.join(
-                                self.safe_name(sym)
-                                for sym in type_declaration["symbols"]
-                            )
-                        ),
-                    )
-                )
-            if type_declaration["type"] in (
-                "record",
-                "https://w3id.org/cwl/salad#record",
-            ):
-                return self.declare_type(
-                    TypeDef(
-                        self.safe_name(type_declaration["name"]) + "Loader",
-                        "_RecordLoader({})".format(
-                            self.safe_name(type_declaration["name"])
-                        ),
-                    )
-                )
-            raise SchemaException("wft {}".format(type_declaration["type"]))
-        if type_declaration in self.prims:
-            return self.prims[type_declaration]
-        return self.collected_types[self.safe_name(type_declaration) + "Loader"]
-    def declare_id_field(self, name, fieldtype, doc, optional):
-        # type: (Text, TypeDef, Text, bool) -> None
-        if self.current_class_is_abstract:
-            return
-        self.declare_field(name, fieldtype, doc, True)
-        if optional:
-            opt = """{safename} = "_:" + str(_uuid__.uuid4())""".format(
-                safename=self.safe_name(name)
-            )
-        else:
-            opt = """raise ValidationException("Missing {fieldname}")""".format(
-                fieldname=shortname(name)
-            )
-        self.out.write(
-            u"""
-        if {safename} is None:
-            if docRoot is not None:
-                {safename} = docRoot
-            else:
-                {opt}
-        baseuri = {safename}
-                safename=self.safe_name(name), fieldname=shortname(name), opt=opt
-            )
-        )
-    def declare_field(self, name, fieldtype, doc, optional):
-        # type: (Text, TypeDef, Text, bool) -> None
-        if self.current_class_is_abstract:
-            return
-        if shortname(name) == "class":
-            return
-        if optional:
-            self.out.write(
-                u"        if '{fieldname}' in _doc:\n".format(fieldname=shortname(name))
-            )
-            spc = "    "
-        else:
-            spc = ""
-        self.out.write(
-            u"""{spc}        try:
-{spc}            {safename} = load_field(_doc.get(
-{spc}                '{fieldname}'), {fieldtype}, baseuri, loadingOptions)
-{spc}        except ValidationException as e:
-{spc}            _errors__.append(
-{spc}                ValidationException(
-{spc}                    \"the `{fieldname}` field is not valid because:\",
-{spc}                    SourceLine(_doc, '{fieldname}', str),
-{spc}                    [e]
-{spc}                )
-{spc}            )
-                safename=self.safe_name(name),
-                fieldname=shortname(name),
-                fieldtype=fieldtype.name,
-                spc=spc,
-            )
-        )
-        if optional:
-            self.out.write(
-                u"""        else:
-            {safename} = None
-                    safename=self.safe_name(name)
-                )
-            )
-        if name == self.idfield or not self.idfield:
-            baseurl = "base_url"
-        else:
-            baseurl = "self.{}".format(self.safe_name(self.idfield))
-        if fieldtype.is_uri:
-            self.serializer.write(
-                u"""
-        if self.{safename} is not None:
-            u = save_relative_uri(
-                self.{safename},
-                {baseurl},
-                {scoped_id},
-                {ref_scope},
-                relative_uris)
-            if u:
-                r['{fieldname}'] = u
-                    safename=self.safe_name(name),
-                    fieldname=shortname(name).strip(),
-                    baseurl=baseurl,
-                    scoped_id=fieldtype.scoped_id,
-                    ref_scope=fieldtype.ref_scope,
-                )
-            )
-        else:
-            self.serializer.write(
-                u"""
-        if self.{safename} is not None:
-            r['{fieldname}'] = save(
-                self.{safename},
-                top=False,
-                base_url={baseurl},
-                relative_uris=relative_uris)
-                    safename=self.safe_name(name),
-                    fieldname=shortname(name),
-                    baseurl=baseurl,
-                )
-            )
-    def uri_loader(self, inner, scoped_id, vocab_term, ref_scope):
-        # type: (TypeDef, bool, bool, Union[int, None]) -> TypeDef
-        return self.declare_type(
-            TypeDef(
-                "uri_{}_{}_{}_{}".format(inner.name, scoped_id, vocab_term, ref_scope),
-                "_URILoader({}, {}, {}, {})".format(
-                    inner.name, scoped_id, vocab_term, ref_scope
-                ),
-                is_uri=True,
-                scoped_id=scoped_id,
-                ref_scope=ref_scope,
-            )
-        )
-    def idmap_loader(self, field, inner, map_subject, map_predicate):
-        # type: (Text, TypeDef, Text, Union[Text, None]) -> TypeDef
-        return self.declare_type(
-            TypeDef(
-                "idmap_{}_{}".format(self.safe_name(field), inner.name),
-                "_IdMapLoader({}, '{}', '{}')".format(
-                    inner.name, map_subject, map_predicate
-                ),
-            )
-        )
-    def typedsl_loader(self, inner, ref_scope):
-        # type: (TypeDef, Union[int, None]) -> TypeDef
-        return self.declare_type(
-            TypeDef(
-                "typedsl_{}_{}".format(inner.name, ref_scope),
-                "_TypeDSLLoader({}, {})".format(inner.name, ref_scope),
-            )
-        )
-    def epilogue(self, root_loader):
-        # type: (TypeDef) -> None
-        self.out.write(u"_vocab = {\n")
-        for k in sorted(self.vocab.keys()):
-            self.out.write(u'    "{}": "{}",\n'.format(k, self.vocab[k]))
-        self.out.write(u"}\n")
-        self.out.write(u"_rvocab = {\n")
-        for k in sorted(self.vocab.keys()):
-            self.out.write(u'    "{}": "{}",\n'.format(self.vocab[k], k))
-        self.out.write(u"}\n\n")
-        for _, collected_type in iteritems(self.collected_types):
-            self.out.write(
-                u"{} = {}\n".format(collected_type.name, collected_type.init)
-            )
-        self.out.write(u"\n")
-        self.out.write(
-            u"""
-def load_document(doc, baseuri=None, loadingOptions=None):
-    # type: (Any, Optional[Text], Optional[LoadingOptions]) -> Any
-    if baseuri is None:
-        baseuri = file_uri(os.getcwd()) + "/"
-    if loadingOptions is None:
-        loadingOptions = LoadingOptions()
-    return _document_load(%(name)s, doc, baseuri, loadingOptions)
-def load_document_by_string(string, uri, loadingOptions=None):
-    # type: (Any, Text, Optional[LoadingOptions]) -> Any
-    result = yaml.round_trip_load(string, preserve_quotes=True)
-    add_lc_filename(result, uri)
-    if loadingOptions is None:
-        loadingOptions = LoadingOptions(fileuri=uri)
-    loadingOptions.idx[uri] = result
-    return _document_load(%(name)s, result, uri, loadingOptions)
-            % dict(name=root_loader.name)
-        )