diff env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/soupsieve/css_parser.py @ 5:9b1c78e6ba9c draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 6c0a8142489327ece472c84e558c47da711a9142"
author shellac
date Mon, 01 Jun 2020 08:59:25 -0400
parents 79f47841a781
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/soupsieve/css_parser.py	Thu May 14 16:47:39 2020 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1194 +0,0 @@
-"""CSS selector parser."""
-import re
-from functools import lru_cache
-from . import util
-from . import css_match as cm
-from . import css_types as ct
-from .util import SelectorSyntaxError
-# Simple pseudo classes that take no parameters
-    ":any-link",
-    ":empty",
-    ":first-child",
-    ":first-of-type",
-    ":in-range",
-    ":out-of-range",
-    ":last-child",
-    ":last-of-type",
-    ":link",
-    ":only-child",
-    ":only-of-type",
-    ":root",
-    ':checked',
-    ':default',
-    ':disabled',
-    ':enabled',
-    ':indeterminate',
-    ':optional',
-    ':placeholder-shown',
-    ':read-only',
-    ':read-write',
-    ':required',
-    ':scope',
-    ':defined'
-# Supported, simple pseudo classes that match nothing in the Soup Sieve environment
-    ':active',
-    ':current',
-    ':focus',
-    ':focus-visible',
-    ':focus-within',
-    ':future',
-    ':host',
-    ':hover',
-    ':local-link',
-    ':past',
-    ':paused',
-    ':playing',
-    ':target',
-    ':target-within',
-    ':user-invalid',
-    ':visited'
-# Complex pseudo classes that take selector lists
-    ':contains',
-    ':has',
-    ':is',
-    ':matches',
-    ':not',
-    ':where'
-    ':current',
-    ':host',
-    ':host-context'
-# Complex pseudo classes that take very specific parameters and are handled special
-    ':dir',
-    ':lang',
-    ':nth-child',
-    ':nth-last-child',
-    ':nth-last-of-type',
-    ':nth-of-type'
-# Sub-patterns parts
-# Whitespace
-NEWLINE = r'(?:\r\n|(?!\r\n)[\n\f\r])'
-WS = r'(?:[ \t]|{})'.format(NEWLINE)
-# Comments
-COMMENTS = r'(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)'
-# Whitespace with comments included
-WSC = r'(?:{ws}|{comments})'.format(ws=WS, comments=COMMENTS)
-# CSS escapes
-CSS_ESCAPES = r'(?:\\(?:[a-f0-9]{{1,6}}{ws}?|[^\r\n\f]|$))'.format(ws=WS)
-CSS_STRING_ESCAPES = r'(?:\\(?:[a-f0-9]{{1,6}}{ws}?|[^\r\n\f]|$|{nl}))'.format(ws=WS, nl=NEWLINE)
-# CSS Identifier
-# `nth` content
-NTH = r'(?:[-+])?(?:[0-9]+n?|n)(?:(?<=n){ws}*(?:[-+]){ws}*(?:[0-9]+))?'.format(ws=WSC)
-# Value: quoted string or identifier
-VALUE = r'''
-'''.format(nl=NEWLINE, ident=IDENTIFIER)
-# Attribute value comparison. `!=` is handled special as it is non-standard.
-ATTR = r'''
-'''.format(ws=WSC, value=VALUE)
-# Selector patterns
-# IDs (`#id`)
-PAT_ID = r'\#{ident}'.format(ident=IDENTIFIER)
-# Classes (`.class`)
-PAT_CLASS = r'\.{ident}'.format(ident=IDENTIFIER)
-# Prefix:Tag (`prefix|tag`)
-PAT_TAG = r'(?P<tag_ns>(?:{ident}|\*)?\|)?(?P<tag_name>{ident}|\*)'.format(ident=IDENTIFIER)
-# Attributes (`[attr]`, `[attr=value]`, etc.)
-PAT_ATTR = r'''
-'''.format(ws=WSC, ident=IDENTIFIER, attr=ATTR)
-# Pseudo class (`:pseudo-class`, `:pseudo-class(`)
-PAT_PSEUDO_CLASS = r'(?P<name>:{ident})(?P<open>\({ws}*)?'.format(ws=WSC, ident=IDENTIFIER)
-# Pseudo class special patterns. Matches `:pseudo-class(` for special case pseudo classes.
-PAT_PSEUDO_CLASS_SPECIAL = r'(?P<name>:{ident})(?P<open>\({ws}*)'.format(ws=WSC, ident=IDENTIFIER)
-# Custom pseudo class (`:--custom-pseudo`)
-PAT_PSEUDO_CLASS_CUSTOM = r'(?P<name>:(?=--){ident})'.format(ident=IDENTIFIER)
-# Closing pseudo group (`)`)
-PAT_PSEUDO_CLOSE = r'{ws}*\)'.format(ws=WSC)
-# Pseudo element (`::pseudo-element`)
-# At rule (`@page`, etc.) (not supported)
-PAT_AT_RULE = r'@P{ident}'.format(ident=IDENTIFIER)
-# Pseudo class `nth-child` (`:nth-child(an+b [of S]?)`, `:first-child`, etc.)
-'''.format(name=PAT_PSEUDO_CLASS_SPECIAL, wsc=WSC, comments=COMMENTS, ws=WS, nth=NTH)
-# Pseudo class `nth-of-type` (`:nth-of-type(an+b)`, `:first-of-type`, etc.)
-'''.format(name=PAT_PSEUDO_CLASS_SPECIAL, ws=WSC, nth=NTH)
-# Pseudo class language (`:lang("*-de", en)`)
-PAT_PSEUDO_LANG = r'{name}(?P<values>{value}(?:{ws}*,{ws}*{value})*){ws}*\)'.format(
-# Pseudo class direction (`:dir(ltr)`)
-PAT_PSEUDO_DIR = r'{name}(?P<dir>ltr|rtl){ws}*\)'.format(name=PAT_PSEUDO_CLASS_SPECIAL, ws=WSC)
-# Combining characters (`>`, `~`, ` `, `+`, `,`)
-PAT_COMBINE = r'{wsc}*?(?P<relation>[,+>~]|{ws}(?![,+>~])){wsc}*'.format(ws=WS, wsc=WSC)
-# Extra: Contains (`:contains(text)`)
-PAT_PSEUDO_CONTAINS = r'{name}(?P<values>{value}(?:{ws}*,{ws}*{value})*){ws}*\)'.format(
-# Regular expressions
-# CSS escape pattern
-RE_CSS_ESC = re.compile(r'(?:(\\[a-f0-9]{{1,6}}{ws}?)|(\\[^\r\n\f])|(\\$))'.format(ws=WSC), re.I)
-RE_CSS_STR_ESC = re.compile(
-    r'(?:(\\[a-f0-9]{{1,6}}{ws}?)|(\\[^\r\n\f])|(\\$)|(\\{nl}))'.format(ws=WS, nl=NEWLINE), re.I
-# Pattern to break up `nth` specifiers
-RE_NTH = re.compile(
-    r'(?P<s1>[-+])?(?P<a>[0-9]+n?|n)(?:(?<=n){ws}*(?P<s2>[-+]){ws}*(?P<b>[0-9]+))?'.format(ws=WSC),
-    re.I
-# Pattern to iterate multiple values.
-RE_VALUES = re.compile(r'(?:(?P<value>{value})|(?P<split>{ws}*,{ws}*))'.format(ws=WSC, value=VALUE), re.X)
-# Whitespace checks
-RE_WS = re.compile(WS)
-RE_WS_BEGIN = re.compile('^{}*'.format(WSC))
-RE_WS_END = re.compile('{}*$'.format(WSC))
-RE_CUSTOM = re.compile(r'^{}$'.format(PAT_PSEUDO_CLASS_CUSTOM), re.X)
-# Constants
-# List split token
-# Relation token for descendant
-# Parse flags
-FLG_PSEUDO = 0x01
-FLG_NOT = 0x02
-FLG_HTML = 0x10
-FLG_OPEN = 0x40
-FLG_IN_RANGE = 0x80
-# Maximum cached patterns to store
-_MAXCACHE = 500
-def _cached_css_compile(pattern, namespaces, custom, flags):
-    """Cached CSS compile."""
-    custom_selectors = process_custom(custom)
-    return cm.SoupSieve(
-        pattern,
-        CSSParser(pattern, custom=custom_selectors, flags=flags).process_selectors(),
-        namespaces,
-        custom,
-        flags
-    )
-def _purge_cache():
-    """Purge the cache."""
-    _cached_css_compile.cache_clear()
-def process_custom(custom):
-    """Process custom."""
-    custom_selectors = {}
-    if custom is not None:
-        for key, value in custom.items():
-            name = util.lower(key)
-            if RE_CUSTOM.match(name) is None:
-                raise SelectorSyntaxError("The name '{}' is not a valid custom pseudo-class name".format(name))
-            if name in custom_selectors:
-                raise KeyError("The custom selector '{}' has already been registered".format(name))
-            custom_selectors[css_unescape(name)] = value
-    return custom_selectors
-def css_unescape(content, string=False):
-    """
-    Unescape CSS value.
-    Strings allow for spanning the value on multiple strings by escaping a new line.
-    """
-    def replace(m):
-        """Replace with the appropriate substitute."""
-        if m.group(1):
-            codepoint = int(m.group(1)[1:], 16)
-            if codepoint == 0:
-                codepoint = UNICODE_REPLACEMENT_CHAR
-            value = chr(codepoint)
-        elif m.group(2):
-            value = m.group(2)[1:]
-        elif m.group(3):
-            value = '\ufffd'
-        else:
-            value = ''
-        return value
-    return (RE_CSS_ESC if not string else RE_CSS_STR_ESC).sub(replace, content)
-def escape(ident):
-    """Escape identifier."""
-    string = []
-    length = len(ident)
-    start_dash = length > 0 and ident[0] == '-'
-    if length == 1 and start_dash:
-        # Need to escape identifier that is a single `-` with no other characters
-        string.append('\\{}'.format(ident))
-    else:
-        for index, c in enumerate(ident):
-            codepoint = ord(c)
-            if codepoint == 0x00:
-                string.append('\ufffd')
-            elif (0x01 <= codepoint <= 0x1F) or codepoint == 0x7F:
-                string.append('\\{:x} '.format(codepoint))
-            elif (index == 0 or (start_dash and index == 1)) and (0x30 <= codepoint <= 0x39):
-                string.append('\\{:x} '.format(codepoint))
-            elif (
-                codepoint in (0x2D, 0x5F) or codepoint >= 0x80 or (0x30 <= codepoint <= 0x39) or
-                (0x30 <= codepoint <= 0x39) or (0x41 <= codepoint <= 0x5A) or (0x61 <= codepoint <= 0x7A)
-            ):
-                string.append(c)
-            else:
-                string.append('\\{}'.format(c))
-    return ''.join(string)
-class SelectorPattern(object):
-    """Selector pattern."""
-    def __init__(self, name, pattern):
-        """Initialize."""
-        self.name = name
-        self.re_pattern = re.compile(pattern, re.I | re.X | re.U)
-    def get_name(self):
-        """Get name."""
-        return self.name
-    def match(self, selector, index, flags):
-        """Match the selector."""
-        return self.re_pattern.match(selector, index)
-class SpecialPseudoPattern(SelectorPattern):
-    """Selector pattern."""
-    def __init__(self, patterns):
-        """Initialize."""
-        self.patterns = {}
-        for p in patterns:
-            name = p[0]
-            pattern = p[3](name, p[2])
-            for pseudo in p[1]:
-                self.patterns[pseudo] = pattern
-        self.matched_name = None
-        self.re_pseudo_name = re.compile(PAT_PSEUDO_CLASS_SPECIAL, re.I | re.X | re.U)
-    def get_name(self):
-        """Get name."""
-        return self.matched_name.get_name()
-    def match(self, selector, index, flags):
-        """Match the selector."""
-        pseudo = None
-        m = self.re_pseudo_name.match(selector, index)
-        if m:
-            name = util.lower(css_unescape(m.group('name')))
-            pattern = self.patterns.get(name)
-            if pattern:
-                pseudo = pattern.match(selector, index, flags)
-                if pseudo:
-                    self.matched_name = pattern
-        return pseudo
-class _Selector(object):
-    """
-    Intermediate selector class.
-    This stores selector data for a compound selector as we are acquiring them.
-    Once we are done collecting the data for a compound selector, we freeze
-    the data in an object that can be pickled and hashed.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        """Initialize."""
-        self.tag = kwargs.get('tag', None)
-        self.ids = kwargs.get('ids', [])
-        self.classes = kwargs.get('classes', [])
-        self.attributes = kwargs.get('attributes', [])
-        self.nth = kwargs.get('nth', [])
-        self.selectors = kwargs.get('selectors', [])
-        self.relations = kwargs.get('relations', [])
-        self.rel_type = kwargs.get('rel_type', None)
-        self.contains = kwargs.get('contains', [])
-        self.lang = kwargs.get('lang', [])
-        self.flags = kwargs.get('flags', 0)
-        self.no_match = kwargs.get('no_match', False)
-    def _freeze_relations(self, relations):
-        """Freeze relation."""
-        if relations:
-            sel = relations[0]
-            sel.relations.extend(relations[1:])
-            return ct.SelectorList([sel.freeze()])
-        else:
-            return ct.SelectorList()
-    def freeze(self):
-        """Freeze self."""
-        if self.no_match:
-            return ct.SelectorNull()
-        else:
-            return ct.Selector(
-                self.tag,
-                tuple(self.ids),
-                tuple(self.classes),
-                tuple(self.attributes),
-                tuple(self.nth),
-                tuple(self.selectors),
-                self._freeze_relations(self.relations),
-                self.rel_type,
-                tuple(self.contains),
-                tuple(self.lang),
-                self.flags
-            )
-    def __str__(self):  # pragma: no cover
-        """String representation."""
-        return (
-            '_Selector(tag={!r}, ids={!r}, classes={!r}, attributes={!r}, nth={!r}, selectors={!r}, '
-            'relations={!r}, rel_type={!r}, contains={!r}, lang={!r}, flags={!r}, no_match={!r})'
-        ).format(
-            self.tag, self.ids, self.classes, self.attributes, self.nth, self.selectors,
-            self.relations, self.rel_type, self.contains, self.lang, self.flags, self.no_match
-        )
-    __repr__ = __str__
-class CSSParser(object):
-    """Parse CSS selectors."""
-    css_tokens = (
-        SelectorPattern("pseudo_close", PAT_PSEUDO_CLOSE),
-        SpecialPseudoPattern(
-            (
-                ("pseudo_contains", (':contains',), PAT_PSEUDO_CONTAINS, SelectorPattern),
-                ("pseudo_nth_child", (':nth-child', ':nth-last-child'), PAT_PSEUDO_NTH_CHILD, SelectorPattern),
-                ("pseudo_nth_type", (':nth-of-type', ':nth-last-of-type'), PAT_PSEUDO_NTH_TYPE, SelectorPattern),
-                ("pseudo_lang", (':lang',), PAT_PSEUDO_LANG, SelectorPattern),
-                ("pseudo_dir", (':dir',), PAT_PSEUDO_DIR, SelectorPattern)
-            )
-        ),
-        SelectorPattern("pseudo_class_custom", PAT_PSEUDO_CLASS_CUSTOM),
-        SelectorPattern("pseudo_class", PAT_PSEUDO_CLASS),
-        SelectorPattern("pseudo_element", PAT_PSEUDO_ELEMENT),
-        SelectorPattern("at_rule", PAT_AT_RULE),
-        SelectorPattern("id", PAT_ID),
-        SelectorPattern("class", PAT_CLASS),
-        SelectorPattern("tag", PAT_TAG),
-        SelectorPattern("attribute", PAT_ATTR),
-        SelectorPattern("combine", PAT_COMBINE)
-    )
-    def __init__(self, selector, custom=None, flags=0):
-        """Initialize."""
-        self.pattern = selector.replace('\x00', '\ufffd')
-        self.flags = flags
-        self.debug = self.flags & util.DEBUG
-        self.custom = {} if custom is None else custom
-    def parse_attribute_selector(self, sel, m, has_selector):
-        """Create attribute selector from the returned regex match."""
-        inverse = False
-        op = m.group('cmp')
-        case = util.lower(m.group('case')) if m.group('case') else None
-        ns = css_unescape(m.group('attr_ns')[:-1]) if m.group('attr_ns') else ''
-        attr = css_unescape(m.group('attr_name'))
-        is_type = False
-        pattern2 = None
-        if case:
-            flags = re.I if case == 'i' else 0
-        elif util.lower(attr) == 'type':
-            flags = re.I
-            is_type = True
-        else:
-            flags = 0
-        if op:
-            if m.group('value').startswith(('"', "'")):
-                value = css_unescape(m.group('value')[1:-1], True)
-            else:
-                value = css_unescape(m.group('value'))
-        else:
-            value = None
-        if not op:
-            # Attribute name
-            pattern = None
-        elif op.startswith('^'):
-            # Value start with
-            pattern = re.compile(r'^%s.*' % re.escape(value), flags)
-        elif op.startswith('$'):
-            # Value ends with
-            pattern = re.compile(r'.*?%s$' % re.escape(value), flags)
-        elif op.startswith('*'):
-            # Value contains
-            pattern = re.compile(r'.*?%s.*' % re.escape(value), flags)
-        elif op.startswith('~'):
-            # Value contains word within space separated list
-            # `~=` should match nothing if it is empty or contains whitespace,
-            # so if either of these cases is present, use `[^\s\S]` which cannot be matched.
-            value = r'[^\s\S]' if not value or RE_WS.search(value) else re.escape(value)
-            pattern = re.compile(r'.*?(?:(?<=^)|(?<=[ \t\r\n\f]))%s(?=(?:[ \t\r\n\f]|$)).*' % value, flags)
-        elif op.startswith('|'):
-            # Value starts with word in dash separated list
-            pattern = re.compile(r'^%s(?:-.*)?$' % re.escape(value), flags)
-        else:
-            # Value matches
-            pattern = re.compile(r'^%s$' % re.escape(value), flags)
-            if op.startswith('!'):
-                # Equivalent to `:not([attr=value])`
-                inverse = True
-        if is_type and pattern:
-            pattern2 = re.compile(pattern.pattern)
-        # Append the attribute selector
-        sel_attr = ct.SelectorAttribute(attr, ns, pattern, pattern2)
-        if inverse:
-            # If we are using `!=`, we need to nest the pattern under a `:not()`.
-            sub_sel = _Selector()
-            sub_sel.attributes.append(sel_attr)
-            not_list = ct.SelectorList([sub_sel.freeze()], True, False)
-            sel.selectors.append(not_list)
-        else:
-            sel.attributes.append(sel_attr)
-        has_selector = True
-        return has_selector
-    def parse_tag_pattern(self, sel, m, has_selector):
-        """Parse tag pattern from regex match."""
-        prefix = css_unescape(m.group('tag_ns')[:-1]) if m.group('tag_ns') else None
-        tag = css_unescape(m.group('tag_name'))
-        sel.tag = ct.SelectorTag(tag, prefix)
-        has_selector = True
-        return has_selector
-    def parse_pseudo_class_custom(self, sel, m, has_selector):
-        """
-        Parse custom pseudo class alias.
-        Compile custom selectors as we need them. When compiling a custom selector,
-        set it to `None` in the dictionary so we can avoid an infinite loop.
-        """
-        pseudo = util.lower(css_unescape(m.group('name')))
-        selector = self.custom.get(pseudo)
-        if selector is None:
-            raise SelectorSyntaxError(
-                "Undefined custom selector '{}' found at postion {}".format(pseudo, m.end(0)),
-                self.pattern,
-                m.end(0)
-            )
-        if not isinstance(selector, ct.SelectorList):
-            self.custom[pseudo] = None
-            selector = CSSParser(
-                selector, custom=self.custom, flags=self.flags
-            ).process_selectors(flags=FLG_PSEUDO)
-            self.custom[pseudo] = selector
-        sel.selectors.append(selector)
-        has_selector = True
-        return has_selector
-    def parse_pseudo_class(self, sel, m, has_selector, iselector, is_html):
-        """Parse pseudo class."""
-        complex_pseudo = False
-        pseudo = util.lower(css_unescape(m.group('name')))
-        if m.group('open'):
-            complex_pseudo = True
-        if complex_pseudo and pseudo in PSEUDO_COMPLEX:
-            has_selector = self.parse_pseudo_open(sel, pseudo, has_selector, iselector, m.end(0))
-        elif not complex_pseudo and pseudo in PSEUDO_SIMPLE:
-            if pseudo == ':root':
-                sel.flags |= ct.SEL_ROOT
-            elif pseudo == ':defined':
-                sel.flags |= ct.SEL_DEFINED
-                is_html = True
-            elif pseudo == ':scope':
-                sel.flags |= ct.SEL_SCOPE
-            elif pseudo == ':empty':
-                sel.flags |= ct.SEL_EMPTY
-            elif pseudo in (':link', ':any-link'):
-                sel.selectors.append(CSS_LINK)
-            elif pseudo == ':checked':
-                sel.selectors.append(CSS_CHECKED)
-            elif pseudo == ':default':
-                sel.selectors.append(CSS_DEFAULT)
-            elif pseudo == ':indeterminate':
-                sel.selectors.append(CSS_INDETERMINATE)
-            elif pseudo == ":disabled":
-                sel.selectors.append(CSS_DISABLED)
-            elif pseudo == ":enabled":
-                sel.selectors.append(CSS_ENABLED)
-            elif pseudo == ":required":
-                sel.selectors.append(CSS_REQUIRED)
-            elif pseudo == ":optional":
-                sel.selectors.append(CSS_OPTIONAL)
-            elif pseudo == ":read-only":
-                sel.selectors.append(CSS_READ_ONLY)
-            elif pseudo == ":read-write":
-                sel.selectors.append(CSS_READ_WRITE)
-            elif pseudo == ":in-range":
-                sel.selectors.append(CSS_IN_RANGE)
-            elif pseudo == ":out-of-range":
-                sel.selectors.append(CSS_OUT_OF_RANGE)
-            elif pseudo == ":placeholder-shown":
-                sel.selectors.append(CSS_PLACEHOLDER_SHOWN)
-            elif pseudo == ':first-child':
-                sel.nth.append(ct.SelectorNth(1, False, 0, False, False, ct.SelectorList()))
-            elif pseudo == ':last-child':
-                sel.nth.append(ct.SelectorNth(1, False, 0, False, True, ct.SelectorList()))
-            elif pseudo == ':first-of-type':
-                sel.nth.append(ct.SelectorNth(1, False, 0, True, False, ct.SelectorList()))
-            elif pseudo == ':last-of-type':
-                sel.nth.append(ct.SelectorNth(1, False, 0, True, True, ct.SelectorList()))
-            elif pseudo == ':only-child':
-                sel.nth.extend(
-                    [
-                        ct.SelectorNth(1, False, 0, False, False, ct.SelectorList()),
-                        ct.SelectorNth(1, False, 0, False, True, ct.SelectorList())
-                    ]
-                )
-            elif pseudo == ':only-of-type':
-                sel.nth.extend(
-                    [
-                        ct.SelectorNth(1, False, 0, True, False, ct.SelectorList()),
-                        ct.SelectorNth(1, False, 0, True, True, ct.SelectorList())
-                    ]
-                )
-            has_selector = True
-        elif complex_pseudo and pseudo in PSEUDO_COMPLEX_NO_MATCH:
-            self.parse_selectors(iselector, m.end(0), FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_OPEN)
-            sel.no_match = True
-            has_selector = True
-        elif not complex_pseudo and pseudo in PSEUDO_SIMPLE_NO_MATCH:
-            sel.no_match = True
-            has_selector = True
-        elif pseudo in PSEUDO_SUPPORTED:
-            raise SelectorSyntaxError(
-                "Invalid syntax for pseudo class '{}'".format(pseudo),
-                self.pattern,
-                m.start(0)
-            )
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError(
-                "'{}' pseudo-class is not implemented at this time".format(pseudo)
-            )
-        return has_selector, is_html
-    def parse_pseudo_nth(self, sel, m, has_selector, iselector):
-        """Parse `nth` pseudo."""
-        mdict = m.groupdict()
-        if mdict.get('pseudo_nth_child'):
-            postfix = '_child'
-        else:
-            postfix = '_type'
-        mdict['name'] = util.lower(css_unescape(mdict['name']))
-        content = util.lower(mdict.get('nth' + postfix))
-        if content == 'even':
-            # 2n
-            s1 = 2
-            s2 = 0
-            var = True
-        elif content == 'odd':
-            # 2n+1
-            s1 = 2
-            s2 = 1
-            var = True
-        else:
-            nth_parts = RE_NTH.match(content)
-            s1 = '-' if nth_parts.group('s1') and nth_parts.group('s1') == '-' else ''
-            a = nth_parts.group('a')
-            var = a.endswith('n')
-            if a.startswith('n'):
-                s1 += '1'
-            elif var:
-                s1 += a[:-1]
-            else:
-                s1 += a
-            s2 = '-' if nth_parts.group('s2') and nth_parts.group('s2') == '-' else ''
-            if nth_parts.group('b'):
-                s2 += nth_parts.group('b')
-            else:
-                s2 = '0'
-            s1 = int(s1, 10)
-            s2 = int(s2, 10)
-        pseudo_sel = mdict['name']
-        if postfix == '_child':
-            if m.group('of'):
-                # Parse the rest of `of S`.
-                nth_sel = self.parse_selectors(iselector, m.end(0), FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_OPEN)
-            else:
-                # Use default `*|*` for `of S`.
-                nth_sel = CSS_NTH_OF_S_DEFAULT
-            if pseudo_sel == ':nth-child':
-                sel.nth.append(ct.SelectorNth(s1, var, s2, False, False, nth_sel))
-            elif pseudo_sel == ':nth-last-child':
-                sel.nth.append(ct.SelectorNth(s1, var, s2, False, True, nth_sel))
-        else:
-            if pseudo_sel == ':nth-of-type':
-                sel.nth.append(ct.SelectorNth(s1, var, s2, True, False, ct.SelectorList()))
-            elif pseudo_sel == ':nth-last-of-type':
-                sel.nth.append(ct.SelectorNth(s1, var, s2, True, True, ct.SelectorList()))
-        has_selector = True
-        return has_selector
-    def parse_pseudo_open(self, sel, name, has_selector, iselector, index):
-        """Parse pseudo with opening bracket."""
-        flags = FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_OPEN
-        if name == ':not':
-            flags |= FLG_NOT
-        if name == ':has':
-            flags |= FLG_RELATIVE
-        sel.selectors.append(self.parse_selectors(iselector, index, flags))
-        has_selector = True
-        return has_selector
-    def parse_has_combinator(self, sel, m, has_selector, selectors, rel_type, index):
-        """Parse combinator tokens."""
-        combinator = m.group('relation').strip()
-        if not combinator:
-            combinator = WS_COMBINATOR
-        if combinator == COMMA_COMBINATOR:
-            if not has_selector:
-                # If we've not captured any selector parts, the comma is either at the beginning of the pattern
-                # or following another comma, both of which are unexpected. Commas must split selectors.
-                raise SelectorSyntaxError(
-                    "The combinator '{}' at postion {}, must have a selector before it".format(combinator, index),
-                    self.pattern,
-                    index
-                )
-            sel.rel_type = rel_type
-            selectors[-1].relations.append(sel)
-            rel_type = ":" + WS_COMBINATOR
-            selectors.append(_Selector())
-        else:
-            if has_selector:
-                # End the current selector and associate the leading combinator with this selector.
-                sel.rel_type = rel_type
-                selectors[-1].relations.append(sel)
-            elif rel_type[1:] != WS_COMBINATOR:
-                # It's impossible to have two whitespace combinators after each other as the patterns
-                # will gobble up trailing whitespace. It is also impossible to have a whitespace
-                # combinator after any other kind for the same reason. But we could have
-                # multiple non-whitespace combinators. So if the current combinator is not a whitespace,
-                # then we've hit the multiple combinator case, so we should fail.
-                raise SelectorSyntaxError(
-                    'The multiple combinators at position {}'.format(index),
-                    self.pattern,
-                    index
-                )
-            # Set the leading combinator for the next selector.
-            rel_type = ':' + combinator
-        sel = _Selector()
-        has_selector = False
-        return has_selector, sel, rel_type
-    def parse_combinator(self, sel, m, has_selector, selectors, relations, is_pseudo, index):
-        """Parse combinator tokens."""
-        combinator = m.group('relation').strip()
-        if not combinator:
-            combinator = WS_COMBINATOR
-        if not has_selector:
-            raise SelectorSyntaxError(
-                "The combinator '{}' at postion {}, must have a selector before it".format(combinator, index),
-                self.pattern,
-                index
-            )
-        if combinator == COMMA_COMBINATOR:
-            if not sel.tag and not is_pseudo:
-                # Implied `*`
-                sel.tag = ct.SelectorTag('*', None)
-            sel.relations.extend(relations)
-            selectors.append(sel)
-            del relations[:]
-        else:
-            sel.relations.extend(relations)
-            sel.rel_type = combinator
-            del relations[:]
-            relations.append(sel)
-        sel = _Selector()
-        has_selector = False
-        return has_selector, sel
-    def parse_class_id(self, sel, m, has_selector):
-        """Parse HTML classes and ids."""
-        selector = m.group(0)
-        if selector.startswith('.'):
-            sel.classes.append(css_unescape(selector[1:]))
-        else:
-            sel.ids.append(css_unescape(selector[1:]))
-        has_selector = True
-        return has_selector
-    def parse_pseudo_contains(self, sel, m, has_selector):
-        """Parse contains."""
-        values = m.group('values')
-        patterns = []
-        for token in RE_VALUES.finditer(values):
-            if token.group('split'):
-                continue
-            value = token.group('value')
-            if value.startswith(("'", '"')):
-                value = css_unescape(value[1:-1], True)
-            else:
-                value = css_unescape(value)
-            patterns.append(value)
-        sel.contains.append(ct.SelectorContains(tuple(patterns)))
-        has_selector = True
-        return has_selector
-    def parse_pseudo_lang(self, sel, m, has_selector):
-        """Parse pseudo language."""
-        values = m.group('values')
-        patterns = []
-        for token in RE_VALUES.finditer(values):
-            if token.group('split'):
-                continue
-            value = token.group('value')
-            if value.startswith(('"', "'")):
-                value = css_unescape(value[1:-1], True)
-            else:
-                value = css_unescape(value)
-            patterns.append(value)
-        sel.lang.append(ct.SelectorLang(patterns))
-        has_selector = True
-        return has_selector
-    def parse_pseudo_dir(self, sel, m, has_selector):
-        """Parse pseudo direction."""
-        value = ct.SEL_DIR_LTR if util.lower(m.group('dir')) == 'ltr' else ct.SEL_DIR_RTL
-        sel.flags |= value
-        has_selector = True
-        return has_selector
-    def parse_selectors(self, iselector, index=0, flags=0):
-        """Parse selectors."""
-        sel = _Selector()
-        selectors = []
-        has_selector = False
-        closed = False
-        relations = []
-        rel_type = ":" + WS_COMBINATOR
-        is_open = bool(flags & FLG_OPEN)
-        is_pseudo = bool(flags & FLG_PSEUDO)
-        is_relative = bool(flags & FLG_RELATIVE)
-        is_not = bool(flags & FLG_NOT)
-        is_html = bool(flags & FLG_HTML)
-        is_default = bool(flags & FLG_DEFAULT)
-        is_indeterminate = bool(flags & FLG_INDETERMINATE)
-        is_in_range = bool(flags & FLG_IN_RANGE)
-        is_out_of_range = bool(flags & FLG_OUT_OF_RANGE)
-        is_placeholder_shown = bool(flags & FLG_PLACEHOLDER_SHOWN)
-        if self.debug:  # pragma: no cover
-            if is_pseudo:
-                print('    is_pseudo: True')
-            if is_open:
-                print('    is_open: True')
-            if is_relative:
-                print('    is_relative: True')
-            if is_not:
-                print('    is_not: True')
-            if is_html:
-                print('    is_html: True')
-            if is_default:
-                print('    is_default: True')
-            if is_indeterminate:
-                print('    is_indeterminate: True')
-            if is_in_range:
-                print('    is_in_range: True')
-            if is_out_of_range:
-                print('    is_out_of_range: True')
-            if is_placeholder_shown:
-                print('    is_placeholder_shown: True')
-        if is_relative:
-            selectors.append(_Selector())
-        try:
-            while True:
-                key, m = next(iselector)
-                # Handle parts
-                if key == "at_rule":
-                    raise NotImplementedError("At-rules found at position {}".format(m.start(0)))
-                elif key == 'pseudo_class_custom':
-                    has_selector = self.parse_pseudo_class_custom(sel, m, has_selector)
-                elif key == 'pseudo_class':
-                    has_selector, is_html = self.parse_pseudo_class(sel, m, has_selector, iselector, is_html)
-                elif key == 'pseudo_element':
-                    raise NotImplementedError("Psuedo-element found at position {}".format(m.start(0)))
-                elif key == 'pseudo_contains':
-                    has_selector = self.parse_pseudo_contains(sel, m, has_selector)
-                elif key in ('pseudo_nth_type', 'pseudo_nth_child'):
-                    has_selector = self.parse_pseudo_nth(sel, m, has_selector, iselector)
-                elif key == 'pseudo_lang':
-                    has_selector = self.parse_pseudo_lang(sel, m, has_selector)
-                elif key == 'pseudo_dir':
-                    has_selector = self.parse_pseudo_dir(sel, m, has_selector)
-                    # Currently only supports HTML
-                    is_html = True
-                elif key == 'pseudo_close':
-                    if not has_selector:
-                        raise SelectorSyntaxError(
-                            "Expected a selector at postion {}".format(m.start(0)),
-                            self.pattern,
-                            m.start(0)
-                        )
-                    if is_open:
-                        closed = True
-                        break
-                    else:
-                        raise SelectorSyntaxError(
-                            "Unmatched pseudo-class close at postion {}".format(m.start(0)),
-                            self.pattern,
-                            m.start(0)
-                        )
-                elif key == 'combine':
-                    if is_relative:
-                        has_selector, sel, rel_type = self.parse_has_combinator(
-                            sel, m, has_selector, selectors, rel_type, index
-                        )
-                    else:
-                        has_selector, sel = self.parse_combinator(
-                            sel, m, has_selector, selectors, relations, is_pseudo, index
-                        )
-                elif key == 'attribute':
-                    has_selector = self.parse_attribute_selector(sel, m, has_selector)
-                elif key == 'tag':
-                    if has_selector:
-                        raise SelectorSyntaxError(
-                            "Tag name found at position {} instead of at the start".format(m.start(0)),
-                            self.pattern,
-                            m.start(0)
-                        )
-                    has_selector = self.parse_tag_pattern(sel, m, has_selector)
-                elif key in ('class', 'id'):
-                    has_selector = self.parse_class_id(sel, m, has_selector)
-                index = m.end(0)
-        except StopIteration:
-            pass
-        if is_open and not closed:
-            raise SelectorSyntaxError(
-                "Unclosed pseudo-class at position {}".format(index),
-                self.pattern,
-                index
-            )
-        if has_selector:
-            if not sel.tag and not is_pseudo:
-                # Implied `*`
-                sel.tag = ct.SelectorTag('*', None)
-            if is_relative:
-                sel.rel_type = rel_type
-                selectors[-1].relations.append(sel)
-            else:
-                sel.relations.extend(relations)
-                del relations[:]
-                selectors.append(sel)
-        else:
-            # We will always need to finish a selector when `:has()` is used as it leads with combining.
-            raise SelectorSyntaxError(
-                'Expected a selector at position {}'.format(index),
-                self.pattern,
-                index
-            )
-        # Some patterns require additional logic, such as default. We try to make these the
-        # last pattern, and append the appropriate flag to that selector which communicates
-        # to the matcher what additional logic is required.
-        if is_default:
-            selectors[-1].flags = ct.SEL_DEFAULT
-        if is_indeterminate:
-            selectors[-1].flags = ct.SEL_INDETERMINATE
-        if is_in_range:
-            selectors[-1].flags = ct.SEL_IN_RANGE
-        if is_out_of_range:
-            selectors[-1].flags = ct.SEL_OUT_OF_RANGE
-        if is_placeholder_shown:
-            selectors[-1].flags = ct.SEL_PLACEHOLDER_SHOWN
-        return ct.SelectorList([s.freeze() for s in selectors], is_not, is_html)
-    def selector_iter(self, pattern):
-        """Iterate selector tokens."""
-        # Ignore whitespace and comments at start and end of pattern
-        m = RE_WS_BEGIN.search(pattern)
-        index = m.end(0) if m else 0
-        m = RE_WS_END.search(pattern)
-        end = (m.start(0) - 1) if m else (len(pattern) - 1)
-        if self.debug:  # pragma: no cover
-            print('## PARSING: {!r}'.format(pattern))
-        while index <= end:
-            m = None
-            for v in self.css_tokens:
-                m = v.match(pattern, index, self.flags)
-                if m:
-                    name = v.get_name()
-                    if self.debug:  # pragma: no cover
-                        print("TOKEN: '{}' --> {!r} at position {}".format(name, m.group(0), m.start(0)))
-                    index = m.end(0)
-                    yield name, m
-                    break
-            if m is None:
-                c = pattern[index]
-                # If the character represents the start of one of the known selector types,
-                # throw an exception mentioning that the known selector type is in error;
-                # otherwise, report the invalid character.
-                if c == '[':
-                    msg = "Malformed attribute selector at position {}".format(index)
-                elif c == '.':
-                    msg = "Malformed class selector at position {}".format(index)
-                elif c == '#':
-                    msg = "Malformed id selector at position {}".format(index)
-                elif c == ':':
-                    msg = "Malformed pseudo-class selector at position {}".format(index)
-                else:
-                    msg = "Invalid character {!r} position {}".format(c, index)
-                raise SelectorSyntaxError(msg, self.pattern, index)
-        if self.debug:  # pragma: no cover
-            print('## END PARSING')
-    def process_selectors(self, index=0, flags=0):
-        """Process selectors."""
-        return self.parse_selectors(self.selector_iter(self.pattern), index, flags)
-# Precompile CSS selector lists for pseudo-classes (additional logic may be required beyond the pattern)
-# A few patterns are order dependent as they use patterns previous compiled.
-# CSS pattern for `:link` and `:any-link`
-CSS_LINK = CSSParser(
-    'html|*:is(a, area, link)[href]'
-).process_selectors(flags=FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_HTML)
-# CSS pattern for `:checked`
-    '''
-    html|*:is(input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio])[checked], html|option[selected]
-    '''
-).process_selectors(flags=FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_HTML)
-# CSS pattern for `:default` (must compile CSS_CHECKED first)
-    '''
-    :checked,
-    /*
-    This pattern must be at the end.
-    Special logic is applied to the last selector.
-    */
-    html|form html|*:is(button, input)[type="submit"]
-    '''
-).process_selectors(flags=FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_HTML | FLG_DEFAULT)
-# CSS pattern for `:indeterminate`
-    '''
-    html|input[type="checkbox"][indeterminate],
-    html|input[type="radio"]:is(:not([name]), [name=""]):not([checked]),
-    html|progress:not([value]),
-    /*
-    This pattern must be at the end.
-    Special logic is applied to the last selector.
-    */
-    html|input[type="radio"][name][name!='']:not([checked])
-    '''
-).process_selectors(flags=FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_HTML | FLG_INDETERMINATE)
-# CSS pattern for `:disabled`
-    '''
-    html|*:is(input[type!=hidden], button, select, textarea, fieldset, optgroup, option, fieldset)[disabled],
-    html|optgroup[disabled] > html|option,
-    html|fieldset[disabled] > html|*:is(input[type!=hidden], button, select, textarea, fieldset),
-    html|fieldset[disabled] >
-        html|*:not(legend:nth-of-type(1)) html|*:is(input[type!=hidden], button, select, textarea, fieldset)
-    '''
-).process_selectors(flags=FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_HTML)
-# CSS pattern for `:enabled`
-    '''
-    html|*:is(input[type!=hidden], button, select, textarea, fieldset, optgroup, option, fieldset):not(:disabled)
-    '''
-).process_selectors(flags=FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_HTML)
-# CSS pattern for `:required`
-    'html|*:is(input, textarea, select)[required]'
-).process_selectors(flags=FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_HTML)
-# CSS pattern for `:optional`
-    'html|*:is(input, textarea, select):not([required])'
-).process_selectors(flags=FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_HTML)
-# CSS pattern for `:placeholder-shown`
-    '''
-    html|input:is(
-        :not([type]),
-        [type=""],
-        [type=text],
-        [type=search],
-        [type=url],
-        [type=tel],
-        [type=email],
-        [type=password],
-        [type=number]
-    )[placeholder][placeholder!='']:is(:not([value]), [value=""]),
-    html|textarea[placeholder][placeholder!='']
-    '''
-).process_selectors(flags=FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_HTML | FLG_PLACEHOLDER_SHOWN)
-# CSS pattern default for `:nth-child` "of S" feature
-    '*|*'
-# CSS pattern for `:read-write` (CSS_DISABLED must be compiled first)
-    '''
-    html|*:is(
-        textarea,
-        input:is(
-            :not([type]),
-            [type=""],
-            [type=text],
-            [type=search],
-            [type=url],
-            [type=tel],
-            [type=email],
-            [type=number],
-            [type=password],
-            [type=date],
-            [type=datetime-local],
-            [type=month],
-            [type=time],
-            [type=week]
-        )
-    ):not([readonly], :disabled),
-    html|*:is([contenteditable=""], [contenteditable="true" i])
-    '''
-).process_selectors(flags=FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_HTML)
-# CSS pattern for `:read-only`
-    '''
-    html|*:not(:read-write)
-    '''
-).process_selectors(flags=FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_HTML)
-# CSS pattern for `:in-range`
-    '''
-    html|input:is(
-        [type="date"],
-        [type="month"],
-        [type="week"],
-        [type="time"],
-        [type="datetime-local"],
-        [type="number"],
-        [type="range"]
-    ):is(
-        [min],
-        [max]
-    )
-    '''
-).process_selectors(flags=FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_IN_RANGE | FLG_HTML)
-# CSS pattern for `:out-of-range`
-    '''
-    html|input:is(
-        [type="date"],
-        [type="month"],
-        [type="week"],
-        [type="time"],
-        [type="datetime-local"],
-        [type="number"],
-        [type="range"]
-    ):is(
-        [min],
-        [max]
-    )
-    '''
-).process_selectors(flags=FLG_PSEUDO | FLG_OUT_OF_RANGE | FLG_HTML)