view env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cwltool/ @ 0:26e78fe6e8c4 draft

"planemo upload commit c699937486c35866861690329de38ec1a5d9f783"
author shellac
date Sat, 02 May 2020 07:14:21 -0400
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Entry point for cwltool."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import argparse
import copy
import functools
import io
import logging
import os
import signal
import sys
import time
from codecs import StreamWriter, getwriter  # pylint: disable=unused-import
from six.moves import urllib
from typing import (IO, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping,
                    MutableMapping, MutableSequence, Optional, TextIO, Tuple,
                    Union, cast)

import pkg_resources  # part of setuptools
from ruamel import yaml
from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap, CommentedSeq
from schema_salad import validate
from schema_salad.ref_resolver import Fetcher, Loader, file_uri, uri_file_path
from schema_salad.sourceline import strip_dup_lineno, cmap
from six import string_types, iteritems, PY3
from typing_extensions import Text
# move to a regular typing import when Python 3.3-3.6 is no longer supported

if PY3:
  from import Iterable, Sequence, MutableSequence
else:  # Needed for Py3.8
  from collections import Iterable, Sequence, MutableSequence

from . import command_line_tool, workflow
from .argparser import arg_parser, generate_parser, get_default_args
from .builder import HasReqsHints  # pylint: disable=unused-import
from .context import LoadingContext, RuntimeContext, getdefault
from .cwlrdf import printdot, printrdf
from .errors import UnsupportedRequirement, WorkflowException
from .executors import MultithreadedJobExecutor, SingleJobExecutor, JobExecutor
from .load_tool import (FetcherConstructorType,  # pylint: disable=unused-import
                        fetch_document, jobloaderctx, load_overrides,
                        make_tool, resolve_overrides, resolve_tool_uri,
                        resolve_and_validate_document, default_loader)
from .loghandler import _logger, defaultStreamHandler
from .mutation import MutationManager
from .pack import pack
from .pathmapper import adjustDirObjs, normalizeFilesDirs, trim_listing
from .process import (Process, add_sizes,  # pylint: disable=unused-import
                      scandeps, shortname, use_custom_schema,
                      use_standard_schema, CWL_IANA)
from .workflow import Workflow
from .procgenerator import ProcessGenerator
from .provenance import ResearchObject
from .resolver import ga4gh_tool_registries, tool_resolver
from .secrets import SecretStore
from .software_requirements import (DependenciesConfiguration,
from .stdfsaccess import StdFsAccess
from .update import ALLUPDATES, UPDATES
from .utils import (DEFAULT_TMP_PREFIX, json_dumps, onWindows,
                    processes_to_kill, versionstring, visit_class,
from .subgraph import get_subgraph

import coloredlogs

def _terminate_processes():
    # type: () -> None
    """Kill all spawned processes.

    Processes to be killed must be appended to `utils.processes_to_kill`
    as they are spawned.

    An important caveat: since there's no supported way to kill another
    thread in Python, this function cannot stop other threads from
    continuing to execute while it kills the processes that they've
    spawned. This may occasionally lead to unexpected behaviour.
    # It's possible that another thread will spawn a new task while
    # we're executing, so it's not safe to use a for loop here.
    while processes_to_kill:

def _signal_handler(signum, _):
    # type: (int, Any) -> None
    """Kill all spawned processes and exit.

    Note that it's possible for another thread to spawn a process after
    all processes have been killed, but before Python exits.

    Refer to the docstring for _terminate_processes() for other caveats.

def generate_example_input(inptype,     # type: Any
                           default      # type: Optional[Any]
                          ):  # type: (...) -> Tuple[Any, Text]
    """Convert a single input schema into an example."""
    example = None
    comment = u""
    defaults = {u'null': 'null',
                u'Any': 'null',
                u'boolean': False,
                u'int': 0,
                u'long': 0,
                u'float': 0.1,
                u'double': 0.1,
                u'string': 'a_string',
                u'File': yaml.comments.CommentedMap([
                    ('class', 'File'), ('path', 'a/file/path')]),
                u'Directory': yaml.comments.CommentedMap([
                    ('class', 'Directory'), ('path', 'a/directory/path')])
               }  # type: Dict[Text, Any]
    if isinstance(inptype, MutableSequence):
        optional = False
        if 'null' in inptype:
            optional = True
        if len(inptype) == 1:
            example, comment = generate_example_input(inptype[0], default)
            if optional:
                if comment:
                    comment = u"{} (optional)".format(comment)
                    comment = u"optional"
            example = yaml.comments.CommentedSeq()
            for index, entry in enumerate(inptype):
                value, e_comment = generate_example_input(entry, default)
                example.yaml_add_eol_comment(e_comment, index)
            if optional:
                comment = u"optional"
    elif isinstance(inptype, Mapping) and 'type' in inptype:
        if inptype['type'] == 'array':
            if len(inptype['items']) == 1 and 'type' in inptype['items'][0] \
                    and inptype['items'][0]['type'] == 'enum':
                # array of just an enum then list all the options
                example = inptype['items'][0]['symbols']
                if 'name' in inptype['items'][0]:
                    comment = u'array of type "{}".'.format(inptype['items'][0]['name'])
                value, comment = generate_example_input(inptype['items'], None)
                comment = u"array of " + comment
                if len(inptype['items']) == 1:
                    example = [value]
                    example = value
            if default is not None:
                example = default
        elif inptype['type'] == 'enum':
            if default is not None:
                example = default
            elif 'default' in inptype:
                example = inptype['default']
            elif len(inptype['symbols']) == 1:
                example = inptype['symbols'][0]
                example = '{}_enum_value'.format(inptype.get('name', 'valid'))
            comment = u'enum; valid values: "{}"'.format(
                '", "'.join(inptype['symbols']))
        elif inptype['type'] == 'record':
            example = yaml.comments.CommentedMap()
            if 'name' in inptype:
                comment = u'"{}" record type.'.format(inptype['name'])
            for field in inptype['fields']:
                value, f_comment = generate_example_input(field['type'], None)
                example.insert(0, shortname(field['name']), value, f_comment)
        elif 'default' in inptype:
            example = inptype['default']
            comment = u'default value of type "{}".'.format(inptype['type'])
            example = defaults.get(inptype['type'], Text(inptype))
            comment = u'type "{}".'.format(inptype['type'])
        if not default:
            example = defaults.get(Text(inptype), Text(inptype))
            comment = u'type "{}"'.format(inptype)
            example = default
            comment = u'default value of type "{}".'.format(inptype)
    return example, comment

def realize_input_schema(input_types,  # type: MutableSequence[Dict[Text, Any]]
                         schema_defs   # type: Dict[Text, Any]
                        ):  # type: (...) -> MutableSequence[Dict[Text, Any]]
    """Replace references to named typed with the actual types."""
    for index, entry in enumerate(input_types):
        if isinstance(entry, string_types):
            if '#' in entry:
                _, input_type_name = entry.split('#')
                input_type_name = entry
            if input_type_name in schema_defs:
                entry = input_types[index] = schema_defs[input_type_name]
        if isinstance(entry, Mapping):
            if isinstance(entry['type'], string_types) and '#' in entry['type']:
                _, input_type_name = entry['type'].split('#')
                if input_type_name in schema_defs:
                    input_types[index]['type'] = realize_input_schema(
                        schema_defs[input_type_name], schema_defs)
            if isinstance(entry['type'], MutableSequence):
                input_types[index]['type'] = realize_input_schema(
                    entry['type'], schema_defs)
            if isinstance(entry['type'], Mapping):
                input_types[index]['type'] = realize_input_schema(
                    [input_types[index]['type']], schema_defs)
            if entry['type'] == 'array':
                items = entry['items'] if \
                    not isinstance(entry['items'], string_types) else [entry['items']]
                input_types[index]['items'] = realize_input_schema(items, schema_defs)
            if entry['type'] == 'record':
                input_types[index]['fields'] = realize_input_schema(
                    entry['fields'], schema_defs)
    return input_types

def generate_input_template(tool):
    # type: (Process) -> Dict[Text, Any]
    """Generate an example input object for the given CWL process."""
    template = yaml.comments.CommentedMap()
    for inp in realize_input_schema(tool.tool["inputs"], tool.schemaDefs):
        name = shortname(inp["id"])
        value, comment = generate_example_input(
            inp['type'], inp.get('default', None))
        template.insert(0, name, value, comment)
    return template

def load_job_order(args,                 # type: argparse.Namespace
                   stdin,                # type: IO[Any]
                   fetcher_constructor,  # type: Optional[Fetcher]
                   overrides_list,       # type: List[Dict[Text, Any]]
                   tool_file_uri         # type: Text
                  ):  # type: (...) -> Tuple[Optional[MutableMapping[Text, Any]], Text, Loader]

    job_order_object = None
    job_order_file = None

    _jobloaderctx = jobloaderctx.copy()
    loader = Loader(_jobloaderctx, fetcher_constructor=fetcher_constructor)  # type: ignore

    if len(args.job_order) == 1 and args.job_order[0][0] != "-":
        job_order_file = args.job_order[0]
    elif len(args.job_order) == 1 and args.job_order[0] == "-":
        job_order_object = yaml.round_trip_load(stdin)
        job_order_object, _ = loader.resolve_all(job_order_object, file_uri(os.getcwd()) + "/")
        job_order_file = None

    if job_order_object is not None:
        input_basedir = args.basedir if args.basedir else os.getcwd()
    elif job_order_file is not None:
        input_basedir = args.basedir if args.basedir \
            else os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(job_order_file))
        job_order_object, _ = loader.resolve_ref(job_order_file, checklinks=False)

    if job_order_object is not None and "" in job_order_object:
        ov_uri = file_uri(job_order_file or input_basedir)
            resolve_overrides(job_order_object, ov_uri, tool_file_uri))
        del job_order_object[""]

    if job_order_object is None:
        input_basedir = args.basedir if args.basedir else os.getcwd()

    if job_order_object is not None and not isinstance(job_order_object, MutableMapping):
            'CWL input object at %s is not formatted correctly, it should be a '
            'JSON/YAML dictionay, not %s.\n'
            'Raw input object:\n%s', job_order_file or "stdin",
            type(job_order_object), job_order_object)
    return (job_order_object, input_basedir, loader)

def init_job_order(job_order_object,        # type: Optional[MutableMapping[Text, Any]]
                   args,                    # type: argparse.Namespace
                   process,                 # type: Process
                   loader,                  # type: Loader
                   stdout,                  # type: Union[TextIO, StreamWriter]
                   print_input_deps=False,  # type: bool
                   relative_deps=False,     # type: bool
                   make_fs_access=StdFsAccess,  # type: Callable[[Text], StdFsAccess]
                   input_basedir="",        # type: Text
                   secret_store=None,       # type: Optional[SecretStore]
                   input_required=True      # type: bool
                  ):  # type: (...) -> MutableMapping[Text, Any]
    secrets_req, _ = process.get_requirement("")
    if job_order_object is None:
        namemap = {}  # type: Dict[Text, Text]
        records = []  # type: List[Text]
        toolparser = generate_parser(
            argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=args.workflow), process, namemap, records, input_required)
        if args.tool_help:
        cmd_line = vars(toolparser.parse_args(args.job_order))
        for record_name in records:
            record = {}
            record_items = {
                k: v for k, v in iteritems(cmd_line)
                if k.startswith(record_name)}
            for key, value in iteritems(record_items):
                record[key[len(record_name) + 1:]] = value
                del cmd_line[key]
            cmd_line[str(record_name)] = record
        if 'job_order' in cmd_line and cmd_line["job_order"]:
                job_order_object = cast(
                    MutableMapping[Text, Any],
            except Exception as err:
                _logger.error(Text(err), exc_info=args.debug)
            job_order_object = {"id": args.workflow}

        del cmd_line["job_order"]

        job_order_object.update({namemap[k]: v for k, v in cmd_line.items()})

        if secret_store and secrets_req:
                [shortname(sc) for sc in secrets_req["secrets"]], job_order_object)

        if _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            _logger.debug(u"Parsed job order from command line: %s",
                          json_dumps(job_order_object, indent=4))

    for inp in process.tool["inputs"]:
        if "default" in inp and (
                not job_order_object or shortname(inp["id"]) not in job_order_object):
            if not job_order_object:
                job_order_object = {}
            job_order_object[shortname(inp["id"])] = inp["default"]

    if job_order_object is None:
        if process.tool["inputs"]:
            if toolparser is not None:
                print(u"\nOptions for {} ".format(args.workflow))
            _logger.error("Input object required, use --help for details")
            job_order_object = {}

    if print_input_deps:
        basedir = None  # type: Optional[Text]
        uri = job_order_object["id"]
        if uri == args.workflow:
            basedir = os.path.dirname(uri)
            uri = ""
        printdeps(job_order_object, loader, stdout, relative_deps, uri,
                  basedir=basedir, nestdirs=False)

    def path_to_loc(p):  # type: (Dict[Text, Any]) -> None
        if "location" not in p and "path" in p:
            p["location"] = p["path"]
            del p["path"]

    ns = {}  # type: Dict[Text, Union[Dict[Any, Any], Text, Iterable[Text]]]
    ns.update(job_order_object.get("$namespaces", {}))
    ns.update(process.metadata.get("$namespaces", {}))
    ld = Loader(ns)

    def expand_formats(p):  # type: (Dict[Text, Any]) -> None
        if "format" in p:
            p["format"] = ld.expand_url(p["format"], "")

    visit_class(job_order_object, ("File", "Directory"), path_to_loc)
    visit_class(job_order_object, ("File",), functools.partial(add_sizes, make_fs_access(input_basedir)))
    visit_class(job_order_object, ("File",), expand_formats)
    adjustDirObjs(job_order_object, trim_listing)

    if secret_store and secrets_req:
            [shortname(sc) for sc in secrets_req["secrets"]], job_order_object)

    if "cwl:tool" in job_order_object:
        del job_order_object["cwl:tool"]
    if "id" in job_order_object:
        del job_order_object["id"]
    return job_order_object

def make_relative(base, obj):  # type: (Text, Dict[Text, Any]) -> None
    """Relativize the location URI of a File or Directory object."""
    uri = obj.get("location", obj.get("path"))
    if ":" in uri.split("/")[0] and not uri.startswith("file://"):
        if uri.startswith("file://"):
            uri = uri_file_path(uri)
            obj["location"] = os.path.relpath(uri, base)

def printdeps(obj,              # type: Mapping[Text, Any]
              document_loader,  # type: Loader
              stdout,           # type: Union[TextIO, StreamWriter]
              relative_deps,    # type: bool
              uri,              # type: Text
              basedir=None,     # type: Optional[Text]
              nestdirs=True     # type: bool
             ):  # type: (...) -> None
    """Print a JSON representation of the dependencies of the CWL document."""
    deps = find_deps(obj, document_loader, uri, basedir=basedir,
    if relative_deps == "primary":
        base = basedir if basedir else os.path.dirname(uri_file_path(str(uri)))
    elif relative_deps == "cwd":
        base = os.getcwd()
    visit_class(deps, ("File", "Directory"), functools.partial(
        make_relative, base))
    stdout.write(json_dumps(deps, indent=4))

def prov_deps(obj,              # type: Mapping[Text, Any]
              document_loader,  # type: Loader
              uri,              # type: Text
              basedir=None      # type: Optional[Text]
             ):  # type: (...) -> MutableMapping[Text, Any]
    deps = find_deps(obj, document_loader, uri, basedir=basedir)

    def remove_non_cwl(deps):  # type: (MutableMapping[Text, Any]) -> None
        if 'secondaryFiles' in deps:
            sec_files = deps['secondaryFiles']
            for index, entry in enumerate(sec_files):
                if not ('format' in entry and entry['format'] == CWL_IANA):
                    del sec_files[index]

    return deps

def find_deps(obj,              # type: Mapping[Text, Any]
              document_loader,  # type: Loader
              uri,              # type: Text
              basedir=None,     # type: Optional[Text]
              nestdirs=True     # type: bool
             ):  # type: (...) -> Dict[Text, Any]
    """Find the dependencies of the CWL document."""
    deps = {"class": "File", "location": uri, "format": CWL_IANA}  # type: Dict[Text, Any]

    def loadref(base, uri):  # type: (Text, Text) -> Any
        return document_loader.fetch(document_loader.fetcher.urljoin(base, uri))

    sfs = scandeps(
        basedir if basedir else uri, obj, {"$import", "run"},
        {"$include", "$schemas", "location"}, loadref, nestdirs=nestdirs)
    if sfs is not None:
        deps["secondaryFiles"] = sfs

    return deps

def print_pack(document_loader,  # type: Loader
               processobj,       # type: CommentedMap
               uri,              # type: Text
               metadata          # type: Dict[Text, Any]
              ):  # type: (...) -> Text
    """Return a CWL serialization of the CWL document in JSON."""
    packed = pack(document_loader, processobj, uri, metadata)
    if len(packed["$graph"]) > 1:
        return json_dumps(packed, indent=4)
    return json_dumps(packed["$graph"][0], indent=4)

def supported_cwl_versions(enable_dev):  # type: (bool) -> List[Text]
    # ALLUPDATES and UPDATES are dicts
    if enable_dev:
        versions = list(ALLUPDATES)
        versions = list(UPDATES)
    return versions

def configure_logging(args,            # type: argparse.Namespace
                      stderr_handler,  # type: logging.Handler
                      runtimeContext   # type: RuntimeContext
):    # type: (...) -> None
    # Configure logging
    rdflib_logger = logging.getLogger("rdflib.term")
    if args.quiet:
        # Silence STDERR, not an eventual provenance log file
    if runtimeContext.debug:
        # Increase to debug for both stderr and provenance log file
    fmtclass = coloredlogs.ColoredFormatter if args.enable_color else logging.Formatter
    formatter = fmtclass("%(levelname)s %(message)s")
    if args.timestamps:
        formatter = fmtclass(
            "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s %(message)s",
            "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

def setup_schema(args,                    # type: argparse.Namespace
                 custom_schema_callback   # type: Optional[Callable[[], None]]
):  # type: (...) -> None
    if custom_schema_callback is not None:
    elif args.enable_ext:
        res = pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, 'extensions.yml')
        use_custom_schema("v1.0", "",

def setup_provenance(args,            # type: argparse.Namespace
                     argsl,           # type: List[str]
                     runtimeContext   # type: RuntimeContext
):  # type: (...) -> Optional[int]
    if not args.compute_checksum:
        _logger.error("--provenance incompatible with --no-compute-checksum")
        return 1
    ro = ResearchObject(
        getdefault(runtimeContext.make_fs_access, StdFsAccess),
        temp_prefix_ro=args.tmpdir_prefix, orcid=args.orcid,
    runtimeContext.research_obj = ro
    log_file_io = ro.open_log_file_for_activity(ro.engine_uuid)
    prov_log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(cast(IO[str], log_file_io))

    class ProvLogFormatter(logging.Formatter):
        """Enforce ISO8601 with both T and Z."""

        def __init__(self):  # type: () -> None
            super(ProvLogFormatter, self).__init__(
                "[%(asctime)sZ] %(message)s")

        def formatTime(self, record, datefmt=None):
            # type: (logging.LogRecord, Optional[str]) -> str
            record_time = time.gmtime(record.created)
            formatted_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", record_time)
            with_msecs = "%s,%03d" % (formatted_time, record.msecs)
            return with_msecs
    _logger.debug(u"[provenance] Logging to %s", log_file_io)
    if argsl is not None:
        # Log cwltool command line options to provenance file"[cwltool] %s %s", sys.argv[0], u" ".join(argsl))
    _logger.debug(u"[cwltool] Arguments: %s", args)
    return None

def setup_loadingContext(loadingContext,  # type: Optional[LoadingContext]
                         runtimeContext,  # type: RuntimeContext
                         args             # type: argparse.Namespace
):  # type: (...) -> LoadingContext
    if loadingContext is None:
        loadingContext = LoadingContext(vars(args))
        loadingContext = loadingContext.copy()
    loadingContext.loader = default_loader(loadingContext.fetcher_constructor,
    loadingContext.research_obj = runtimeContext.research_obj
    loadingContext.disable_js_validation = \
        args.disable_js_validation or (not args.do_validate)
    loadingContext.construct_tool_object = getdefault(
        loadingContext.construct_tool_object, workflow.default_make_tool)
    loadingContext.resolver = getdefault(loadingContext.resolver, tool_resolver)
    if loadingContext.do_update is None:
        loadingContext.do_update = not (args.pack or args.print_subgraph)

    return loadingContext

def make_template(tool    # type: Process
):  # type: (...) -> None
    def my_represent_none(self, data):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        # type: (Any, Any) -> Any
        """Force clean representation of 'null'."""
        return self.represent_scalar(u',2002:null', u'null')
    yaml.RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(type(None), my_represent_none)
        generate_input_template(tool), sys.stdout,
        default_flow_style=False, indent=4, block_seq_indent=2)

def choose_target(args,           # type: argparse.Namespace
                  tool,           # type: Process
                  loadingContext  # type: LoadingContext
):  # type: (...) -> Optional[Process]

    if loadingContext.loader is None:
        raise Exception("loadingContext.loader cannot be None")

    if isinstance(tool, Workflow):
        url = urllib.parse.urlparse(tool.tool["id"])
        if url.fragment:
            extracted = get_subgraph([tool.tool["id"] + "/" + r for r in], tool)
            extracted = get_subgraph([loadingContext.loader.fetcher.urljoin(tool.tool["id"], "#" + r)
                                     for r in],
        _logger.error("Can only use --target on Workflows")
        return None
    if isinstance(loadingContext.loader.idx, CommentedMap):
        loadingContext.loader.idx[extracted["id"]] = extracted
        tool = make_tool(extracted["id"],
        raise Exception("Missing loadingContext.loader.idx!")

    return tool

def check_working_directories(runtimeContext   # type: RuntimeContext
):  # type: (...) -> Optional[int]
    for dirprefix in ("tmpdir_prefix", "tmp_outdir_prefix", "cachedir"):
        if getattr(runtimeContext, dirprefix) and getattr(runtimeContext, dirprefix) != DEFAULT_TMP_PREFIX:
            sl = "/" if getattr(runtimeContext, dirprefix).endswith("/") or dirprefix == "cachedir" \
                else ""
            setattr(runtimeContext, dirprefix,
                    os.path.abspath(getattr(runtimeContext, dirprefix)) + sl)
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(getattr(runtimeContext, dirprefix))):
                    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(getattr(runtimeContext, dirprefix)))
                except Exception as e:
                    _logger.error("Failed to create directory: %s", Text(e))
                    return 1
    return None

def main(argsl=None,                   # type: Optional[List[str]]
         args=None,                    # type: Optional[argparse.Namespace]
         job_order_object=None,        # type: Optional[MutableMapping[Text, Any]]
         stdin=sys.stdin,              # type: IO[Any]
         stdout=None,                  # type: Optional[Union[TextIO, StreamWriter]]
         stderr=sys.stderr,            # type: IO[Any]
         versionfunc=versionstring,    # type: Callable[[], Text]
         logger_handler=None,          # type: Optional[logging.Handler]
         custom_schema_callback=None,  # type: Optional[Callable[[], None]]
         executor=None,                # type: Optional[JobExecutor]
         loadingContext=None,          # type: Optional[LoadingContext]
         runtimeContext=None,          # type: Optional[RuntimeContext]
         input_required=True           # type: bool
        ):  # type: (...) -> int
    if not stdout:  # force UTF-8 even if the console is configured differently
        if (hasattr(sys.stdout, "encoding")
                and sys.stdout.encoding != 'UTF-8'):  # type: ignore
            if PY3 and hasattr(sys.stdout, "detach"):
                stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf-8')
                stdout = getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stdout)  # type: ignore
            stdout = cast(TextIO, sys.stdout)  # type: ignore

    stderr_handler = logger_handler
    if stderr_handler is not None:
        coloredlogs.install(logger=_logger, stream=stderr)
        stderr_handler = _logger.handlers[-1]
    workflowobj = None
    prov_log_handler = None  # type: Optional[logging.StreamHandler]
        if args is None:
            if argsl is None:
                argsl = sys.argv[1:]
            addl = []  # type: List[str]
            if "CWLTOOL_OPTIONS" in os.environ:
                addl = os.environ["CWLTOOL_OPTIONS"].split(" ")
            args = arg_parser().parse_args(addl+argsl)
            if args.record_container_id:
                if not args.cidfile_dir:
                    args.cidfile_dir = os.getcwd()
                del args.record_container_id

        if runtimeContext is None:
            runtimeContext = RuntimeContext(vars(args))
            runtimeContext = runtimeContext.copy()

        # If on Windows platform, a default Docker Container is used if not
        # explicitely provided by user
        if onWindows() and not runtimeContext.default_container:
            # This docker image is a minimal alpine image with bash installed
            # (size 6 mb). source:
            runtimeContext.default_container = windows_default_container_id

        # If caller parsed its own arguments, it may not include every
        # cwltool option, so fill in defaults to avoid crashing when
        # dereferencing them in args.
        for key, val in iteritems(get_default_args()):
            if not hasattr(args, key):
                setattr(args, key, val)

        configure_logging(args, stderr_handler, runtimeContext)

        if args.version:
            return 0

        if args.print_supported_versions:
            return 0

        if not args.workflow:
            if os.path.isfile("CWLFile"):
                setattr(args, "workflow", "CWLFile")
                _logger.error("CWL document required, no input file was provided")
                return 1
        if args.relax_path_checks:
            command_line_tool.ACCEPTLIST_RE = command_line_tool.ACCEPTLIST_EN_RELAXED_RE

        if args.ga4gh_tool_registries:
            ga4gh_tool_registries[:] = args.ga4gh_tool_registries
        if not args.enable_ga4gh_tool_registry:
            del ga4gh_tool_registries[:]

        setup_schema(args, custom_schema_callback)

        if args.provenance:
            if argsl is None:
                raise Exception("argsl cannot be None")
            if setup_provenance(args, argsl, runtimeContext) is not None:
                return 1

        loadingContext = setup_loadingContext(loadingContext, runtimeContext, args)

        uri, tool_file_uri = resolve_tool_uri(
            args.workflow, resolver=loadingContext.resolver,

        try_again_msg = "" if args.debug else ", try again with --debug for more information"

            job_order_object, input_basedir, jobloader = load_job_order(
                args, stdin, loadingContext.fetcher_constructor,
                loadingContext.overrides_list, tool_file_uri)

            if args.overrides:
                    file_uri(os.path.abspath(args.overrides)), tool_file_uri))

            loadingContext, workflowobj, uri = fetch_document(
                uri, loadingContext)

            if args.print_deps and loadingContext.loader:
                printdeps(workflowobj, loadingContext.loader, stdout,
                          args.relative_deps, uri)
                return 0

            loadingContext, uri \
                = resolve_and_validate_document(loadingContext, workflowobj, uri,
                                    preprocess_only=(args.print_pre or args.pack),

            if loadingContext.loader is None:
                raise Exception("Impossible code path.")
            processobj, metadata = loadingContext.loader.resolve_ref(uri)
            processobj = cast(CommentedMap, processobj)
            if args.pack:
                stdout.write(print_pack(loadingContext.loader, processobj, uri, metadata))
                return 0

            if args.provenance and runtimeContext.research_obj:
                # Can't really be combined with args.pack at same time
                    print_pack(loadingContext.loader, processobj, uri, metadata))

            if args.print_pre:
                stdout.write(json_dumps(processobj, indent=4, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': ')))
                return 0

            tool = make_tool(uri, loadingContext)
            if args.make_template:
                return 0

            if args.validate:
                print("{} is valid CWL.".format(args.workflow))
                return 0

            if args.print_rdf:
                stdout.write(printrdf(tool, loadingContext.loader.ctx, args.rdf_serializer))
                return 0

            if args.print_dot:
                printdot(tool, loadingContext.loader.ctx, stdout)
                return 0

            if args.print_targets:
                for f in ("outputs", "steps", "inputs"):
                    if tool.tool[f]:
              "%s%s targets:", f[0].upper(), f[1:-1])
                        stdout.write("  "+"\n  ".join([shortname(t["id"]) for t in tool.tool[f]])+"\n")
                return 0

                ctool = choose_target(args, tool, loadingContext)
                if ctool is None:
                    return 1
                    tool = ctool

            if args.print_subgraph:
                if "name" in tool.tool:
                    del tool.tool["name"]
                stdout.write(json_dumps(tool.tool, indent=4, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': ')))
                return 0

        except (validate.ValidationException) as exc:
            _logger.error(u"Tool definition failed validation:\n%s", Text(exc),
            return 1
        except (RuntimeError, WorkflowException) as exc:
            _logger.error(u"Tool definition failed initialization:\n%s", Text(exc),
            return 1
        except Exception as exc:
                u"I'm sorry, I couldn't load this CWL file%s.\nThe error was: %s",
                Text(exc) if not args.debug else "",
            return 1

        if isinstance(tool, int):
            return tool

        # If on MacOS platform, TMPDIR must be set to be under one of the
        # shared volumes in Docker for Mac
        # More info:
        if sys.platform == "darwin":
            default_mac_path = "/private/tmp/docker_tmp"
            if runtimeContext.tmp_outdir_prefix == DEFAULT_TMP_PREFIX:
                runtimeContext.tmp_outdir_prefix = default_mac_path
            if runtimeContext.tmpdir_prefix == DEFAULT_TMP_PREFIX:
                runtimeContext.tmpdir_prefix = default_mac_path

        if check_working_directories(runtimeContext) is not None:
            return 1

        if args.cachedir:
            if args.move_outputs == "move":
                runtimeContext.move_outputs = "copy"
            runtimeContext.tmp_outdir_prefix = args.cachedir

        runtimeContext.secret_store = getdefault(runtimeContext.secret_store, SecretStore())
        runtimeContext.make_fs_access = getdefault(runtimeContext.make_fs_access, StdFsAccess)

        if not executor:
            if args.parallel:
                temp_executor = MultithreadedJobExecutor()
                runtimeContext.select_resources = temp_executor.select_resources
                real_executor = temp_executor  # type: JobExecutor
                real_executor = SingleJobExecutor()
            real_executor = executor

            runtimeContext.basedir = input_basedir

            if isinstance(tool, ProcessGenerator):
                tfjob_order = {}  # type: MutableMapping[Text, Any]
                if loadingContext.jobdefaults:
                if job_order_object:
                tfout, tfstatus = real_executor(tool.embedded_tool, tfjob_order, runtimeContext)
                if tfstatus != "success":
                    raise WorkflowException("ProcessGenerator failed to generate workflow")
                tool, job_order_object = tool.result(tfjob_order, tfout, runtimeContext)
                if not job_order_object:
                    job_order_object = None

                initialized_job_order_object = init_job_order(
                    job_order_object, args, tool, jobloader, stdout,
            except SystemExit as err:
                return err.code

            del args.workflow
            del args.job_order

            conf_file = getattr(args, "beta_dependency_resolvers_configuration", None)  # Text
            use_conda_dependencies = getattr(args, "beta_conda_dependencies", None)  # Text

            if conf_file or use_conda_dependencies:
                runtimeContext.job_script_provider = DependenciesConfiguration(args)
                runtimeContext.find_default_container = functools.partial(

            (out, status) = real_executor(
                tool, initialized_job_order_object, runtimeContext,

            if out is not None:
                if runtimeContext.research_obj is not None:
                        out, None, True)
                    def remove_at_id(doc):  # type: (MutableMapping[Text, Any]) -> None
                        for key in list(doc.keys()):
                            if key == '@id':
                                del doc[key]
                                value = doc[key]
                                if isinstance(value, MutableMapping):
                                elif isinstance(value, MutableSequence):
                                    for entry in value:
                                        if isinstance(entry, MutableMapping):
                    visit_class(out, ("File",), functools.partial(
                        add_sizes, runtimeContext.make_fs_access('')))

                def loc_to_path(obj):  # type: (Dict[Text, Any]) -> None
                    for field in ("path", "nameext", "nameroot", "dirname"):
                        if field in obj:
                            del obj[field]
                    if obj["location"].startswith("file://"):
                        obj["path"] = uri_file_path(obj["location"])

                visit_class(out, ("File", "Directory"), loc_to_path)

                # Unsetting the Generation from final output object
                visit_class(out, ("File", ), MutationManager().unset_generation)

                if isinstance(out, string_types):
                    stdout.write(json_dumps(out, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False))
                if hasattr(stdout, "flush"):

            if status != "success":
                _logger.warning(u"Final process status is %s", status)
                return 1
  "Final process status is %s", status)
            return 0

        except (validate.ValidationException) as exc:
            _logger.error(u"Input object failed validation:\n%s", Text(exc),
            return 1
        except UnsupportedRequirement as exc:
                u"Workflow or tool uses unsupported feature:\n%s", Text(exc),
            return 33
        except WorkflowException as exc:
                u"Workflow error%s:\n%s", try_again_msg, strip_dup_lineno(Text(exc)),
            return 1
        except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                u"Unhandled error%s:\n  %s", try_again_msg, Text(exc), exc_info=args.debug)
            return 1

        if args and runtimeContext and runtimeContext.research_obj \
                and workflowobj and loadingContext:
            research_obj = runtimeContext.research_obj
            if loadingContext.loader is not None:
                    workflowobj, loadingContext.loader, uri))
                _logger.warning("Unable to generate provenance snapshot "
                    " due to missing loadingContext.loader.")
            if prov_log_handler is not None:
                # Stop logging so we won't half-log adding ourself to RO
                _logger.debug(u"[provenance] Closing provenance log file %s",
                # Ensure last log lines are written out
                # Underlying WritableBagFile will add the tagfile to the manifest


def find_default_container(builder,                 # type: HasReqsHints
                           default_container=None,  # type: Optional[Text]
                           use_biocontainers=None,  # type: Optional[bool]
                          ):  # type: (...) -> Optional[Text]
    """Find a container."""
    if not default_container and use_biocontainers:
        default_container = get_container_from_software_requirements(
            use_biocontainers, builder)
    return default_container

def run(*args, **kwargs):
    # type: (*Any, **Any) -> None
    """Run cwltool."""
    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _signal_handler)
        sys.exit(main(*args, **kwargs))

if __name__ == "__main__":