view env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/prov/ @ 0:26e78fe6e8c4 draft

"planemo upload commit c699937486c35866861690329de38ec1a5d9f783"
author shellac
date Sat, 02 May 2020 07:14:21 -0400 (2020-05-02)
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"""Python implementation of the W3C Provenance Data Model (PROV-DM), including
support for PROV-JSON import/export


from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
import datetime
import io
import itertools
import logging
import os
import shutil
import tempfile

import dateutil.parser
from prov import Error, serializers
from prov.constants import *
from prov.identifier import Identifier, QualifiedName, Namespace
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse

__author__ = 'Trung Dong Huynh'
__email__ = ''

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Data Types
def _ensure_datetime(value):
    if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
        return dateutil.parser.parse(value)
        return value

def parse_xsd_datetime(value):
        return dateutil.parser.parse(value)
    except ValueError:
    return None

def parse_boolean(value):
    if value.lower() in ("false", "0"):
        return False
    elif value.lower() in ("true", "1"):
        return True
        return None

    datetime.datetime: parse_xsd_datetime,

# Mappings for XSD datatypes to Python standard types
    XSD_STRING: six.text_type,
    XSD_DOUBLE: float,
    # long on Python 2, int on Python 3
    XSD_LONG: six.integer_types[-1],
    XSD_INT: int,
    XSD_BOOLEAN: parse_boolean,
    XSD_DATETIME: parse_xsd_datetime,
    XSD_ANYURI: Identifier

def parse_xsd_types(value, datatype):
    return (
        if datatype in XSD_DATATYPE_PARSERS else None

def first(a_set):
    return next(iter(a_set), None)

def _ensure_multiline_string_triple_quoted(value):
    # converting the value to a string
    s = six.text_type(value)
    # Escaping any double quote
    s = s.replace('"', '\\"')
    if '\n' in s:
        return '"""%s"""' % s
        return '"%s"' % s

def encoding_provn_value(value):
    if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
        return _ensure_multiline_string_triple_quoted(value)
    elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
        return u'"{0}" %% xsd:dateTime'.format(value.isoformat())
    elif isinstance(value, float):
        return u'"%g" %%%% xsd:float' % value
    elif isinstance(value, bool):
        return u'"%i" %%%% xsd:boolean' % value
        # TODO: QName export
        return six.text_type(value)

class Literal(object):
    def __init__(self, value, datatype=None, langtag=None):
        self._value = six.text_type(value)  # value is always a string
        if langtag:
            if datatype is None:
                    'Assuming prov:InternationalizedString as the type of '
                    '"%s"@%s' % (value, langtag)
                datatype = PROV["InternationalizedString"]
            # PROV JSON states that the type field must not be set when
            # using the lang attribute and PROV XML requires it to be an
            # internationalized string.
            elif datatype != PROV["InternationalizedString"]:
                    'Invalid data type (%s) for "%s"@%s, overridden as '
                    'prov:InternationalizedString.' %
                    (datatype, value, langtag)
                datatype = PROV["InternationalizedString"]
        self._datatype = datatype
        # langtag is always a string
        self._langtag = six.text_type(langtag) if langtag is not None else None

    def __str__(self):
        return self.provn_representation()

    def __repr__(self):
        return u'<Literal: %s>' % self.provn_representation()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (
            (self._value == other.value and
             self._datatype == other.datatype and
             self._langtag == other.langtag)
            if isinstance(other, Literal) else False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not (self == other)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self._value, self._datatype, self._langtag))

    def value(self):
        return self._value

    def datatype(self):
        return self._datatype

    def langtag(self):
        return self._langtag

    def has_no_langtag(self):
        return self._langtag is None

    def provn_representation(self):
        if self._langtag:
            # a language tag can only go with prov:InternationalizedString
            return '%s@%s' % (
            return '%s %%%% %s' % (

# Exceptions and warnings
class ProvException(Error):
    """Base class for PROV model exceptions."""

class ProvWarning(Warning):
    """Base class for PROV model warnings."""

class ProvExceptionInvalidQualifiedName(ProvException):
    """Exception for an invalid qualified identifier name."""

    qname = None
    """Intended qualified name."""

    def __init__(self, qname):

        :param qname: Invalid qualified name.
        self.qname = qname

    def __str__(self):
        return u'Invalid Qualified Name: %s' % self.qname

class ProvElementIdentifierRequired(ProvException):
    """Exception for a missing element identifier."""

    def __str__(self):
        return u'An identifier is missing. All PROV elements require a valid ' \

#  PROV records
class ProvRecord(object):
    """Base class for PROV records."""


    _prov_type = None
    """PROV type of record."""

    def __init__(self, bundle, identifier, attributes=None):

        :param bundle: Bundle for the PROV record.
        :param identifier: (Unique) identifier of the record.
        :param attributes: Attributes to associate with the record (default: None).
        self._bundle = bundle
        self._identifier = identifier
        self._attributes = defaultdict(set)
        if attributes:

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(
            (self.get_type(), self._identifier, frozenset(self.attributes))

    def copy(self):
        Return an exact copy of this record.
        return PROV_REC_CLS[self.get_type()](
            self._bundle, self.identifier, self.attributes

    def get_type(self):
        """Returns the PROV type of the record."""
        return self._prov_type

    def get_asserted_types(self):
        """Returns the set of all asserted PROV types of this record."""
        return self._attributes[PROV_TYPE]

    def add_asserted_type(self, type_identifier):
        Adds a PROV type assertion to the record.

        :param type_identifier: PROV namespace identifier to add.

    def get_attribute(self, attr_name):
        Returns the attribute of the given name.

        :param attr_name: Name of the attribute.
        :return: Tuple (name, value)
        attr_name = self._bundle.valid_qualified_name(attr_name)
        return self._attributes[attr_name]

    def identifier(self):
        """Record's identifier."""
        return self._identifier

    def attributes(self):
        All record attributes.

        :return: List of tuples (name, value)
        return [
            (attr_name, value)
            for attr_name, values in self._attributes.items()
            for value in values

    def args(self):
        All values of the record's formal attributes.

        :return: Tuple
        return tuple(
            for attr_name in self.FORMAL_ATTRIBUTES

    def formal_attributes(self):
        All names and values of the record's formal attributes.

        :return: Tuple of tuples (name, value)
        return tuple(
            (attr_name, first(self._attributes[attr_name]))
            for attr_name in self.FORMAL_ATTRIBUTES

    def extra_attributes(self):
        All names and values of the record's attributes that are not formal

        :return: Tuple of tuples (name, value)
        return [
            (attr_name, attr_value) for attr_name, attr_value in self.attributes
            if attr_name not in self.FORMAL_ATTRIBUTES

    def bundle(self):
        Bundle of the record.

        :return: :py:class:`ProvBundle`
        return self._bundle

    def label(self):
        """Identifying label of the record."""
        return first(self._attributes[PROV_LABEL]) \
            if self._attributes[PROV_LABEL] else self._identifier

    def value(self):
        """Value of the record."""
        return self._attributes[PROV_VALUE]

    # Handling attributes
    def _auto_literal_conversion(self, literal):
        # This method normalise datatype for literals

        if isinstance(literal, ProvRecord):
            # Use the QName of the record as the literal
            literal = literal.identifier

        if isinstance(literal, str):
            return six.text_type(literal)
        elif isinstance(literal, QualifiedName):
            return self._bundle.valid_qualified_name(literal)
        elif isinstance(literal, Literal) and literal.has_no_langtag():
            if literal.datatype:
                # try convert generic Literal object to Python standard type
                # this is to match JSON decoding's literal conversion
                value = parse_xsd_types(literal.value, literal.datatype)
                # A literal with no datatype nor langtag defined
                # try auto-converting the value
                value = self._auto_literal_conversion(literal.value)
            if value is not None:
                return value

        # No conversion possible, return the original value
        return literal

    def add_attributes(self, attributes):
        Add attributes to the record.

        :param attributes: Dictionary of attributes, with keys being qualified
            identifiers. Alternatively an iterable of tuples (key, value) with the
            keys satisfying the same condition.
        if attributes:
            if isinstance(attributes, dict):
                # Converting the dictionary into a list of tuples
                # (i.e. attribute-value pairs)
                attributes = attributes.items()

            # Check if one of the attributes specifies that the current type
            # is a collection. In that case multiple attributes of the same
            # type are allowed.
            if PROV_ATTR_COLLECTION in [_i[0] for _i in attributes]:
                is_collection = True
                is_collection = False

            for attr_name, original_value in attributes:
                if original_value is None:

                # make sure the attribute name is valid
                attr = self._bundle.valid_qualified_name(attr_name)
                if attr is None:
                    raise ProvExceptionInvalidQualifiedName(attr_name)

                if attr in PROV_ATTRIBUTE_QNAMES:
                    # Expecting a qualified name
                    qname = original_value.identifier \
                        if isinstance(original_value, ProvRecord) \
                        else original_value
                    value = self._bundle.valid_qualified_name(qname)
                elif attr in PROV_ATTRIBUTE_LITERALS:
                    value = original_value \
                        if isinstance(original_value, datetime.datetime) \
                        else parse_xsd_datetime(original_value)
                    value = self._auto_literal_conversion(original_value)

                if value is None:
                    raise ProvException(
                        'Invalid value for attribute %s: %s' %
                        (attr, original_value)

                if not is_collection and attr in PROV_ATTRIBUTES and \
                    existing_value = first(self._attributes[attr])
                    is_not_same_value = True
                        is_not_same_value = value != existing_value
                    except TypeError:
                        # Cannot compare them
                        pass  # consider them different values

                    if is_not_same_value:
                        raise ProvException(
                            'Cannot have more than one value for attribute %s'
                            % attr
                        # Same value, ignore it


    def __eq__(self, other):
        if self.get_type() != other.get_type():
            return False
        if self._identifier and not (self._identifier == other._identifier):
            return False

        return set(self.attributes) == set(other.attributes)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.get_provn()

    def get_provn(self):
        Returns the PROV-N representation of the record.

        :return: String
        items = []

        # Generating identifier
        relation_id = ''  # default blank
        if self._identifier:
            identifier = six.text_type(self._identifier)  # TODO: QName export
            if self.is_element():
                # this is a relation
                # relations use ; to separate identifiers
                relation_id = identifier + '; '

        # Writing out the formal attributes
        for attr in self.FORMAL_ATTRIBUTES:
            if attr in self._attributes and self._attributes[attr]:
                # Formal attributes always have single values
                value = first(self._attributes[attr])
                # TODO: QName export
                    value.isoformat() if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime)
                    else six.text_type(value)

        # Writing out the remaining attributes
        extra = []
        for attr in self._attributes:
            if attr not in self.FORMAL_ATTRIBUTES:
                for value in self._attributes[attr]:
                        # try if there is a prov-n representation defined
                        provn_represenation = value.provn_representation()
                    except AttributeError:
                        provn_represenation = encoding_provn_value(value)
                    # TODO: QName export
                        '%s=%s' % (six.text_type(attr), provn_represenation)

        if extra:
            items.append('[%s]' % ', '.join(extra))
        prov_n = '%s(%s%s)' % (
            PROV_N_MAP[self.get_type()], relation_id, ', '.join(items)
        return prov_n

    def is_element(self):
        True, if the record is an element, False otherwise.

        :return: bool
        return False

    def is_relation(self):
        True, if the record is a relation, False otherwise.

        :return: bool
        return False

#  Abstract classes for elements and relations
class ProvElement(ProvRecord):
    """Provenance Element (nodes in the provenance graph)."""

    def __init__(self, bundle, identifier, attributes=None):
        if identifier is None:
            # All types of PROV elements require a valid identifier
            raise ProvElementIdentifierRequired()

        super(ProvElement, self).__init__(bundle, identifier, attributes)

    def is_element(self):
        True, if the record is an element, False otherwise.

        :return: bool
        return True

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._identifier)

class ProvRelation(ProvRecord):
    """Provenance Relationship (edge between nodes)."""

    def is_relation(self):
        True, if the record is a relation, False otherwise.

        :return: bool
        return True

    def __repr__(self):
        identifier = ' %s' % self._identifier if self._identifier else ''
        element_1, element_2 = [
            qname for _, qname in self.formal_attributes[:2]
        return '<%s:%s (%s, %s)>' % (
            self.__class__.__name__, identifier, element_1, element_2

# Component 1: Entities and Activities
class ProvEntity(ProvElement):
    """Provenance Entity element"""

    _prov_type = PROV_ENTITY

    # Convenient assertions that take the current ProvEntity as the first
    # (formal) argument
    def wasGeneratedBy(self, activity, time=None, attributes=None):
        Creates a new generation record to this entity.

        :param activity: Activity or string identifier of the activity involved in
            the generation (default: None).
        :param time: Optional time for the generation (default: None).
            Either a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object or a string that can be
            parsed by :py:func:`dateutil.parser`.
        :param attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
            self, activity, time, other_attributes=attributes
        return self

    def wasInvalidatedBy(self, activity, time=None, attributes=None):
        Creates a new invalidation record for this entity.

        :param activity: Activity or string identifier of the activity involved in
            the invalidation (default: None).
        :param time: Optional time for the invalidation (default: None).
            Either a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object or a string that can be
            parsed by :py:func:`dateutil.parser`.
        :param attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
            self, activity, time, other_attributes=attributes
        return self

    def wasDerivedFrom(self, usedEntity, activity=None, generation=None,
                       usage=None, attributes=None):
        Creates a new derivation record for this entity from a used entity.

        :param usedEntity: Entity or a string identifier for the used entity.
        :param activity: Activity or string identifier of the activity involved in
            the derivation (default: None).
        :param generation: Optionally extra activity to state qualified derivation
            through an internal generation (default: None).
        :param usage: Optionally extra entity to state qualified derivation through
            an internal usage (default: None).
        :param attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
            self, usedEntity, activity, generation, usage,
        return self

    def wasAttributedTo(self, agent, attributes=None):
        Creates a new attribution record between this entity and an agent.

        :param agent: Agent or string identifier of the agent involved in the
        :param attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        self._bundle.attribution(self, agent, other_attributes=attributes)
        return self

    def alternateOf(self, alternate2):
        Creates a new alternate record between this and another entity.

        :param alternate2: Entity or a string identifier for the second entity.
        self._bundle.alternate(self, alternate2)
        return self

    def specializationOf(self, generalEntity):
        Creates a new specialisation record for this from a general entity.

        :param generalEntity: Entity or a string identifier for the general entity.
        self._bundle.specialization(self, generalEntity)
        return self

    def hadMember(self, entity):
        Creates a new membership record to an entity for a collection.

        :param entity: Entity to be added to the collection.
        self._bundle.membership(self, entity)
        return self

class ProvActivity(ProvElement):
    """Provenance Activity element."""


    _prov_type = PROV_ACTIVITY

    #  Convenient methods
    def set_time(self, startTime=None, endTime=None):
        Sets the time this activity took place.

        :param startTime: Start time for the activity.
            Either a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object or a string that can be
            parsed by :py:func:`dateutil.parser`.
        :param endTime: Start time for the activity.
            Either a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object or a string that can be
            parsed by :py:func:`dateutil.parser`.
        if startTime is not None:
            self._attributes[PROV_ATTR_STARTTIME] = {startTime}
        if endTime is not None:
            self._attributes[PROV_ATTR_ENDTIME] = {endTime}

    def get_startTime(self):
        Returns the time the activity started.

        :return: :py:class:`datetime.datetime`
        values = self._attributes[PROV_ATTR_STARTTIME]
        return first(values) if values else None

    def get_endTime(self):
        Returns the time the activity ended.

        :return: :py:class:`datetime.datetime`
        values = self._attributes[PROV_ATTR_ENDTIME]
        return first(values) if values else None

    # Convenient assertions that take the current ProvActivity as the first
    # (formal) argument
    def used(self, entity, time=None, attributes=None):
        Creates a new usage record for this activity.

        :param entity: Entity or string identifier of the entity involved in
            the usage relationship (default: None).
        :param time: Optional time for the usage (default: None).
            Either a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object or a string that can be
            parsed by :py:func:`dateutil.parser`.
        :param attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        self._bundle.usage(self, entity, time, other_attributes=attributes)
        return self

    def wasInformedBy(self, informant, attributes=None):
        Creates a new communication record for this activity.

        :param informant: The informing activity (relationship source).
        :param attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
            self, informant, other_attributes=attributes
        return self

    def wasStartedBy(self, trigger, starter=None, time=None, attributes=None):
        Creates a new start record for this activity. The activity did not exist
        before the start by the trigger.

        :param trigger: Entity triggering the start of this activity.
        :param starter: Optionally extra activity to state a qualified start
            through which the trigger entity for the start is generated
            (default: None).
        :param time: Optional time for the start (default: None).
            Either a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object or a string that can be
            parsed by :py:func:`dateutil.parser`.
        :param attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
            self, trigger, starter, time, other_attributes=attributes
        return self

    def wasEndedBy(self, trigger, ender=None, time=None, attributes=None):
        Creates a new end record for this activity.

        :param trigger: Entity triggering the end of this activity.
        :param ender: Optionally extra activity to state a qualified end through
            which the trigger entity for the end is generated (default: None).
        :param time: Optional time for the end (default: None).
            Either a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object or a string that can be
            parsed by :py:func:`dateutil.parser`.
        :param attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
            self, trigger, ender, time, other_attributes=attributes
        return self

    def wasAssociatedWith(self, agent, plan=None, attributes=None):
        Creates a new association record for this activity.

        :param agent: Agent or string identifier of the agent involved in the
            association (default: None).
        :param plan: Optionally extra entity to state qualified association through
            an internal plan (default: None).
        :param attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
            self, agent, plan, other_attributes=attributes
        return self

class ProvGeneration(ProvRelation):
    """Provenance Generation relationship."""


    _prov_type = PROV_GENERATION

class ProvUsage(ProvRelation):
    """Provenance Usage relationship."""


    _prov_type = PROV_USAGE

class ProvCommunication(ProvRelation):
    """Provenance Communication relationship."""


    _prov_type = PROV_COMMUNICATION

class ProvStart(ProvRelation):
    """Provenance Start relationship."""

                         PROV_ATTR_STARTER, PROV_ATTR_TIME)

    _prov_type = PROV_START

class ProvEnd(ProvRelation):
    """Provenance End relationship."""

                         PROV_ATTR_ENDER, PROV_ATTR_TIME)

    _prov_type = PROV_END

class ProvInvalidation(ProvRelation):
    """Provenance Invalidation relationship."""


    _prov_type = PROV_INVALIDATION

# Component 2: Derivations
class ProvDerivation(ProvRelation):
    """Provenance Derivation relationship."""


    _prov_type = PROV_DERIVATION

# Component 3: Agents, Responsibility, and Influence
class ProvAgent(ProvElement):
    """Provenance Agent element."""

    _prov_type = PROV_AGENT

    # Convenient assertions that take the current ProvAgent as the first
    # (formal) argument
    def actedOnBehalfOf(self, responsible, activity=None, attributes=None):
        Creates a new delegation record on behalf of this agent.

        :param responsible: Agent the responsibility is delegated to.
        :param activity: Optionally extra activity to state qualified delegation
            internally (default: None).
        :param attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
            self, responsible, activity, other_attributes=attributes
        return self

class ProvAttribution(ProvRelation):
    """Provenance Attribution relationship."""


    _prov_type = PROV_ATTRIBUTION

class ProvAssociation(ProvRelation):
    """Provenance Association relationship."""


    _prov_type = PROV_ASSOCIATION

class ProvDelegation(ProvRelation):
    """Provenance Delegation relationship."""


    _prov_type = PROV_DELEGATION

class ProvInfluence(ProvRelation):
    """Provenance Influence relationship."""


    _prov_type = PROV_INFLUENCE

# Component 5: Alternate Entities
class ProvSpecialization(ProvRelation):
    """Provenance Specialization relationship."""


    _prov_type = PROV_SPECIALIZATION

class ProvAlternate(ProvRelation):
    """Provenance Alternate relationship."""


    _prov_type = PROV_ALTERNATE

class ProvMention(ProvSpecialization):
    """Provenance Mention relationship (specific Specialization)."""


    _prov_type = PROV_MENTION

# Component 6: Collections
class ProvMembership(ProvRelation):
    """Provenance Membership relationship."""


    _prov_type = PROV_MEMBERSHIP

#  Class mappings from PROV record type
    PROV_ENTITY:         ProvEntity,
    PROV_ACTIVITY:       ProvActivity,
    PROV_GENERATION:     ProvGeneration,
    PROV_USAGE:          ProvUsage,
    PROV_COMMUNICATION:  ProvCommunication,
    PROV_START:          ProvStart,
    PROV_END:            ProvEnd,
    PROV_INVALIDATION:   ProvInvalidation,
    PROV_DERIVATION:     ProvDerivation,
    PROV_AGENT:          ProvAgent,
    PROV_ATTRIBUTION:    ProvAttribution,
    PROV_ASSOCIATION:    ProvAssociation,
    PROV_DELEGATION:     ProvDelegation,
    PROV_INFLUENCE:      ProvInfluence,
    PROV_SPECIALIZATION: ProvSpecialization,
    PROV_ALTERNATE:      ProvAlternate,
    PROV_MENTION:        ProvMention,
    PROV_MEMBERSHIP:     ProvMembership,

DEFAULT_NAMESPACES = {'prov': PROV, 'xsd': XSD, 'xsi': XSI}

#  Bundle
class NamespaceManager(dict):
    """Manages namespaces for PROV documents and bundles."""

    parent = None
    """Parent :py:class:`NamespaceManager` this manager one is a child of."""

    def __init__(self, namespaces=None, default=None, parent=None):

        :param namespaces: Optional namespaces to add to the manager
            (default: None).
        :param default: Optional default namespace to use (default: None).
        :param parent: Optional parent :py:class:`NamespaceManager` to make this
            namespace manager a child of (default: None).
        self._default_namespaces = DEFAULT_NAMESPACES
        self._namespaces = {}

        if default is not None:
            self._default = None
        self.parent = parent
        #  TODO check if default is in the default namespaces
        self._anon_id_count = 0
        self._uri_map = dict()
        self._rename_map = dict()
        self._prefix_renamed_map = dict()

    def get_namespace(self, uri):
        Returns the namespace prefix for the given URI.

        :param uri: Namespace URI.
        :return: :py:class:`~prov.identifier.Namespace`.
        for namespace in self.values():
            if uri == namespace._uri:
                return namespace
        return None

    def get_registered_namespaces(self):
        Returns all registered namespaces.

        :return: Iterable of :py:class:`~prov.identifier.Namespace`.
        return self._namespaces.values()

    def set_default_namespace(self, uri):
        Sets the default namespace to the one of a given URI.

        :param uri: Namespace URI.
        self._default = Namespace('', uri)
        self[''] = self._default

    def get_default_namespace(self):
        Returns the default namespace.

        :return: :py:class:`~prov.identifier.Namespace`
        return self._default

    def add_namespace(self, namespace):
        Adds a namespace (if not available, yet).

        :param namespace: :py:class:`~prov.identifier.Namespace` to add.
        if namespace in self.values():
            #  no need to do anything
            return namespace
        if namespace in self._rename_map:
            #  already renamed and added
            return self._rename_map[namespace]

        # Checking if the URI has been defined and use the existing namespace
        # instead
        uri = namespace.uri
        prefix = namespace.prefix

        if uri in self._uri_map:
            existing_ns = self._uri_map[uri]
            self._rename_map[namespace] = existing_ns
            self._prefix_renamed_map[prefix] = existing_ns
            return existing_ns

        if prefix in self:
            #  Conflicting prefix
            new_prefix = self._get_unused_prefix(prefix)
            new_namespace = Namespace(new_prefix, namespace.uri)
            self._rename_map[namespace] = new_namespace
            # TODO: What if the prefix is already in the map and point to a
            # different Namespace? Raise an exception?
            self._prefix_renamed_map[prefix] = new_namespace
            prefix = new_prefix
            namespace = new_namespace

        # Only now add the namespace to the registry
        self._namespaces[prefix] = namespace
        self[prefix] = namespace
        self._uri_map[uri] = namespace

        return namespace

    def add_namespaces(self, namespaces):
        Add multiple namespaces into this manager.

        :param namespaces: A collection of namespace(s) to add.
        :type namespaces: List of :py:class:`~prov.identifier.Namespace` or
            dict of {prefix: uri}.
        :returns: None
        if isinstance(namespaces, dict):
            # expecting a dictionary of {prefix: uri},
            # convert it to a list of Namespace
            namespaces = [
                Namespace(prefix, uri) for prefix, uri in namespaces.items()
        if namespaces:
            for ns in namespaces:

    def valid_qualified_name(self, qname):
        Resolves an identifier to a valid qualified name.

        :param qname: Qualified name as :py:class:`~prov.identifier.QualifiedName`
            or a tuple (namespace, identifier).
        :return: :py:class:`~prov.identifier.QualifiedName` or None in case of
        if not qname:
            return None

        if isinstance(qname, QualifiedName):
            #  Register the namespace if it has not been registered before
            namespace = qname.namespace
            prefix = namespace.prefix
            local_part = qname.localpart
            if not prefix:
                # the namespace is a default namespace
                if self._default == namespace:
                    # the same default namespace is defined
                    new_qname = self._default[local_part]
                elif self._default is None:
                    # no default namespace is defined, reused the one given
                    self._default = namespace
                    return qname  # no change, return the original
                    # different default namespace,
                    # use the 'dn' prefix for the new namespace
                    dn_namespace = Namespace('dn', namespace.uri)
                    dn_namespace = self.add_namespace(dn_namespace)
                    new_qname = dn_namespace[local_part]
            elif prefix in self and self[prefix] == namespace:
                # No need to add the namespace
                existing_ns = self[prefix]
                if existing_ns is namespace:
                    return qname
                    # reuse the existing namespace
                    new_qname = existing_ns[local_part]
                # Do not reuse the namespace object
                ns = self.add_namespace(deepcopy(namespace))
                # minting the same Qualified Name from the namespace's copy
                new_qname = ns[qname.localpart]
            # returning the new qname
            return new_qname

        # Trying to guess from here
        if not isinstance(qname, (six.string_types, Identifier)):
            # Only proceed for string or URI values
            return None
        # Try to generate a Qualified Name
        str_value = \
            qname.uri if isinstance(qname, Identifier) else six.text_type(qname)
        if str_value.startswith('_:'):
            # this is a blank node ID
            return None
        elif ':' in str_value:
            #  check if the identifier contains a registered prefix
            prefix, local_part = str_value.split(':', 1)
            if prefix in self:
                #  return a new QualifiedName
                return self[prefix][local_part]
            if prefix in self._prefix_renamed_map:
                #  return a new QualifiedName
                return self._prefix_renamed_map[prefix][local_part]
                #  treat as a URI (with the first part as its scheme)
                #  check if the URI can be compacted
                for namespace in self.values():
                    if str_value.startswith(namespace.uri):
                        #  create a QName with the namespace
                        return namespace[str_value.replace(namespace.uri, '')]
        elif self._default:
            # create and return an identifier in the default namespace
            return self._default[qname]

        if self.parent:
            # all attempts have failed so far
            # now delegate this to the parent NamespaceManager
            return self.parent.valid_qualified_name(qname)

        # Default to FAIL
        return None

    def get_anonymous_identifier(self, local_prefix='id'):
        Returns an anonymous identifier (without a namespace prefix).

        :param local_prefix: Optional local namespace prefix as a string
            (default: 'id').
        :return: :py:class:`~prov.identifier.Identifier`
        self._anon_id_count += 1
        return Identifier('_:%s%d' % (local_prefix, self._anon_id_count))

    def _get_unused_prefix(self, original_prefix):
        if original_prefix not in self:
            return original_prefix
        count = 1
        while True:
            new_prefix = '_'.join((original_prefix, six.text_type(count)))
            if new_prefix in self:
                count += 1
                return new_prefix

class ProvBundle(object):
    """PROV Bundle"""

    def __init__(self, records=None, identifier=None, namespaces=None,

        :param records: Optional iterable of records to add to the bundle
            (default: None).
        :param identifier: Optional identifier of the bundle (default: None).
        :param namespaces: Optional iterable of :py:class:`~prov.identifier.Namespace`s
            to set the document up with (default: None).
        :param document: Optional document to add to the bundle (default: None).
        #  Initializing bundle-specific attributes
        self._identifier = identifier
        self._records = list()
        self._id_map = defaultdict(list)
        self._document = document
        self._namespaces = NamespaceManager(
            parent=(document._namespaces if document is not None else None)
        if records:
            for record in records:

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._identifier)

    def namespaces(self):
        Returns the set of registered namespaces.

        :return: Set of :py:class:`~prov.identifier.Namespace`.
        return set(self._namespaces.get_registered_namespaces())

    def default_ns_uri(self):
        Returns the default namespace's URI, if any.

        :return: URI as string.
        default_ns = self._namespaces.get_default_namespace()
        return default_ns.uri if default_ns else None

    def document(self):
        Returns the parent document, if any.

        :return: :py:class:`ProvDocument`.
        return self._document

    def identifier(self):
        Returns the bundle's identifier
        return self._identifier

    def records(self):
        Returns the list of all records in the current bundle
        return list(self._records)

    #  Bundle configurations
    def set_default_namespace(self, uri):
        Sets the default namespace through a given URI.

        :param uri: Namespace URI.

    def get_default_namespace(self):
        Returns the default namespace.

        :return: :py:class:`~prov.identifier.Namespace`
        return self._namespaces.get_default_namespace()

    def add_namespace(self, namespace_or_prefix, uri=None):
        Adds a namespace (if not available, yet).

        :param namespace_or_prefix: :py:class:`~prov.identifier.Namespace` or its
            prefix as a string to add.
        :param uri: Namespace URI (default: None). Must be present if only a
            prefix is given in the previous parameter.
        if uri is None:
            return self._namespaces.add_namespace(namespace_or_prefix)
            return self._namespaces.add_namespace(
                Namespace(namespace_or_prefix, uri)

    def get_registered_namespaces(self):
        Returns all registered namespaces.

        :return: Iterable of :py:class:`~prov.identifier.Namespace`.
        return self._namespaces.get_registered_namespaces()

    def valid_qualified_name(self, identifier):
        return self._namespaces.valid_qualified_name(identifier)

    def get_records(self, class_or_type_or_tuple=None):
        Returns all records. Returned records may be filtered by the optional

        :param class_or_type_or_tuple: A filter on the type for which records are
            to be returned (default: None). The filter checks by the type of the
            record using the `isinstance` check on the record.
        :return: List of :py:class:`ProvRecord` objects.
        results = list(self._records)
        if class_or_type_or_tuple:
            return filter(
                lambda rec: isinstance(rec, class_or_type_or_tuple), results
            return results

    def get_record(self, identifier):
        Returns a specific record matching a given identifier.

        :param identifier: Record identifier.
        :return: :py:class:`ProvRecord`
        # TODO: This will not work with the new _id_map, which is now a map of
        # (QName, list(ProvRecord))
        if identifier is None:
            return None
        valid_id = self.valid_qualified_name(identifier)
            return self._id_map[valid_id]
        except KeyError:
            #  looking up the parent bundle
            if self.is_bundle():
                return self.document.get_record(valid_id)
                return None

    # Miscellaneous functions
    def is_document(self):
        `True` if the object is a document, `False` otherwise.

        :return: bool
        return False

    def is_bundle(self):
        `True` if the object is a bundle, `False` otherwise.

        :return: bool
        return True

    def has_bundles(self):
        `True` if the object has at least one bundle, `False` otherwise.

        :return: bool
        return False

    def bundles(self):
        Returns bundles contained in the document

        :return: Iterable of :py:class:`ProvBundle`.
        return frozenset()

    def get_provn(self, _indent_level=0):
        Returns the PROV-N representation of the bundle.

        :return: String
        indentation = '' + ('  ' * _indent_level)
        newline = '\n' + ('  ' * (_indent_level + 1))

        #  if this is the document, start the document;
        # otherwise, start the bundle
        lines = ['document'] if self.is_document() \
            else ['bundle %s' % self._identifier]

        default_namespace = self._namespaces.get_default_namespace()
        if default_namespace:
            lines.append('default <%s>' % default_namespace.uri)

        registered_namespaces = self._namespaces.get_registered_namespaces()
        if registered_namespaces:
                ['prefix %s <%s>' % (namespace.prefix, namespace.uri)
                 for namespace in registered_namespaces]

        if default_namespace or registered_namespaces:
            #  a blank line between the prefixes and the assertions

        #  adding all the records
        lines.extend([record.get_provn() for record in self._records])
        if self.is_document():
            # Print out bundles
                bundle.get_provn(_indent_level + 1) for bundle in self.bundles
        provn_str = newline.join(lines) + '\n'

        #  closing the structure
        provn_str += indentation + (
            'endDocument' if self.is_document() else 'endBundle'
        return provn_str

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, ProvBundle):
            return False
        other_records = set(other.get_records())
        this_records = set(self.get_records())
        if len(this_records) != len(other_records):
            return False
        #  check if all records for equality
        for record_a in this_records:
            #  Manually look for the record
            found = False
            for record_b in other_records:
                if record_a == record_b:
                    found = True
            if not found:
                    'Equality (ProvBundle): Could not find this record: %s',
                return False
        return True

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not (self == other)

    __hash__ = None

    # Transformations
    def _unified_records(self):
        """Returns a list of unified records."""
        # TODO: Check unification rules in the PROV-CONSTRAINTS document
        # This method simply merges the records having the same name
        merged_records = dict()
        for identifier, records in self._id_map.items():
            if len(records) > 1:
                # more than one record having the same identifier
                # merge the records
                merged = records[0].copy()
                for record in records[1:]:
                # map all of them to the merged record
                for record in records:
                    merged_records[record] = merged
        if not merged_records:
            # No merging done, just return the list of original records
            return list(self._records)

        added_merged_records = set()
        unified_records = list()
        for record in self._records:
            if record in merged_records:
                merged = merged_records[record]
                if merged not in added_merged_records:
                # add the original record
        return unified_records

    def unified(self):
        Unifies all records in the bundle that haves same identifiers

        :returns: :py:class:`ProvBundle` -- the new unified bundle.
        unified_records = self._unified_records()
        bundle = ProvBundle(
            records=unified_records, identifier=self.identifier
        return bundle

    def update(self, other):
        Append all the records of the *other* ProvBundle into this bundle.

        :param other: the other bundle whose records to be appended.
        :type other: :py:class:`ProvBundle`
        :returns: None.
        if isinstance(other, ProvBundle):
            if other.is_document() and other.has_bundles():
                # Cannot add bundles to a bundle
                raise ProvException(
                    'ProvBundle.update(): The other bundle is a document with '
            for record in other.get_records():
            raise ProvException(
                'ProvBundle.update(): The other bundle is not a ProvBundle '
                'instance (%s)' % type(other)

    # Provenance statements
    def _add_record(self, record):
        # IMPORTANT: All records need to be added to a bundle/document via this
        # method. Otherwise, the _id_map dict will not be correctly updated
        identifier = record.identifier
        if identifier is not None:

    def new_record(self, record_type, identifier, attributes=None,
        Creates a new record.

        :param record_type: Type of record (one of :py:const:`PROV_REC_CLS`).
        :param identifier: Identifier for new record.
        :param attributes: Attributes as a dictionary or list of tuples to be added
            to the record optionally (default: None).
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        attr_list = []
        if attributes:
            if isinstance(attributes, dict):
                    (attr, value) for attr, value in attributes.items()
                # expecting a list of attributes here
        if other_attributes:
                other_attributes.items() if isinstance(other_attributes, dict)
                else other_attributes
        new_record = PROV_REC_CLS[record_type](
            self, self.valid_qualified_name(identifier), attr_list
        return new_record

    def add_record(self, record):
        Adds a new record that to the bundle.

        :param record: :py:class:`ProvRecord` to be added.
        return self.new_record(
            record.get_type(), record.identifier, record.formal_attributes,

    def entity(self, identifier, other_attributes=None):
        Creates a new entity.

        :param identifier: Identifier for new entity.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        return self.new_record(PROV_ENTITY, identifier, None, other_attributes)

    def activity(self, identifier, startTime=None, endTime=None,
        Creates a new activity.

        :param identifier: Identifier for new activity.
        :param startTime: Optional start time for the activity (default: None).
            Either a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object or a string that can be
            parsed by :py:func:`dateutil.parser`.
        :param endTime: Optional start time for the activity (default: None).
            Either a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object or a string that can be
            parsed by :py:func:`dateutil.parser`.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_ACTIVITY, identifier, {
                PROV_ATTR_STARTTIME: _ensure_datetime(startTime),
                PROV_ATTR_ENDTIME: _ensure_datetime(endTime)

    def generation(self, entity, activity=None, time=None, identifier=None,
        Creates a new generation record for an entity.

        :param entity: Entity or a string identifier for the entity.
        :param activity: Activity or string identifier of the activity involved in
            the generation (default: None).
        :param time: Optional time for the generation (default: None).
            Either a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object or a string that can be
            parsed by :py:func:`dateutil.parser`.
        :param identifier: Identifier for new generation record.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_GENERATION, identifier, {
                PROV_ATTR_ENTITY: entity,
                PROV_ATTR_ACTIVITY: activity,
                PROV_ATTR_TIME: _ensure_datetime(time)

    def usage(self, activity, entity=None, time=None, identifier=None,
        Creates a new usage record for an activity.

        :param activity: Activity or a string identifier for the entity.
        :param entity: Entity or string identifier of the entity involved in
            the usage relationship (default: None).
        :param time: Optional time for the usage (default: None).
            Either a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object or a string that can be
            parsed by :py:func:`dateutil.parser`.
        :param identifier: Identifier for new usage record.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_USAGE, identifier, {
                PROV_ATTR_ACTIVITY: activity,
                PROV_ATTR_ENTITY: entity,
                PROV_ATTR_TIME: _ensure_datetime(time)},

    def start(self, activity, trigger=None, starter=None, time=None,
              identifier=None, other_attributes=None):
        Creates a new start record for an activity.

        :param activity: Activity or a string identifier for the entity.
        :param trigger: Entity triggering the start of this activity.
        :param starter: Optionally extra activity to state a qualified start
            through which the trigger entity for the start is generated
            (default: None).
        :param time: Optional time for the start (default: None).
            Either a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object or a string that can be
            parsed by :py:func:`dateutil.parser`.
        :param identifier: Identifier for new start record.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_START, identifier, {
                PROV_ATTR_ACTIVITY: activity,
                PROV_ATTR_TRIGGER: trigger,
                PROV_ATTR_STARTER: starter,
                PROV_ATTR_TIME: _ensure_datetime(time)

    def end(self, activity, trigger=None, ender=None, time=None,
            identifier=None, other_attributes=None):
        Creates a new end record for an activity.

        :param activity: Activity or a string identifier for the entity.
        :param trigger: trigger: Entity triggering the end of this activity.
        :param ender: Optionally extra activity to state a qualified end
            through which the trigger entity for the end is generated
            (default: None).
        :param time: Optional time for the end (default: None).
            Either a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object or a string that can be
            parsed by :py:func:`dateutil.parser`.
        :param identifier: Identifier for new end record.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_END, identifier, {
                PROV_ATTR_ACTIVITY: activity,
                PROV_ATTR_TRIGGER: trigger,
                PROV_ATTR_ENDER: ender,
                PROV_ATTR_TIME: _ensure_datetime(time)

    def invalidation(self, entity, activity=None, time=None, identifier=None,
        Creates a new invalidation record for an entity.

        :param entity: Entity or a string identifier for the entity.
        :param activity: Activity or string identifier of the activity involved in
            the invalidation (default: None).
        :param time: Optional time for the invalidation (default: None).
            Either a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object or a string that can be
            parsed by :py:func:`dateutil.parser`.
        :param identifier: Identifier for new invalidation record.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_INVALIDATION, identifier, {
                PROV_ATTR_ENTITY: entity,
                PROV_ATTR_ACTIVITY: activity,
                PROV_ATTR_TIME: _ensure_datetime(time)

    def communication(self, informed, informant, identifier=None,
        Creates a new communication record for an entity.

        :param informed: The informed activity (relationship destination).
        :param informant: The informing activity (relationship source).
        :param identifier: Identifier for new communication record.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_COMMUNICATION, identifier, {
                PROV_ATTR_INFORMED: informed,
                PROV_ATTR_INFORMANT: informant

    def agent(self, identifier, other_attributes=None):
        Creates a new agent.

        :param identifier: Identifier for new agent.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        return self.new_record(PROV_AGENT, identifier, None, other_attributes)

    def attribution(self, entity, agent, identifier=None,
        Creates a new attribution record between an entity and an agent.

        :param entity: Entity or a string identifier for the entity (relationship
        :param agent: Agent or string identifier of the agent involved in the
            attribution (relationship destination).
        :param identifier: Identifier for new attribution record.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_ATTRIBUTION, identifier, {
                PROV_ATTR_ENTITY: entity,
                PROV_ATTR_AGENT: agent

    def association(self, activity, agent=None, plan=None, identifier=None,
        Creates a new association record for an activity.

        :param activity: Activity or a string identifier for the activity.
        :param agent: Agent or string identifier of the agent involved in the
            association (default: None).
        :param plan: Optionally extra entity to state qualified association through
            an internal plan (default: None).
        :param identifier: Identifier for new association record.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_ASSOCIATION, identifier, {
                PROV_ATTR_ACTIVITY: activity,
                PROV_ATTR_AGENT: agent,
                PROV_ATTR_PLAN: plan

    def delegation(self, delegate, responsible, activity=None, identifier=None,
        Creates a new delegation record on behalf of an agent.

        :param delegate: Agent delegating the responsibility (relationship source).
        :param responsible: Agent the responsibility is delegated to (relationship
        :param activity: Optionally extra activity to state qualified delegation
            internally (default: None).
        :param identifier: Identifier for new association record.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_DELEGATION, identifier, {
                PROV_ATTR_DELEGATE: delegate,
                PROV_ATTR_RESPONSIBLE: responsible,
                PROV_ATTR_ACTIVITY: activity

    def influence(self, influencee, influencer, identifier=None,
        Creates a new influence record between two entities, activities or agents.

        :param influencee: Influenced entity, activity or agent (relationship
        :param influencer: Influencing entity, activity or agent (relationship
        :param identifier: Identifier for new influence record.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_INFLUENCE, identifier, {
                PROV_ATTR_INFLUENCEE: influencee,
                PROV_ATTR_INFLUENCER: influencer

    def derivation(self, generatedEntity, usedEntity, activity=None,
                   generation=None, usage=None,
                   identifier=None, other_attributes=None):
        Creates a new derivation record for a generated entity from a used entity.

        :param generatedEntity: Entity or a string identifier for the generated
            entity (relationship source).
        :param usedEntity: Entity or a string identifier for the used entity
            (relationship destination).
        :param activity: Activity or string identifier of the activity involved in
            the derivation (default: None).
        :param generation: Optionally extra activity to state qualified generation
            through a generation (default: None).
        :param usage: XXX (default: None).
        :param identifier: Identifier for new derivation record.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        attributes = {PROV_ATTR_GENERATED_ENTITY: generatedEntity,
                      PROV_ATTR_USED_ENTITY: usedEntity,
                      PROV_ATTR_ACTIVITY: activity,
                      PROV_ATTR_GENERATION: generation,
                      PROV_ATTR_USAGE: usage}
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_DERIVATION, identifier, attributes, other_attributes

    def revision(self, generatedEntity, usedEntity, activity=None,
                 generation=None, usage=None,
                 identifier=None, other_attributes=None):
        Creates a new revision record for a generated entity from a used entity.

        :param generatedEntity: Entity or a string identifier for the generated
            entity (relationship source).
        :param usedEntity: Entity or a string identifier for the used entity
            (relationship destination).
        :param activity: Activity or string identifier of the activity involved in
            the revision (default: None).
        :param generation: Optionally to state qualified revision through a
            generation activity (default: None).
        :param usage: XXX (default: None).
        :param identifier: Identifier for new revision record.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        record = self.derivation(
            generatedEntity, usedEntity, activity, generation, usage,
            identifier, other_attributes
        return record

    def quotation(self, generatedEntity, usedEntity, activity=None,
                  generation=None, usage=None,
                  identifier=None, other_attributes=None):
        Creates a new quotation record for a generated entity from a used entity.

        :param generatedEntity: Entity or a string identifier for the generated
            entity (relationship source).
        :param usedEntity: Entity or a string identifier for the used entity
            (relationship destination).
        :param activity: Activity or string identifier of the activity involved in
            the quotation (default: None).
        :param generation: Optionally to state qualified quotation through a
            generation activity (default: None).
        :param usage: XXX (default: None).
        :param identifier: Identifier for new quotation record.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        record = self.derivation(
            generatedEntity, usedEntity, activity, generation, usage,
            identifier, other_attributes
        return record

    def primary_source(self, generatedEntity, usedEntity, activity=None,
                       generation=None, usage=None,
                       identifier=None, other_attributes=None):
        Creates a new primary source record for a generated entity from a used

        :param generatedEntity: Entity or a string identifier for the generated
            entity (relationship source).
        :param usedEntity: Entity or a string identifier for the used entity
            (relationship destination).
        :param activity: Activity or string identifier of the activity involved in
            the primary source (default: None).
        :param generation: Optionally to state qualified primary source through a
            generation activity (default: None).
        :param usage: XXX (default: None).
        :param identifier: Identifier for new primary source record.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        record = self.derivation(
            generatedEntity, usedEntity, activity, generation, usage,
            identifier, other_attributes
        return record

    def specialization(self, specificEntity, generalEntity):
        Creates a new specialisation record for a specific from a general entity.

        :param specificEntity: Entity or a string identifier for the specific
            entity (relationship source).
        :param generalEntity: Entity or a string identifier for the general entity
            (relationship destination).
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_SPECIALIZATION, None, {
                PROV_ATTR_SPECIFIC_ENTITY: specificEntity,
                PROV_ATTR_GENERAL_ENTITY: generalEntity

    def alternate(self, alternate1, alternate2):
        Creates a new alternate record between two entities.

        :param alternate1: Entity or a string identifier for the first entity
            (relationship source).
        :param alternate2: Entity or a string identifier for the second entity
            (relationship destination).
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_ALTERNATE, None, {
                PROV_ATTR_ALTERNATE1: alternate1,
                PROV_ATTR_ALTERNATE2: alternate2

    def mention(self, specificEntity, generalEntity, bundle):
        Creates a new mention record for a specific from a general entity.

        :param specificEntity: Entity or a string identifier for the specific
            entity (relationship source).
        :param generalEntity: Entity or a string identifier for the general entity
            (relationship destination).
        :param bundle: XXX
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_MENTION, None, {
                PROV_ATTR_SPECIFIC_ENTITY: specificEntity,
                PROV_ATTR_GENERAL_ENTITY: generalEntity,
                PROV_ATTR_BUNDLE: bundle

    def collection(self, identifier, other_attributes=None):
        Creates a new collection record for a particular record.

        :param identifier: Identifier for new collection record.
        :param other_attributes: Optional other attributes as a dictionary or list
            of tuples to be added to the record optionally (default: None).
        record = self.new_record(
            PROV_ENTITY, identifier, None, other_attributes
        return record

    def membership(self, collection, entity):
        Creates a new membership record for an entity to a collection.

        :param collection: Collection the entity is to be added to.
        :param entity: Entity to be added to the collection.
        return self.new_record(
            PROV_MEMBERSHIP, None, {
                PROV_ATTR_COLLECTION: collection,
                PROV_ATTR_ENTITY: entity

    def plot(self, filename=None, show_nary=True, use_labels=False,
             show_element_attributes=True, show_relation_attributes=True):
        Convenience function to plot a PROV document.

        :param filename: The filename to save to. If not given, it will open
            an interactive matplotlib plot. The filetype is determined from
            the filename ending.
        :type filename: String
        :param show_nary: Shows all elements in n-ary relations.
        :type show_nary: bool
        :param use_labels: Uses the `prov:label` property of an element as its
            name (instead of its identifier).
        :type use_labels: bool
        :param show_element_attributes: Shows attributes of elements.
        :type show_element_attributes: bool
        :param show_relation_attributes: Shows attributes of relations.
        :type show_relation_attributes: bool
        # Lazy imports to have soft dependencies on pydot and matplotlib
        # (imported even later).
        from prov import dot

        if filename:
            format = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1].lower().strip(
            format = "png"
        format = format.lower()
        d = dot.prov_to_dot(self, show_nary=show_nary, use_labels=use_labels,
        method = "create_%s" % format
        if not hasattr(d, method):
            raise ValueError("Format '%s' cannot be saved." % format)
        with io.BytesIO() as buf:
            buf.write(getattr(d, method)())

  , 0)
            if filename:
                with open(filename, "wb") as fh:
                # Use matplotlib to show the image as it likely is more
                # widespread then PIL and works nicely in the ipython notebook.
                import matplotlib.pylab as plt
                import matplotlib.image as mpimg

                max_size = 30

                img = mpimg.imread(buf)
                # pydot makes a border around the image. remove it.
                img = img[1:-1, 1:-1]
                size = (img.shape[1] / 100.0, img.shape[0] / 100.0)
                if max(size) > max_size:
                    scale = max_size / max(size)
                    scale = 1.0
                size = (scale * size[0], scale * size[1])

                plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0, top=1, left=0, right=1)

    #  Aliases
    wasGeneratedBy = generation
    used = usage
    wasStartedBy = start
    wasEndedBy = end
    wasInvalidatedBy = invalidation
    wasInformedBy = communication
    wasAttributedTo = attribution
    wasAssociatedWith = association
    actedOnBehalfOf = delegation
    wasInfluencedBy = influence
    wasDerivedFrom = derivation
    wasRevisionOf = revision
    wasQuotedFrom = quotation
    hadPrimarySource = primary_source
    alternateOf = alternate
    specializationOf = specialization
    mentionOf = mention
    hadMember = membership

class ProvDocument(ProvBundle):
    """Provenance Document."""

    def __init__(self, records=None, namespaces=None):

        :param records: Optional records to add to the document (default: None).
        :param namespaces: Optional iterable of :py:class:`~prov.identifier.Namespace`s
            to set the document up with (default: None).
            self, records=records, identifier=None, namespaces=namespaces
        self._bundles = dict()

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<ProvDocument>'

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, ProvDocument):
            return False
        # Comparing the documents' content
        if not super(ProvDocument, self).__eq__(other):
            return False

        # Comparing the documents' bundles
        for b_id, bundle in self._bundles.items():
            if b_id not in other._bundles:
                return False
            other_bundle = other._bundles[b_id]
            if bundle != other_bundle:
                return False

        # Everything is the same
        return True

    def is_document(self):
        `True` if the object is a document, `False` otherwise.

        :return: bool
        return True

    def is_bundle(self):
        `True` if the object is a bundle, `False` otherwise.

        :return: bool
        return False

    def has_bundles(self):
        `True` if the object has at least one bundle, `False` otherwise.

        :return: bool
        return len(self._bundles) > 0

    def bundles(self):
        Returns bundles contained in the document

        :return: Iterable of :py:class:`ProvBundle`.
        return self._bundles.values()

    # Transformations
    def flattened(self):
        Flattens the document by moving all the records in its bundles up
        to the document level.

        :returns: :py:class:`ProvDocument` -- the (new) flattened document.
        if self._bundles:
            # Creating a new document for all the records
            new_doc = ProvDocument()
            bundled_records = itertools.chain(
                *[b.get_records() for b in self._bundles.values()]
            for record in itertools.chain(self._records, bundled_records):
            return new_doc
            # returning the same document
            return self

    def unified(self):
        Returns a new document containing all records having same identifiers
        unified (including those inside bundles).

        :return: :py:class:`ProvDocument`
        document = ProvDocument(self._unified_records())
        document._namespaces = self._namespaces
        for bundle in self.bundles:
            unified_bundle = bundle.unified()
        return document

    def update(self, other):
        Append all the records of the *other* document/bundle into this document.
        Bundles having same identifiers will be merged.

        :param other: The other document/bundle whose records to be appended.
        :type other: :py:class:`ProvDocument` or :py:class:`ProvBundle`
        :returns: None.
        if isinstance(other, ProvBundle):
            for record in other.get_records():
            if other.has_bundles():
                for bundle in other.bundles:
                    if bundle.identifier in self._bundles:
                        new_bundle = self.bundle(bundle.identifier)
            raise ProvException(
                'ProvDocument.update(): The other is not a ProvDocument or '
                'ProvBundle instance (%s)' % type(other)

    # Bundle operations
    def add_bundle(self, bundle, identifier=None):
        Add a bundle to the current document.

        :param bundle: The bundle to add to the document.
        :type bundle: :py:class:`ProvBundle`
        :param identifier: The (optional) identifier to use for the bundle
            (default: None). If none given, use the identifier from the bundle
        if not isinstance(bundle, ProvBundle):
            raise ProvException(
                'Only a ProvBundle instance can be added as a bundle in a '

        if bundle.is_document():
            if bundle.has_bundles():
                raise ProvException(
                    'Cannot add a document with nested bundles as a bundle.'
            # Make it a new ProvBundle
            new_bundle = ProvBundle(namespaces=bundle.namespaces)
            bundle = new_bundle

        if identifier is None:
            identifier = bundle.identifier

        if not identifier:
            raise ProvException('The provided bundle has no identifier')

        # Link the bundle namespace manager to the document's
        bundle._namespaces.parent = self._namespaces

        valid_id = bundle.valid_qualified_name(identifier)
        # IMPORTANT: Rewriting the bundle identifier for consistency
        bundle._identifier = valid_id

        if valid_id in self._bundles:
            raise ProvException('A bundle with that identifier already exists')

        self._bundles[valid_id] = bundle
        bundle._document = self

    def bundle(self, identifier):
        Returns a new bundle from the current document.

        :param identifier: The identifier to use for the bundle.
        :return: :py:class:`ProvBundle`
        if identifier is None:
            raise ProvException(
                'An identifier is required. Cannot create an unnamed bundle.'
        valid_id = self.valid_qualified_name(identifier)
        if valid_id is None:
            raise ProvException(
                'The provided identifier "%s" is not valid' % identifier
        if valid_id in self._bundles:
            raise ProvException('A bundle with that identifier already exists')
        b = ProvBundle(identifier=valid_id, document=self)
        self._bundles[valid_id] = b
        return b

    # Serializing and deserializing
    def serialize(self, destination=None, format='json', **args):
        Serialize the :py:class:`ProvDocument` to the destination.

        Available serializers can be queried by the value of
        `:py:attr:~prov.serializers.Registry.serializers` after loading them via

        :param destination: Stream object to serialize the output to. Default is
            `None`, which serializes as a string.
        :param format: Serialization format (default: 'json'), defaulting to
        :return: Serialization in a string if no destination was given,
            None otherwise.
        serializer = serializers.get(format)(self)
        if destination is None:
            stream = io.StringIO()
            serializer.serialize(stream, **args)
            return stream.getvalue()
        if hasattr(destination, "write"):
            stream = destination
            serializer.serialize(stream, **args)
            location = destination
            scheme, netloc, path, params, _query, fragment = urlparse(location)
            if netloc != "":
                print("WARNING: not saving as location " +
                      "is not a local file reference")
            fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp()
            stream = os.fdopen(fd, "wb")
            serializer.serialize(stream, **args)
            if hasattr(shutil, "move"):
                shutil.move(name, path)
                shutil.copy(name, path)

    def deserialize(source=None, content=None, format='json', **args):
        Deserialize the :py:class:`ProvDocument` from source (a stream or a
        file path) or directly from a string content.

        Available serializers can be queried by the value of
        `:py:attr:~prov.serializers.Registry.serializers` after loading them via

        Note: Not all serializers support deserialization.

        :param source: Stream object to deserialize the PROV document from
            (default: None).
        :param content: String to deserialize the PROV document from
            (default: None).
        :param format: Serialization format (default: 'json'), defaulting to
        :return: :py:class:`ProvDocument`
        serializer = serializers.get(format)()

        if content is not None:
            # io.StringIO only accepts unicode strings
            stream = io.StringIO(
                content if not isinstance(content, six.binary_type)
                else content.decode()
            return serializer.deserialize(stream, **args)

        if source is not None:
            if hasattr(source, "read"):
                return serializer.deserialize(source, **args)
                with open(source) as f:
                    return serializer.deserialize(f, **args)

def sorted_attributes(element, attributes):
    Helper function sorting attributes into the order required by PROV-XML.

    :param element: The prov element used to derive the type and the
        attribute order for the type.
    :param attributes: The attributes to sort.
    attributes = list(attributes)
    order = list(PROV_REC_CLS[element].FORMAL_ATTRIBUTES)

    # Append label, location, role, type, and value attributes. This is
    # universal amongst all elements.

    # Sort function. The PROV XML specification talks about alphabetical
    # sorting. We now interpret it as sorting by tag including the prefix
    # first and then sorting by the text, also including the namespace
    # prefix if given.
    def sort_fct(x):
        return (
            six.text_type(x[1].value if hasattr(x[1], "value") else x[1])

    sorted_elements = []
    for item in order:
        this_type_list = []
        for e in list(attributes):
            if e[0] != item:
    # Add remaining attributes. According to the spec, the other attributes
    # have a fixed alphabetical order.

    return sorted_elements