view env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gxformat2/ @ 2:6af9afd405e9 draft

"planemo upload commit 0a63dd5f4d38a1f6944587f52a8cd79874177fc1"
author shellac
date Thu, 14 May 2020 14:56:58 -0400
parents 26e78fe6e8c4
line wrap: on
line source

"""This module contains an interface and implementation describing Galaxy interactions used by gxformat2.

The interface is :class:`ImporterGalaxyInterface` and the default
implementation based on `BioBlend <>`__
is :class:`BioBlendImporterGalaxyInterface`.
import abc

import bioblend
import six

class ImporterGalaxyInterface(object):
    """An abstract interface describing Galaxy operations used by gxformat2.

    Specifically containing definitions of operations required to load
    workflows into Galaxy.

    def import_workflow(self, workflow, **kwds):
        """Import a workflow via POST /api/workflows or comparable interface into Galaxy."""

    def import_tool(self, tool):
        """Import a new dynamically defined tool.

        Not yet implemented in vanilla Galaxy - used only in the cwl branch of Galaxy.
        raise NotImplementedError()

class BioBlendImporterGalaxyInterface(object):
    """Implementation of :class:`ImporterGalaxyInterface` using bioblend."""

    def __init__(self, **kwds):
        """Build a :class:`bioblend.GalaxyInstance` from supplied arguments."""
        url = None

        admin_key = None
        admin_gi = None
        if "admin_gi" in kwds:
            admin_gi = kwds["admin_gi"]
        elif "gi" in kwds:
            admin_gi = kwds["gi"]
        elif "url" in kwds and "admin_key" in kwds:
            url = kwds["url"]
            admin_key = kwds["admin_key"]

        if admin_gi is None:
            assert url is not None
            assert admin_key is not None
            admin_gi = bioblend.GalaxyInstance(url=url, key=admin_key)

        user_key = None
        user_gi = None
        if "user_gi" in kwds:
            user_gi = kwds["user_gi"]
        elif "gi" in kwds:
            user_gi = kwds["gi"]
        elif "url" in kwds and "user_key" in kwds:
            url = kwds["url"]
            user_key = kwds["user_key"]

        if user_gi is None:
            assert url is not None
            assert user_key is not None
            user_gi = bioblend.GalaxyInstance(url=url, key=user_key)

        self._admin_gi = admin_gi
        self._user_gi = user_gi

    def import_workflow(self, workflow, **kwds):
        """Import Galaxy workflow using instance :class:`bioblend.GalaxyInstance` object."""
        return self._user_gi.workflows.import_workflow_json(

    def import_tool(self, tool_representation):
        """Import Galaxy tool using instance :class:`bioblend.GalaxyInstance` object."""
        raise NotImplementedError()