view env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdflib/extras/ @ 3:758bc20232e8 draft

"planemo upload commit 2a0fe2cc28b09e101d37293e53e82f61762262ec"
author shellac
date Thu, 14 May 2020 16:20:52 -0400
parents 26e78fe6e8c4
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from rdflib import py3compat
__doc__ = py3compat.format_doctest_out("""
A Describer is a stateful utility for creating RDF statements in a
semi-declarative manner. It has methods for creating literal values, rel and
rev resource relations (somewhat resembling RDFa).

The `rel` and ``rev`` methods return a context manager which sets the current
about to the referenced resource for the context scope (for use with the
``with`` statement).

Full example in the ``to_rdf`` method below::

    >>> import datetime
    >>> from rdflib.graph import Graph
    >>> from rdflib.namespace import Namespace, RDFS, FOAF
    >>> ORG_URI = ""
    >>> CV = Namespace("")
    >>> class Person(object):
    ...     def __init__(self):
    ...         self.first_name = %(u)s"Some"
    ...         self.last_name = %(u)s"Body"
    ...         self.username = "some1"
    ...         self.presentation = %(u)s"Just a Python & RDF hacker."
    ...         self.image = "/images/persons/" + self.username + ".jpg"
    ... = ""
    ...         self.start_date =, 9, 4)
    ...     def get_full_name(self):
    ...         return %(u)s" ".join([self.first_name, self.last_name])
    ...     def get_absolute_url(self):
    ...         return "/persons/" + self.username
    ...     def get_thumbnail_url(self):
    ...         return self.image.replace('.jpg', '-thumb.jpg')
    ...     def to_rdf(self):
    ...         graph = Graph()
    ...         graph.bind('foaf', FOAF)
    ...         graph.bind('cv', CV)
    ...         lang = 'en'
    ...         d = Describer(graph, base=ORG_URI)
    ...         d.about(self.get_absolute_url()+'#person')
    ...         d.rdftype(FOAF.Person)
    ...         d.value(, self.get_full_name())
    ...         d.value(FOAF.firstName, self.first_name)
    ...         d.value(FOAF.surname, self.last_name)
    ...         d.rel(FOAF.homepage,
    ...         d.value(RDFS.comment, self.presentation, lang=lang)
    ...         with d.rel(FOAF.depiction, self.image):
    ...             d.rdftype(FOAF.Image)
    ...             d.rel(FOAF.thumbnail, self.get_thumbnail_url())
    ...         with d.rev(CV.aboutPerson):
    ...             d.rdftype(CV.CV)
    ...             with d.rel(CV.hasWorkHistory):
    ...                 d.value(CV.startDate, self.start_date)
    ...                 d.rel(CV.employedIn, ORG_URI+"#company")
    ...         return graph
    >>> person_graph = Person().to_rdf()
    >>> expected = Graph().parse(data='''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    ... <rdf:RDF
    ...   xmlns:foaf=""
    ...   xmlns:rdf=""
    ...   xmlns:cv=""
    ...   xmlns:rdfs="">
    ...   <foaf:Person rdf:about="">
    ...     <foaf:name>Some Body</foaf:name>
    ...     <foaf:firstName>Some</foaf:firstName>
    ...     <foaf:surname>Body</foaf:surname>
    ...     <foaf:depiction>
    ...       <foaf:Image
    ...         rdf:about=
    ...             "">
    ...         <foaf:thumbnail
    ...         rdf:resource=
    ...             ""/>
    ...       </foaf:Image>
    ...     </foaf:depiction>
    ...     <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">
    ...             Just a Python &amp; RDF hacker.
    ...     </rdfs:comment>
    ...     <foaf:homepage rdf:resource=""/>
    ...   </foaf:Person>
    ...   <cv:CV>
    ...     <cv:aboutPerson
    ...         rdf:resource="">
    ...     </cv:aboutPerson>
    ...     <cv:hasWorkHistory>
    ...       <rdf:Description>
    ...         <cv:startDate
    ...             rdf:datatype=""
    ...             >2009-09-04</cv:startDate>
    ...         <cv:employedIn rdf:resource=""/>
    ...       </rdf:Description>
    ...     </cv:hasWorkHistory>
    ...   </cv:CV>
    ... </rdf:RDF>
    ... ''')
    >>> from import isomorphic
    >>> isomorphic(person_graph, expected)  #doctest: +SKIP

from contextlib import contextmanager
from rdflib.graph import Graph
from rdflib.namespace import RDF
from rdflib.term import BNode
from rdflib.term import Identifier
from rdflib.term import Literal
from rdflib.term import URIRef
from rdflib.py3compat import format_doctest_out

class Describer(object):

    def __init__(self, graph=None, about=None, base=None):
        if graph is None:
            graph = Graph()
        self.graph = graph
        self.base = base
        self._subjects = []
        self.about(about or None)

    def about(self, subject, **kws):
        Sets the current subject. Will convert the given object into an
        ``URIRef`` if it's not an ``Identifier``.


            >>> d = Describer()
            >>> d._current() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
            >>> d.about("")
            >>> d._current()

        kws.setdefault('base', self.base)
        subject = cast_identifier(subject, **kws)
        if self._subjects:
            self._subjects[-1] = subject

    def value(self, p, v, **kws):
        Set a literal value for the given property. Will cast the value to an
        ``Literal`` if a plain literal is given.


            >>> from rdflib import URIRef
            >>> from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS
            >>> d = Describer(about="")
            >>> d.value(RDFS.label, "Example")
            >>> d.graph.value(URIRef(''), RDFS.label)

        v = cast_value(v, **kws)
        self.graph.add((self._current(), p, v))

    def rel(self, p, o=None, **kws):
        """Set an object for the given property. Will convert the given object
        into an ``URIRef`` if it's not an ``Identifier``. If none is given, a
        new ``BNode`` is used.

        Returns a context manager for use in a ``with`` block, within which the
        given object is used as current subject.


            >>> from rdflib import URIRef
            >>> from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS
            >>> d = Describer(about="/", base="")
            >>> _ctxt = d.rel(RDFS.seeAlso, "/about")
            >>> d.graph.value(URIRef(''), RDFS.seeAlso)

            >>> with d.rel(RDFS.seeAlso, "/more"):
            ...     d.value(RDFS.label, "More")
            >>> (URIRef(''), RDFS.seeAlso,
            ...         URIRef('')) in d.graph
            >>> d.graph.value(URIRef(''), RDFS.label)


        kws.setdefault('base', self.base)
        p = cast_identifier(p)
        o = cast_identifier(o, **kws)
        self.graph.add((self._current(), p, o))
        return self._subject_stack(o)

    def rev(self, p, s=None, **kws):
        Same as ``rel``, but uses current subject as *object* of the relation.
        The given resource is still used as subject in the returned context


            >>> from rdflib import URIRef
            >>> from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS
            >>> d = Describer(about="")
            >>> with d.rev(RDFS.seeAlso, ""):
            ...     d.value(RDFS.label, "Net")
            >>> (URIRef(''), RDFS.seeAlso,
            ...         URIRef('')) in d.graph
            >>> d.graph.value(URIRef(''), RDFS.label)

        kws.setdefault('base', self.base)
        p = cast_identifier(p)
        s = cast_identifier(s, **kws)
        self.graph.add((s, p, self._current()))
        return self._subject_stack(s)

    def rdftype(self, t):
        Shorthand for setting rdf:type of the current subject.


            >>> from rdflib import URIRef
            >>> from rdflib.namespace import RDF, RDFS
            >>> d = Describer(about="")
            >>> d.rdftype(RDFS.Resource)
            >>> (URIRef(''),
            ...     RDF.type, RDFS.Resource) in d.graph

        self.graph.add((self._current(), RDF.type, t))

    def _current(self):
        return self._subjects[-1]

    def _subject_stack(self, subject):
        yield None

def cast_value(v, **kws):
    if not isinstance(v, Literal):
        v = Literal(v, **kws)
    return v

def cast_identifier(ref, **kws):
    ref = ref or BNode()
    if not isinstance(ref, Identifier):
        ref = URIRef(ref, **kws)
    return ref