diff call_consensus_from_sam_3.pl @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/call_consensus_from_sam_3.pl	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+# This calls a consensus based on the sam file and does not use qual scores etc it simply counts up each event and calls a simple most observations consensus
+# the sam file must be sorted in order to cope with indels.
+# usgae is ./call_consensus_from_sam_3.pl aligned.sam genome.fasta 10
+# the number 10 is the minimum mapq you want to consider
+open (INFILEFASTA, "$ARGV[1]"); # opens files
+open (INFILESAM, "$ARGV[0]");
+$full_len_cut = 1000;
+$min_mapq = $ARGV[2];
+$full_len_count = 0;
+open (OUT, ">$ARGV[0].Observed_differences_list.txt");
+open (OUTINDELS, ">$ARGV[0].Indels_applied_list.txt");
+open (OUTMINOR, ">$ARGV[0].minor_variants.txt");
+print OUTMINOR "Genome\tPosition\tA\tC\tG\tT\tDepth\n";
+open (OUTMINORB, ">$ARGV[0].dominant_minor_variant.txt");
+print OUTMINORB "Genome\tPosition\tA\tC\tG\tT\tDominat nucleotide\tFrequency\tTotal Depth\n";
+print OUT "Genome\tPosition\tReference nucleotide\tGATC Depth count\tG count\tA count\tT count\tC count\tConsensus (. means no change from reference)\tDeletions\tTotal insertions recorded\tThis insertion most popular\tThis many recorded most popular insertions\n";
+open (OUTNEWG, ">$ARGV[0].corrected_genome_snps_only.txt");
+open (OUTNEWGINDEL, ">$ARGV[0].corrected_genome_snps_and_indels.txt");
+open (OUTINDELKEY, ">$ARGV[0].key_indels.txt");
+open (OUTINDELKEYSIG, ">$ARGV[0].Significant_key_indels.txt");
+open (OUTFULLSAM, ">$ARGV[0].full_len_sam.sam");
+$start_time = time;
+%for_translation = (TTT=>"F", TTC=>"F", TCT=>"S", TCC=>"S", TAT=>"Y", TAC=>"Y", TGT=>"C", TGC=>"C", TTA=>"L", TCA=>"S", TAA=>"*", TGA=>"*", TTG=>"L", TCG=>"S", TAG=>"*", TGG=>"W", CTT=>"L", CTC=>"L", CCT=>"P", CCC=>"P", CAT=>"H", CAC=>"H", CGT=>"R", CGC=>"R", CTA=>"L", CTG=>"L", CCA=>"P", CCG=>"P", CAA=>"Q", CAG=>"Q", CGA=>"R", CGG=>"R", ATT=>"I", ATC=>"I", ACT=>"T", ACC=>"T", AAT=>"N", AAC=>"N", AGT=>"S", AGC=>"S", ATA=>"I", ACA=>"T", AAA=>"K", AGA=>"R", ATG=>"M", ACG=>"T", AAG=>"K", AGG=>"R", GTT=>"V", GTC=>"V", GCT=>"A", GCC=>"A", GAT=>"D", GAC=>"D", GGT=>"G", GGC=>"G", GTA=>"V", GTG=>"V", GCA=>"A", GCG=>"A", GAA=>"E", GAG=>"E", GGA=>"G", GGG=>"G");
+%rev_translation = (GGC=>"A", ACT=>"S", TCA=>"*", ACA=>"C", TCG=>"R", GAT=>"I", GTT=>"N", GCT=>"S", GTA=>"Y", TGT=>"T", CGA=>"S", CGG=>"P", CAG=>"L", TGC=>"A", CAC=>"V", CTT=>"K", AAC=>"V", GTG=>"H", TCT=>"R", GGT=>"T", TGG=>"P", CCA=>"W", GAG=>"L", GCG=>"R", CAA=>"L", TTA=>"*", CTG=>"Q", CGT=>"T", CAT=>"M", TTT=>"K", TAC=>"V", CTA=>"*", AAG=>"L", TCC=>"G", GAC=>"V", GCA=>"C", TGA=>"S", AAT=>"I", ATA=>"Y", ATT=>"N", AGT=>"T", TTG=>"Q", GTC=>"D", ACC=>"G", GGA=>"S", AAA=>"F", CCT=>"R", ACG=>"R", CCG=>"R", ATG=>"H", TAT=>"I", GGG=>"P", CCC=>"G", TAA=>"L", CTC=>"E", TAG=>"L", ATC=>"D", AGA=>"S", GAA=>"F", CGC=>"A", GCC=>"G", AGC=>"A", TTC=>"E", AGG=>"P");
+%base_pair = (G=>"A", A=>"T", T=>"A", C=>"G");
+print OUTINDELS "Chromosome\tType\tLocation\tIndel_count\tIndel_size\tRead_depth\tIndel size\tIndel proportion\n";
+%transcripts = ();
+%orf_hash =();
+%peptides_pep_score = ();
+%unique_fastas = ();
+%peptides_and_utn = ();
+%utn_and_peptides = ();
+%fasta_head_and_peptides = ();
+%indel_tab = ();
+$fasta_out ="";
+$fasta_header = "Not_started_yet";
+while ($fasta_line = <INFILEFASTA>)
+    chomp $fasta_line;
+    print "\n$fasta_line\n";
+    if (substr($fasta_line,0,1) eq ">") {
+        if ($fasta_header ne "Not_started_yet") {
+            #print "\n\nFasta header $fasta_header\n\n";
+            @temp = split (/\s+/, $fasta_header);
+            $fasta_head_no_sp = $temp[0];
+            #print "\n\nAfter split $fasta_head_no_sp\n\n";
+            substr($fasta_head_no_sp,0,1) = "";
+            $transcripts {$fasta_head_no_sp} = $fasta_out;
+            #print "\n\n$fasta_head_no_sp\n\n";
+        }
+        $fasta_header = $fasta_line;
+        $fasta_out ="";
+    }
+    if (substr($fasta_line,0,1) ne ">") {$fasta_out = $fasta_out.$fasta_line;}
+($fasta_head_no_sp, $restofit) = split (/ /, $fasta_header);
+$transcripts {$fasta_head_no_sp} = $fasta_out;
+#print "\n$fasta_header\n\n$fasta_head_no_sp\n";
+$faster_header = "";
+$chrom_proc = 0;
+$chromosome = "notstartedyet";
+$old_chromosome = "";
+$sam_count = 0;
+$sam_header= "";
+$transcript_count = 0;
+open (INFILESAM, "$ARGV[0]");
+while ($sam_line = <INFILESAM>)
+    if (substr($sam_line,0,1) eq "@") {next;}
+    #if (($sam_count % 10000) == 0) {print "$sam_count entries processed\n";}
+    #print "$sam_count\n";
+    $sam_count ++;
+    chomp $sam_line;
+    @sam_cells = split (/\t/, $sam_line);
+    if ($sam_cells[2] eq "*") {next;}
+    if (($sam_cells[2] ne $chromosome) and ($chromosome ne "notstartedyet")) {
+        &process_data;
+        $chromosome = $sam_cells[2];
+        $genome = $transcripts{$chromosome};
+        $len_gen = length $genome;
+        delete $transcripts{$chromosome};
+        $chrom_proc ++;
+        print "hi $chromosome is being processed this is chromosome number $chrom_proc\n";
+        %g = ();
+        %a = ();
+        %t = ();
+        %c = ();
+        %ins = ();
+        %del = ();
+        %depth = ();
+    }
+    # Data processed
+    if ($chromosome eq "notstartedyet") {
+        $chromosome = $sam_cells[2];
+        $genome = $transcripts{$chromosome};
+        $len_gen = length $genome;
+        delete $transcripts{$chromosome};
+        $chrom_proc ++;
+        print "hi $chromosome is being processed this is chromosome number $chrom_proc\n";
+        %g = ();
+        %a = ();
+        %t = ();
+        %c = ();
+        %ins = ();
+        %del = ();
+        %depth = ();
+    }
+    $utn = $sam_cells[0];
+    $mapq = $sam_cells[4];
+    $sequence = uc $sam_cells[9];
+    $seq_len = length $sequence;
+    $sequence =~ tr/Uu/TT/;
+    #print "$sam_cells[5]\n";
+    if ($min_mapq > $mapq) {next;}
+    #print "OK";
+    $flag = $sam_cells [1];
+    $genome_position = $sam_cells[3] - 1;
+    $fl_pos = $genome_position;
+    if ($genome_position < $full_len_cut) {$full_len_flag = "S";
+        #if (length $sequence > 28000) {print "possible full len\n";}
+    } else {$full_len_flag = "I";}
+    $sam_position  = 0;
+    @cigar = split(/(M|I|D|N|S|H|P|X|=)/, $sam_cells[5]);
+    $array_cigar = 1;
+    $temp_len = 0;
+    while (length($cigar[$array_cigar]) >=1){
+        $cigar_value = $cigar[$array_cigar - 1];
+        if (($cigar[$array_cigar] eq "M") or ($cigar[$array_cigar] eq "I") or ($cigar[$array_cigar] eq "S")){$temp_len = $temp_len + $cigar_value;}
+        $array_cigar = $array_cigar + 2;
+    }
+    $tran_len = length $sequence;
+    if ($tran_len ne $temp_len) {print "cigar fail\n";next;}
+    $array_cigar = 1;
+    while (length($cigar[$array_cigar]) >=1){
+        #print "cigar entry is $cigar[$array_cigar]\n";
+        $cigar_value = $cigar[$array_cigar - 1];
+        if ($cigar[$array_cigar] =~ /[H]/){
+            #nothing to do
+        }
+        if (($cigar[$array_cigar] =~ /[S]/) and (($array_cigar + 1) < scalar (@cigar)))
+        {
+            $soft_clip = $cigar_value;
+            $sam_position = $sam_position + $cigar_value;
+            $seq_len = $seq_len - $cigar_value;
+        }
+        if ($cigar[$array_cigar] =~ /[M]/){
+            $temp_count = 1;
+            #print "M";
+            while ($temp_count <= $cigar_value)
+            {
+                $depth{$genome_position} ++;
+                $alt = substr($sequence, $sam_position, 1);
+                #print "alternative $alt\n";
+                if ($alt eq "G") {$g{$genome_position} ++;}
+                if ($alt eq "A") {$a{$genome_position} ++;}
+                if ($alt eq "T") {$t{$genome_position} ++;}
+                if ($alt eq "C") {$c{$genome_position} ++;}
+                $temp_count ++;
+                $genome_position ++;
+                $sam_position ++;
+                $fl_pos ++;
+            }
+        }
+        #if (($cigar[$array_cigar] =~ /[D]/) and ($cigar_value >4)) {$cigar[$array_cigar] = "N";}
+        if ($cigar[$array_cigar] =~ /[D]/){
+            $temp_cv = $cigar_value - 1;
+            $tmp_name = "$chromosome\tDeletion\t$genome_position\t$cigar_value\t ";
+            if (exists $indel_tab{$tmp_name}){$indel_tab{$tmp_name} ++;} else {$indel_tab{$tmp_name} = 1;}
+            while ($temp_cv >= 0){
+            if (exists $del{$genome_position + $temp_cv}) {$del{$genome_position + $temp_cv} ++;} else {$del{$genome_position + $temp_cv} = 1;}
+                $temp_cv --;
+            }
+            $genome_position = $genome_position + $cigar_value;
+            $fl_pos = $fl_pos + $cigar_value;
+        }
+        if ($cigar[$array_cigar] =~ /[I]/){
+            $insertion = substr ($sequence, $sam_position, $cigar_value);
+            $tmp_name = "$chromosome\tInsertion\t$genome_position\t$cigar_value\t$insertion";
+            if (exists $indel_tab{$tmp_name}){$indel_tab{$tmp_name} ++;} else {$indel_tab{$tmp_name} = 1;}
+        if (exists $ins{$genome_position}) {$ins{$genome_position} = $ins{$genome_position}."\t$insertion";} else {$ins{$genome_position} = $insertion;}
+            $sam_position = $sam_position + $cigar_value;
+        }
+        if ($cigar[$array_cigar] =~ /[N]/){
+            $genome_position = $genome_position + $cigar_value;
+        }
+        $array_cigar = $array_cigar +2;
+    }
+    #if ($fl_pos > ($len_gen - 30)) {print "Stops\n";}
+    #if (($fl_pos > ($len_gen - $full_len_cut)) and ($full_len_flag eq "S")) {print OUTFULLSAM "$sam_line\n"; print "Full length found\n"; $full_len_count ++;}
+    if ($seq_len > ($len_gen - $full_len_cut)) {print OUTFULLSAM "$sam_line\n"; print "Full length found $seq_len X $len_gen\n"; $full_len_count ++;}
+#all done just need to process the last chromosome...
+foreach $keys (keys %transcripts){
+    $genome = $transcripts{$keys};
+    print OUTNEWGINDEL ">No_mapped_reads_to_".$keys."_genome_so_no_corrections\n$genome\n";
+    print OUTNEWG ">No_mapped_reads_to_".$keys."_genome_so_no_corrections\n$genome\n";
+$time_elapsed = time - $start_time;
+print "Processed $sam_count entries for $chrom_proc chromosomes in $time_elapsed seconds\nFull length entries is $full_len_count\n";
+sub process_data { #now to process all the data on this chromosome before moving on to the next one
+    $genome_position = 0;
+    $len_genome = length($genome);
+    $old_genome = $genome;
+    open (TEMP, ">temp.txt");
+    while ($genome_position <= $len_genome){
+        #print "at $genome_position\n";
+        %ins_hash = ();
+        %del_hash = ();
+        $ref_nucleotide = substr ($genome, $genome_position, 1);
+        $sam_con = $ref_nucleotide;
+        $temp_pos = $genome_position + 1;
+        if ($depth{$genome_position} > 0) {
+        $A = $a{$genome_position}/$depth{$genome_position};
+        $C = $c{$genome_position}/$depth{$genome_position};
+        $G = $g{$genome_position}/$depth{$genome_position};
+        $T = $t{$genome_position}/$depth{$genome_position};
+        $test = -1;
+        $consensus = "N";
+        if ($A > $test){$test = $A; $consensus = "A";}
+        if ($C > $test){$test = $C; $consensus = "C";}
+        if ($G > $test){$test = $G; $consensus = "G";}
+        if ($T > $test){$test = $T; $consensus = "T";}
+        if ($consensus eq "A") {$A = $A * -1; $test = $A; print OUTMINOR "$chromosome\t$temp_pos\t$A\t$C\t$G\t$T\t$depth{$genome_position}\n";}
+        if ($consensus eq "C") {$C = $C * -1; $test = $C; print OUTMINOR "$chromosome\t$temp_pos\t$A\t$C\t$G\t$T\t$depth{$genome_position}\n";}
+        if ($consensus eq "G") {$G = $G * -1; $test = $G; print OUTMINOR "$chromosome\t$temp_pos\t$A\t$C\t$G\t$T\t$depth{$genome_position}\n";}
+        if ($consensus eq "T") {$T = $T * -1; $test = $T; print OUTMINOR "$chromosome\t$temp_pos\t$A\t$C\t$G\t$T\t$depth{$genome_position}\n";}
+        if ($consensus eq "N") {print OUTMINOR "$chromosome\t$temp_pos\t0\t0\t0\t0\n";}
+            $major = $test * -1;
+            if ($A > $test){$test = $A; $secconsensus = "A";}
+            if ($C > $test){$test = $C; $secconsensus = "C";}
+            if ($G > $test){$test = $G; $secconsensus = "G";}
+            if ($T > $test){$test = $T; $secconsensus = "T";}
+            if ($secconsensus eq "A") {print OUTMINORB "$chromosome\t$temp_pos\t$A\t0\t0\t0\t$consensus\t$major\t$depth{$genome_position}\n";}
+            if ($secconsensus eq "C") {print OUTMINORB "$chromosome\t$temp_pos\t0\t$C\t0\t0\t$consensus\t$major\t$depth{$genome_position}\n";}
+            if ($secconsensus eq "G") {print OUTMINORB "$chromosome\t$temp_pos\t0\t0\t$G\t0\t$consensus\t$major\t$depth{$genome_position}\n";}
+            if ($secconsensus eq "T") {print OUTMINORB "$chromosome\t$temp_pos\t0\t0\t0\t$T\t$consensus\t$major\t$depth{$genome_position}\n";}
+            if ($secconsensus eq "N") {print OUTMINORB "$chromosome\t$temp_pos\t0\t0\t0\t0\t$consensus\t$major\t$depth{$genome_position}\n";}
+        } else {print OUTMINOR "$chromosome\t$temp_pos\t0\t0\t0\t0\n"; print OUTMINORB "$chromosome\t$temp_pos\t0\t0\t0\t0\n";}
+        if ($depth{$genome_position} < 3) {
+            if ($len_genome <100000){
+                $sam_con = ".";
+                print OUT "$chromosome\t$temp_pos\t$ref_nucleotide\t$depth{$genome_position}\t$g{$genome_position}\t$a{$genome_position} \t$t{$genome_position} \t$c{$genome_position}\t$sam_con\t$del{$genome_position}\t$ins_count\t$temp_most_ins\t$temp_most\n";
+            }
+            $genome_position ++;
+            next;
+        }
+        $temp_most = 0;
+        $temp_most_ins = "";
+        $ins_count = 0;
+        if (exists $ins{$genome_position}){
+            $temp_ins = $ins{$genome_position};
+            @insertions = split (/\t/, $temp_ins);
+            $ins_count = scalar @insertions;
+            foreach $key (@insertions)
+            {
+                $ins_hash{$key} ++;
+                # print "found $key\n";
+            }
+            $temp_most = 0;
+            $temp_most_ins = "";
+            foreach $key (keys %ins_hash){
+                # print "$key   $ins_hash{$key}\n";
+                if ($ins_hash{$key} > $temp_most) {$temp_most = $ins_hash{$key}; $temp_most_ins = $key;}
+            }
+            #if ($ins_count > $depth{$genome_position}) {print OUT "POSSIBLE $ins_count INSERTION AT $genome_position\t $ins{$genome_position}\n";}
+            if ($temp_most > ($depth{$genome_position}) ) {
+                print OUT "Chromosome $chromosome TOTAL $ins_count INSERTION with $depth{$genome_position} no insertions AT $temp_pos most abundant is $temp_most_ins with $temp_most instertions\t $ins{$genome_position}\n";
+                print TEMP "Chromosome $chromosome TOTAL $ins_count INSERTION with $depth{$genome_position} no insertions AT $temp_pos most abundant is $temp_most_ins with $temp_most instertions\t$temp_most_ins\t$genome_position\t$ins{$genome_position}\n";
+            }
+            if ($temp_most > (($depth{$genome_position})/10)) {
+                $indel_proportion = $temp_most/$depth{$genome_position};
+             #print OUTINDELS "Chromosome\tType\tLocation\tIndel_count\tIndel_size\tRead_depth\tIndel size\tIndel proportion\n";
+            print OUTINDELS "$chromosome\tInsertion\t$genome_position\t$ins_count\t$temp_most_ins\t$depth{$genome_position}\t$temp_most_ins\t$indel_proportion\n";
+            }
+        }
+        if (exists $del{$genome_position}){
+            if ($del{$genome_position} > $depth{$genome_position}) {
+                print OUT "Chromosome $chromosome POSSIBLE $del{$genome_position} deletion against $depth{$genome_position} no deletions found AT $temp_pos\n";
+                #print OUTINDELS "Chromosome $chromosome POSSIBLE $del{$genome_position} deletion against $depth{$genome_position} no deletions found AT $temp_pos\n";
+                print TEMP "Chromosome $chromosome POSSIBLE $del{$genome_position} deletion against $depth{$genome_position} no deletions found AT $temp_pos most frequent is $temp_most_dels deletion with $del{$genome_position}\t1\t$genome_position\t$del{$genome_position}\n";
+            }
+            #if ($del_count > 10) {print OUT "POSSIBLE $del_count deletion AT $genome_position\t $del{$genome_position}\n";}
+            if ($del{$genome_position} > (($depth{$genome_position})/10)) {
+                           $indel_proportion = $del{$genome_position}/$depth{$genome_position};
+                        #print OUTINDELS "Chromosome\tType\tLocation\tIndel_count\tIndel_size\tRead_depth\tIndel size\tIndel proportion\n";
+                       print OUTINDELS "$chromosome\tDeletion\t$genome_position\t$del{$genome_position}\t$temp_most_dels\t$depth{$genome_position}\t$temp_most_dels\t$indel_proportion\n";
+                       }
+        }
+        $g_flag = 0;
+        $a_flag = 0;
+        $t_flag = 0;
+        $c_flag = 0;
+        $amb = "N";
+        $top_nuc = 0;
+        $top_nucleotide = "";
+        $sec_nuc = 0;
+        $second_nucleotide = "";
+        $ref_nuc = 0;
+        if ($ref_nucleotide eq "G") {$ref_nuc = $g{$genome_position};}
+        if ($ref_nucleotide eq "A") {$ref_nuc = $a{$genome_position};}
+        if ($ref_nucleotide eq "T") {$ref_nuc = $t{$genome_position};}
+        if ($ref_nucleotide eq "C") {$ref_nuc = $c{$genome_position};}
+        if ($g{$genome_position} >= $top_nuc){
+            $sam_con = "G";
+            #$g_flag = 1;
+            $second_nucleotide = $top_nucleotide;
+            $sec_nuc = $top_nuc;
+            $top_nuc = $g{$genome_position};
+            $top_nucleotide = "G";
+            #if ($ref_nucleotide eq "G") {$amb ="G";}
+        }
+        if ($a{$genome_position} >= $top_nuc){
+            $sam_con = "A";
+            #$a_flag = 1;
+            $second_nucleotide = $top_nucleotide;
+            $sec_nuc = $top_nuc;
+            $top_nuc = $a{$genome_position};
+            $top_nucleotide = "A";
+            #if ($ref_nucleotide eq "A") {$amb ="A";}
+        }
+        if ($t{$genome_position} >= $top_nuc){
+                $sam_con = "T";
+            #$t_flag = 1;
+            $second_nucleotide = $top_nucleotide;
+                $sec_nuc = $top_nuc;
+                $top_nuc = $t{$genome_position};
+            $top_nucleotide = "T";
+            #    if ($ref_nucleotide eq "T") {$amb ="T";}
+        }
+        if ($c{$genome_position} >= $top_nuc){
+                $sam_con = "C";
+            #$c_flag = 1;
+             $second_nucleotide = $top_nucleotide;
+                $sec_nuc = $top_nuc;
+                $top_nuc = $c{$genome_position};
+             $top_nucleotide = "C";
+            #    if ($ref_nucleotide eq "C") {$amb ="C";}
+        }
+        #print "This is G's recoded at this location $g{$genome_position}\n";
+        if (($g{$genome_position} >= $a{$genome_position}) and ($g{$genome_position} >= $t{$genome_position}) and ($g{$genome_position} >= $c{$genome_position}) and ($g{$genome_position} >= 1)) {
+            $sam_con = "G"; $g_flag = 1;
+            if ($ref_nucleotide eq "G") {$amb ="G";}
+        }
+        if (($a{$genome_position} >= $g{$genome_position}) and ($a{$genome_position} >= $t{$genome_position}) and ($a{$genome_position} >= $c{$genome_position}) and ($a{$genome_position} >= 1)) {
+            $sam_con = "A"; $a_flag = 1;
+            if ($ref_nucleotide eq "A") {$amb ="A";}
+        }
+        if (($t{$genome_position} >= $g{$genome_position}) and ($t{$genome_position} >= $a{$genome_position}) and ($t{$genome_position} >= $c{$genome_position}) and ($t{$genome_position} >= 1)) {
+            $sam_con = "T"; $t_flag = 1;
+            if ($ref_nucleotide eq "T") {$amb ="T";}
+        }
+        if (($c{$genome_position} >= $g{$genome_position}) and ($c{$genome_position} >= $a{$genome_position}) and ($c{$genome_position} >= $t{$genome_position}) and ($c{$genome_position} >= 1)) {
+            $sam_con = "C"; $c_flag = 1;
+            if ($ref_nucleotide eq "C") {$amb ="C";}
+        }
+        if (($g_flag + $a_flag + $t_flag + $c_flag) > 1) {
+            print OUT "ambiguity chromosome $chromosome at $temp_pos   $g_flag G $a_flag A $t_flag T $c_flag C counts are G $g{$genome_position} A $a{$genome_position} T $t{$genome_position} C $c{$genome_position} \n";
+            if ($amb ne "N") {$sam_con = $amb;}
+        }
+        if ($sam_con ne $ref_nucleotide) {
+            #print "change\n";
+            print OUT "$chromosome\t$temp_pos\t$ref_nucleotide\t$depth{$genome_position}\t$g{$genome_position}\t$a{$genome_position} \t$t{$genome_position} \t$c{$genome_position}\t$sam_con\t$del{$genome_position}\t$ins_count\t$temp_most_ins\t$temp_most\n";
+        } else {
+            if (($len_genome <100000) or ($temp_most > $depth{$genome_position}) or ($del{$genome_position} > $depth{$genome_position})){
+                print OUT "$chromosome\t$temp_pos\t$ref_nucleotide\t$depth{$genome_position}\t$g{$genome_position}\t$a{$genome_position} \t$t{$genome_position} \t$c{$genome_position}\t.\t$del{$genome_position}\t$ins_count\t$temp_most_ins\t$temp_most\n";
+            }
+        }
+        substr ($genome, $genome_position, 1, $sam_con);
+        $genome_position ++;
+        #print "at second $genome_position\n";
+    }
+    close TEMP;
+    $new_genome_w_indels = $genome;
+    open (TEMP, "temp.txt");
+    @indels = reverse<TEMP>;
+    foreach $line (@indels)
+    {
+        chomp $line;
+        @indels_cells = split(/\t/, $line);
+        $change = $indels_cells[1];
+        $type = $indels_cells[0];
+        $genome_position = $indels_cells[2];
+        if (index ($type, " INSERTION ") > 0) {
+            substr ($new_genome_w_indels, $genome_position, 0, $change);
+        }
+        if (index ($type, " deletion ") > 0) {
+            substr ($new_genome_w_indels, $genome_position, 1, "");
+        }
+    }
+    print OUTNEWGINDEL ">New_".$chromosome."_genome_with_indels_is\n$new_genome_w_indels\n";
+    print OUTNEWG ">New_".$chromosome."_genome_is\n$genome\n";
+    open (CTSO, ">$ARGV[0].CTSO.txt");
+    $warning = "";
+    #open (OUTINDELKEYSIG, ">$ARGV[0].Significant_key_indels.txt");
+    # open (OUTINDELKEY, ">$ARGV[0].key_indels.txt");
+    # $tmp_name = "$chromosome\tDeletion\t$genome_position\t$temp_cv\t$insertion"; temp_cv is the size of the indel
+    print OUTINDELKEY "Chromosome\tInsertion or deletion\tLocation\tIndel size\tInsertion seq\tObservation count\tDepth at this lcation\tProportion of observation vs depth\n";
+    print OUTINDELKEYSIG "Chromosome\tInsertion or deletion\tLocation\tIndel size\tInsertion seq\tObservation count\tDepth at this lcation\tProportion of observation vs depth\n";
+    foreach $key (keys %indel_tab){
+        $value = $indel_tab{$key};
+        @array = split(/\t/, $key);
+        $genome_position = $array[2]; $indel_len = $array[3];
+        if ($depth{$genome_position} > 0) {$a = ($value / $depth{$genome_position}); $tmp_proportion  = sprintf ("%.2f",$a);} else {$tmp_proportion = "zero depth here";}
+           print OUTINDELKEY "$key\t$value\t$depth{$genome_position}\t$tmp_proportion\n";
+           if ($tmp_proportion > 0.1) {
+               if ($indel_len > 6) {print "\n\nCtSo\nInsertion or deletion\t$array[1]\nLocation\t$genome_position\nIndel size\t$indel_len\nObservation count\t$value\nDepth at this location\t$depth{$genome_position}\nProportion of observation vs depth\t$tmp_proportion\n\n";
+                   print CTSO "\n\nCtSo\nInsertion or deletion\t$array[1]\nLocation\t$genome_position\nIndel size\t$indel_len\nObservation count\t$value\nDepth at this location\t$depth{$genome_position}\nProportion of observation vs depth\t$tmp_proportion\n\n";
+                   print OUTINDELKEYSIG "$key\t$value\t$depth{$genome_position}\t$tmp_proportion\n";
+                   if (($value > 9) or ($depth{$genome_position} > 9)) {$warning = $warning."$key\t$value\t$depth{$genome_position}\t$tmp_proportion\n";}
+               }
+               #print OUTINDELKEYSIG "$key\t$value\t$depth{$genome_position}\t$tmp_proportion\n";
+           }
+if ($warning ne "") {print OUTINDELKEYSIG "\n\nEspecially take a moment to look at these in the above list...CtSo!\n\n$warning\n";}