diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/attr/_funcs.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/attr/_funcs.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import copy
+from ._compat import iteritems
+from ._make import NOTHING, _obj_setattr, fields
+from .exceptions import AttrsAttributeNotFoundError
+def asdict(
+    inst,
+    recurse=True,
+    filter=None,
+    dict_factory=dict,
+    retain_collection_types=False,
+    value_serializer=None,
+    """
+    Return the ``attrs`` attribute values of *inst* as a dict.
+    Optionally recurse into other ``attrs``-decorated classes.
+    :param inst: Instance of an ``attrs``-decorated class.
+    :param bool recurse: Recurse into classes that are also
+        ``attrs``-decorated.
+    :param callable filter: A callable whose return code determines whether an
+        attribute or element is included (``True``) or dropped (``False``).  Is
+        called with the `attr.Attribute` as the first argument and the
+        value as the second argument.
+    :param callable dict_factory: A callable to produce dictionaries from.  For
+        example, to produce ordered dictionaries instead of normal Python
+        dictionaries, pass in ``collections.OrderedDict``.
+    :param bool retain_collection_types: Do not convert to ``list`` when
+        encountering an attribute whose type is ``tuple`` or ``set``.  Only
+        meaningful if ``recurse`` is ``True``.
+    :param Optional[callable] value_serializer: A hook that is called for every
+        attribute or dict key/value.  It receives the current instance, field
+        and value and must return the (updated) value.  The hook is run *after*
+        the optional *filter* has been applied.
+    :rtype: return type of *dict_factory*
+    :raise attr.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError: If *cls* is not an ``attrs``
+        class.
+    ..  versionadded:: 16.0.0 *dict_factory*
+    ..  versionadded:: 16.1.0 *retain_collection_types*
+    ..  versionadded:: 20.3.0 *value_serializer*
+    """
+    attrs = fields(inst.__class__)
+    rv = dict_factory()
+    for a in attrs:
+        v = getattr(inst, a.name)
+        if filter is not None and not filter(a, v):
+            continue
+        if value_serializer is not None:
+            v = value_serializer(inst, a, v)
+        if recurse is True:
+            if has(v.__class__):
+                rv[a.name] = asdict(
+                    v,
+                    True,
+                    filter,
+                    dict_factory,
+                    retain_collection_types,
+                    value_serializer,
+                )
+            elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list, set, frozenset)):
+                cf = v.__class__ if retain_collection_types is True else list
+                rv[a.name] = cf(
+                    [
+                        _asdict_anything(
+                            i,
+                            filter,
+                            dict_factory,
+                            retain_collection_types,
+                            value_serializer,
+                        )
+                        for i in v
+                    ]
+                )
+            elif isinstance(v, dict):
+                df = dict_factory
+                rv[a.name] = df(
+                    (
+                        _asdict_anything(
+                            kk,
+                            filter,
+                            df,
+                            retain_collection_types,
+                            value_serializer,
+                        ),
+                        _asdict_anything(
+                            vv,
+                            filter,
+                            df,
+                            retain_collection_types,
+                            value_serializer,
+                        ),
+                    )
+                    for kk, vv in iteritems(v)
+                )
+            else:
+                rv[a.name] = v
+        else:
+            rv[a.name] = v
+    return rv
+def _asdict_anything(
+    val,
+    filter,
+    dict_factory,
+    retain_collection_types,
+    value_serializer,
+    """
+    ``asdict`` only works on attrs instances, this works on anything.
+    """
+    if getattr(val.__class__, "__attrs_attrs__", None) is not None:
+        # Attrs class.
+        rv = asdict(
+            val,
+            True,
+            filter,
+            dict_factory,
+            retain_collection_types,
+            value_serializer,
+        )
+    elif isinstance(val, (tuple, list, set, frozenset)):
+        cf = val.__class__ if retain_collection_types is True else list
+        rv = cf(
+            [
+                _asdict_anything(
+                    i,
+                    filter,
+                    dict_factory,
+                    retain_collection_types,
+                    value_serializer,
+                )
+                for i in val
+            ]
+        )
+    elif isinstance(val, dict):
+        df = dict_factory
+        rv = df(
+            (
+                _asdict_anything(
+                    kk, filter, df, retain_collection_types, value_serializer
+                ),
+                _asdict_anything(
+                    vv, filter, df, retain_collection_types, value_serializer
+                ),
+            )
+            for kk, vv in iteritems(val)
+        )
+    else:
+        rv = val
+        if value_serializer is not None:
+            rv = value_serializer(None, None, rv)
+    return rv
+def astuple(
+    inst,
+    recurse=True,
+    filter=None,
+    tuple_factory=tuple,
+    retain_collection_types=False,
+    """
+    Return the ``attrs`` attribute values of *inst* as a tuple.
+    Optionally recurse into other ``attrs``-decorated classes.
+    :param inst: Instance of an ``attrs``-decorated class.
+    :param bool recurse: Recurse into classes that are also
+        ``attrs``-decorated.
+    :param callable filter: A callable whose return code determines whether an
+        attribute or element is included (``True``) or dropped (``False``).  Is
+        called with the `attr.Attribute` as the first argument and the
+        value as the second argument.
+    :param callable tuple_factory: A callable to produce tuples from.  For
+        example, to produce lists instead of tuples.
+    :param bool retain_collection_types: Do not convert to ``list``
+        or ``dict`` when encountering an attribute which type is
+        ``tuple``, ``dict`` or ``set``.  Only meaningful if ``recurse`` is
+        ``True``.
+    :rtype: return type of *tuple_factory*
+    :raise attr.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError: If *cls* is not an ``attrs``
+        class.
+    ..  versionadded:: 16.2.0
+    """
+    attrs = fields(inst.__class__)
+    rv = []
+    retain = retain_collection_types  # Very long. :/
+    for a in attrs:
+        v = getattr(inst, a.name)
+        if filter is not None and not filter(a, v):
+            continue
+        if recurse is True:
+            if has(v.__class__):
+                rv.append(
+                    astuple(
+                        v,
+                        recurse=True,
+                        filter=filter,
+                        tuple_factory=tuple_factory,
+                        retain_collection_types=retain,
+                    )
+                )
+            elif isinstance(v, (tuple, list, set, frozenset)):
+                cf = v.__class__ if retain is True else list
+                rv.append(
+                    cf(
+                        [
+                            astuple(
+                                j,
+                                recurse=True,
+                                filter=filter,
+                                tuple_factory=tuple_factory,
+                                retain_collection_types=retain,
+                            )
+                            if has(j.__class__)
+                            else j
+                            for j in v
+                        ]
+                    )
+                )
+            elif isinstance(v, dict):
+                df = v.__class__ if retain is True else dict
+                rv.append(
+                    df(
+                        (
+                            astuple(
+                                kk,
+                                tuple_factory=tuple_factory,
+                                retain_collection_types=retain,
+                            )
+                            if has(kk.__class__)
+                            else kk,
+                            astuple(
+                                vv,
+                                tuple_factory=tuple_factory,
+                                retain_collection_types=retain,
+                            )
+                            if has(vv.__class__)
+                            else vv,
+                        )
+                        for kk, vv in iteritems(v)
+                    )
+                )
+            else:
+                rv.append(v)
+        else:
+            rv.append(v)
+    return rv if tuple_factory is list else tuple_factory(rv)
+def has(cls):
+    """
+    Check whether *cls* is a class with ``attrs`` attributes.
+    :param type cls: Class to introspect.
+    :raise TypeError: If *cls* is not a class.
+    :rtype: bool
+    """
+    return getattr(cls, "__attrs_attrs__", None) is not None
+def assoc(inst, **changes):
+    """
+    Copy *inst* and apply *changes*.
+    :param inst: Instance of a class with ``attrs`` attributes.
+    :param changes: Keyword changes in the new copy.
+    :return: A copy of inst with *changes* incorporated.
+    :raise attr.exceptions.AttrsAttributeNotFoundError: If *attr_name* couldn't
+        be found on *cls*.
+    :raise attr.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError: If *cls* is not an ``attrs``
+        class.
+    ..  deprecated:: 17.1.0
+        Use `evolve` instead.
+    """
+    import warnings
+    warnings.warn(
+        "assoc is deprecated and will be removed after 2018/01.",
+        DeprecationWarning,
+        stacklevel=2,
+    )
+    new = copy.copy(inst)
+    attrs = fields(inst.__class__)
+    for k, v in iteritems(changes):
+        a = getattr(attrs, k, NOTHING)
+        if a is NOTHING:
+            raise AttrsAttributeNotFoundError(
+                "{k} is not an attrs attribute on {cl}.".format(
+                    k=k, cl=new.__class__
+                )
+            )
+        _obj_setattr(new, k, v)
+    return new
+def evolve(inst, **changes):
+    """
+    Create a new instance, based on *inst* with *changes* applied.
+    :param inst: Instance of a class with ``attrs`` attributes.
+    :param changes: Keyword changes in the new copy.
+    :return: A copy of inst with *changes* incorporated.
+    :raise TypeError: If *attr_name* couldn't be found in the class
+        ``__init__``.
+    :raise attr.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError: If *cls* is not an ``attrs``
+        class.
+    ..  versionadded:: 17.1.0
+    """
+    cls = inst.__class__
+    attrs = fields(cls)
+    for a in attrs:
+        if not a.init:
+            continue
+        attr_name = a.name  # To deal with private attributes.
+        init_name = attr_name if attr_name[0] != "_" else attr_name[1:]
+        if init_name not in changes:
+            changes[init_name] = getattr(inst, attr_name)
+    return cls(**changes)
+def resolve_types(cls, globalns=None, localns=None):
+    """
+    Resolve any strings and forward annotations in type annotations.
+    This is only required if you need concrete types in `Attribute`'s *type*
+    field. In other words, you don't need to resolve your types if you only
+    use them for static type checking.
+    With no arguments, names will be looked up in the module in which the class
+    was created. If this is not what you want, e.g. if the name only exists
+    inside a method, you may pass *globalns* or *localns* to specify other
+    dictionaries in which to look up these names. See the docs of
+    `typing.get_type_hints` for more details.
+    :param type cls: Class to resolve.
+    :param Optional[dict] globalns: Dictionary containing global variables.
+    :param Optional[dict] localns: Dictionary containing local variables.
+    :raise TypeError: If *cls* is not a class.
+    :raise attr.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError: If *cls* is not an ``attrs``
+        class.
+    :raise NameError: If types cannot be resolved because of missing variables.
+    :returns: *cls* so you can use this function also as a class decorator.
+        Please note that you have to apply it **after** `attr.s`. That means
+        the decorator has to come in the line **before** `attr.s`.
+    ..  versionadded:: 20.1.0
+    """
+    try:
+        # Since calling get_type_hints is expensive we cache whether we've
+        # done it already.
+        cls.__attrs_types_resolved__
+    except AttributeError:
+        import typing
+        hints = typing.get_type_hints(cls, globalns=globalns, localns=localns)
+        for field in fields(cls):
+            if field.name in hints:
+                # Since fields have been frozen we must work around it.
+                _obj_setattr(field, "type", hints[field.name])
+        cls.__attrs_types_resolved__ = True
+    # Return the class so you can use it as a decorator too.
+    return cls