diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdflib/namespace.py @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdflib/namespace.py	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import logging
+import os
+from unicodedata import category
+from six import string_types
+from six import text_type
+from six.moves.urllib.request import pathname2url
+from six.moves.urllib.parse import urldefrag
+from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin
+from rdflib.term import URIRef, Variable, _XSD_PFX, _is_valid_uri
+__doc__ = """
+Namespace Utilities
+RDFLib provides mechanisms for managing Namespaces.
+In particular, there is a :class:`~rdflib.namespace.Namespace` class
+that takes as its argument the base URI of the namespace.
+.. code-block:: pycon
+    >>> from rdflib.namespace import Namespace
+    >>> owl = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#')
+Fully qualified URIs in the namespace can be constructed either by attribute
+or by dictionary access on Namespace instances:
+.. code-block:: pycon
+    >>> owl.seeAlso
+    rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#seeAlso')
+    >>> owl['seeAlso']
+    rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#seeAlso')
+Automatic handling of unknown predicates
+As a programming convenience, a namespace binding is automatically
+created when :class:`rdflib.term.URIRef` predicates are added to the graph.
+Importable namespaces
+The following namespaces are available by directly importing from rdflib:
+* RDF
+* OWL
+* XSD
+* DC
+.. code-block:: pycon
+    >>> from rdflib import OWL
+    >>> OWL.seeAlso
+    rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#seeAlso')
+__all__ = [
+    'is_ncname', 'split_uri', 'Namespace',
+    'ClosedNamespace', 'NamespaceManager',
+    'XMLNS', 'RDF', 'RDFS', 'XSD', 'OWL',
+    'SKOS', 'DOAP', 'FOAF', 'DC', 'DCTERMS', 'VOID']
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class Namespace(text_type):
+    __doc__ = """
+    Utility class for quickly generating URIRefs with a common prefix
+    >>> from rdflib import Namespace
+    >>> n = Namespace("http://example.org/")
+    >>> n.Person # as attribute
+    rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://example.org/Person')
+    >>> n['first-name'] # as item - for things that are not valid python identifiers
+    rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://example.org/first-name')
+    """
+    def __new__(cls, value):
+        try:
+            rt = text_type.__new__(cls, value)
+        except UnicodeDecodeError:
+            rt = text_type.__new__(cls, value, 'utf-8')
+        return rt
+    @property
+    def title(self):
+        return URIRef(self + 'title')
+    def term(self, name):
+        # need to handle slices explicitly because of __getitem__ override
+        return URIRef(self + (name if isinstance(name, string_types) else ''))
+    def __getitem__(self, key, default=None):
+        return self.term(key)
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        if name.startswith("__"):  # ignore any special Python names!
+            raise AttributeError
+        else:
+            return self.term(name)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "Namespace(%r)" % text_type(self)
+class URIPattern(text_type):
+    __doc__ = """
+    Utility class for creating URIs according to some pattern
+    This supports either new style formatting with .format
+    or old-style with % operator
+    >>> u=URIPattern("http://example.org/%s/%d/resource")
+    >>> u%('books', 12345)
+    rdflib.term.URIRef(u'http://example.org/books/12345/resource')
+    """
+    def __new__(cls, value):
+        try:
+            rt = text_type.__new__(cls, value)
+        except UnicodeDecodeError:
+            rt = text_type.__new__(cls, value, 'utf-8')
+        return rt
+    def __mod__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return URIRef(text_type(self).__mod__(*args, **kwargs))
+    def format(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return URIRef(text_type.format(self, *args, **kwargs))
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "URIPattern(%r)" % text_type(self)
+class ClosedNamespace(object):
+    """
+    A namespace with a closed list of members
+    Trying to create terms not listen is an error
+    """
+    def __init__(self, uri, terms):
+        self.uri = uri
+        self.__uris = {}
+        for t in terms:
+            self.__uris[t] = URIRef(self.uri + t)
+    def term(self, name):
+        uri = self.__uris.get(name)
+        if uri is None:
+            raise KeyError(
+                "term '{}' not in namespace '{}'".format(name, self.uri)
+            )
+        else:
+            return uri
+    def __getitem__(self, key, default=None):
+        return self.term(key)
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        if name.startswith("__"):  # ignore any special Python names!
+            raise AttributeError
+        else:
+            try:
+                return self.term(name)
+            except KeyError as e:
+                raise AttributeError(e)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return text_type(self.uri)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "rdf.namespace.ClosedNamespace(%r)" % text_type(self.uri)
+class _RDFNamespace(ClosedNamespace):
+    """
+    Closed namespace for RDF terms
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(_RDFNamespace, self).__init__(
+            URIRef("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"),
+            terms=[
+                # Syntax Names
+                "RDF", "Description", "ID", "about", "parseType",
+                "resource", "li", "nodeID", "datatype",
+                # RDF Classes
+                "Seq", "Bag", "Alt", "Statement", "Property",
+                "List", "PlainLiteral",
+                # RDF Properties
+                "subject", "predicate", "object", "type",
+                "value", "first", "rest",
+                # and _n where n is a non-negative integer
+                # RDF Resources
+                "nil",
+                # Added in RDF 1.1
+                "XMLLiteral", "HTML", "langString",
+                # Added in JSON-LD 1.1
+                "JSON", "CompoundLiteral", "language", "direction"]
+        )
+    def term(self, name):
+        # Container membership properties
+        if name.startswith('_'):
+            try:
+                i = int(name[1:])
+            except ValueError:
+                pass
+            else:
+                if i > 0:
+                    return URIRef("%s_%s" % (self.uri, i))
+        return super(_RDFNamespace, self).term(name)
+RDF = _RDFNamespace()
+RDFS = ClosedNamespace(
+    uri=URIRef("http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"),
+    terms=[
+        "Resource", "Class", "subClassOf", "subPropertyOf", "comment", "label",
+        "domain", "range", "seeAlso", "isDefinedBy", "Literal", "Container",
+        "ContainerMembershipProperty", "member", "Datatype"]
+OWL = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#')
+XSD = Namespace(_XSD_PFX)
+CSVW = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/ns/csvw#')
+DC = Namespace('http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/')
+DCAT = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#')
+DCTERMS = Namespace('http://purl.org/dc/terms/')
+DOAP = Namespace('http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#')
+FOAF = ClosedNamespace(
+    uri=URIRef('http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/'),
+    terms=[
+        # all taken from http://xmlns.com/foaf/spec/
+        'Agent', 'Person', 'name', 'title', 'img',
+        'depiction', 'depicts', 'familyName',
+        'givenName', 'knows', 'based_near', 'age', 'made',
+        'maker', 'primaryTopic', 'primaryTopicOf', 'Project', 'Organization',
+        'Group', 'member', 'Document', 'Image', 'nick',
+        'mbox', 'homepage', 'weblog', 'openid', 'jabberID',
+        'mbox_sha1sum', 'interest', 'topic_interest', 'topic', 'page',
+        'workplaceHomepage', 'workInfoHomepage', 'schoolHomepage', 'publications', 'currentProject',
+        'pastProject', 'account', 'OnlineAccount', 'accountName', 'accountServiceHomepage',
+        'PersonalProfileDocument', 'tipjar', 'sha1', 'thumbnail', 'logo'
+    ]
+ODRL2 = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl/2/')
+ORG = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/ns/org#')
+PROV = ClosedNamespace(
+    uri=URIRef('http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#'),
+    terms=[
+        'Entity', 'Activity', 'Agent', 'wasGeneratedBy', 'wasDerivedFrom',
+        'wasAttributedTo', 'startedAtTime', 'used', 'wasInformedBy', 'endedAtTime',
+        'wasAssociatedWith', 'actedOnBehalfOf', 'Collection', 'EmptyCollection', 'Bundle',
+        'Person', 'SoftwareAgent', 'Organization', 'Location', 'alternateOf',
+        'specializationOf', 'generatedAtTime', 'hadPrimarySource', 'value', 'wasQuotedFrom',
+        'wasRevisionOf', 'invalidatedAtTime', 'wasInvalidatedBy', 'hadMember', 'wasStartedBy',
+        'wasEndedBy', 'invalidated', 'influenced', 'atLocation', 'generated',
+        'Influence', 'EntityInfluence', 'Usage', 'Start', 'End',
+        'Derivation', 'PrimarySource', 'Quotation', 'Revision', 'ActivityInfluence',
+        'Generation', 'Communication', 'Invalidation', 'AgentInfluence',
+        'Attribution', 'Association', 'Plan', 'Delegation', 'InstantaneousEvent',
+        'Role', 'wasInfluencedBy', 'qualifiedInfluence', 'qualifiedGeneration', 'qualifiedDerivation',
+        'qualifiedPrimarySource', 'qualifiedQuotation', 'qualifiedRevision', 'qualifiedAttribution',
+        'qualifiedInvalidation', 'qualifiedStart', 'qualifiedUsage', 'qualifiedCommunication', 'qualifiedAssociation',
+        'qualifiedEnd', 'qualifiedDelegation', 'influencer', 'entity', 'hadUsage', 'hadGeneration',
+        'activity', 'agent', 'hadPlan', 'hadActivity', 'atTime', 'hadRole'
+    ]
+PROF = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/ns/dx/prof/')
+SDO = Namespace('https://schema.org/')
+SH = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#')
+SKOS = ClosedNamespace(
+    uri=URIRef('http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#'),
+    terms=[
+        # all taken from https://www.w3.org/TR/skos-reference/#L1302
+        'Concept', 'ConceptScheme', 'inScheme', 'hasTopConcept', 'topConceptOf',
+        'altLabel', 'hiddenLabel', 'prefLabel', 'notation', 'changeNote',
+        'definition', 'editorialNote', 'example', 'historyNote', 'note',
+        'scopeNote', 'broader', 'broaderTransitive', 'narrower', 'narrowerTransitive',
+        'related', 'semanticRelation', 'Collection', 'OrderedCollection', 'member',
+        'memberList', 'broadMatch', 'closeMatch', 'exactMatch', 'mappingRelation',
+        'narrowMatch', 'relatedMatch'
+    ]
+SOSA = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/ns/ssn/')
+SSN = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/ns/sosa/')
+TIME = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/2006/time#')
+VOID = Namespace('http://rdfs.org/ns/void#')
+class NamespaceManager(object):
+    """
+    Class for managing prefix => namespace mappings
+    Sample usage from FuXi ...
+    .. code-block:: python
+        ruleStore = N3RuleStore(additionalBuiltins=additionalBuiltins)
+        nsMgr = NamespaceManager(Graph(ruleStore))
+        ruleGraph = Graph(ruleStore,namespace_manager=nsMgr)
+    and ...
+    .. code-block:: pycon
+        >>> import rdflib
+        >>> from rdflib import Graph
+        >>> from rdflib.namespace import Namespace, NamespaceManager
+        >>> exNs = Namespace('http://example.com/')
+        >>> namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph())
+        >>> namespace_manager.bind('ex', exNs, override=False)
+        >>> g = Graph()
+        >>> g.namespace_manager = namespace_manager
+        >>> all_ns = [n for n in g.namespace_manager.namespaces()]
+        >>> assert ('ex', rdflib.term.URIRef('http://example.com/')) in all_ns
+        >>>
+    """
+    def __init__(self, graph):
+        self.graph = graph
+        self.__cache = {}
+        self.__cache_strict = {}
+        self.__log = None
+        self.__strie = {}
+        self.__trie = {}
+        for p, n in self.namespaces():  # self.bind is not always called
+            insert_trie(self.__trie, str(n))
+        self.bind("xml", "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")
+        self.bind("rdf", RDF)
+        self.bind("rdfs", RDFS)
+        self.bind("xsd", XSD)
+    def reset(self):
+        self.__cache = {}
+        self.__strie = {}
+        self.__trie = {}
+        for p, n in self.namespaces():  # repopulate the trie
+            insert_trie(self.__trie, str(n))
+    def __get_store(self):
+        return self.graph.store
+    store = property(__get_store)
+    def qname(self, uri):
+        prefix, namespace, name = self.compute_qname(uri)
+        if prefix == "":
+            return name
+        else:
+            return ":".join((prefix, name))
+    def qname_strict(self, uri):
+        prefix, namespace, name = self.compute_qname_strict(uri)
+        if prefix == '':
+            return name
+        else:
+            return ':'.join((prefix, name))
+    def normalizeUri(self, rdfTerm):
+        """
+        Takes an RDF Term and 'normalizes' it into a QName (using the
+        registered prefix) or (unlike compute_qname) the Notation 3
+        form for URIs: <...URI...>
+        """
+        try:
+            namespace, name = split_uri(rdfTerm)
+            if namespace not in self.__strie:
+                insert_strie(self.__strie, self.__trie, str(namespace))
+            namespace = URIRef(text_type(namespace))
+        except:
+            if isinstance(rdfTerm, Variable):
+                return "?%s" % rdfTerm
+            else:
+                return "<%s>" % rdfTerm
+        prefix = self.store.prefix(namespace)
+        if prefix is None and isinstance(rdfTerm, Variable):
+            return "?%s" % rdfTerm
+        elif prefix is None:
+            return "<%s>" % rdfTerm
+        else:
+            qNameParts = self.compute_qname(rdfTerm)
+            return ':'.join([qNameParts[0], qNameParts[-1]])
+    def compute_qname(self, uri, generate=True):
+        if not _is_valid_uri(uri):
+            raise ValueError(
+                '"{}" does not look like a valid URI, cannot serialize this. Did you want to urlencode it?'.format(uri)
+            )
+        if uri not in self.__cache:
+            try:
+                namespace, name = split_uri(uri)
+            except ValueError as e:
+                namespace = URIRef(uri)
+                prefix = self.store.prefix(namespace)
+                if not prefix:
+                    raise e
+            if namespace not in self.__strie:
+                insert_strie(self.__strie, self.__trie, namespace)
+            if self.__strie[namespace]:
+                pl_namespace = get_longest_namespace(self.__strie[namespace], uri)
+                if pl_namespace is not None:
+                    namespace = pl_namespace
+                    name = uri[len(namespace):]
+            namespace = URIRef(namespace)
+            prefix = self.store.prefix(namespace)  # warning multiple prefixes problem
+            if prefix is None:
+                if not generate:
+                    raise KeyError(
+                        "No known prefix for {} and generate=False".format(namespace)
+                    )
+                num = 1
+                while 1:
+                    prefix = "ns%s" % num
+                    if not self.store.namespace(prefix):
+                        break
+                    num += 1
+                self.bind(prefix, namespace)
+            self.__cache[uri] = (prefix, namespace, name)
+        return self.__cache[uri]
+    def compute_qname_strict(self, uri, generate=True):
+        # code repeated to avoid branching on strict every time
+        # if output needs to be strict (e.g. for xml) then
+        # only the strict output should bear the overhead
+        prefix, namespace, name = self.compute_qname(uri)
+        if is_ncname(text_type(name)):
+            return prefix, namespace, name
+        else:
+            if uri not in self.__cache_strict:
+                try:
+                    namespace, name = split_uri(uri, NAME_START_CATEGORIES)
+                except ValueError as e:
+                    message = ('This graph cannot be serialized to a strict format '
+                               'because there is no valid way to shorten {}'.format(uri))
+                    raise ValueError(message)
+                    # omitted for strict since NCNames cannot be empty
+                    #namespace = URIRef(uri)
+                    #prefix = self.store.prefix(namespace)
+                    #if not prefix:
+                        #raise e
+                if namespace not in self.__strie:
+                    insert_strie(self.__strie, self.__trie, namespace)
+                # omitted for strict
+                #if self.__strie[namespace]:
+                    #pl_namespace = get_longest_namespace(self.__strie[namespace], uri)
+                    #if pl_namespace is not None:
+                        #namespace = pl_namespace
+                        #name = uri[len(namespace):]
+                namespace = URIRef(namespace)
+                prefix = self.store.prefix(namespace)  # warning multiple prefixes problem
+                if prefix is None:
+                    if not generate:
+                        raise KeyError(
+                            "No known prefix for {} and generate=False".format(namespace)
+                        )
+                    num = 1
+                    while 1:
+                        prefix = "ns%s" % num
+                        if not self.store.namespace(prefix):
+                            break
+                        num += 1
+                    self.bind(prefix, namespace)
+                self.__cache_strict[uri] = (prefix, namespace, name)
+            return self.__cache_strict[uri]
+    def bind(self, prefix, namespace, override=True, replace=False):
+        """bind a given namespace to the prefix
+        if override, rebind, even if the given namespace is already
+        bound to another prefix.
+        if replace, replace any existing prefix with the new namespace
+        """
+        namespace = URIRef(text_type(namespace))
+        # When documenting explain that override only applies in what cases
+        if prefix is None:
+            prefix = ''
+        bound_namespace = self.store.namespace(prefix)
+        # Check if the bound_namespace contains a URI
+        # and if so convert it into a URIRef for comparison
+        # This is to prevent duplicate namespaces with the
+        # same URI
+        if bound_namespace:
+            bound_namespace = URIRef(bound_namespace)
+        if bound_namespace and bound_namespace != namespace:
+            if replace:
+                self.store.bind(prefix, namespace)
+                insert_trie(self.__trie, str(namespace))
+                return
+            # prefix already in use for different namespace
+            #
+            # append number to end of prefix until we find one
+            # that's not in use.
+            if not prefix:
+                prefix = "default"
+            num = 1
+            while 1:
+                new_prefix = "%s%s" % (prefix, num)
+                tnamespace = self.store.namespace(new_prefix)
+                if tnamespace and namespace == URIRef(tnamespace):
+                    # the prefix is already bound to the correct
+                    # namespace
+                    return
+                if not self.store.namespace(new_prefix):
+                    break
+                num += 1
+            self.store.bind(new_prefix, namespace)
+        else:
+            bound_prefix = self.store.prefix(namespace)
+            if bound_prefix is None:
+                self.store.bind(prefix, namespace)
+            elif bound_prefix == prefix:
+                pass  # already bound
+            else:
+                if override or bound_prefix.startswith("_"):  # or a generated prefix
+                    self.store.bind(prefix, namespace)
+        insert_trie(self.__trie, str(namespace))
+    def namespaces(self):
+        for prefix, namespace in self.store.namespaces():
+            namespace = URIRef(namespace)
+            yield prefix, namespace
+    def absolutize(self, uri, defrag=1):
+        base = urljoin("file:", pathname2url(os.getcwd()))
+        result = urljoin("%s/" % base, uri, allow_fragments=not defrag)
+        if defrag:
+            result = urldefrag(result)[0]
+        if not defrag:
+            if uri and uri[-1] == "#" and result[-1] != "#":
+                result = "%s#" % result
+        return URIRef(result)
+# From: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-CombiningChar
+# * Name start characters must have one of the categories Ll, Lu, Lo,
+#   Lt, Nl.
+# * Name characters other than Name-start characters must have one of
+#   the categories Mc, Me, Mn, Lm, or Nd.
+# * Characters in the compatibility area (i.e. with character code
+#   greater than #xF900 and less than #xFFFE) are not allowed in XML
+#   names.
+# * Characters which have a font or compatibility decomposition
+#   (i.e. those with a "compatibility formatting tag" in field 5 of the
+#   database -- marked by field 5 beginning with a "<") are not allowed.
+# * The following characters are treated as name-start characters rather
+#   than name characters, because the property file classifies them as
+#   Alphabetic: [#x02BB-#x02C1], #x0559, #x06E5, #x06E6.
+# * Characters #x20DD-#x20E0 are excluded (in accordance with Unicode
+#   2.0, section 5.14).
+# * Character #x00B7 is classified as an extender, because the property
+#   list so identifies it.
+# * Character #x0387 is added as a name character, because #x00B7 is its
+#   canonical equivalent.
+# * Characters ':' and '_' are allowed as name-start characters.
+# * Characters '-' and '.' are allowed as name characters.
+NAME_START_CATEGORIES = ["Ll", "Lu", "Lo", "Lt", "Nl"]
+ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS = [u"\u00B7", u"\u0387", u"-", u".", u"_", u":"]
+# http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-NCName
+#  [4] NCName ::= (Letter | '_') (NCNameChar)* /* An XML Name, minus
+#      the ":" */
+#  [5] NCNameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | CombiningChar
+#      | Extender
+def is_ncname(name):
+    if name:
+        first = name[0]
+        if first == "_" or category(first) in NAME_START_CATEGORIES:
+            for i in range(1, len(name)):
+                c = name[i]
+                if not category(c) in NAME_CATEGORIES:
+                    if c != ':' and c in ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS:
+                        continue
+                    return 0
+                # if in compatibility area
+                # if decomposition(c)!='':
+                #    return 0
+            return 1
+    return 0
+XMLNS = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"
+def split_uri(uri, split_start=SPLIT_START_CATEGORIES):
+    if uri.startswith(XMLNS):
+        return (XMLNS, uri.split(XMLNS)[1])
+    length = len(uri)
+    for i in range(0, length):
+        c = uri[-i - 1]
+        if not category(c) in NAME_CATEGORIES:
+            if c in ALLOWED_NAME_CHARS:
+                continue
+            for j in range(-1 - i, length):
+                if category(uri[j]) in split_start or uri[j] == "_":
+                    # _ prevents early split, roundtrip not generate
+                    ns = uri[:j]
+                    if not ns:
+                        break
+                    ln = uri[j:]
+                    return (ns, ln)
+            break
+    raise ValueError("Can't split '{}'".format(uri))
+def insert_trie(trie, value):  # aka get_subtrie_or_insert
+    """ Insert a value into the trie if it is not already contained in the trie.
+        Return the subtree for the value regardless of whether it is a new value
+        or not. """
+    if value in trie:
+        return trie[value]
+    multi_check = False
+    for key in tuple(trie.keys()):
+        if len(value) > len(key) and value.startswith(key):
+            return insert_trie(trie[key], value)
+        elif key.startswith(value):  # we know the value is not in the trie
+            if not multi_check:
+                trie[value] = {}
+                multi_check = True  # there can be multiple longer existing prefixes
+            dict_ = trie.pop(key)  # does not break strie since key<->dict_ remains unchanged
+            trie[value][key] = dict_
+    if value not in trie:
+        trie[value] = {}
+    return trie[value]
+def insert_strie(strie, trie, value):
+    if value not in strie:
+        strie[value] = insert_trie(trie, value)
+def get_longest_namespace(trie, value):
+    for key in trie:
+        if value.startswith(key):
+            out = get_longest_namespace(trie[key], value)
+            if out is None:
+                return key
+            else:
+                return out
+    return None