diff env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/lxml/lxml.etree.h @ 0:4f3585e2f14b draft default tip

"planemo upload commit 60cee0fc7c0cda8592644e1aad72851dec82c959"
author shellac
date Mon, 22 Mar 2021 18:12:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/lxml/lxml.etree.h	Mon Mar 22 18:12:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+/* Generated by Cython 0.29.22 */
+#ifndef __PYX_HAVE__lxml__etree
+#define __PYX_HAVE__lxml__etree
+#include "Python.h"
+struct LxmlDocument;
+struct LxmlElement;
+struct LxmlElementTree;
+struct LxmlElementTagMatcher;
+struct LxmlElementIterator;
+struct LxmlElementBase;
+struct LxmlElementClassLookup;
+struct LxmlFallbackElementClassLookup;
+/* "lxml/etree.pyx":322
+ * 
+ * # type of a function that steps from node to node
+ * ctypedef public xmlNode* (*_node_to_node_function)(xmlNode*)             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ * 
+ * 
+ */
+typedef xmlNode *(*_node_to_node_function)(xmlNode *);
+/* "lxml/etree.pyx":338
+ * @cython.final
+ * @cython.freelist(8)
+ * cdef public class _Document [ type LxmlDocumentType, object LxmlDocument ]:             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ *     u"""Internal base class to reference a libxml document.
+ * 
+ */
+struct LxmlDocument {
+  PyObject_HEAD
+  struct __pyx_vtabstruct_4lxml_5etree__Document *__pyx_vtab;
+  int _ns_counter;
+  PyObject *_prefix_tail;
+  xmlDoc *_c_doc;
+  struct __pyx_obj_4lxml_5etree__BaseParser *_parser;
+/* "lxml/etree.pyx":687
+ * 
+ * @cython.no_gc_clear
+ * cdef public class _Element [ type LxmlElementType, object LxmlElement ]:             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ *     u"""Element class.
+ * 
+ */
+struct LxmlElement {
+  PyObject_HEAD
+  struct LxmlDocument *_doc;
+  xmlNode *_c_node;
+  PyObject *_tag;
+/* "lxml/etree.pyx":1854
+ * 
+ * 
+ * cdef public class _ElementTree [ type LxmlElementTreeType,             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ *                                  object LxmlElementTree ]:
+ *     cdef _Document _doc
+ */
+struct LxmlElementTree {
+  PyObject_HEAD
+  struct __pyx_vtabstruct_4lxml_5etree__ElementTree *__pyx_vtab;
+  struct LxmlDocument *_doc;
+  struct LxmlElement *_context_node;
+/* "lxml/etree.pyx":2598
+ * 
+ * 
+ * cdef public class _ElementTagMatcher [ object LxmlElementTagMatcher,             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ *                                        type LxmlElementTagMatcherType ]:
+ *     """
+ */
+struct LxmlElementTagMatcher {
+  PyObject_HEAD
+  struct __pyx_vtabstruct_4lxml_5etree__ElementTagMatcher *__pyx_vtab;
+  PyObject *_pystrings;
+  int _node_type;
+  char *_href;
+  char *_name;
+/* "lxml/etree.pyx":2629
+ *                 self._name = NULL
+ * 
+ * cdef public class _ElementIterator(_ElementTagMatcher) [             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ *     object LxmlElementIterator, type LxmlElementIteratorType ]:
+ *     """
+ */
+struct LxmlElementIterator {
+  struct LxmlElementTagMatcher __pyx_base;
+  struct LxmlElement *_node;
+  _node_to_node_function _next_element;
+/* "src/lxml/classlookup.pxi":6
+ * # Custom Element classes
+ * 
+ * cdef public class ElementBase(_Element) [ type LxmlElementBaseType,             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ *                                           object LxmlElementBase ]:
+ *     u"""ElementBase(*children, attrib=None, nsmap=None, **_extra)
+ */
+struct LxmlElementBase {
+  struct LxmlElement __pyx_base;
+/* "src/lxml/classlookup.pxi":210
+ * # Element class lookup
+ * 
+ * ctypedef public object (*_element_class_lookup_function)(object, _Document, xmlNode*)             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ * 
+ * # class to store element class lookup functions
+ */
+typedef PyObject *(*_element_class_lookup_function)(PyObject *, struct LxmlDocument *, xmlNode *);
+/* "src/lxml/classlookup.pxi":213
+ * 
+ * # class to store element class lookup functions
+ * cdef public class ElementClassLookup [ type LxmlElementClassLookupType,             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ *                                        object LxmlElementClassLookup ]:
+ *     u"""ElementClassLookup(self)
+ */
+struct LxmlElementClassLookup {
+  PyObject_HEAD
+  _element_class_lookup_function _lookup_function;
+/* "src/lxml/classlookup.pxi":221
+ * 
+ * 
+ * cdef public class FallbackElementClassLookup(ElementClassLookup) \             # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ *          [ type LxmlFallbackElementClassLookupType,
+ *            object LxmlFallbackElementClassLookup ]:
+ */
+struct LxmlFallbackElementClassLookup {
+  struct LxmlElementClassLookup __pyx_base;
+  struct __pyx_vtabstruct_4lxml_5etree_FallbackElementClassLookup *__pyx_vtab;
+  struct LxmlElementClassLookup *fallback;
+  _element_class_lookup_function _fallback_function;
+#ifndef __PYX_HAVE_API__lxml__etree
+#ifndef __PYX_EXTERN_C
+  #ifdef __cplusplus
+    #define __PYX_EXTERN_C extern "C"
+  #else
+    #define __PYX_EXTERN_C extern
+  #endif
+#ifndef DL_IMPORT
+  #define DL_IMPORT(_T) _T
+__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlDocumentType;
+__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlElementType;
+__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlElementTreeType;
+__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlElementTagMatcherType;
+__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlElementIteratorType;
+__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlElementBaseType;
+__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlElementClassLookupType;
+__PYX_EXTERN_C DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) LxmlFallbackElementClassLookupType;
+__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElement *deepcopyNodeToDocument(struct LxmlDocument *, xmlNode *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElementTree *elementTreeFactory(struct LxmlElement *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElementTree *newElementTree(struct LxmlElement *, PyObject *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElementTree *adoptExternalDocument(xmlDoc *, PyObject *, int);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElement *elementFactory(struct LxmlDocument *, xmlNode *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElement *makeElement(PyObject *, struct LxmlDocument *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElement *makeSubElement(struct LxmlElement *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C void setElementClassLookupFunction(_element_class_lookup_function, PyObject *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *lookupDefaultElementClass(PyObject *, PyObject *, xmlNode *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *lookupNamespaceElementClass(PyObject *, PyObject *, xmlNode *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *callLookupFallback(struct LxmlFallbackElementClassLookup *, struct LxmlDocument *, xmlNode *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C int tagMatches(xmlNode *, const xmlChar *, const xmlChar *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlDocument *documentOrRaise(PyObject *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C struct LxmlElement *rootNodeOrRaise(PyObject *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C int hasText(xmlNode *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C int hasTail(xmlNode *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *textOf(xmlNode *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *tailOf(xmlNode *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C int setNodeText(xmlNode *, PyObject *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C int setTailText(xmlNode *, PyObject *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *attributeValue(xmlNode *, xmlAttr *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *attributeValueFromNsName(xmlNode *, const xmlChar *, const xmlChar *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *getAttributeValue(struct LxmlElement *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *iterattributes(struct LxmlElement *, int);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *collectAttributes(xmlNode *, int);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C int setAttributeValue(struct LxmlElement *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C int delAttribute(struct LxmlElement *, PyObject *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C int delAttributeFromNsName(xmlNode *, const xmlChar *, const xmlChar *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C int hasChild(xmlNode *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C xmlNode *findChild(xmlNode *, Py_ssize_t);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C xmlNode *findChildForwards(xmlNode *, Py_ssize_t);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C xmlNode *findChildBackwards(xmlNode *, Py_ssize_t);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C xmlNode *nextElement(xmlNode *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C xmlNode *previousElement(xmlNode *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C void appendChild(struct LxmlElement *, struct LxmlElement *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C int appendChildToElement(struct LxmlElement *, struct LxmlElement *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *pyunicode(const xmlChar *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *utf8(PyObject *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *getNsTag(PyObject *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *getNsTagWithEmptyNs(PyObject *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *namespacedName(xmlNode *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C PyObject *namespacedNameFromNsName(const xmlChar *, const xmlChar *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C void iteratorStoreNext(struct LxmlElementIterator *, struct LxmlElement *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C void initTagMatch(struct LxmlElementTagMatcher *, PyObject *);
+__PYX_EXTERN_C xmlNs *findOrBuildNodeNsPrefix(struct LxmlDocument *, xmlNode *, const xmlChar *, const xmlChar *);
+#endif /* !__PYX_HAVE_API__lxml__etree */
+/* WARNING: the interface of the module init function changed in CPython 3.5. */
+/* It now returns a PyModuleDef instance instead of a PyModule instance. */
+PyMODINIT_FUNC initetree(void);
+PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_etree(void);
+#endif /* !__PYX_HAVE__lxml__etree */