comparison pyPRADA_1.2/prada-preprocess-unc @ 0:acc2ca1a3ba4

author siyuan
date Thu, 20 Feb 2014 00:44:58 -0500
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:acc2ca1a3ba4
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 #This is a program to implement the PRADA pipeline "process subsection", based on the work of Rahul Vegesna and Wandaliz Torres-Garcia
4 #It merely generates a PBS file, depending on the user input entry point (step)
5 #Author: Siyuan Zheng,
6 #Copy right belongs to Roel Verhaak's lab from MD Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
7 #Last revision: 02/17/2014
9 import subprocess
10 import os,os.path
11 import sys
12 import time
13 import ioprada
14 import re
16 ########################################################################################
17 args=sys.argv
19 help_menu='''\nPipeline for RNAseq Data Analaysis - preprocessing pipeline (PRADA).
20 \t**Usage**:
21 \tprada-preprocess-bi -conf xx.txt -inputdir .. -sample XX -tag TCGA-XX -platform illumina -step 1_1 -intermediate no -pbs xxx -outdir ... -submit no
22 \t**Parameters**:
23 \t-h print help message
24 \t-step_info print complete steps curated in the module.
25 \t-inputdir the dir where the input bam or fastq can be found.
26 \t-sample input sample name. PRADA searches for sample.bam or sample.end1.fastq/sample.end2.fastq, etc, depending on the
27 \t initiating step number. See step_info for more information.
28 \t-conf config file for references and parameters. Default is conf.txt in py-PRADA installation folder.
29 \t-tag a tag to describe the sample, likely sample ID, such as TCGA-LGG-01; no default.
30 \t-platform only illumina at present (default).
31 \t-step values: 1_1/2,2_e1/2_1/2/3/4,3_e1/2_1/2,4_1/2,5,6_1/2,7,8; example 2_e1_1; no default.
32 \t-outdir output dir. Default is the directory where the input bam is.
33 \t-pbs name for output pbs file and log file. Default (time-stamp) is used if no input.
34 \t-intermediate values:yes/no; if intermediate files should be kept. Default is not.
35 \t-submit if submit the job to HPC, default is no. If yes, ppn is set to 12.
36 \t-v print version information.
37 '''
39 steps_info='''
40 Command orders (sample XX)
41 step 1_1 --> XX.sorted.bam [sort input bam by name]
42 step 1_2 --> XX.end1/2.fastq [extract reads from bam]
43 step 2_e1_1 --> XX.end1.sai [realign end1 reads to composite reference]
44 step 2_e1_2 --> XX.end1.sam [generate sam]
45 step 2_e1_3 --> XX.end1.bam [generate bam]
46 step 2_e1_4 --> XX.end1.sorted.bam [sort bam]
47 step 2_e2_1 --> XX.end2.sai [realign end2 reads to composite reference]
48 step 2_e2_2 --> XX.end2.sam [generate sam]
49 step 2_e2_3 --> XX.end2.bam [generate bam]
50 step 2_e2_4 --> XX.end2.sorted.bam [sort bam]
51 step 3_e1_1 --> XX.end1.remapped.bam [remap end1 to genome]
52 step 3_e1_2 --> XX.end1.remapped.sorted.bam [sort remapped bam]
53 step 3_e2_1 --> XX.end2.remapped.bam [remap end2 to genome]
54 step 3_e2_2 --> XX.end2.remapped.sorted.bam [sort remapped bam]
55 step 4_1 --> XX.paired.bam [pair end1 and end1]
56 step 4_2 --> XX.paired.sorted.bam [sort paired bam]
57 step 5 --> XX.withRG.paired.sorted.bam [add read group]
58 step 6_1 --> XX.orig.csv [prepair recalibration table]
59 step 6_2 --> XX.withRG.GATKRecalibrated.bam [recalibration]
60 step 7 --> XX.withRG.GATKRecalibrated.flagged.bam [flag duplication reads]
61 step 8 --> folder XX for gene expression, QC metrics etc. [generate QC and expression]
62 '''
64 if '-h' in args or '-help' in args or len(args)==1:
65 print help_menu
66 sys.exit(0)
67 if '-step_info' in args:
68 print steps_info
69 sys.exit(0)
70 if '-v' in args:
71 import version
72 print version.version
73 sys.exit(0)
75 if '-sample' not in args:
76 sys.exit('ERROR: Sample name is needed')
77 if '-step' not in args:
78 sys.exit('ERROR: Step number is needed')
79 if '-tag' not in args:
80 sys.exit('ERROR: A tag is needed')
82 i=args.index('-sample')
83 sample=args[i+1]
84 if '-inputdir' not in args:
85 inputpath=os.path.abspath('./')
86 else:
87 i=args.index('-inputdir')
88 inputpath=args[i+1]
89 bampath=os.path.abspath(inputpath)+'/%s.bam'%sample
91 if '-outdir' not in args:
92 outpath=os.path.dirname(bampath)
93 else:
94 i=args.index('-outdir')
95 outpath=os.path.abspath(args[i+1])
96 if not os.path.exists(outpath):
97 os.mkdir(outpath)
99 #bam=os.path.basename(bampath)
100 #sample=bam[:-4]
101 i=args.index('-step')
102 step=args[i+1]
103 i=args.index('-tag')
104 tag=args[i+1]
106 prada_path=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) ####
107 ref_search_path=[prada_path,os.getcwd()] #search path for ref file if not specified in command line
109 if '-conf' in args:
110 i=args.index('-conf')
111 reffile=args[i+1]
112 if os.path.exists(reffile):
113 pass
114 else:
115 for pth in ref_search_path:
116 new_reffile='%s/%s'%(pth, os.path.basename(reffile))
117 if os.path.exists(new_reffile):
118 reffile=new_reffile
119 break
120 else:
121 sys.exit('ERROR: conf file %s not found'%reffile)
122 else:
123 reffile='%s/conf.txt'%prada_path
124 if not os.path.exists(reffile):
125 sys.exit('ERROR: No default conf.txt found and none specified')
127 if '-platform' in args:
128 i=args.index('-platform')
129 plat=args[i+1]
130 else:
131 plat='illumina'
132 if '-submit' in args:
133 i=args.index('-submit')
134 submit=args[i+1]
135 else:
136 submit='no'
137 if '-intermediate' in args:
138 i=args.index('-intermediate')
139 keepmed=args[i+1]
140 else:
141 keepmed='False'
143 if keepmed in ['False','FALSE','false','F','NO','No','no','n']:
144 keepmed_flag='no'
145 elif keepmed in ['True','TRUE','true','T','YES','Yes','yes','y']:
146 keepmed_flag='yes'
147 else:
148 sys.exit('ERROR: -intermediate value not recognized')
150 if '-pbs' in args:
151 i=args.index('-pbs')
152 docstr=args[i+1]
153 else:
154 a=time.ctime().split()
155 b=time.time()
156 timestamp='_'.join([a[-1],a[1],a[2]])+'.'+str(b)
157 docstr='prada_prep_'+timestamp
158 logfilename=docstr+'.log'
159 pbsfilename=docstr+'.pbs'
160 pbspath=outpath+'/'+pbsfilename
161 logpath=outpath+'/'+logfilename
162 ########################################################################################
164 ########################################################################################
165 #underlying utilities, automatically detected
166 samtools='%s/tools/samtools-0.1.16/samtools'%prada_path
167 bwa='%s/tools/bwa-0.5.7-mh/bwa'%prada_path
168 gatk='%s/tools/GATK/'%prada_path
169 picard='%s/tools/Picard/'%prada_path
170 seqc='%s/tools/RNA-SeQC_v1.1.7.jar'%prada_path
171 sam2fastq='%s/tools/ubu-1.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar'%prada_path
172 #Default uses 12 nodes in HPC
173 #########################################################################################
175 #########################################################################################
176 #reference files
177 refdict=ioprada.read_conf(reffile)
178 genome_gtf=refdict['--REF--']['genome_gtf']
179 compdb_fasta=refdict['--REF--']['compdb_fasta']
180 compdb_map=refdict['--REF--']['compdb_map']
181 genome_fasta=refdict['--REF--']['genome_fasta']
182 dbsnp_vcf=refdict['--REF--']['dbsnp_vcf']
183 select_tx=refdict['--REF--']['select_tx']
184 pat=re.compile('ppn=(\d*)')
186 #########################################################################################
188 #########################################################################################
189 #pipeline command lines.
190 ##Cleaning up steps: if -intermediate is yes, none will be executed.
191 step_1_1_cmd=['%s sort -n -m 1000000000 %s %s.sorted'%(samtools,bampath,sample)]
192 post_1_1_clean=[]
193 step_1_2_cmd=['java -Xmx8g -jar %s INPUT=%s.sorted.bam FASTQ=%s.end1.fastq SECOND_END_FASTQ=%s.end2.fastq INCLUDE_NON_PF_READS=true VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT TMP_DIR=tmp/'%(sam2fastq,sample,sample,sample)]
194 post_1_2_clean=['rm -f %s.sorted.bam'%sample]
195 alnparams=' '.join([' '.join(x) for x in refdict['--BWA aln--'].items()])
196 samseparams=' '.join([' '.join(x) for x in refdict['--BWA samse--'].items()])
197 if step == '2_e1_1' or step == '2_e2_1':
198 step_2_e1_1_cmd=['%s aln %s %s %s > %s.end1.sai'%(bwa,alnparams,compdb_fasta,fq1path,sample)]
199 post_2_e1_1_clean=[]
200 step_2_e1_2_cmd=['%s samse -s %s %s %s.end1.sai %s > %s.end1.sam'%(bwa,samseparams,compdb_fasta,sample,fq1path,sample)]
201 post_2_e1_2_clean=['rm -f %s.end1.sai'%sample]
202 step_2_e2_1_cmd=['%s aln %s %s %s > %s.end2.sai'%(bwa,alnparams,compdb_fasta,fq2path,sample)]
203 post_2_e2_1_clean=[]
204 step_2_e2_2_cmd=['%s samse -s %s %s %s.end2.sai %s > %s.end2.sam'%(bwa,samseparams,compdb_fasta,sample,fq2path,sample)]
205 post_2_e2_2_clean=['rm -f %s.end2.sai'%sample]
206 else:
207 step_2_e1_1_cmd=['%s aln %s %s %s.end1.fastq > %s.end1.sai'%(bwa,alnparams,compdb_fasta,sample,sample)]
208 post_2_e1_1_clean=[]
209 step_2_e1_2_cmd=['%s samse -s %s %s %s.end1.sai %s.end1.fastq > %s.end1.sam'%(bwa,samseparams,compdb_fasta,sample,sample,sample)]
210 post_2_e1_2_clean=['rm -f %s.end1.sai'%sample,'rm -f %s.end1.fastq'%sample]
211 step_2_e2_1_cmd=['%s aln %s %s %s.end2.fastq > %s.end2.sai'%(bwa,alnparams,compdb_fasta,sample,sample)]
212 post_2_e2_1_clean=[]
213 step_2_e2_2_cmd=['%s samse -s %s %s %s.end2.sai %s.end2.fastq > %s.end2.sam'%(bwa,samseparams,compdb_fasta,sample,sample,sample)]
214 post_2_e2_2_clean=['rm -f %s.end2.sai'%sample,'rm -f %s.end2.fastq'%sample]
215 step_2_e1_3_cmd=['%s view -bS -o %s.end1.bam %s.end1.sam'%(samtools,sample,sample)]
216 post_2_e1_3_clean=['rm -f %s.end1.sam'%sample]
217 step_2_e1_4_cmd=['%s sort -n -m 1000000000 %s.end1.bam %s.end1.sorted'%(samtools,sample,sample)]
218 post_2_e1_4_clean=['rm -f %s.end1.bam'%sample]
219 step_2_e2_3_cmd=['%s view -bS -o %s.end2.bam %s.end2.sam'%(samtools,sample,sample)]
220 post_2_e2_3_clean=['rm -f %s.end2.sam'%sample]
221 step_2_e2_4_cmd=['%s sort -n -m 1000000000 %s.end2.bam %s.end2.sorted'%(samtools,sample,sample)]
222 post_2_e2_4_clean=['rm -f %s.end2.bam'%sample]
223 step_3_e1_1_cmd=['java -cp %s/RemapAlignments.jar -Xmx8g M=%s IN=%s.end1.sorted.bam OUT=%s.end1.remapped.bam R=%s REDUCE=TRUE'%(gatk,compdb_map,sample,sample,genome_fasta)]
224 post_3_e1_1_clean=['rm -f %s.end1.sorted.bam'%sample]
225 step_3_e1_2_cmd=['%s sort -n -m 1000000000 %s.end1.remapped.bam %s.end1.remapped.sorted'%(samtools,sample,sample)]
226 post_3_e1_2_clean=['rm -f %s.end1.remapped.bam'%sample]
227 step_3_e2_1_cmd=['java -cp %s/RemapAlignments.jar -Xmx8g M=%s IN=%s.end2.sorted.bam OUT=%s.end2.remapped.bam R=%s REDUCE=TRUE'%(gatk,compdb_map,sample,sample,genome_fasta)]
228 post_3_e2_1_clean=['rm -f %s.end2.sorted.bam'%sample]
229 step_3_e2_2_cmd=['%s sort -n -m 1000000000 %s.end2.remapped.bam %s.end2.remapped.sorted'%(samtools,sample,sample)]
230 post_3_e2_2_clean=['rm -f %s.end2.remapped.bam'%sample]
231 step_4_1_cmd=['java -Xmx8g -jar %s/PairMaker.jar IN1=%s.end1.remapped.sorted.bam IN2=%s.end2.remapped.sorted.bam OUTPUT=%s.paired.bam TMP_DIR=tmp/'%(gatk,sample,sample,sample)]
232 post_4_1_clean=['rm -f %s.end1.remapped.sorted.bam'%sample,'rm -f %s.end2.remapped.sorted.bam'%sample]
233 step_4_2_cmd=['%s sort -m 1000000000 %s.paired.bam %s.paired.sorted'%(samtools,sample,sample)]
234 post_4_2_clean=['rm -f %s.paired.bam'%sample]
235 step_5_cmd=['java -Xmx8g -jar %s/AddOrReplaceReadGroups.jar I=%s.paired.sorted.bam O=%s.withRG.paired.sorted.bam RGLB=%s RGPL=%s RGPU=%s RGSM=%s'%(picard,sample,sample,tag,plat,tag,tag)]
236 post_5_clean=['rm -f %s.paired.sorted.bam'%sample]
237 step_6_1_cmd=['%s index %s.withRG.paired.sorted.bam'%(samtools,sample),'java -Xmx8g -jar %s/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -l INFO -R %s --default_platform %s --knownSites %s -I %s.withRG.paired.sorted.bam --downsample_to_coverage 10000 -T CountCovariates -cov ReadGroupCovariate -cov QualityScoreCovariate -cov CycleCovariate -cov DinucCovariate -nt %s -recalFile %s.orig.csv'%(gatk,genome_fasta,plat,dbsnp_vcf,sample,parallel_n,sample)]
238 post_6_1_clean=[]
239 step_6_2_cmd=['java -Xmx8g -jar %s/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -l INFO -R %s --default_platform %s -I %s.withRG.paired.sorted.bam -T TableRecalibration --out %s.withRG.GATKRecalibrated.bam -recalFile %s.orig.csv'%(gatk,genome_fasta,plat,sample,sample,sample)]
240 post_6_2_clean=['rm -f %s.withRG.paired.sorted.bam'%sample,'rm -f %s.withRG.paired.sorted.bam.bai'%sample,'rm -f %s.orig.csv'%sample]
241 step_7_cmd=['java -Xmx8g -jar %s/MarkDuplicates.jar I=%s.withRG.GATKRecalibrated.bam O=%s.withRG.GATKRecalibrated.flagged.bam METRICS_FILE=%s.Duplicates_metrics.txt VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT TMP_DIR=tmp/'%(picard,sample,sample,sample),'%s index %s.withRG.GATKRecalibrated.flagged.bam'%(samtools,sample)]
242 post_7_clean=['rm -f %s.withRG.GATKRecalibrated.bam'%sample,'rm -f %s.withRG.GATKRecalibrated.bai'%sample,'rm -f %s.Duplicates_metrics.txt'%sample]
243 step_8_cmd=["java -Xmx8g -jar %s -ttype 2 -t %s -r %s -s '%s|%s.withRG.GATKRecalibrated.flagged.bam|Disc' -o %s/"%(seqc,genome_gtf,genome_fasta,sample,sample,sample)]
244 post_8_clean=[]
246 cmdset=[]
247 for item in globals().keys():
248 if item.endswith('_cmd'):
249 cmdset.append(item)
250 cmdset.sort()
252 #########################################################################################
253 #write PBS file
255 ###############Entry Point
256 try:
257 cmd_entry=cmdset.index('step_'+step+'_cmd') ##entry point
258 except ValueError:
259 sys.exit('ERROR: STEP not recognized')
261 def _parsecmd(cmd):
262 '''pase cmd str for step information'''
263 info=cmd.split('_')
264 cstep='_'.join(info[1:-1])
265 return cstep
267 ###########################
268 ##headers
269 outfile=open(pbspath,'w')
270 outfile.write('#! /bin/sh\n')
271 outfile.write('#PBS -V\n')
272 outfile.write('#PBS -N %s\n'%tag)
273 outfile.write('#PBS -j oe\n')
274 outfile.write('#PBS -o %s\n'%logpath)
275 for item in refdict['--PBS--']:
276 outfile.write('#PBS %s %s\n'%(item,refdict['--PBS--'][item]))
277 outfile.write('#PBS -d %s\n'%outpath)
279 #commands
280 outfile.write('echo "Job start: `date`"\n')
282 for i in range(cmd_entry,len(cmdset)):
283 cmd=cmdset[i]
284 cstep=_parsecmd(cmd)
285 clean_flag=1
286 outfile.write('echo "step %s start: `date`"\n'%cstep)
287 outfile.write('if\n')
288 outfile.write('\t%s\n'%('\n'.join(eval(cmd))))
289 outfile.write('then\n')
290 outfile.write('\techo "step %s done: `date`"\n'%cstep)
291 outfile.write('else\n')
292 outfile.write('\techo "step %s ERROR"\n'%cstep)
293 outfile.write('\texit\n')
294 outfile.write('fi\n')
296 if keepmed_flag=='yes': #if so, keep files by force
297 clean_flag=0
299 if clean_flag==1:
300 outfile.write('\n'.join(eval('post_%s_clean'%cstep)))
301 outfile.write('\n')
303 outfile.write('echo "PIPELINE FINISHED"\n')
304 outfile.close()
305 ######################################################################
307 if submit in ['False','FALSE','false','F','NO','No','no','n']:
308 jid='Not_Submitted'
309 logpath='None'
310 elif submit in ['True','TRUE','true','T','YES','Yes','yes','y']:
311 cmdstr='qsub %s'%pbspath
312 cmd=cmdstr.split()
313 cmdout=subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
314 ##JOB ID
315 else:
316 sys.exit('ERROR: submit parameter not recognized')
318 print '#!#%s'%tag
319 print 'BAM\t%s'%bampath
320 print 'Entry\t%s'%step
321 print 'PBS\t%s'%pbspath
322 print 'JOB\t%s'%jid
323 print 'LOG\t%s'%logpath