comparison pyPRADA_1.2/ @ 0:acc2ca1a3ba4

author siyuan
date Thu, 20 Feb 2014 00:44:58 -0500
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:acc2ca1a3ba4
1 #This module collects functions used in homology comparison and frame prediction
3 import subprocess
5 def maptranscript(gene,exon_end,part=''):
6 """
7 Find all transcripts of the gene having the fusion boundary.
8 "gene" is a Gene object.
9 "exon_end" is the exon boundary that to be searched.
10 "part" has to be '5' or '3'.
11 Return a list of Transcript objects that has "exon_end" boundary.
12 """
13 if part not in ['5','3']:
14 raise Exception('part must be "5" or "3"')
15 txuse=[] ##
17 strand=gene.strand
18 if part=='5':
19 tag='big' if strand=='1' else 'small'
20 else:
21 tag='small' if strand=='1' else 'big'
22 txs=gene.transcript
23 if tag=='small':
24 for tx in txs:
25 e_pos=[x.start for x in tx.exon]
26 if exon_end in e_pos:
27 txuse.append(tx)
28 elif tag=='big':
29 for tx in txs:
30 e_pos=[x.end for x in tx.exon]
31 if exon_end in e_pos:
32 txuse.append(tx)
33 return txuse
36 def overlap(r1,r2):
37 """compare two ranges, return the overlapped range"""
38 if r1[0] <= r2[0]:
39 ra,rb=r1[:],r2[:]
40 else:
41 ra,rb=r2[:],r1[:]
42 if rb[0] > ra[1]:
43 return []
44 else:
45 if rb[1] <= ra[1]:
46 return rb
47 else:
48 return [rb[0],ra[1]]
50 def br_front_len(tx,br,part):
51 '''No matter it is 5'/3' partner,calculate the ORF length before the break'''
53 strand=tx.strand
54 cds_start=tx.cds_start
55 cds_end=tx.cds_end
56 e_pos=[[x.start,x.end] for x in tx.exon]
57 if part=='5' and strand=='1':
58 posset=[x.end for x in tx.exon]
59 if br not in posset:
60 raise Exception('Br is not exon boundary')
61 if br < cds_start:
62 return '5UTR'
63 elif br > cds_end:
64 return '3UTR'
65 else:
66 chim_r=[cds_start,br]
67 ol=[overlap(x,chim_r) for x in e_pos]
68 L=sum([x[1]-x[0]+1 for x in ol if len(x)>0])
69 return L
70 if part=='5' and strand=='-1':
71 posset=[x.start for x in tx.exon]
72 if br not in posset:
73 raise Exception('Br is not exon boundary')
74 if br > cds_end:
75 return '5UTR'
76 elif br < cds_start:
77 return '3UTR'
78 else:
79 chim_r=[br,cds_end]
80 ol=[overlap(x,chim_r) for x in e_pos]
81 L=sum([x[1]-x[0]+1 for x in ol if len(x)>0])
82 return L
83 if part=='3' and strand=='1':
84 posset=[x.start for x in tx.exon]
85 if br not in posset:
86 raise Exception('Br is not exon boundary')
87 if br < cds_start:
88 return '5UTR'
89 elif br > cds_end:
90 return '3UTR'
91 else:
92 chim_r=[cds_start,br-1]
93 ol=[overlap(x,chim_r) for x in e_pos]
94 L=sum([x[1]-x[0]+1 for x in ol if len(x)>0])
95 return L
96 if part=='3' and strand=='-1':
97 posset=[x.end for x in tx.exon]
98 if br not in posset:
99 raise Exception('Br is not exon boundary')
100 if br > cds_end:
101 return '5UTR'
102 elif br < cds_start:
103 return '3UTR'
104 else:
105 chim_r=[br+1,cds_end]
106 ol=[overlap(x,chim_r) for x in e_pos]
107 L=sum([x[1]-x[0]+1 for x in ol if len(x)>0])
108 return L
110 def fusion_frame(gene_a,ga_br,gene_b,gb_br):
111 """gene_a:FGFR3,gene_b:TACC3,ga_br:1808661,gb_br:1741429
112 or chr4.1808661.chr4.1741429
113 gene_a, gene_b are Gene objects.
114 """
115 ga_br=int(ga_br)
116 gb_br=int(gb_br)
117 ga_txs=maptranscript(gene_a,ga_br,part='5')
118 gb_txs=maptranscript(gene_b,gb_br,part='3')
119 res=[]
120 for ta in ga_txs:
121 for tb in gb_txs:
122 s1=br_front_len(ta,ga_br,'5')
123 s2=br_front_len(tb,gb_br,'3')
124 fusion_conseq='Unknown'
125 if isinstance(s1,int) and isinstance(s2,int): #both br in CDS region
126 if s1%3==s2%3:
127 fusion_conseq='In-frame'
128 else:
129 fusion_conseq='Out-of-frame'
130 elif isinstance(s1,int) and not isinstance(s2,int):
131 fusion_conseq='CDS'+'-'+s2
132 elif isinstance(s2,int) and not isinstance(s1,int):
133 fusion_conseq=s1+'-'+'CDS'
134 else:
135 fusion_conseq=s1+'-'+s2
136 res.append((,,fusion_conseq))
137 if ga_txs==[] and gb_txs==[]:
138 res.append(['NA','NA','NA'])
139 elif ga_txs==[]:
140 for tb in gb_txs:
141 res.append(['NA',,'NA'])
142 elif gb_txs==[]:
143 for ta in ga_txs:
144 res.append([,'NA','NA'])
145 return res
148 def seqblast(seqA,seqB,blastn=None):
149 '''seqA,seqB:fasta files'''
150 if blastn==None: blastn='blastn'
151 cmdstr='%s -task=blastn -subject %s -query %s -outfmt 6'%(blastn,seqA,seqB)
152 cmdout=subprocess.Popen(cmdstr.split(),stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
154 best_align=result.split('\n')[0]
155 if best_align=='':
156 return None
157 else:
158 info=best_align.split('\t')
159 identity=info[2].strip()
160 align_len=info[3].strip()
161 evalue=info[10].strip()
162 bit_score=info[11].strip()
163 return [identity,align_len,evalue,bit_score]