view novocraft_wrapper.xml @ 3:c43f9a578e05 draft

author subazini
date Wed, 17 Dec 2014 10:17:19 -0500
parents 10216882180b
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<tool id="novocraft_wrapper" name="Novocraft" version="3.00.02">
 <description>maps query reads onto the reference sequences</description>
  <command interpreter="python"> 
   ## Parameters
   #if $params.settingsType == "full":
   #end if

   #if $genomeSource.refGenomeSource == "history":
        ##build index on the fly
        ##use precomputed indexes
   #end if

   ## input file(s)
   #if $paired.sPaired == "paired":
   #end if

   ## Outputs.

    <conditional name="genomeSource">
      <param name="refGenomeSource" type="select" label="Select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index?">
        <option value="indexed">Use a built-in index</option>
        <option value="history">Use one from the history</option>

      <when value="indexed">
        <param name="indices" type="select" label="Select a reference genome">
          <options from_data_table="novocraft_indexes">
            <filter type="sort_by" column="2" />
            <validator type="no_options" message="No indexes are available" />

      <when value="history">
        <param name="refFile" type="data" format="fasta" metadata_name="dbkey" label="Select a reference from history" />

    <conditional name="paired">
      <param name="sPaired" type="select" label="Is this library mate-paired?">
        <option value="single">Single-end</option>
        <option value="paired">Paired-end</option>

      <when value="single">
        <param name="input1" type="data" format="fastq" label="FASTQ file" help="FASTQ with Sanger-scaled quality values (fastqsanger)" />
      <when value="paired">
        <param name="input1" type="data" format="fastq" label="Forward FASTQ file" help="FASTQ with Sanger-scaled quality values (fastqsanger)" />
        <param name="input2" type="data" format="fastq" label="Reverse FASTQ file" help="FASTQ with Sanger-scaled quality values (fastqsanger)" />
     <conditional name="params">
            <param name="settingsType" type="select" label="Parameter Settings" help="You can use the default settings or set custom values for the parameters.">
              <option value="preSet">Use Defaults</option>
              <option value="full">Full parameter list</option>
            <when value="preSet" />
            <!-- Full/advanced parameters. -->
            <when value="full">
                 <!-- Indexing parameters -->
                  <param name="k" type="text" value="13" label="k-mer length for the index" />
                  <param name="s" type="text"  value="2" label="step size for the index" /> 
                  <!-- Alignment Scoring -->
                 <param name="t" type="text" value="99" label="maximum alignment score" />
                 <param name="g" type="text"  value="40" label="Gap opening penalty" /> 
                 <param name="x" type="text" value="6" label="Gap extending penalty" />
                 <!--  Read preprocessing -->
                 <param name="n" type="text" value="80" label="Truncate read to specified length" />
                 <!--  Quality control -->
                 <param name="l" type="text" value="50" label="minimum number of good quality bases" />
                 <param name="m" type="text"  value="20" label="Repeat filter" /> 
                 <param name="H" type="text" value="2" label="Hard clip 3' bases" />
                 <param name="pairedEnd" type="select" label="Paired End" >
              		<option value="mp">MP</option>
              		<option value="pe">PE</option>
              		<option value="pp">++</option>
              		<option value="pn">+-</option>
              		<option value="np">-+</option>

          	 <param name="i" type="text" value="200" label="Insert size" />
          	 <param name="d" type="text" value="50" label="standard deviation" />
           </when>  <!-- full -->
      </conditional>  <!-- params -->

    	<data format="txt" name="output" label="${} on ${on_string}:"/>


Novoalign is highly accurate program for mapping next-generation sequencing reads to a reference database. ( Selected parameters used here are listed here.


**Indexing usage**

novoindex options indexfile sequencefiles


**Options - Description**

-­k 99

k­mer length to be used for the index. Novoindex will select appropriate values if either of these is not specified. Default value is log4(N/20s) where N is genome size and s step size.

-s 9

step size for the index. Typical values are from 1 to 3, usually defaults to 1 or 2.  Genomes larger than 4Gbp can be indexed using a stepsize > 1, the requirement is N/s less than 4G.


**Alignment usage**

 novoalign options


**Options - Description**

-d dbname    
Full pathname of indexed reference sequence from novoindex

-f read1 read2    

Filenames for the read sequences for Side 1 and 2.

-­t 99

Sets absolute threshold or highest alignment score acceptable for the best alignment.

-g 99

Sets the gap opening penalty. Default 40

-­x 99

Sets the gap extend penalty. Default 6

-­l 99

Sets the minimum number of good quality bases for a read. 

-­H [99]

Hard clips 3' bases with quality &lt;=[99] from reads before aligning them.

