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add vcf2genotypes and test-data
author superyuan <>
date Mon, 30 Jun 2014 10:49:54 -0400
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# Filename:
# Author: Shuai Yuan
# Version: 06/29/2012
# This script is a wrapper for vcf2genotypes
#  vcf2genotypes is launched based on these inputs:
#  -i		input VCF file
#  -p		target individual
#  -o		output genotypes file

import sys
import os
import re
import string
import commands
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

# This function is exceedingly useful, perhaps package for reuse?
def getopts(argv):
    opts = {}
    while argv:
	if argv[0][0] == '-':
	    opts[argv[0]] = argv[1]
	    argv = argv[2:]
	    argv = argv[1:]
    return opts

def main():
    args = sys.argv[1:]

	opts = getopts(args)
    except IndexError:
	print "Usage:"
	return 0

    vcf = opts.get("-i")
    if vcf == None:
        print "No input VCF file specified."
        return -1
    individual = opts.get("-p")
    if individual == None:
        print "No valid individual specified."
        return -2

    outputfile = opts.get("-o")
    if outputfile == None:
        print "No output file specified."
        return -6

# All inputs have been specified at this point, now validate.
    #generate command
    commandline = "vcf2genotypes %s  %s >  %s " % (vcf, individual, outputfile)
    errorcode, stdout = commands.getstatusoutput(commandline)
    #return error code
    return errorcode

if __name__ == "__main__":