view pyCRAC/pyMotif.xml @ 0:19b20927172d draft

author swebb
date Tue, 18 Jun 2013 09:11:00 -0400
line wrap: on
line source

 <tool id ="pyMotif" name="pyMotif">
        	<requirement type="package">pyCRAC</requirement>
	<command interpreter="perl">
	-f $input

       	#if $addGTF.gtfFile == "default" and $addGTF.annotate.annotations == "auto":
	  --annotation $addGTF.annotate.scan.annotation
	  --annotation $addGTF.annotate.annotation
	#end if#


	#if $addOpt.options == "edit":
	        --k_min $addOpt.kmin
		--k_max $addOpt.kmax
		--overlap $addOpt.overlap
		--range $addOpt.range
	#end if#
	-o "$"
	--id $
	--count $count
	--random $random
	--features $features
	--zscores $zscores
	<version_command>/usr/local/bin/ --version</version_command>
		<param format="gtf" name="input" type="data" label="Input File --input_file" help="File of type .gtf" />
                <conditional name="addTab">
                        <param name="tabFile" type="select"  label="Choose Genomic Reference Sequence from">
                                <option value="default" selected="true">Defaults</option>
                                <option value="other">History</option>
                        <when value="default">
                                <param name="tab" type="select"  label="Genomic Reference Sequence --tab" help="Tab file containing genomic reference sequence">
                                        <options from_data_table="pycrac_tab"/>
                        <when value="other">
                                <param format="tabular" name="tab" type="data" label="Genomic Reference Sequence --tab" help="Tab file containing genomic reference sequence"/>
		<conditional name="addGTF">
			<param name="gtfFile" type="select"  label="Choose GTF File from">
				<option value="default" selected="true">Defaults</option>
				<option value="other">History</option>
			<when value="default">
				<param name="gtf" type="select"  label="GTF File --gtf" help="GTF file containing gene ID co-ordinates">
					<options from_data_table="pycrac_gtf"/>

				<conditional name="annotate">
				<param name="annotations" type="select"  label="Select annotation">
					<option value="all" selected="true">All</option>
					<option value="manual">Enter in text box</option>
					<option value="auto">Scan pyGetGTFSources file</option>
				<when value="all">
					<param name="annotation" type="hidden" format="txt" size="10" value="all"/>
				<when value="manual">
					<param name="annotation" type="text" format="txt" size="100" value="protein_coding" label="Select which annotation to focus search on --annotation" help="To find a list of available annotations please use pyGetGTFSources tool">
						<validator type="empty_field" message="Please enter a value"/>			
				<when value="auto">
					<param format="tabular" name="gtf_annotation" type="data" label="GTF annotation File (pyGetGTFSources output)" help="Tabular file containing unique list of annotations/sources in selected GTF file. Refer to pyGetGTFSources"/>	
						<conditional name="scan">
						<param name="annotations" type="select"  label="Scan this file for annotations" help="Choose the correct GTF file then choose GO">
							<option value="wait" selected="true">Waiting</option>
							<option value="scanning">Go</option>
						<when value="wait">
						<when value="scanning">
						<param name="annotation" type="select" multiple="false" label="Select which annotation to focus search on --annotation">
							  <options from_dataset="gtf_annotation">
							    <column name="name" index="0"/>
							    <column name="value" index="0"/>
			<when value="other">
				<param format="gtf" name="gtf" type="data" label="GTF File --gtf" help="GTF file containing gene ID co-ordinates"/>
				<conditional name="annotate">
				<param name="annotations" type="select"  label="Select annotation">
					<option value="all" selected="true">All</option>
					<option value="manual">Enter in text box</option>
					<option value="auto">Scan selected file</option>
				<when value="all">
					<param name="annotation" type="hidden" format="txt" size="10" value="all"/>
				<when value="manual">
					<param name="annotation" type="text" format="txt" size="100" value="protein_coding" label="Select which annotation to focus search on --annotation" help="To find a list of available annotations please use pyGetGTFSources tool">
						<validator type="empty_field" message="Please enter a value"/>			
				<when value="auto">
					<param name="annotation" type="select" multiple="false" label="Select which annotation to focus search on --annotation">
						  <options from_dataset="gtf">
						    <column name="name" index="1"/>
						    <column name="value" index="1"/>
						    <filter type="unique_value" name="unique" column="1"/>
		<conditional name="addOpt">
		  <param name="options" type="select"  label="Standard options">
		    <option value="default" selected="true">Default</option>
		    <option value="edit">Edit</option>
		  <when value="edit">
		    <param format="integer" name="kmin" type="integer" label="Minimum k-mer Length --k_min " value="4" size="6" help="Set the minimal k-mer length">
		      <validator type="in_range" min="1" message="Please enter a value >= 1"/>
		    <param format="integer" name="kmax" type="integer" label="Maximum k-mer Length --k_min " value="8" size="6" help="Set the minimal k-mer length">
		      <validator type="in_range" min="0" message="Please enter a value >= 0"/>
		    <param format="integer" name="numberofkmers" type="integer" label="Maximum number of k-mers in output file --numberofkmers" value="1000" size="6" help="Set the maximum number of k-mers in output">
		      <validator type="in_range" min="0" message="Please enter a value >= 0"/>
		    <param format="integer" name="range" type="integer" label="Range --range" value="0" size="5" help="Manually set the length of the 5' and 3' UTRs 0>50000">
		      <validator type="in_range" min="0" max="50000" message="Please enter a value between 0 and 50000"/>
		    <param format="integer" name="overlap" type="integer" label="Overlap --overlap" value="1" size="5" help="Sets the number of nucleotides a read has to overlap with a gene before it is considered a hit. ">
		      <validator type="in_range" min="1" message="Please enter a positive integer"/>
		  <when value="default">
                <param name="label" type="text" format="txt" size="30" value="pyMotif" label="Enter output file label -o" />

		<data format="tabular" name="zscores" label="${label.value}_k-mer_Z_scores.txt"/>
		<data format="tabular" name="count" label="${label.value}_data_k-mers_count.txt"/>
		<data format="gtf" name="features" label="${label.value}_top_k-mers_in_features.gtf"/>
                <data format="tabular" name="random" label="${label.value}_random_k-mers_count.txt"/>

.. class:: infomark


pyMotif is part of the pyCRAC_ package. Looks for enriched sequence motifs in high-throughput sequencing data. Produces a GTF type output file 
with coordinates and Z-scores for enriched motifs. The GTF file can be visualised in genome browsers.
.. _pyCRAC:

**Parameter list**

File input options::

    -f intervals.gtf, --input_file=intervals.gtf
                        Provide the path to an interval gtf file. By default
                        it expects data from the standard input.
    -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file=OUTPUT_FILE
                        Use this flag to override the standard file names. Do
                        NOT add an extension.
                        type the path to the gtf annotation file that you want
                        to use  
                        type the path to the tab file that contains the
                        genomic reference sequence

pyMotif specific options::

                        this option allows you to set the shortest k-mer
                        length. Default = 4.
                        this option allows you to set the longest k-mer
                        length. Default = 8.
    -n 100, --numberofkmers=100
                        choose the maximum number of enriched k-mer sequences
                        you want to have reported in output files. Default =

pyCRAC common options::

    -a protein_coding, --annotation=protein_coding
                        select which annotation (i.e. protein_coding, ncRNA,
                        sRNA, rRNA,snoRNA,snRNA, depending on the source of
                        your GTF file) you would like to focus your search on.
                        Default = all annotations
    -r 100, --range=100
                        allows you to add regions flanking the genomic
                        feature. If you set '-r 50' or '--range=50', then the
                        program will add 50 nucleotides to each feature on
                        each side regardless of whether the GTF file has genes
                        with annotated UTRs.
                        sets the number of nucleotides a motif has to overlap
                        with a genomic feature before it is considered a hit.
                        Default =  1 nucleotide
