view galaxy-conf/IntervalToBed.xml @ 22:727fbba02ef7 draft

Fix a bug in GeneTrackToWig where +/- strands were not merged correctly. Add option to vary the chunk size of tools that process chromosomes in chunks.
author timpalpant
date Tue, 19 Jun 2012 22:09:23 -0400
parents 9d56b5b85740
children b43c420a6135
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="IntervalToBed" name="SAM/BAM/GFF/BedGraph/BigBed/VCF to Bed" version="1.0.0">
  <command interpreter="sh"> converters.IntervalToBed -i $input -o $output</command>
      <param name="input" type="data" format="sam,bam,gff,bigbed,bedgraph,vcf" label="Input" />
      <data name="output" format="bed" metadata_source="input" />

This tool will convert any file in SAM, BAM, GFF, BedGraph, BigBed, or VCF format to Bed format.

.. class:: warningmark
For SAM/BAM data, paired-end reads are converted to Bed format as the entire fragment (5' end of mate 1 to the 5' end of mate 2). Single-end reads are converted to Bed format as the read itself, with strand information. If your SAM/BAM file contains both mate alignments from a paired-end sequencing run (i.e. two entries for each fragment), you should first filter out reads from either the + or - strand with the SAM Tools -> Filter SAM tool to avoid producing redundant entries in the output Bed file.
