view galaxy-conf/MatrixAligner.xml @ 14:f58706d4d421 draft

author timpalpant
date Sat, 19 May 2012 10:40:16 -0400
parents 81d5b81fb3c2
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="MatrixAligner" name="Align values in a matrix" version="1.0.0">
  <description>for a heatmap</description>
  <command interpreter="sh"> visualization.MatrixAligner -i $input -l $loci -m $M -o $output</command>
      <param format="wig,bigwig" name="input" type="data" label="Sequencing data" />
      <param format="bed" name="loci" type="data" label="List of intervals (with alignment points)" />
      <param type="integer" name="M" value="4000" label="Maximum row length" />
      <data format="tabular" name="output" />
  <!-- TODO:<tests>
      <param name="input" value="test.wig"/>
	    <param name="loci" value="test.bed"/>
	    <param name="M" value="4000"/>
	    <output name="output" file="matrixAligner.output"/>
      <param name="input" value=""/>
	    <param name="loci" value="test.bed"/>
	    <param name="M" value="4000"/>
	    <output name="output" file="matrixAligner.output"/>
      <param name="input" value="test.wig"/>
	    <param name="loci" value="test2.bed"/>
	    <param name="M" value="4000"/>
	    <output name="output" file="matrixAligner.output2"/>
      <param name="input" value=""/>
	    <param name="loci" value="test2.bed"/>
	    <param name="M" value="4000"/>
	    <output name="output" file="matrixAligner.output2"/>
      <param name="input" value="test.wig"/>
	    <param name="loci" value="test3.bed"/>
	    <param name="M" value="4000"/>
	    <output name="output" file="matrixAligner.output3"/>
      <param name="input" value=""/>
	    <param name="loci" value="test3.bed"/>
	    <param name="M" value="4000"/>
	    <output name="output" file="matrixAligner.output3"/>
This tool aligns sequencing data into a rectangular matrix for creating a heatmap with matrix2png. Data from each interval is lined up on the specified alignment point (column 5 in the Bed file), and flipped if on the - strand so that all intervals are 5'-to-3' from left-to-right.

Intervals with alignment points must be provided in the following extended Bed format ::

  chr  low  high  id  alignment  strand

The heatmap is created by taking each interval in the **List of Intervals**, retrieving the data for that interval from the Wig file, and adding it as a new row in the matrix. Intervals are processed in their original order.



- **Sequencing data** is the genomic data used to create the matrix
- **List of intervals** is a list of intervals in Bed format with alignment points
- **Maximum row length** is the maximum allowed width of the matrix. If aligned intervals extend outside of this width, they will be truncated.


.. class:: infomark

**TIP:** If your dataset does not appear in the pulldown menu, it means that it is not in Wig or BigWig format. Use "edit attributes" to set the correct format if it was not detected correctly.

.. class:: warningmark

Large heatmap matrices may require a long time to generate in Galaxy because it validates that the output is in correct tab-delimited format. To reduce the size of an MxN matrix with large M, rows (N) can be truncated using the maximum row length parameter. Rows are truncated from the alignment point (symmetrically) if possible, or as nearly symmetrically as possible.
