view bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper.xml @ 0:d00cd0d843fd draft

author triasteran
date Wed, 23 Feb 2022 12:17:22 +0000
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper" name="Remove rRNA using Bowtie" version="0.1.0" python_template_version="2.7">
        <requirement type="package" version="1.3.1">bowtie</requirement>
    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
        python2 '__tool_directory__/'
             ## Set number of threads
      ## Outputs
      #if str( $singlePaired.sPaired ) == "single"
        #if $output_unmapped_reads_l
        #end if
        #if $output_suppressed_reads_l
        #end if
        #if $output_unmapped_reads_l and $output_unmapped_reads_r
        #end if
        #if $output_suppressed_reads_l and $output_suppressed_reads_l
        #end if
      #end if
      ## Inputs
      --dataType="solexa" ##this indicates that nucleotide base space is used in the wrapper
      #if $refGenomeSource.genomeSource == "history":
        ##index already exists
        #if $refGenomeSource.ownFile.extension.startswith( 'bowtie_' ):
          ##user previously built
          ##build index on the fly
          #if $refGenomeSource.indexParams.indexSettings == "indexFull":
            #if $refGenomeSource.indexParams.autoBehavior.autoB == "set":
            #end if
          #end if
        #end if
        ##use pre-built index
      #end if
      #if $singlePaired.sPaired == "single":
        #if $singlePaired.sParams.sSettingsType == "full":
          --reverseAlign="${singlePaired.sParams.sReverseAlign}"<!--Added by Claire for "norc"-->
          #if $singlePaired.sParams.sBestOption.sBest == "doBest":
          #end if
        #end if
        #if $singlePaired.pParams.pSettingsType == "full":
          #if $singlePaired.pParams.pBestOption.pBest == "doBest":
          #end if
        #end if
      #end if 
    <conditional name="refGenomeSource">
      <param name="genomeSource" type="select" label="Will you select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index?" help="Built-ins were indexed using default options">
        <option value="indexed">Use a built-in index</option>
        <option value="history">Use one from the history</option>
      <when value="indexed">
        <param name="index" type="select" label="Select the appropriate rRNA index" help="If the rRNA index for your organism is not listed, you will need to upload a fasta file of the rRNA sequences. ">
          <options from_data_table="bowtie_rrna_indexes">
            <filter type="sort_by" column="2" />
            <validator type="no_options" message="No indexes are available" />
      <when value="history">
        <param name="ownFile" type="data" format="bowtie_base_index,fasta" label="Select the reference genome" />
        <conditional name="indexParams">
          <param name="indexSettings" type="select" label="Choose whether to use Default options for building indices or to Set your own" help="These settings are ignored when using a prebuilt index">
            <option value="indexPreSet">Default</option>
            <option value="indexFull">Set your own</option>
          <when value="indexPreSet" />
          <when value="indexFull">
            <conditional name="autoBehavior">
              <param name="autoB" type="select" label="Choose to use automatic or specified behavior for some parameters (-a)" help="Allows you to set --packed, --bmax, --bmaxdivn, and --dcv">
                <option value="auto">Automatic behavior</option>
                <option value="set">Set values (sets --noauto and allows others to be set)</option>
              <when value="auto" />
              <when value="set">
                <param name="packed" type="select" label="Whether or not to use a packed representation for DNA strings (--packed)">
                  <option value="unpacked">Use regular representation</option>
                  <option value="packed">Use packed representation</option>
                <param name="bmax" type="integer" value="-1" label="Maximum number of suffixes allowed in a block (--bmax)" help="-1 for not specified. Must be at least 1" />
                <param name="bmaxdivn" type="integer" value="4" label="Maximum number of suffixes allowed in a block as a fraction of the length of the reference (--bmaxdivn)" />
                <param name="dcv" type="integer" value="1024" label="The period for the difference-cover sample (--dcv)" />
            <param name="nodc" type="select" label="Whether or not to disable the use of the difference-cover sample (--nodc)" help="Suffix sorting becomes quadratic-time in the worst case (with a very repetitive reference)">
              <option value="dc">Use difference-cover sample</option>
              <option value="nodc">Disable difference-cover sample</option>
            <param name="noref" type="select" label="Whether or not to build the part of the reference index used only in paired-end alignment (-r)">
              <option value="ref">Build all index files</option>
              <option value="noref">Do not build paired-end alignment index files</option>
            <param name="offrate" type="integer" value="5" label="How many rows get marked during annotation of some or all of the Burrows-Wheeler rows (-o)" />
            <param name="ftab" type="integer" value="10" label="The size of the lookup table used to calculate an initial Burrows-Wheeler range with respect to the first n characters of the query (-t)" help="ftab is 4^(n+1) bytes" />
            <param name="ntoa" type="select" label="Whether or not to convert Ns in the reference sequence to As (--ntoa)">
              <option value="no">Do not convert Ns</option>
              <option value="yes">Convert Ns to As</option>
            <param name="endian" type="select" label="Endianness to use when serializing integers to the index file (--big/--little)" help="Little is most appropriate for Intel- and AMD-based architecture">
              <option value="little">Little</option>
              <option value="big">Big</option>
            <param name="seed" type="integer" value="-1" label="Seed for the pseudorandom number generator (--seed)" help="Use -1 to use default" />
            <param name="cutoff" type="integer" value="-1" label="Number of first bases of the reference sequence to index (--cutoff)" help="Use -1 to use default" />
          </when>  <!-- indexFull -->
        </conditional>  <!-- indexParams -->
      </when>  <!-- history -->
    </conditional>  <!-- refGenomeSource -->
    <conditional name="singlePaired">
      <param name="sPaired" type="select" label="Is this library mate-paired?">
        <option value="single">Single-end</option>
        <option value="paired">Paired-end</option>
      <when value="single">
        <param name="sInput1" type="data" format="fastqsanger,fastqillumina,fastqsolexa" label="FASTQ file" help="Must have ASCII encoded quality scores"/>
        <conditional name="sParams">
          <param name="sSettingsType" type="select" label="Bowtie settings to use" help="For most mapping needs use Commonly used settings. If you want full control use Full parameter list">
            <option value="preSet">Commonly used</option>
            <option value="full" selected="true">Full parameter list</option>
          <when value="preSet" />
          <when value="full">
            <param name="sSkip" type="integer" value="0" label="Skip the first n reads (-s)" />  
            <param name="sAlignLimit" type="integer" value="-1" label="Only align the first n reads (-u)" help="-1 for off" />  
            <param name="sTrimH" type="integer" value="0" label="Trim n bases from high-quality (left) end of each read before alignment (-5)" />
            <param name="sTrimL" type="integer" value="0" label="Trim n bases from low-quality (right) end of each read before alignment (-3)" />
            <param name="sMismatchSeed" type="integer" value="2" label="Maximum number of mismatches permitted in the seed (-n)" help="May be 0, 1, 2, or 3" />
            <param name="sMismatchQual" type="integer" value="70" label="Maximum permitted total of quality values at mismatched read positions (-e)" />
            <param name="sSeedLen" type="integer" value="25" label="Seed length (-l)" help="Minimum value is 5" />
            <param name="sRounding" type="select" label="Whether or not to round to the nearest 10 and saturating at 30 (--nomaqround)">
              <option value="round">Round to nearest 10</option>
              <option value="noRound">Do not round to nearest 10</option>
            <param name="sMaqSoapAlign" type="integer" value="3" label="Number of mismatches for SOAP-like alignment policy (-v)" help="-1 for default MAQ-like alignment policy" />
            <param name="sReverseAlign" type="select" label="Choose whether or not to align against the reverse-complement reference strand (--norc)"> <!--Added by Claire-->
              <option value="noReverse">Do not align against the reverse-complement reference strand</option>
              <option value="reverse">Align against the reverse-complement reference strand</option>
            <param name="sTryHard" type="select" label="Whether or not to try as hard as possible to find valid alignments when they exist (-y)" help="Tryhard mode is much slower than regular mode">
              <option value="noTryHard">Do not try hard</option>
              <option value="doTryHard">Try hard</option>
            <param name="sValAlign" type="integer" value="1" label="Report up to n valid alignments per read (-k)" />
            <param name="sAllValAligns" type="select" label="Whether or not to report all valid alignments per read (-a)">
              <option value="noAllValAligns">Do not report all valid alignments</option>
              <option value="doAllValAligns">Report all valid alignments</option>
            <param name="sSuppressAlign" type="integer" value="-1" label="Suppress all alignments for a read if more than n reportable alignments exist (-m)" help="-1 for no limit" />
            <param name="sMaxFile" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" checked="False" label="Write all reads with a number of valid alignments exceeding the limit set with the -m option to a file (--max)" />
            <param name="sUnmappedFile" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" checked="True" label="Write all reads that could not be aligned to a file (--un)" />
            <conditional name="sBestOption">
              <param name="sBest" type="select" label="Whether or not to make Bowtie guarantee that reported singleton alignments are 'best' in terms of stratum and in terms of the quality values at the mismatched positions (--best)" help="Removes all strand bias. Only affects which alignments are reported by Bowtie. Runs slower with best option">
                <option value="noBest">Do not use best</option>
                <option value="doBest">Use best</option>
              <when value="noBest">
                <param name="snMaxBacktracks" type="integer" value="125" label="Maximum number of backtracks permitted when aligning a read (--maxbts)" />
              <when value="doBest">
                <param name="sdMaxBacktracks" type="integer" value="800" label="Maximum number of backtracks permitted when aligning a read (--maxbts)" />
                <param name="sdStrata" type="select" label="Whether or not to report only those alignments that fall in the best stratum if many valid alignments exist and are reportable (--strata)">
                  <option value="noStrata">Do not use strata option</option>
                  <option value="doStrata">Use strata option</option>
            </conditional> <!-- bestOption -->
            <param name="sOffrate" type="integer" value="-1" label="Override the offrate of the index to n (-o)" help="-1 for default" />
            <param name="sSeed" type="integer" value="-1" label="Seed for pseudo-random number generator (--seed)" help="-1 for default" />
          </when> <!-- full -->
        </conditional> <!-- sParams -->
      </when> <!-- single -->
      <when value="paired">
        <param name="pInput1" type="data" format="fastqsanger,fastqillumina,fastqsolexa" label="Forward FASTQ file" help="Must have ASCII encoded quality scores"/>
        <param name="pInput2" type="data" format="fastqsanger,fastqillumina,fastqsolexa" label="Reverse FASTQ file" help="File format must match the Forward FASTQ file">
            <options options_filter_attribute="ext" from_parameter="" transform_lines="obj.keys()">
               <column name="name" index="0"/>
               <column name="value" index="0"/>
               <filter type="param_value" ref="pInput1" ref_attribute="ext" column="0"/> 
        <param name="pMaxInsert" type="integer" value="1000" label="Maximum insert size for valid paired-end alignments (-X)" />
        <param name="pMateOrient" type="select" label="The upstream/downstream mate orientation for valid paired-end alignment against the forward reference strand (--fr/--rf/--ff)">
          <option value="fr">FR (for Illumina)</option>
          <option value="rf">RF</option>
          <option value="ff">FF (for SOLiD)</option>
        <conditional name="pParams">
          <param name="pSettingsType" type="select" label="Bowtie settings to use" help="For most mapping needs use Commonly used settings. If you want full control use Full parameter list">
            <option value="preSet">Commonly used</option>
            <option value="full">Full parameter list</option>
          <when value="preSet" />
          <when value="full">
            <param name="pSkip" type="integer" value="0" label="Skip the first n pairs (-s)" />  
            <param name="pAlignLimit" type="integer" value="-1" label="Only align the first n pairs (-u)" help="-1 for off" />  
            <param name="pTrimH" type="integer" value="0" label="Trim n bases from high-quality (left) end of each read before alignment (-5)" />
            <param name="pTrimL" type="integer" value="0" label="Trim n bases from low-quality (right) end of each read before alignment (-3)" />
            <param name="pMismatchSeed" type="integer" value="2" label="Maximum number of mismatches permitted in the seed (-n)" help="May be 0, 1, 2, or 3" />
            <param name="pMismatchQual" type="integer" value="70" label="Maximum permitted total of quality values at mismatched read positions (-e)" />
            <param name="pSeedLen" type="integer" value="25" label="Seed length (-l)" help="Minimum value is 5" />
            <param name="pRounding" type="select" label="Whether or not to round to the nearest 10 and saturating at 30 (--nomaqround)">
              <option value="round">Round to nearest 10</option>
              <option value="noRound">Do not round to nearest 10</option>
            <param name="pMaqSoapAlign" type="integer" value="-1" label="Number of mismatches for SOAP-like alignment policy (-v)" help="-1 for default MAQ-like alignment policy" />
            <param name="pMinInsert" type="integer" value="0" label="Minimum insert size for valid paired-end alignments (-I)" />
            <param name="pMaxAlignAttempt" type="integer" value="100" label="Maximum number of attempts Bowtie will make to match an alignment for one mate with an alignment for the opposite mate (--pairtries)" />
            <param name="pForwardAlign" type="select" label="Choose whether or not to attempt to align the forward reference strand (--nofw)">
              <option value="forward">Align against the forward reference strand</option>
              <option value="noForward">Do not align against the forward reference strand</option>
            <param name="pReverseAlign" type="select" label="Choose whether or not to align against the reverse-complement reference strand (--norc)">
              <option value="reverse">Align against the reverse-complement reference strand</option>
              <option value="noReverse">Do not align against the reverse-complement reference strand</option>
            <param name="pTryHard" type="select" label="Whether or not to try as hard as possible to find valid alignments when they exist (-y)" help="Tryhard mode is much slower than regular mode">
              <option value="noTryHard">Do not try hard</option>
              <option value="doTryHard">Try hard</option>
            <param name="pValAlign" type="integer" value="1" label="Report up to n valid arguments per pair (-k)" />
            <param name="pAllValAligns" type="select" label="Whether or not to report all valid alignments per pair (-a)">
              <option value="noAllValAligns">Do not report all valid alignments</option>
              <option value="doAllValAligns">Report all valid alignments</option>
            <param name="pSuppressAlign" type="integer" value="-1" label="Suppress all alignments for a pair if more than n reportable alignments exist (-m)" help="-1 for no limit" />
            <param name="pMaxFile" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" checked="False" label="Write all reads with a number of valid alignments exceeding the limit set with the -m option to a file (--max)" />
            <param name="pUnmappedFile" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" checked="False" label="Write all reads that could not be aligned to a file (--un)" />
            <conditional name="pBestOption">
              <param name="pBest" type="select" label="Whether or not to make Bowtie guarantee that reported singleton alignments are 'best' in terms of stratum and in terms of the quality values at the mismatched positions (--best)" help="Removes all strand bias. Only affects which alignments are reported by Bowtie. Runs slower with best option">
                <option value="noBest">Do not use best</option>
                <option value="doBest">Use best</option>
              <when value="noBest">
                <param name="pnMaxBacktracks" type="integer" value="125" label="Maximum number of backtracks permitted when aligning a read (--maxbts)" />
              <when value="doBest">
                <param name="pdMaxBacktracks" type="integer" value="800" label="Maximum number of backtracks permitted when aligning a read (--maxbts)" />
                <param name="pdStrata" type="select" label="Whether or not to report only those alignments that fall in the best stratum if many valid alignments exist and are reportable (--strata)">
                  <option value="noStrata">Do not use strata option</option>
                  <option value="doStrata">Use strata option</option>
            <param name="pOffrate" type="integer" value="-1" label="Override the offrate of the index to n (-o)" help="-1 for default" />
            <param name="pSeed" type="integer" value="-1" label="Seed for pseudo-random number generator (--seed)" help="-1 for default" />
          </when> <!-- full -->
        </conditional> <!-- pParams -->
      </when> <!-- paired -->
    </conditional> <!-- singlePaired -->
    <param name="suppressHeader" type="boolean" truevalue="true" falsevalue="false" checked="False" label="Suppress the header in the output SAM file" help="Bowtie produces SAM with several lines of header information by default" /> 
             <data format="sam" name="output" label="${} on ${on_string}: mapped reads">
        <conditional name="refGenomeSource.genomeSource">
          <when value="indexed">
            <action type="metadata" name="dbkey">
              <option type="from_data_table" name="bowtie_indexes" column="1" offset="0">
                <filter type="param_value" column="0" value="#" compare="startswith" keep="False"/>
                <filter type="param_value" ref="refGenomeSource.index" column="0"/>
          <when value="history">
            <action type="metadata" name="dbkey">
              <option type="from_param" name="refGenomeSource.ownFile" param_attribute="dbkey" />
    <data format="fastq" name="output_suppressed_reads_l" label="${} on ${on_string}: suppressed reads (L)">
          singlePaired['sPaired'] == "single" and
          singlePaired['sParams']['sSettingsType'] == "full" and
          singlePaired['sParams']['sMaxFile'] is True
        ) or (
          singlePaired['sPaired'] == "paired" and
          singlePaired['pParams']['pSettingsType'] == "full" and
          singlePaired['pParams']['pMaxFile'] is True
        <conditional name="singlePaired.sPaired">
          <when value="single">
            <action type="format">
              <option type="from_param" name="singlePaired.sInput1" param_attribute="ext" />
          <when value="paired">
            <action type="format">
              <option type="from_param" name="singlePaired.pInput1" param_attribute="ext" />
    <data format="fastq" name="output_suppressed_reads_r" label="${} on ${on_string}: suppressed reads (R)">
      <filter>singlePaired['sPaired'] == "paired"</filter>
      <filter>singlePaired['pParams']['pSettingsType'] == "full"</filter>
      <filter>singlePaired['pParams']['pMaxFile'] is True</filter>
        <conditional name="singlePaired.sPaired">
          <when value="single">
            <action type="format">
              <option type="from_param" name="singlePaired.sInput1" param_attribute="ext" />
          <when value="paired">
            <action type="format">
              <option type="from_param" name="singlePaired.pInput1" param_attribute="ext" />
    <data format="fastq" name="output_unmapped_reads_l" label="${} on ${on_string}: unmapped reads (L)">
          singlePaired['sPaired'] == "single" and
          singlePaired['sParams']['sSettingsType'] == "full" and
          singlePaired['sParams']['sUnmappedFile'] is True
        ) or (
          singlePaired['sPaired'] == "paired" and
          singlePaired['pParams']['pSettingsType'] == "full" and
          singlePaired['pParams']['pUnmappedFile'] is True
        <conditional name="singlePaired.sPaired">
          <when value="single">
            <action type="format">
              <option type="from_param" name="singlePaired.sInput1" param_attribute="ext" />
          <when value="paired">
            <action type="format">
              <option type="from_param" name="singlePaired.pInput1" param_attribute="ext" />
    <data format="fastq" name="output_unmapped_reads_r" label="${} on ${on_string}: unmapped reads (R)">
      <filter>singlePaired['sPaired'] == "paired"</filter>
      <filter>singlePaired['pParams']['pSettingsType'] == "full"</filter>
      <filter>singlePaired['pParams']['pUnmappedFile'] is True</filter>
        <conditional name="singlePaired.sPaired">
          <when value="single">
            <action type="format">
              <option type="from_param" name="singlePaired.sInput1" param_attribute="ext" />
          <when value="paired">
            <action type="format">
              <option type="from_param" name="singlePaired.pInput1" param_attribute="ext" />
      Bowtie command:
      bowtie -q -p 4 -S +sam-nohead chrM_base test-data/bowtie_in2.fastqsanger > bowtie_out6_u.sam
      sort bowtie_out6_u.sam > bowtie_out6.sam
      -p is the number of threads. You need to replace the + with 2 dashes. 
      chrM_base needs to be the base location/name of the index files.
      <param name="genomeSource" value="indexed" />
      <!-- this is the backwards-compatible "unique value" for this index, not an actual path -->
      <param name="index" value="equCab2chrM" />
      <param name="sPaired" value="single" />
      <param name="sInput1" ftype="fastqsanger" value="bowtie_in2.fastqsanger" />
      <param name="sSettingsType" value="preSet" />
      <param name="suppressHeader" value="true" />
      <output name="output" ftype="sam" file="bowtie_out6.sam" sort="True" />
      Bowtie command:
      bowtie-build -f test-data/phiX.fasta phiX_base
      bowtie -q -X 1000 +ff -p 4 -S +sam-nohead -n 2 -e 70 -l 28 +pairtries 100 +maxbts 800 +best +un bowtie_out8_u.fastq phiX_base -1 test-data/bowtie_in5.fastqsanger -2 test-data/bowtie_in6.fastqsanger > bowtie_out7_u.sam
      sort bowtie_out7_u.sam > bowtie_out7.sam
      sort bowtie_out8_u_1.sam > bowtie_out8_1.sam
      sort bowtie_out8_u_2.sam > bowtie_out8_2.sam
      Then also need to modify bowtie_out8_1.sam and bowtie_out8_2.sam so that all @ lines come before sequence lines.
      -p is the number of threads. You need to replace the + with 2 dashes.
      The two unmapped output files will be named bowtie_out8_1.fastq and bowtie_out8_2.fastq.
      chrM_base is the index files' location/base name. 
      <param name="genomeSource" value="history" />
      <param name="ownFile" value="phiX.fasta" />
      <param name="indexSettings" value="indexPreSet" />
      <param name="sPaired" value="paired" />
      <param name="pInput1" ftype="fastqsanger" value="bowtie_in5.fastqsanger" />
      <param name="pInput2" ftype="fastqsanger" value="bowtie_in6.fastqsanger" />
      <param name="pMaxInsert" value="1000" />
      <param name="pMateOrient" value="ff" />
      <param name="pSettingsType" value="full" />
      <param name="pSkip" value="0" />
      <param name="pAlignLimit" value="-1" />
      <param name="pTrimH" value="0" />
      <param name="pTrimL" value="0" />
      <param name="pMismatchSeed" value="2" />
      <param name="pMismatchQual" value="70" />
      <param name="pSeedLen" value="25" />
      <param name="pRounding" value="round" />
      <param name="pMaqSoapAlign" value="-1" />
      <param name="pMinInsert" value="0" />
      <param name="pMaxAlignAttempt" value="100" />
      <param name="pForwardAlign" value="forward" />
      <param name="pReverseAlign" value="reverse" />
      <param name="pTryHard" value="noTryHard" />
      <param name="pValAlign" value="1" />
      <param name="pAllValAligns" value="noAllValAligns" />
      <param name="pSuppressAlign" value="-1" />
      <param name="pUnmappedFile" value="true" />
      <param name="pMaxFile" value="false" />
      <param name="pBest" value="doBest" />
      <param name="pdMaxBacktracks" value="800" />
      <param name="pdStrata" value="noStrata" />
      <param name="pOffrate" value="-1" />
      <param name="pSeed" value="-1" />
      <param name="suppressHeader" value="true" />
      <output name="output" ftype="sam" file="bowtie_out7.sam" sort="True" />
      <output name="output_unmapped_reads_l" ftype="fastqsanger" file="bowtie_out8_1.fastq" sort="True" />
      <output name="output_unmapped_reads_r" ftype="fastqsanger" file="bowtie_out8_2.fastq" sort="True" />
    <!-- start testing of non-sanger variant fastq reads -->
      <param name="genomeSource" value="history" />
      <param name="ownFile" value="phiX.fasta" />
      <param name="indexSettings" value="indexPreSet" />
      <param name="sPaired" value="paired" />
      <param name="pInput1" ftype="fastqillumina" value="bowtie_in5.fastqillumina" />
      <param name="pInput2" ftype="fastqillumina" value="bowtie_in6.fastqillumina" />
      <param name="pMaxInsert" value="1000" />
      <param name="pMateOrient" value="ff" />
      <param name="pSettingsType" value="full" />
      <param name="pSkip" value="0" />
      <param name="pAlignLimit" value="-1" />
      <param name="pTrimH" value="0" />
      <param name="pTrimL" value="0" />
      <param name="pMismatchSeed" value="2" />
      <param name="pMismatchQual" value="70" />
      <param name="pSeedLen" value="25" />
      <param name="pRounding" value="round" />
      <param name="pMaqSoapAlign" value="-1" />
      <param name="pMinInsert" value="0" />
      <param name="pMaxAlignAttempt" value="100" />
      <param name="pForwardAlign" value="forward" />
      <param name="pReverseAlign" value="reverse" />
      <param name="pTryHard" value="noTryHard" />
      <param name="pValAlign" value="1" />
      <param name="pAllValAligns" value="noAllValAligns" />
      <param name="pSuppressAlign" value="-1" />
      <param name="pUnmappedFile" value="true" />
      <param name="pMaxFile" value="false" />
      <param name="pBest" value="doBest" />
      <param name="pdMaxBacktracks" value="800" />
      <param name="pdStrata" value="noStrata" />
      <param name="pOffrate" value="-1" />
      <param name="pSeed" value="-1" />
      <param name="suppressHeader" value="true" />
      <output name="output" ftype="sam" file="bowtie_out7.sam" sort="True" />
      <output name="output_unmapped_reads_l" ftype="fastqillumna" file="bowtie_out8_1.fastqillumina.sorted" sort="True" />
      <output name="output_unmapped_reads_r" ftype="fastqillumna" file="bowtie_out8_2.fastqillumina.sorted" sort="True" />
      <param name="genomeSource" value="history" />
      <param name="ownFile" value="phiX.fasta" />
      <param name="indexSettings" value="indexPreSet" />
      <param name="sPaired" value="paired" />
      <param name="pInput1" ftype="fastqsolexa" value="bowtie_in5.fastqsolexa" />
      <param name="pInput2" ftype="fastqsolexa" value="bowtie_in6.fastqsolexa" />
      <param name="pMaxInsert" value="1000" />
      <param name="pMateOrient" value="ff" />
      <param name="pSettingsType" value="full" />
      <param name="pSkip" value="0" />
      <param name="pAlignLimit" value="-1" />
      <param name="pTrimH" value="0" />
      <param name="pTrimL" value="0" />
      <param name="pMismatchSeed" value="2" />
      <param name="pMismatchQual" value="70" />
      <param name="pSeedLen" value="25" />
      <param name="pRounding" value="round" />
      <param name="pMaqSoapAlign" value="-1" />
      <param name="pMinInsert" value="0" />
      <param name="pMaxAlignAttempt" value="100" />
      <param name="pForwardAlign" value="forward" />
      <param name="pReverseAlign" value="reverse" />
      <param name="pTryHard" value="noTryHard" />
      <param name="pValAlign" value="1" />
      <param name="pAllValAligns" value="noAllValAligns" />
      <param name="pSuppressAlign" value="-1" />
      <param name="pUnmappedFile" value="true" />
      <param name="pMaxFile" value="false" />
      <param name="pBest" value="doBest" />
      <param name="pdMaxBacktracks" value="800" />
      <param name="pdStrata" value="noStrata" />
      <param name="pOffrate" value="-1" />
      <param name="pSeed" value="-1" />
      <param name="suppressHeader" value="true" />
      <output name="output" ftype="sam" file="bowtie_out7.sam" sort="True" />
      <output name="output_unmapped_reads_l" ftype="fastqsolexa" file="bowtie_out8_1.fastqsolexa.sorted" sort="True" />
      <output name="output_unmapped_reads_r" ftype="fastqsolexa" file="bowtie_out8_2.fastqsolexa.sorted" sort="True" />
    <!-- end testing of non-sanger variant fastq reads -->    
      Bowtie command:
      bowtie -q -p 4 -S +sam-nohead -n 2 -e 70 -l 25 +maxbts 125 -y -k 1 chrM_base test-data/bowtie_in2.fastqsanger > bowtie_out9_u.sam
      sort bowtie_out9_u.sam > bowtie_out9.sam
      -p is the number of threads. You need to replace the + with 2 dashes.
      chrM_base is the index files' location/base name. 
      <param name="genomeSource" value="indexed" />
      <!-- this is the backwards-compatible "unique value" for this index, not an actual path -->
      <param name="index" value="equCab2chrM" />
      <param name="sPaired" value="single" />
      <param name="sInput1" ftype="fastqsanger" value="bowtie_in2.fastqsanger" />
      <param name="sSettingsType" value="full" />
      <param name="sSkip" value="0" />
      <param name="sAlignLimit" value="-1" />
      <param name="sTrimH" value="0" />
      <param name="sTrimL" value="0" />
      <param name="sMismatchSeed" value="2" />
      <param name="sMismatchQual" value="70" />
      <param name="sSeedLen" value="25" />
      <param name="sRounding" value="round" />
      <param name="sMaqSoapAlign" value="-1" />
      <param name="sTryHard" value="doTryHard" />
      <param name="sValAlign" value="1" />
      <param name="sAllValAligns" value="noAllValAligns" />
      <param name="sSuppressAlign" value="-1" />
      <param name="sUnmappedFile" value="false" />
      <param name="sMaxFile" value="false" />
      <param name="sBest" value="noBest" />
      <param name="snMaxBacktracks" value="125" />
      <param name="sOffrate" value="-1" />
      <param name="sSeed" value="-1" />
      <param name="suppressHeader" value="true" />
      <output name="output" ftype="sam" file="bowtie_out9.sam" sort="True" />
      Bowtie command:
      bowtie-build +offrate 5 +ftabchars 10 +little -f test-data/phiX.fasta phiX_base
      bowtie -q -X 1000 +ff -p 4 -S +sam-nohead phiX_base -1 test-data/bowtie_in5.fastqsanger -2 test-data/bowtie_in6.fastqsanger > bowtie_out10_u.sam
      sort bowtie_out10_u.sam > bowtie_out10.sam
      -p is the number of threads. You need to replace the + with 2 dashes.
      chrM_base is the index files' location/base name. 
      <param name="genomeSource" value="history" />
      <param name="ownFile" value="phiX.fasta" />
      <param name="indexSettings" value="indexFull" />
      <param name="autoB" value="auto" />
      <param name="nodc" value="dc" />
      <param name="noref" value="ref" />
      <param name="offrate" value="5" />
      <param name="ftab" value="10" />
      <param name="ntoa" value="no" />
      <param name="endian" value="little" />
      <param name="seed" value="-1" />
      <param name="cutoff" value="-1" />
      <param name="sPaired" value="paired" />
      <param name="pInput1" ftype="fastqsanger" value="bowtie_in5.fastqsanger" />
      <param name="pInput2" ftype="fastqsanger" value="bowtie_in6.fastqsanger" />
      <param name="pMaxInsert" value="1000" />
      <param name="pMateOrient" value="ff" />
      <param name="pSettingsType" value="preSet" />
      <param name="suppressHeader" value="true" />
      <output name="output" ftype="sam" file="bowtie_out10.sam" sort="True" />
	    Bowtie is a short read aligner.
        <citation type="bibtex">
  author = {LastTODO, FirstTODO},
  year = {TODO},
  title = {bowtie},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  url = {},