# HG changeset patch
# User triasteran
# Date 1645618926 0
# Node ID b69c0b47f9e839bcd1df2bae773398b26e494012
# Parent dca13d7e07850f00b719930c9ccc0f42226fd790
Deleted selected files
diff -r dca13d7e0785 -r b69c0b47f9e8 bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/.hgignore
--- a/bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/.hgignore Wed Feb 23 12:20:22 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-syntax: glob
diff -r dca13d7e0785 -r b69c0b47f9e8 bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper.xml
--- a/bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper.xml Wed Feb 23 12:20:22 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,681 +0,0 @@
- bowtie
- --tryHard="${singlePaired.sParams.sTryHard}"
- --valAlign="${singlePaired.sParams.sValAlign}"
- --allValAligns="${singlePaired.sParams.sAllValAligns}"
- --suppressAlign="${singlePaired.sParams.sSuppressAlign}"
- --best="${singlePaired.sParams.sBestOption.sBest}"
- #if $singlePaired.sParams.sBestOption.sBest == "doBest":
- --maxBacktracks="${singlePaired.sParams.sBestOption.sdMaxBacktracks}"
- --strata="${singlePaired.sParams.sBestOption.sdStrata}"
- #else:
- --maxBacktracks="${singlePaired.sParams.sBestOption.snMaxBacktracks}"
- #end if
- --offrate="${singlePaired.sParams.sOffrate}"
- --seed="${singlePaired.sParams.sSeed}"
- #end if
- #else:
- --input1="${singlePaired.pInput1}"
- --input2="${singlePaired.pInput2}"
- --maxInsert="${singlePaired.pMaxInsert}"
- --mateOrient="${singlePaired.pMateOrient}"
- --params="${singlePaired.pParams.pSettingsType}"
- #if $singlePaired.pParams.pSettingsType == "full":
- --skip="${singlePaired.pParams.pSkip}"
- --alignLimit="${singlePaired.pParams.pAlignLimit}"
- --trimH="${singlePaired.pParams.pTrimH}"
- --trimL="${singlePaired.pParams.pTrimL}"
- --mismatchSeed="${singlePaired.pParams.pMismatchSeed}"
- --mismatchQual="${singlePaired.pParams.pMismatchQual}"
- --seedLen="${singlePaired.pParams.pSeedLen}"
- --rounding="${singlePaired.pParams.pRounding}"
- --maqSoapAlign="${singlePaired.pParams.pMaqSoapAlign}"
- --minInsert="${singlePaired.pParams.pMinInsert}"
- --maxAlignAttempt="${singlePaired.pParams.pMaxAlignAttempt}"
- --forwardAlign="${singlePaired.pParams.pForwardAlign}"
- --reverseAlign="${singlePaired.pParams.pReverseAlign}"
- --tryHard="${singlePaired.pParams.pTryHard}"
- --valAlign="${singlePaired.pParams.pValAlign}"
- --allValAligns="${singlePaired.pParams.pAllValAligns}"
- --suppressAlign="${singlePaired.pParams.pSuppressAlign}"
- --best="${singlePaired.pParams.pBestOption.pBest}"
- #if $singlePaired.pParams.pBestOption.pBest == "doBest":
- --maxBacktracks="${singlePaired.pParams.pBestOption.pdMaxBacktracks}"
- --strata="${singlePaired.pParams.pBestOption.pdStrata}"
- #else:
- --maxBacktracks="${singlePaired.pParams.pBestOption.pnMaxBacktracks}"
- #end if
- --offrate="${singlePaired.pParams.pOffrate}"
- --seed="${singlePaired.pParams.pSeed}"
- #end if
- #end if
- ]]>
- ((
- singlePaired['sPaired'] == "single" and
- singlePaired['sParams']['sSettingsType'] == "full" and
- singlePaired['sParams']['sMaxFile'] is True
- ) or (
- singlePaired['sPaired'] == "paired" and
- singlePaired['pParams']['pSettingsType'] == "full" and
- singlePaired['pParams']['pMaxFile'] is True
- ))
- singlePaired['sPaired'] == "paired"
- singlePaired['pParams']['pSettingsType'] == "full"
- singlePaired['pParams']['pMaxFile'] is True
- ((
- singlePaired['sPaired'] == "single" and
- singlePaired['sParams']['sSettingsType'] == "full" and
- singlePaired['sParams']['sUnmappedFile'] is True
- ) or (
- singlePaired['sPaired'] == "paired" and
- singlePaired['pParams']['pSettingsType'] == "full" and
- singlePaired['pParams']['pUnmappedFile'] is True
- ))
- singlePaired['sPaired'] == "paired"
- singlePaired['pParams']['pSettingsType'] == "full"
- singlePaired['pParams']['pUnmappedFile'] is True
- author = {LastTODO, FirstTODO},
- year = {TODO},
- title = {bowtie},
- publisher = {GitHub},
- journal = {GitHub repository},
- url = {https://github.com/BenLangmead/bowtie},
diff -r dca13d7e0785 -r b69c0b47f9e8 bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/bowtie_wrapper.py
--- a/bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/bowtie_wrapper.py Wed Feb 23 12:20:22 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Runs Bowtie on single-end or paired-end data.
-For use with Bowtie v. 0.12.7
-usage: bowtie_wrapper.py [options]
- -t, --threads=t: The number of threads to run
- -o, --output=o: The output file
- --output_unmapped_reads=: File name for unmapped reads (single-end)
- --output_unmapped_reads_l=: File name for unmapped reads (left, paired-end)
- --output_unmapped_reads_r=: File name for unmapped reads (right, paired-end)
- --output_suppressed_reads=: File name for suppressed reads because of max setting (single-end)
- --output_suppressed_reads_l=: File name for suppressed reads because of max setting (left, paired-end)
- --output_suppressed_reads_r=: File name for suppressed reads because of max setting (right, paired-end)
- -i, --input1=i: The (forward or single-end) reads file in Sanger FASTQ format
- -I, --input2=I: The reverse reads file in Sanger FASTQ format
- -4, --dataType=4: The type of data (SOLiD or Solexa)
- -2, --paired=2: Whether the data is single- or paired-end
- -g, --genomeSource=g: The type of reference provided
- -r, --ref=r: The reference genome to use or index
- -s, --skip=s: Skip the first n reads
- -a, --alignLimit=a: Only align the first n reads
- -T, --trimH=T: Trim n bases from high-quality (left) end of each read before alignment
- -L, --trimL=L: Trim n bases from low-quality (right) end of each read before alignment
- -m, --mismatchSeed=m: Maximum number of mismatches permitted in the seed
- -M, --mismatchQual=M: Maximum permitted total of quality values at mismatched read positions
- -l, --seedLen=l: Seed length
- -n, --rounding=n: Whether or not to round to the nearest 10 and saturating at 30
- -P, --maqSoapAlign=P: Choose MAQ- or SOAP-like alignment policy
- -w, --tryHard=: Whether or not to try as hard as possible to find valid alignments when they exist
- -v, --valAlign=v: Report up to n valid arguments per read
- -V, --allValAligns=V: Whether or not to report all valid alignments per read
- -G, --suppressAlign=G: Suppress all alignments for a read if more than n reportable alignments exist
- -b, --best=b: Whether or not to make Bowtie guarantee that reported singleton alignments are 'best' in terms of stratum and in terms of the quality values at the mismatched positions
- -B, --maxBacktracks=B: Maximum number of backtracks permitted when aligning a read
- -R, --strata=R: Whether or not to report only those alignments that fall in the best stratum if many valid alignments exist and are reportable
- -j, --minInsert=j: Minimum insert size for valid paired-end alignments
- -J, --maxInsert=J: Maximum insert size for valid paired-end alignments
- -O, --mateOrient=O: The upstream/downstream mate orientation for valid paired-end alignment against the forward reference strand
- -A, --maxAlignAttempt=A: Maximum number of attempts Bowtie will make to match an alignment for one mate with an alignment for the opposite mate
- -f, --forwardAlign=f: Whether or not to attempt to align the forward reference strand
- -E, --reverseAlign=E: Whether or not to attempt to align the reverse-complement reference strand
- -F, --offrate=F: Override the offrate of the index to n
- -8, --snpphred=8: SNP penalty on Phred scale
- -6, --snpfrac=6: Fraction of sites expected to be SNP sites
- -7, --keepends=7: Keep extreme-end nucleotides and qualities
- -S, --seed=S: Seed for pseudo-random number generator
- -C, --params=C: Whether to use default or specified parameters
- -u, --iautoB=u: Automatic or specified behavior
- -K, --ipacked=K: Whether or not to use a packed representation for DNA strings
- -Q, --ibmax=Q: Maximum number of suffixes allowed in a block
- -Y, --ibmaxdivn=Y: Maximum number of suffixes allowed in a block as a fraction of the length of the reference
- -D, --idcv=D: The period for the difference-cover sample
- -U, --inodc=U: Whether or not to disable the use of the difference-cover sample
- -y, --inoref=y: Whether or not to build the part of the reference index used only in paired-end alignment
- -z, --ioffrate=z: How many rows get marked during annotation of some or all of the Burrows-Wheeler rows
- -W, --iftab=W: The size of the lookup table used to calculate an initial Burrows-Wheeler range with respect to the first n characters of the query
- -X, --intoa=X: Whether or not to convert Ns in the reference sequence to As
- -N, --iendian=N: Endianness to use when serializing integers to the index file
- -Z, --iseed=Z: Seed for the pseudorandom number generator
- -c, --icutoff=c: Number of first bases of the reference sequence to index
- -x, --indexSettings=x: Whether or not indexing options are to be set
- -H, --suppressHeader=H: Suppress header
- --do_not_build_index: Flag to specify that provided file is already indexed and to just use 'as is'
-import optparse, os, shutil, subprocess, sys, tempfile
-#Allow more than Sanger encoded variants
-DEFAULT_ASCII_ENCODING = '--phred33-quals'
-GALAXY_FORMAT_TO_QUALITY_SCORE_ENCODING_ARG = { 'fastqsanger':'--phred33-quals', 'fastqillumina':'--phred64-quals', 'fastqsolexa':'--solexa-quals' }
-#FIXME: Integer quality scores are supported only when the '--integer-quals' argument is specified to bowtie; this is not currently able to be set in the tool/wrapper/config
-def stop_err( msg ):
- sys.stderr.write( '%s\n' % msg )
- sys.exit()
-def __main__():
- #Parse Command Line
- parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- parser.add_option( '-t', '--threads', dest='threads', help='The number of threads to run' )
- parser.add_option( '-o', '--output', dest='output', help='The output file' )
- parser.add_option( '', '--output_unmapped_reads', dest='output_unmapped_reads', help='File name for unmapped reads (single-end)' )
- parser.add_option( '', '--output_unmapped_reads_l', dest='output_unmapped_reads_l', help='File name for unmapped reads (left, paired-end)' )
- parser.add_option( '', '--output_unmapped_reads_r', dest='output_unmapped_reads_r', help='File name for unmapped reads (right, paired-end)' )
- parser.add_option( '', '--output_suppressed_reads', dest='output_suppressed_reads', help='File name for suppressed reads because of max setting (single-end)' )
- parser.add_option( '', '--output_suppressed_reads_l', dest='output_suppressed_reads_l', help='File name for suppressed reads because of max setting (left, paired-end)' )
- parser.add_option( '', '--output_suppressed_reads_r', dest='output_suppressed_reads_r', help='File name for suppressed reads because of max setting (right, paired-end)' )
- parser.add_option( '-4', '--dataType', dest='dataType', help='The type of data (SOLiD or Solexa)' )
- parser.add_option( '-i', '--input1', dest='input1', help='The (forward or single-end) reads file in Sanger FASTQ format' )
- parser.add_option( '-I', '--input2', dest='input2', help='The reverse reads file in Sanger FASTQ format' )
- parser.add_option( '-2', '--paired', dest='paired', help='Whether the data is single- or paired-end' )
- parser.add_option( '-g', '--genomeSource', dest='genomeSource', help='The type of reference provided' )
- parser.add_option( '-r', '--ref', dest='ref', help='The reference genome to use or index' )
- parser.add_option( '-s', '--skip', dest='skip', help='Skip the first n reads' )
- parser.add_option( '-a', '--alignLimit', dest='alignLimit', help='Only align the first n reads' )
- parser.add_option( '-T', '--trimH', dest='trimH', help='Trim n bases from high-quality (left) end of each read before alignment' )
- parser.add_option( '-L', '--trimL', dest='trimL', help='Trim n bases from low-quality (right) end of each read before alignment' )
- parser.add_option( '-m', '--mismatchSeed', dest='mismatchSeed', help='Maximum number of mismatches permitted in the seed' )
- parser.add_option( '-M', '--mismatchQual', dest='mismatchQual', help='Maximum permitted total of quality values at mismatched read positions' )
- parser.add_option( '-l', '--seedLen', dest='seedLen', help='Seed length' )
- parser.add_option( '-n', '--rounding', dest='rounding', help='Whether or not to round to the nearest 10 and saturating at 30' )
- parser.add_option( '-P', '--maqSoapAlign', dest='maqSoapAlign', help='Choose MAQ- or SOAP-like alignment policy' )
- parser.add_option( '-w', '--tryHard', dest='tryHard', help='Whether or not to try as hard as possible to find valid alignments when they exist' )
- parser.add_option( '-v', '--valAlign', dest='valAlign', help='Report up to n valid arguments per read' )
- parser.add_option( '-V', '--allValAligns', dest='allValAligns', help='Whether or not to report all valid alignments per read' )
- parser.add_option( '-G', '--suppressAlign', dest='suppressAlign', help='Suppress all alignments for a read if more than n reportable alignments exist' )
- parser.add_option( '-b', '--best', dest='best', help="Whether or not to make Bowtie guarantee that reported singleton alignments are 'best' in terms of stratum and in terms of the quality values at the mismatched positions" )
- parser.add_option( '-B', '--maxBacktracks', dest='maxBacktracks', help='Maximum number of backtracks permitted when aligning a read' )
- parser.add_option( '-R', '--strata', dest='strata', help='Whether or not to report only those alignments that fall in the best stratum if many valid alignments exist and are reportable' )
- parser.add_option( '-j', '--minInsert', dest='minInsert', help='Minimum insert size for valid paired-end alignments' )
- parser.add_option( '-J', '--maxInsert', dest='maxInsert', help='Maximum insert size for valid paired-end alignments' )
- parser.add_option( '-O', '--mateOrient', dest='mateOrient', help='The upstream/downstream mate orientation for valid paired-end alignment against the forward reference strand' )
- parser.add_option( '-A', '--maxAlignAttempt', dest='maxAlignAttempt', help='Maximum number of attempts Bowtie will make to match an alignment for one mate with an alignment for the opposite mate' )
- parser.add_option( '-f', '--forwardAlign', dest='forwardAlign', help='Whether or not to attempt to align the forward reference strand' )
- parser.add_option( '-E', '--reverseAlign', dest='reverseAlign', help='Whether or not to attempt to align the reverse-complement reference strand' )
- parser.add_option( '-F', '--offrate', dest='offrate', help='Override the offrate of the index to n' )
- parser.add_option( '-S', '--seed', dest='seed', help='Seed for pseudo-random number generator' )
- parser.add_option( '-8', '--snpphred', dest='snpphred', help='SNP penalty on Phred scale' )
- parser.add_option( '-6', '--snpfrac', dest='snpfrac', help='Fraction of sites expected to be SNP sites' )
- parser.add_option( '-7', '--keepends', dest='keepends', help='Keep extreme-end nucleotides and qualities' )
- parser.add_option( '-C', '--params', dest='params', help='Whether to use default or specified parameters' )
- parser.add_option( '-u', '--iautoB', dest='iautoB', help='Automatic or specified behavior' )
- parser.add_option( '-K', '--ipacked', dest='ipacked', help='Whether or not to use a packed representation for DNA strings' )
- parser.add_option( '-Q', '--ibmax', dest='ibmax', help='Maximum number of suffixes allowed in a block' )
- parser.add_option( '-Y', '--ibmaxdivn', dest='ibmaxdivn', help='Maximum number of suffixes allowed in a block as a fraction of the length of the reference' )
- parser.add_option( '-D', '--idcv', dest='idcv', help='The period for the difference-cover sample' )
- parser.add_option( '-U', '--inodc', dest='inodc', help='Whether or not to disable the use of the difference-cover sample' )
- parser.add_option( '-y', '--inoref', dest='inoref', help='Whether or not to build the part of the reference index used only in paired-end alignment' )
- parser.add_option( '-z', '--ioffrate', dest='ioffrate', help='How many rows get marked during annotation of some or all of the Burrows-Wheeler rows' )
- parser.add_option( '-W', '--iftab', dest='iftab', help='The size of the lookup table used to calculate an initial Burrows-Wheeler range with respect to the first n characters of the query' )
- parser.add_option( '-X', '--intoa', dest='intoa', help='Whether or not to convert Ns in the reference sequence to As' )
- parser.add_option( '-N', '--iendian', dest='iendian', help='Endianness to use when serializing integers to the index file' )
- parser.add_option( '-Z', '--iseed', dest='iseed', help='Seed for the pseudorandom number generator' )
- parser.add_option( '-c', '--icutoff', dest='icutoff', help='Number of first bases of the reference sequence to index' )
- parser.add_option( '-x', '--indexSettings', dest='index_settings', help='Whether or not indexing options are to be set' )
- parser.add_option( '-H', '--suppressHeader', dest='suppressHeader', help='Suppress header' )
- parser.add_option( '--galaxy_input_format', dest='galaxy_input_format', default="fastqsanger", help='galaxy input format' )
- parser.add_option( '--do_not_build_index', dest='do_not_build_index', action="store_true", default=False, help='Flag to specify that provided file is already indexed, use as is' )
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- stdout = ''
- # make temp directory for placement of indices and copy reference file there if necessary
- tmp_index_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- # get type of data (solid or solexa)
- if options.dataType == 'solid':
- colorspace = '-C'
- else:
- colorspace = ''
- # index if necessary
- if options.genomeSource == 'history' and not options.do_not_build_index:
- # set up commands
- if options.index_settings =='indexPreSet':
- indexing_cmds = '%s' % colorspace
- else:
- try:
- if options.iautoB and options.iautoB == 'set':
- iautoB = '--noauto'
- else:
- iautoB = ''
- if options. ipacked and options.ipacked == 'packed':
- ipacked = '--packed'
- else:
- ipacked = ''
- if options.ibmax and int( options.ibmax ) >= 1:
- ibmax = '--bmax %s' % options.ibmax
- else:
- ibmax = ''
- if options.ibmaxdivn and int( options.ibmaxdivn ) >= 0:
- ibmaxdivn = '--bmaxdivn %s' % options.ibmaxdivn
- else:
- ibmaxdivn = ''
- if options.idcv and int( options.idcv ) > 0:
- idcv = '--dcv %s' % options.idcv
- else:
- idcv = ''
- if options.inodc and options.inodc == 'nodc':
- inodc = '--nodc'
- else:
- inodc = ''
- if options.inoref and options.inoref == 'noref':
- inoref = '--noref'
- else:
- inoref = ''
- if options.iftab and int( options.iftab ) >= 0:
- iftab = '--ftabchars %s' % options.iftab
- else:
- iftab = ''
- if options.intoa and options.intoa == 'yes':
- intoa = '--ntoa'
- else:
- intoa = ''
- if options.iendian and options.iendian == 'big':
- iendian = '--big'
- else:
- iendian = '--little'
- if options.iseed and int( options.iseed ) > 0:
- iseed = '--seed %s' % options.iseed
- else:
- iseed = ''
- if options.icutoff and int( options.icutoff ) > 0:
- icutoff = '--cutoff %s' % options.icutoff
- else:
- icutoff = ''
- indexing_cmds = '%s %s %s %s %s %s %s --offrate %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % \
- ( iautoB, ipacked, ibmax, ibmaxdivn, idcv, inodc,
- inoref, options.ioffrate, iftab, intoa, iendian,
- iseed, icutoff, colorspace )
- except ValueError, e:
- # clean up temp dir
- if os.path.exists( tmp_index_dir ):
- shutil.rmtree( tmp_index_dir )
- stop_err( "Something is wrong with the indexing parameters and the indexing and alignment could not be run. Make sure you don't have any non-numeric values where they should be numeric.\n" + str( e ) )
- ref_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tmp_index_dir )
- ref_file_name = ref_file.name
- ref_file.close()
- os.symlink( options.ref, ref_file_name )
- cmd1 = 'bowtie-build %s -f %s %s' % ( indexing_cmds, ref_file_name, ref_file_name )
- try:
- tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tmp_index_dir ).name
- tmp_stderr = open( tmp, 'wb' )
- proc = subprocess.Popen( args=cmd1, shell=True, cwd=tmp_index_dir, stderr=tmp_stderr.fileno() )
- returncode = proc.wait()
- tmp_stderr.close()
- # get stderr, allowing for case where it's very large
- tmp_stderr = open( tmp, 'rb' )
- stderr = ''
- buffsize = 1048576
- try:
- while True:
- stderr += tmp_stderr.read( buffsize )
- if not stderr or len( stderr ) % buffsize != 0:
- break
- except OverflowError:
- pass
- tmp_stderr.close()
- if returncode != 0:
- raise Exception, stderr
- except Exception, e:
- # clean up temp dir
- if os.path.exists( tmp_index_dir ):
- shutil.rmtree( tmp_index_dir )
- stop_err( 'Error indexing reference sequence\n' + str( e ) )
- stdout += 'File indexed. '
- else:
- ref_file_name = options.ref
- # set up aligning and generate aligning command options
- # automatically set threads in both cases
- tmp_suppressed_file_name = None
- tmp_unmapped_file_name = None
- if options.suppressHeader == 'true':
- suppressHeader = '--sam-nohead'
- else:
- suppressHeader = ''
- if options.maxInsert and int( options.maxInsert ) > 0:
- maxInsert = '-X %s' % options.maxInsert
- else:
- maxInsert = ''
- if options.mateOrient:
- mateOrient = '--%s' % options.mateOrient
- else:
- mateOrient = ''
- quality_score_encoding = GALAXY_FORMAT_TO_QUALITY_SCORE_ENCODING_ARG.get( options.galaxy_input_format, DEFAULT_ASCII_ENCODING )
- if options.params == 'preSet':
- aligning_cmds = '-q %s %s -p %s -S %s %s %s ' % \
- ( maxInsert, mateOrient, options.threads, suppressHeader, colorspace, quality_score_encoding )
- else:
- try:
- if options.skip and int( options.skip ) > 0:
- skip = '-s %s' % options.skip
- else:
- skip = ''
- if options.alignLimit and int( options.alignLimit ) >= 0:
- alignLimit = '-u %s' % options.alignLimit
- else:
- alignLimit = ''
- if options.trimH and int( options.trimH ) > 0:
- trimH = '-5 %s' % options.trimH
- else:
- trimH = ''
- if options.trimL and int( options.trimL ) > 0:
- trimL = '-3 %s' % options.trimL
- else:
- trimL = ''
- if options.maqSoapAlign != '-1' and int( options.maqSoapAlign ) >= 0:
- maqSoapAlign = '-v %s' % options.maqSoapAlign
- else:
- maqSoapAlign = ''
- if options.mismatchSeed and (options.mismatchSeed == '0' or options.mismatchSeed == '1' \
- or options.mismatchSeed == '2' or options.mismatchSeed == '3'):
- mismatchSeed = '-n %s' % options.mismatchSeed
- else:
- mismatchSeed = ''
- if options.mismatchQual and int( options.mismatchQual ) >= 0:
- mismatchQual = '-e %s' % options.mismatchQual
- else:
- mismatchQual = ''
- if options.seedLen and int( options.seedLen ) >= 5:
- seedLen = '-l %s' % options.seedLen
- else:
- seedLen = ''
- if options.rounding == 'noRound':
- rounding = '--nomaqround'
- else:
- rounding = ''
- if options.minInsert and int( options.minInsert ) > 0:
- minInsert = '-I %s' % options.minInsert
- else:
- minInsert = ''
- if options.maxAlignAttempt and int( options.maxAlignAttempt ) >= 0:
- maxAlignAttempt = '--pairtries %s' % options.maxAlignAttempt
- else:
- maxAlignAttempt = ''
- if options.forwardAlign == 'noForward':
- forwardAlign = '--nofw'
- else:
- forwardAlign = ''
- if options.reverseAlign == 'noReverse':
- reverseAlign = '--norc'
- else:
- reverseAlign = ''
- if options.maxBacktracks and int( options.maxBacktracks ) > 0 and \
- ( options.mismatchSeed == '2' or options.mismatchSeed == '3' ):
- maxBacktracks = '--maxbts %s' % options.maxBacktracks
- else:
- maxBacktracks = ''
- if options.tryHard == 'doTryHard':
- tryHard = '-y'
- else:
- tryHard = ''
- if options.valAlign and int( options.valAlign ) >= 0:
- valAlign = '-k %s' % options.valAlign
- else:
- valAlign = ''
- if options.allValAligns == 'doAllValAligns':
- allValAligns = '-a'
- else:
- allValAligns = ''
- if options.suppressAlign and int( options.suppressAlign ) >= 0:
- suppressAlign = '-m %s' % options.suppressAlign
- else:
- suppressAlign = ''
- if options.best == 'doBest':
- best = '--best'
- else:
- best = ''
- if options.strata == 'doStrata':
- strata = '--strata'
- else:
- strata = ''
- if options.offrate and int( options.offrate ) >= 0:
- offrate = '-o %s' % options.offrate
- else:
- offrate = ''
- if options.seed and int( options.seed ) >= 0:
- seed = '--seed %s' % options.seed
- else:
- seed = ''
- if options.paired == 'paired':
- if options.output_unmapped_reads_l and options.output_unmapped_reads_r:
- tmp_unmapped_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tmp_index_dir, suffix='.fastq' )
- tmp_unmapped_file_name = tmp_unmapped_file.name
- tmp_unmapped_file.close()
- output_unmapped_reads = '--un %s' % tmp_unmapped_file_name
- else:
- output_unmapped_reads = ''
- if options.output_suppressed_reads:
- tmp_suppressed_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tmp_index_dir, suffix='.fastq' )
- tmp_suppressed_file_name = tmp_suppressed_file.name
- tmp_suppressed_file.close()
- output_suppressed_reads = '--max %s' % tmp_suppressed_file_name
- else:
- output_suppressed_reads = ''
- else:
- if options.output_unmapped_reads:
- output_unmapped_reads = '--un %s' % options.output_unmapped_reads
- else:
- output_unmapped_reads = ''
- if options.output_suppressed_reads:
- output_suppressed_reads = '--max %s' % options.output_suppressed_reads
- else:
- output_suppressed_reads = ''
- snpfrac = ''
- if options.snpphred and int( options.snpphred ) >= 0:
- snpphred = '--snpphred %s' % options.snpphred
- else:
- snpphred = ''
- if options.snpfrac and float( options.snpfrac ) >= 0:
- snpfrac = '--snpfrac %s' % options.snpfrac
- if options.keepends and options.keepends == 'doKeepends':
- keepends = '--col-keepends'
- else:
- keepends = ''
- aligning_cmds = '-q %s %s -p %s -S %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s ' \
- '%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s ' % \
- ( maxInsert, mateOrient, options.threads, suppressHeader,
- colorspace, skip, alignLimit, trimH, trimL, maqSoapAlign,
- mismatchSeed, mismatchQual, seedLen, rounding, minInsert,
- maxAlignAttempt, forwardAlign, reverseAlign, maxBacktracks,
- tryHard, valAlign, allValAligns, suppressAlign, best,
- strata, offrate, seed, snpphred, snpfrac, keepends,
- output_unmapped_reads, output_suppressed_reads,
- quality_score_encoding )
- except ValueError, e:
- # clean up temp dir
- if os.path.exists( tmp_index_dir ):
- shutil.rmtree( tmp_index_dir )
- stop_err( 'Something is wrong with the alignment parameters and the alignment could not be run\n' + str( e ) )
- try:
- # have to nest try-except in try-finally to handle 2.4
- try:
- # prepare actual mapping commands
- if options.paired == 'paired':
- cmd2 = 'bowtie %s %s -1 %s -2 %s > %s' % ( aligning_cmds, ref_file_name, options.input1, options.input2, options.output )
- else:
- cmd2 = 'bowtie %s %s %s > %s' % ( aligning_cmds, ref_file_name, options.input1, options.output )
- # align
- tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=tmp_index_dir ).name
- tmp_stderr = open( tmp, 'wb' )
- proc = subprocess.Popen( args=cmd2, shell=True, cwd=tmp_index_dir, stderr=tmp_stderr.fileno() )
- returncode = proc.wait()
- tmp_stderr.close()
- # get stderr, allowing for case where it's very large
- tmp_stderr = open( tmp, 'rb' )
- stderr = ''
- buffsize = 1048576
- try:
- while True:
- stderr += tmp_stderr.read( buffsize )
- if not stderr or len( stderr ) % buffsize != 0:
- break
- except OverflowError:
- pass
- tmp_stderr.close()
- if returncode != 0:
- raise Exception, stderr
- # get suppressed and unmapped reads output files in place if appropriate
- if options.paired == 'paired' and tmp_suppressed_file_name and \
- options.output_suppressed_reads_l and options.output_suppressed_reads_r:
- try:
- left = tmp_suppressed_file_name.replace( '.fastq', '_1.fastq' )
- right = tmp_suppressed_file_name.replace( '.fastq', '_1.fastq' )
- shutil.move( left, options.output_suppressed_reads_l )
- shutil.move( right, options.output_suppressed_reads_r )
- except Exception, e:
- sys.stdout.write( 'Error producing the suppressed output file.\n' )
- if options.paired == 'paired' and tmp_unmapped_file_name and \
- options.output_unmapped_reads_l and options.output_unmapped_reads_r:
- try:
- left = tmp_unmapped_file_name.replace( '.fastq', '_1.fastq' )
- right = tmp_unmapped_file_name.replace( '.fastq', '_2.fastq' )
- shutil.move( left, options.output_unmapped_reads_l )
- shutil.move( right, options.output_unmapped_reads_r )
- except Exception, e:
- sys.stdout.write( 'Error producing the unmapped output file.\n' )
- # check that there are results in the output file
- if os.path.getsize( options.output ) == 0:
- raise Exception, 'The output file is empty, there may be an error with your input file or settings.'
- except Exception, e:
- stop_err( 'Error aligning sequence. ' + str( e ) )
- finally:
- # clean up temp dir
- if os.path.exists( tmp_index_dir ):
- shutil.rmtree( tmp_index_dir )
- stdout += 'Sequence file aligned.\n'
- sys.stdout.write( stdout )
-if __name__=="__main__": __main__()
diff -r dca13d7e0785 -r b69c0b47f9e8 bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/test-data/bowtie_in2.fastqsanger
--- a/bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/test-data/bowtie_in2.fastqsanger Wed Feb 23 12:20:22 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
diff -r dca13d7e0785 -r b69c0b47f9e8 bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/test-data/bowtie_in5.fastqillumina
--- a/bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/test-data/bowtie_in5.fastqillumina Wed Feb 23 12:20:22 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
diff -r dca13d7e0785 -r b69c0b47f9e8 bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/test-data/bowtie_in5.fastqsanger
--- a/bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/test-data/bowtie_in5.fastqsanger Wed Feb 23 12:20:22 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
diff -r dca13d7e0785 -r b69c0b47f9e8 bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/tool-data/bowtie_indices.loc
--- a/bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/tool-data/bowtie_indices.loc Wed Feb 23 12:20:22 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
-Mouse_rRNA Mouse_rRNA Mouse_rRNA /home/DATA/galaxy/galaxy-dist/data/indexes/bowtie_rrna_indexes/Mouse_rRNA/bowtie_rrna_indexes/mouse_rRNA_index
diff -r dca13d7e0785 -r b69c0b47f9e8 bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample
--- a/bowtie_remove_rrna_wrapper/tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample Wed Feb 23 12:20:22 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- value, dbkey, name, path