diff getdata/genbankstrip.pl @ 0:5b9a38ec4a39 draft default tip

First commit of old repositories
author osiris_phylogenetics <ucsb_phylogenetics@lifesci.ucsb.edu>
date Tue, 11 Mar 2014 12:19:13 -0700
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/getdata/genbankstrip.pl	Tue Mar 11 12:19:13 2014 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,1708 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Modified for Osiris by THO.
+# GenBankStrip.pl v2.0
+# Last modified July 25, 2005 14:29
+# (c) Olaf R.P. Bininda-Emonds
+# Input:
+#   1) A GenBank output file
+#   2) A file containing gene names, each on a separate line
+# Generates:
+#   1) A Se-Al formatted (and optionally a nexus-formatted) datafile containing stripped sequences
+#	2) A summary file giving status of each entry in GenBank file
+# Usage: GenBankStrip.pl -f<filename> [-g<filename>] [-k<number>] [-l<number>] [-o<n|s>] [-s] [-t] [-h] [-v]
+#   options: -f<filename> = file containing sequences in GenBank format
+#            -g<filename> = file containing specific genes to be stripped
+#            -i<genename> = strip a single gene
+#            -k<number> = number of (longest) sequences to retain per species for a given gene (default = all)
+#            -l<number> = minimum length required for all non-tRNA genes (default = none)
+#            -o<n|s> = provide output in nexus (n) phytab (p) and/or Se-Al (s) format in addition to fasta format
+#            -s = only process sequences with valid species names (i.e., no species with sp. or cf. in names)
+#            -t<g<number>|s<number>> = minimum number of sequences (g; default = 0) or species (s; default = 0) a gene must have to be retained; both can be specified simultaneously
+#            -h = print this message and quit
+#            -v = verbose output
+#	     -a = Accession number appears first in stripped Fasta File -- Added by THO
+use strict;
+# Set default values
+	# Genes and sequences
+		my %synonym;
+		my %complement = ('A' => 'T', 'C' => 'G', 'G' => 'C', 'T' => 'A',
+						 'M' => 'K', 'R' => 'Y', 'W' => 'S', 'S' => 'W', 'Y' => 'R', 'K' => 'M',
+						 'B' => 'V', 'D' => 'H', 'H' => 'D', 'V' => 'B', 'N' => 'N', '-' => '-', '?' => '?');
+		my %maxLength;
+	# I/O
+		my $gbFile;
+			my ($countFile, $rejectFile, $stripFile);
+		my $geneFile;
+			my %userGene;
+		my $singleGene;
+		my $keepGene = 0;
+		my $minLength;
+			my $minLengthTRNA;
+		my $speciesBlock = 0;
+		my $seqThreshold = 0;
+		my $speciesThreshold = 0;
+		my $sealPrint = 0;
+		my $nexusPrint = 0;
+		my $phytabPrint = 0;
+	# Global stats
+		my (@globalGeneList, %globalGenePresent, %geneStatus, @rejectList, $stripCount);
+		my (@speciesList, %speciesPresent, %speciesGenePresent, %quickSpeciesCount, %speciesCount, %quickSequenceCount, %sequenceCount);
+				$sequenceCount{"all"} = 0;
+	# Miscellaneous
+		my $debug = 0;
+		my $verbose = 0;
+		my $accessionFirst = 0; #Added by THO as option to have accession # first in FASTA output
+for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++)
+	{
+#Original stripped out directory structure, required by Galaxy
+#	if ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-f([\w+\.?\w+?]*)/)
+	if ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-f(.+)/)
+		{
+		$gbFile = $1;
+#		(my $baseFile = $gbFile) =~ s/.\w+$//;
+#			$countFile .= $baseFile . "_geneCount.txt";
+#			$rejectFile .= $baseFile . "_gbs.rejectlist.txt";
+#			$stripFile .= $baseFile . "_gbs.striplist.txt";
+#		}
+#for Galaxy, easier to have same file name each time it'r run
+		(my $baseFile = $gbFile) =~ s/.\w+$//;
+			$countFile .= "geneCount.txt";
+			$rejectFile .= "rejectlist.txt";
+			$stripFile .= "striplist.txt";
+		}
+	elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-g([\w+\.?\w+?]*)/)
+		{
+		$geneFile = $1;
+#This is a hack to write the name of a single gene into a new genefile based on the Galaxy call
+open (GENE,">$geneFile") or die "Cannot open file $geneFile containing gene names.\n";
+print GENE "$geneFile\n";
+close GENE;
+		}
+	elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-i([\w+\.?\w+?]*)/)
+		{
+		$singleGene = $1;
+		}
+	elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-k(\d+)/)
+		{
+		$keepGene = $1;
+		}
+	elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-l(\d+)/)
+		{
+		$minLength = $1;
+		$minLengthTRNA = 50;
+		}
+	elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-on/)
+		{
+		$nexusPrint = 1;
+		}
+	elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-op/)
+		{
+		$phytabPrint = 1;
+		}
+	elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-os/)
+		{
+		$sealPrint = 1;
+		}
+	elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-s/)
+		{
+		$speciesBlock = 1;
+		}
+	elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-tg(\d+)/)
+		{
+		$seqThreshold = $1;
+		}
+	elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-ts(\d+)/)
+		{
+		$speciesThreshold = $1;
+		}
+	elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-v/)
+		{
+		$verbose = 1;
+		}
+	elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-a/)
+		{
+		$accessionFirst = 1;
+		}
+	elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-x/)
+		{
+		$debug = 1;
+		$verbose = 1;
+		}
+	elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-h/)
+		{
+		print "Usage: GenBankStrip.pl -f<filename> [-g<filename>] [-k<number>] [-l<number>] [-o<n|s>] [-s] [-t] [-h] [-v]\n";
+		print "Options: -f<filename> = file containing sequences in GenBank format\n";
+		print "         -g<filename> = file containing specific genes to be stripped\n";
+		print "         -k<number> = number of (longest) sequences to retain per species for a given gene (default = all)\n";
+		print "         -l<number> = minimum length required for all non-tRNA genes (default = none)\n";
+		print "         -o<n|s> = provide output in nexus (n) phytab (p) and/or Se-Al (s) format in addition to fasta format\n";
+		print "         -s = only process sequences for valid species names (i.e., no species with sp. or cf. in names)\n";
+		print "         -t<g<number>|s<number>> = minimum number of sequences (g; default = 0) or species (s; default = 0)\n";
+		print "                                   a gene must have to be retained; both can be specified simultaneously\n";
+		print "         -h = print this message and quit\n";
+		print "         -v = verbose output\n";
+		exit(0);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		print "Don't understand argument: $ARGV[$i]\n";
+		print "Usage: GenBankStrip.pl -f<filename> [-g<filename>] [-k<number>] [-l<number>] [-o<n|s>] [-s] [-t] [-h] [-v]\n";
+		exit(1); 
+		}
+	}
+die "ERROR: Must supply name of GenBank output file using flag -f.\n" if (not $gbFile);
+# Load in hardwired gene synonyms
+	geneSynonyms();
+# Get list of target genes (if desired)
+	if ($geneFile)
+		{
+		my $userGeneCount = 0;
+		my %userGenePresent;
+		setLineBreak($geneFile);
+		open (GENE,"<$geneFile") or die "Cannot open file $geneFile containing gene names.\n";
+		print "Gene(s) to be stripped:\n";
+		while (<GENE>)
+			{
+			chomp;
+			next unless ($_);
+			my $gene = $_;
+			$gene = $synonym{$gene} if (defined $synonym{$gene});
+			$userGene{$gene} = 1;
+			unless ($userGenePresent{$gene})
+				{
+				$userGeneCount++;
+				$userGenePresent{$gene}++;
+				print "\t$gene\n";
+				}
+			}
+		close GENE;
+#		die "ERROR: No genes read in from file $geneFile\n";
+		}
+#THO added -h command to easilly pass a single gene for Galaxy
+	if($singleGene)
+		{
+		my $userGeneCount = 1;
+		my %userGenePresent;
+		print "Gene(s) to be stripped:\n";
+		my $gene = $singleGene;
+		$gene = $synonym{$gene} if (defined $synonym{$gene});
+		print "\t$gene\n";
+		$geneFile = $singleGene;
+		}
+# Print parameter summary
+	print "The following parameters have been set by the user:\n";
+	print "\tFile containing GenBank sequence data: $gbFile\n";
+	print "\tFile containing target genes to be stripped: $geneFile\n" if ($geneFile);
+	print "\tUser-defined constraints(s):\n";
+		print "\t\tNumber of sequences: $seqThreshold\n" if ($seqThreshold);
+		print "\t\tNumber of species: $speciesThreshold\n" if ($speciesThreshold);
+		print "\t\tMinimum sequence length: global - $minLength bp; tRNAs - $minLengthTRNA bp\n" if (defined $minLength);
+		print "\t\tOnly using species with valid names\n" if ($speciesBlock);
+		print "\t\tNone\n" if (not $seqThreshold and not $speciesThreshold and not defined $minLength and not $speciesBlock);
+	print "\tNumber of sequences to keep per species for each gene: ";
+		if ($keepGene)
+			{
+			print "$keepGene\n";
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			print "all\n";
+			}
+	print "\tOutput format(s): fasta";
+		print ", Se-Al" if ($sealPrint);
+		print ", nexus" if ($nexusPrint);
+		print ", phytab" if ($phytabPrint);
+		print "\n";
+# Do quick gene count if thresholds indicated; takes longer but 1) saves many disk operations and 2) less memory intensive
+	geneCount($gbFile) if (not defined $geneFile and ($seqThreshold or $speciesThreshold));	# Don't bother if user gene list given; will usually be small enough so that benefits won't come into play
+# Read in GenBank file and strip genes
+	my $stripZero = time;
+	print "\nProcessing GenBank file $gbFile ...\n";
+	setLineBreak($gbFile);
+	open (DATA, "<$gbFile") or die "Cannot open GenBank output file $gbFile\n";
+		my @allAccNum;
+		my ($accNum, %accRead, $duplEntry, $organism, %species, $geneName);
+			my $speciesFlag = 0;
+		my (%genePresent, @geneList);
+		my (@startList, @stopList, $complementFlag, $typeStatus, %pseudoStatus, %seqType, $joinLine, @joinSegments, %geneStart, %geneStop, %compStatus, $fullSeq);
+			my $nameFlag = 0;
+			my $joinFlag = 0;
+			my $pseudoFlag = 0;
+			my $readSeqs = 0;
+		while (<DATA>)
+			{
+			chomp;
+			my $readLine = $_;
+			next if ($readLine =~ /^\s*LOCUS/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*DEFINITION/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*VERSION/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*KEYWORDS/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*SOURCE/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*ORGANISM/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*REFERENCE/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*AUTHORS/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*TITLE/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*JOURNAL/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*MEDLINE/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*PUBMED/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*FEATURES/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*COMMENT/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*BASE COUNT/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*source/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*\/codon/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*\/transl/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*\/db_/ or $readLine =~ /^\s*CONTIG/);
+			# Get accession number
+				if ($readLine =~ /^\s*ACCESSION\s+(.+)/)
+					{
+					$accNum = $1;
+					print "$readLine\n" if ($debug);
+					# Clear variables
+						undef @geneList;
+						undef %genePresent;
+						undef $fullSeq;
+						undef @startList;
+						undef @stopList;
+						undef %geneStart;
+						undef %geneStop;
+						undef %pseudoStatus;
+						undef $geneName;
+						$speciesFlag = $nameFlag = $joinFlag = $pseudoFlag = $readSeqs = $duplEntry = 0;
+					if (not $accRead{$accNum})	# Check for duplicate entries
+						{
+						$accRead{$accNum} = 1;
+						push @allAccNum, $accNum;
+						if (scalar(@allAccNum) == int(scalar(@allAccNum)/10000)*10000 and $verbose)
+							{
+							print "\tSequences read in: ".scalar(@allAccNum)."\n";
+							}
+						print "\tAccession number: $accNum\n" if ($debug);
+						}
+					else
+						{
+print "*****NOTE --  DUPLICATE ENTRY Accession $accNum\n";
+						$duplEntry = 1;
+						}
+					}
+			# Get organism name
+				if ($readLine =~ /^\s*\/organism=\"(.+)\"/)
+					{
+					$organism = $1;
+						$organism =~ s/\s/_/g;
+					print "$readLine\n" if ($debug);
+					$species{$accNum} = $organism;
+					$speciesFlag = 1 if ($organism =~ /sp\./ or $organism =~ /cf\./ or $organism =~ /_X_/i);
+					if ($debug)
+						{
+						print "\t\tOrganism: $organism";
+						print " (blocked)" if ($speciesFlag and $speciesBlock);
+						print "\n";
+						}
+					}
+				next if ($speciesFlag and $speciesBlock);	# Entry pertains to invalid species name; skip parsing rest of entry
+			# Get gene boundaries; process previous set of CDs
+				if ($readLine =~ /\<?(\d+)\<?\.\.\>?(\d+)\>?/ or $joinFlag == 1 or $readLine =~ /^\s*ORIGIN/)	# ORIGIN will process last set of CDs
+					{
+					next if ($readLine =~ /^\s+\/\w+/);	# Prevents spurious matches with lines beginning with "/feature"
+					$readSeqs = 1 if ($readLine =~ /^\s*ORIGIN/);	# Indicates that remaining lines will contain sequence information
+					# Process previous gene; need to do here to account for a posteriori declarations of pseudogene status
+						if ($geneName and $nameFlag == 2 and @startList and @stopList)	# Process complete gene
+							{
+							print "\t\t\t\tParsed name: $geneName (type: $typeStatus)\n" if ($debug);
+							# Clean up gene name and misleading punctuation
+								$geneName = geneClean($geneName);
+								$pseudoStatus{$geneName} = 1 if ($pseudoFlag);
+							if (defined @ { $geneStart{$geneName} } and ((defined $pseudoStatus{$geneName} and $pseudoStatus{$geneName} == 1) or $typeStatus =~ /intron/i or $typeStatus =~ /UTR/i))	# Gene has previously stored CDs that might not have been recognized as a pseudogene or non-coding region
+								{
+								print "\t\t\t\t\tSubsequent occurrence of now recognized pseudogene or non-coding region; comparing new and stored CDs\n" if ($debug);
+								for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@startList); $i++)	# Check each occurrence in new CDs for matches in stored ones
+									{
+									my $newStart = $startList[$i];
+									my $newStop = $stopList[$i];
+									print "\t\t\t\t\t\tChecking new CDs $newStart to $newStop\n" if ($debug);
+									for (my $j = 0; $j < scalar(@ { $geneStart{$geneName} }); $j++)
+										{
+										if ($newStart == $geneStart{$geneName}[$j] and $newStop == $geneStop{$geneName}[$j])
+											{
+											print "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tMatch with stored CDs (no. $j); deleted\n" if ($debug);
+											splice(@ { $geneStart{$geneName} }, $j, 1);
+											splice(@ { $geneStop{$geneName} }, $j, 1);
+											}
+										}
+									}
+								if ($debug)
+									{
+									print "\n\t\t\t\t\tCurrent gene boundaries after pseudogene / non-coding check (type = $seqType{$geneName}):\n";
+									if (scalar(@ { $geneStart{$geneName} }) < 1)
+										{
+										print "\t\t\t\t\t\tnone\n";
+										}
+									else
+										{
+										for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@ { $geneStart{$geneName} }); $i++)
+											{
+											print "\t\t\t\t\t\t$geneStart{$geneName}[$i]\t$geneStop{$geneName}[$i]\n";
+											}
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							# Only process coding regions of user-desired genes (if applicable), genes with sensible CDs, non-blocked genes, and genes that are not obvious singletons or pseudogenes
+								unless (($geneFile and not defined $userGene{$geneName}) or
+									(defined $geneStatus{$geneName} and $geneStatus{$geneName} eq "rejected") or
+									(defined $pseudoStatus{$geneName} and $pseudoStatus{$geneName} == 1) or
+									$geneName =~ /hypothetical/i or $geneName =~ /open reading frame/i or $geneName =~ /similar/i or $geneName =~ /homolog/i or $geneName =~ /putative/i or $geneName =~ /unknown/i or $geneName =~ /unnamed/i or $geneName =~ /\d+rik/i or $geneName =~ /possible/i or $geneName =~ /pseudo/i
+									or $typeStatus =~ /UTR/i or $typeStatus =~ /intron/i or $typeStatus =~ /misc_feature/i)
+									{
+									if (not defined $genePresent{$geneName})	# Process first occurrence of gene in entry
+										{
+										if ($debug)
+											{
+											print "\t\t\t\t\tFirst occurrence of $geneName\n" if ($debug);
+											for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@startList); $i++)
+												{
+												print "\t\t\t\t\t\t$startList[$i]\t$stopList[$i]\n";
+												}
+											}
+										$genePresent{$geneName} = 1;
+										push @geneList, $geneName;
+											push @ { $geneStart{$geneName} }, $_ foreach (@startList);
+											push @ { $geneStop{$geneName} }, $_ foreach (@stopList);
+										$seqType{$geneName} = $typeStatus;
+										$compStatus{$geneName} = 0;	# Note whether gene is complemented or not
+											$compStatus{$geneName} = 1 if ($complementFlag);
+										}
+									else	# Attempt to add secondary occurrences
+										{
+										my $storedSegments = scalar(@ { $geneStop{$geneName} }) - 1;
+										my $lastStop = $geneStop{$geneName}[$storedSegments];
+											$lastStop = 0 if (not defined $lastStop);
+										my $newStart = $startList[0];
+										if ($debug)
+											{
+											print "\t\t\t\t\tSecondary occurrence of $geneName with boundaries\n" if ($debug);
+											for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@startList); $i++)
+												{
+												print "\t\t\t\t\t\t$startList[$i]\t$stopList[$i]\n";
+												}
+											}
+										if ($seqType{$geneName} eq "gene" and $typeStatus ne "gene")	# New information probably more precise and better accounts for structure
+											{
+											print "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tNew segment more precisely defined by type; replaced\n" if ($debug);
+											undef @ { $geneStart{$geneName} };
+											undef @ { $geneStop{$geneName} };
+											push @ { $geneStart{$geneName} }, $_ foreach (@startList);
+											push @ { $geneStop{$geneName} }, $_ foreach (@stopList);
+											$seqType{$geneName} = $typeStatus;
+											}
+										elsif ($newStart > $lastStop)	# New segment occurs distal to last stored segment (could also be contiguous); append to boundaries
+											{
+											print "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tContiguous with or occurs after last stored segment; appended\n" if ($debug);
+											push @ { $geneStart{$geneName} }, $_ foreach (@startList);
+											push @ { $geneStop{$geneName} }, $_ foreach (@stopList);
+											$seqType{$geneName} = "composite";
+											}
+										elsif (scalar(@ { $geneStart{$geneName} }) == 1 and scalar(@startList) > 1)	# Replace single stored segment with new segments derived from join statement; probably better accounts for intron/exon structure
+											{
+											print "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tNew segments subdivide single stored segment; replaced\n" if ($debug);
+											undef @ { $geneStart{$geneName} };
+											undef @ { $geneStop{$geneName} };
+											push @ { $geneStart{$geneName} }, $_ foreach (@startList);
+											push @ { $geneStop{$geneName} }, $_ foreach (@stopList);
+											$seqType{$geneName} = "composite";
+											}
+										else
+											{
+											print "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tNew segment overlaps stored segments; rejected\n" if ($debug);
+											}
+										}
+									if ($debug)
+										{
+										print "\n\t\t\t\t\tCurrent gene boundaries after CDS processing (type = $seqType{$geneName}):\n";
+										if (scalar(@ { $geneStart{$geneName} }) < 1)
+											{
+											print "\t\t\t\t\t\tnone\n";
+											}
+										else
+											{
+											for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@ { $geneStart{$geneName} }); $i++)
+												{
+												print "\t\t\t\t\t\t$geneStart{$geneName}[$i]\t$geneStop{$geneName}[$i]\n";
+												}
+											}
+										}
+									}
+							# Clear entries for gene
+								$nameFlag = $complementFlag = 0;
+								undef @startList;	# Prevents double listing of genes if CDS use both /gene and /product tags
+								undef @stopList;
+								undef $typeStatus;
+								$pseudoStatus{$geneName} = 0;	# Clear pseudogene status for previous set of CDs
+							}
+						next if ($readLine =~ /^\s*ORIGIN/);	# No more CDs to worry about
+					print "$readLine\n" if ($debug);
+					# Reset gene name and information for current set of CDs
+						undef $geneName;
+						$nameFlag = $pseudoFlag = $complementFlag = 0;
+							$complementFlag = 1 if ($readLine =~ /complement/); #DISABLED BY THO BECAUSE ONLY COMPLEMENTS AND DOESN'T REVERSE
+					# Get new CD information
+						if ($readLine =~ /^\s+\S+\s+join\(/i or $readLine =~ /^\s+\S+\s+order\(/)
+							{
+							$joinFlag = 1;
+							undef @startList;
+							undef @stopList;
+							undef $joinLine;
+							}
+						if ($readLine =~ /^\s+(\S+)\s+/i)
+							{
+							$typeStatus = $1;
+							}
+						if ($joinFlag)
+							{
+							$joinLine .= $readLine;
+							if ($readLine =~ /\)$/)	# Have accounted for multiline join statements; process
+								{
+								$joinFlag = 0;
+								$complementFlag = 1 if ($joinLine =~ /complement/);
+								# Clean up join statement
+									$joinLine =~ s/complement\(//;
+									$joinLine =~ s/>//g;
+									$joinLine =~ s/<//g;
+									$joinLine =~ s/^\s+\S+\s+join\(//;
+									$joinLine =~ s/^\s+\S+\s+order\(//;
+									$joinLine =~ s/\)+$//;
+									$joinLine =~ s/\s+//g;
+									print "\t\tJoin boundaries: $joinLine\n" if ($debug);
+									if ($joinLine =~ /[A-Z]+\d+/i)	# Avoid join commands referring to separate accessions
+										{
+										undef $joinLine;
+										print "\t\t\tERROR: Joining accessions; skipping\n" if ($debug);
+										next;
+										}
+								# Derive pieces of join statement
+									@joinSegments = split(/,/, $joinLine);
+									foreach my $segment (@joinSegments)
+										{
+										my ($start, $stop) = split(/\.\./, $segment);
+										# Check safeties
+											next unless ($start and $stop);
+											next if ($start =~ /\D/ or $stop =~ /\D/);
+											next if ($start > $stop);
+										push @startList, $start;
+										push @stopList, $stop;									
+										}
+								undef $joinLine;
+								$typeStatus = "join";
+								}
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							my ($start, $stop);
+							if ($readLine =~ /\<?(\d+)\<?\.\.\>?(\d+)\>?/)
+								{
+								$start = $1;
+								$stop = $2;
+								}
+							next unless ($start and $stop);
+							next if ($start > $stop);
+							undef @startList;
+								push @startList, $start;
+							undef @stopList;
+								push @stopList, $stop;
+							print "\t\tParsed boundaries: $1\t$2\n" if ($debug);
+							}
+					}
+			# Check for pseudogene status
+				if ($readLine =~ /\s+\/pseudo/ or $readLine =~ /pseudogene/ or $readLine =~ /putative/)
+					{
+					print "$readLine\n" if ($debug);
+					$pseudoStatus{$geneName} = 1 if (defined $geneName);
+					$pseudoFlag = 1;
+					print "\t\t\t\tWARNING: suspected pseudogene or of uncertain (\"putative\") status\n" if ($debug);
+					}
+				if ($readLine =~ /codon recognized/ and defined $geneName and $geneName =~ /trna/i)
+					{
+					print "$readLine\n" if ($debug);
+					$pseudoStatus{$geneName} = 1;
+					$pseudoFlag = 1;
+					print "\t\t\t\tWARNING: tRNA for an alternative codon; ignored\n" if ($debug);
+					}
+			# Get gene name
+				if ($readLine =~ /^\s*(\/gene)|(\/product)=\"(.+)/ and $nameFlag == 0)	# Get start of gene name
+					{
+					$geneName = $1 if ($readLine =~ /=\"(.+)/);
+					print "$readLine\n" if ($debug);
+					# Check whether name wraps onto a new line
+						if (substr($readLine, -1) ne "\"")
+							{
+							$nameFlag = 1;
+							next;
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							$nameFlag = 2;
+							$geneName =~ s/\"$// if ($geneName =~ /\"$/);
+							}
+					}
+				if ($nameFlag == 1)	# Get continuation / end of gene name
+					{
+					print "$readLine\n" if ($debug);
+					$geneName .= $readLine;
+					$nameFlag = 2 if ($readLine =~ /\"$/)	# Gene name is complete
+					}
+			# Read in sequence information and append
+				if ($readLine =~ /^\s*\d*1\s\w+/ and @geneList and $readSeqs)
+					{
+					my $seqFrag = $readLine;
+						$seqFrag =~ s/\s+//g;
+						$seqFrag =~ s/\d+//g;
+						$fullSeq .= uc($seqFrag);
+					}
+			# End of entry; process
+				if ($readLine =~ /\/\//)
+					{
+					next if ($duplEntry);
+					next unless (@geneList and defined $fullSeq);
+					foreach my $gene (@geneList)
+						{
+						# Safeties; shouldn't come into play
+							next if ($geneFile and not defined $userGene{$gene});
+							next if (defined $geneStatus{$gene} and $geneStatus{$gene} eq "rejected");
+							next if (defined $pseudoStatus{$gene} and $pseudoStatus{$gene} == 1);
+						print "\n\t\tProcessing gene $gene\n" if ($debug);
+						# Strip gene out of full sequence and format as fasta
+							next unless (@ { $geneStart{$gene} } and @ { $geneStop{$gene} } );
+							my $geneSeq;
+								for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@ { $geneStart{$gene} }); $i++)
+									{
+									print "\t\t\tGetting sequence between positions $geneStart{$gene}[$i] and $geneStop{$gene}[$i]\n" if ($debug);
+									next if ($geneStart{$gene}[$i] > length($fullSeq) or $geneStop{$gene}[$i] > length($fullSeq));
+									my $geneSegment = substr($fullSeq,$geneStart{$gene}[$i]-1,$geneStop{$gene}[$i]-$geneStart{$gene}[$i]+1);
+										print "\t\t\t\t$geneSegment\n" if ($debug);
+										$geneSeq .= $geneSegment;
+									}
+							next unless ($geneSeq);
+							$geneSeq = complement($geneSeq) if ($compStatus{$gene});
+							$maxLength{$gene} = length($geneSeq) if (not defined $maxLength{$gene} or length($geneSeq) > $maxLength{$gene});
+							# Check if sequence matches length threshold (if appropriate)
+								if (defined $minLength)
+									{
+									if ($gene =~ /^trna-\w\w\w/) 
+										{
+										if (length($geneSeq) < $minLengthTRNA)
+											{
+											printf "\t\t\tRejected: length (%s bp) does not meet tRNA length threshold ($minLengthTRNA bp)\n", length($geneSeq) if ($debug);
+											next;
+											}
+										}
+									else
+										{
+										if (length($geneSeq) < $minLength)
+											{
+											printf "\t\t\tRejected: length (%s bp) does not meet global threshold ($minLength bp)\n", length($geneSeq) if ($debug);
+											next;
+											}
+										}
+									}
+								if ($gene =~ /trna-\w\w\w/ and length($geneSeq) > 100)
+									{
+									printf "\t\t\tRejected: length of tRNA too long (%s bp); indicates parsing failure\n", length($geneSeq) if ($debug);
+									next;
+									}
+							my $breakPoint = 79;
+							until ($breakPoint > length($geneSeq))
+								{
+								my $replaceString = "\n" . substr($geneSeq, $breakPoint, 1);
+								substr($geneSeq, $breakPoint, 1) = $replaceString;
+								$breakPoint += 80;
+								}
+						# Append sequence to file
+							$geneStatus{$gene} = "stripped";
+							$sequenceCount{$gene}++;
+							$sequenceCount{$species{$accNum}}++;
+							$sequenceCount{"all"}++;
+							my $fastaFile = $gene."_gbs.fasta.txt";
+							my $IOicon = ">";
+								$IOicon .= ">" if ($sequenceCount{$gene} > 1);
+							unless ($debug)
+								{
+								open (GENE, $IOicon, $fastaFile) or die "Cannot open file $fastaFile to write sequence to.";
+									print GENE ">$species{$accNum} $accNum\n";
+									print GENE "$geneSeq\n";
+								close GENE;
+								}
+							# Update various statistical counters
+								unless ($globalGenePresent{$gene})	# Gene counter
+									{
+									push @globalGeneList, $gene;
+									$globalGenePresent{$gene} = 1;
+									}
+								unless ($speciesPresent{$species{$accNum}})	# Species counter
+									{
+									push @speciesList, $species{$accNum};
+									$speciesPresent{$species{$accNum}} = 1;
+									}
+								$speciesGenePresent{$gene}{$species{$accNum}}++;	# Species-gene counter
+									$speciesCount{$gene}++ if ($speciesGenePresent{$gene}{$species{$accNum}} == 1);
+						# Print out summary stats for gene	
+							if ($debug)
+								{
+								print "\t\t\tGene: $gene\n";
+								printf "\t\t\t\tGene boundaries (%s bp)", length($geneSeq) - ($geneSeq =~ tr/\n//);
+								print " (complemented)" if ($compStatus{$gene});
+								print ":\n";
+									for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@ { $geneStart{$gene} }); $i++)
+										{
+										print "\t\t\t\t\t$geneStart{$gene}[$i]\t$geneStop{$gene}[$i]\n";
+										}
+								print "\t\t\t\t\t$geneSeq\n";
+								}
+						}
+					}
+			}
+close DATA;
+# Print out summary stats
+	print "\n\tSummary stats:\n";
+	printf "\t\tTotal number of accessions processed: %s\n", scalar(@allAccNum);
+	printf "\t\tTotal number of unique species: %s\n", scalar(@speciesList);
+	printf "\t\tTotal number of unique sequences: %s\n", $sequenceCount{"all"};
+	printf "\t\tTotal number of unique genes: %s\n", scalar(@globalGeneList);
+	my $stripTime = time - $stripZero;
+		print "\n\t\tTime taken to process file: $stripTime seconds\n";
+	if (not @globalGeneList)
+		{
+		print  "\nNOTE: No genes stripped from file $gbFile; exiting\n";
+		exit(0);
+		}
+# Reprocess results to 1) recheck whether stripped genes actually fall below user-set thresholds (geneCount procedure is a rough maximum), 2) pare down to required number of sequences per species, and 3) produce appropriate output files
+	print "\nPostprocessing results ...\n";
+		my $postZero = time;
+	@globalGeneList = sort(@globalGeneList);
+		$stripCount = scalar(@globalGeneList);
+	foreach my $gene (@globalGeneList)
+		{
+		next if ($debug);
+		print "\tProcessing gene $gene ($sequenceCount{$gene} sequences for $speciesCount{$gene} species)\n" if ($verbose);
+		if ($sequenceCount{$gene} < $seqThreshold or $speciesCount{$gene} < $speciesThreshold)	# Gene does not meet threshold requirements; reject
+			{
+			$geneStatus{$gene} = "rejected";
+				push @rejectList, $gene;
+				$stripCount--;
+			print "\t\tRejected; does not meet threshold requirements\n" if ($verbose);
+			# Remove associated file
+				my $rmString = $gene."_gbs.fasta.txt";
+					$rmString =~ s/\s/\\ /g;
+					$rmString =~ s/\(/\\(/g;
+					$rmString =~ s/\)/\\)/g;
+					$rmString =~ s/\'/\\'/g;
+				system ("rm $rmString");
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			my (%infLength, %lengthList, %criticalLength);
+			undef @speciesList;
+			$geneStatus{$gene} = "stripped";
+			if ($verbose)
+				{
+				print "\t\tStripped";
+				print "; meets threshold requirements" if ($seqThreshold or $speciesThreshold);
+				print "\n";
+				}
+			# Reload sequences from disk
+				my $inputFile = $gene."_gbs.fasta.txt";
+				setLineBreak($inputFile);
+				open (FASTA, "<$inputFile") or die "Cannot open file $inputFile to read data for gene $gene\n";
+					my (@accList, %speciesName, %fastaSeq, $species, $fastaAcc);
+					undef %speciesPresent;
+					while (<FASTA>)
+						{
+						chomp;
+						if ($_ =~ "^>")
+							{
+ 							($species, $fastaAcc) = split;
+								$species =~ s/^>//;
+								$fastaAcc =~ s/^\(//;
+								$fastaAcc =~ s/\)$//;
+							push @accList, $fastaAcc;
+								$speciesName{$fastaAcc} = $species;
+								$speciesPresent{$species}++;
+								push @speciesList, $species if ($speciesPresent{$species} == 1);
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							$fastaSeq{$fastaAcc} .= $_;
+							}
+						}
+				close FASTA;
+				@accList = sort { $speciesName{$a} cmp $speciesName{$b} } keys %speciesName;
+			# Pare down to desired number of sequences as needed
+				if ($keepGene)
+					{
+					undef %lengthList;
+					print "\t\tParing down to $keepGene best lengths for each of $speciesCount{$gene} species ...\n" if ($verbose);
+					# Get informative length for each sequence
+						foreach my $entry (@accList)
+							{
+							$infLength{$entry} = ($fastaSeq{$entry} =~ tr/ACGT//);
+							push @ { $lengthList{$speciesName{$entry}} }, $infLength{$entry};
+							}
+					# Determine critical length and correct sequence count for number of deleted species
+						foreach my $species (@speciesList)
+							{
+							print "\t\t\tSpecies: $species ($speciesPresent{$species} sequences)\n" if ($debug);
+							next if ($speciesPresent{$species} <= $keepGene);	# Only process species for which gene has been sampled more than threshold
+							@ { $lengthList{$species} } = sort {$b <=> $a} @ { $lengthList{$species} };	# Sort in descending order and get critical length
+								$criticalLength{$species} = $lengthList{$species}[$keepGene-1];
+							# Correct sequence count
+								my $i = $keepGene;
+									$i++ until ($i >= $speciesPresent{$species} or $lengthList{$species}[$i] < $criticalLength{$species});
+									$sequenceCount{$gene} -= (scalar(@ { $lengthList{$species} }) - $i);
+							if ($debug)
+								{
+								print "\t\t\t\tCritical length: $criticalLength{$species}\n";
+								printf "\t\t\t\tNumber of sequences deleted: %s\n", scalar(@ { $lengthList{$species} }) - $i;
+								print "\t\t\t\tTotal number of sequences for gene remaining: $sequenceCount{$gene}\n";
+								}
+							}
+					print "\t\t\tFinal count: $sequenceCount{$gene} sequences\n" if ($verbose);
+					# Recheck if paring has dropped sequence below sequence threshold
+						if ($sequenceCount{$gene} < $seqThreshold)
+							{
+							print "\t\t\tNOTE: Gene ($sequenceCount{$gene} sequences) now falls below threshold of $seqThreshold sequences; no file created\n" if ($verbose);
+							$geneStatus{$gene} = "rejected";
+								push @rejectList, $gene;
+								$stripCount--;
+							# Remove associated file
+								my $rmString = $gene."_gbs.fasta.txt";
+									$rmString =~ s/\s/\\ /g;
+									$rmString =~ s/\(/\\(/g;
+									$rmString =~ s/\)/\\)/g;
+									$rmString =~ s/\'/\\'/g;
+								system ("rm $rmString");
+							next;
+							}
+					}
+			# Produce appropriate output files
+				print "\t\tSaving output ...\n" if ($verbose);
+				my %printCount;
+				# Open files as needed
+					my $sealFile = $gene."_gbs.seal";
+						open (SEAL, ">$sealFile") or die "Cannot open Se-Al formatted file $sealFile for writing\n" if ($sealPrint);
+					my $nexusFile = $gene."_gbs.nex";
+						open (NEX, ">$nexusFile") or die "Cannot open nexus-formatted file $nexusFile for writing\n" if ($nexusPrint);
+#					my $phytabFile = $gene."_gbs.phytab";
+#						open (PHYTAB, ">$phytabFile") or die "Cannot open nexus-formatted file $phytabFile for writing\n" if ($phytabPrint);
+#Currently assumes that only 1 file will be written for ease of Galaxy implementation
+					my $phytabFile = "osiris_gbs.phytab";
+						open (PHYTAB, ">$phytabFile") or die "Cannot open nexus-formatted file $phytabFile for writing\n" if ($phytabPrint);
+					my $fastaFile = $gene."_gbs.fasta.txt";
+						$fastaFile = $gene."_gbs.new.fasta.txt" if ($debug);
+						open (FASTA, ">$fastaFile") or die "Cannot open fasta-formatted file $fastaFile for writing\n";
+				# Print headers
+					if ($sealPrint)
+						{
+						print SEAL "Database={\n";
+						print SEAL "\tID='MLst';\n";
+						print SEAL "\tOwner=null;\n";
+						print SEAL "\tName=null;\n";
+						print SEAL "\tDescription=null;\n";
+						print SEAL "\tFlags=0;\n";
+						print SEAL "\tCount=2;\n";
+						print SEAL "\t{\n\t\t{\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tID='PAli';\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tOwner=1;\n";
+						printf SEAL "\t\t\tName=\"%sgbs\";\n", $gene;
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tDescription=null;\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tFlags=0;\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tNumSites=$maxLength{$gene};\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tType=\"Nucleotide\";\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tFeatures=null;\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tColourMode=1;\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tLabelMode=0;\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\ttriplets=false;\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tinverse=true;\n";
+						printf SEAL "\t\t\tCount=%s;\n", $sequenceCount{$gene};
+						print SEAL "\t\t\t{\n";
+						}
+					if ($nexusPrint)
+						{
+						print NEX "#NEXUS\n\n";
+						print NEX "Begin data;\n";
+						printf NEX "\tDimensions ntax=%s nchar=%s;\n", $sequenceCount{$gene}, $maxLength{$gene};
+						print NEX "\tFormat datatype=nucleotide gap=-;\n\n";
+						print NEX "\tmatrix\n\n";
+						}
+				# Print sequence data
+					my $i = 0;
+					foreach my $entry (@accList)
+						{
+						next if (defined $criticalLength{$speciesName{$entry}} and $infLength{$entry} < $criticalLength{$speciesName{$entry}});
+						$printCount{$speciesName{$entry}}++;
+							$speciesName{$entry} .= "_$printCount{$speciesName{$entry}}" if ($printCount{$speciesName{$entry}} > 1);
+						if ($sealPrint)
+							{
+							$i++;
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t{\n";
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tID='PSeq';\n";
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tOwner=2;\n";
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tName=\"$speciesName{$entry}\";\n";
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tDescription=null;\n";
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tFlags=0;\n";
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tAccession=\"$entry\";\n";
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tType=\"DNA\";\n";
+							printf SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tLength=%s;\n", length($fastaSeq{$entry});
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tSequence=\"$fastaSeq{$entry}\";\n";
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tGeneticCode=1;\n";
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tCodeTable=null;\n";
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tFrame=1;\n";
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tFeatures=null;\n";
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tParent=null;\n";
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tComplemented=false;\n";
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t\tReversed=false;\n";
+							print SEAL "\t\t\t\t}";
+							print SEAL "," unless ($i == $sequenceCount{$gene});
+							print SEAL "\n";
+							}
+						if ($nexusPrint)
+							{
+							my $gaps = "-" x ($maxLength{$gene} - length($fastaSeq{$entry}));
+							print NEX "$speciesName{$entry}\t$fastaSeq{$entry}$gaps\n";
+							}
+						if($phytabPrint)
+							{
+							print PHYTAB "$speciesName{$entry} \t$gene \t $entry \t $fastaSeq{$entry} \n"
+							}
+						my $breakPoint = 79;
+						until ($breakPoint > length($fastaSeq{$entry}))
+							{
+							my $replaceString = "\n" . substr($fastaSeq{$entry}, $breakPoint, 1);
+							substr($fastaSeq{$entry}, $breakPoint, 1) = $replaceString;
+							$breakPoint += 80;
+							}
+						if ($accessionFirst) #ADDED BY THO
+							{
+							print FASTA ">$entry", "\___", "$speciesName{$entry}\n";
+							print FASTA "$fastaSeq{$entry}\n";
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							print FASTA ">$speciesName{$entry} ($entry)\n";
+							print FASTA "$fastaSeq{$entry}\n";
+							}
+						}
+				# Print footers
+					if ($sealPrint)
+						{
+						print SEAL "\t\t\t};\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t},\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t{\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tID='MCoL';\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tOwner=1;\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tName=\"Genetic Codes\";\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tDescription=\"Custom Genetic Codes\";\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tFlags=0;\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t\tCount=0;\n";
+						print SEAL "\t\t}\n";
+						print SEAL "\t};\n";
+						print SEAL "};\n";
+						}
+					if ($nexusPrint)
+						{
+						print NEX "\t;\nend;\n";
+						}
+				# Close files as appropriate
+					close SEAL if ($sealPrint);
+					close NEX if ($nexusPrint);
+					close FASTA if ($keepGene);
+			}
+		}
+	my $postTime = time - $postZero;
+	print "\n" if ($verbose);
+	print "\tTime taken: $postTime seconds\n";
+# Print out final summary stats / files
+	print "\nFinal summary statistics\n";
+	# Print file of stripped genes
+		open (STRIP, ">$stripFile") or die "Cannot write summary of stripped genes to $stripFile.\n";
+			print STRIP "The following $stripCount genes were stripped successfully from file $gbFile\n";
+			print STRIP "\nGene\tNo. of sequences\tNo. of species\n\n";
+			foreach my $gene (@globalGeneList)
+				{
+				print STRIP "$gene\t$sequenceCount{$gene}\t$speciesCount{$gene}\n" unless ($geneStatus{$gene} eq "rejected");
+				}
+		close STRIP;
+		print "\tSummaries of $stripCount genes that were stripped from $gbFile have been written to $stripFile\n";
+	# Print file of rejected genes
+		if (@rejectList)
+			{
+			@rejectList = sort @rejectList;
+			open (REJECT, ">$rejectFile") or die "Cannot write summary of rejected genes to $rejectFile.\n";
+				printf REJECT "The following %s genes do not meet user-defined threshold(s) of", scalar(@rejectList);
+					print REJECT " $seqThreshold sequences" if ($seqThreshold);
+					print REJECT " or" if ($seqThreshold and $speciesThreshold);
+					print REJECT " $speciesThreshold species" if ($speciesThreshold);
+					print REJECT "; an asterisk indicates that values given are rough maximums\n";
+				print REJECT "\nGene\tNo. of sequences\tNo. of species\n\n";
+				foreach my $gene (@rejectList)
+					{
+					print REJECT "$gene\t";
+					if (defined $sequenceCount{$gene})	# Need to do alternative versions depending on whether gene was properly counted or not
+						{
+						print REJECT "$sequenceCount{$gene}\t";
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						print REJECT "$quickSequenceCount{$gene} \*\t";
+						}
+					if (defined $speciesCount{$gene})
+						{
+						print REJECT "$speciesCount{$gene}\n";
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						print REJECT "$quickSpeciesCount{$gene} \*\n";
+						}
+					}
+			close REJECT;
+			printf "\tSummaries of %s genes that did not meet threshold(s) have been written to $rejectFile\n", scalar(@rejectList);
+			}
+	if ($debug)
+		{
+		print "\n\tSummary stats for each processed gene:\n";
+		foreach my $gene (@globalGeneList)
+			{
+			print "\t\tGene: $gene ($geneStatus{$gene})\n";
+			print "\t\t\tTotal number of sequences: $sequenceCount{$gene}\n";
+			print "\t\t\tTotal number of unique species: $speciesCount{$gene}\n";
+			}
+		}
+# Subroutines used in the script
+sub setLineBreak	# Check line breaks of input files and set input record separator accordingly
+	{
+	my $gbFile = shift;
+	$/ ="\n";
+	open (IN, "<$gbFile") or die "Cannot open $gbFile to check form of line breaks.\n";
+		while (<IN>)
+			{
+			if ($_ =~ /\r\n/)
+				{
+				print "\tDOS line breaks detected ...\n" if ($debug);
+				$/ ="\r\n";
+				last;
+				}
+			elsif ($_ =~ /\r/)
+				{
+				print "\tMac line breaks detected ...\n" if ($debug);
+				$/ ="\r";
+				last;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				print "\tUnix line breaks detected ...\n" if ($debug);
+				$/ ="\n";
+				last;
+				}
+			}
+	close IN;
+	}
+sub complement	# Outputs complementary sequence to one provided
+	{
+	my $tempSeq = shift;
+	my $compSeq;
+		for (my $nt = 0; $nt < length($tempSeq); $nt++)
+			{
+			if (not defined $complement{substr($tempSeq, $nt, 1)})
+				{
+				$compSeq .= "?";
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				$compSeq .= $complement{substr($tempSeq, $nt, 1)};
+				}
+			}
+        my $revCompSeq = reverse($compSeq);
+	return $revCompSeq;
+	}
+sub geneSynonyms	# Define gene synonyms; originally compiled by Robin Beck
+	{
+	#Opsin gene added by THO
+	$synonym{$_} = "opsin" foreach ("opsin", "anceropsin", "blop", "blue-sensitive_opsin", "blue-sensitive_opsin_precursor", "blue-sensitive_rhodopsin", "blue-sensitive_visual_pigment", "blue_opsin", "bluerh", "boceropsin", "buvops", "compound_eye_opsin_bcrh1", "compound_eye_opsin_bcrh2", "lateral_eye_opsin", "locus_opsin_1", "locust_opsin_2", "long-wavelenght_opsin", "long-wavelength_like_opsin", "long-wavelength_opsin", "long-wavelength_rhodopsin", "long-wavelength_sensitive_opsin_1", "long-wavelength_sensitive_opsin_2", "long_wave_opsin", "long_wavelength-sensitive_opsin", "long_wavelength-sensitive_rhodopsin", "long_wavelength-sensitive_visual_pigment", "long_wavelength_opsin", "long_wavelength_sensitive_opsin_1", "long_wavelength_sensitive_opsin_2", "lop2", "lw_opsin", 
+"ocellar_opsin", "opsin", "opsin_2", "opsin_bcrh1", "opsin_bcrh2", 
+"opsin_rh1", "opsin_rh3", "opsin_rh4", "piceropsin", "pteropsin", 
+"rh1_opsin", "rh2_opsin", "rh3_opsin", "rh4_opsin", "rh6_rhodopsin", 
+"rhodopsin", "rhodopsin_1", "rhodopsin_2_cg16740-pa", "rhodopsin_3", 
+"rhodopsin_3_cg10888-pa", "rhodopsin_4", "rhodopsin_4_cg9668-pa", 
+"rhodopsin_5", "rhodopsin_5_cg5279-pa", "rhodopsin_6", 
+"rhodopsin_6_cg5192-pb", "rhodopsin_7_cg5638-pa", 
+"rhodopsin_long-wavelength", "short_wavelength-sensitive_opsin", 
+"ultraviolet-sensitive_opsin", "ultraviolet-sensitive_rhodopsin", 
+"ultraviolet-sensitive_visual_pigment", "ultraviolet_sensitive_opsin", 
+"uv-sensitive_opsin", "uv-wavelength_like_opsin", "uv_opsin", "uvop", 
+"uvrh", "uvrh1", "amblop", "amuvop", 
+"lwrh", "lwrh1", "lwrh2", "lw", "lw-rh", "lw_rh", "ninae", "ninae-pa", 
+"op", "ops", "ops1", "opsin_1", "opsin_3", "rh", "rh1", "rh2", "rh3", 
+"rh2-pa", "rh3-pa", "rh4", "rh4-pa", "rh5", "rh6", "rh7", "rho", 
+"visual_pigment", "long-wavelength_rodopsin", 
+"long_wavelength_rhodopsin", "short-wavelength_rhodopsin");
+	#Chloroplast genes added by THO***
+		$synonym{$_} = "rbcl" foreach ("rbcl", "large_subunit_of_riblose-15-bisphosphate_carboxylase-oxygenase","larger_subunit_of_rubisco", 
+						"rubisco_large_subunit", "ribulose_15-bisphosphate_carboxylase_large_subunit", "ribulosebiphosphate_carboxylase_large_subunit"); 
+		$synonym{$_} = "matk" foreach ("matk", "maturase_k", "maturase");
+	# Mitochondrial genes
+		$synonym{$_} = "mtatp6" foreach ("mtatp6", "atp synthase 6", "atp synthase a chain", "atp6", "mt-atp6",
+										"atpase subunit 6", "atpase6", "atpase 6", "atpase6 protein", "atp6",
+										"atp synthase f0 subunit 6", "atp synthase a chain protein 6",
+										"atp synthase subunit 6", "atpase6", "atp6", "atp sythase subunit 6",
+										"atpase subunit 6, atpase6", "f0-atpase subunit 6", "f1atpase subunit 6",
+										"f1-atpase subunit 6", "atpase 6", "atpase 6 gene", "atpase subunit 6 (atp6)",
+										"atpase subunit 6 (atpase6)");
+		$synonym{$_} = "mtatp8" foreach ("mtatp8", "atp synthase 8", "atp synthase protein 8", "atpase subunit 8",
+										"a6l", "atp8", "mt-atp8", "atpase subunit 8", "atpase8", "atpase 8",
+										"atpase8 protein", "atp8", "atp synthase f0 subunit 8", "atp synthase protein 8",
+										"atpase-8", "atp synthase subunit 8", "atpase8", "atp8", "atp sythase subunit 8",
+										"atpase subunit8", "f0-atpase subunit 8", "f1 atpase subunit 8", "f1-atpase subunit 8",
+										"protein a6l", "atpase 8", "atpase subunit 8 (atp8)", "atpase subunit 8 (atpase8)",
+										"atpase 8 gene", "atpase subunit 8 (atp8)", "atpase subunit 8 (atpase8)");
+		$synonym{$_} = "mtco1" foreach ("mtco1", "cytochrome c oxidase i", "coi", "mt-co1", "co i", "ccoi", "cox 1", "cox i",
+										"coi", "cytochrome c oxidase subunit i", "cytochrome oxidase subunit i", "cox1",
+										"cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1", "cytochrome oxidase subunit 1", "co1",
+										"cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide i", "cytochrome oxidase i", "cox-1",
+										"cytochrome oxidase c subunit 1", "cox1", "co i", "co1", "cox 1", "coxi",
+										"cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide i", "cytochrome c-oxidase subunit 1",
+										"cytochrome oxidase c subunit i", "cytochrome-c oxidase i", "cytochrome c1 mrna",
+										"cytochrome c1", "cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (coxi)", "cytochrome c oxidase chain i",
+										"cytochrome c1 (aa 1-241)", "cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide 1",
+										"cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (coi)", "cytochrome c-1");
+		$synonym{$_} = "mtco2" foreach ("mtco2", "cytochrome c oxidase ii", "cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide ii", "coii",
+										"mt-co2", "coii", "cytochrome c oxidase subunit ii", "cytochrome oxidase subunit ii",
+										"cytochrome oxidase subunit 2", "cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2",
+										"cytochrome c oxidase ii", "cox2", "co2", "cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide ii",
+										"cytochrome oxidase ii", "cox2", "cytochrome oxidase c subunit 2",
+										"cytochrome-c oxidase", "co ii", "co2", "cox 2", "cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide ii",
+										"cytochrome c-oxidase subunit 2", "cytochrome oxidase c subunit ii",
+										"cytochrome oxidase subunit2", "cytochrome-c oxidase ii", "cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 (coxii)",
+										"cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 (coii)", "cytochrome c oxidase chain ii",
+										"cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide 2", "cytochrome c oxidase ii subunit",
+										"cytochrome c oxidase ii mrna");
+		$synonym{$_} = "mtco3" foreach ("mtco3", "cytochrome c oxidase iii", "coiii", "mt-co3", "co iii", "ccoiii", "cox3",
+										"cox iii", "cytochrome oxidase subunit iii", "coiii", "cox iii",
+										"cytochrome c oxidase subunit iii", "cytochrome oxidase subunit 3", "cox3",
+										"cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3", "co3", "cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide iii",
+										"cox3", "cytochrome oxidase c subunit 3", "cytochrome oxidase iii",
+										"cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide iii", "co iii", "coiii", "coiii protein", "coxiii",
+										"cytochrome c oxidase subunit iii, coiii", "cytochrome c-oxidase subunit 3",
+										"cytochrome c-oxidase subunit three", "cytochrome oxidase c subunit iii",
+										"cytochrome-c oxidase iii", "cytochrme c oxidase iii", "cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 (coiii)",
+										"cytochrome oxidase subunit iii type 2");
+		$synonym{$_} = "mtnd1" foreach ("mtnd1", "nd1", "nadh dehydrogenase 1", "nadh dehydrogenase, subunit 1 (complex i)",
+										"mt-nd1", "nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1", "nd1", "nadh1", "nd1",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1", "nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 1",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase i", "nadh dehydrogenase 1", "nadh subunit 1",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subnuit 1", "nadh1", "nadh1 protein",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit i", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit 1",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit 1 (nd1)", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit 1 type 2",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit 1 type 1", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit i", "nadh dehydrogenase i",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subnit 1", "nadh dehydrogenase ubiquinone 1 alpha",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit i");
+		$synonym{$_} = "mtnd2" foreach ("ndh-u1", "mtnd2", "nadh dehydrogenase 2", "nadh dehydrogenase, subunit 2 (complex i)",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 2", "nd2", "mt-nd2", "urf2",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit 2", "nd2", "nadh2",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 2", "nadh dehydrogenase 2", "nadh subunit 2",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 2", "nadh dehydrogenase subnuit 2",
+										"nadh deydrogenase subunit 2", "nadh2", "nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit ii",
+										"nd2", "nadh2 protein", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit 2 (nd2)", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit ii",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase ii", "nadh dehydrogense 2", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit ii");
+		$synonym{$_} = "mtnd3" foreach ("mtnd3", "ndh-u3", "nadh dehydrogenase 3", "nd3", "nadh3",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 3",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone/plastoquinone oxidoreductase chain 3", "mt-md3", "urf3",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit 3", "nd3", "nadh3",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 3", "nadh subunit 3", "nadh3", "nadh3 protein",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 3", "nadh dehydrogenase subnuit 3",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit iii", "nadh3 protein",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit 3 (nd3)", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit iii", "nadh dehydrogenase iii",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit iii");
+		$synonym{$_} = "mtnd4" foreach ("mtnd4", "ndh-u4", "nadh dehydrogenase 4", "nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 4", "mt-nd4",
+										"nd4", "urf4", "nadh:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 4 (chain m)",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit 4", "nd4", "nadh4",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 4", "nadh subunit 4", "nadh4",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 4", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit4",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit iv", "nadh4 protein",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit 4 (nd4)", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit iv", "nadh dehydrogenase iv",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit iv");
+		$synonym{$_} = "mtnd4l" foreach ("mtnd4l", "ndh-u4l", "nadh dehydrogenase 4l", "nadh dehydrogenase, subunit 4l (complex i)",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 4l", "nd4l", "mt-md4l", "urf4l",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit 4l", "nd4l", "nadh4l", "nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 4l",
+										"nadh subunit 4l", "nadh4l", "nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 4l",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit 4 l", "nadh4l protein", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit 4l (nd4l)",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit ivl", "nadh dehydrogenase ivl", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit ivl");
+		$synonym{$_} = "mtnd5" foreach ("mtnd5", "ndh-u5", "nadh dehydrogenase 5", "nd5", "nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 5",
+										"mt-nd5", "urf5", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit 5", "nadh5", "nd5",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase-5", "nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 5",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase 5", "nadh 5", "nadh subunit 5",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 5", "nadh5", "nadh-dehydrogenase subunit 5",
+										"nadh-dehydrogenase subunit 5, nd5", "nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit v",
+										"nadh5 protein", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit 5 (nd5)", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit v",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase v", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit v");
+		$synonym{$_} = "mtnd6" foreach ("mtnd6", "ndh-u6", "nadh dehydrogenase 6", "nd6", "nadh6",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 6",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone/plastoquinone oxidoreductase chain 6", "mt-md6", "urf6",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit 6", "nd6", "nadh6",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 6", "nadh subunit 6",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 6", "nadh dehydrogenase 6", "nadh6",
+										"nadh-ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit vi", "nadh6 protein",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit 6 (nd6)", "nadh dehydrogenase subunit vi", "nadh dehydrogenase vi",
+										"nadh dehydrogenase subunit vi");
+		$synonym{$_} = "mtrnr1" foreach ("mtrnr1", "mt-rnr1", "12s rna", "12s rrna", "12s ribosomal rna", "12s rrna",
+										"small subunit ribosomal rna", "12 rrna", "12 s ribosomal rna", "12s rrna, mtssu rrna",
+"12s rrna gene", "12s small subunit ribosomal rna", 
+"mitochondrial ssu ribosomal rna", "rrns",
+										"ssu ribosomal rna", "12s","12s_ribosmal_rna", "s-rrna", "srrna", "ssu");
+		$synonym{$_} = "mtrnr2" foreach ("16s", "16s_ribosomal_rna","l-rrna","lrrna","lsu", "mtrnr2", "mt-rnr2", "16s rrna", "16s rna", "16srrna", "16s ribosomal rna", "16s rrna", "rrna large subunit",
+										"large subunit ribosomal rna", "16 s ribosomal rna", "16s mitochondrial ribosomal rna",
+"mitochondrial 16s ribosomal rna", "16s large subunit ribosomal 
+rna", "16s_ribosmal_rna","rrnl");
+	# Nuclear genes
+		$synonym{$_} = "adora3" foreach ("adora3", "adenosine a3 receptor", "a3ar", "ara3", "gpcr2", "adora3", "adenosine a3 receptor",
+										"a3 adenosine receptor", "adenosine-3 receptor");
+		$synonym{$_} = "adra2b" foreach ("adra2b", "adrenergic, alpha-2b-, receptor", "adra2l1", "adrarl1", "adra2rl1",
+										"alpha-2b adrenergic receptor", "alpha-2b adrenoceptor", "subtype c2", "[a]2b", "adra-2b",
+										"alpha2-c2", "alpha2b", "subtype alpha2-c2", "alpha-2-adrenergic receptor-like 1",
+										"alpha adrenergic receptor 2b", "adra2b", "alpha 2b adrenergic receptor", "adra2b",
+										"alpha adrenergic receptor subtype 2b", "alpha-2b-adrenergic receptor",
+										"alpha adrenergic receptor, subtype 2b", "alpha-2b adrenergic receptor", "alpha-2b adrenoceptor");
+		$synonym{$_} = "adrb2" foreach ("adrb2", "adrenergic, beta-2-, receptor, surface", "adrb2r", "adrbr", "beta-2 adrenergic receptor",
+										"b2ar", "bar", "beta-2 adrenoceptor", "catecholamine receptor", "adrb-2", "badm", "beta 2-ar",
+										"gpcr7", "adrb2", "beta-2 adrenergic receptor", "beta-2-adrenergic receptor",
+										"adrenergic receptor beta 2", "beta 2 adrenergic receptor", "beta2-adrenergic receptor",
+										"beta2 adrenergic receptor");
+		$synonym{$_} = "apob" foreach ("apob", "apolipoprotein b", "ag(x) antigen", "apolipoprotein b-100 precursor", "apo b-100",
+										"apolipoproteinb-48", "apo b-48", "fldb", "apob-100", "apolipoprotein b", "apolipoprotein b 100",
+										"apob", "apolipoprotein b-100", "apob");
+		$synonym{$_} = "app" foreach ("app", "amyloid beta (a4) precursor protein", "protease nexin-ii, alzheimer disease", "ad1",
+										"human mrna for amyloid a4 precursor of alzheimer's disease", "appi", "beta-amyloid protein",
+										"beta-app", "a-beta", "a4", "cvap", "aaa", "abeta", "amyloid beta-peptide",
+										"amyloid beta (a4) precursor protein", "adap", "appican", "betaapp", "app",
+										"amyloid beta precursor protein", "amyloid precursor protein", "amyloid beta precursor b1",
+										"beta amyloid protein precursor", "beta-a4");
+		$synonym{$_} = "atp7a" foreach ("atp7a", "atpase, cu++ transporting, alpha polypeptide (menkes syndrome)", "mnk",
+										"copper-transporting atpase 1", "copper pump 1", "menkes disease-associated protein", "mc1",
+										"copper binding p-type atpase 7a", "blo", "blotchy", "br", "brindled", "menkes protein", "mo",
+										"mottled", "mk", "ohs", "atp7a", "copper transporting atpase",
+										"atpase, cu++ transporting, alpha polypeptide", "menkes syndrome protein");
+		$synonym{$_} = "bdnf" foreach ("bdnf", "brain-derived neurotrophic factor", "brain-derived neurotrophic factor precursor", "bdnf",
+										"brain-derived neurotrophic factor", "brain derived neurotrophic factor",
+										"brain-derived neurotrophic factor mature peptide", "bdnf");
+		$synonym{$_} = "bmi1" foreach ("bmi1", "b lymphoma mo-mlv insertion region (mouse)",
+										"murine leukemia viral (bmi-1) oncogene homolog", "polycomb complex protein bmi-1", "rnf51",
+										"mgc12685", "oncogene bmi-1", "bmi1", "bmi-1", "bmi-1 protein", "oncoprotein bmi-1");
+		$synonym{$_} = "brca1" foreach ("brca1", "breast cancer 1, early onset", "pscp", "papillary serous carcinoma of the peritoneum",
+										"breast cancer type 1 susceptibility protein", "breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene",
+										"rnf53", "breast-ovarian cancer, included", "brca1", "brca1",
+										"breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility protein", "brca1 protein",
+										"breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility");
+		$synonym{$_} = "chrna1" foreach ("chrna1", "cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 1 (muscle)", "chrna",
+										"acetylcholine receptor protein, alpha chain precursor", "achra", "achr-1", "acra", "chrna1",
+										"nicotinic cholinergic receptor alpha polypeptide", "chrna1", "achr", "achr prepeptide", "chrna",
+										"neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha", "nicotinic acetylcholine recepter alpha-subunit");
+		$synonym{$_} = "cftr" foreach ("cftr", "cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, atp-binding cassette (sub-family c,
+										member 7)", "mrp7", "cf", "abcc7", "abc35", "cftr", "cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance",
+										"cftr chloride channel");
+		$synonym{$_} = "cnr1" foreach ("cnr1", "cannabinoid receptor 1 (brain)", "cnr", "cb1", "cb-r", "cann6", "cb>1<", "cb1k5", "cb1a",
+										"central cannabinoid receptor", "cnr1", "cannabinoid receptor 1", "cb1", "cb1 cannabinoid receptor",
+										"cb1 cannabinoid receptor", "cbr");
+		$synonym{$_} = "crem" foreach ("crem", "camp responsive modulator", "crea", "camp-responsive element modulator, alpha isoform",
+										"crem", "camp responsive element moderator", "camp responsive element modulator",
+										"camp-responsive element moderator");
+		$synonym{$_} = "edg1" foreach ("edg1", "endothelial differentiation, sphingolipid g-protein-coupled receptor, 1", "d1s3362", "edg-1",
+										"1pb1", "s1p1", "ecgf1", "chedg1", "sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor edg1",
+										"g protein-coupled sphingolipid receptor", "edg1");
+		$synonym{$_} = "ghr" foreach ("ghr", "growth hormone receptor", "growth hormone receptor precursor", "gh receptor",
+										"serum binding protein", "growth hormone receptor", "ghr", "growth hormone receptor precursor",
+										"ghr", "bovine growth hormone receptor", "mature growth hormone receptor");
+		$synonym{$_} = "pgk1" foreach ("pgk1", "phosphoglycerate kinase 1", "pgk-1", "primer recognition protein 2", "prp 2", "pgka",
+										"pgk-1", "pgk-1", "phosphoglycerate kinase 1");
+		$synonym{$_} = "plcb4" foreach ("plcb4", "phospholipase c, beta 4",
+										"1-phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase beta 4", "plc-beta-4",
+										"phospholipase c-beta-4", "plcb4", "phospholipase c beta 4");
+		$synonym{$_} = "pnoc" foreach ("pnoc", "prepronociceptin", "propronociceptin", "nociceptin precursor", "orphanin fq", "ppnoc", "ofq",
+										"n/ofq", "n23k", "npnc1", "ofq/n", "proorphanin", "pnoc", "prepronociceptin",
+										"nociceptin/orphanin fq precursor");
+		$synonym{$_} = "prkci" foreach ("prkci", "protein kinase c, iota", "pkci", "dxs1179e", "npkc-iota", "protein kinase c iota",
+										"prkci");
+		$synonym{$_} = "prnp" foreach ("prnp", "(prion protein (p27-30) (creutzfeld-jakob disease, gerstmann-strausler-scheinker syndrome, fatal familial insomnia)",
+										"cjd", "major prion protein precursor", "prp", "prp27-30", "prp33-35c", "ascr", "prip", "gss",
+										"prn-i", "prn-p", "prpc", "prpsc", "sinc", "mgc26679", "cd230 antigen", "prion-related protein",
+										"prion protein", "prp", "prnp", "prion protein precursor", "prion protein", "prnp", "prp",
+										"prion protein prp", "prion protein precursor prp", "prp", "prp", "prp gene", "greater kudu prp",
+										"major prion protein", "prion protein variant 110p", "prion protein variant 143r",
+										"prion protein variant 240s", "prion protein variant 37v", "prion protein variant 37v/240s",
+										"prion protein, prp", "prnp", "prmp");
+		$synonym{$_} = "rag1" foreach ("rag1", "recombination activating gene 1", "v(d)j recombination activating protein 1", "rag-1",
+										"recombination activating protein 1", "rag1", "rag-1", "recombination activating gene-1",
+										"recombination activating gene 1", "recombination-activating gene 1", "rag1", "rag 1", "rag1");
+		$synonym{$_} = "rag2" foreach ("rag2", "recombination activator protein 2", "recombination activating protein 2", "rag-2", "rag 2",
+										"recombination activating protein", "recombination activating gene-2", "rag2",
+										"recombination activating protein 2", "rag2", "rag2", "rag2", "rag-2", "rag-2 protein",
+										"recombinase activating gene 2", "recombination activating protein 2");
+		$synonym{$_} = "rbp3" foreach ("rbp3", "retinol-binding protein 3, interstitial", "interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein precursor",
+										"irbp", "interstitial retinol-binding protein", "rbp-3", "interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein",
+										"irbp", "irbp", "interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein", "interphotorecepter retinoid binding protein",
+										"interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein (irbp)", "irbp mrna");
+		$synonym{$_} = "tnf" foreach ("tnf", "tumor necrosis factor (tnf superfamily, member 2)", "tnfa", "dif", "tnfsf2",
+										"tumor necrosis factor (cachectin)", "tumor necrosis factor, alpha (cachectin)",
+										"tumor necrosis factor", "tnf-alpha", "cachectin", "tnfsf1a", "apc1 protein",
+										"tnf, monocyte-derived", "tnf, macrophage-derived", "tnf superfamily, member 2",
+										"tumor necrosis factor-alpha", "tumor necrosis factor alpha", "tnfa", "tnf-alpha",
+										"tumor necrosis factor alpha precursor", "tnfa", "tnfa", "tnfalpha", "tumour necrosis factor alpha",
+										"tnf alpha", "tnf-a", "tumor necrosis factor alpha, tnf-alpha", "bovine tumor necrosis factor alpha",
+										"tumor necrosis factor alpha (cachetin)", "tumor necrosis factor-alpha precursor");
+		$synonym{$_} = "tp53" foreach ("tp53", "tumor protein p53 (li-fraumeni syndrome)", "p53", "cellular tumor antigen p53",
+										"phosphoprotein p53", "trp53", "transformation related protein 53", "p53", "p53 protein", "p53",
+										"tp53", "tumor suppressor p53", "53 kda phosphoprotein", "insulin recptor substrate p53 short form",
+										"p53 gene product", "p53 tumor suppressor gene", "p53 tumor suppressor protein",
+										"tumor suppressor p53 phosphoprotein");
+		$synonym{$_} = "ttr" foreach ("ttr", "transthyretin (prealbumin, amyloidosis type i)", "palb", "tthy", "tbpa", "attr",
+										"transthyretin", "transthyretin precursor", "transthyretin subunit", "ttr", "ttr");
+		$synonym{$_} = "tyr" foreach ("tyr", "tyrosinase (oculocutaneous albinism ia)", "ocaia", "monophenol monooxygenase",
+										"tumor rejection antigen ab", "sk29-ab", "lb24-ab", "albino", "c", "skc35", "oca1a", "tyrosinase",
+										"tyr", "tyrosinase precursor", "truncated tyrosinase", "tyr", "tyr");
+		$synonym{$_} = "vwf" foreach ("vwf", "von willebrand factor", "f8vwf", "coagulation factor viii", "von willebrand factor", "vwf",
+										"von willebrand factor", "vwf", "vwf", "vwf", "von willebrand factor, vwf", "von willebrand factor precursor",
+										"von willebrand factor precursor", "wf");
+		$synonym{$_} = "zfx" foreach ("zfx", "zinc finger protein, x-linked", "zinc finger x-chromosomal protein", "zfx", "zinc finger protein zfx",
+										"zfx", "zinc finger protein zfx", "x-linked zinc finger protein zfx", "zfx", "x-linked zinc finger protein",
+										"zinc finger x-linked protein 1", "zinc finger x-linked protein 2", "zinc finger protein x linked",
+										"zfx1", "zfx-1", "zfx2", "zfx-2","zfx protein mrna", "zinc finger protein zfx isoform 4",
+										"zfx product, isoform 1", "zfx product, isoform 2", "zfx product, isoform 3",
+										"zfx product, isoform 4", "zfx protein");
+		$synonym{$_} = "zfy" foreach ("zfy", "zinc finger protein, y-linked", "zinc finger y-chromosomal protein", "zfy", "zfy",
+										"zinc finger protein zfy", "zinc finger protein zfy", "y-linked zinc finger protein",
+										"y-linked zinc finger protein zfy", "zinc finger protein y linked",
+										"y-linked zinc finger protein 2", "y-linked zinc finger protein 1", "zfy1", "zfy-1", "zfy2",
+										"zfy-2");
+	# Additional genes
+		$synonym{$_} = "18s_rrna" foreach ("18s rrna", "18s_rrna", "18s ribosomal rna", 
+										"18 rrna", "18 s ribosomal rna", "18 s ribosomal rna", "18s small subunit ribosomal rna", 
+										"18s_ribsomal_rna", "18s_ribosomal_rna_a-type", "18s_rna_gene", "18s_rrna", "nuclear_18s_ribosomal_rna");
+		$synonym{$_} = "28s_rrna" foreach ("28s_large_subunit_ribosomal_rna", "28s rrna", "28s_rrna", "28s ribosomal rna", "28 rrna", "put. 28S ribosomal RNA", "28 s ribosomal rna", "28 s ribosomal rna",
+										"rrna-28s_rrna-related", "28s ribosomal rna v region");
+		$synonym{$_} = "5.8s" foreach ("5.8s_ribosomal_rna", "5.8s_rrna", "5s_ribosomal_rna","5s_rrna","5.8s_rna_gene");    
+		$synonym{$_} = "mtcyb" foreach ("cob", "mtcyb", "cyt b", "cytb", "cytochrome b", "cytochrome b", "cytb", "cyt b", "cytb", "cytb",
+										"'cytochrome b'", "cytochrome-b", "skeletal muscle cytochrome b", "cyt-b", "cyt.b", "cyto b",
+										"cytob", "cytb1", "cytb2", "cytb3", "cytb4", "cytochrome b light strand", "cyt-b", "cytob",
+										"cyt.b", "cytb", "cytochrome b", "mitochondrial cytochrome b", "cytochrome b protein",
+										"duodenal cytochrome b");
+		$synonym{$_} = "alpha_lactalbumin" foreach ("alpha lactalbumin", "alpha_lactalbumin", "alpha-lactalbumin", "alpla lactalbumin",
+										"alpah lactalbumin", "a-lacta", "a-lacta", "lactalbumin, alpha-", "lactalbumin, alpha",
+										"mature alpha-lactalbumin");
+		$synonym{$_} = "alpha-s1-casein" foreach ("alpha-s1-casein", "as1-casein", "alpha s1 casein", "alpha s1-casein b",
+										"alpha s1 casein", "alpha s1-casein", "alpha(s1) casein", "alpha-s1 casein", "alpha-s1 casein",
+										"alpha-s1-casein", "alpha-s1-casein mrna", "alphas1-casein", "as1-casein", "alfas1-casein",
+										"alpha-sl casein", "casein alpha s1");
+		$synonym{$_} = "alpha-s2-casein" foreach ("alpha-s2-casein", "as2-casein", "alpha s2 casein", "alpha s2-casein b",
+										"alpha s2 casein", "alpha s2-casein", "alpha(s2) casein", "alpha-s2 casein", "alpha-s2 casein",
+										"alpha-s2-casein", "alpha-s2-casein mrna", "alphas2-casein", "as2-casein",
+										"alpha s2a casein (aa 1 to 165)", "alpha s2a casein (aa 1 to 167)", "alph as2-casein",
+										"alpha(s2)-casein");
+		$synonym{$_} = "b-casein" foreach ("b-casein", "beta casein", "beta-casein", "beta-casein (aa 1 - 213)", "beta-casein a3",
+										"beta-casein precursor", "beta casein precursor", "beta-casein variant a2",
+										"beta-casein variant i", "mat. beta-casein", "casein beta", "casein b", "casein b (aa 1-183) pgpk48",
+										"mature beta-casein (aa 1 to 226)");
+		$synonym{$_} = "k-casein" foreach ("k-casein", "kappa casein", "kappa-casein", "kappa-casein precursor", "kappa casein precursor",
+										"casein kappa", "kappa-cas", "kappa-casein long form", "kappa-casein mature peptide",
+										"kappa-casein short form");
+		$synonym{$_} = "sry" foreach ("sry", "sex determining factor sry", "sex determining region y protein", "sex-determining factor sry",
+										"sex-determining region y", "sry gene", "sry protein", "sex region of y chromosome");
+		$synonym{$_} = "c-mos" foreach ("c-mos", "oocyte maturation factor mos", "mos", "mos protein");
+		$synonym{$_} = "cryaa" foreach ("cryaa", "crya1", "alpha a-crystallin","alpha a-crystallin", "alphaa-crystallin",
+										"alpha-a crystallin chain", "alpha-a-crystallin", "crystallin, alpha a", "alphaa-crystallin (crya1)",
+										"alpha a crystallin");
+		$synonym{$_} = "cryab" foreach ("cryab", "crya2", "alpha b-crystallin","alpha b-crystallin", "alphab-crystallin",
+										"alpha-b crystallin chain", "alpha-b-crystallin", "crystallin, alpha b", "alphab-crystallin (crya2)",
+										"alpha b crystallin");
+		$synonym{$_} = "t-cell_receptor_beta" foreach ("t-cell receptor beta", "t cell receptor beta", "t-cell receptor beta chain",
+										"t cell receptor beta chain", "t-cell receptor beta chain variable region",
+										"t cell receptor beta chain variable region", "t-cell receptor beta chain variable",
+										"t cell receptor beta chain variable", "t-cell receptor variable beta chain",
+										"t cell receptor variable beta chain", "t-cell receptor beta-chain",
+										"t cell receptor beta-chain", "t-cell receptor beta chain vj region",
+										"t cell receptor beta chain vj region", "t-cell receptor beta chain v-d-j region",
+										"t cell receptor beta chain v-d-j region", "t-cell receptor beta chain variable segment",
+										"t cell receptor beta chain variable segment", "t-cell receptor beta chain constant region",
+										"t cell receptor beta chain constant region", "t-cell receptor v beta gene",
+										"t cell receptor v beta gene", "t-cell receptor-beta chain", "t cell receptor-beta chain",
+										"t cell receptor bata chain", "t-cell receptor beta-chain", "t cell receptor beta-chain",
+										"t-cell receptor beta chain (v-d-j-c)", "t cell receptor beta chain (v-d-j-c)",
+										"t-cell receptor beta-chain v region", "t cell receptor beta-chain v region",
+										"t-cell receptor v region beta-chain", "t cell receptor v region beta-chain",
+										"t-cell receptor beta chain vdj region", "t cell receptor beta chain vdj region",
+										"t-cell receptor beta chain v-region", "t cell receptor beta chain v-region",
+										"t-cell receptor v-beta", "t cell receptor v-beta", "t-cell_receptor_beta");
+		$synonym{$_} = "t-cell_receptor_alpha" foreach ("t-cell receptor alpha", "t cell receptor alpha", "t-cell receptor alpha chain",
+										"t cell receptor alpha chain", "t-cell receptor alpha chain variable region",
+										"t cell receptor alpha chain variable region", "t-cell receptor alpha chain variable",
+										"t cell receptor alpha chain variable", "t-cell receptor variable alpha chain",
+										"t cell receptor variable alpha chain", "t-cell receptor alpha-chain",
+										"t cell receptor alpha-chain", "t-cell receptor alpha chain vj region",
+										"t cell receptor alpha chain vj region", "t-cell receptor alpha chain v-d-j region",
+										"t cell receptor alpha chain v-d-j region", "t-cell receptor alpha chain variable segment",
+										"t cell receptor alpha chain variable segment", "t-cell receptor alpha chain constant region",
+										"t cell receptor alpha chain constant region", "t-cell receptor v alpha gene",
+										"t cell receptor v alpha gene", "t-cell receptor-alpha chain", "t cell receptor-alpha chain",
+										"t cell receptor bata chain", "t-cell receptor alpha-chain", "t cell receptor alpha-chain",
+										"t-cell receptor alpha chain (v-d-j-c)", "t cell receptor alpha chain (v-d-j-c)",
+										"t-cell receptor alpha-chain v region", "t cell receptor alpha-chain v region",
+										"t-cell receptor v region alpha-chain", "t cell receptor v region alpha-chain",
+										"t-cell receptor alpha chain vdj region", "t cell receptor alpha chain vdj region",
+										"t-cell receptor alpha chain v-region", "t cell receptor alpha chain v-region",
+										"t-cell receptor v-alpha", "t cell receptor v-alpha", "t-cell_receptor_alpha");
+	# tRNAs
+		my @aminoAcids = qw(gly ala val leu ile met phe trp pro ser thr cys tyr asn gln asp glu lys arg his);
+		my %AAcodes = ('glycine' => 'gly', 'alanine' => 'ala', 'valine' => 'val', 'leucine' => 'leu', 'isoleucine' => 'ile',
+							'methionine' => 'met', 'phenylalanine' => 'phe', 'tryptophan' => 'trp', 'proline' => 'pro',
+							'serine' => 'ser', 'threonine' => 'thr', 'cysteine' => 'cys', 'tyrosine' => 'tyr', 'asparagine' => 'asn',
+							'glutamine' => 'gln', 'aspartic acid' => 'asp', 'glutamic acid' => 'glu', 'lysine' => 'lys',
+							'arginine' => 'arg', 'histidine' => 'his');
+		my %fullName = ('gly' => 'glycine', 'ala' => 'alanine', 'val' => 'valine', 'leu' => 'leucine', 'ile' => 'isoleucine',
+							'met' => 'methionine', 'phe' => 'phenylalanine', 'trp' => 'tryptophan', 'pro' => 'proline',
+							'ser' => 'serine', 'thr' => 'threonine', 'cys' => 'cysteine', 'tyr' => 'tyrosine', 'asn' => 'asparagine',
+							'gln' => 'glutamine', 'asp' => 'aspartic acid', 'glu' => 'glutamic acid', 'lys' => 'lysine',
+							'arg' => 'arginine', 'his' => 'histidine');
+		foreach my $aa (@aminoAcids)
+			{
+			# Abbreviations
+				$synonym{"trna $aa"} = "trna-$aa";
+				$synonym{"transfer rna $aa"} = "trna-$aa";
+				$synonym{"transfer rna-$aa"} = "trna-$aa";
+				$synonym{"trna($aa)"} = "trna-$aa";
+				$synonym{"trna $aa gene"} = "trna-$aa";
+				$synonym{"trna-$aa gene"} = "trna-$aa";
+				$synonym{"$aa trna"} = "trna-$aa";
+				my $dashedName = $aa."-trna";
+					$synonym{"$dashedName"} = "trna-$aa";
+			# And again for full names
+				$synonym{"trna $fullName{$aa}"} = "trna-$aa";
+				$synonym{"transfer rna $fullName{$aa}"} = "trna-$aa";
+				$synonym{"transfer rna-$fullName{$aa}"} = "trna-$aa";
+				$synonym{"trna-$fullName{$aa}"} = "trna-$aa";
+				$synonym{"trna($fullName{$aa})"} = "trna-$aa";
+				$synonym{"trna $fullName{$aa} gene"} = "trna-$aa";
+				$synonym{"trna-$fullName{$aa} gene"} = "trna-$aa";
+				$synonym{"$fullName{$aa} trna"} = "trna-$aa";
+				$dashedName = $fullName{$aa}."-trna";
+				$synonym{"$dashedName"} = "trna-$aa";
+			}
+	}
+sub geneClean
+	{
+	my $dirtyGene = shift;
+	# Initial synonymizing
+		$dirtyGene = lc($dirtyGene);	# Only work with lower-case for synonymizing and file names
+		$dirtyGene = $synonym{$dirtyGene} if (defined $synonym{$dirtyGene});
+	# Clean end of gene name
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/\"$//g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/\s+$//g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/^\s+//g;
+	# Remove punctuation that will confound file saving
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/^'//g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/'$//;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/:/ /g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/, / /g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/,//g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/\*/-/g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/\$/-/g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/\#/-/g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/\&/and/g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/\//-/g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/\\//g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/\|/-/g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/;//g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/\<//g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/\>//g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/-+/-/g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/\s+-/-/g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/-\s+/-/g;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/^-+//;
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/`/'/;
+	# Collapse multiple whitespace
+		$dirtyGene =~ s/\s+/_/g;
+	# Clean up some tRNA variants (easier than specifying explicit synonyms for each tRNA)
+		if ($dirtyGene =~ /tRNA/i)
+			{
+			$dirtyGene =~ s/_\d+$//;
+			$dirtyGene =~ s/ \d+$//;
+			}
+	# Final synonymizing
+		$dirtyGene = $synonym{$dirtyGene} if (defined $synonym{$dirtyGene});	# Recheck for synonym
+		$dirtyGene = lc($dirtyGene);	# Ensure that gene names are in lower case for further synonymizing and file saving (final safety)
+	return $dirtyGene;
+	}
+sub geneCount
+	{
+	# Set local parameters
+		my $gbFile = shift;
+		my (%iGene, @geneList, $speciesNum, %quickSpeciesGenePresent, %speciesCounter);
+		my $wordBlock = 1;
+		my $modelBlock = 0;
+			my %modelSpecies;
+		my $stripCount = 0;
+	print "\nCounting gene occurrences in file $gbFile to establish genes that do not meet user-defined threshold(s)\n";
+	# Search input file
+		setLineBreak($gbFile);
+		open (GENE, "<$gbFile") or die "Cannot open GenBank output file, $gbFile.\n";
+			my $accCount = 0;
+			my $modelFlag = 0;
+			my $speciesFlag = 0;
+			my $nameFlag = 0;
+			my $countZero = time;
+			my ($organism, $gene);
+			while (<GENE>)
+				{
+				next unless ($_ =~ /LOCUS/ or $_ =~ /^\s*(\/gene)|(\/product)=\"/ or $_ =~ /^\s*\/organism=\"/ or $nameFlag == 1);
+				chomp;
+				my $gbLine = $_;
+				if ($gbLine =~ /LOCUS/)
+					{
+					undef %iGene;
+					undef $organism;
+					$modelFlag = $speciesFlag = $nameFlag = 0;
+					$accCount++;
+					print "\t$accCount sequences read in\n" if ($accCount == int($accCount/10000)*10000 and $verbose);
+					next;
+					}
+				# Get organism name
+					if ($gbLine =~ /^\s*\/organism=\"(.+)\"/)
+						{
+						$organism = $1;
+							$organism =~ s/\s/_/g;
+						$modelFlag = 1 if (defined $modelSpecies{$organism});
+						$speciesFlag = 1 if ($organism =~ /sp\./ or $organism =~ /cf\./);
+						unless ($speciesFlag or ($modelFlag and $modelBlock))
+							{
+							$speciesCounter{$organism}++;
+							$speciesNum++ if ($speciesCounter{$organism} == 1);
+							}
+						}
+					next if ($modelFlag and $modelBlock);	# Entry pertains to model organism; skip parsing rest of entry
+				# Get gene name
+					if ($gbLine =~ /^\s*(\/gene)|(\/product)=\"(.+)/)	# Get start of gene name
+						{
+						$gene = $1 if ($gbLine =~ /=\"(.+)/);
+						# Check whether name wraps onto a new line
+							if (substr($gbLine, -1) ne "\"")
+								{
+								$nameFlag = 1;
+								next;
+								}
+							else
+								{
+								$nameFlag = 2;
+								$gene =~ s/\"$// if ($gene =~ /\"$/);
+								}
+						}
+					if ($nameFlag == 1)	# Get continuation / end of gene name
+						{
+						$gene .= $gbLine;
+						$nameFlag = 2 if ($gbLine =~ /\"$/)	# Gene name is complete
+						}
+					if ($gene and $nameFlag == 2)	# Process complete gene
+						{
+						next if (not defined $organism);
+						unless ($wordBlock and ($gene =~ /hypothetical/i or $gene =~ /open reading frame/i or $gene =~ /similar/i or $gene =~ /homolog/i or $gene =~ /putative/i or $gene =~ /unknown/i or $gene =~ /unnamed/i or $gene =~ /\d+rik/i or $gene =~ /possible/i or $gene =~ /pseudo/i))
+							{
+							$gene = geneClean($gene);	# Clean up and synonymize gene name
+							# Increment counters
+								$iGene{$gene}++;	# Sequence counter
+									$quickSequenceCount{$gene}++ if ($iGene{$gene} == 1);
+								$quickSpeciesGenePresent{$gene}{$organism}++;	# Species-gene counter
+									$quickSpeciesCount{$gene}++ if ($quickSpeciesGenePresent{$gene}{$organism} == 1);
+							}
+						$nameFlag = 0;
+						undef $gene;
+						}
+				}
+		close GENE;
+		print "\n" if ($verbose);
+		my $countTime = time - $countZero;
+	# Print results and block genes as appropriate
+		open (OUT, ">$countFile") or die "Cannot open results file for quick gene count, $countFile.\n";
+			if ($speciesThreshold)
+				{
+				@geneList = sort {$quickSpeciesCount{$b} <=> $quickSpeciesCount{$a} } keys %quickSpeciesCount;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				@geneList = sort {$quickSequenceCount{$b} <=> $quickSequenceCount{$a} } keys %quickSequenceCount;
+				}
+			printf OUT "Searching $accCount sequences took $countTime seconds with %s distinct genes found\n", scalar(@geneList);
+				print OUT "\tModel organisms were excluded from search\n" if ($modelBlock);
+				print OUT "\tCommon words were excluded from search\n" if ($wordBlock);
+				print OUT "\nGene\tNo. of sequences\tNo. of species\n\n";
+			print "\tGene counts:\n" if ($debug);
+			foreach my $entry (@geneList)
+				{
+				print OUT "$entry\t$quickSequenceCount{$entry}\t$quickSpeciesCount{$entry}\n";
+				print "\t$entry\t$quickSequenceCount{$entry}\t$quickSpeciesCount{$entry}\n" if ($debug);
+				if ($quickSequenceCount{$entry} < $seqThreshold or $quickSpeciesCount{$entry} < $speciesThreshold)
+					{
+					$geneStatus{$entry} = "rejected";
+					push @rejectList, $entry;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					$stripCount++;
+					}
+				}
+		close OUT;
+		printf "\tSearching $accCount sequences took $countTime seconds with %s distinct genes found; results written to $countFile\n", scalar(@geneList);
+		if (not $stripCount)
+			{
+			print "No genes were present more than the threshold value(s)\n";
+			exit(0);
+			}
+	}
+# Version history
+#	v2.0 (July 25, 2005)
+#		- improved and more complete parsing of GenBank files (esp. of gene names or CDs covering multiple lines,
+#		  join statements and other multi-segment entries, detection of pseudogenes)
+#		- added ability to mine input file for all gene content
+#		- added ability to strip only those genes present for 1) a minimum number of sequences and/or species and
+#		  2) species with valid names only
+#		- added (incomplete) gene synonymy list (initially compiled by Robin Beck)
+#		- minor bug fixes
+#	v1.0.1a (April 29, 2004)
+#		- added automatic detection of line breaks
+#		- minor bug fixes
+#	v1.0 (April 30, 2002)
+#		- initial release