diff phylogenies/raxml.xml @ 0:5b9a38ec4a39 draft default tip

First commit of old repositories
author osiris_phylogenetics <ucsb_phylogenetics@lifesci.ucsb.edu>
date Tue, 11 Mar 2014 12:19:13 -0700
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phylogenies/raxml.xml	Tue Mar 11 12:19:13 2014 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+<tool id="raxml" name="RAxML" version="1.0.0" force_history_refresh='True'>
+    <description> Maximum Likelihood Phylogenetic Analysis </description>
+    <requirements>
+        <requirement type="package">raxml</requirement>
+    </requirements>
+    <command interpreter="perl">
+        raxml.pl $GAMMA $PROT $protmodel $morphmodel $data_file $part_file $constraint 
+		$ML $INVAR $Boot $seed Long $Out > $raxml_log
+			2>&amp;1
+    </command>
+    <inputs>
+        <param format="phylip" name="data_file" type="data" label="Raxml Phylip File" help=""/>
+	<param name="Out" type="text" label="Outgroup (optional)" help="The name of one or more (comma-separated) outgroup(s) can be specified"/>
+	<param name='GAMMA' type='boolean' checked='false' truevalue='GTR' falsevalue='CAT' label='Gamma model of rate heterogeneity' help='If not checked, CAT model will be used.'/>
+        <param name='INVAR' type='boolean' checked='false' truevalue='INVAR' falsevalue='no' label='Estimate proportion of invariant sites' help=''/>
+	<param name='PROT' type='boolean' checked='false' truevalue='PROT' falsevalue='DNA' label='Protein Sequences' help='If not checked, DNA sequences will be assumed'/>
+    <param name="protmodel" type="select" label="Protein Model">
+      <option value="WAG">WAG</option>
+      <option value="DAYHOFF">DAYHOFF</option>
+      <option value="DCMUT">DCMUT</option>
+      <option value="JTT">JTT</option>
+      <option value="MTREV">MTREV</option>
+      <option value="RTREV">RTREV</option>
+      <option value="CPREV">CPREV</option>
+      <option value="VT">VT</option>
+      <option value="BLOSUM62">BLOSUM62</option>
+      <option value="MTMAM">MTMAM</option>
+      <option value="LG">LG</option>
+      <option value="MTART">MTART</option>
+      <option value="MTZOA">MTZOA</option>
+      <option value="PMB">PMB</option>
+      <option value="HIVB">HIVB</option>
+      <option value="HIVW">HIVW</option>
+      <option value="JTTDCMUT">JTTDCMUT</option>
+      <option value="FLU">FLU</option>
+      <option value="GTR">GTR</option>
+    </param>
+    <param name="morphmodel" type="select" optional="true" label="Multi-state morphological char model" help="Ignored unless specifying MULTI in model partition">
+      <option value="MK">MK</option>
+      <option value="ORDERED">ORDERED</option>
+      <option value="GTR">GTR</option>
+    </param>
+	<param name="Boot" type="integer" value="100" label="Specify Number of bootstrap replicates" help='100 tends to be sufficient, do not exceed 1000'/>
+	<param name="seed" type="integer" value="1234567" label="Random Number Seed"/>
+        <param format="txt" name="part_file" type="data" optional="true" label="Partition file" help="You may provide an alignment partition file."/>
+	<param format="newick" name="constraint" type="data" label="BINARY Constraint Tree" optional="true" help="This option allows you to specify an incomplete or comprehensive multifurcating constraint tree in NEWICK format."/>
+        <param name='ML' type='boolean' checked='false' truevalue='ML' falsevalue='no' label='Maximum Likelihood Search' help='Will search for best scoring tree after the bootstraps.'/>
+	<param name="Run" type="text" label="Run Name" help="For Galaxy History"/>
+    </inputs>
+    <outputs>
+	<data format="txt" name="raxml_log" label="$Run: ${tool.name} Screen Output on ${on_string}" />
+        <data format="txt" name="boot_tree" label="$Run: ${tool.name} Bootstrap Trees on ${on_string}" from_work_dir="RAxML_bootstrap.galaxy" />
+        <data format="txt" name="bipartitions" label="$Run: ${tool.name} Bootstrap bipartitions on ${on_string}" from_work_dir="RAxML_bipartitionsBranchLabels.galaxy" />
+        <data format="txt" name="branchlabelboots" label="$Run: ${tool.name} Branchlabel bootstrap bipartitions on ${on_string}" from_work_dir="RAxML_bipartitions.galaxy" />
+        <data format="txt" name="raxml_info" label="$Run: ${tool.name} Log File on ${on_string}" from_work_dir="RAxML_info.galaxy" />
+        <data format="txt" name="best_trees" label="$Run: ${tool.name} ML Tree ${on_string}" from_work_dir="RAxML_bestTree.galaxy" />
+    </outputs>
+    <tests>
+    </tests>
+    <help>
+**What it does**
+RAxML estimates phylogenetic trees using Maximum Likelihood.
+Input file is a RAxML compatible text file. This can be generated by Osiris tools from an aligned fasta file with fasta2phylipE or from a PHYTAB format file with phylocatenator.
+RAxML writes the resulting tree file in newick text format, which can be viewed in Osiris with TreeVector (of the mothur package). In addition, if bootstrapping was selected, the individual bootstrap trees and the ML tree with support are written as separate newick files.
+**Additional Information**
+raxml Home Page.
+This tool is part of the Osiris Phylogenetics Tool Package for Galaxy. If you make extensive use of this tool in a publication, please consider citing the following.
+Current Osiris Citation is here
+Additional Citations for this tool
+Stamatakis, A. (2006). RAxML-VI-HPC: maximum likelihood-based phylogenetic analyses with thousands of taxa and mixed models. Bioinformatics.
+    </help>