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view ucsb_phylogenetics/trimmingreads/ @ 4:5b23f3eb3f09 draft
Added sequence gap remover and Trimming Reads.
author | ucsb-phylogenetics |
date | Sun, 24 Jun 2012 16:02:29 -0400 |
parents | |
children |
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line source
#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; use List::Util qw(sum min max); my $seqFormat = "a"; # 1: Sanger; 2: Solexa; 3: Illumina 1.3+; 4: Illumina 1.5+; my $subVal; # Parameter variables my $file; my $helpAsked; my $rTrimBases = 0; my $lTrimBases = 0; my $qCutOff = 0; my $lenCutOff = -1; my $outFile = ""; my $isQualTrimming = 1; GetOptions( "i=s" => \$file, "h|help" => \$helpAsked, "l|leftTrimBases=i" => \$lTrimBases, "o|outputFile=s" => \$outFile, "r|rightTrimBases=i" => \$rTrimBases, "q|qualCutOff=i" => \$qCutOff, "n|lenCutOff=i" => \$lenCutOff, ); if(defined($helpAsked)) { prtUsage(); exit; } if(!defined($file)) { prtError("No input files are provided"); } my ($fileName, $filePath) = fileparse($file); $outFile = $file . "_trimmed" if($outFile eq ""); open(I, "$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n"; open(O, ">$outFile") or die "Can not create file $outFile\n"; my $tmpLine = <I>; close(I); if($tmpLine =~ /^@/) { print "Input read/sequence format: FASTQ\n"; if($lTrimBases == 0 && $rTrimBases == 0 && $qCutOff == 0 && $lenCutOff == -1) { print "Trimming parameters are not set.\nNothing to do.\nExiting...\n"; unlink($outFile); exit; } print "Checking FASTQ variant: File $file...\n"; my $nLines = checkFastQFormat($file, 1); if($seqFormat == 1) { $subVal = 33; print "Input FASTQ file format: Sanger\n"; } if($seqFormat == 2) { $subVal = 64; print "Input FASTQ file format: Solexa\n"; } if($seqFormat == 3) { $subVal = 64; print "Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.3+\n"; } if($seqFormat == 4) { $subVal = 64; print "Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.5+\n"; } if($seqFormat == 5) { $subVal = 33; print "Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.8+\n"; } if($lTrimBases != 0 || $rTrimBases != 0) { print "Trimming $lTrimBases bases from left end and $rTrimBases bases from right end"; $isQualTrimming = 0; } else { print "Trimming based on PHRED quality score (< $qCutOff)"; } print " followed by length filtering (< $lenCutOff bp)\n"; open(I, "$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n"; my $c = 0; my $currId1 = ""; my $currId2 = ""; my $currSeq = ""; my $currQual = ""; while(my $line = <I>) { chomp $line; $c++; if($c == 5) { $c = 1; } if($c == 1) { $currId1 = $line; } if($c == 3) { $currId2 = $line; } if($isQualTrimming == 0) { if($c == 2) { $currSeq = trimSeq($line); } elsif($c == 4) { $currQual = trimSeq($line); print O "$currId1\n$currSeq\n$currId2\n$currQual\n" if(length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff); } } else { if($c == 4) { $currQual = trimSeq4Qual($line); if(defined($currQual)) { my $len = length $currQual; $currSeq =~ /^(.{$len})/; $currSeq = $1; print O "$currId1\n$currSeq\n$currId2\n$currQual\n" if(length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff); } } elsif($c == 2) { $currSeq = $line; } } } print "Trimmed file is generated: $outFile\n"; } else { print "Input read/sequence format: FASTA\n"; if($qCutOff != 0) { print "Warning: Quality trimming can not be performed for FASTA files\n"; $qCutOff = 0; } if($lTrimBases == 0 && $rTrimBases == 0 && $lenCutOff == -1) { print "Trimming parameters are not set.\nNothing to do.\nExiting...\n"; unlink($outFile); exit; } print "Trimming $lTrimBases bases from left end and $rTrimBases bases from right end followed by length filtering (< $lenCutOff bp)\n"; open(I, "$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n"; my $prevFastaSeqId = ""; my $fastaSeqId = ""; my $fastaSeq = ""; while(my $line = <I>) { chomp $line; if($line =~ /^>/) { $prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId; $fastaSeqId = $line; if($fastaSeq ne "") { my $outSeq = trimSeq($fastaSeq); print O "$prevFastaSeqId\n", formatSeq($outSeq), "\n" if(length $outSeq >= $lenCutOff); } $fastaSeq = ""; } else { $fastaSeq .= $line; } } if($fastaSeq ne "") { $prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId; my $outSeq = trimSeq($fastaSeq); print O "$prevFastaSeqId\n", formatSeq($outSeq), "\n" if(length $outSeq >= $lenCutOff); } print "Trimmed read/sequence file is generated: $outFile\n"; } close(O); close(I); sub trimSeq { my $seq = $_[0]; $seq =~ /^.{$lTrimBases}(.+).{$rTrimBases}$/; return $1; } sub trimSeq4Qual { my $qual = $_[0]; my @ASCII = unpack("C*", $qual); my $trimCount = 0; for(my $i=@ASCII; $i>0; $i--) { my $val = $ASCII[$i-1]; $val -= $subVal; if($val < $qCutOff) { $trimCount++; } else { last; } } $qual =~ /^(.+).{$trimCount}$/; return $1; } sub formatSeq { my $seq = $_[0]; my $newSeq = ""; my $ch = 60; for(my $i=0; $i<length $seq; $i+=$ch) { $newSeq .= substr($seq, $i, $ch) . "\n"; } chomp($newSeq); # To remove \n at the end of the whole sequence.. return $newSeq; } sub prtHelp { print "\n$0 options:\n\n"; print "### Input reads/sequences (FASTQ/FASTA) (Required)\n"; print " -i <Read/Sequence file>\n"; print " File containing reads/sequences in either FASTQ or FASTA format\n"; print "\n"; print "### Other options [Optional]\n"; print " -h | -help\n"; print " Prints this help\n"; print "--------------------------------- Trimming Options ---------------------------------\n"; print " -l | -leftTrimBases <Integer>\n"; print " Number of bases to be trimmed from left end (5' end)\n"; print " default: 0\n"; print " -r | -rightTrimBases <Integer>\n"; print " Number of bases to be trimmed from right end (3' end)\n"; print " default: 0\n"; print " -q | -qualCutOff <Integer> (Only for FASTQ files)\n"; print " Cut-off PHRED quality score for trimming reads from right end (3' end)\n"; print " For eg.: -q 20, will trim bases having PHRED quality score less than 20 at 3' end of the read\n"; print " Note: Quality trimming can be performed only if -l and -r are not used\n"; print " default: 0 (i.e. quality trimming is OFF)\n"; print " -n | -lenCutOff <Integer>\n"; print " Read length cut-off\n"; print " Reads shorter than given length will be discarded\n"; print " default: -1 (i.e. length filtering is OFF)\n"; print "--------------------------------- Output Options ---------------------------------\n"; print " -o | -outputFile <Output file name>\n"; print " Output will be stored in the given file\n"; print " default: By default, output file will be stored where the input file is\n"; print "\n"; } sub prtError { my $msg = $_[0]; print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n"; printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", " Error:"; printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", " $msg"; print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n"; prtUsage(); exit; } sub prtUsage { print "\nUsage: perl $0 <options>\n"; prtHelp(); } sub checkFastQFormat { # Takes FASTQ file as an input and if the format is incorrect it will print error and exit, otherwise it will return the number of lines in the file. my $file = $_[0]; my $isVariantIdntfcntOn = $_[1]; my $lines = 0; open(F, "<$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n"; my $counter = 0; my $minVal = 1000; my $maxVal = 0; while(my $line = <F>) { $lines++; $counter++; next if($line =~ /^\n$/); if($counter == 1 && $line !~ /^\@/) { prtErrorExit("Invalid FASTQ file format.\n\t\tFile: $file"); } if($counter == 3 && $line !~ /^\+/) { prtErrorExit("Invalid FASTQ file format.\n\t\tFile: $file"); } if($counter == 4 && $lines < 1000000) { chomp $line; my @ASCII = unpack("C*", $line); $minVal = min(min(@ASCII), $minVal); $maxVal = max(max(@ASCII), $maxVal); } if($counter == 4) { $counter = 0; } } close(F); my $tseqFormat = 0; if($minVal >= 33 && $minVal <= 73 && $maxVal >= 33 && $maxVal <= 73) { $tseqFormat = 1; } elsif($minVal >= 66 && $minVal <= 105 && $maxVal >= 66 && $maxVal <= 105) { $tseqFormat = 4; # Illumina 1.5+ } elsif($minVal >= 64 && $minVal <= 105 && $maxVal >= 64 && $maxVal <= 105) { $tseqFormat = 3; # Illumina 1.3+ } elsif($minVal >= 59 && $minVal <= 105 && $maxVal >= 59 && $maxVal <= 105) { $tseqFormat = 2; # Solexa } elsif($minVal >= 33 && $minVal <= 74 && $maxVal >= 33 && $maxVal <= 74) { $tseqFormat = 5; # Illumina 1.8+ } if($isVariantIdntfcntOn) { $seqFormat = $tseqFormat; } else { if($tseqFormat != $seqFormat) { print STDERR "Warning: It seems the specified variant of FASTQ doesn't match the quality values in input FASTQ files.\n"; } } return $lines; }