diff WebServiceExtensionsV1.1/WebServiceToolWorkflow_REST_SOAP/WebServiceTool_input_method_m.py~ @ 0:049760c677de default tip

Galaxy WSExtensions added successfully
author uga-galaxy-group
date Tue, 05 Jul 2011 19:34:18 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/WebServiceExtensionsV1.1/WebServiceToolWorkflow_REST_SOAP/WebServiceTool_input_method_m.py~	Tue Jul 05 19:34:18 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+@author  Chaitanya Guttula
+@see     LICENSE (MIT style license file).
+import warnings
+with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    import warnings
+    import urllib2
+    import platform
+    import os,sys
+    from clientGenerator.creatorEngineComplex import *
+    from clientGenerator.wsdl2path import *
+    from clientGenerator.paramConverter import *
+    from generateClient import *
+    from generateClient1 import *
+'''input : wadl/wsdl/sawadl-url, method name
+1. Calls methods from generateClient1.py to generate client description for one-time invocation
+of the Web service. This client description is added as a xml file under ./clients/
+2. Calls methods from generateClient.py to generate client description for invocation of Web service
+in a workflow. This client description is added as a xml file under ./workflowclients/
+3. Adds the path to the above xml files to Galaxy tool-conf.xml file using call edit_tool_conf.py
+#read the url passed as an argument
+url = sys.argv[2]
+    ulist = url.split('__tilda__')
+    url = '~'.join(ulist)
+#split url passed on '.' character
+urllist = url.split('/')
+wsdlname = urllist[len(urllist)-1].split(".")
+if len(wsdlname)==1:
+    wsdlname =urllist[len(urllist)-1].split('?')
+'''#checks the description document (WSDL/WADL) is for SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 2.0 or REST
+   If the extesnion is wsdl then servicetype is SOAP else If the extension is wadl then servicetype is REST
+   in other conditions(i.e. the file has no extension)
+#u = None
+#    u = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+#except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
+#    print e.code
+#    print e.msg
+#    print e.headers
+#    print e.fp.read()
+print 'the url is : ',sys.argv[2]
+u = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+descfile = open('temp','w')
+readwsdl = open('temp','r')
+tempstring = 'start'
+#checks the description document (WSDL/WADL) is for SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 2.0 or REST    
+while (tempstring != ''):
+    tempstring = readwsdl.readline()
+    if tempstring.find('<definitions') != -1 or tempstring.find('<wsdl:definitions') != -1:
+       print 'WSDL 1.1 or 1.0'
+       servicetype = 'SOAP'
+       break
+    elif tempstring.find('description') != -1:
+         while tempstring != '':
+            if tempstring.find('<bindings ') != -1:
+                bind = tempstring.split('type')
+                bindLength = len(bind)
+                bindingtype = bind[bindLength-1]
+                print bindingtype
+                break
+            tempstring = readwsdl.readline()
+            if bindingtype.find('http://www.w3.org/ns/wsdl/soap') != -1:    
+                servicetype='WSDL2SOAP'
+                print 'SOAP'
+            else:
+                servicetype='WSDL2REST'
+            break
+    elif tempstring.find('<application') != -1:
+        servicetype='REST'
+        break
+operations = sys.argv[3].split(',')              
+# The webservice is a soap webservice
+if servicetype == 'SOAP':
+    #Create client tool for using web services in workflow
+        for operation in operations:
+            if operation != '':
+                clientGenerator = ClientGenerator(url,operation,sys.argv[4],'SOAP')#webservice,operation,inputl)
+                if clientGenerator.isToolPresent():
+                    f = open(sys.argv[4],'a')
+                    f.write('The web service workflow tool for service '+url+' and operation '+operation+' was already added to galaxy\n')    
+                else:
+                    clientGenerator.wsdlClient()
+    #Create cleint tool for invoking web service stand alone
+                clientGenerator1 = ClientGenerator1(url,operation,sys.argv[4],'SOAP')#webservice,operation,inputl)
+                if clientGenerator1.isToolPresent():
+                    f = open(sys.argv[4],'a')
+                    f.write('The web service tool for service '+url+' and operation '+operation+' was already added to galaxy\n')    
+                else:
+                    clientGenerator1.wsdlClient()
+#Web service is a REST Webservice
+elif servicetype == 'REST':
+    javahome = os.environ.get('JAVA_HOME')
+    galaxyhome=os.environ.get('GALAXY_HOME')
+    classpath= galaxyhome + '/tools/WebServiceToolWorkflow_REST_SOAP/ParserForWADL/bin'
+    jarpath = galaxyhome + '/tools/WebServiceToolWorkflow_REST_SOAP/ParserForWADL/lib/'
+    machine = platform.machine()
+    if machine == 'x86_64' :
+        print 'a'
+        startJVM("%s/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so" % javahome,"-ea", "-Djava.class.path=%s" % classpath,"-Djava.ext.dirs=%s" % jarpath)
+    elif machine == 'i686' :
+        startJVM("%s/jre/lib/i386/server/libjvm.so" % javahome,"-ea", "-Djava.class.path=%s" % classpath,"-Djava.ext.dirs=%s" % jarpath)
+        print 'b'
+    elif machine == 'sun4u' :
+        startJVM("%s/jre/lib/sparc/server/libjvm.so" % javahome,"-ea", "-Djava.class.path=%s" % classpath,"-Djava.ext.dirs=%s" % jarpath)
+    else :
+        print 'c'
+        System.exit("Could not identify machine, please specify path to libjvm.so")    
+    for operation in operations:
+        if(operation != ''):
+            clientGenerator = ClientGenerator(url,operation,sys.argv[4],'REST')
+            clientGenerator1 = ClientGenerator1(url,operation,sys.argv[4],'REST')
+            if clientGenerator.isToolPresent():
+                f = open(sys.argv[4],'a')
+                f.write('\nThe web service workflow tool for service '+url+' and operation '+operation+' was already added to galaxy\n')    
+            else:
+                clientGenerator.wadlClient()
+            if clientGenerator1.isToolPresent():
+                f = open(sys.argv[4],'a')
+                f.write('\nThe web service tool for service '+url+' and operation '+operation+' was already added to galaxy\n')    
+            else:
+                clientGenerator1.wadlClient()
+    #shutdownJVM()