view WebServiceExtensionsV1.1/WebServiceToolWorkflow_REST_SOAP/lib/SAWADLParser/src/edu/uga/cs/lsdis/meteors/wadls/util/xml/ @ 0:049760c677de default tip

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author uga-galaxy-group
date Tue, 05 Jul 2011 19:34:18 -0400
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 * (c) Copyright IBM Corp 2001, 2005 

package edu.uga.cs.lsdis.meteors.wadls.util.xml;

import java.util.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;

import javax.wadls.*;
import javax.xml.namespace.*;

public class DOMUtils {
   * The namespaceURI represented by the prefix <code>xmlns</code>.
  private static String NS_URI_XMLNS = "";

  private static final String ATTR_XMLNS = "xmlns";
   * Returns a list of attributes of an element. Returns an 
   * empty list if the element has no attributes. Does not
   * include namespace declarations.
   * @param el       Element whose attributes are returned
   * @return the List of Attr
  static public List getAttributes (Element el) {
    String nodename, prefix = null;
    List attrs = new Vector();
    NamedNodeMap attrMap = el.getAttributes();
    for(int i = 0; i < attrMap.getLength(); i++)
      nodename = attrMap.item(i).getNodeName();
      prefix = attrMap.item(i).getPrefix();
      if (ATTR_XMLNS.equals(nodename) || ATTR_XMLNS.equals(prefix))
        //ignore namespace declarations
    return attrs;

   * Returns the value of an attribute of an element. Returns null
   * if the attribute is not found (whereas Element.getAttribute
   * returns "" if an attrib is not found). This method should be
   * used for elements that support extension attributes because it
   * does not track unexpected attributes.
   * @param el       Element whose attrib is looked for
   * @param attrName name of attribute to look for
   * @return the attribute value
  static public String getAttribute (Element el, String attrName) {
    String sRet = null;
    Attr   attr = el.getAttributeNode(attrName);

    if (attr != null) {
      sRet = attr.getValue();
    return sRet;

   * Returns the value of an attribute of an element. Returns null
   * if the attribute is not found (whereas Element.getAttribute
   * returns "" if an attrib is not found). This method should be
   * used for elements that do not support extension attributes
   * because it tracks the element's remaining attributes so that
   * eventually any unexpected attributes can be identified.
   * @param el       Element whose attrib is looked for
   * @param attrName name of attribute to look for
   * @param remainingAttrs List of remaining attributes 
   * @return the attribute value
  static public String getAttribute (Element el, String attrName, List remainingAttrs) {
    String sRet = null;
    Attr   attr = el.getAttributeNode(attrName);
    if (attr != null) {
      sRet = attr.getValue();
    return sRet;

   * Returns the value of an attribute of an element. Returns null
   * if the attribute is not found (whereas Element.getAttributeNS
   * returns "" if an attrib is not found).
   * @param el       Element whose attrib is looked for
   * @param namespaceURI namespace URI of attribute to look for
   * @param localPart local part of attribute to look for
   * @return the attribute value
  static public String getAttributeNS (Element el,
                                       String namespaceURI,
                                       String localPart) {
    String sRet = null;
    Attr   attr = el.getAttributeNodeNS (namespaceURI, localPart);

    if (attr != null) {
      sRet = attr.getValue ();

    return sRet;

   * Returns the value of an attribute of an element. Returns null
   * if the attribute is not found (whereas Element.getAttributeNS
   * returns "" if an attrib is not found).
   * @param el       Element whose attrib is looked for
   * @param namespaceURI namespace URI of attribute to look for
   * @param localPart local part of attribute to look for
   * @return the attribute value
  static public String getAttributeNS (Element el,
                                       String namespaceURI,
                                       String localPart,
                                       List remainingAttrs) {
    String sRet = null;
    Attr   attr = el.getAttributeNodeNS (namespaceURI, localPart);

    if (attr != null) {
        sRet = attr.getValue();

    return sRet;
   * Concat all the text and cdata node children of this elem and return
   * the resulting text.
   * @param parentEl the element whose cdata/text node values are to
   *                 be combined.
   * @return the concatanated string.
  static public String getChildCharacterData (Element parentEl) {
    if (parentEl == null) {
      return null;
    Node          tempNode = parentEl.getFirstChild();
    StringBuffer  strBuf   = new StringBuffer();
    CharacterData charData;

    while (tempNode != null) {
      switch (tempNode.getNodeType()) {
        case Node.TEXT_NODE :
        case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE : charData = (CharacterData)tempNode;
      tempNode = tempNode.getNextSibling();
    return strBuf.toString();

   * Return the first child element of the given element. Null if no
   * children are found.
   * @param elem Element whose child is to be returned
   * @return the first child element.
  public static Element getFirstChildElement (Element elem) {
    for (Node n = elem.getFirstChild (); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling ()) {
      if (n.getNodeType () == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
        return (Element) n;
    return null;

   * Return the next sibling element of the given element. Null if no
   * more sibling elements are found.
   * @param elem Element whose sibling element is to be returned
   * @return the next sibling element.
  public static Element getNextSiblingElement (Element elem) {
    for (Node n = elem.getNextSibling (); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling ()) {
      if (n.getNodeType () == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
        return (Element) n;
    return null;

   * Return the first child element of the given element which has the
   * given attribute with the given value.
   * @param elem      the element whose children are to be searched
   * @param attrName  the attrib that must be present
   * @param attrValue the desired value of the attribute
   * @return the first matching child element.
  public static Element findChildElementWithAttribute (Element elem,
                   String attrName,
                   String attrValue) {
    for (Node n = elem.getFirstChild (); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling ()) {
      if (n.getNodeType () == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
        if (attrValue.equals (DOMUtils.getAttribute ((Element) n, attrName))) {
          return (Element) n;
    return  null;

   * Count number of children of a certain type of the given element.
   * @param elem the element whose kids are to be counted
   * @return the number of matching kids.
  public static int countKids (Element elem, short nodeType) {
    int nkids = 0;
    for (Node n = elem.getFirstChild (); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling ()) {
      if (n.getNodeType () == nodeType) {
    return nkids;

   * Given a prefix and a node, return the namespace URI that the prefix
   * has been associated with. This method is useful in resolving the
   * namespace URI of attribute values which are being interpreted as
   * QNames. If prefix is null, this method will return the default
   * namespace.
   * @param context the starting node (looks up recursively from here)
   * @param prefix the prefix to find an xmlns:prefix=uri for
   * @return the namespace URI or null if not found
  public static String getNamespaceURIFromPrefix (Node context,
                                                  String prefix) {
    short nodeType = context.getNodeType ();
    Node tempNode = null;

    switch (nodeType)
      case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE :
        tempNode = ((Attr) context).getOwnerElement ();
      case Node.ELEMENT_NODE :
        tempNode = context;
      default :
        tempNode = context.getParentNode ();

    while (tempNode != null && tempNode.getNodeType () == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
      Element tempEl = (Element) tempNode;
      String namespaceURI = null;
      if (prefix == null){
    	  namespaceURI = getAttribute (tempEl, "xmlns");
    	  if (namespaceURI == null)
    		  namespaceURI = getAttribute (tempEl, "targetNamespace");
    	  namespaceURI = getAttributeNS (tempEl, NS_URI_XMLNS, prefix);

      if (namespaceURI != null)
        return namespaceURI;
        tempNode = tempEl.getParentNode ();

    return null;

  public static QName getQName(String prefixedValue,
                               Element contextEl,
                               Application app)
                                 throws WADLSException
    int    index        = prefixedValue.indexOf(':');
    String prefix       = (index != -1)
                          ? prefixedValue.substring(0, index)
                          : null;
    String localPart    = prefixedValue.substring(index + 1);
    String namespaceURI = getNamespaceURIFromPrefix(contextEl, prefix);

    if (namespaceURI != null)
      registerUniquePrefix(prefix, namespaceURI, app);

      return new QName(namespaceURI, localPart);
      String faultCode = (prefix == null)
                         ? WADLSException.NO_PREFIX_SPECIFIED
                         : WADLSException.UNBOUND_PREFIX;

      WADLSException wsdlExc = new WADLSException(faultCode,
                                                "Unable to determine " +
                                                "namespace of '" +
                                                prefixedValue + "'.");


      throw wsdlExc;

  public static void registerUniquePrefix(String prefix,
                                          String namespaceURI,
                                          Application app)
    String tempNSUri = app.getNamespace(prefix);

    if (tempNSUri != null && tempNSUri.equals(namespaceURI))

    while (tempNSUri != null && !tempNSUri.equals(namespaceURI))
      prefix += "_";
      tempNSUri = app.getNamespace(prefix);

    app.addNamespace(prefix, namespaceURI);

   * This method should be used for elements that support extension attributes
   * because it does not track the remaining attributes to test for unexpected 
   * attributes.
  public static QName getQualifiedAttributeValue(Element el,
                                                 String attrName,
                                                 String elDesc,
                                                 boolean isRequired,
                                                 Application app)
                                                   throws WADLSException
    String attrValue = DOMUtils.getAttribute(el, attrName);

    if (attrValue != null)
      return getQName(attrValue, el, app);
    else if (isRequired)
      WADLSException wsdlExc = new WADLSException(WADLSException.INVALID_WADL,
                                                "The '" + attrName +
                                                "' attribute must be " +
                                                "specified for every " +
                                                elDesc + " element.");


      throw wsdlExc;
      return null;

   * This method should be used for elements that do not support extension attributes
   * because it tracks the remaining attributes so that eventually any
   * unexpected attributes can be identified.
  public static QName getQualifiedAttributeValue(Element el,
                                                 String attrName,
                                                 String elDesc,
                                                 boolean isRequired,
                                                 Application app,
                                                 List remainingAttrs)
                                                   throws WADLSException
    String attrValue = null;
    attrValue = DOMUtils.getAttribute(el, attrName, remainingAttrs);

    if (attrValue != null)
      return getQName(attrValue, el, app);
    else if (isRequired)
      WADLSException wsdlExc = new WADLSException(WADLSException.INVALID_WADL,
                                                "The '" + attrName +
                                                "' attribute must be " +
                                                "specified for every " +
                                                elDesc + " element.");


      throw wsdlExc;
      return null;

  public static void throwWADLException(Element location) throws WADLSException
    String elName = QNameUtils.newQName(location).toString();

    WADLSException wsdlExc = new WADLSException(WADLSException.INVALID_WADL,
                                              "Encountered unexpected element '" +
                                              elName + "'.");


    throw wsdlExc;

  public static void throwWADLException(Element location, List remainingAttrs) throws WADLSException
    String elName = QNameUtils.newQName(location).toString();
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    ListIterator i = remainingAttrs.listIterator();
    while (i.hasNext())
      String attrName = QNameUtils.newQName((Attr);
      sb.append( i.hasNext() ? " " : "");

    WADLSException wsdlExc = new WADLSException(WADLSException.INVALID_WADL,
                                              "Element '" +
                                              elName +
                                              "' contained unexpected attributes: '" +
                                              sb.toString() +


    throw wsdlExc;

  public static void printAttribute(String name,
                                    String value,
                                    PrintWriter pw)
    if (value != null)
      pw.print(' ' + name + "=\"" + cleanString(value) + '\"');

   * Prints attributes with qualified names.
  public static void printQualifiedAttribute(QName name,
                                             String value,
                                             Application app,
                                             PrintWriter pw)
                                               throws WADLSException
    if (name != null)

  public static void printQualifiedAttribute(QName name,
                                             QName value,
                                             Application app,
                                             PrintWriter pw)
                                               throws WADLSException
    if (value != null)

  public static void printQualifiedAttribute(String name,
                                             QName value,
                                             Application app,
                                             PrintWriter pw)
                                               throws WADLSException
    if (value != null)

  public static String getQualifiedValue(String namespaceURI,
                                         String localPart,
                                         Application app)
                                           throws WADLSException
    String prefix = null;

    if (namespaceURI != null && !namespaceURI.equals(""))
      prefix = getPrefix(namespaceURI, app);

    return ((prefix != null && !prefix.equals(""))
            ? prefix + ":"
            : "") + localPart;

  public static String getPrefix(String namespaceURI,
                                 Application app)
                                   throws WADLSException
    String prefix = app.getPrefix(namespaceURI);

    if (prefix == null)
      throw new WADLSException(WADLSException.OTHER_ERROR,
                              "Can't find prefix for '" + namespaceURI +
                              "'. Namespace prefixes must be set on the" +
                              " Definition object using the " +
                              "addNamespace(...) method.");

    return prefix;

  public static String cleanString(String orig)
    if (orig == null)
      return "";

    StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer();
    char[] chars = orig.toCharArray();
    boolean inCDATA = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++)
      if (!inCDATA)
        switch (chars[i])
          case '&'  : strBuf.append("&amp;");
          case '\"' : strBuf.append("&quot;");
          case '\'' : strBuf.append("&apos;");
          case '<'  :
                        if (chars.length >= i + 9)
                          String tempStr = new String(chars, i, 9);

                          if (tempStr.equals("<![CDATA["))
                            i += 8;
                            inCDATA = true;
          case '>'  : strBuf.append("&gt;");
          default   : strBuf.append(chars[i]);

        if (chars[i] == '>'
            && chars[i - 1] == ']'
            && chars[i - 2] == ']')
          inCDATA = false;

    return strBuf.toString();