diff Galaxy-Workflow-workflow_gandalf_3.0.ga @ 2:cfc5177134ce draft

author urgi-team
date Wed, 18 Nov 2015 09:14:53 -0500
parents 780ad1e582e1
children 025efd59ddd0
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/Galaxy-Workflow-workflow_gandalf_3.0.ga	Thu Nov 12 07:40:16 2015 -0500
+++ b/Galaxy-Workflow-workflow_gandalf_3.0.ga	Wed Nov 18 09:14:53 2015 -0500
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
             "outputs": [], 
             "position": {
                 "left": 258, 
-                "top": 260
+                "top": 593
             "tool_errors": null, 
             "tool_id": null, 
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
             "outputs": [], 
             "position": {
                 "left": 258, 
-                "top": 352
+                "top": 685
             "tool_errors": null, 
             "tool_id": null, 
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
             "outputs": [], 
             "position": {
                 "left": 252, 
-                "top": 440
+                "top": 773
             "tool_errors": null, 
             "tool_id": null, 
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
             "outputs": [], 
             "position": {
                 "left": 241, 
-                "top": 520
+                "top": 853
             "tool_errors": null, 
             "tool_id": null, 
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
             "outputs": [], 
             "position": {
                 "left": 245, 
-                "top": 605
+                "top": 938
             "tool_errors": null, 
             "tool_id": null, 
@@ -123,6 +123,56 @@
             "annotation": "", 
             "id": 5, 
             "input_connections": {
+                "fastq_input|fastq_input1": {
+                    "id": 2, 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }, 
+                "fastq_input|fastq_input2": {
+                    "id": 0, 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }, 
+                "reference_source|ref_file": {
+                    "id": 4, 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Map with BWA-MEM", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "bam_output", 
+                    "type": "bam"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 527, 
+                "top": 929
+            }, 
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+                "HideDatasetActionbam_output": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "bam_output"
+                }, 
+                "RenameDatasetActionbam_output": {
+                    "action_arguments": {
+                        "newname": "#{fastq_input1 | basename}.bam"
+                    }, 
+                    "action_type": "RenameDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "bam_output"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/devteam/bwa/bwa_mem/0.4.1", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"__workflow_invocation_uuid__\": \"\\\"519bd5da87bc11e5aa509e87638b9e35\\\"\", \"rg\": \"{\\\"rg_selector\\\": \\\"set_picard\\\", \\\"read_group_sm_conditional\\\": {\\\"do_auto_name\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"SM\\\": \\\"SMstrand1\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"CN\\\": \\\"CNexemple\\\", \\\"PU\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"read_group_lb_conditional\\\": {\\\"do_auto_name\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"LB\\\": \\\"LB1\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"read_group_id_conditional\\\": {\\\"do_auto_name\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"ID\\\": \\\"IDstrain1\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0, \\\"DT\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"PI\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"DS\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"PL\\\": \\\"ILLUMINA\\\"}\", \"fastq_input\": \"{\\\"iset_stats\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"fastq_input2\\\": null, \\\"fastq_input_selector\\\": \\\"paired\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0, \\\"fastq_input1\\\": null}\", \"analysis_type\": \"{\\\"analysis_type_selector\\\": \\\"full\\\", \\\"algorithmic_options\\\": {\\\"algorithmic_options_selector\\\": \\\"do_not_set\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"io_options\\\": {\\\"a\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"C\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0, \\\"h\\\": \\\"5\\\", \\\"M\\\": \\\"True\\\", \\\"T\\\": \\\"30\\\", \\\"io_options_selector\\\": \\\"set\\\", \\\"V\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"Y\\\": \\\"False\\\"}, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 2, \\\"scoring_options\\\": {\\\"scoring_options_selector\\\": \\\"do_not_set\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}}\", \"reference_source\": \"{\\\"ref_file\\\": null, \\\"reference_source_selector\\\": \\\"history\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}\", \"chromInfo\": \"\\\"/home/galaxy-dev/galaxy-dist/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len\\\"\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "0.4.1", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "6": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 6, 
+            "input_connections": {
                 "input_file": {
                     "id": 4, 
                     "output_name": "output"
@@ -145,8 +195,8 @@
             "position": {
-                "left": 527, 
-                "top": 260
+                "left": 1188, 
+                "top": 230
             "post_job_actions": {
                 "HideDatasetActionoutput_bed": {
@@ -179,121 +229,11 @@
             "type": "tool", 
             "user_outputs": []
-        "6": {
-            "annotation": "", 
-            "id": 6, 
-            "input_connections": {
-                "input_file": {
-                    "id": 4, 
-                    "output_name": "output"
-                }
-            }, 
-            "inputs": [], 
-            "name": "mdust", 
-            "outputs": [
-                {
-                    "name": "output_masked_fasta", 
-                    "type": "fasta"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "output_tab", 
-                    "type": "tabular"
-                }, 
-                {
-                    "name": "output_bed", 
-                    "type": "bed"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "position": {
-                "left": 527, 
-                "top": 428
-            }, 
-            "post_job_actions": {
-                "HideDatasetActionoutput_bed": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "output_bed"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionoutput_masked_fasta": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "output_masked_fasta"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionoutput_tab": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "output_tab"
-                }, 
-                "RenameDatasetActionoutput_bed": {
-                    "action_arguments": {
-                        "newname": "#{input_file | basename}.bed"
-                    }, 
-                    "action_type": "RenameDatasetAction", 
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-                }
-            }, 
-            "tool_errors": null, 
-            "tool_id": "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/urgi-team/mdust/mdust/1.0", 
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-            "tool_version": "1.0", 
-            "type": "tool", 
-            "user_outputs": []
-        }, 
         "7": {
             "annotation": "", 
             "id": 7, 
             "input_connections": {
                 "fastq_input|fastq_input1": {
-                    "id": 2, 
-                    "output_name": "output"
-                }, 
-                "fastq_input|fastq_input2": {
-                    "id": 0, 
-                    "output_name": "output"
-                }, 
-                "reference_source|ref_file": {
-                    "id": 4, 
-                    "output_name": "output"
-                }
-            }, 
-            "inputs": [], 
-            "name": "Map with BWA-MEM", 
-            "outputs": [
-                {
-                    "name": "bam_output", 
-                    "type": "bam"
-                }
-            ], 
-            "position": {
-                "left": 527, 
-                "top": 596
-            }, 
-            "post_job_actions": {
-                "HideDatasetActionbam_output": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "bam_output"
-                }, 
-                "RenameDatasetActionbam_output": {
-                    "action_arguments": {
-                        "newname": "#{fastq_input1 | basename}.bam"
-                    }, 
-                    "action_type": "RenameDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "bam_output"
-                }
-            }, 
-            "tool_errors": null, 
-            "tool_id": "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/devteam/bwa/bwa_mem/0.4.1", 
-            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"__workflow_invocation_uuid__\": \"\\\"519bd5da87bc11e5aa509e87638b9e35\\\"\", \"rg\": \"{\\\"rg_selector\\\": \\\"set_picard\\\", \\\"read_group_sm_conditional\\\": {\\\"do_auto_name\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"SM\\\": \\\"SMstrand1\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"CN\\\": \\\"CNexemple\\\", \\\"PU\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"read_group_lb_conditional\\\": {\\\"do_auto_name\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"LB\\\": \\\"LB1\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"read_group_id_conditional\\\": {\\\"do_auto_name\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"ID\\\": \\\"IDstrain1\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0, \\\"DT\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"PI\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"DS\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"PL\\\": \\\"ILLUMINA\\\"}\", \"fastq_input\": \"{\\\"iset_stats\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"fastq_input2\\\": null, \\\"fastq_input_selector\\\": \\\"paired\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0, \\\"fastq_input1\\\": null}\", \"analysis_type\": \"{\\\"analysis_type_selector\\\": \\\"full\\\", \\\"algorithmic_options\\\": {\\\"algorithmic_options_selector\\\": \\\"do_not_set\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"io_options\\\": {\\\"a\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"C\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0, \\\"h\\\": \\\"5\\\", \\\"M\\\": \\\"True\\\", \\\"T\\\": \\\"30\\\", \\\"io_options_selector\\\": \\\"set\\\", \\\"V\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"Y\\\": \\\"False\\\"}, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 2, \\\"scoring_options\\\": {\\\"scoring_options_selector\\\": \\\"do_not_set\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}}\", \"reference_source\": \"{\\\"ref_file\\\": null, \\\"reference_source_selector\\\": \\\"history\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}\", \"chromInfo\": \"\\\"/home/galaxy-dev/galaxy-dist/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len\\\"\"}", 
-            "tool_version": "0.4.1", 
-            "type": "tool", 
-            "user_outputs": []
-        }, 
-        "8": {
-            "annotation": "", 
-            "id": 8, 
-            "input_connections": {
-                "fastq_input|fastq_input1": {
                     "id": 3, 
                     "output_name": "output"
@@ -316,7 +256,7 @@
             "position": {
                 "left": 527, 
-                "top": 781
+                "top": 1114
             "post_job_actions": {
                 "HideDatasetActionbam_output": {
@@ -339,12 +279,12 @@
             "type": "tool", 
             "user_outputs": []
-        "9": {
+        "8": {
             "annotation": "", 
-            "id": 9, 
+            "id": 8, 
             "input_connections": {
                 "input1": {
-                    "id": 7, 
+                    "id": 5, 
                     "output_name": "bam_output"
@@ -358,7 +298,7 @@
             "position": {
                 "left": 855, 
-                "top": 260
+                "top": 593
             "post_job_actions": {
                 "HideDatasetActionoutput1": {
@@ -381,12 +321,12 @@
             "type": "tool", 
             "user_outputs": []
-        "10": {
+        "9": {
             "annotation": "", 
-            "id": 10, 
+            "id": 9, 
             "input_connections": {
                 "input1": {
-                    "id": 8, 
+                    "id": 7, 
                     "output_name": "bam_output"
@@ -400,7 +340,7 @@
             "position": {
                 "left": 855, 
-                "top": 373
+                "top": 706
             "post_job_actions": {
                 "HideDatasetActionoutput1": {
@@ -423,12 +363,12 @@
             "type": "tool", 
             "user_outputs": []
-        "11": {
+        "10": {
             "annotation": "", 
-            "id": 11, 
+            "id": 10, 
             "input_connections": {
                 "inputFile": {
-                    "id": 9, 
+                    "id": 8, 
                     "output_name": "output1"
@@ -446,7 +386,7 @@
             "position": {
                 "left": 1083, 
-                "top": 260
+                "top": 593
             "post_job_actions": {
                 "HideDatasetActionmetrics_file": {
@@ -474,12 +414,12 @@
             "type": "tool", 
             "user_outputs": []
-        "12": {
+        "11": {
             "annotation": "", 
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+            "id": 11, 
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                 "inputFile": {
-                    "id": 10, 
+                    "id": 9, 
                     "output_name": "output1"
@@ -497,7 +437,7 @@
             "position": {
                 "left": 1083, 
-                "top": 418
+                "top": 751
             "post_job_actions": {
                 "HideDatasetActionmetrics_file": {
@@ -525,10 +465,127 @@
             "type": "tool", 
             "user_outputs": []
+        "12": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 12, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input_bams_0|input_bam": {
+                    "id": 10, 
+                    "output_name": "outFile"
+                }, 
+                "reference_source|ref_file": {
+                    "id": 4, 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Freebayes4Workflow", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output_vcf_default", 
+                    "type": "vcf"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "output_vcf_firstBAM", 
+                    "type": "vcf"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "output_vcf_rename", 
+                    "type": "vcf"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "output_failed_alleles_bed", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "output_trace", 
+                    "type": "txt"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 1411, 
+                "top": 593
+            }, 
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+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output_failed_alleles_bed"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionoutput_trace": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output_trace"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionoutput_vcf_default": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output_vcf_default"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionoutput_vcf_firstBAM": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output_vcf_firstBAM"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionoutput_vcf_rename": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
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+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/urgi-team/freebayes4workflow/freebayes4workflow/0.5", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"input_bams\": \"[{\\\"__index__\\\": 0, \\\"input_bam\\\": null}]\", \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null, \"__workflow_invocation_uuid__\": \"\\\"519bd5da87bc11e5aa509e87638b9e35\\\"\", \"rename_output\": \"{\\\"rename_output_selector\\\": \\\"firstBAM\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}\", \"options_type\": \"{\\\"options_type_selector\\\": \\\"full\\\", \\\"allele_scope\\\": {\\\"no_partial_observations\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"I\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"n\\\": \\\"0\\\", \\\"min_repeat_length\\\": \\\"5\\\", \\\"i\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"min_repeat_entropy\\\": \\\"0\\\", \\\"u\\\": \\\"True\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0, \\\"X\\\": \\\"True\\\", \\\"haplotype_length\\\": \\\"3\\\", \\\"allele_scope_selector\\\": \\\"True\\\"}, \\\"reporting\\\": {\\\"reporting_selector\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"genotype_likelihoods\\\": {\\\"genotype_likelihoods_selector\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"O\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"population_model\\\": {\\\"population_model_selector\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"reference_allele\\\": {\\\"reference_allele_selector\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"optional_inputs\\\": {\\\"A\\\": null, \\\"output_trace_option\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0, \\\"populations\\\": null, \\\"optional_inputs_selector\\\": \\\"True\\\", \\\"input_variant_type\\\": {\\\"input_variant_type_selector\\\": \\\"do_not_provide\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}, \\\"report_monomorphic\\\": \\\"True\\\", \\\"observation_bias\\\": null, \\\"contamination_estimates\\\": null, \\\"samples\\\": null, \\\"output_failed_alleles_option\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"haplotype_basis_alleles\\\": null}, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0, \\\"population_mappability_priors\\\": {\\\"population_mappability_priors_selector\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"input_filters\\\": {\\\"input_filters_selector\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"algorithmic_features\\\": {\\\"algorithmic_features_selector\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}}\", \"reference_source\": \"{\\\"ref_file\\\": null, \\\"reference_source_selector\\\": \\\"history\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}\", \"chromInfo\": \"\\\"/home/galaxy-dev/galaxy-dist/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len\\\"\", \"target_limit_type\": \"{\\\"target_limit_type_selector\\\": \\\"do_not_limit\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "0.5", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
         "13": {
             "annotation": "", 
             "id": 13, 
             "input_connections": {
+                "input1": {
+                    "id": 10, 
+                    "output_name": "outFile"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "flagstat", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output1", 
+                    "type": "txt"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 1411, 
+                "top": 1125
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
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+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output1"
+                }, 
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+                    "action_arguments": {
+                        "newname": "#{inupt1| basename}.stats"
+                    }, 
+                    "action_type": "RenameDatasetAction", 
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+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/devteam/samtools_flagstat/samtools_flagstat/1.0.1", 
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+            "tool_version": "1.0.1", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "14": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 14, 
+            "input_connections": {
                 "input_bams_0|input_bam": {
                     "id": 11, 
                     "output_name": "outFile"
@@ -563,125 +620,8 @@
             "position": {
-                "left": 1411, 
-                "top": 260
-            }, 
-            "post_job_actions": {
-                "HideDatasetActionoutput_failed_alleles_bed": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "output_failed_alleles_bed"
-                }, 
-                "HideDatasetActionoutput_trace": {
-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
-                    "output_name": "output_trace"
-                }, 
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-                    "action_arguments": {}, 
-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
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-                }, 
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-                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
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-                }, 
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-                    "output_name": "output_vcf_rename"
-                }
-            }, 
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-        }, 
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-                }
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-                }, 
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-                    }, 
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-                }
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-                }
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-                }, 
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-                    "name": "output_vcf_firstBAM", 
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-                }, 
-                {
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-                }, 
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@@ -736,7 +676,7 @@
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@@ -786,7 +726,7 @@
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@@ -848,7 +788,7 @@
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@@ -910,7 +850,7 @@
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@@ -960,7 +900,7 @@
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\ No newline at end of file