1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 """
3 Extract genome annotation from a GFF3 (a tab delimited format
4 for storing sequence features and annotations:
5 http://www.sequenceontology.org/gff3.shtml) file.
7 Usage: ParseGFF.py in.gff3 out.mat
9 Requirements:
10 Scipy :- http://scipy.org/
11 Numpy :- http://numpy.org/
13 Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Friedrich Miescher Laboratory of the Max Planck Society, Tubingen, Germany
14 """
15 import re, sys, os
16 import scipy.io as sio
17 import numpy as np
19 def createExon(strand_p, five_p_utr, cds_cod, three_p_utr):
20 """Create exon cordinates from UTR's and CDS region
21 """
22 exon_pos = []
23 if strand_p == '+':
24 utr5_start, utr5_end = 0, 0
25 if five_p_utr != []:
26 utr5_start, utr5_end = five_p_utr[-1][0], five_p_utr[-1][1]
27 cds_5start, cds_5end = cds_cod[0][0], cds_cod[0][1]
28 jun_exon = []
29 if cds_5start-utr5_end == 0 or cds_5start-utr5_end == 1:
30 jun_exon = [utr5_start, cds_5end]
31 if len(cds_cod) == 1:
32 five_prime_flag = 0
33 if jun_exon != []:
34 five_p_utr = five_p_utr[:-1]
35 five_prime_flag = 1
36 for utr5 in five_p_utr:
37 exon_pos.append(utr5)
38 jun_exon = []
39 utr3_start, utr3_end = 0, 0
40 if three_p_utr != []:
41 utr3_start = three_p_utr[0][0]
42 utr3_end = three_p_utr[0][1]
43 if utr3_start-cds_5end == 0 or utr3_start-cds_5end == 1:
44 jun_exon = [cds_5start, utr3_end]
45 three_prime_flag = 0
46 if jun_exon != []:
47 cds_cod = cds_cod[:-1]
48 three_p_utr = three_p_utr[1:]
49 three_prime_flag = 1
50 if five_prime_flag == 1 and three_prime_flag == 1:
51 exon_pos.append([utr5_start, utr3_end])
52 if five_prime_flag == 1 and three_prime_flag == 0:
53 exon_pos.append([utr5_start, cds_5end])
54 cds_cod = cds_cod[:-1]
55 if five_prime_flag == 0 and three_prime_flag == 1:
56 exon_pos.append([cds_5start, utr3_end])
57 for cds in cds_cod:
58 exon_pos.append(cds)
59 for utr3 in three_p_utr:
60 exon_pos.append(utr3)
61 else:
62 if jun_exon != []:
63 five_p_utr = five_p_utr[:-1]
64 cds_cod = cds_cod[1:]
65 for utr5 in five_p_utr:
66 exon_pos.append(utr5)
67 exon_pos.append(jun_exon) if jun_exon != [] else ''
68 jun_exon = []
69 utr3_start, utr3_end = 0, 0
70 if three_p_utr != []:
71 utr3_start = three_p_utr[0][0]
72 utr3_end = three_p_utr[0][1]
73 cds_3start = cds_cod[-1][0]
74 cds_3end = cds_cod[-1][1]
75 if utr3_start-cds_3end == 0 or utr3_start-cds_3end == 1:
76 jun_exon = [cds_3start, utr3_end]
77 if jun_exon != []:
78 cds_cod = cds_cod[:-1]
79 three_p_utr = three_p_utr[1:]
80 for cds in cds_cod:
81 exon_pos.append(cds)
82 exon_pos.append(jun_exon) if jun_exon != [] else ''
83 for utr3 in three_p_utr:
84 exon_pos.append(utr3)
85 elif strand_p == '-':
86 utr3_start, utr3_end = 0, 0
87 if three_p_utr != []:
88 utr3_start = three_p_utr[-1][0]
89 utr3_end = three_p_utr[-1][1]
90 cds_3start = cds_cod[0][0]
91 cds_3end = cds_cod[0][1]
92 jun_exon = []
93 if cds_3start-utr3_end == 0 or cds_3start-utr3_end == 1:
94 jun_exon = [utr3_start, cds_3end]
95 if len(cds_cod) == 1:
96 three_prime_flag = 0
97 if jun_exon != []:
98 three_p_utr = three_p_utr[:-1]
99 three_prime_flag = 1
100 for utr3 in three_p_utr:
101 exon_pos.append(utr3)
102 jun_exon = []
103 (utr5_start, utr5_end) = (0, 0)
104 if five_p_utr != []:
105 utr5_start = five_p_utr[0][0]
106 utr5_end = five_p_utr[0][1]
107 if utr5_start-cds_3end == 0 or utr5_start-cds_3end == 1:
108 jun_exon = [cds_3start, utr5_end]
109 five_prime_flag = 0
110 if jun_exon != []:
111 cds_cod = cds_cod[:-1]
112 five_p_utr = five_p_utr[1:]
113 five_prime_flag = 1
114 if three_prime_flag == 1 and five_prime_flag == 1:
115 exon_pos.append([utr3_start, utr5_end])
116 if three_prime_flag == 1 and five_prime_flag == 0:
117 exon_pos.append([utr3_start, cds_3end])
118 cds_cod = cds_cod[:-1]
119 if three_prime_flag == 0 and five_prime_flag == 1:
120 exon_pos.append([cds_3start, utr5_end])
121 for cds in cds_cod:
122 exon_pos.append(cds)
123 for utr5 in five_p_utr:
124 exon_pos.append(utr5)
125 else:
126 if jun_exon != []:
127 three_p_utr = three_p_utr[:-1]
128 cds_cod = cds_cod[1:]
129 for utr3 in three_p_utr:
130 exon_pos.append(utr3)
131 if jun_exon != []:
132 exon_pos.append(jun_exon)
133 jun_exon = []
134 (utr5_start, utr5_end) = (0, 0)
135 if five_p_utr != []:
136 utr5_start = five_p_utr[0][0]
137 utr5_end = five_p_utr[0][1]
138 cds_5start = cds_cod[-1][0]
139 cds_5end = cds_cod[-1][1]
140 if utr5_start-cds_5end == 0 or utr5_start-cds_5end == 1:
141 jun_exon = [cds_5start, utr5_end]
142 if jun_exon != []:
143 cds_cod = cds_cod[:-1]
144 five_p_utr = five_p_utr[1:]
145 for cds in cds_cod:
146 exon_pos.append(cds)
147 if jun_exon != []:
148 exon_pos.append(jun_exon)
149 for utr5 in five_p_utr:
150 exon_pos.append(utr5)
151 return exon_pos
153 def init_gene():
154 """Initializing the gene structure
155 """
156 gene_details=dict(chr='',
157 exons=[],
158 gene_info={},
159 id='',
160 is_alt_spliced=0,
161 name='',
162 source='',
163 start='',
164 stop='',
165 strand='',
166 transcripts=[])
167 return gene_details
169 def FeatureValueFormat(singlegene):
170 """Make feature value compactable to write in a .mat format
171 """
172 comp_exon = np.zeros((len(singlegene['exons']),), dtype=np.object)
173 for i in range(len(singlegene['exons'])):
174 comp_exon[i]= np.array(singlegene['exons'][i])
175 singlegene['exons'] = comp_exon
176 comp_transcripts = np.zeros((len(singlegene['transcripts']),), dtype=np.object)
177 for i in range(len(singlegene['transcripts'])):
178 comp_transcripts[i] = np.array(singlegene['transcripts'][i])
179 singlegene['transcripts'] = comp_transcripts
180 return singlegene
182 def CreateGeneModels(genes_cmpt, transcripts_cmpt, exons_cmpt, utr3_cmpt, utr5_cmpt, cds_cmpt):
183 """Creating Coding/Non-coding gene models from parsed GFF objects.
184 """
185 gene_counter, gene_models=1, []
186 for gene_entry in genes_cmpt: ## Figure out the genes and transcripts associated feature
187 if gene_entry in transcripts_cmpt:
188 gene=init_gene()
189 gene['id']=gene_counter
190 gene['name']=gene_entry[1]
191 gene['chr']=genes_cmpt[gene_entry]['chr']
192 gene['source']=genes_cmpt[gene_entry]['source']
193 gene['start']=genes_cmpt[gene_entry]['start']
194 gene['stop']=genes_cmpt[gene_entry]['stop']
195 gene['strand']=genes_cmpt[gene_entry]['strand']
196 if not gene['strand'] in ['+', '-']:
197 gene['strand']='.' # Strand info not known replaced with a dot symbol instead of None, ?, . etc.
198 gene['gene_info']=dict(ID=gene_entry[1])
199 if len(transcripts_cmpt[gene_entry])>1:
200 gene['is_alt_spliced'] = 1
201 for tids in transcripts_cmpt[gene_entry]: ## transcript section related tags
202 gene['transcripts'].append(tids['ID'])
203 if len(exons_cmpt) != 0:
204 if (gene['chr'], tids['ID']) in exons_cmpt:
205 exon_cod=[[feat_exon['start'], feat_exon['stop']] for feat_exon in exons_cmpt[(gene['chr'], tids['ID'])]]
206 else: ## build exon coordinates from UTR3, UTR5 and CDS
207 utr5_pos, cds_pos, utr3_pos = [], [], []
208 if (gene['chr'], tids['ID']) in utr5_cmpt:
209 utr5_pos=[[feat_utr5['start'], feat_utr5['stop']] for feat_utr5 in utr5_cmpt[(gene['chr'], tids['ID'])]]
210 if (gene['chr'], tids['ID']) in cds_cmpt:
211 cds_pos=[[feat_cds['start'], feat_cds['stop']] for feat_cds in cds_cmpt[(gene['chr'], tids['ID'])]]
212 if (gene['chr'], tids['ID']) in utr3_cmpt:
213 utr3_pos=[[feat_utr3['start'], feat_utr3['stop']] for feat_utr3 in utr3_cmpt[(gene['chr'], tids['ID'])]]
214 exon_cod=createExon(gene['strand'], utr5_pos, cds_pos, utr3_pos)
215 if gene['strand']=='-':
216 if len(exon_cod) >1:
217 if exon_cod[0][0] > exon_cod[-1][0]:
218 exon_cod.reverse()
219 if exon_cod:
220 gene['exons'].append(exon_cod)
221 gene=FeatureValueFormat(gene) # get prepare for MAT writing
222 gene_counter+=1
223 gene_models.append(gene)
224 return gene_models
226 def GFFParse(gff_file):
227 """Parsing GFF file based on feature relationship.
228 """
229 genes, utr5, exons=dict(), dict(), dict()
230 transcripts, utr3, cds=dict(), dict(), dict()
231 # TODO Include growing key words of different non-coding/coding transcripts
232 features=['mRNA', 'transcript', 'ncRNA', 'miRNA', 'pseudogenic_transcript', 'rRNA', 'snoRNA', 'snRNA', 'tRNA', 'scRNA']
233 gff_handle=open(gff_file, "rU")
234 for gff_line in gff_handle:
235 gff_line=gff_line.strip('\n\r').split('\t')
236 if re.match(r'#|>', gff_line[0]): # skip commented line and fasta identifier line
237 continue
238 if len(gff_line)==1: # skip fasta sequence/empty line if present
239 continue
240 assert len(gff_line)==9, '\t'.join(gff_line) # not found 9 tab-delimited fields in this line
241 if '' in gff_line: # skip this line if there any field with an empty value
242 print 'Skipping..', '\t'.join(gff_line)
243 continue
244 if gff_line[-1][-1]==';': # trim the last ';' character
245 gff_line[-1]=gff_line[-1].strip(';')
246 if gff_line[2] in ['gene', 'pseudogene']:
247 gid, gene_info=None, dict()
248 gene_info['start']=int(gff_line[3])
249 gene_info['stop']=int(gff_line[4])
250 gene_info['chr']=gff_line[0]
251 gene_info['source']=gff_line[1]
252 gene_info['strand']=gff_line[6]
253 for attb in gff_line[-1].split(';'):
254 attb=attb.split('=') # gff attributes are separated by key=value pair
255 if attb[0]=='ID':
256 gid=attb[1]
257 break
258 genes[(gff_line[0], gid)]=gene_info # store gene information based on the chromosome and gene symbol.
259 elif gff_line[2] in features:
260 gid, mrna_info=None, dict()
261 mrna_info['start']=int(gff_line[3])
262 mrna_info['stop']=int(gff_line[4])
263 mrna_info['chr']=gff_line[0]
264 mrna_info['strand']=gff_line[6]
265 for attb in gff_line[-1].split(';'):
266 attb=attb.split('=')
267 if attb[0]=='Parent':
268 gid=attb[1]
269 elif attb[0]=='ID':
270 mrna_info[attb[0]]=attb[1]
271 for fid in gid.split(','): # child may be mapped to multiple parents ex: Parent=AT01,AT01-1-Protein
272 if (gff_line[0], fid) in transcripts:
273 transcripts[(gff_line[0], fid)].append(mrna_info)
274 else:
275 transcripts[(gff_line[0], fid)]=[mrna_info]
276 elif gff_line[2] in ['exon']:
277 tids, exon_info=None, dict()
278 exon_info['start']=int(gff_line[3])
279 exon_info['stop']=int(gff_line[4])
280 exon_info['chr']=gff_line[0]
281 exon_info['strand']=gff_line[6]
282 for attb in gff_line[-1].split(';'):
283 attb=attb.split('=')
284 if attb[0]=='Parent':
285 tids=attb[1]
286 break
287 for tid in tids.split(','):
288 if (gff_line[0], tid) in exons:
289 exons[(gff_line[0], tid)].append(exon_info)
290 else:
291 exons[(gff_line[0], tid)]=[exon_info]
292 elif gff_line[2] in ['five_prime_UTR']:
293 utr5_info, tids=dict(), None
294 utr5_info['start']=int(gff_line[3])
295 utr5_info['stop']=int(gff_line[4])
296 utr5_info['chr']=gff_line[0]
297 utr5_info['strand']=gff_line[6]
298 for attb in gff_line[-1].split(';'):
299 attb=attb.split('=')
300 if attb[0]=='Parent':
301 tids=attb[1]
302 break
303 for tid in tids.split(','):
304 if (gff_line[0], tid) in utr5:
305 utr5[(gff_line[0], tid)].append(utr5_info)
306 else:
307 utr5[(gff_line[0], tid)]=[utr5_info]
308 elif gff_line[2] in ['CDS']:
309 cds_info, tids=dict(), None
310 cds_info['start']=int(gff_line[3])
311 cds_info['stop']=int(gff_line[4])
312 cds_info['chr']=gff_line[0]
313 cds_info['strand']=gff_line[6]
314 for attb in gff_line[-1].split(';'):
315 attb=attb.split('=')
316 if attb[0]=='Parent':
317 tids=attb[1]
318 break
319 for tid in tids.split(','):
320 if (gff_line[0], tid) in cds:
321 cds[(gff_line[0], tid)].append(cds_info)
322 else:
323 cds[(gff_line[0], tid)]=[cds_info]
324 elif gff_line[2] in ['three_prime_UTR']:
325 utr3_info, tids=dict(), None
326 utr3_info['start']=int(gff_line[3])
327 utr3_info['stop']=int(gff_line[4])
328 utr3_info['chr']=gff_line[0]
329 utr3_info['strand']=gff_line[6]
330 for attb in gff_line[-1].split(';'):
331 attb=attb.split('=')
332 if attb[0]=='Parent':
333 tids=attb[1]
334 break
335 for tid in tids.split(','):
336 if (gff_line[0], tid) in utr3:
337 utr3[(gff_line[0], tid)].append(utr3_info)
338 else:
339 utr3[(gff_line[0], tid)]=[utr3_info]
340 gff_handle.close()
341 return genes, transcripts, exons, utr3, utr5, cds
343 def __main__():
344 """This function provides a best way to extract genome feature
345 information from a GFF3 file for the downstream processing.
346 """
347 try:
348 gff_file = sys.argv[1]
349 mat_file = sys.argv[2]
350 except:
351 print __doc__
352 sys.exit(-1)
353 genes, transcripts, exons, utr3, utr5, cds=GFFParse(gff_file)
354 gene_models=CreateGeneModels(genes, transcripts, exons, utr3, utr5, cds)
355 # TODO Write to matlab/octave struct instead of cell arrays.
356 sio.savemat(mat_file,
357 mdict=dict(genes=gene_models),
358 format='5',
359 oned_as='row')
361 if __name__=='__main__':
362 __main__()