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Merge multiple heads.
author | Dave Bouvier <> |
date | Mon, 27 Jan 2014 14:15:36 -0500 |
parents | 233c30f91d66 |
children |
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#!/usr/bin/env python """ Extract genome annotation from a GFF (a tab delimited format for storing sequence features and annotations) file. Requirements: Numpy :- Scipy :- Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Friedrich Miescher Laboratory of the Max Planck Society, Tubingen, Germany. 2012-2013 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York City, USA. """ import re import os import sys import urllib import numpy as np import as sio from collections import defaultdict import helper as utils def _attribute_tags(col9): """ Split the key-value tags from the attribute column, it takes column number 9 from GTF/GFF file """ info = defaultdict(list) is_gff = False if not col9: return is_gff, info # trim the line ending semi-colon ucsc may have some white-space col9 = col9.rstrip(';| ') # attributes from 9th column atbs = col9.split(" ; ") if len(atbs) == 1: atbs = col9.split("; ") if len(atbs) == 1: atbs = col9.split(";") # check the GFF3 pattern which has key value pairs like: gff3_pat = re.compile("\w+=") # sometime GTF have: gene_id uc002zkg.1; gtf_pat = re.compile("\s?\w+\s") key_vals = [] if gff3_pat.match(atbs[0]): # gff3 pattern is_gff = True key_vals = [at.split('=') for at in atbs] elif gtf_pat.match(atbs[0]): # gtf pattern for at in atbs: key_vals.append(at.strip().split(" ",1)) else: # to handle attribute column has only single value key_vals.append(['ID', atbs[0]]) # get key, val items for item in key_vals: key, val = item # replace the double qoutes from feature identifier val = re.sub('"', '', val) # replace the web formating place holders to plain text format info[key].extend([urllib.unquote(v) for v in val.split(',') if v]) return is_gff, info def _spec_features_keywd(gff_parts): """ Specify the feature key word according to the GFF specifications """ for t_id in ["transcript_id", "transcriptId", "proteinId"]: try: gff_parts["info"]["Parent"] = gff_parts["info"][t_id] break except KeyError: pass for g_id in ["gene_id", "geneid", "geneId", "name", "gene_name", "genename"]: try: gff_parts["info"]["GParent"] = gff_parts["info"][g_id] break except KeyError: pass ## TODO key words for flat_name in ["Transcript", "CDS"]: if gff_parts["info"].has_key(flat_name): # parents if gff_parts['type'] in [flat_name] or'transcript', gff_parts['type'], re.IGNORECASE): if not gff_parts['id']: gff_parts['id'] = gff_parts['info'][flat_name][0] #gff_parts["info"]["ID"] = [gff_parts["id"]] # children elif gff_parts["type"] in ["intron", "exon", "pseudogenic_exon", "three_prime_UTR", "coding_exon", "five_prime_UTR", "CDS", "stop_codon", "start_codon"]: gff_parts["info"]["Parent"] = gff_parts["info"][flat_name] break return gff_parts def Parse(ga_file): """ Parsing GFF/GTF file based on feature relationship, it takes the input file. """ child_map = defaultdict(list) parent_map = dict() ga_handle = utils._open_file(ga_file) for rec in ga_handle: rec = rec.strip('\n\r') # skip empty line fasta identifier and commented line if not rec or rec[0] in ['#', '>']: continue # skip the genome sequence if not'\t', rec): continue parts = rec.split('\t') assert len(parts) >= 8, rec # process the attribute column (9th column) ftype, tags = _attribute_tags(parts[-1]) if not tags: # skip the line if no attribute column. continue # extract fields if parts[1]: tags["source"] = parts[1] if parts[7]: tags["phase"] = parts[7] gff_info = dict() gff_info['info'] = dict(tags) #gff_info["is_gff3"] = ftype gff_info['chr'] = parts[0] if parts[3] and parts[4]: gff_info['location'] = [int(parts[3]) , int(parts[4])] gff_info['type'] = parts[2] gff_info['id'] = tags.get('ID', [''])[0] if parts[6] in ['?', '.']: parts[6] = None gff_info['strand'] = parts[6] # key word according to the GFF spec. if not ftype: gff_info = _spec_features_keywd(gff_info) # link the feature relationships if gff_info['info'].has_key('Parent'): for p in gff_info['info']['Parent']: if p == gff_info['id']: gff_info['id'] = '' break rec_category = 'child' elif gff_info['id']: rec_category = 'parent' else: rec_category = 'record' # depends on the record category organize the features if rec_category == 'child': for p in gff_info['info']['Parent']: # create the data structure based on source and feature id child_map[(gff_info['chr'], gff_info['info']['source'], p)].append( dict( type = gff_info['type'], location = gff_info['location'], strand = gff_info['strand'], ID = gff_info['id'], gene_id = gff_info['info'].get('GParent', '') )) elif rec_category == 'parent': parent_map[(gff_info['chr'], gff_info['info']['source'], gff_info['id'])] = dict( type = gff_info['type'], location = gff_info['location'], strand = gff_info['strand'], name = tags.get('Name', [''])[0]) elif rec_category == 'record': #TODO how to handle plain records? c = 1 ga_handle.close() # depends on file type create parent feature if not ftype: parent_map, child_map = _create_missing_feature_type(parent_map, child_map) # connecting parent child relations # // essentially the parent child features are here from any type of GTF/GFF2/GFF3 file gene_mat = _format_gene_models(parent_map, child_map) return gene_mat def _format_gene_models(parent_nf_map, child_nf_map): """ Genarate GeneObject based on the parsed file contents parent_map: parent features with source and chromosome information child_map: transctipt and exon information are encoded """ g_cnt = 0 gene = np.zeros((len(parent_nf_map),), dtype = utils.init_gene_DE()) for pkey, pdet in parent_nf_map.items(): # considering only gene features if not'gene', pdet.get('type', '')): continue # infer the gene start and stop if not there in the if not pdet.get('location', []): GNS, GNE = [], [] # multiple number of transcripts for L1 in child_nf_map[pkey]: GNS.append(L1.get('location', [])[0]) GNE.append(L1.get('location', [])[1]) GNS.sort() GNE.sort() pdet['location'] = [GNS[0], GNE[-1]] orient = pdet.get('strand', '') gene[g_cnt]['id'] = g_cnt +1 gene[g_cnt]['chr'] = pkey[0] gene[g_cnt]['source'] = pkey[1] gene[g_cnt]['name'] = pkey[-1] gene[g_cnt]['start'] = pdet.get('location', [])[0] gene[g_cnt]['stop'] = pdet.get('location', [])[1] gene[g_cnt]['strand'] = orient # default value gene[g_cnt]['is_alt_spliced'] = 0 if len(child_nf_map[pkey]) > 1: gene[g_cnt]['is_alt_spliced'] = 1 # complete sub-feature for all transcripts dim = len(child_nf_map[pkey]) TRS = np.zeros((dim,), dtype=np.object) EXON = np.zeros((dim,), dtype=np.object) # fetching corresponding transcripts for xq, Lv1 in enumerate(child_nf_map[pkey]): TID = Lv1.get('ID', '') TRS[xq]= np.array([TID]) orient = Lv1.get('strand', '') # fetching different sub-features child_feat = defaultdict(list) for Lv2 in child_nf_map[(pkey[0], pkey[1], TID)]: E_TYP = Lv2.get('type', '') child_feat[E_TYP].append(Lv2.get('location')) # make exon coordinate from cds and utr regions if not child_feat.get('exon'): if child_feat.get('CDS'): exon_cod = utils.make_Exon_cod( orient, NonetoemptyList(child_feat.get('five_prime_UTR')), NonetoemptyList(child_feat.get('CDS')), NonetoemptyList(child_feat.get('three_prime_UTR'))) child_feat['exon'] = exon_cod else: # searching through keys to find a pattern describing exon feature ex_key_pattern = [k for k in child_feat if k.endswith("exon")] child_feat['exon'] = child_feat[ex_key_pattern[0]] # TODO only UTR's # make general ascending order of coordinates if orient == '-': for etype, excod in child_feat.items(): if len(excod) > 1: if excod[0][0] > excod[-1][0]: excod.reverse() child_feat[etype] = excod # add sub-feature # make array for export to different out EXON[xq] = np.array(child_feat.get('exon'), np.float64) # add sub-features to the parent gene feature gene[g_cnt]['transcripts'] = TRS gene[g_cnt]['exons'] = EXON gene[g_cnt]['gene_info'] = dict( ID = pkey[-1], Name = pdet.get('name'), Source = pkey[1]) g_cnt += 1 ## deleting empty gene records from the main array for XP, ens in enumerate(gene): if ens[0]==0: break XQC = range(XP, len(gene)+1) gene = np.delete(gene, XQC) return gene def NonetoemptyList(XS): """ Convert a None type to empty list """ return [] if XS is None else XS def _create_missing_feature_type(p_feat, c_feat): """ GFF/GTF file defines only child features. This function tries to create the parent feature from the information provided in the attribute column. example: chr21 hg19_knownGene exon 9690071 9690100 0.000000 + . gene_id "uc002zkg.1"; transcript_id "uc002zkg.1"; chr21 hg19_knownGene exon 9692178 9692207 0.000000 + . gene_id "uc021wgt.1"; transcript_id "uc021wgt.1"; chr21 hg19_knownGene exon 9711935 9712038 0.000000 + . gene_id "uc011abu.2"; transcript_id "uc011abu.2"; This function gets the parsed feature annotations. """ child_n_map = defaultdict(list) for fid, det in c_feat.items(): # get the details from grand child GID = STRD = None SPOS, EPOS = [], [] TYP = dict() for gchild in det: GID = gchild.get('gene_id', [''])[0] SPOS.append(gchild.get('location', [])[0]) EPOS.append(gchild.get('location', [])[1]) STRD = gchild.get('strand', '') TYP[gchild.get('type', '')] = 1 SPOS.sort() EPOS.sort() # infer transcript type transcript_type = 'transcript' transcript_type = 'mRNA' if TYP.get('CDS', '') or TYP.get('cds', '') else transcript_type # gene id and transcript id are same transcript_id = fid[-1] if GID == transcript_id: transcript_id = 'Transcript:' + str(GID) # level -1 feature type p_feat[(fid[0], fid[1], GID)] = dict( type = 'gene', location = [], ## infer location based on multiple transcripts strand = STRD, name = GID ) # level -2 feature type child_n_map[(fid[0], fid[1], GID)].append( dict( type = transcript_type, location = [SPOS[0], EPOS[-1]], strand = STRD, ID = transcript_id, gene_id = '' )) # reorganizing the grand child for gchild in det: child_n_map[(fid[0], fid[1], transcript_id)].append( dict( type = gchild.get('type', ''), location = gchild.get('location'), strand = gchild.get('strand'), ID = gchild.get('ID'), gene_id = '' )) return p_feat, child_n_map ## General instruction to use the above functions: ## Usage: in.gff3 out.mat try: gff_file = sys.argv[1] out_mat = sys.argv[2] except: print __doc__ sys.exit(-1) ## Parse the file accoring to the type and returns the genes informations -- gene_struct = Parse(gff_file) ## Write the gene annotations to a matlab struct array format -- sio.savemat(out_mat, mdict = dict(genes = gene_struct), format = '5', oned_as = 'row')