diff BSseeker2/bs_align/bs_align_utils.py @ 0:e6df770c0e58 draft

Initial upload
author weilong-guo
date Fri, 12 Jul 2013 18:47:28 -0400
children 8b26adf64adc
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BSseeker2/bs_align/bs_align_utils.py	Fri Jul 12 18:47:28 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+from bs_utils.utils import *
+import re
+BAM_INS = 1
+BAM_DEL = 2
+def N_MIS(r,g):
+    mismatches = 0
+    if len(r)==len(g):
+        for i in xrange(len(r)):
+            if r[i] != g[i] and r[i] != "N" and g[i] != "N" and not(r[i] == 'T' and g[i] == 'C'):
+                mismatches += 1
+    return mismatches
+Adapter :    ....................ACGTGGGTCCCG
+no_mismatch : the maximum number allowed for mismatches
+Algorithm: (allowing 1 mismatch)
+-Step 1: 
+  ||XX
+-Step 2: 
+   X||X
+-Step 3: 
+    XX
+-Step ...
+-Step N: 
+                      |||||||||
+  ....................ACGTGGGTCCCG
+Success & return!
+def RemoveAdapter ( read, adapter, no_mismatch ) :
+    lr = len(read)
+    la = len(adapter)
+    for i in xrange( lr - no_mismatch ) :
+        read_pos = i
+        adapter_pos = 0
+        count_no_mis = 0
+        while (adapter_pos < la) and (read_pos < lr) :
+            if (read[read_pos] == adapter[adapter_pos]) :
+                read_pos = read_pos + 1
+                adapter_pos = adapter_pos + 1
+            else :
+                count_no_mis = count_no_mis + 1
+                if count_no_mis > no_mismatch :
+                    break
+                else :
+                    read_pos = read_pos + 1
+                    adapter_pos = adapter_pos + 1
+        # while_end
+        if adapter_pos == la or read_pos == lr :
+            return read[:i]
+    # for_end
+    return read
+def Remove_5end_Adapter ( read, adapter, no_mismatch) :
+    lr = len(read)
+    la = len(adapter)
+    for i in xrange (la - no_mismatch) :
+        read_pos = 0
+        adapter_pos = i
+        count_no_mis = 0
+        while (adapter_pos < la) and (read_pos < lr) :
+            if (read[read_pos] == adapter[adapter_pos]) :
+                adapter_pos = adapter_pos + 1
+                read_pos = read_pos + 1
+            else :
+                count_no_mis = count_no_mis + 1
+                if count_no_mis > no_mismatch :
+                    break
+                else : 
+                    read_pos = read_pos + 1
+                    adapter_pos = adapter_pos + 1
+        # while_end
+        if adapter_pos == la :
+            return read[(la-i):]
+def next_nuc(seq, pos, n):
+    """ Returns the nucleotide that is n places from pos in seq. Skips gap symbols.
+    """
+    i = pos + 1
+    while i < len(seq):
+        if seq[i] != '-':
+            n -= 1
+            if n == 0: break
+        i += 1
+    if i < len(seq) :
+        return seq[i]
+    else :
+        return 'N'
+def methy_seq(read, genome):
+    H = ['A', 'C', 'T']
+    m_seq = []
+    xx = "-"
+    for i in xrange(len(read)):
+        if genome[i] == '-':
+            continue
+        elif read[i] != 'C' and read[i] != 'T':
+            xx = "-"
+        elif read[i] == "T" and genome[i] == "C": #(unmethylated):
+            nn1 = next_nuc(genome, i, 1)
+            if nn1 == "G":
+                xx = "x"
+            elif nn1 in H :
+                nn2 = next_nuc(genome, i, 2)
+                if nn2 == "G":
+                    xx = "y"
+                elif nn2 in H :
+                    xx = "z"
+        elif read[i] == "C" and genome[i] == "C": #(methylated):
+            nn1 = next_nuc(genome, i, 1)
+            if nn1 == "G":
+                xx = "X"
+            elif nn1 in H :
+                nn2 = next_nuc(genome, i, 2)
+                if nn2 == "G":
+                    xx = "Y"
+                elif nn2 in H:
+                    xx = "Z"
+        else:
+            xx = "-"
+        m_seq.append(xx)
+    return ''.join(m_seq)
+def mcounts(mseq, mlst, ulst):
+    out_mlst=[mlst[0]+mseq.count("X"), mlst[1]+mseq.count("Y"), mlst[2]+mseq.count("Z")]
+    out_ulst=[ulst[0]+mseq.count("x"), ulst[1]+mseq.count("y"), ulst[2]+mseq.count("z")]
+    return out_mlst, out_ulst
+def process_aligner_output(filename, pair_end = False):
+    #m = re.search(r'-('+'|'.join(supported_aligners) +')-TMP', filename)
+    m = re.search(r'-('+'|'.join(supported_aligners) +')-.*TMP', filename)
+    if m is None:
+        error('The temporary folder path should contain the name of one of the supported aligners: ' + filename)
+    format = m.group(1)
+    try :
+        input = open(filename)
+    except IOError:
+        print "[Error] Cannot open file %s" % filename
+        exit(-1)
+    def parse_SAM(line):
+        buf = line.split()
+        # print buf
+        flag = int(buf[FLAG])
+        # skip reads that are not mapped
+        # skip reads that have probability of being non-unique higher than 1/10
+        if flag & 0x4 : # or int(buf[MAPQ]) < 10:
+            return None, None, None, None, None, None
+        # print "format = ", format
+        if format == BOWTIE:
+            mismatches = int([buf[i][5:] for i in xrange(11, len(buf)) if buf[i][:5] == 'NM:i:'][0]) # get the edit distance
+        # --- bug fixed ------
+        elif format == BOWTIE2:
+            if re.search(r'(.)*-e2e-TMP(.*)', filename) is None : # local model
+                mismatches = 1-int([buf[i][5:] for i in xrange(11, len(buf)) if buf[i][:5] == 'AS:i:'][0])
+                # print "====local=====\n"
+                ## bowtie2 use AS tag (score) to evaluate the mapping. The higher, the better.
+            else : # end-to-end model
+                # print "end-to-end\n"
+                mismatches = int([buf[i][5:] for i in xrange(11, len(buf)) if buf[i][:5] == 'XM:i:'][0])
+        # --- Weilong ---------
+        elif format == SOAP:
+            mismatches = 1-buf[MAPQ]
+            # mismatches = 1/float(buf[MAPQ])
+            ## downstream might round (0,1) to 0, so use integer instead
+            ## fixed by Weilong
+        elif format == RMAP:
+            # chr16   75728107        75728147        read45  9       -
+            # chr16   67934919        67934959        read45  9       -
+            mismatches = buf[4]
+        return (buf[QNAME], # read ID
+                buf[RNAME], # reference ID
+                int(buf[POS]) - 1, # position, 0 based (SAM is 1 based)
+                mismatches,    # number of mismatches
+                parse_cigar(buf[CIGAR]), # the parsed cigar string
+                flag & 0x40 # true if it is the first mate in a pair, false if it is the second mate
+                )
+    def parse_SOAP(line):
+        buf = line.split()
+        return (buf[SOAP_QNAME],
+                buf[SOAP_CHR],
+                int(buf[SOAP_LOCATION]) - 1,
+                int(buf[SOAP_MISMATCHES]),
+                buf[SOAP_AB],
+                buf[SOAP_STRAND],
+                parse_cigar(buf[SOAP_LEN]+'M')
+            )
+        # chr16   75728107        75728147        read45  9       -
+    def parse_RMAP(line):
+        buf = line.split()
+        return ( buf[RMAP_QNAME],
+                 buf[RMAP_CHR],
+                 int(buf[RMAP_START]), # to check -1 or not
+                 int(buf[RMAP_END]) - int(buf[RMAP_START]) + 1,
+                 int(buf[RMAP_MISMATCH]),
+                 buf[RMAP_STRAND]
+        )
+    if format == BOWTIE or format == BOWTIE2:
+        if pair_end:
+            for line in input:
+                header1, chr1, location1, no_mismatch1, cigar1,        _ = parse_SAM(line)
+                header2,    _, location2, no_mismatch2, cigar2, mate_no2 = parse_SAM(input.next())
+                if header1 and header2:
+                    # flip the location info if the second mate comes first in the alignment file
+                    if mate_no2:
+                        location1, location2 = location2, location1
+                        cigar1, cigar2 = cigar2, cigar1
+                    yield header1, chr1, no_mismatch1 + no_mismatch2, location1, cigar1, location2, cigar2
+        else:
+            for line in input:
+                header, chr, location, no_mismatch, cigar, _ = parse_SAM(line)
+                if header is not None:
+                    yield header, chr, location, no_mismatch, cigar
+    elif format == SOAP:
+        if pair_end:
+            for line in input:
+                header1, chr1, location1, no_mismatch1, mate1, strand1, cigar1 = parse_SOAP(line)
+                header2, _   , location2, no_mismatch2,     _, strand2, cigar2 = parse_SOAP(input.next())
+                if mate1 == 'b':
+                    location1, location2 = location2, location1
+                    strand1, strand2 = strand2, strand1
+                    ciga1, cigar2 = cigar2, cigar1
+                if header1 and header2 and strand1 == '+' and strand2 == '-':
+                    yield header1, chr1, no_mismatch1 + no_mismatch2, location1, cigar1, location2, cigar2
+        else:
+            for line in input:
+                header, chr, location, no_mismatch, _, strand, cigar = parse_SOAP(line)
+                if header and strand == '+':
+                    yield header, chr, location, no_mismatch, cigar
+    elif format == RMAP :
+        if pair_end :
+            todo = 0
+            # to do
+        else :
+            for line in input:
+                header, chr, location, read_len, no_mismatch, strand = parse_RMAP(line)
+                cigar = str(read_len) + "M"
+                yield header, chr, location, no_mismatch, cigar
+    input.close()
+def parse_cigar(cigar_string):
+    i = 0
+    prev_i = 0
+    cigar = []
+    while i < len(cigar_string):
+        if cigar_string[i] in CIGAR_OPS:
+            cigar.append((CIGAR_OPS[cigar_string[i]], int(cigar_string[prev_i:i])))
+            prev_i = i + 1
+        i += 1
+    return cigar
+def get_read_start_end_and_genome_length(cigar):
+    r_start = cigar[0][1] if cigar[0][0] == BAM_SOFTCLIP else 0
+    r_end = r_start
+    g_len = 0
+    for edit_op, count in cigar:
+        if edit_op == BAM_MATCH:
+            r_end += count
+            g_len += count
+        elif edit_op == BAM_INS:
+            r_end += count
+        elif edit_op == BAM_DEL:
+            g_len += count
+    return r_start, r_end, g_len # return the start and end in the read and the length of the genomic sequence
+    # r_start : start position on the read
+    # r_end   : end position on the read
+    # g_len   : length of the mapped region on genome
+def cigar_to_alignment(cigar, read_seq, genome_seq):
+    """ Reconstruct the pairwise alignment based on the CIGAR string and the two sequences
+    """
+    # reconstruct the alignment
+    r_pos = cigar[0][1] if cigar[0][0] == BAM_SOFTCLIP else 0
+    g_pos = 0
+    r_aln = ''
+    g_aln = ''
+    for edit_op, count in cigar:
+        if edit_op == BAM_MATCH:
+            r_aln += read_seq[r_pos : r_pos + count]
+            g_aln += genome_seq[g_pos : g_pos + count]
+            r_pos += count
+            g_pos += count
+        elif edit_op == BAM_DEL:
+            r_aln += '-'*count
+            g_aln += genome_seq[g_pos : g_pos + count]
+            g_pos += count
+        elif edit_op == BAM_INS:
+            r_aln += read_seq[r_pos : r_pos + count]
+            g_aln += '-'*count
+            r_pos += count
+    return r_aln, g_aln
+# return sequence is [start, end), not include 'end'
+def get_genomic_sequence(genome, start, end, strand = '+'):
+    if strand != '+' and strand != '-' :
+        print "[Bug] get_genomic_sequence input should be \'+\' or \'-\'."
+        exit(-1)
+    if start > 1:
+        prev = genome[start-2:start]
+    elif start == 1:
+        prev = 'N'+genome[0]
+    else:
+        prev = 'NN'
+    if end < len(genome) - 1:
+        next = genome[end: end + 2]
+    elif end == len(genome) - 1:
+        next = genome[end] + 'N'
+    else:
+        next = 'NN'
+    origin_genome = genome[start:end]
+    if strand == '-':
+        # reverse complement everything if strand is '-'
+        revc = reverse_compl_seq('%s%s%s' % (prev, origin_genome, next))
+        prev, origin_genome, next = revc[:2], revc[2:-2], revc[-2:]
+    return origin_genome, next, '%s_%s_%s' % (prev, origin_genome, next)
+    # next : next two nucleotides
\ No newline at end of file