diff BSseeker2/bs_index/rrbs_build.py @ 0:e6df770c0e58 draft

Initial upload
author weilong-guo
date Fri, 12 Jul 2013 18:47:28 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BSseeker2/bs_index/rrbs_build.py	Fri Jul 12 18:47:28 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+import os
+from bs_utils.utils import *
+FWD_MAPPABLE_REGIONS = lambda chrom_id: chrom_id+'.fwd_mappable_regions'
+REV_MAPPABLE_REGIONS = lambda chrom_id: chrom_id+'.rev_mappable_regions'
+# example: T-CGA
+def rrbs_build(fasta_file, build_command, ref_path, low_bound, up_bound, aligner, cut_format="C-CGG"):
+    # ref_path is a string that contains the directory where the reference genomes are stored with
+    # the input fasta filename appended
+    cut_format = cut_format.upper() # Ex. "C-CGG,C-TAG"; MspI&ApekI:"G^CWGC"
+    if cut_format == "C-CGG" :
+        ref_path = os.path.join(ref_path,
+            os.path.split(fasta_file)[1] + '_rrbs_%d_%d' % (low_bound, up_bound) +'_' + aligner)
+    else :
+        ref_path = os.path.join(ref_path,
+            os.path.split(fasta_file)[1] + '_rrbs_%s_%d_%d' % ( cut_format.replace("-","").replace(",","-"), low_bound, up_bound) +'_' + aligner)
+    ref_p = lambda filename: os.path.join(ref_path, filename)
+    clear_dir(ref_path)
+    open_log(ref_p('log'))
+    refd = {}
+    w_c2t = open(ref_p('W_C2T.fa'),'w')
+    c_c2t = open(ref_p('C_C2T.fa'),'w')
+    w_g2a = open(ref_p('W_G2A.fa'),'w')
+    c_g2a = open(ref_p('C_G2A.fa'),'w')
+    mappable_regions_output_file = open(ref_p("RRBS_mappable_regions.txt"),"w")
+    all_L = 0
+    all_mappable_length = 0
+    all_unmappable_length = 0
+    no_mappable_region = 0
+    total_chromosomes = 0
+#    cut_context = re.sub("-", "", cut_format).split(",")
+    cut_context = EnumerateIUPAC(cut_format.replace("-","").split(","))
+    cut_len = [len(i) for i in cut_context]
+    cut_len_max = max(cut_len)
+    for chrom_id, chrom_seq in read_fasta(fasta_file):
+        total_chromosomes += 1
+        refd[chrom_id] = len(chrom_seq)
+        fwd_chr_regions = {}
+        rev_chr_regions = {}
+        L = len(chrom_seq)
+        XXXX_sites = []
+        XXXX_XXXX = []
+        #-- collect all "XXXX sites ---------------------------------
+        i = 1
+        while i <= L - cut_len_max:
+            j = 0
+            while j < len(cut_len) :
+                if chrom_seq[i : i + cut_len[j]] == cut_context[j]:
+                    XXXX_sites.append( (i, i + cut_len[j] - 1) ) # add (1st position, last position)
+                j += 1
+            i += 1
+        #-- find "XXXX" pairs that are within the length of fragment ----
+        for j in xrange(len(XXXX_sites) - 1):
+            DD = (XXXX_sites[j+1][0] - XXXX_sites[j][1]) - 1 # NOT including both XXXX; DD: fragment length
+            if low_bound <= DD <= up_bound:
+                XXXX_XXXX.append([XXXX_sites[j][0], XXXX_sites[j+1][1]]) # leftmost <--> rightmost
+                mappable_seq = chrom_seq[XXXX_sites[j][0] : XXXX_sites[j+1][1] + 1]
+                no_mappable_region += 1
+                fwd_chr_regions[str(XXXX_sites[j][0])] = [XXXX_sites[j+1][1], no_mappable_region]
+                rev_chr_regions[str(XXXX_sites[j+1][1])] = [XXXX_sites[j][0], no_mappable_region]
+                # start_position, end_position, serial, sequence
+                mappable_regions_output_file.write("%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\n"%(chrom_id, no_mappable_region,
+                                            XXXX_sites[j][0], XXXX_sites[j+1][1], mappable_seq))
+        # storing region information to file
+        # format: A[left_CCGG_pos]=[right_CCGG_pos, number_of_mappable_region]
+        serialize(fwd_chr_regions, ref_p(FWD_MAPPABLE_REGIONS(chrom_id)))
+        serialize(rev_chr_regions, ref_p(REV_MAPPABLE_REGIONS(chrom_id)))
+        #-----------------------------------
+        # mask the genome
+        _map_seq = []
+        mappable_length = 0
+        unmappable_length = 0
+        m = 0
+        mark = False
+        while m < L: # for every nucleotide in chr
+            if len(XXXX_XXXX) > 0:
+                pair = XXXX_XXXX[0]
+                p1 = pair[0]  # left end of fragment
+                p2 = pair[1]  # right end of fragment
+                if p1 <= m < p2 + 1 :
+                    _map_seq.append(chrom_seq[m])
+                    mappable_length+=1
+                    mark = True
+                else :
+                    if not mark:
+                        _map_seq.append("-")
+                        unmappable_length += 1
+                    else: # the last eligible base
+                        _ = XXXX_XXXX.pop(0)
+                        if len(XXXX_XXXX)>0:
+                            pair = XXXX_XXXX[0]
+                            p1 = pair[0]
+                            p2 = pair[1]
+                            if  p1 <= m < p2 + 1:
+                                _map_seq.append(chrom_seq[m])
+                                mappable_length += 1
+                                mark = True
+                            else:
+                                _map_seq.append("-")
+                                unmappable_length += 1
+                                mark = False
+                        else:
+                            _map_seq.append("-")
+                            unmappable_length+=1
+                            mark = False
+            else:
+                if not mark:
+                    _map_seq.append("-")
+                    unmappable_length+=1
+                else:
+                    _map_seq.append("-")
+                    unmappable_length+=1
+                    mark = False
+            m+=1
+        #-----------------------------------
+        chrom_seq = ''.join(_map_seq)
+        serialize(chrom_seq, ref_p(chrom_id))
+        w_c2t.write('>%s\n%s\n' % (chrom_id, chrom_seq.replace("C","T")))
+        w_g2a.write('>%s\n%s\n' % (chrom_id, chrom_seq.replace("G","A")))
+        chrom_seq = reverse_compl_seq(chrom_seq)
+        c_c2t.write('>%s\n%s\n' % (chrom_id, chrom_seq.replace("C","T")))
+        c_g2a.write('>%s\n%s\n' % (chrom_id, chrom_seq.replace("G","A")))
+        #-----------------------------------
+        logm("# %s : all (%d) : unmappable (%d) : mappable (%d) : ratio (%1.5f)"%(chrom_id,
+                                                                      L,
+                                                                      unmappable_length,
+                                                                      mappable_length,
+                                                                      float(mappable_length)/L) )
+        all_L += L
+        all_mappable_length += mappable_length
+        all_unmappable_length += unmappable_length
+        elapsed('Finished initial pre-processing of ' + chrom_id)
+    for outf in [w_c2t, c_c2t, w_g2a, c_g2a]:
+        outf.close()
+    logm("# Total %d chromosome(s) : all (%d) : unmappable (%d) : mappable (%d) : ratio (%1.5f)" %(total_chromosomes,
+                                                                                       all_L,
+                                                                                       all_unmappable_length,
+                                                                                       all_mappable_length,
+                                                                                       float(all_mappable_length)/all_L) )
+    logm("# eligible fragments : %d" % no_mappable_region )
+    serialize(refd, ref_p("refname"))
+    mappable_regions_output_file.close()
+    elapsed('Storing mappable regions and genome')
+    #---------------- bowtie-build -------------------------------------------
+    # append ref_path to all elements of to_bowtie
+    to_bowtie = map(lambda f: os.path.join(ref_path, f), ['W_C2T', 'W_G2A', 'C_C2T', 'C_G2A'])
+    run_in_parallel([(build_command % { 'fname' : fname }, fname + '.log') for fname in to_bowtie])
+    elapsed('Index building')
+    # delete all fasta files
+    delete_files( f +'.fa' for f in to_bowtie)
+    elapsed('END')