diff fastx_toolkit-0.0.6/src/libfastx/fastx.c @ 3:997f5136985f draft default tip

author xilinxu
date Thu, 14 Aug 2014 04:52:17 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fastx_toolkit-0.0.6/src/libfastx/fastx.c	Thu Aug 14 04:52:17 2014 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+    FASTX-toolkit - FASTA/FASTQ preprocessing tools.
+    Copyright (C) 2009  A. Gordon (gordon@cshl.edu)
+    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <error.h>
+#include <err.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <linux/limits.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "chomp.h"
+#include "fastx.h"
+	valid_sequence_string - 
+		check validity of a given sequence string.
+	input - 
+		sequence - NULL terminated string to be validated.
+	Output - 
+		1 (true) - The given sequence is valid - contained only A/C/G/N/T characters.
+		0 (false) - The given string contained invalid characeters.
+	Remark -
+		sequences with unknown (N) bases are considered VALID.
+static int validate_nucleotides_string(const FASTX *pFASTX)
+	int match = 1 ;
+	const char* seq = pFASTX->nucleotides;
+	while (*seq != '\0' && match) {
+		match &=  pFASTX->allowed_nucleotides[ (int) *seq ];
+		seq++;
+	}
+	return match;
+static void create_lookup_table(FASTX *pFASTX)
+	int i;
+	for (i=0; i<256; i++)
+		pFASTX->allowed_nucleotides[i] = 0 ;
+	pFASTX->allowed_nucleotides['A'] = 1;
+	pFASTX->allowed_nucleotides['C'] = 1;
+	pFASTX->allowed_nucleotides['G'] = 1;
+	pFASTX->allowed_nucleotides['T'] = 1;
+	if (pFASTX->allow_N)
+		pFASTX->allowed_nucleotides['N'] = 1;
+	if (pFASTX->allow_lowercase) {
+		pFASTX->allowed_nucleotides['a'] = 1;
+		pFASTX->allowed_nucleotides['c'] = 1;
+		pFASTX->allowed_nucleotides['g'] = 1;
+		pFASTX->allowed_nucleotides['t'] = 1;
+		if (pFASTX->allow_N)
+			pFASTX->allowed_nucleotides['n'] = 1;
+	}
+static void detect_input_format(FASTX *pFASTX)
+	//Get the first character in the file,
+	//and put it right back
+	int c = fgetc(pFASTX->input);
+	ungetc(c, pFASTX->input);
+	switch(c) {
+	case '>':	/* FASTA file */
+		if ( pFASTX->allow_input_filetype==FASTQ_ONLY )
+			errx(1,"input file (%s) is FASTA, but only FASTQ input is allowed.", 
+				pFASTX->input_file_name);
+		pFASTX->read_fastq = 0 ;
+		break;
+	case '@':	/* FASTQ file */
+		if ( pFASTX->allow_input_filetype==FASTA_ONLY )
+			errx(1,"input file (%s) is FASTQ, but only FASTA input is allowed.", 
+				pFASTX->input_file_name);
+		pFASTX->read_fastq = 1;	
+		break;
+	case -1:   /* EOF as first character - no input */
+		errx(1, "Premature End-Of-File (filename ='%s')", pFASTX->input_file_name);
+		break; 
+	default:
+		errx(1, "input file (%s) has unknown file format (not FASTA or FASTQ), first character = %c (%d)", 
+			pFASTX->input_file_name, c,c);
+	}
+static void convert_ascii_quality_score_line(const char* ascii_quality_scores, FASTX *pFASTX)
+	size_t i;
+	if (strlen(ascii_quality_scores) != strlen(pFASTX->nucleotides))
+		errx(1,"number of quality values (%zu) doesn't match number of nucleotides (%zu) on line %lld",
+				strlen(ascii_quality_scores), strlen(pFASTX->nucleotides),
+				pFASTX->input_line_number);
+	for (i=0; i<strlen(ascii_quality_scores); i++) {
+		pFASTX->quality[i] = (int) (ascii_quality_scores[i] - 64) ;
+		if (pFASTX->quality[i] < -15 || pFASTX->quality[i] > 40) 
+			errx(1, "Invalid quality score value (char '%c' ord %d quality value %d) on line %lld",
+				ascii_quality_scores[i], ascii_quality_scores[i],
+				pFASTX->quality[i], pFASTX->input_line_number );
+	}
+static void convert_numeric_quality_score_line ( const char* numeric_quality_line, FASTX *pFASTX )
+	size_t index;
+	const char *quality_tok;
+	char *endptr;
+	int quality_value;
+	index=0;
+	quality_tok = numeric_quality_line;
+	do {
+		//read the quality score as an integer value
+		quality_value = strtol(quality_tok, &endptr, 10);
+		if (endptr == quality_tok) 
+			errx(1,"Error: invalid quality score data on line %lld (quality_tok = \"%s\"", 
+				pFASTX->input_line_number ,quality_tok);
+		if (quality_value > 40 || quality_value < -15)
+			errx(1, "invalid quality score value (%d) in line %lld.", 
+				quality_value, pFASTX->input_line_number);
+		//convert it ASCII (as per solexa's encoding)
+		pFASTX->quality[index] = quality_value; 
+		index++;
+		quality_tok = endptr;
+	} while (quality_tok != NULL && *quality_tok!='\0') ;
+	if (index != strlen(pFASTX->nucleotides)) {
+		errx(1,"number of quality values (%zu) doesn't match number of nucleotides (%zu) on line %lld",
+				index, strlen(pFASTX->nucleotides), pFASTX->input_line_number );
+	}
+void fastx_init_reader(FASTX *pFASTX, const char* filename, 
+		ALLOWED_INPUT_FILE_TYPES allowed_input_filetype,
+		ALLOWED_INPUT_CASE allow_lowercase)
+	if (pFASTX==NULL)
+		errx(1,"Internal error: pFASTX==NULL (%s:%d)", __FILE__,__LINE__);
+	memset(pFASTX, 0, sizeof(FASTX));
+	if (strncmp(filename,"-",5)==0) {
+		pFASTX->input = stdin;	
+	} else {
+		pFASTX->input = fopen(filename, "r");
+		if (pFASTX->input==NULL)
+			err(1, "failed to open input file '%s'", filename);
+	}
+	strncpy(pFASTX->input_file_name, filename, sizeof(pFASTX->input_file_name)-1);
+	pFASTX->allow_input_filetype = allowed_input_filetype;
+	pFASTX->allow_lowercase = allow_lowercase;
+	pFASTX->allow_N = allow_N;
+	create_lookup_table(pFASTX);
+	detect_input_format(pFASTX);
+int open_output_file(const char* filename)
+	int fd ;
+	if (strncmp(filename,"-", 6)==0) {
+	} else {
+		fd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0666 );
+		if (fd==-1)
+			err(1, "Failed to create output file (%s)", filename);
+	}
+	return fd;
+int open_output_compressor(FASTX __attribute__((unused)) *pFASTX, const char* filename)
+	int fd;
+	pid_t child_pid;
+	int parent_pipe[2];
+	if (pipe(parent_pipe)!=0)
+		err(1,"pipe (for gzip) failed");
+	child_pid = fork();
+	if (child_pid>0) {
+		/* The parent process */
+		fd = parent_pipe[1];
+		close(parent_pipe[0]);
+		return fd;
+	}
+	/* The child process */
+	//the compressor's STDIN is the pipe from the parent
+	dup2(parent_pipe[0], STDIN_FILENO);
+	close(parent_pipe[1]);
+	//the compressor's STDOUT is the output file
+	//(which can be the parent's STDOUT, too)
+	fd = open_output_file(filename);
+	dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO);
+	//Run GZIP
+	execlp("gzip","gzip",NULL);
+	//Should never get here...
+	err(1,"execlp(gzip) failed");
+void fastx_init_writer(FASTX *pFASTX,
+		const char *filename,
+		OUTPUT_FILE_TYPE output_type, 
+		int compress_output)
+	int fd;
+	if (pFASTX==NULL)
+		errx(1,"Internal error: pFASTX==NULL (%s:%d)", __FILE__,__LINE__);
+	if (pFASTX->input==NULL)
+		errx(1,"Internal error: pFASTX not initialized (%s:%d)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+	pFASTX->compress_output = compress_output;
+	if (pFASTX->compress_output)
+		fd = open_output_compressor(pFASTX, filename);
+	else	
+		fd = open_output_file(filename);
+	pFASTX->output = fdopen(fd,"w");
+	if (pFASTX->output==NULL)
+		err(1,"fdopen failed");
+	switch(output_type)
+	{
+		pFASTX->write_fastq = 0 ;
+		pFASTX->output_sequence_id_prefix = '>';
+		break ;
+		if (! pFASTX->read_fastq) 
+			errx(1,"Can't output FASTQ when input is FASTA.");
+		pFASTX->write_fastq = 1;
+		pFASTX->write_fastq_ascii = 1;
+		pFASTX->output_sequence_id_prefix = '@';
+		break ;
+		if (! pFASTX->read_fastq) 
+			errx(1,"Can't output FASTQ when input is FASTA.");
+		pFASTX->write_fastq = 1;
+		pFASTX->write_fastq_ascii = 0;
+		pFASTX->output_sequence_id_prefix = '@';
+		break ;
+		pFASTX->write_fastq = pFASTX->read_fastq;
+		//Assume we're writing ASCII format,
+		pFASTX->write_fastq_ascii = 1 ;
+		//But set this flag and the real format will be determined
+		//when we actually read the FASTQ record
+		pFASTX->copy_input_fastq_format_to_output = 1;
+		pFASTX->output_sequence_id_prefix = (pFASTX->write_fastq) ? '@' : '>';
+		break;
+	default:
+		errx(1, __FILE__ ":%d: Unknown output_type (%d)", 
+			__LINE__, output_type ) ;
+	}
+int fastx_read_next_record(FASTX *pFASTX)
+	char temp_qual[MAX_SEQ_LINE_LENGTH+1];
+	temp_qual[MAX_SEQ_LINE_LENGTH] = 0;
+	if (pFASTX==NULL)
+		errx(1,"Internal error: pFASTX==NULL (%s:%d)", __FILE__,__LINE__);
+	if (fgets(pFASTX->input_sequence_id_prefix, MAX_SEQ_LINE_LENGTH, pFASTX->input) == NULL)
+		return 0; //assume end-of-file, if we couldn't read the first line of the foursome
+	//for the rest of the lines, if they don't appear, it's an error
+	pFASTX->input_line_number++;
+	if (fgets(pFASTX->nucleotides,  MAX_SEQ_LINE_LENGTH, pFASTX->input) == NULL) 
+		errx(1,"Failed to read complete record, missing 2nd line (nucleotides), on line %lld\n",
+			pFASTX->input_line_number);
+	chomp(pFASTX->name);
+	chomp(pFASTX->nucleotides);
+	validate_nucleotides_string(pFASTX);
+	if (pFASTX->read_fastq) {
+		pFASTX->input_line_number++;
+		if (fgets(pFASTX->input_name2_prefix,  MAX_SEQ_LINE_LENGTH, pFASTX->input) == NULL) 
+			errx(1,"Failed to read complete record, missing 3rd line (name-2), on line %lld\n",
+				pFASTX->input_line_number);
+		pFASTX->input_line_number++;
+		if (fgets(temp_qual, sizeof(temp_qual), pFASTX->input) == NULL)
+			errx(1,"Failed to read complete record, missing 4th line (quality), on line %lld\n",
+				pFASTX->input_line_number);
+		chomp(pFASTX->name2);
+		chomp(temp_qual);
+		if (strlen(temp_qual) == strlen(pFASTX->nucleotides)) {
+			//Assume this is an ASCII quality score line, convert it to values
+			convert_ascii_quality_score_line ( temp_qual, pFASTX ) ;
+			pFASTX->read_fastq_ascii = 1 ;
+		} else {
+			//Assume this is a numeric quality score line, convert it to values
+			convert_numeric_quality_score_line ( temp_qual, pFASTX ) ;
+			pFASTX->read_fastq_ascii = 0 ;
+		}
+		//Copy the input format to the output format flag
+		if (pFASTX->copy_input_fastq_format_to_output) {
+			pFASTX->write_fastq_ascii = pFASTX->read_fastq_ascii;
+		}
+	}
+	pFASTX->num_input_sequences++;
+	pFASTX->num_input_reads += get_reads_count(pFASTX);
+	return 1;
+static void write_ascii_qual_string(FASTX *pFASTX, int length)
+	int i;
+	int rc;
+	for (i=0; i<length; i++) {
+		rc = fprintf(pFASTX->output, "%c", pFASTX->quality[i] + 64 ) ;
+		if (rc<=0)
+			err(1,"writing quality scores failed");
+	}
+	rc = fprintf(pFASTX->output, "\n");
+	if (rc<=0)
+		err(1,"writing quality scores failed");
+static void write_numeric_qual_string(FASTX *pFASTX, int length)
+	int i;
+	int rc;
+	for (i=0; i<length; i++) {
+		rc = fprintf(pFASTX->output, "%d", pFASTX->quality[i] ) ;
+		if (rc<=0)
+			err(1,"writing quality scores failed");
+		if (i<length-1) {
+			rc = fprintf(pFASTX->output," ");
+			if (rc<=0)
+				err(1,"writing quality scores failed");
+		}
+	}
+	rc = fprintf(pFASTX->output, "\n");
+	if (rc<=0)
+		err(1,"writing quality scores failed");
+void fastx_write_record(FASTX *pFASTX)
+	int len;
+	int rc;
+	if (pFASTX==NULL)
+		errx(1,"Internal error: pFASTX==NULL (%s:%d)", __FILE__,__LINE__);
+	rc = fprintf(pFASTX->output, "%c%s\n", 
+			pFASTX->output_sequence_id_prefix,
+			pFASTX->name ) ;
+	if (rc<=0)
+		err(1,"writing sequence identifier failed");
+	rc = fprintf(pFASTX->output, "%s\n", pFASTX->nucleotides);
+	if (rc<=0)
+		err(1,"writing nucleotides failed");
+	if (pFASTX->write_fastq) {
+		rc = fprintf(pFASTX->output, "+%s\n", pFASTX->name2 ) ;
+		if (rc<=0)
+			err(1,"writing 2nd sequence identifier failed");
+		len = strlen(pFASTX->nucleotides);	
+		if (pFASTX->write_fastq_ascii)
+			write_ascii_qual_string(pFASTX, len);
+		else
+			write_numeric_qual_string(pFASTX, len);
+	}
+	pFASTX->num_output_sequences++;
+	pFASTX->num_output_reads += get_reads_count(pFASTX);
+int get_reads_count(const FASTX *pFASTX)
+	char *dash = NULL ;
+	//FASTQ files are never collapsed (at least not in Gordon's Galaxy)
+	if (pFASTX->read_fastq)
+		return 1;
+	dash = strchr(pFASTX->name,'-');
+	// minus character wasn't found-
+	// this sequence is most probably not collapsed
+	if (dash==NULL)
+		return 1;
+	int count = atoi(dash+1);
+	if (count>0)
+		return count;
+	return 1;
+size_t num_input_sequences(const FASTX *pFASTX)
+	return pFASTX->num_input_sequences;
+size_t num_input_reads(const FASTX *pFASTX)
+	return pFASTX->num_input_reads;
+size_t num_output_sequences(const FASTX *pFASTX)
+	return pFASTX->num_output_sequences;
+size_t num_output_reads(const FASTX *pFASTX)
+	return pFASTX->num_output_reads;