view bed_shuffle.xml @ 1:bac957616de7

author xuebing
date Sat, 31 Mar 2012 13:58:45 -0400
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<tool id="bed_shuffle" name="bed_shuffle">
  <description>shuffle intervals chromosome not weighted by length</description>
  <command>shuffleBed -i $input -g $genome $chrom > $outfile 
    #if $limit.limit_select=="include":
    -incl $limitfile
    #else if $limit.limit_select=="exclude":
    -excl $limitfile 
    #end if
    <param name="input" format="bed,gff,vcf" type="data" label="Original intervals (BED/GFF/VCF)" />
           <param name="genome" type="select" label="Select chromsome size file" >
                <options from_file="chrsize.loc">
                    <column name="name" index="0"/>
                    <column name="value" index="1"/>

    <param name="chrom" label="keep intervals on the same chromosome?" type="boolean" truevalue="-chrom" falsevalue="" checked="False"/>
    <conditional name="limit">
    	<param name="limit_select" type="select" label="restrictions for the shuffling" help="Instead of randomly placing features in a genome, one can specify regions features should or should not be randomly placed (e.g. genes.bed or repeats.bed).">
		<option value="none" selected="true">None</option>
		<option value="include">within specified regions</option>
		<option value="exclude">outside specified regions</option>
	    <when value="include">
		    <param name="limitfile" type="data" format="interval" label="specify regions"/>
	    <when value="exclude">
		    <param name="limitfile" type="data" format="interval" label="specify regions"/>
    <data format="input" name="outfile" />
.. class:: infomark

Every chromosome are choosed with equal probability, regardless their size. Please use the tool 'random intervals' instead for general randomization.
