1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 # This program detects overlapping indels in a chromosome and keeps all non-overlapping indels. As for overlapping indels,
4 # the first encountered one is kept and all others are removed. It requires three inputs:
5 # The first input is a TABULAR format file containing coordinates of indels in blocks extracted from multi-alignment.
6 # The second input is an integer number representing the number of the column where indel start coordinates are stored in the input file.
7 # The third input is an integer number representing the number of the column where indel end coordinates are stored in the input file.
8 # The output is a TABULAR format file containing all non-overlapping indels in the input file, and the first encountered indel of overlapping ones.
9 # Note: The number of the first column is 1.
11 use strict;
12 use warnings;
14 #varaibles to handle information related to indels
15 my $indel1 = "";
16 my $indel2 = "";
17 my @indelArray1 = ();
18 my @indelArray2 = ();
19 my $lineCounter1 = 0;
20 my $lineCounter2 = 0;
21 my $totalNumberofNonOverlappingIndels = 0;
23 # check to make sure having correct files
24 my $usage = "usage: delete_overlapping_indels.pl [TABULAR.in] [indelStartColumn] [indelEndColumn] [TABULAR.out]\n";
25 die $usage unless @ARGV == 4;
27 my $inputFile = $ARGV[0];
28 my $indelStartColumn = $ARGV[1] - 1;
29 my $indelEndColumn = $ARGV[2] - 1;
30 my $outputFile = $ARGV[3];
32 #verifie column numbers
33 if ($indelStartColumn < 0 ){
34 die ("The indel start column number is invalid \n");
35 }
36 if ($indelEndColumn < 0 ){
37 die ("The indel end column number is invalid \n");
38 }
40 #open the input and output files
41 open (INPUT, "<", $inputFile) || die ("Could not open file $inputFile \n");
42 open (OUTPUT, ">", $outputFile) || die ("Could not open file $outputFile \n");
44 #store the input file in the array @rawData
45 my @indelsRawData = <INPUT>;
47 #iterated through the indels of the input file
48 INDEL1:
49 foreach $indel1 (@indelsRawData){
50 chomp ($indel1);
51 $lineCounter1++;
53 #get the first indel
54 @indelArray1 = split(/\t/, $indel1);
56 #our purpose is to detect overlapping indels and to store one copy of them only in the output file
57 #all other non-overlapping indels will stored in the output file also
59 $lineCounter2 = 0;
61 #iterated through the indels of the input file
62 INDEL2:
63 foreach $indel2 (@indelsRawData){
64 chomp ($indel2);
65 $lineCounter2++;
67 if ($lineCounter2 > $lineCounter1){
68 #get the second indel
69 @indelArray2 = split(/\t/, $indel2);
71 #check if the two indels are overlapping
72 if (($indelArray2[$indelEndColumn] >= $indelArray1[$indelStartColumn] && $indelArray2[$indelEndColumn] <= $indelArray1[$indelEndColumn]) || ($indelArray2[$indelStartColumn] >= $indelArray1[$indelStartColumn] && $indelArray2[$indelStartColumn] <= $indelArray1[$indelEndColumn])){
73 #print ("There is an overlap between" . "\n" . $indel1 . "\n" . $indel2 . "\n");
74 #print("The two overlapping indels are located at the lines: " . $lineCounter1 . " " . $lineCounter2 . "\n\n");
76 #break out of the loop and go back to the outerloop
77 next INDEL1;
78 }
79 else{
80 #print("The two non-overlaapping indels are located at the lines: " . $lineCounter1 . " " . $lineCounter2 . "\n");
81 }
82 }
83 }
85 print OUTPUT $indel1 . "\n";
86 $totalNumberofNonOverlappingIndels++;
87 }
89 #print("The total number of indels is: " . $lineCounter1 . "\n");
90 #print("The total number of non-overlapping indels is: " . $totalNumberofNonOverlappingIndels . "\n");
92 #close the input and output files
93 close(OUTPUT);
94 close(INPUT); |