comparison tools/rgenetics/ @ 0:9071e359b9a3

author xuebing
date Fri, 09 Mar 2012 19:37:19 -0500
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:9071e359b9a3
1 # utilities for rgenetics
2 #
3 # copyright 2009 ross lazarus
4 # released under the LGPL
5 #
7 import subprocess, os, sys, time, tempfile,string,plinkbinJZ
8 import datetime
10 galhtmlprefix = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
11 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
12 <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
13 <head>
14 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
15 <meta name="generator" content="Galaxy %s tool output - see" />
16 <title></title>
17 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/style/base.css" type="text/css" />
18 </head>
19 <body>
20 <div class="document">
21 """
22 galhtmlattr = """<h3><a href="">Rgenetics</a> tool %s run at %s</h3>"""
23 galhtmlpostfix = """</div></body></html>\n"""
25 plinke = 'plink' # changed jan 2010 - all exes must be on path
26 rexe = 'R' # to avoid cluster/platform dependencies
27 smartpca = 'smartpca.perl'
29 def timenow():
30 """return current time as a string
31 """
32 return time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))
34 def timestamp():
35 return'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
37 def fail( message ):
38 print >> sys.stderr, message
39 return -1
41 def whereis(program):
42 for path in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(':'):
43 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, program)) and \
44 not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, program)):
45 return os.path.join(path, program)
46 return None
49 def bedToPicInterval(infile=None):
50 """
51 Picard tools requiring targets want
52 a sam style header which incidentally, MUST be sorted in natural order - not lexicographic order:
54 @SQ SN:chrM LN:16571
55 @SQ SN:chr1 LN:247249719
56 @SQ SN:chr2 LN:242951149
57 @SQ SN:chr3 LN:199501827
58 @SQ SN:chr4 LN:191273063
59 added to the start of what looks like a bed style file
60 chr1 67052400 67052451 - CCDS635.1_cds_0_0_chr1_67052401_r
61 chr1 67060631 67060788 - CCDS635.1_cds_1_0_chr1_67060632_r
62 chr1 67065090 67065317 - CCDS635.1_cds_2_0_chr1_67065091_r
63 chr1 67066082 67066181 - CCDS635.1_cds_3_0_chr1_67066083_r
66 see
67 we need to add 1 to start coordinates on the way through - but length calculations are easier
68 """
69 #
70 # ross lazarus October 2010
71 # LGPL
72 # for Rgenetics
74 def getFlen(bedfname=None):
75 """
76 find all features in a BED file and sum their lengths
77 """
78 features = {}
79 try:
80 infile = open(bedfname,'r')
81 except:
82 print '###ERROR: getFlen unable to open bedfile %s' % bedfname
83 sys.exit(1)
84 for i,row in enumerate(infile):
85 if row[0] == '@': # shouldn't happen given a bed file!
86 print 'row %d=%s - should NOT start with @!' % (i,row)
87 sys.exit(1)
88 row = row.strip()
89 if len(row) > 0:
90 srow = row.split('\t')
91 f = srow[0]
92 spos = srow[1] # zero based from UCSC so no need to add 1 - eg 0-100 is 100 bases numbered 0-99 (!)
93 epos = srow[2] # see
94 flen = int(epos) - int(spos)
95 features.setdefault(f,0)
96 features[f] += flen
97 infile.close()
98 return features
100 def keynat(string):
101 '''
102 borrowed from
103 A natural sort helper function for sort() and sorted()
104 without using regular expressions or exceptions.
106 >>> items = ('Z', 'a', '10th', '1st', '9')
107 >>> sorted(items)
108 ['10th', '1st', '9', 'Z', 'a']
109 >>> sorted(items, key=keynat)
110 ['1st', '9', '10th', 'a', 'Z']
111 '''
112 it = type(1)
113 r = []
114 for c in string:
115 if c.isdigit():
116 d = int(c)
117 if r and type( r[-1] ) == it:
118 r[-1] = r[-1] * 10 + d
119 else:
120 r.append(d)
121 else:
122 r.append(c.lower())
123 return r
125 def writePic(outfname=None,bedfname=None):
126 """
127 collect header info and rewrite bed with header for picard
128 """
129 featlen = getFlen(bedfname=bedfname)
130 try:
131 outf = open(outfname,'w')
132 except:
133 print '###ERROR: writePic unable to open output picard file %s' % outfname
134 sys.exit(1)
135 infile = open(bedfname,'r') # already tested in getFlen
136 k = featlen.keys()
137 fk = sorted(k, key=keynat)
138 header = ['@SQ\tSN:%s\tLN:%d' % (x,featlen[x]) for x in fk]
139 outf.write('\n'.join(header))
140 outf.write('\n')
141 for row in infile:
142 row = row.strip()
143 if len(row) > 0: # convert zero based start coordinate to 1 based
144 srow = row.split('\t')
145 srow[1] = '%d' % (int(srow[1])+1) # see
146 outf.write('\t'.join(srow))
147 outf.write('\n')
148 outf.close()
149 infile.close()
153 # bedToPicInterval starts here
154 fd,outf = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='rgPicardHsMetrics')
155 writePic(outfname=outf,bedfname=infile)
156 return outf
159 def getFileString(fpath, outpath):
160 """
161 format a nice file size string
162 """
163 size = ''
164 fp = os.path.join(outpath, fpath)
165 s = '? ?'
166 if os.path.isfile(fp):
167 n = float(os.path.getsize(fp))
168 if n > 2**20:
169 size = ' (%1.1f MB)' % (n/2**20)
170 elif n > 2**10:
171 size = ' (%1.1f KB)' % (n/2**10)
172 elif n > 0:
173 size = ' (%d B)' % (int(n))
174 s = '%s %s' % (fpath, size)
175 return s
178 def fixPicardOutputs(tempout=None,output_dir=None,log_file=None,html_output=None,progname=None,cl=[],transpose=True):
179 """
180 picard produces long hard to read tab header files
181 make them available but present them transposed for readability
182 """
183 rstyle="""<style type="text/css">
184 tr.d0 td {background-color: oldlace; color: black;}
185 tr.d1 td {background-color: aliceblue; color: black;}
186 </style>"""
187 cruft = []
188 dat = []
189 try:
190 r = open(tempout,'r').readlines()
191 except:
192 r = []
193 for row in r:
194 if row.strip() > '':
195 srow = row.split('\t')
196 if row[0] == '#':
197 cruft.append(row.strip()) # want strings
198 else:
199 dat.append(srow) # want lists
201 res = [rstyle,]
202 res.append(galhtmlprefix % progname)
203 res.append(galhtmlattr % (progname,timenow()))
204 flist = os.listdir(output_dir)
205 pdflist = [x for x in flist if os.path.splitext(x)[-1].lower() == '.pdf']
206 if len(pdflist) > 0: # assumes all pdfs come with thumbnail .jpgs
207 for p in pdflist:
208 imghref = '%s.jpg' % os.path.splitext(p)[0] # removes .pdf
209 res.append('<table cellpadding="10"><tr><td>\n')
210 res.append('<a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="Click thumbnail to download %s" hspace="10" align="middle"></a>\n' % (p,imghref,p))
211 res.append('</tr></td></table>\n')
212 res.append('<b>Your job produced the following output files.</b><hr/>\n')
213 res.append('<table>\n')
214 for i,f in enumerate(flist):
215 fn = os.path.split(f)[-1]
216 res.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td></tr>\n' % (fn,fn))
217 res.append('</table><p/>\n')
218 if len(cruft) + len(dat) > 0:
219 res.append('<b>Picard on line resources</b><ul>\n')
220 res.append('<li><a href="">Click here for Picard Documentation</a></li>\n')
221 res.append('<li><a href="">Click here for Picard Metrics definitions</a></li></ul><hr/>\n')
222 if transpose:
223 res.append('<b>Picard output (transposed for readability)</b><hr/>\n')
224 else:
225 res.append('<b>Picard output</b><hr/>\n')
226 res.append('<table cellpadding="3" >\n')
227 if len(cruft) > 0:
228 cres = ['<tr class="d%d"><td>%s</td></tr>' % (i % 2,x) for i,x in enumerate(cruft)]
229 res += cres
230 if len(dat) > 0:
231 maxrows = 100
232 if transpose:
233 tdat = map(None,*dat) # transpose an arbitrary list of lists
234 missing = len(tdat) - maxrows
235 tdat = ['<tr class="d%d"><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n' % ((i+len(cruft)) % 2,x[0],x[1]) for i,x in enumerate(tdat) if i < maxrows]
236 if len(tdat) > maxrows:
237 tdat.append('<tr><td colspan="2">...WARNING: %d rows deleted for sanity...see raw files for all rows</td></tr>' % missing)
238 else:
239 tdat = ['<tr class="d%d"><td>%s</td></tr>\n' % ((i+len(cruft)) % 2,x) for i,x in enumerate(dat) if i < maxrows]
240 if len(dat) > maxrows:
241 missing = len(dat) - maxrows
242 tdat.append('<tr><td>...WARNING: %d rows deleted for sanity...see raw files for all rows</td></tr>' % missing)
243 res += tdat
244 res.append('</table>\n')
245 else:
246 res.append('<b>No Picard output found - please consult the Picard log above for an explanation</b>')
247 l = open(log_file,'r').readlines()
248 if len(l) > 0:
249 res.append('<b>Picard log</b><hr/>\n')
250 rlog = ['<pre>',]
251 rlog += l
252 rlog.append('</pre>')
253 res += rlog
254 else:
255 res.append("Odd, Picard left no log file %s - must have really barfed badly?" % log_file)
256 res.append('<hr/>The freely available <a href="">Picard software</a> \n')
257 res.append( 'generated all outputs reported here, using this command line:<br/>\n<pre>%s</pre>\n' % ''.join(cl))
258 res.append(galhtmlpostfix)
259 outf = open(html_output,'w')
260 outf.write(''.join(res))
261 outf.write('\n')
262 outf.close()
264 def keynat(string):
265 '''
266 borrowed from
267 A natural sort helper function for sort() and sorted()
268 without using regular expressions or exceptions.
270 >>> items = ('Z', 'a', '10th', '1st', '9')
271 >>> sorted(items)
272 ['10th', '1st', '9', 'Z', 'a']
273 >>> sorted(items, key=keynat)
274 ['1st', '9', '10th', 'a', 'Z']
275 '''
276 it = type(1)
277 r = []
278 for c in string:
279 if c.isdigit():
280 d = int(c)
281 if r and type( r[-1] ) == it:
282 r[-1] = r[-1] * 10 + d
283 else:
284 r.append(d)
285 else:
286 r.append(c.lower())
287 return r
289 def getFlen(bedfname=None):
290 """
291 find all features in a BED file and sum their lengths
292 """
293 features = {}
294 otherHeaders = []
295 try:
296 infile = open(bedfname,'r')
297 except:
298 print '###ERROR: getFlen unable to open bedfile %s' % bedfname
299 sys.exit(1)
300 for i,row in enumerate(infile):
301 if row.startswith('@'): # add to headers if not @SQ
302 if not row.startswith('@SQ'):
303 otherHeaders.append(row)
304 else:
305 row = row.strip()
306 if row.startswith('#') or row.lower().startswith('browser') or row.lower().startswith('track'):
307 continue # ignore headers
308 srow = row.split('\t')
309 if len(srow) > 3:
310 srow = row.split('\t')
311 f = srow[0]
312 spos = srow[1] # zero based from UCSC so no need to add 1 - eg 0-100 is 100 bases numbered 0-99 (!)
313 epos = srow[2] # see
314 flen = int(epos) - int(spos)
315 features.setdefault(f,0)
316 features[f] += flen
317 infile.close()
318 fk = features.keys()
319 fk = sorted(fk, key=keynat)
320 return features,fk,otherHeaders
322 def bedToPicInterval(infile=None,outfile=None):
323 """
324 Picard tools requiring targets want
325 a sam style header which incidentally, MUST be sorted in natural order - not lexicographic order:
327 @SQ SN:chrM LN:16571
328 @SQ SN:chr1 LN:247249719
329 @SQ SN:chr2 LN:242951149
330 @SQ SN:chr3 LN:199501827
331 @SQ SN:chr4 LN:191273063
332 added to the start of what looks like a bed style file
333 chr1 67052400 67052451 - CCDS635.1_cds_0_0_chr1_67052401_r
334 chr1 67060631 67060788 - CCDS635.1_cds_1_0_chr1_67060632_r
335 chr1 67065090 67065317 - CCDS635.1_cds_2_0_chr1_67065091_r
336 chr1 67066082 67066181 - CCDS635.1_cds_3_0_chr1_67066083_r
338 see
339 we need to add 1 to start coordinates on the way through - but length calculations are easier
340 """
341 #
342 # ross lazarus October 2010
343 # LGPL
344 # for Rgenetics
345 """
346 collect header info and rewrite bed with header for picard
347 """
348 featlen,fk,otherHeaders = getFlen(bedfname=infile)
349 try:
350 outf = open(outfile,'w')
351 except:
352 print '###ERROR: writePic unable to open output picard file %s' % outfile
353 sys.exit(1)
354 inf = open(infile,'r') # already tested in getFlen
355 header = ['@SQ\tSN:%s\tLN:%d' % (x,featlen[x]) for x in fk]
356 if len(otherHeaders) > 0:
357 header += otherHeaders
358 outf.write('\n'.join(header))
359 outf.write('\n')
360 for row in inf:
361 row = row.strip()
362 if len(row) > 0: # convert zero based start coordinate to 1 based
363 if row.startswith('@'):
364 continue
365 else:
366 srow = row.split('\t')
367 srow[1] = '%d' % (int(srow[1])+1) # see
368 outf.write('\t'.join(srow))
369 outf.write('\n')
370 outf.close()
371 inf.close()
374 def oRRun(rcmd=[],outdir=None,title='myR',rexe='R'):
375 """
376 run an r script, lines in rcmd,
377 in a temporary directory
378 move everything, r script and all back to outdir which will be an html file
381 # test
382 RRun(rcmd=['print("hello cruel world")','q()'],title='test')
383 """
384 rlog = []
385 print '### rexe = %s' % rexe
386 assert os.path.isfile(rexe)
387 rname = '%s.R' % title
388 stoname = '%s.R.log' % title
389 rfname = rname
390 stofname = stoname
391 if outdir: # want a specific path
392 rfname = os.path.join(outdir,rname)
393 stofname = os.path.join(outdir,stoname)
394 try:
395 os.makedirs(outdir) # might not be there yet...
396 except:
397 pass
398 else:
399 outdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=title)
400 rfname = os.path.join(outdir,rname)
401 stofname = os.path.join(outdir,stoname)
402 rmoutdir = True
403 f = open(rfname,'w')
404 if type(rcmd) == type([]):
405 f.write('\n'.join(rcmd))
406 else: # string
407 f.write(rcmd)
408 f.write('\n')
409 f.close()
410 sto = file(stofname,'w')
411 vcl = [rexe,"--vanilla --slave", '<', rfname ]
412 x = subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,stderr=sto,stdout=sto,cwd=outdir)
413 retval = x.wait()
414 sto.close()
415 rlog = file(stofname,'r').readlines()
416 rlog.insert(0,'## found R at %s' % rexe)
417 if outdir <> None:
418 flist = os.listdir(outdir)
419 else:
420 flist = os.listdir('.')
421 flist.sort
422 flist = [(x,x) for x in flist]
423 for i,x in enumerate(flist):
424 if x == rname:
425 flist[i] = (x,'R script for %s' % title)
426 elif x == stoname:
427 flist[i] = (x,'R log for %s' % title)
428 if False and rmoutdir:
429 os.removedirs(outdir)
430 return rlog,flist # for html layout
435 def RRun(rcmd=[],outdir=None,title='myR',tidy=True):
436 """
437 run an r script, lines in rcmd,
438 in a temporary directory
439 move everything, r script and all back to outdir which will be an html file
442 # test
443 RRun(rcmd=['print("hello cruel world")','q()'],title='test')
444 echo "a <- c(5, 5); b <- c(0.5, 0.5)" | cat - RScript.R | R --slave \ --vanilla
445 suggested by
446 """
447 killme = string.punctuation + string.whitespace
448 trantab = string.maketrans(killme,'_'*len(killme))
449 title = title.translate(trantab)
450 rlog = []
451 tempout=False
452 rname = '%s.R' % title
453 stoname = '%s.R.log' % title
454 cwd = os.getcwd()
455 if outdir: # want a specific path
456 try:
457 os.makedirs(outdir) # might not be there yet...
458 except:
459 pass
460 os.chdir(outdir)
461 if type(rcmd) == type([]):
462 script = '\n'.join(rcmd)
463 else: # string
464 script = rcmd
465 sto = file(stoname,'w')
466 rscript = file(rname,'w')
467 rscript.write(script)
468 rscript.write('\n#R script autogenerated by rgenetics/ on %s\n' % timenow())
469 rscript.close()
470 vcl = '%s --slave --vanilla < %s' % (rexe,rname)
471 if outdir:
472 x = subprocess.Popen(vcl,shell=True,stderr=sto,stdout=sto,cwd=outdir)
473 else:
474 x = subprocess.Popen(vcl,shell=True,stderr=sto,stdout=sto)
475 retval = x.wait()
476 sto.close()
477 rlog = file(stoname,'r').readlines()
478 if retval <> 0:
479 rlog.insert(0,'Nonzero exit code = %d' % retval) # indicate failure
480 if outdir:
481 flist = os.listdir(outdir)
482 else:
483 flist = os.listdir(os.getcwd())
484 flist.sort
485 flist = [(x,x) for x in flist]
486 for i,x in enumerate(flist):
487 if x == rname:
488 flist[i] = (x,'R script for %s' % title)
489 elif x == stoname:
490 flist[i] = (x,'R log for %s' % title)
491 if outdir:
492 os.chdir(cwd)
493 return rlog,flist # for html layout
495 def runPlink(bfn='bar',ofn='foo',logf=None,plinktasks=[],cd='./',vclbase = []):
496 """run a series of plink tasks and append log results to stdout
497 vcl has a list of parameters for the spawnv
498 common settings can all go in the vclbase list and are added to each plinktask
499 """
500 # root for all
501 fplog,plog = tempfile.mkstemp()
502 if type(logf) == type(' '): # open otherwise assume is file - ugh I'm in a hurry
503 mylog = file(logf,'a+')
504 else:
505 mylog = logf
506 mylog.write('## Rgenetics: Galaxy Tools Plink runner\n')
507 for task in plinktasks: # each is a list
508 vcl = vclbase + task
509 sto = file(plog,'w')
510 x = subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,stdout=sto,stderr=sto,cwd=cd)
511 retval = x.wait()
512 sto.close()
513 try:
514 lplog = file(plog,'r').read()
515 mylog.write(lplog)
516 os.unlink(plog) # no longer needed
517 except:
518 mylog.write('### %s Strange - no std out from plink when running command line\n%s' % (timenow(),' '.join(vcl)))
520 def pruneLD(plinktasks=[],cd='./',vclbase = []):
521 """
522 plink blathers when doing pruning - ignore
523 Linkage disequilibrium based SNP pruning
524 if a million snps in 3 billion base pairs, have mean 3k spacing
525 assume 40-60k of ld in ceu, a window of 120k width is about 40 snps
526 so lots more is perhaps less efficient - each window computational cost is
527 ON^2 unless the code is smart enough to avoid unecessary computation where
528 allele frequencies make it impossible to see ld > the r^2 cutoff threshold
529 So, do a window and move forward 20?
530 The fine Plink docs at
531 reproduced below
533 Sometimes it is useful to generate a pruned subset of SNPs that are in approximate linkage equilibrium with each other. This can be achieved via two commands:
534 --indep which prunes based on the variance inflation factor (VIF), which recursively removes SNPs within a sliding window; second, --indep-pairwise which is
535 similar, except it is based only on pairwise genotypic correlation.
537 Hint The output of either of these commands is two lists of SNPs: those that are pruned out and those that are not. A separate command using the --extract or
538 --exclude option is necessary to actually perform the pruning.
540 The VIF pruning routine is performed:
541 plink --file data --indep 50 5 2
543 will create files
546 plink.prune.out
548 Each is a simlpe list of SNP IDs; both these files can subsequently be specified as the argument for
549 a --extract or --exclude command.
551 The parameters for --indep are: window size in SNPs (e.g. 50), the number of SNPs to shift the
552 window at each step (e.g. 5), the VIF threshold. The VIF is 1/(1-R^2) where R^2 is the multiple correlation coefficient for a SNP being regressed on all other
553 SNPs simultaneously. That is, this considers the correlations between SNPs but also between linear combinations of SNPs. A VIF of 10 is often taken to represent
554 near collinearity problems in standard multiple regression analyses (i.e. implies R^2 of 0.9). A VIF of 1 would imply that the SNP is completely independent of
555 all other SNPs. Practically, values between 1.5 and 2 should probably be used; particularly in small samples, if this threshold is too low and/or the window
556 size is too large, too many SNPs may be removed.
558 The second procedure is performed:
559 plink --file data --indep-pairwise 50 5 0.5
561 This generates the same output files as the first version; the only difference is that a
562 simple pairwise threshold is used. The first two parameters (50 and 5) are the same as above (window size and step); the third parameter represents the r^2
563 threshold. Note: this represents the pairwise SNP-SNP metric now, not the multiple correlation coefficient; also note, this is based on the genotypic
564 correlation, i.e. it does not involve phasing.
566 To give a concrete example: the command above that specifies 50 5 0.5 would a) consider a
567 window of 50 SNPs, b) calculate LD between each pair of SNPs in the window, b) remove one of a pair of SNPs if the LD is greater than 0.5, c) shift the window 5
568 SNPs forward and repeat the procedure.
570 To make a new, pruned file, then use something like (in this example, we also convert the
571 standard PED fileset to a binary one):
572 plink --file data --extract --make-bed --out pruneddata
573 """
574 fplog,plog = tempfile.mkstemp()
575 alog = []
576 alog.append('## Rgenetics: Galaxy Tools Plink pruneLD runner\n')
577 for task in plinktasks: # each is a list
578 vcl = vclbase + task
579 sto = file(plog,'w')
580 x = subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,stdout=sto,stderr=sto,cwd=cd)
581 retval = x.wait()
582 sto.close()
583 try:
584 lplog = file(plog,'r').readlines()
585 lplog = [x for x in lplog if x.find('Pruning SNP') == -1]
586 alog += lplog
587 alog.append('\n')
588 os.unlink(plog) # no longer needed
589 except:
590 alog.append('### %s Strange - no std out from plink when running command line\n%s\n' % (timenow(),' '.join(vcl)))
591 return alog
593 def readMap(mapfile=None,allmarkers=False,rsdict={},c=None,spos=None,epos=None):
594 """abstract out - keeps reappearing
595 """
596 mfile = open(mapfile, 'r')
597 markers = []
598 snpcols = {}
599 snpIndex = 0 # in case empty or comment lines
600 for rownum,row in enumerate(mfile):
601 line = row.strip()
602 if not line or line[0]=='#': continue
603 chrom, snp, genpos, abspos = line.split()[:4] # just in case more cols
604 try:
605 abspos = int(abspos)
606 except:
607 abspos = 0 # stupid framingham data grumble grumble
608 if allmarkers or rsdict.get(snp,None) or (chrom == c and (spos <= abspos <= epos)):
609 markers.append((chrom,abspos,snp)) # decorate for sort into genomic
610 snpcols[snp] = snpIndex # so we know which col to find genos for this marker
611 snpIndex += 1
612 markers.sort()
613 rslist = [x[2] for x in markers] # drop decoration
614 rsdict = dict(zip(rslist,rslist))
615 mfile.close()
616 return markers,snpcols,rslist,rsdict