diff tools/rgenetics/rgClean.py @ 0:9071e359b9a3

author xuebing
date Fri, 09 Mar 2012 19:37:19 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/rgenetics/rgClean.py	Fri Mar 09 19:37:19 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# galaxy tool xml files can define a galaxy supplied output filename
+# that must be passed to the tool and used to return output
+# here, the plink log file is copied to that file and removed
+# took a while to figure this out!
+# use exec_before_job to give files sensible names
+# ross april 14 2007
+# plink cleanup script
+# ross lazarus March 2007 for camp illumina whole genome data
+# note problems with multiple commands being ignored - eg --freq --missing --mendel 
+# only the first seems to get done...
+##Summary statistics versus inclusion criteria
+##Feature                         As summary statistic    As inclusion criteria
+##Missingness per individual      --missing               --mind N
+##Missingness per marker          --missing               --geno N        
+##Allele frequency                --freq                  --maf N
+##Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium      --hardy                 --hwe N
+##Mendel error rates              --mendel                --me N M
+# call as plinkClean.py $i $o $mind $geno $hwe $maf $mef $mei $outfile 
+# note plinkClean_code.py does some renaming before the job starts
+    <command interpreter="python2.4">
+        rgClean.py '$input_file.extra_files_path' '$input_file.metadata.base_name' '$title' '$mind' '$geno' '$hwe' '$maf' 
+        '$mef' '$mei' '$out_file1' '$out_file1.files_path' '$userId' 
+import sys,shutil,os,subprocess, glob, string, tempfile, time
+from rgutils import galhtmlprefix, timenow, plinke
+prog = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[-1]
+myversion = 'January 4 2010'
+def fixoutaff(outpath='',newaff='1'):
+    """ quick way to create test data sets - set all aff to 1 or 2 for
+    some hapmap data and then merge
+    [rerla@beast galaxy]$ head tool-data/rg/library/pbed/affyHM_CEU.fam
+    1341 14 0 0 2 1
+    1341 2 13 14 2 1
+    1341 13 0 0 1 1
+    1340 9 0 0 1 1
+    1340 10 0 0 2 1
+    """
+    nchanged = 0
+    fam = '%s.fam' % outpath
+    famf = open(fam,'r')
+    fl = famf.readlines()
+    famf.close()
+    for i,row in enumerate(fl):
+        lrow = row.split()
+        if lrow[-1] <> newaff:
+            lrow[-1] = newaff
+            fl[i] = ' '.join(lrow)
+            fl[i] += '\n'
+            nchanged += 1
+    fo = open(fam,'w')
+    fo.write(''.join(fl))
+    fo.close()
+    return nchanged
+def clean():
+    """
+    """
+    if len(sys.argv) < 16:
+        print >> sys.stdout, '## %s expected 12 params in sys.argv, got %d - %s' % (prog,len(sys.argv),sys.argv)
+        print >> sys.stdout, """this script will filter a linkage format ped
+        and map file containing genotypes. It takes 14 parameters - the plink --f parameter and"
+        a new filename root for the output clean data followed by the mind,geno,hwe,maf, mef and mei"
+        documented in the plink docs plus the file to be returned to Galaxy
+        called as:
+        <command interpreter="python">
+        rgClean.py '$input_file.extra_files_path' '$input_file.metadata.base_name' '$title' '$mind'
+        '$geno' '$hwe' '$maf' '$mef' '$mei' '$out_file1' '$out_file1.files_path'
+        '$relfilter' '$afffilter' '$sexfilter' '$fixaff'
+        </command>
+        """
+        sys.exit(1)
+    plog = []
+    inpath = sys.argv[1]
+    inbase = sys.argv[2]
+    killme = string.punctuation + string.whitespace
+    trantab = string.maketrans(killme,'_'*len(killme))
+    title = sys.argv[3].translate(trantab)
+    mind = sys.argv[4]
+    geno = sys.argv[5]
+    hwe = sys.argv[6]
+    maf = sys.argv[7]
+    me1 = sys.argv[8]
+    me2 = sys.argv[9]
+    outfname = sys.argv[10]
+    outfpath = sys.argv[11]
+    relf = sys.argv[12]
+    afff = sys.argv[13]
+    sexf = sys.argv[14]
+    fixaff = sys.argv[15]
+    output = os.path.join(outfpath,outfname)
+    outpath = os.path.join(outfpath,title)
+    outprunepath = os.path.join(outfpath,'ldprune_%s' % title)
+    try:
+      os.makedirs(outfpath)
+    except:
+      pass
+    bfile = os.path.join(inpath,inbase)
+    outf = file(outfname,'w')
+    vcl = [plinke,'--noweb','--bfile',bfile,'--make-bed','--out',
+          outpath,'--set-hh-missing','--mind',mind,
+          '--geno',geno,'--maf',maf,'--hwe',hwe,'--me',me1,me2]
+    # yes - the --me parameter takes 2 values - mendels per snp and per family
+    if relf == 'oo': # plink filters are what they leave...
+        vcl.append('--filter-nonfounders') # leave only offspring
+    elif relf == 'fo':
+        vcl.append('--filter-founders')
+    if afff == 'affonly':
+        vcl.append('--filter-controls')
+    elif relf == 'unaffonly':
+        vcl.append('--filter-cases')
+    if sexf == 'fsex':
+        vcl.append('--filter-females')
+    elif relf == 'msex':
+        vcl.append('--filter-males')        
+    p=subprocess.Popen(' '.join(vcl),shell=True,cwd=outfpath)
+    retval = p.wait()
+    plog.append('%s started, called as %s' % (prog,' '.join(sys.argv)))
+    outf.write(galhtmlprefix % prog)
+    outf.write('<ul>\n')
+    plogf = '%s.log' % os.path.join(outfpath,title)
+    try:
+        plogl = file(plogf,'r').readlines()
+        plog += [x.strip() for x in plogl]
+    except:
+        plog += ['###Cannot open plink log file %s' % plogf,]
+    # if fixaff, want to 'fix' the fam file
+    if fixaff <> '0':
+        nchanged = fixoutaff(outpath=outpath,newaff=fixaff)
+        plog += ['## fixaff was requested  %d subjects affection status changed to %s' % (nchanged,fixaff)] 
+    pf = file(plogf,'w')
+    pf.write('\n'.join(plog))
+    pf.close()
+    globme = os.path.join(outfpath,'*')
+    flist = glob.glob(globme)
+    flist.sort()
+    for i, data in enumerate( flist ):
+        outf.write('<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>\n' % (os.path.split(data)[-1],os.path.split(data)[-1]))
+    outf.write('</ul>\n')
+    outf.write("</ul></br></div></body></html>")
+    outf.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    clean()