diff tools/rgenetics/rgEigPCA.py @ 0:9071e359b9a3

author xuebing
date Fri, 09 Mar 2012 19:37:19 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/rgenetics/rgEigPCA.py	Fri Mar 09 19:37:19 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+run smartpca
+This uses galaxy code developed by Dan to deal with
+arbitrary output files using an html dataset with it's own
+subdirectory containing the arbitrary files
+We create that html file and add all the links we need
+Note that we execute the smartpca.perl program in the output subdirectory
+to avoid having to clear out the job directory after running
+Code to convert linkage format ped files into eigenstratgeno format is left here
+in case we decide to autoconvert
+Added a plot in R with better labels than the default eigensoft plot december 26 2007
+DOCUMENTATION OF smartpca program:
+smartpca runs Principal Components Analysis on input genotype data and
+  outputs principal components (eigenvectors) and eigenvalues.
+  The method assumes that samples are unrelated.  (However, a small number
+  of cryptically related individuals is usually not a problem in practice
+  as they will typically be discarded as outliers.)
+5 different input formats are supported.  See ../CONVERTF/README
+for documentation on using the convertf program to convert between formats.
+The syntax of smartpca is "../bin/smartpca -p parfile".  We illustrate
+how parfile works via a toy example (see example.perl in this directory).
+This example takes input in EIGENSTRAT format.  The syntax of how to take input
+in other formats is analogous to the convertf program, see ../CONVERTF/README.
+The smartpca program prints various statistics to standard output.
+To redirect this information to a file, change the above syntax to
+"../bin/smartpca -p parfile >logfile".  For a description of these
+statistics, see the documentation file smartpca.info in this directory.
+Estimated running time of the smartpca program is
+  2.5e-12 * nSNP * NSAMPLES^2 hours            if not removing outliers.
+  2.5e-12 * nSNP * NSAMPLES^2 hours * (1+m)    if m outlier removal iterations.
+Thus, under the default of up to 5 outlier removal iterations, running time is
+  up to 1.5e-11 * nSNP * NSAMPLES^2 hours.
+DESCRIPTION OF EACH PARAMETER in parfile for smartpca:
+genotypename: input genotype file (in any format: see ../CONVERTF/README)
+snpname:      input snp file      (in any format: see ../CONVERTF/README)
+indivname:    input indiv file    (in any format: see ../CONVERTF/README)
+evecoutname:  output file of eigenvectors.  See numoutevec parameter below.
+evaloutname:  output file of all eigenvalues
+numoutevec:     number of eigenvectors to output.  Default is 10.
+numoutlieriter: maximum number of outlier removal iterations.
+  Default is 5.  To turn off outlier removal, set this parameter to 0.
+numoutlierevec: number of principal components along which to
+  remove outliers during each outlier removal iteration.  Default is 10.
+outliersigmathresh: number of standard deviations which an individual must
+  exceed, along one of the top (numoutlierevec) principal components, in
+  order for that individual to be removed as an outlier.  Default is 6.0.
+outlieroutname: output logfile of outlier individuals removed. If not specified,
+  smartpca will print this information to stdout, which is the default.
+usenorm: Whether to normalize each SNP by a quantity related to allele freq.
+  Default is YES.  (When analyzing microsatellite data, should be set to NO.
+  See Patterson et al. 2006.)
+altnormstyle: Affects very subtle details in normalization formula.
+  Default is YES (normalization formulas of Patterson et al. 2006)
+  To match EIGENSTRAT (normalization formulas of Price et al. 2006), set to NO.
+missingmode: If set to YES, then instead of doing PCA on # reference alleles,
+  do PCA on whether each data point is missing or nonmissing.  Default is NO.
+  May be useful for detecting informative missingness (Clayton et al. 2005).
+nsnpldregress: If set to a positive integer, then LD correction is turned on,
+  and input to PCA will be the residual of a regression involving that many
+  previous SNPs, according to physical location.  See Patterson et al. 2006.
+  Default is 0 (no LD correction).  If desiring LD correction, we recommend 2.
+maxdistldregress: If doing LD correction, this is the maximum genetic distance
+  (in Morgans) for previous SNPs used in LD correction.  Default is no maximum.
+poplistname:   If wishing to infer eigenvectors using only individuals from a
+  subset of populations, and then project individuals from all populations
+  onto those eigenvectors, this input file contains a list of population names,
+  one population name per line, which will be used to infer eigenvectors.
+  It is assumed that the population of each individual is specified in the
+  indiv file.  Default is to use individuals from all populations.
+phylipoutname: output file containing an fst matrix which can be used as input
+  to programs in the PHYLIP package, such as the "fitch" program for
+  constructing phylogenetic trees.
+noxdata:    if set to YES, all SNPs on X chr are excluded from the data set.
+  The smartpca default for this parameter is YES, since different variances
+  for males vs. females on X chr may confound PCA analysis.
+nomalexhet: if set to YES, any het genotypes on X chr for males are changed
+  to missing data.  The smartpca default for this parameter is YES.
+badsnpname: specifies a list of SNPs which should be excluded from the data set.
+  Same format as example.snp.  Cannot be used if input is in
+popsizelimit: If set to a positive integer, the result is that only the first
+  popsizelimit individuals from each population will be included in the
+  analysis. It is assumed that the population of each individual is specified
+  in the indiv file.  Default is to use all individuals in the analysis.
+The next 5 optional parameters allow the user to output genotype, snp and
+  indiv files which will be identical to the input files except that:
+    Any individuals set to Ignore in the input indiv file will be
+      removed from the data set (see ../CONVERTF/README)
+    Any data excluded or set to missing based on noxdata, nomalexhet and
+      badsnpname parameters (see above) will be removed from the data set.
+    The user may decide to output these files in any format.
+genotypeoutname: output genotype file
+snpoutname:      output snp file
+indivoutname:    output indiv file
+outputgroup: see documentation in ../CONVERTF/README
+import sys,os,time,subprocess,string,glob
+from rgutils import RRun, galhtmlprefix, galhtmlpostfix, timenow, smartpca, rexe, plinke
+verbose = False
+def makePlot(eigpca='test.pca',title='test',pdfname='test.pdf',h=8,w=10,nfp=None,rexe=''):
+    """
+    the eigenvec file has a # row with the eigenvectors, then subject ids, eigenvecs and lastly
+    the subject class
+    Rpy not being used here. Write a real R script and run it. Sadly, this means putting numbers
+    somewhere - like in the code as monster R vector constructor c(99.3,2.14) strings
+    At least you have the data and the analysis in one single place. Highly reproducible little
+    piece of research.
+    """
+    debug=False
+    f = file(eigpca,'r')
+    R = []
+    if debug:
+      R.append('sessionInfo()')
+      R.append("print('dir()=:')")
+      R.append('dir()')
+      R.append("print('pdfname=%s')" % pdfname)
+    gvec = []
+    pca1 = []
+    pca2 = []
+    groups = {}
+    glist = [] # list for legend
+    ngroup = 1 # increment for each new group encountered for pch vector
+    for n,row in enumerate(f):
+        if n > 1:
+            rowlist = row.strip().split()
+            group = rowlist[-1]
+            v1 = rowlist[1]
+            v2 = rowlist[2]
+            try:
+                v1 = float(v1)
+            except:
+                v1 = 0.0
+            try:
+                v2 = float(v2)
+            except:
+                v2 = 0.0
+            if not groups.get(group,None):
+                groups[group] = ngroup
+                glist.append(group)
+                ngroup += 1 # for next group
+            gvec.append(groups[group]) # lookup group number
+            pca1.append('%f' % v1)
+            pca2.append('%f' % v2)
+    # now have vectors of group,pca1 and pca2
+    llist = [x.encode('ascii') for x in glist] # remove label unicode - eesh
+    llist = ['"%s"' % x for x in llist] # need to quote for R
+    R.append('llist=c(%s)' % ','.join(llist))
+    plist = range(2,len(llist)+2) # pch - avoid black circles
+    R.append('glist=c(%s)' % ','.join(['%d' % x for x in plist]))
+    pgvec = ['%d' % (plist[i-1]) for i in gvec] # plot symbol/colour for each point
+    R.append("par(lab=c(10,10,10))") # so our grid is denser than the default 5
+    R.append("par(mai=c(1,1,1,0.5))")
+    maint = title
+    R.append('pdf("%s",h=%d,w=%d)' % (pdfname,h,w))
+    R.append("par(lab=c(10,10,10))")
+    R.append('pca1 = c(%s)' % ','.join(pca1))
+    R.append('pca2 = c(%s)' % ','.join(pca2))
+    R.append('pgvec = c(%s)' % ','.join(pgvec))
+    s = "plot(pca1,pca2,type='p',main='%s', ylab='Second ancestry eigenvector'," % maint
+    s += "xlab='First ancestry eigenvector',col=pgvec,cex=0.8,pch=pgvec)"
+    R.append(s)
+    R.append('legend("top",legend=llist,pch=glist,col=glist,title="Sample")')
+    R.append('grid(nx = 10, ny = 10, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted")')
+    R.append('dev.off()')
+    R.append('png("%s.png",h=%d,w=%d,units="in",res=72)' % (pdfname,h,w))
+    s = "plot(pca1,pca2,type='p',main='%s', ylab='Second ancestry eigenvector'," % maint
+    s += "xlab='First ancestry eigenvector',col=pgvec,cex=0.8,pch=pgvec)"
+    R.append(s)
+    R.append('legend("top",legend=llist,pch=glist,col=glist,title="Sample")')
+    R.append('grid(nx = 10, ny = 10, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted")')
+    R.append('dev.off()')
+    rlog,flist = RRun(rcmd=R,title=title,outdir=nfp)
+    print >> sys.stdout, '\n'.join(R)
+    print >> sys.stdout, rlog
+def getfSize(fpath,outpath):
+    """
+    format a nice file size string
+    """
+    size = ''
+    fp = os.path.join(outpath,fpath)
+    if os.path.isfile(fp):
+        n = float(os.path.getsize(fp))
+        if n > 2**20:
+            size = ' (%1.1f MB)' % (n/2**20)
+        elif n > 2**10:
+            size = ' (%1.1f KB)' % (n/2**10)
+        elif n > 0:
+            size = ' (%d B)' % (int(n))
+    return size
+def runEigen():
+    """ run the smartpca prog - documentation follows
+    smartpca.perl -i fakeped_100.eigenstratgeno -a fakeped_100.map -b fakeped_100.ind -p fakeped_100 -e fakeped_100.eigenvals -l
+        fakeped_100.eigenlog -o fakeped_100.eigenout
+DOCUMENTATION OF smartpca.perl program:
+This program calls the smartpca program (see ../POPGEN/README).
+For this to work, the bin directory containing smartpca MUST be in your path.
+See ./example.perl for a toy example.
+-i example.geno  : genotype file in EIGENSTRAT format (see ../CONVERTF/README)
+-a example.snp   : snp file   (see ../CONVERTF/README)
+-b example.ind   : indiv file (see ../CONVERTF/README)
+-k k             : (Default is 10) number of principal components to output
+-o example.pca   : output file of principal components.  Individuals removed
+                   as outliers will have all values set to 0.0 in this file.
+-p example.plot  : prefix of output plot files of top 2 principal components.
+                   (labeling individuals according to labels in indiv file)
+-e example.eval  : output file of all eigenvalues
+-l example.log   : output logfile
+-m maxiter       : (Default is 5) maximum number of outlier removal iterations.
+                   To turn off outlier removal, set -m 0.
+-t topk          : (Default is 10) number of principal components along which
+                   to remove outliers during each outlier removal iteration.
+-s sigma         : (Default is 6.0) number of standard deviations which an
+                   individual must exceed, along one of topk top principal
+                   components, in order to be removed as an outlier.
+    now uses https://www.bx.psu.edu/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/galaxy/changeset/1832
+All files can be viewed however, by making links in the primary (HTML) history item like:
+<img src="display_child?parent_id=2&designation=SomeImage?" alt="Some Image"/>
+<a href="display_child?parent_id=2&designation=SomeText?">Some Text</a>
+    <command interpreter="python">
+    rgEigPCA.py "$i.extra_files_path/$i.metadata.base_name" "$title" "$out_file1"
+    "$out_file1.files_path" "$k" "$m" "$t" "$s" "$pca"
+    </command>
+    """
+    if len(sys.argv) < 9:
+        print 'Need an input genotype file root, a title, a temp id and the temp file path for outputs,'
+        print ' and the 4 integer tuning parameters k,m,t and s in order. Given that, will run smartpca for eigensoft'
+        sys.exit(1)
+    else:
+        print >> sys.stdout, 'rgEigPCA.py got %s' % (' '.join(sys.argv))
+    skillme = ' %s' % string.punctuation
+    trantab = string.maketrans(skillme,'_'*len(skillme))
+    ofname = sys.argv[5]
+    progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+    infile = sys.argv[1]
+    infpath,base_name = os.path.split(infile) # now takes precomputed or autoconverted ldreduced dataset
+    title = sys.argv[2].translate(trantab) # must replace all of these for urls containing title
+    outfile1 = sys.argv[3]
+    newfilepath = sys.argv[4]
+    try:
+       os.mkdirs(newfilepath)
+    except:
+       pass
+    op = os.path.split(outfile1)[0]
+    try: # for test - needs this done
+        os.makedirs(op)
+    except:
+        pass
+    eigen_k = sys.argv[5]
+    eigen_m = sys.argv[6]
+    eigen_t = sys.argv[7]
+    eigen_s = sys.argv[8]
+    eigpca = sys.argv[9] # path to new dataset for pca results - for later adjustment
+    eigentitle = os.path.join(newfilepath,title)
+    explanations=['Samples plotted in first 2 eigenvector space','Principle components','Eigenvalues',
+    'Smartpca log (contents shown below)']
+    rplotname = 'PCAPlot.pdf'
+    eigenexts = [rplotname, "pca.xls", "eval.xls"]
+    newfiles = ['%s_%s' % (title,x) for x in eigenexts] # produced by eigenstrat
+    rplotout = os.path.join(newfilepath,newfiles[0]) # for R plots
+    eigenouts = [x for x in newfiles]
+    eigenlogf = '%s_log.txt' % title
+    newfiles.append(eigenlogf) # so it will also appear in the links
+    lfname = outfile1
+    lf = file(lfname,'w')
+    lf.write(galhtmlprefix % progname)
+    try:
+        os.makedirs(newfilepath)
+    except:
+        pass
+    smartCL = '%s -i %s.bed -a %s.bim -b %s.fam -o %s -p %s -e %s -l %s -k %s -m %s -t %s -s %s' % \
+          (smartpca,infile, infile, infile, eigenouts[1],'%s_eigensoftplot.pdf' % title,eigenouts[2],eigenlogf, \
+           eigen_k, eigen_m, eigen_t, eigen_s)
+    env = os.environ
+    p=subprocess.Popen(smartCL,shell=True,cwd=newfilepath)
+    retval = p.wait()
+    # copy the eigenvector output file needed for adjustment to the user's eigenstrat library directory
+    elog = file(os.path.join(newfilepath,eigenlogf),'r').read()
+    eeigen = os.path.join(newfilepath,'%s.evec' % eigenouts[1]) # need these for adjusting
+    try:
+        eigpcaRes = file(eeigen,'r').read()
+    except:
+        eigpcaRes = ''
+    file(eigpca,'w').write(eigpcaRes)
+    makePlot(eigpca=eigpca,pdfname=newfiles[0],title=title,nfp=newfilepath,rexe=rexe)
+    s = 'Output from %s run at %s<br/>\n' % (progname,timenow())
+    lf.write('<h4>%s</h4>\n' % s)
+    lf.write('newfilepath=%s, rexe=%s' % (newfilepath,rexe))
+    lf.write('(click on the image below to see a much higher quality PDF version)')
+    thumbnail = '%s.png' % newfiles[0] # foo.pdf.png - who cares?
+    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(newfilepath,thumbnail)):
+        lf.write('<table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10"><tr><td>\n')
+        lf.write('<a href="%s"><img src="%s" alt="%s" hspace="10" align="left" /></a></td></tr></table><br/>\n' \
+            % (newfiles[0],thumbnail,explanations[0]))
+    allfiles = os.listdir(newfilepath)
+    allfiles.sort()
+    sizes = [getfSize(x,newfilepath) for x in allfiles]
+    lallfiles = ['<li><a href="%s">%s %s</a></li>\n' % (x,x,sizes[i]) for i,x in enumerate(allfiles)] # html list
+    lf.write('<div class="document">All Files:<ol>%s</ol></div>' % ''.join(lallfiles))
+    lf.write('<div class="document">Log %s contents follow below<p/>' % eigenlogf)
+    lf.write('<pre>%s</pre></div>' % elog) # the eigenlog
+    s = 'If you need to rerun this analysis, the command line used was\n%s\n<p/>' % (smartCL)
+    lf.write(s)
+    lf.write(galhtmlpostfix) # end galhtmlprefix div
+    lf.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+   runEigen()