diff tools/rgenetics/rgfakePed.py @ 0:9071e359b9a3

author xuebing
date Fri, 09 Mar 2012 19:37:19 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/rgenetics/rgfakePed.py	Fri Mar 09 19:37:19 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+# modified may 2011 to name components (map/ped) as RgeneticsData to align with default base_name
+# otherwise downstream tools fail
+# modified march  2011 to remove post execution hook  
+# pedigree data faker
+# specifically designed for scalability testing of
+# Shaun Purcel's PLINK package
+# derived from John Ziniti's original suggestion
+# allele frequency spectrum and random mating added
+# ross lazarus me fecit january 13 2007
+# copyright ross lazarus 2007
+# without psyco
+# generates about 10k snp genotypes in 2k subjects (666 trios) per minute or so.
+# so 500k (a billion genotypes), at about 4 trios/min will a couple of hours to generate
+# psyco makes it literally twice as quick!!
+# all rights reserved except as granted under the terms of the LGPL
+# see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html 
+# for a copy of the license you receive with this software
+# and for your rights and obligations
+# especially if you wish to modify or redistribute this code
+# january 19 added random missingness inducer
+# currently about 15M genos/minute without psyco, 30M/minute with
+# so a billion genos should take about 40 minutes with psyco or 80 without...
+# added mendel error generator jan 23 rml
+import random,sys,time,os,string
+from optparse import OptionParser
+width = 500000
+ALLELES = ['1','2','3','4']
+prog = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[-1]
+debug = 0
+"""Natural-order sorting, supporting embedded numbers.
+# found at http://lists.canonical.org/pipermail/kragen-hacks/2005-October/000419.html
+note test code there removed to conserve brain space
+foo9bar2 < foo10bar2 < foo10bar10
+import random, re, sys
+def natsort_key(item): 
+    chunks = re.split('(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)', item)
+    for ii in range(len(chunks)):
+        if chunks[ii] and chunks[ii][0] in '0123456789':
+            if '.' in chunks[ii]: numtype = float
+            else: numtype = int
+            # wrap in tuple with '0' to explicitly specify numbers come first
+            chunks[ii] = (0, numtype(chunks[ii]))
+        else:
+            chunks[ii] = (1, chunks[ii])
+    return (chunks, item)
+def natsort(seq):
+    "Sort a sequence of text strings in a reasonable order."
+    alist = [item for item in seq]
+    alist.sort(key=natsort_key)
+    return alist
+def makeUniformMAFdist(low=0.02, high=0.5):
+    """Fake a non-uniform maf distribution to make the data
+    more interesting. Provide uniform 0.02-0.5 distribution"""
+    MAFdistribution = []
+    for i in xrange(int(100*low),int(100*high)+1):
+       freq = i/100.0 # uniform
+       MAFdistribution.append(freq)
+    return MAFdistribution
+def makeTriangularMAFdist(low=0.02, high=0.5, beta=5):
+    """Fake a non-uniform maf distribution to make the data
+    more interesting - more rare alleles """
+    MAFdistribution = []
+    for i in xrange(int(100*low),int(100*high)+1):
+       freq = (51 - i)/100.0 # large numbers of small allele freqs
+       for j in range(beta*i): # or i*i for crude exponential distribution 
+            MAFdistribution.append(freq)
+    return MAFdistribution
+def makeFbathead(rslist=[], chromlist=[], poslist=[], width=100000):
+    """header row
+    """
+    res = ['%s_%s_%s' % (chromlist[x], poslist[x], rslist[x]) for x in range(len(rslist))]
+    return ' '.join(res)
+def makeMap( width=500000, MAFdistribution=[], useGP=False):
+    """make snp allele and frequency tables for consistent generation"""
+    usegp = 1
+    snpdb = 'snp126'
+    hgdb = 'hg18'
+    alleles = []
+    freqs = []
+    rslist = []
+    chromlist = []
+    poslist = []
+    for snp in range(width):
+        random.shuffle(ALLELES)
+        alleles.append(ALLELES[0:2]) # need two DIFFERENT alleles!
+        freqs.append(random.choice(MAFdistribution)) # more rare alleles
+    if useGP:
+        try:
+            import MySQLdb
+            genome = MySQLdb.Connect('localhost', 'hg18', 'G3gn0m3')
+            curs = genome.cursor() # use default cursor
+        except:
+            if debug:
+                print 'cannot connect to local copy of golden path'
+            usegp = 0
+    if usegp and useGP: # urrrgghh getting snps into chrom offset order is complicated....
+        curs.execute('use %s' % hgdb)
+        print 'Collecting %d real rs numbers - this may take a while' % width
+        # get a random draw of enough reasonable (hapmap) snps with frequency data
+        s = '''select distinct chrom,chromEnd, name from %s where avHet > 0 and chrom not like '%%random'
+        group by name order by rand() limit %d''' % (snpdb,width)
+        curs.execute(s)
+        reslist = curs.fetchall()
+        reslist = ['%s\t%09d\t%s' % (x[3:],y,z) for x,y,z in reslist] # get rid of chr
+        reslist = natsort(reslist)
+        for s in reslist:
+            chrom,pos,rs = s.split('\t')
+            rslist.append(rs)
+            chromlist.append(chrom)
+            poslist.append(pos)
+    else:
+        chrom = '1'
+        for snp in range(width):
+            pos = '%d' % (1000*snp)
+            rs = 'rs00%d' % snp
+            rslist.append(rs)
+            chromlist.append(chrom)
+            poslist.append(pos)
+    return alleles,freqs, rslist, chromlist, poslist
+def writeMap(fprefix = '', fpath='./', rslist=[], chromlist=[], poslist=[], width = 500000):
+    """make a faked plink compatible map file - fbat files
+    have the map written as a header line"""
+    outf = '%s.map'% (fprefix)
+    outf = os.path.join(fpath,outf)
+    amap = open(outf, 'w')
+    res = ['%s\t%s\t0\t%s' % (chromlist[x],rslist[x],poslist[x]) for x in range(len(rslist))]
+    res.append('')
+    amap.write('\n'.join(res))
+    amap.close()
+def makeMissing(genos=[], missrate = 0.03, missval = '0'):
+    """impose some random missingness"""
+    nsnps = len(genos)
+    for snp in range(nsnps): # ignore first 6 columns
+        if random.random() <= missrate:
+            genos[snp] = '%s %s' % (missval,missval)
+    return genos
+def makeTriomissing(genos=[], missrate = 0.03, missval = '0'):
+    """impose some random missingness on a trio - moth eaten like real data"""
+    for person in (0,1):
+        nsnps = len(genos[person])
+        for snp in range(nsnps):
+            for person in [0,1,2]:
+                if random.random() <= missrate:
+                    genos[person][snp] = '%s %s' % (missval,missval)
+    return genos
+def makeTriomendel(p1g=(0,0),p2g=(0,0), kiddip = (0,0)):
+    """impose some random mendels on a trio
+    there are 8 of the 9 mating types we can simulate reasonable errors for
+    Note, since random mating dual het parents can produce any genotype we can't generate an interesting
+    error for them, so the overall mendel rate will be lower than mendrate, depending on
+    allele frequency..."""
+    if p1g[0] <> p1g[1] and p2g[0] <> p2g[1]: # both parents het
+            return kiddip # cannot simulate a mendel error - anything is legal!
+    elif (p1g[0] <> p1g[1]): # p1 is het parent so p2 must be hom
+        if p2g[0] == 0: # - make child p2 opposite hom for error
+            kiddip = (1,1)
+        else:
+            kiddip = (0,0)
+    elif (p2g[0] <> p2g[1]): # p2 is het parent so p1 must be hom
+        if p1g[0] == 0: # - make child p1 opposite hom for error
+            kiddip = (1,1)
+        else:
+            kiddip = (0,0)
+    elif (p1g[0] == p1g[1]): # p1 is hom parent and if we get here p2 must also be hom
+        if p1g[0] == p2g[0]: # both parents are same hom - make child either het or opposite hom for error
+            if random.random() <= 0.5:
+                kiddip = (0,1)
+            else:
+                if p1g[0] == 0:
+                    kiddip = (1,1)
+                else:
+                    kiddip = (0,0)
+        else: # parents are opposite hom - return any hom as an error
+            if random.random() <= 0.5:
+                kiddip = (0,0)
+            else:
+                kiddip = (1,1)
+    return kiddip
+def makeFam(width=100, freqs={}, alleles={}, trio=1, missrate=0.03, missval='0', mendrate=0.0):
+    """this family is a simple trio, constructed by random mating two random genotypes
+    TODO: why not generate from chromosomes - eg hapmap
+    set each haplotype locus according to the conditional
+    probability implied by the surrounding loci - eg use both neighboring pairs, triplets
+    and quads as observed in hapmap ceu"""
+    dadped = '%d 1 0 0 1 1 %s'
+    mumped = '%d 2 0 0 2 1 %s' # a mother is a mum where I come from :)
+    kidped = '%d 3 1 2 %d %d %s'
+    family = [] # result accumulator
+    sex = random.choice((1,2)) # for the kid
+    affected = random.choice((1,2))
+    genos = [[],[],[]] # dad, mum, kid - 0/1 for common,rare initially, then xform to alleles
+    # parent1...kidn lists of 0/1 for common,rare initially, then xformed to alleles
+    for snp in xrange(width):
+        f = freqs[snp]           
+        for i in range(2): # do dad and mum
+            p = random.random()
+            a1 = a2 = 0
+            if p <= f: # a rare allele
+               a1 = 1
+            p = random.random()
+            if p <= f: # a rare allele
+               a2 = 1
+            if a1 > a2:
+                a1,a2 = a2,a1 # so ordering consistent - 00,01,11
+            dip = (a1,a2)
+            genos[i].append(dip) # tuples of 0,1
+        a1 = random.choice(genos[0][snp]) # dad gamete  
+        a2 = random.choice(genos[1][snp]) # mum gamete
+        if a1 > a2:
+            a1,a2 = a2,a1 # so ordering consistent - 00,01,11
+        kiddip = (a1,a2) # NSFW mating!
+        genos[2].append(kiddip)
+        if mendrate > 0:
+            if random.random() <= mendrate:
+                genos[2][snp] = makeTriomendel(genos[0][snp],genos[1][snp], kiddip)
+        achoice = alleles[snp]
+        for g in genos: # now convert to alleles using allele dict
+          a1 = achoice[g[snp][0]] # get allele letter
+          a2 = achoice[g[snp][1]]              
+          g[snp] = '%s %s' % (a1,a2)
+    if missrate > 0:
+        genos = makeTriomissing(genos=genos,missrate=missrate, missval=missval)
+    family.append(dadped % (trio,' '.join(genos[0]))) # create a row for each member of trio
+    family.append(mumped % (trio,' '.join(genos[1])))
+    family.append(kidped % (trio,sex,affected,' '.join(genos[2])))
+    return family
+def makePerson(width=100, aff=1, freqs={}, alleles={}, id=1, missrate = 0.03, missval='0'):
+    """make an entire genotype vector for an independent subject"""
+    sex = random.choice((1,2))
+    if not aff:
+        aff = random.choice((1,2))
+    genos = [] #0/1 for common,rare initially, then xform to alleles
+    family = []
+    personped = '%d 1 0 0 %d %d %s'
+    poly = (0,1)
+    for snp in xrange(width):
+        achoice = alleles[snp]
+        f = freqs[snp]
+        p = random.random()
+        a1 = a2 = 0
+        if p <= f: # a rare allele
+           a1 = 1
+        p = random.random()
+        if p <= f: # a rare allele
+           a2 = 1
+        if a1 > a2:
+            a1,a2 = a2,a1 # so ordering consistent - 00,01,11
+        a1 = achoice[a1] # get allele letter
+        a2 = achoice[a2]
+        g = '%s %s' % (a1,a2)
+        genos.append(g)
+    if missrate > 0.0:
+        genos = makeMissing(genos=genos,missrate=missrate, missval=missval)
+    family.append(personped % (id,sex,aff,' '.join(genos)))
+    return family
+def makeHapmap(fprefix= 'fakebigped',width=100, aff=[], freqs={},
+               alleles={}, nsubj = 2000, trios = True, mendrate=0.03, missrate = 0.03, missval='0'):
+    """ fake a hapmap file and a pedigree file for eg haploview
+    this is arranged as the transpose of a ped file - cols are subjects, rows are markers
+    so we need to generate differently since we can't do the transpose in ram reliably for
+    a few billion genotypes...
+    """
+    outheadprefix = 'rs# alleles chrom pos strand assembly# center protLSID assayLSID panelLSID QCcode %s'
+    cfake5 = ["illumina","urn:LSID:illumina.hapmap.org:Protocol:Golden_Gate_1.0.0:1", 
+    yfake5 = ["illumina","urn:LSID:illumina.hapmap.org:Protocol:Golden_Gate_1.0.0:1", 
+    sampids = ids
+    if trios:
+        ts = '%d trios' % int(nsubj/3.)
+    else:
+        ts = '%d unrelated subjects' % nsubj
+    res = ['#%s fake hapmap file %d snps and %s, faked by %s' % (timenow(), width, ts, prog),]
+    res.append('# ross lazarus me fecit')
+    res.append(outheadprefix % ' '.join(sampids)) # make a header compatible with hapmap extracts
+    outf = open('%s.hmap' % (fprefix), 'w')
+    started = time.time()
+    if trios:
+        ntrios = int(nsubj/3.)
+        for n in ntrios: # each is a dict
+            row = copy.copy(cfake5) # get first fields
+            row = map(str,row)
+            if race == "YRI":
+                row += yfake5
+            elif race == 'CEU':
+                row += cfake5
+            else:
+                row += ['NA' for x in range(5)] # 5 dummy fields = center protLSID assayLSID panelLSID QCcode
+            row += [''.join(sorted(line[x])) for x in sampids] # the genotypes in header (sorted) sample id order
+            res.append(' '.join(row))
+    res.append('')
+    outfname = '%s_%s_%s_%dkb.geno' % (gene,probeid,race,2*flank/1000)
+    f = file(outfname,'w')
+    f.write('\n'.join(res))
+    f.close()
+    print '### %s: Wrote %d lines to %s' % (timenow(), len(res),outfname)
+def makePed(fprefix= 'fakebigped', fpath='./',
+            width=500000, nsubj=2000, MAFdistribution=[],alleles={},
+            freqs={}, fbatstyle=True, mendrate = 0.0, missrate = 0.03, missval='0',fbathead=''):
+    """fake trios with mendel consistent random mating genotypes in offspring
+    with consistent alleles and MAFs for the sample"""
+    res = []
+    if fbatstyle: # add a header row with the marker names
+        res.append(fbathead) # header row for fbat
+    outfname = '%s.ped'% (fprefix)
+    outfname = os.path.join(fpath,outfname)
+    outf = open(outfname,'w')
+    ntrios = int(nsubj/3.)
+    outf = open(outfile, 'w')
+    started = time.time()
+    for trio in xrange(ntrios):
+        family = makeFam(width=width, freqs=freqs, alleles=alleles, trio=trio,
+                         missrate = missrate, mendrate=mendrate, missval=missval)
+        res += family
+        if (trio + 1) % 10 == 0: # write out to keep ram requirements reasonable
+            if (trio + 1) % 50 == 0: # show progress
+                dur = time.time() - started
+                if dur == 0:
+                    dur = 1.0
+                print 'Trio: %d, %4.1f genos/sec at %6.1f sec' % (trio + 1, width*trio*3/dur, dur)
+            outf.write('\n'.join(res))
+            outf.write('\n')
+            res = []
+    if len(res) > 0: # some left
+        outf.write('\n'.join(res))
+    outf.write('\n')
+    outf.close()
+    if debug:
+        print '##makeped : %6.1f seconds total runtime' % (time.time() - started)
+def makeIndep(fprefix = 'fakebigped', fpath='./',
+              width=500000, Nunaff=1000, Naff=1000, MAFdistribution=[],
+              alleles={}, freqs={}, fbatstyle=True, missrate = 0.03, missval='0',fbathead=''):
+    """fake a random sample from a random mating sample
+    with consistent alleles and MAFs"""
+    res = []
+    Ntot = Nunaff + Naff
+    status = [1,]*Nunaff
+    status += [2,]*Nunaff
+    outf = '%s.ped' % (fprefix)
+    outf = os.path.join(fpath,outf)
+    outf = open(outf, 'w')
+    started = time.time()
+    #sample = personMaker(width=width, affs=status, freqs=freqs, alleles=alleles, Ntomake=Ntot)
+    if fbatstyle: # add a header row with the marker names
+        res.append(fbathead) # header row for fbat
+    for id in xrange(Ntot):
+        if id < Nunaff:
+            aff = 1
+        else:
+            aff = 2
+        family = makePerson(width=width, aff=aff, freqs=freqs, alleles=alleles, id=id+1)
+        res += family
+        if (id % 50 == 0): # write out to keep ram requirements reasonable
+            if (id % 200 == 0): # show progress
+                dur = time.time() - started
+                if dur == 0:
+                    dur = 1.0
+                print 'Id: %d, %4.1f genos/sec at %6.1f sec' % (id, width*id/dur, dur)
+            outf.write('\n'.join(res))
+            outf.write('\n')
+            res = []
+    if len(res) > 0: # some left
+        outf.write('\n'.join(res))
+    outf.write('\n')
+    outf.close()
+    print '## makeindep: %6.1f seconds total runtime' % (time.time() - started)
+u = """
+Generate either trios or independent subjects with a prespecified
+number of random alleles and a uniform or triangular MAF distribution for
+stress testing. No LD is simulated - alleles are random. Offspring for
+trios are generated by random mating the random parental alleles so there are
+no Mendelian errors unless the -M option is used. Mendelian errors are generated
+randomly according to the possible errors given the parental mating type although
+this is fresh code and not guaranteed to work quite right yet - comments welcomed
+Enquiries to ross.lazarus@gmail.com
+eg to generate 700 trios with 500k snps, use:
+fakebigped.py -n 2100 -s 500000
+or to generate 500 independent cases and 500 controls with 100k snps and 0.02 missingness (MCAR), use:
+fakebigped.py -c 500 -n 1000 -s 100000 -m 0.02
+fakebigped.py -o myfake -m 0.05 -s 100000 -n 2000
+will make fbat compatible myfake.ped with 100k markers in
+666 trios (total close to 2000 subjects), a uniform MAF distribution and about 5% MCAR missing
+fakebigped.py -o myfake -m 0.05 -s 100000 -n 2000 -M 0.05
+will make fbat compatible myfake.ped with 100k markers in
+666 trios (total close to 2000 subjects), a uniform MAF distribution,
+about 5% Mendelian errors and about 5% MCAR missing
+fakebigped.py  -o myfakecc -m 0.05 -s 100000 -n 2000 -c 1000 -l
+will make plink compatible myfakecc.ped and myfakecc.map (that's what the -l option does),
+with 100k markers in 1000 cases and 1000 controls (affection status 2 and 1 respectively),
+a triangular MAF distribution (more rare alleles) and about 5% MCAR missing
+You should see about 1/4 million genotypes/second so about an hour for a
+500k snps in 2k subjects and about a 4GB ped file - these are BIG!!
+import sys, os, glob
+galhtmlprefix = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+<meta name="generator" content="Galaxy %s tool output - see http://g2.trac.bx.psu.edu/" />
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/style/base.css" type="text/css" />
+<div class="document">
+def doImport(outfile=None,outpath=None):
+    """ import into one of the new html composite data types for Rgenetics
+        Dan Blankenberg with mods by Ross Lazarus 
+        October 2007
+    """
+    flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(outpath,'*'))
+    outf = open(outfile,'w')
+    outf.write(galhtmlprefix % prog)
+    for i, data in enumerate( flist ):
+        outf.write('<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>\n' % (os.path.split(data)[-1],os.path.split(data)[-1]))
+    outf.write('<br><h3>This is simulated null genotype data generated by Rgenetics!</h3>')
+    outf.write('%s called with command line:<br><pre>' % prog)
+    outf.write(' '.join(sys.argv))
+    outf.write('\n</pre>\n')
+    outf.write("</div></body></html>")
+    outf.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    """
+    """
+    parser = OptionParser(usage=u, version="%prog 0.01")
+    a = parser.add_option
+    a("-n","--nsubjects",type="int",dest="Ntot",
+      help="nsubj: total number of subjects",default=2000)
+    a("-t","--title",dest="title",
+      help="title: file basename for outputs",default='fakeped')
+    a("-c","--cases",type="int",dest="Naff",
+      help="number of cases: independent subjects with status set to 2 (ie cases). If not set, NTOT/3 trios will be generated", default = 0)
+    a("-s","--snps",dest="width",type="int",
+      help="snps: total number of snps per subject", default=1000)
+    a("-d","--distribution",dest="MAFdist",default="Uniform",
+      help="MAF distribution - default is Uniform, can be Triangular")
+    a("-o","--outf",dest="outf",
+      help="Output file", default = 'fakeped')
+    a("-p","--outpath",dest="outpath",
+      help="Path for output files", default = './')
+    a("-l","--pLink",dest="outstyle", default='L',
+      help="Ped files as for Plink - no header, separate Map file - default is Plink style")
+    a("-w","--loWmaf", type="float", dest="lowmaf", default=0.01, help="Lower limit for SNP MAF (minor allele freq)")
+    a("-m","--missing",dest="missrate",type="float",
+      help="missing: probability of missing MCAR - default 0.0", default=0.0)
+    a("-v","--valmiss",dest="missval",
+      help="missing character: Missing allele code - usually 0 or N - default 0", default="0")
+    a("-M","--Mendelrate",dest="mendrate",type="float",
+      help="Mendelian error rate: probability of a mendel error per trio, default=0.0", default=0.0)   
+    a("-H","--noHGRS",dest="useHG",type="int",
+      help="Use local copy of UCSC snp126 database to generate real rs numbers", default=True)
+    (options,args) = parser.parse_args()
+    low = options.lowmaf
+    try:
+        os.makedirs(options.outpath)
+    except:
+        pass
+    if options.MAFdist.upper() == 'U':
+        mafDist = makeUniformMAFdist(low=low, high=0.5)
+    else:
+        mafDist = makeTriangularMAFdist(low=low, high=0.5, beta=5)
+    alleles,freqs, rslist, chromlist, poslist = makeMap(width=int(options.width),
+                                        MAFdistribution=mafDist, useGP=False)
+    fbathead = []
+    s = string.whitespace+string.punctuation
+    trantab = string.maketrans(s,'_'*len(s))
+    title = string.translate(options.title,trantab)
+    if options.outstyle == 'F':
+        fbatstyle = True
+        fbathead = makeFbathead(rslist=rslist, chromlist=chromlist, poslist=poslist, width=options.width)
+    else:
+        fbatstyle = False
+        writeMap(fprefix=defbasename, rslist=rslist, fpath=options.outpath,
+                 chromlist=chromlist, poslist=poslist, width=options.width)
+    if options.Naff > 0: # make case control data
+        makeIndep(fprefix = defbasename, fpath=options.outpath,
+                  width=options.width, Nunaff=options.Ntot-options.Naff,
+                  Naff=options.Naff, MAFdistribution=mafDist,alleles=alleles, freqs=freqs,
+                  fbatstyle=fbatstyle, missrate=options.missrate, missval=options.missval,
+                  fbathead=fbathead)
+    else:
+        makePed(fprefix=defbasename, fpath=options.fpath,
+            width=options.width, MAFdistribution=mafDist, nsubj=options.Ntot,
+            alleles=alleles, freqs=freqs, fbatstyle=fbatstyle, missrate=options.missrate,
+            mendrate=options.mendrate, missval=options.missval,
+                  fbathead=fbathead)
+    doImport(outfile=options.outf,outpath=options.outpath)