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view tools/rgenetics/ @ 0:9071e359b9a3
author | xuebing |
date | Fri, 09 Mar 2012 19:37:19 -0500 |
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#!/usr/local/bin/python # This is a truly ghastly hack # all of the heavy data cleaning lifting is done in R which is a really dumb place IMHO # Making a new file seems a waste but it would be far easier to set everything up in python # seems to work so I'm leaving it alone # sigh. Should really move this gig to rpy - writing a robust R script is hard. # updated to compress pdf using gs since millions of points = horsechoker pdfs and pdfs are good # updated july 20 to fix sort order - R unique() sorts into strict collating order # so need to sort after unique to revert to lexicographic order for x axis on Manhattan # rgmanqq updated july 19 to deal with x,y and mt # lots of fixes # ross lazarus import sys,math,shutil,subprocess,os,time,tempfile,string from os.path import abspath from rgutils import timenow, RRun, galhtmlprefix, galhtmlpostfix, galhtmlattr progname = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1] myversion = 'V000.1 March 2010' verbose = False debug = False rcode=""" # generalised so 3 core fields passed as parameters ross lazarus March 24 2010 for rgenetics # Originally created as qqman with the following # attribution: #-------------- # Stephen Turner # # # Last updated: 19 July 2011 by Ross Lazarus # R code for making manhattan plots and QQ plots from plink output files. # With GWAS data this can take a lot of memory. Recommended for use on # 64bit machines only, for now. # library(ggplot2) coloursTouse = c('firebrick','darkblue','goldenrod','darkgreen') # not too ugly but need a colour expert please... DrawManhattan = function(pvals=Null,chrom=Null,offset=Null,title=NULL, max.y="max",suggestiveline=0, genomewide=T, size.x.labels=9, size.y.labels=10, annotate=F, SNPlist=NULL,grey=0) { if (annotate & is.null(SNPlist)) stop("You requested annotation but provided no SNPlist!") genomewideline=NULL # was genomewideline=-log10(5e-8) n = length(pvals) if (genomewide) { # use bonferroni since might be only a small region? genomewideline = -log10(0.05/n) } offset = as.integer(offset) if (n > 1000000) { offset = offset/10000 } else if (n > 10000) { offset = offset/1000} chro = as.integer(chrom) # already dealt with X and friends? pvals = as.double(pvals) d=data.frame(CHR=chro,BP=offset,P=pvals) if ("CHR" %in% names(d) & "BP" %in% names(d) & "P" %in% names(d) ) { d=d[!$P), ] d=d[!$BP), ] d=d[!$CHR), ] #limit to only chrs 1-22, x=23,y=24,Mt=25? d=d[d$CHR %in% 1:25, ] d=d[d$P>0 & d$P<=1, ] d$logp = as.double(-log10(d$P)) dlen = length(d$P) d$pos=NA ticks=NULL lastbase=0 chrlist = unique(d$CHR) chrlist = as.integer(chrlist) chrlist = sort(chrlist) # returns lexical ordering if (max.y=="max") { maxy = ceiling(max(d$logp)) } else { maxy = max.y } nchr = length(chrlist) # may be any number? maxy = max(maxy,1.1*genomewideline) if (nchr >= 2) { for (x in c(1:nchr)) { i = chrlist[x] # need the chrom number - may not == index if (x == 1) { # first time d[d$CHR==i, ]$pos = d[d$CHR==i, ]$BP # initialize to first BP of chr1 dsub = subset(d,CHR==i) dlen = length(dsub$P) lastbase = max(dsub$pos) # last one tks = d[d$CHR==i, ]$pos[floor(length(d[d$CHR==i, ]$pos)/2)+1] lastchr = i } else { d[d$CHR==i, ]$pos = d[d$CHR==i, ]$BP+lastbase # one humongous contig if (sum(,,[d$CHR==i, ]$pos))) { cat(paste('manhattan: For',title,'chrlistx=',i,'lastchr=',lastchr,'lastbase=',lastbase,'pos=',d[d$CHR==i,]$pos)) } tks=c(tks, d[d$CHR==i, ]$pos[floor(length(d[d$CHR==i, ]$pos)/2)+1]) lastchr = i dsub = subset(d,CHR==i) lastbase = max(dsub$pos) # last one } ticklim=c(min(d$pos),max(d$pos)) xlabs = chrlist } } else { # nchr is 1 nticks = 10 last = max(d$BP) first = min(d$BP) tks = c(first) t = (last-first)/nticks # units per tick for (x in c(1:(nticks))) { tks = c(tks,round(x*t)+first) } ticklim = c(first,last) } # else if (grey) {mycols=rep(c("gray10","gray60"),max(d$CHR)) } else { mycols=rep(coloursTouse,max(d$CHR)) } dlen = length(d$P) d$pranks = rank(d$P)/dlen d$centiles = 100*d$pranks # small are interesting d$sizes = ifelse((d$centile < 1),2,1) if (annotate) d.annotate=d[as.numeric(substr(d$SNP,3,100)) %in% SNPlist, ] if (nchr >= 2) { manplot=qplot(pos,logp,data=d, ylab=expression(-log[10](italic(p))) , colour=factor(CHR),size=factor(sizes)) manplot=manplot+scale_x_continuous(name="Chromosome", breaks=tks, labels=xlabs,limits=ticklim) manplot=manplot+scale_size_manual(values = c(0.5,1.5)) # requires discreet scale - eg factor #manplot=manplot+scale_size(values=c(0.5,2)) # requires continuous } else { manplot=qplot(BP,logp,data=d, ylab=expression(-log[10](italic(p))) , colour=factor(CHR)) manplot=manplot+scale_x_continuous(name=paste("Chromosome",chrlist[1]), breaks=tks, labels=tks,limits=ticklim) } manplot=manplot+scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,maxy), breaks=1:maxy, labels=1:maxy) manplot=manplot+scale_colour_manual(value=mycols) if (annotate) { manplot=manplot + geom_point(data=d.annotate, colour=I("green3")) } manplot=manplot + opts(legend.position = "none") manplot=manplot + opts(title=title) manplot=manplot+opts( panel.background=theme_blank(), axis.text.x=theme_text(size=size.x.labels, colour="grey50"), axis.text.y=theme_text(size=size.y.labels, colour="grey50"), axis.ticks=theme_segment(colour=NA) ) if (suggestiveline) manplot=manplot+geom_hline(yintercept=suggestiveline,colour="blue", alpha=I(1/3)) if (genomewideline) manplot=manplot+geom_hline(yintercept=genomewideline,colour="red") manplot } else { stop("Make sure your data frame contains columns CHR, BP, and P") } } qq = function(pvector, title=NULL, spartan=F) { # Thanks to Daniel Shriner at NHGRI for providing this code for creating expected and observed values o = -log10(sort(pvector,decreasing=F)) e = -log10( 1:length(o)/length(o) ) # you could use base graphics # plot(e,o,pch=19,cex=0.25, xlab=expression(Expected~~-log[10](italic(p))), # ylab=expression(Observed~~-log[10](italic(p))), xlim=c(0,max(e)), ylim=c(0,max(e))) # lines(e,e,col="red") #You'll need ggplot2 installed to do the rest qq=qplot(e,o, xlim=c(0,max(e)), ylim=c(0,max(o))) + stat_abline(intercept=0,slope=1, col="red") qq=qq+opts(title=title) qq=qq+scale_x_continuous(name=expression(Expected~~-log[10](italic(p)))) qq=qq+scale_y_continuous(name=expression(Observed~~-log[10](italic(p)))) if (spartan) plot=plot+opts(panel.background=theme_rect(col="grey50"), panel.grid.minor=theme_blank()) qq } """ # we need another string to avoid confusion over string substitutions with %in% # instantiate rcode2 string with infile,chromcol,offsetcol,pvalscols,title before saving and running rcode2 = """rgqqMan = function(infile="%s",chromcolumn=%d, offsetcolumn=%d, pvalscolumns=c(%s), title="%s",grey=%d) { rawd = read.table(infile,head=T,sep='\\t') dn = names(rawd) cc = dn[chromcolumn] oc = dn[offsetcolumn] rawd[,cc] = sub('chr','',rawd[,cc], = T) # just in case rawd[,cc] = sub(':','',rawd[,cc], = T) # ugh rawd[,cc] = sub('X',23,rawd[,cc], = T) rawd[,cc] = sub('Y',24,rawd[,cc], = T) rawd[,cc] = sub('Mt',25,rawd[,cc], = T) nams = c(cc,oc) # for sorting plen = length(rawd[,1]) print(paste('###',plen,'values read from',infile,'read - now running plots',sep=' ')) rawd = rawd[,rawd[nams]),] # mmmf - suggested by # in case not yet ordered if (plen > 0) { for (pvalscolumn in pvalscolumns) { if (pvalscolumn > 0) { cname = names(rawd)[pvalscolumn] mytitle = paste('p=',cname,', ',title,sep='') myfname = chartr(' ','_',cname) myqqplot = qq(rawd[,pvalscolumn],title=mytitle) ggsave(filename=paste(myfname,"qqplot.png",sep='_'),myqqplot,width=8,height=6,dpi=96) ggsave(filename=paste(myfname,"qqplot.pdf",sep='_'),myqqplot,width=8,height=6,dpi=96) print(paste('## qqplot on',cname,'done')) if ((chromcolumn > 0) & (offsetcolumn > 0)) { print(paste('## manhattan on',cname,'starting',chromcolumn,offsetcolumn,pvalscolumn)) mymanplot= DrawManhattan(chrom=rawd[,chromcolumn],offset=rawd[,offsetcolumn],pvals=rawd[,pvalscolumn],title=mytitle,grey=grey) ggsave(filename=paste(myfname,"manhattan.png",sep='_'),mymanplot,width=8,height=6,dpi=96) ggsave(filename=paste(myfname,"manhattan.pdf",sep='_'),mymanplot,width=8,height=6,dpi=96) print(paste('## manhattan plot on',cname,'done')) } else { print(paste('chrom column =',chromcolumn,'offset column = ',offsetcolumn, 'so no Manhattan plot - supply both chromosome and offset as numerics for Manhattan plots if required')) } } else { print(paste('pvalue column =',pvalscolumn,'Cannot parse it so no plots possible')) } } # for pvalscolumn } else { print('## Problem - no values available to plot - was there really a chromosome and offset column?') } } rgqqMan() # execute with defaults as substituted """ def doManQQ(input_fname,chrom_col,offset_col,pval_cols,title,grey,ctitle,outdir,beTidy=False): """ we may have an interval file or a tabular file - if interval, will have chr1... so need to adjust to chrom numbers draw a qq for pvals and a manhattan plot if chrom/offset <> 0 contains some R scripts as text strings - we substitute defaults into the calls to make them do our bidding - and save the resulting code for posterity this can be called externally, I guess...for QC eg? """ if debug: print 'doManQQ',input_fname,chrom_col,offset_col,pval_cols,title,grey,ctitle,outdir rcmd = '%s%s' % (rcode,rcode2 % (input_fname,chrom_col,offset_col,pval_cols,title,grey)) if debug: print 'running\n%s\n' % rcmd rlog,flist = RRun(rcmd=rcmd,title=ctitle,outdir=outdir) rlog.append('## R script=') rlog.append(rcmd) return rlog,flist def compressPDF(inpdf=None): """need absolute path to pdf """ assert os.path.isfile(inpdf), "## Input %s supplied to compressPDF not found" % inpdf outpdf = '%s_compressed' % inpdf cl = ["gs", "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite", "-dNOPAUSE", "-dBATCH", "-sOutputFile=%s" % outpdf,inpdf] retval = if retval == 0: os.unlink(inpdf) shutil.move(outpdf,inpdf) return retval def main(): u = """<command interpreter="python"> '$input_file' "$name" '$out_html' '$out_html.files_path' '$chrom_col' '$offset_col' '$pval_col' </command> """ npar = 8 if len(sys.argv) < npar: print >> sys.stdout, '## error - too few command line parameters - wanting %d' % npar print >> sys.stdout, u sys.exit(1) input_fname = sys.argv[1] title = sys.argv[2] killme = string.punctuation + string.whitespace trantab = string.maketrans(killme,'_'*len(killme)) ctitle = title.translate(trantab) outhtml = sys.argv[3] outdir = sys.argv[4] try: chrom_col = int(sys.argv[5]) except: chrom_col = -1 try: offset_col = int(sys.argv[6]) except: offset_col = -1 p = sys.argv[7].strip().split(',') try: q = [int(x) for x in p] except: p = -1 if chrom_col == -1 or offset_col == -1: # was passed as zero - do not do manhattan plots chrom_col = -1 offset_col = -1 grey = 0 if (sys.argv[8].lower() in ['1','true']): grey = 1 if p == -1: print >> sys.stderr,'## Cannot run rgManQQ - missing pval column' sys.exit(1) p = ['%d' % (int(x) + 1) for x in p] rlog,flist = doManQQ(input_fname,chrom_col+1,offset_col+1,','.join(p),title,grey,ctitle,outdir) flist.sort() html = [galhtmlprefix % progname,] html.append('<h1>%s</h1>' % title) if len(flist) > 0: html.append('<table>\n') for row in flist: fname,expl = row # RRun returns pairs of filenames fiddled for the log and R script n,e = os.path.splitext(fname) if e in ['.png','.jpg']: pdf = '%s.pdf' % n pdff = os.path.join(outdir,pdf) if os.path.exists(pdff): rval = compressPDF(inpdf=pdff) if rval <> 0: pdf = '%s(not_compressed)' % pdf else: pdf = '%s(not_found)' % pdf s= '<tr><td><a href="%s"><img src="%s" title="%s" hspace="10" width="800"></a></td></tr>' \ % (pdf,fname,expl) html.append(s) else: html.append('<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td></tr>' % (fname,expl)) html.append('</table>\n') else: html.append('<h2>### Error - R returned no files - please confirm that parameters are sane</h1>') html.append('<h3>R log follows below</h3><hr><pre>\n') html += rlog html.append('</pre>\n') html.append(galhtmlattr % (progname,timenow())) html.append(galhtmlpostfix) htmlf = file(outhtml,'w') htmlf.write('\n'.join(html)) htmlf.write('\n') htmlf.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()