view blat.xml @ 0:951076264957 draft

planemo upload commit 9e778f6145837bd749e60913d184d3d90e2677df
author yating-l
date Wed, 12 Apr 2017 17:47:43 -0400
children eb7fcec3fdba
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line source

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<tool id="ucsc_blat" name="UCSC BLAT Alignment Tool" version="1.0">
    <description>Standalone blat sequence search command line tool</description>
      <requirement type="package" version="1.0">ucsc_tools_340_for_BLAT</requirement>
    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
        #if $noHead == "yes"
        #end if
    && sort -k 10,10 -k 12,12n output > '${output_sorted}'
            <param type="data" name="database" format="fasta" />
            <param type="data" name="query" format="fasta" />
            <param type="select" name="database_type" format="text" multiple="false" label="database type" help="Choose your database type, the default is dnax" argument="-t">
                  <option value="dna">dna - DNA sequence</option>
                  <option value="prot">prot - protein sequence</option>
                  <option value="dnax" selected="true">dnax - DNA sequence translated in six frames to protein</option>
            <param type="select" name="query_type" format="text" multiple="false" label="query type" help="Choose your query type, the default is rnax" argument="-q">
                  <option value="dna">dna - DNA sequence </option>
                  <option value="rna">rna - RNA sequence</option>
                  <option value="prot">prot - protein sequence</option>
                  <option value="dnax">dnax - DNA sequence translated in six frames to protein</option>
                  <option value="rnax" selected="true">rnax - DNA sequence translated in three frames to protein</option>
            <param type="select" name="noHead" format="text" label="Suppresses .psl header (so it's just a tab-separated file)." >
                  <option value="yes" selected="true">Yes, suppresses .psl header</option>
                  <option value="no">No, do not suppresses .psl header</option>
            <param name="mask" type="select" label="Mask out repeats" help="Alignments won't be started in masked region
                  but may extend through it in nucleotide searches.  Masked areas
                  are ignored entirely in protein or translated searches. Default is lower" argument="-mask">
                  <option value="lower" selected="true">lower - mask out lower-cased sequence</option>
                  <option value="upper">upper - mask out upper-cased sequence</option>
                  <option value="out">out - mask according to database.out RepeatMasker .out file</option>
                  <option value="file.out">file.out - mask database according to RepeatMasker file.out</option>
            <data format="psl" name="output_sorted" label="${} on ${on_string}"></data>
            <param name="database" value="amaVit1_Gallus/amaVit1.fa" />
            <param name="query" value="amaVit1_Gallus/Gallus_gallus_RefSeq.fa" />
            <param name="database_type" value="dnax" />    
            <param name="query_type" value="rnax" />     
            <param name="noHead" value="true" />
            <param name="mask" value="lower" />
            <output name="output_sorted" value="amaVit1_Gallus/amaVit1_Gallus_gallus.psl" />
            <param name="database" value="dbia3/dbia3.fa" />
            <param name="query" value="dbia3/dmel-all-transcript-r6.13.fasta" />
            <param name="database_type" value="dnax" />    
            <param name="query_type" value="rnax" />     
            <param name="noHead" value="true" />
            <param name="mask" value="lower" />
            <output name="output_sorted" value="dbia3/dbia3.sorted.psl" />

BLAT is a bioinformatics software a tool which performs rapid mRNA/DNA and cross-species protein alignments. 

blat (version: v340)- Standalone blat sequence search command line tool. 


  $ blat database query [-ooc=11.ooc] output.psl

   database and query are each either a .fa, .nib or .2bit file,
   or a list of these files with one file name per line.
   -ooc=11.ooc tells the program to load over-occurring 11-mers from
   an external file.  This will increase the speed
   by a factor of 40 in many cases, but is not required.
   output.psl is the name of the output file.  


See Blat documentation ( 

Source code:

      <citation type="bibtex">@article{kent2002blat,
  title={BLAT—the BLAST-like alignment tool},
  author={Kent, W James},
  journal={Genome research},
  publisher={Cold Spring Harbor Lab}