view BAMqc.xml @ 3:ddfb71ec32ed

author cshl-bsr
date Tue, 29 Mar 2016 15:31:11 -0400
parents f98435398c1d
children 736260d32237
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="cshl_BAMqc" name="ezBAMQC" version="0.6.7" >

      performs QC on BAM files for gene abundances and sample correlation

	<requirement type="package">BAMqc</requirement>
	<requirement type="package">samtools</requirement>
	<requirement type="package">R</requirement>

    <command interpreter="sh">

      -r '${refdb}'

      -f '${attrID}'
      -R '${rRNAdb}'

      -s '$stranded'

      -o "$output"

      #set $core = len($files)
      -p $core

      #if str($cond_adv_options.adv_options) == 'yes':
        -q '$cond_adv_options.mapq'
      #end if

      #for $file in $files
      #end for


      <repeat name="files" title="BAM files" min="1">
        <param format="bam" name="input" type="data" label="Files for QC" />
      <param name="refdb" type="select" label="Reference gene model (GTF)">
        <options from_data_table="gene_GTF_database" />

      <param name="attrID" type="text" size="50" value="gene_id" label="Feature ID name" help="Summing reads based on gene (gene_id) or transcript (transcript_id.">
	  <valid initial="none">
	    <add value="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890_-." />

      <param name="rRNAdb" type="select" label="Ribosomal RNA locations (BED)">
        <options from_data_table="rRNA_BED_database" />

      <param name="stranded" type="select" label="Strandedness">
        <option value="yes">Yes - Read from stranded library</option>
        <option value="no">No - Reads from unstranded library</option>
        <option value="reverse">Reverse - reverse-stranded library (e.g. NSR)</option>
       <conditional name="cond_adv_options">
         <param name="adv_options" type="select" label="Set advanced options">
	   <option value="no" selected="true">No</option>
	   <option value="yes">Yes</option>

	 <when value="yes">
	   <param name="mapq" type="integer" value="30" label="Minimum mapping quality for an alignment to be called uniquely mapped" />

	 <when value="no" />	


     <data format="html" name="output" label="BAM QC on $on_tag_string" /> 
      <data format="txt" name="log" from_work_dir="bamqc.log" label="ezBAMQC log output" hidden="True" />


**What it does**

This tool takes the mapping results from RNA-Seq libraries (BAM), and performs rapid gene abundance quantification. If multiple files are provided, it will calculate and display correlation between each sample.


The Galaxy wrapper for this tool is written by the `Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory`_ `Bioinformatics Shared Resources`_.

ezBAMQC_ is written by the `Molly Hammell Laboratory`_ and the `Bioinformatics Shared Resources`_ at CSHL_.

.. _CSHL: `Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory`_
.. _ezBAMQC:
.. _`Molly Hammell Laboratory`:
.. _`Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory`:
.. _`Bioinformatics Shared Resources`:
